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CHES5 BY HERMAN STEINER INTERNATIONAL CHESS MASTER Address All Mail to the Chess Editor June 27, 1943 L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 141t By N. Easter (5th Pr.) White mates in two. Wh. L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1413 By E. Plesnivy (2nd Ment) White mates In three. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1407: Next Sunday. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1408: Q-B2. CORRECTION Problem No. 1401, the Black bishop is at Q8 Instead af KS as it was mentioned in our last issue. We received solutions from the following: J. O. Dodge, I. Byrne. J. Clark (welcome to our ladder,) J. Davidson. D A. Innes, W. Harmon. G. S Peck, M. Rudholm. Mrs. P. Tovar. F. Aks. A. S. Weils, C. B. Collins. L. A. Victor. Dr. P. B. Sheldon, C. P. Ford, D. M. Poole E. H. Quayle, O. A. Hall. J. W. Oorrell it had more than one solution,) P. Mar-garetten. A. D. Reynolds Sr.. J. S. Warnack. E. L. Rubin, J. B. Faulkner, w. ij, noetnen, M. Morris. H. Gimeno, M. C. Nolting. . June 14, 1943 Mr. Herman Steiner, Chess Editor, Los Angeles Times. First and Spring flta.. Los Angeles, Cal. Dear Mr. steiner: We should like very much to obtain your co-operation in connection with our project to supply merchant seamen with recreational materials. These materials will be made available to seamen both aboard the ships they man and in the rest homes, hotels and recreational centers established for their benefit by United Seaman's Service. In the first place, it is our thought that many seamen would appreciate scrapbooks made up of the chess problems run in your Los Angeles Times column.
Similar scrapbooks devoted to ine cnecker problems would also be popular. We believe that the individual columns, or rather problems, can be very conveniently mounted on unifnrm pieces of cardboard, such as used In shirts oy launaries. if these cardboards were then prominently numbered in a consecutive fashion a collection of them could be kept and used with ease Of course, any other usable manner of ore-serving the problems for. handy enjoyment would o as welcome. It la not likely that many chess enthusiasts will part willingly with chess jets for merchant seamen, but they may be able to induce others to contribute sets of chess or checkers so that men aboard Americas Liberty ships will be able to enjoy these games wherever they go.
If you can prevail upon your readers, through the medium of your column, to help us reach the goal of chess and checkers aboard every ship, the results probably will be very gratifying. Your assistance in this project will be most heartily appreciated. , Sinterely yours, . , H. A. this column will feel it their patriotie duty to give all they can to help make the leisure momenta of these men mora pleasurable. Anyone desiring to make a contribution. Please send same either directly to the above address or to Herman Steiner care of thia column and credit will b given.
YATES GETS REVENGE This game, besides being very well played, is also interesting for another reason. When F. D. Yates, former BriU ish champion, was coming to the front as a master, he was invited to take pari in the Hamburg tournament In 1910. Among the other masters Invited was Dr. Tarrasch, still a force in chess. When Yates' name appeared among those invited it was adversely criticized by Dr. Tarrasch.
So it will be easily seen that Yates had sweet revenge in the defeat of Dr. Tarrasch. Nota the similarity of movea in opening. QUEEN GAMBIT DECLINED Tarrasch White 1- P-Q4 2- Kt-KB3 3- P-B4 4- P-K3fa) 5- Kt-B3 6- B-Q3 7- Castles 8- P-QKt3 9- B-KU 10-R-B1 Yates Black P-Q4 Kt-KB3 P-K3 B-K2 P-B4 Kt-B3 Castles P-QKt3 B-Kt2 R-Bl ll-PxP(b)KKtxPic) Tarrasch White 18- KI-Q4 19- R-Bltf) 20- PxKt 21-K-B2(g) QxKtPch ZZ-K-Kl BxP'ht Yatet Black P-B4(e), KfxPI Q-K4 23- B-K2 P-K4 24- Kt-K6 B-KtSch 23-K-Q1 B-BS 26- BxB QxBca 27- K-B2 Q-KSch 28- K-Q2 Q-Q4cti 12- Kt-K2 PxP 29-Kt-Q4 PxKt 13- QKtxP KtxKt 30-BxP P-F5 14- KtxKt RxR 31-P-K4 OxKP 15- OxR B-Q3 32-R-B4 R-Gl 16- Kt-BI Q-K2 33-P-R4 B-B7 17- Q-RHd) P-B3 Resigns (ai The opening runs on quiet lines. There la no doubt that the development of the queen's bishop on the king a aid gives White a more enduring attack.
