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CHESS BY HERMAN STEINER INTERNATIONAL CHESS MASTER Address All Mail To The Chess Editor July 18, 1942 L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1417 Br C. Salamanca (3rd Pr.) White mates In two. (Wh. 8; Bl. 11.) L A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1412 By N. White mates In three, (Wh. 10; BL 9.1 SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1413: N-QS. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM No, 1414: N-Q8. We received solutions from the follow. Ing: 3. O. Dodge. W. Harmon. B. Bus. hiteff, R. O. Alderson, M. Rudhotm. C. B. Collins. H. Oimeno, J. 8. Dubin, M. Morns, H. Bruhn. E. H. Quayle, D M. Poole. C. F. Beck "welcome lo our ladder.! D. J. Clark, D. W. Clark, L. A. Victor. T. Aks. L. J. Slupko. R. O. Klngbury, 8 J. Meconnell. Mrs. F. Tovar. F. Margaretten. i. p. Walsh, O. A. Hall, D. A. Wells. E. H. Schadee. W. C. Nolting. J. W. Gorrell, J. C. Drake. J. B. Faulkner. E. A. Roserrans, u. A. lnnea, J. fonseca, s. ij, Kubin, C. P. Ford. CORRECTION Problem Na. 1(18. (he While Hook la at King's Knight aecend Instead ef at King's Reek aeeend.
CORRESPONDENCE CHESS A suggestion was sent as to organ a rallfnrnla. Correspondence Chesa league and the writer weu)4 like an expreasi.n fraaa the readers.
FINE AGAIN CHAMPION Reuben Fin of Washington last weekend once mnr showed his skill at rapid transit by playing 22 games, winning 20 and drawing 2. (In tha finals. 11 wins, no draws. Those who secured drawa were Arnold Denker and Matthew Oreen. Thus Fine retained his title as speed champion. Reshevsky was second, losing in Fine and having two draws.
Kupchik was third. There were 48 entries and these were divided Into four sections. The qualifiers In each section were: Group A Fine, 10-1; Feldman and Oreen, 8's-2t, Oroup B Reshevsky. oVi-l'a; Adams, iVa-J'i Schwartg. 8-3. Group C Kashdan, 10-1; Kupchik, 9H-l'; Busman. 9-2 Group D Horowlta, S'i-l'i; Seidman, 9-2; Heltner, 6'i-J'ig. of the British Chesa Magaxine. a maga-ilne which still appears regularly each month notwithstanding the difficulties. It has encountered. Naturally. It is far fiom Its former else, but It Is eerviceable. nevertheless. The opponents In this piquant little game were the late Rudolf Spielman snd A. Regain.
The instructive notes ar. by th New York master. Fred Rein tela. Spielmann White 1- P-K4 2- B-B4ta 3- P-03 4-KI-QB3 5-P-B4 BISHOP'S Regglo Black P-K4 Kt-KB3 B-B4 P-Q3 Kt-Kt5lb) OPENTNO Spielmann White 11- P-Kt.8 12- P-KI 13- PxP 14- RxP(gl 15- BxR 16- B-B7ch 17- B-Kts 18- K-02(I 19- R-KB1 20-P-KK14 Reggla) Black Kt-B.TO BPXF P-KR3 RxR Kt-K2iht K-Bl B-Kt B-KR4 P-B3 a.p-nsfei Q-RSrMd 7- P-KI3 Q-R4 8- P-KR3 BxKtiei 10-PxQ B-K13I Resigns')) fa) A move which wag always a area favorite with Spielman. It enables White to arrive at favorable positions in the King a Gambit Declined by transposition, thus avoiding the dubious complication of the King a Gambit.
fbi This seemingly plausible move la premsture, as the seouel shows. let An excellent reminder, for Kt-BT would now be refuted by 7 Q-R5. castles: 8. B-KKt5. -Q2; 9. Kt-Q5, with a win-nlng game. , . idi Black la ashamed to acknowledge his mistake: hence the new excursion. (eiOn Kt-KB3 Schlechter gives . QxO. KtxQ; 10. KKUK2, followed b P-KKt4 'fl if Bltclr castles her Instead of text. White would eventually win th weak KRP by doubling rooks on the opea file. Now comes a delightful finish. gl A pleasant surprise for Blsrkl Obviously he cannot retake win th "'"'--Or PxB: 1 P-Kt7. KI-K3; IT. Kt-a, B-K3: 18 KtxB and wins. l Just In time to spoil Black s plan. j He must lose at least a piece. (From Cheaa Reviewl Tn this game Ted Dunst.
the migh'st giant killer who defeated Sanlaster sni Hanauer in (he Marshall Club champion, ship, only to leave his ueen en prlss aaalnst another opponent, treats us to a real thriller involving a double sterlflce ot the exchange. Dunst i Marshall) White 1-Kt-KB3 2- P-B4 3- P-KKI3 4- B-KI2 $0-0 8-KI-B3 7- P-04 8- Q-Ol 9- P-K4 10- P-KR3 ' 11- KtxP 12- P-KI3 13- 0-K2 14- B-KI2 15- QR-Q1 16- P-B4 59 . . . 0-Kt3ch, followed by 30. . . . O-KtB would force White to tag a draw by oerpetual check.
