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• Robert J. Fischer, 1955 ➦
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• Robert J. Fischer, 1959 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1960 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1961 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1962 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1963 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1964 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1965 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1966 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1967 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1968 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1969 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1970 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1971 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1972 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1973 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1974 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1975 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1976 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1977 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1978 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1979 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1980 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1981 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1982 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1983 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1984 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1985 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1986 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1987 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1988 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1989 ➦
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• Robert J. Fischer, 1995 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1996 ➦
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• Robert J. Fischer, 1998 ➦
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Chess Columns Additional Archives/Social Media

October 03, 1943 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 03 Oct 1943, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS BY HERMAN STEINER INTERNATIONAL CHESS MASTER Address All Mail to the Chess Editor Oct. 8. 1943 L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1439 Br Nicholas Gabor White mates in two. (Wh. 10; Bl 8.) LA. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1440 Br T. R. Dawson. White mates in three. (Wh. 6; BL. 11.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1435: N-RS. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1436: K-KB5. ATTENTION LADDERITES In Problem 1427 your editor will contact the composer for the original copy. A. D. REYNOLDS SR. WINS SOLVING CONTEST WITH 274 POINTS We eetratelate Mr. Reynolds far Bavins wea this contest. la his last letter he writ. "I don't know whether I will make th trad this asaath or net.
Of roars I am suit ynt yet. I am only 79 year aid. hat I exaeet te isaarev aa 1 rw ap." A aplendld example t ear reenter ladderites: The aest er lack! Mr. Reynold hail frees Lee Anteiee and we are salthty freed 1 have him la ear ladder. Thia la the aeere ef Last month's ar-tlcipanta.
The whe. teek rt previously will have their aoare atand and ahonld they aend la aolatina ataia they will ae added and pahliahed atain. F. Aks. 132: H. Bruhn t5. 209: J. Burns 11: B. Bnshueff. 157; D. Bretmsn. 2 (welcome to our ladder: C. B. Collins (1.) 41: J. O. Dodte 7.) 39: J. C. Drake '3.) 172; J. B. Psulkner. 55: C. P. Ford (2.) 29: O o. Gsllsther. 49: W. Harmon (8 1 232: O A. Hsll (5.) 120; Technical Sergeant R. T. Hall. IS: D. A. Innea 3.) 218: W. L. Koethen (3.) 136: Miss P. Keenway. 0: J. MUnan. 3 (welcome to our ladder;) lat. Morris. 176: S. J. McConneU. 100: W. C. Noltlnc 'I t 266: E. H. Qusyle snd D. M. Poele. 253: Capt. R. J. Proebstel (welcome to our !addcr: Mrs. E. H. Rust 0: A. D. Reynolds Sr., 27 (winner:) M. Rudholm i4.l 251: J. Rswlints. 0: K. H. Sehadee 4.) 116: W. B. Tudor (2.) 82; Mra. P. Tovar. 30: I A. Victor. 69: J. T. Watson (4.1 76; A. 8. Well (1.) 37; A. D. wella. 20; W. WaddeU Jr, 27; J. P. Wslsh (2) 8. Score include Problem 1429-1438.
CORRESPONDENCE CHESS The recently fertaedl PaeUle Ceaat Car respondent Chea Leatae ta havlat Ht Brat uaraatual with eeveral MetlaaM aad elaaee. 1. E. Orr. secretary-treasurer of the lease. 891 S Badlenr Are., La Anrele.' CU will tak entries and all particular may a attained ky writ-in ar eallin stOckeater ' S994. Th.r ar troap. partlslpatlnc with fear player ia each sreap. Eatraaoe will ele pier. 1. e harrr and, apply.
HERMAN STEINER SIMULTANEOUS The Hollywood Chess Group will open It fall eaaaaa Friday. Oct. . with a aimeltaaeeea exhibition and leetare hy Bermaa Steiaer. InterasUeaal maater. Bea-rytaa abeald be made early aa there are enly a limited aambee et tbl aeailabie. Call WYomlnt 961 aatll A p.m. aad after that WEbatr 6617.
er writ t th head- artera ef the Hllrwed Cheae Greap. 10 N. Fermeea Ate.. Lee Aatele Sa, CaL
HOLLYWOOD OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP The aanaal ea ehameienebl will atari Oct. 16 with three elaeeee im three I.avt year thr wer 16 la ach roap aad th hmplaahl was wea by Mm Srhlifer, with Harry Beiwctraw th ran-aer-aa. All 4hee deairint t participate aheald write er eall the HeUywd Cba Grp. 19 N. Fermeea Ave., WE.-8817. RCLES OF THE SOLVING CONTEST Th winner ef eh month's contest will receive a three-month subscription to the Chess Renew, a month's membership In the Chess snd Checker Club of Los Angeles.