ibi There la an old theory that, ia the Re symmetrical positions, the player who first exchanges pawns comes ip: disadvantage. 11-Q-K2 followed by KR-C4 appears best. , (ci Best, as lt keeps the lone diagonal open for the Quesn'a bishop., (di This move ia Unanimously condemned by the annotatora. The idea a to occupy KS, but Black can easily prevent this, and the queen remains osi of play for the rest of the game. (ei Now that White has obstructed the long diagonal Black can safely !ieava the K4 square unguarded.
if) White evidently overlooks his opponent's threatened sacrifice. He had nothing better than to return the knight to B3. ) Best under the circumstances. If 21-B-B1. OxKPch: 22-K-R1. Q-B5; 23-K-Ktl, OxPeh; 24-K-B2. B-Kt6ch. followed by BxP. winning easily. tht Now Black has three pawns for the piece.
With White'a queen cum. pletely out of play the result is a foregone conclusion. QUEEN GAMBIT DECLINED Marshall Rubinstein White 1- P-Q4 2- PXQB4 3- Kt-OB3 4- BPxP 5- Kt-B3 6- B-Kt5 7- PxP 8- R-B1 9- BxKt 10- P-K3 11- P-QR3 12- B-Q3 For if 24 Marshall Rubensteia Black White Black P-Q4 13-P-KR4- Q-K2 P-K3 14-Kt-KKt5 P-KR3 P-QB4 15-KtxB PxKt KPxP 18-B-Ktl BxP Kt-KB3 17-P-KKt3 BxP B-K2 18-PxB Q-Kt4 B-K3 19-Q-Q3 QxKtPch Castles 20-K-Q2 R-B7ch BxB 21-Kt-K2 Kt-K4 Q-R4 22-Q-R7ch K-B2 Kt-B3 23-R-B7ch K-B3 QxBP 24-RxPch Resign . . . PxR: 25-Q-K7 mate. EUROPEAN. GAME The Munich tournament, won by Al-khine. was accompanied by a "Reserve' tournament, won bv a young Swedish expert. Danielsson.
who scored 8-3. Hera is hia victory over Nestler, Italian representative: QUEEN'S PAWN GAME Dsnielsson Nestler Danielsson Nestler White Black White Blark 1- KI-KB3 KI-KB3 19-B-Kt KI-B3 2- P-Q4 P-KKt3 20-Q-K3 R-K 3- P-B4 B-Kt2 21-P-Q5 Kt-Kt 4- Kt-B3 P-Q4 22-QxRP ' Kt-OJ 5- B-B4 Castles 23-Q-Q4ch K-Kt 6- P-K3 P-B4 24-Kt-K4 Kt-Kt3 7- B-K5 . PxQP 25-Kt-Kt5 Kt-02 8- KPxP PxP 26-Q-KR4 Kt-B3 9- BxP Kt-B3 27-Q-R6 Q-R4 10- Cast!es B-KtS 28-R-K3 R-B8 11- P-KR3 BxKt 29-R-K5 R-B4 12- QxB . Kt-Q2 30-KtxRP , KtxP 13- BxB KxB 31-BxP PxB 14- QR-Q Kt-Kt3 32-QxPch K-R 15- B-KI3 Kt-R4 33-R-R5 Kt-BS 16- B-B2 Kt(Kt3)-B5 34-Kt-Kt5ch KtxR 17- P-QKt3 . Kt-03 35-Q-R5mat 18- KR-K R-B SACRAMENTO CITY CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP.