We have had many Inenlrle. abaul salving ef preMern. and are therefore publishing the following Interesting articles hr B. C. Laws from his bonk entitled "t hess Problems and How in Salve Them." (Continued from last Sunday) THE BLOCK TWO-MOVER (Continued) NO. 23 By W. A. Shlnkman RETI OPEN TN CI Ss't'ber Dunst Satt7hr: iBronx- tMarshsll) iBronx. Empirei Empire) Black White Black Kt-KB3 1T-P-B8 PxP P-K3 18-RxP Kt(B4i2 P-QK13 19-QR-KB1 R-Kl B-Ki2 20-RxKt XtxR, B-K2 21-RxKt Pxl O-O 22-Q-Kt4ch K-Pl P-03 23-Kt-BS R-K4 0Kt-O2 24-Kt-O BxKt P-B4 25-KPxB RlBl'Kl PxP 2S-B-K4 O-Ol R-Bl 27-B-03 P-Kt KI-B4 28-O-R PxP Q-B2 29-PxP K-Ktl P-OR3 30-Kt-K7eh KR-Ol and mat in S B-Bl Reshevsky Fin Reshevsky Fine White Black White Black 1- P-Q4 P-Q4 21-R-Rl K'-KtS 2- P-OB4 PxP 22-K-R3 R-Ol 3- Kt-KB3 KI.-KB3 23-B-K.lS P-R3 4- P-K3 P-K3 24-BxB OxB 8-BxP P-B4 2S-OR-OBI Kt-OS 5- Caslleg P-OR3 28-OR-B3 Q-Kt2 7.Q-K2 PxP 27-P-OK13 Q-Ktl 8- R-Ql P-OKt4 28-R-B7 Q-KtS 9- B-K'l B-K2 29-P-KI3 0-KI3 10-P-QR4 PxRP 30-K-Kt2 Q-KI4 M-RXQP 0-B2 31-CS-K4 KtXKP 12- BxPrh B-Q2 32-Q-KB4 P-B4 13- Kt-B3 BxB 33-KtxKt RxKt 14- RvB Castles 34-R-K7 -Q4rh 15- P-K4 KI-B3 i 35-K-R2 R-K8 t-KR-B4 KR-Ol 1 36-R-B3 Q-OB I 17-P-K5 Kt.-04 37-RxPrh KxR 18-KIXKt RxKt 38-P-KKI4 Q-Q3 I 19-P-R3 0-02 39 Resigns 20-B-B4 P-OR4
INTERESTING SHORT GAME This game appeared in the May number Mates in two moves. No, 23 shows how th White King find It incumbent to give his rival "mors rope" hv playing to King's Bishop 8. Here other waiting movea may suggest themselves, but It will soon be discovered Black can defeat them. In fact, th eompoaeT hss placed the Queen's Knlshfc Pawn on the board solely for the purpose of misir.ding the solver, Inducing 1. F-"7 which Is countered by 1. , . , P-QS..
CORRESPONDENCE CHESS A suggestion was sent as to organ a rallfnrnla. Correspondence Chesa league and the writer weu)4 like an expreasi.n fraaa the readers.
FINE AGAIN CHAMPION Reuben Fin of Washington last weekend once mnr showed his skill at rapid transit by playing 22 games, winning 20 and drawing 2. (In tha finals. 11 wins, no draws. Those who secured drawa were Arnold Denker and Matthew Oreen. Thus Fine retained his title as speed champion. Reshevsky was second, losing in Fine and having two draws.
Kupchik was third. There were 48 entries and these were divided Into four sections. The qualifiers In each section were: Group A Fine, 10-1; Feldman and Oreen, 8's-2t, Oroup B Reshevsky. oVi-l'a; Adams, iVa-J'i Schwartg. 8-3. Group C Kashdan, 10-1; Kupchik, 9H-l'; Busman. 9-2 Group D Horowlta, S'i-l'i; Seidman, 9-2; Heltner, 6'i-J'ig. of the British Chesa Magaxine. a maga-ilne which still appears regularly each month notwithstanding the difficulties. It has encountered. Naturally. It is far fiom Its former else, but It Is eerviceable. nevertheless. The opponents In this piquant little game were the late Rudolf Spielman snd A. Regain.