124 W. Fourth St., and the Hollywood Chesa Group, 108 N. Formosa Ave., where they may discuss composin and eolvint of problems and end (antes. Every winner will be marked with a number ahowln times he was a winner in climb-in th ladder. The system will enable 12 (or more in a cas ot sv tie) eolvara ta win.
Solution sent hi answer to this problem will be acknowledged within two weeka after publication if you wish to flture In the "up-to-the-minute" ladder, the time limit beln seven days. Otherwise credit can only be (Ivea In later ladder. Problem In thl column mar helr with a castlin key or have cast ho as s defense, unlet. It cen be definitely preeed that such maneuvers are not letaL Capture keys, "en passant'' keys and check-in keys are slae tolerated, but all tave above type are rather, uncommon. Th capture at 8 pawn, however.
It svat uhuausL If a problem has ne selutfom. "na aota-tlen" must be claimed 1st order to aeora points. The principal variation ar necessary when eendin in the three-moreri. Keys only need be !een In two-era. althoush It is excellent practice to writ out all the distinct ysrlationa.
Two-mover receive twa points. Three-movers receive three points on our ladder. The prise is awarded to the leadm solver once a month. (His score ia then can- "'Isolvere mar become ladderltes at any time. They are expected to solve a la-dividual or team hut not consult other- W1Ariyone deslrin Information for chess literature, cheas lessons, address of chee clubs, or whatever information coneernln the me of chess, should send a aelf-eddressed and stamped envelope or rjtd to Herman Stelner, Chesa Editor, Lot Anteles Times.
Requests for hark: Issue and subscriptions should be directed to the Circulation Department. This column appears on Sunday. (Caatlaaad fret las Saadsy) We have ha aaaay laeelrte a boat eelvlnr et problem and are therefore pablishtnt th foll.wlnt Interest in t rtl-cle br B. G. Law from hi hoek entitled "Chess Frebiesns an Hew t Solve These. (Continued!)
THE INCOMPLETE BLOCK TWO-MOVEH The annexed slender morsel (No. 37) will Illustrate these remarks. A th forces sre dispersed it is seen thst. livint Black the rlsht of moving. he can plav 1. . . . P-K6 without dlsclotin a vulnerable condition to the extent of tivinc an opportunity for White to mate.
If he venture any other defense it would be disastrous. Therefore. White, havine the prlvtlete of openint. hss to look onlv so fsr shesd as to keep in hsnd his exlstmr advantage, and at the ssme time meet the advance of the kme'a pawn. This Is here very simple, as the pictorial symmetry of the position enable the solver to are ' t a jlanc that if the bishop mates at QKfS on 1. . . . P-B6. it should do so st KBS on 1. . . . P-KS. therefore 1. B-Q7 is the move which carries out the oblitationa set In th conditions. No. 32 11 11 y' r&$S Male In two moves. . After I. B-Q7 a veritable block I reached, and It is only reasonable ta sup-Pose that should a player be placed under the aame disabilities aa Black lt In. ha would traeefully lay down btl kin at a attn. of resitnstion. but a problem hat to b continued until th mate lt Inflicted In each and every defense et com-mand. In thia position, could Black bv some maneuver tain tha move, look In upon the position as on occurrin in a same and hr the way.
It is never claimed that problems ar probable (am endtnt it is pretty apparent that Blacks chances of ultimata success would be creater than those ot White, ouit an unusual state ot thintt In problem. In this instance it Is a case of positional advantat. thouth In by fsr the (rent majority of problems White Is favored with considerably more power both ia force and poaitton than Blsck. It must, however, be remembered thst the mat hss to be administered in a defined number of moves, and it is due to this essential that th problem differs ao much from position which arise in actual play over the hoard.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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