1943 QUEEN GAMBIT DECLINED Meyar Gee Meyer " Ge White Black White Black 1- P-Q4 P-Q4 21-PxP , PxP 2- P-QB4 P-K3 22-N-K5 P-N5 3- N-QB3 N-KB3 23-P-B3 RxRch 4- B-N5 B-K2 24-RxR . B-Q3 8-P-K3 QN-Q2 25-PxP BxP 6- PxP PxP 26-N-Q3 ' R-K 7- B-Q3 O-O 27-BxB QxB 8- Q-B2 ( P-B4 28-N-BS B-Q4 9- N-B3 F-KR3 29-Q-KB2 1 Q-N3 10- B-B4 P-R3 30-R-K P-B4 11- P-QR4 P-QN3 31-N-Q3 " B-K5 12- P-KR3 B-N2 32-N-K5 Q-N4 13- 0-0 R-B 33-R-OB ' R-KB ! 14-Q-K2 P-B5 34-N-B3 Q-N3 15-B-B2 N-K5 35-N-K5 Q-N4 i 16-BxN PxB 36-N-B3 Q-N3 :17-N-Q2 N-B3 37-N-K5 Q-N4 18- NxBP N-Q4 38-N-B3 Q-N3 19- NxN BxH Draw ,20-KR-B P-QN4 ' BOSTON GAME Here is a closely fought, game won by the president of the United States Chess Federation in the current Massachusetta State championship now. being played at the Boston City Club.
WINO GAMBIT Keller White 1- P-K4 2- P-QKI4 , 3- P-QR3 4- KPxP B-Kt-KBJ 6- PxP 7- Kt-B3 8- B-B4 9- Castles 10- P-Q4 11- Kt-QKt5 12- B-Q? 13- QxKt 14- Kt-B3 , 15-R-K Stiirgls Black P-QB4 PxP P-Q4 QxP Kt-QB3 , KtxP Q-Q P-K3 Kt-KB3 . B-K2 P-QR3 KtxB B-Q2 Q-B2 B-B3 16-Kt-KS Castles KR 17-B-B4 18- R-K3 19- R-R3 20- KtxB 21- B-Kt5 22- BxKt 23- QxPch 24- P-Q5 2,-Kt-K4 26- R-K 27- RR.D-KJ 2R-KtxB 29-Q-Rfich B-03 KR-Q QR-B QxKt B-K4 BxB K-B 'Q-Q3 QxP Q-Q8 QxP PxKt K-K2 Keller White 30- Q-KtT 31- Q-Kt4 32- R-K4 33- P-R4 34- Q-B3 35- P-Kt3 36- Q-B3 37- Q-R 38- R-Q4 39- R-K3 40- P-K14 41- Q-R3ch 42- R(K3)-Q3 43- RxR 44- P-B3 45- R-K3ch 46- RXR 47- QxP 48- K-Kt2 4!)-K-K3 60-K-K12 Bl-Q-RRch 52-Q-Kt7eh 83- P-RSch 84- Q-Kt7ch S5-P-RS .Ifi-K-Kt S7-Q-B7ch Resigns Bturgls Black R-B3 Q-B5 Q-Q4 R(B3)-Q3 R-KR P-Kt R-B3 R-R4 Q-B Q-B4 Q-Kt3 K-K R-Q4 PxR Q-R3 R-K3 PxR Q-Kch Q-K7eh Q-K4ch P-Q5 K-B2 K-Kt3 K-Kt4 K-RJ Q-K7ch K-KtA P-K4.
Similar scrapbooks devoted to ine cnecker problems would also be popular. We believe that the individual columns, or rather problems, can be very conveniently mounted on unifnrm pieces of cardboard, such as used In shirts oy launaries. if these cardboards were then prominently numbered in a consecutive fashion a collection of them could be kept and used with ease Of course, any other usable manner of ore-serving the problems for. handy enjoyment would o as welcome. It la not likely that many chess enthusiasts will part willingly with chess jets for merchant seamen, but they may be able to induce others to contribute sets of chess or checkers so that men aboard Americas Liberty ships will be able to enjoy these games wherever they go.
