OCR Text
CHESS BY HERMAN STEINER INTERNATIONAL CHESS MASTER Address All Mail to the Chess Editor Oct. 11, 1942 L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1337 By A. Moslf second prize. White mates in two. Wh. 8; Bl. 8.) L A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1338 By B. J. de C. Andrade (2nd Pr.) White mates In three. (Wh. 7; Bl.. 10.) 80LUTION TO PROBLEM 1333: R (N7)- N5. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1334: Q-R7. We received solutions from the following: E. Dimytryk, Dr. R. H. Wilson, W. C Noltint. H. Bruhn. A. S. Wells. D. A. Innes, W. R. Jepson, B. H. Quayle. D. M. Poole. Dr. C G. P. Kuschke twelcome to our ladder.) Rev. P. Prirhard. W. R. Mo Crarken, J. C. Drake, H. Matoslan, J. T. Watson, C P. Ford. M. Rudholm, Q. S. Peck. W. M. Race. X. W. Fassett. R. H. Beals. M. Morris. J. Menkes. C. J. Olbbs. Mrs. P. Tovar. H. Enaiander. W. B. Tudor, F. Margaretten. B. Bushueff, I. H. Schadee, C, R. Strader, O. J. Myers, J. P. Walsh, L. A. Bsiftdo, O. A. Hall, J. O. Dodge. C. B. Collins.
THE HOLLYWOOD OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP TOIKNAMENT Tins annual event will start Friday. Oct. 16. at 8 p m., at the headquarters of the Hollywood Cbes Group, 108 N. Formosa Ave. The following havt entered the participant list: P. Quillen, P. Lemke, V. Fotr Jr. F. Huflnagel. M. Cohen. R. Watson. R. Ferer, T. Watson, L. Neehen, C. Henderson. R. Martin, Mrs N. Roos, X. Everett, Dr. W. L. Hoerber. Anyone Interested please telephone WEh-ster f(R17 or WYomini .Hid as the dead line for entries 1s Oct. IS. The tournament Reuben la open to anyone.
EDITOR'S NOTE Due to tha fact that the solvers' list didn t appear last Sunday, we will publish It the first Sunday In November.
There will be two winners.
UNITED STATES AMATEl'R CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT To the chess players of the - United States: There will be held In New York City a national chess championship tournament under the auspices of the United Slates Chesa Federation for the title of "amateur chess champion of America." All chess players in the United States, men and women, will be eligible to play except those who have played in the finals of the USC F. Championship tournament of 1936. 1938, 1940 and 1842 or who have played In a dual match for the title of United States chess champion. All who played in the preliminaries but not In the finals are eligible.
The preliminaries will be held at the Marshall and Manhattan Cheu clubs on'! Oct. 24. 23 and 26 tn groups of six players each and the winner of each group will qualify to play in the finals for the title. The best player In the areas of St. Louis, Boston, Chicago.
Los Angeles. Washington, Philadelphia and the South will be seeded to play In the finals without competing in the preliminaries. The chess clubs will determine Uie best player who meets ihe above requirements in each of these areas and the players chosen will pay all of their expenses to the tournament. The entry Jee will be only $1, which will give the entrant membership In tha United States Chess Federation and the federation year book. The entry fee must accompany the entry and all entries must be In the hands of the committee chairman.
279 E. 34th St., Brooklyn, N Y., en or before Oct. 22. Address all entries to L. Waiter Stephens al above address.
There will be no more than 12 playerg in the finals and Ihe winner of that group will win the National Federation amateur chess championship trophy. The runner up will also receive a cup as a trophy. Tha third, fourth and fifth-place playerg will receive appropriate medals. The finals will be played In New York City under the same conditions as tha national championship at a New York hotel, probably the Capitol. The time limit, however, win be 40 moves in one.
and a half hours and on several daya two rounds a day wilt be played. They wilt begin on Thursday evening, Oct. 79. and continue through election day. Nov. 3. Large exhibition boards will show the progress of the tames In the finals as at the Hotel Astor In the championship tournament for the masters. This la the first tournament -ever held, for the amateur championship and a huga entry Is expected. Please send your entry with the entry fee to the above address. You may be tha first national amateur chess champion.
Sincerely yours, L. WALTER STEPHENS. Vice-president United Statea Chess Federation.