The instructive notes ar. by th New York master. Fred Rein tela. Spielmann White 1- P-K4 2- B-B4ta 3- P-03 4-KI-QB3 5-P-B4 BISHOP'S Regglo Black P-K4 Kt-KB3 B-B4 P-Q3 Kt-Kt5lb) OPENTNO Spielmann White 11- P-Kt.8 12- P-KI 13- PxP 14- RxP(gl 15- BxR 16- B-B7ch 17- B-Kts 18- K-02(I 19- R-KB1 20-P-KK14 Reggla) Black Kt-B.TO BPXF P-KR3 RxR Kt-K2iht K-Bl B-Kt B-KR4 P-B3 a.p-nsfei Q-RSrMd 7- P-KI3 Q-R4 8- P-KR3 BxKtiei 10-PxQ B-K13I Resigns')) fa) A move which wag always a area favorite with Spielman. It enables White to arrive at favorable positions in the King a Gambit Declined by transposition, thus avoiding the dubious complication of the King a Gambit.
fbi This seemingly plausible move la premsture, as the seouel shows. let An excellent reminder, for Kt-BT would now be refuted by 7 Q-R5. castles: 8. B-KKt5. -Q2; 9. Kt-Q5, with a win-nlng game. , . idi Black la ashamed to acknowledge his mistake: hence the new excursion. (eiOn Kt-KB3 Schlechter gives . QxO. KtxQ; 10. KKUK2, followed b P-KKt4 'fl if Bltclr castles her Instead of text. White would eventually win th weak KRP by doubling rooks on the opea file. Now comes a delightful finish. gl A pleasant surprise for Blsrkl Obviously he cannot retake win th "'"'--Or PxB: 1 P-Kt7. KI-K3; IT. Kt-a, B-K3: 18 KtxB and wins. l Just In time to spoil Black s plan. j He must lose at least a piece. (From Cheaa Reviewl Tn this game Ted Dunst.
the migh'st giant killer who defeated Sanlaster sni Hanauer in (he Marshall Club champion, ship, only to leave his ueen en prlss aaalnst another opponent, treats us to a real thriller involving a double sterlflce ot the exchange. Dunst i Marshall) White 1-Kt-KB3 2- P-B4 3- P-KKI3 4- B-KI2 $0-0 8-KI-B3 7- P-04 8- Q-Ol 9- P-K4 10- P-KR3 ' 11- KtxP 12- P-KI3 13- 0-K2 14- B-KI2 15- QR-Q1 16- P-B4 59 . . . 0-Kt3ch, followed by 30. . . . O-KtB would force White to tag a draw by oerpetual check.
We have had many Inenlrle. abaul salving ef preMern. and are therefore publishing the following Interesting articles hr B. C. Laws from his bonk entitled "t hess Problems and How in Salve Them." (Continued from last Sunday) THE BLOCK TWO-MOVER (Continued) NO. 23 By W. A. Shlnkman RETI OPEN TN CI Ss't'ber Dunst Satt7hr: iBronx- tMarshsll) iBronx. Empirei Empire) Black White Black Kt-KB3 1T-P-B8 PxP P-K3 18-RxP Kt(B4i2 P-QK13 19-QR-KB1 R-Kl B-Ki2 20-RxKt XtxR, B-K2 21-RxKt Pxl O-O 22-Q-Kt4ch K-Pl P-03 23-Kt-BS R-K4 0Kt-O2 24-Kt-O BxKt P-B4 25-KPxB RlBl'Kl PxP 2S-B-K4 O-Ol R-Bl 27-B-03 P-Kt KI-B4 28-O-R PxP Q-B2 29-PxP K-Ktl P-OR3 30-Kt-K7eh KR-Ol and mat in S B-Bl Reshevsky Fin Reshevsky Fine White Black White Black 1- P-Q4 P-Q4 21-R-Rl K'-KtS 2- P-OB4 PxP 22-K-R3 R-Ol 3- Kt-KB3 KI.-KB3 23-B-K.lS P-R3 4- P-K3 P-K3 24-BxB OxB 8-BxP P-B4 2S-OR-OBI Kt-OS 5- Caslleg P-OR3 28-OR-B3 Q-Kt2 7.Q-K2 PxP 27-P-OK13 Q-Ktl 8- R-Ql P-OKt4 28-R-B7 Q-KtS 9- B-K'l B-K2 29-P-KI3 0-KI3 10-P-QR4 PxRP 30-K-Kt2 Q-KI4 M-RXQP 0-B2 31-CS-K4 KtXKP 12- BxPrh B-Q2 32-Q-KB4 P-B4 13- Kt-B3 BxB 33-KtxKt RxKt 14- RvB Castles 34-R-K7 -Q4rh 15- P-K4 KI-B3 i 35-K-R2 R-K8 t-KR-B4 KR-Ol 1 36-R-B3 Q-OB I 17-P-K5 Kt.-04 37-RxPrh KxR 18-KIXKt RxKt 38-P-KKI4 Q-Q3 I 19-P-R3 0-02 39 Resigns 20-B-B4 P-OR4
INTERESTING SHORT GAME This game appeared in the May number Mates in two moves. No, 23 shows how th White King find It incumbent to give his rival "mors rope" hv playing to King's Bishop 8. Here other waiting movea may suggest themselves, but It will soon be discovered Black can defeat them. In fact, th eompoaeT hss placed the Queen's Knlshfc Pawn on the board solely for the purpose of misir.ding the solver, Inducing 1. F-"7 which Is countered by 1. , . , P-QS..