If you can prevail upon your readers, through the medium of your column, to help us reach the goal of chess and checkers aboard every ship, the results probably will be very gratifying. Your assistance in this project will be most heartily appreciated. , Sinterely yours, . , H. A. this column will feel it their patriotie duty to give all they can to help make the leisure momenta of these men mora pleasurable. Anyone desiring to make a contribution. Please send same either directly to the above address or to Herman Steiner care of thia column and credit will b given.
YATES GETS REVENGE This game, besides being very well played, is also interesting for another reason. When F. D. Yates, former BriU ish champion, was coming to the front as a master, he was invited to take pari in the Hamburg tournament In 1910. Among the other masters Invited was Dr. Tarrasch, still a force in chess. When Yates' name appeared among those invited it was adversely criticized by Dr. Tarrasch.
So it will be easily seen that Yates had sweet revenge in the defeat of Dr. Tarrasch. Nota the similarity of movea in opening. QUEEN GAMBIT DECLINED Tarrasch White 1- P-Q4 2- Kt-KB3 3- P-B4 4- P-K3fa) 5- Kt-B3 6- B-Q3 7- Castles 8- P-QKt3 9- B-KU 10-R-B1 Yates Black P-Q4 Kt-KB3 P-K3 B-K2 P-B4 Kt-B3 Castles P-QKt3 B-Kt2 R-Bl ll-PxP(b)KKtxPic) Tarrasch White 18- KI-Q4 19- R-Bltf) 20- PxKt 21-K-B2(g) QxKtPch ZZ-K-Kl BxP'ht Yatet Black P-B4(e), KfxPI Q-K4 23- B-K2 P-K4 24- Kt-K6 B-KtSch 23-K-Q1 B-BS 26- BxB QxBca 27- K-B2 Q-KSch 28- K-Q2 Q-Q4cti 12- Kt-K2 PxP 29-Kt-Q4 PxKt 13- QKtxP KtxKt 30-BxP P-F5 14- KtxKt RxR 31-P-K4 OxKP 15- OxR B-Q3 32-R-B4 R-Gl 16- Kt-BI Q-K2 33-P-R4 B-B7 17- Q-RHd) P-B3 Resigns (ai The opening runs on quiet lines. There la no doubt that the development of the queen's bishop on the king a aid gives White a more enduring attack.
ibi There la an old theory that, ia the Re symmetrical positions, the player who first exchanges pawns comes ip: disadvantage. 11-Q-K2 followed by KR-C4 appears best. , (ci Best, as lt keeps the lone diagonal open for the Quesn'a bishop., (di This move ia Unanimously condemned by the annotatora. The idea a to occupy KS, but Black can easily prevent this, and the queen remains osi of play for the rest of the game. (ei Now that White has obstructed the long diagonal Black can safely !ieava the K4 square unguarded.
if) White evidently overlooks his opponent's threatened sacrifice. He had nothing better than to return the knight to B3. ) Best under the circumstances. If 21-B-B1. OxKPch: 22-K-R1. Q-B5; 23-K-Ktl, OxPeh; 24-K-B2. B-Kt6ch. followed by BxP. winning easily. tht Now Black has three pawns for the piece.
With White'a queen cum. pletely out of play the result is a foregone conclusion. QUEEN GAMBIT DECLINED Marshall Rubinstein White 1- P-Q4 2- PXQB4 3- Kt-OB3 4- BPxP 5- Kt-B3 6- B-Kt5 7- PxP 8- R-B1 9- BxKt 10- P-K3 11- P-QR3 12- B-Q3 For if 24 Marshall Rubensteia Black White Black P-Q4 13-P-KR4- Q-K2 P-K3 14-Kt-KKt5 P-KR3 P-QB4 15-KtxB PxKt KPxP 18-B-Ktl BxP Kt-KB3 17-P-KKt3 BxP B-K2 18-PxB Q-Kt4 B-K3 19-Q-Q3 QxKtPch Castles 20-K-Q2 R-B7ch BxB 21-Kt-K2 Kt-K4 Q-R4 22-Q-R7ch K-B2 Kt-B3 23-R-B7ch K-B3 QxBP 24-RxPch Resign . . . PxR: 25-Q-K7 mate. EUROPEAN. GAME The Munich tournament, won by Al-khine. was accompanied by a "Reserve' tournament, won bv a young Swedish expert. Danielsson.