DALLAS GAME The game below shows how Dulls leading player held Horowlti tn a draw. HorowlW ultimately trailed the leaders. H. Sterner and A. Yanofsky, by a halt-point I QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED Thompson Horowitz Thompson Horowlti BInrm White Black Kt-KB3 ! 18-Kt-K3 B-B4 P-K3; 19-P-QKt BxB P-Q4 20-3xR Kt-B4 QKI-Q2 21-Q-Kt3 Kt-Q3 B-K222-P-QR4 K-K!2 Castles I 23-R-B2 P-B3 P-QR324-Kt-Q3 P-KR4 PxPj25-Kt-B4 Q-KB2 P-B3!2fi-KR-B QR-Q R-Kl27-Kt-K2 Kt-B5 Kt-B 28-P-Kto RPxP P-KKt3i29-PxP R-OR Kt-K3! 30-R-R2 RxR Kt-Kt2l31-OxR Q-K2 Kt-Q2i32-PxP PxP QxB33-R-Kt Drawn BxKtl
U.S. CHESS FEDERATION YEARBOOK The 1940 Yearbook of the United State Chesa Federation has Just made its belated appearance. This is the sixth yearbook to be published and It lives up to th reputa tion of it predecessors. The 1930 Yearbook contained as a special feature "The Laws of Chess." Thi book feature! a directory of member Stat associations and leagues and member clubs. itn snort stories about each. This, the editor. Montgomery Major, indicate wiU be continued In later yearbooks. In addition, there are articles entitled "How to Promote end Organize a Chesa Club." by Samuel Collins; "How to Arrange Tournament Pairings." by Montgomery Major: "Chess Bibliography of 1940." by Dr. Albrecht. Bushke. and results of tha 1940 championship won by Samuel Reshev. sky and 1940 open championship won by Fine, with a selection of aair.es trom eacn. It costs only 81 to belong to th federation and all membere receive th yearbook.
For details write Ernest Olfe. secretary. 422 N. 98 lh St.. Milwaukee. Wis.
KASHDAN-RESI1EVSKY MATCH The cochamplona of th United 8tate will play a 14-game match to break their tie. Four of the games have already been scheduled, under U S O. auspices, at Ft. Jay, Governors Island, Oct. 7: at Camp Upton, 'Yaphank, Oct. 10; at Pine Camp, Great Bend, Oct. 13. and Plattsbur Barracks. Plattsburg.
Oct. 15. The referee will be Kenneth Harkness of the Chess Review. The time limit will be 41 moves tn the first two hours and a quarter, and 20 moves an hour thereafter. Both Kashdan and Reahevsky are recent fathers.
Kishdan with boy of 19 month and Reshevsky a girl of a month. White 1- P.04 2- P-OB4 3- Kt-QB3 4- B-KtS 5- Kt-83 H-P-K3 7- R-B 8- PxP 9- B-Q3 10- Castleg 11- Q-B2 12- Kt-QR 13- P-QR3 14- B-R4 15- Kt-BS 16- BxB 17- KtxKt nw, a new-tviM picture chess magatln unlike any other before I lp to 32 page of latest news, games, personalities, ev. rtutUe photos! Popular features by ReoKa.
THE HOLLYWOOD OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP TOIKNAMENT Tins annual event will start Friday. Oct. 16. at 8 p m., at the headquarters of the Hollywood Cbes Group, 108 N. Formosa Ave. The following havt entered the participant list: P. Quillen, P. Lemke, V. Fotr Jr. F. Huflnagel. M. Cohen. R. Watson. R. Ferer, T. Watson, L. Neehen, C. Henderson. R. Martin, Mrs N. Roos, X. Everett, Dr. W. L. Hoerber. Anyone Interested please telephone WEh-ster f(R17 or WYomini .Hid as the dead line for entries 1s Oct. IS. The tournament Reuben la open to anyone.
EDITOR'S NOTE Due to tha fact that the solvers' list didn t appear last Sunday, we will publish It the first Sunday In November.
There will be two winners.
UNITED STATES AMATEl'R CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT To the chess players of the - United States: There will be held In New York City a national chess championship tournament under the auspices of the United Slates Chesa Federation for the title of "amateur chess champion of America." All chess players in the United States, men and women, will be eligible to play except those who have played in the finals of the USC F. Championship tournament of 1936. 1938, 1940 and 1842 or who have played In a dual match for the title of United States chess champion. All who played in the preliminaries but not In the finals are eligible.
The preliminaries will be held at the Marshall and Manhattan Cheu clubs on'! Oct. 24. 23 and 26 tn groups of six players each and the winner of each group will qualify to play in the finals for the title. The best player In the areas of St. Louis, Boston, Chicago.
Los Angeles. Washington, Philadelphia and the South will be seeded to play In the finals without competing in the preliminaries. The chess clubs will determine Uie best player who meets ihe above requirements in each of these areas and the players chosen will pay all of their expenses to the tournament. The entry Jee will be only $1, which will give the entrant membership In tha United States Chess Federation and the federation year book. The entry fee must accompany the entry and all entries must be In the hands of the committee chairman.
279 E. 34th St., Brooklyn, N Y., en or before Oct. 22. Address all entries to L. Waiter Stephens al above address.
There will be no more than 12 playerg in the finals and Ihe winner of that group will win the National Federation amateur chess championship trophy. The runner up will also receive a cup as a trophy. Tha third, fourth and fifth-place playerg will receive appropriate medals. The finals will be played In New York City under the same conditions as tha national championship at a New York hotel, probably the Capitol. The time limit, however, win be 40 moves in one.
and a half hours and on several daya two rounds a day wilt be played. They wilt begin on Thursday evening, Oct. 79. and continue through election day. Nov. 3. Large exhibition boards will show the progress of the tames In the finals as at the Hotel Astor In the championship tournament for the masters. This la the first tournament -ever held, for the amateur championship and a huga entry Is expected. Please send your entry with the entry fee to the above address. You may be tha first national amateur chess champion.
Sincerely yours, L. WALTER STEPHENS. Vice-president United Statea Chess Federation.
DALLAS GAME The game below shows how Dulls leading player held Horowlti tn a draw. HorowlW ultimately trailed the leaders. H. Sterner and A. Yanofsky, by a halt-point I QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED Thompson Horowitz Thompson Horowlti BInrm White Black Kt-KB3 ! 18-Kt-K3 B-B4 P-K3; 19-P-QKt BxB P-Q4 20-3xR Kt-B4 QKI-Q2 21-Q-Kt3 Kt-Q3 B-K222-P-QR4 K-K!2 Castles I 23-R-B2 P-B3 P-QR324-Kt-Q3 P-KR4 PxPj25-Kt-B4 Q-KB2 P-B3!2fi-KR-B QR-Q R-Kl27-Kt-K2 Kt-B5 Kt-B 28-P-Kto RPxP P-KKt3i29-PxP R-OR Kt-K3! 30-R-R2 RxR Kt-Kt2l31-OxR Q-K2 Kt-Q2i32-PxP PxP QxB33-R-Kt Drawn BxKtl
U.S. CHESS FEDERATION YEARBOOK The 1940 Yearbook of the United State Chesa Federation has Just made its belated appearance. This is the sixth yearbook to be published and It lives up to th reputa tion of it predecessors. The 1930 Yearbook contained as a special feature "The Laws of Chess." Thi book feature! a directory of member Stat associations and leagues and member clubs. itn snort stories about each. This, the editor. Montgomery Major, indicate wiU be continued In later yearbooks. In addition, there are articles entitled "How to Promote end Organize a Chesa Club." by Samuel Collins; "How to Arrange Tournament Pairings." by Montgomery Major: "Chess Bibliography of 1940." by Dr. Albrecht. Bushke. and results of tha 1940 championship won by Samuel Reshev. sky and 1940 open championship won by Fine, with a selection of aair.es trom eacn. It costs only 81 to belong to th federation and all membere receive th yearbook.
For details write Ernest Olfe. secretary. 422 N. 98 lh St.. Milwaukee. Wis.
KASHDAN-RESI1EVSKY MATCH The cochamplona of th United 8tate will play a 14-game match to break their tie. Four of the games have already been scheduled, under U S O. auspices, at Ft. Jay, Governors Island, Oct. 7: at Camp Upton, 'Yaphank, Oct. 10; at Pine Camp, Great Bend, Oct. 13. and Plattsbur Barracks. Plattsburg.
Oct. 15. The referee will be Kenneth Harkness of the Chess Review. The time limit will be 41 moves tn the first two hours and a quarter, and 20 moves an hour thereafter. Both Kashdan and Reahevsky are recent fathers.
Kishdan with boy of 19 month and Reshevsky a girl of a month. White 1- P.04 2- P-OB4 3- Kt-QB3 4- B-KtS 5- Kt-83 H-P-K3 7- R-B 8- PxP 9- B-Q3 10- Castleg 11- Q-B2 12- Kt-QR 13- P-QR3 14- B-R4 15- Kt-BS 16- BxB 17- KtxKt nw, a new-tviM picture chess magatln unlike any other before I lp to 32 page of latest news, games, personalities, ev. rtutUe photos! Popular features by ReoKa.