who scored 8-3. Hera is hia victory over Nestler, Italian representative: QUEEN'S PAWN GAME Dsnielsson Nestler Danielsson Nestler White Black White Blark 1- KI-KB3 KI-KB3 19-B-Kt KI-B3 2- P-Q4 P-KKt3 20-Q-K3 R-K 3- P-B4 B-Kt2 21-P-Q5 Kt-Kt 4- Kt-B3 P-Q4 22-QxRP ' Kt-OJ 5- B-B4 Castles 23-Q-Q4ch K-Kt 6- P-K3 P-B4 24-Kt-K4 Kt-Kt3 7- B-K5 . PxQP 25-Kt-Kt5 Kt-02 8- KPxP PxP 26-Q-KR4 Kt-B3 9- BxP Kt-B3 27-Q-R6 Q-R4 10- Cast!es B-KtS 28-R-K3 R-B8 11- P-KR3 BxKt 29-R-K5 R-B4 12- QxB . Kt-Q2 30-KtxRP , KtxP 13- BxB KxB 31-BxP PxB 14- QR-Q Kt-Kt3 32-QxPch K-R 15- B-KI3 Kt-R4 33-R-R5 Kt-BS 16- B-B2 Kt(Kt3)-B5 34-Kt-Kt5ch KtxR 17- P-QKt3 . Kt-03 35-Q-R5mat 18- KR-K R-B SACRAMENTO CITY CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP.
1943 QUEEN GAMBIT DECLINED Meyar Gee Meyer " Ge White Black White Black 1- P-Q4 P-Q4 21-PxP , PxP 2- P-QB4 P-K3 22-N-K5 P-N5 3- N-QB3 N-KB3 23-P-B3 RxRch 4- B-N5 B-K2 24-RxR . B-Q3 8-P-K3 QN-Q2 25-PxP BxP 6- PxP PxP 26-N-Q3 ' R-K 7- B-Q3 O-O 27-BxB QxB 8- Q-B2 ( P-B4 28-N-BS B-Q4 9- N-B3 F-KR3 29-Q-KB2 1 Q-N3 10- B-B4 P-R3 30-R-K P-B4 11- P-QR4 P-QN3 31-N-Q3 " B-K5 12- P-KR3 B-N2 32-N-K5 Q-N4 13- 0-0 R-B 33-R-OB ' R-KB ! 14-Q-K2 P-B5 34-N-B3 Q-N3 15-B-B2 N-K5 35-N-K5 Q-N4 i 16-BxN PxB 36-N-B3 Q-N3 :17-N-Q2 N-B3 37-N-K5 Q-N4 18- NxBP N-Q4 38-N-B3 Q-N3 19- NxN BxH Draw ,20-KR-B P-QN4 ' BOSTON GAME Here is a closely fought, game won by the president of the United States Chess Federation in the current Massachusetta State championship now. being played at the Boston City Club.
WINO GAMBIT Keller White 1- P-K4 2- P-QKI4 , 3- P-QR3 4- KPxP B-Kt-KBJ 6- PxP 7- Kt-B3 8- B-B4 9- Castles 10- P-Q4 11- Kt-QKt5 12- B-Q? 13- QxKt 14- Kt-B3 , 15-R-K Stiirgls Black P-QB4 PxP P-Q4 QxP Kt-QB3 , KtxP Q-Q P-K3 Kt-KB3 . B-K2 P-QR3 KtxB B-Q2 Q-B2 B-B3 16-Kt-KS Castles KR 17-B-B4 18- R-K3 19- R-R3 20- KtxB 21- B-Kt5 22- BxKt 23- QxPch 24- P-Q5 2,-Kt-K4 26- R-K 27- RR.D-KJ 2R-KtxB 29-Q-Rfich B-03 KR-Q QR-B QxKt B-K4 BxB K-B 'Q-Q3 QxP Q-Q8 QxP PxKt K-K2 Keller White 30- Q-KtT 31- Q-Kt4 32- R-K4 33- P-R4 34- Q-B3 35- P-Kt3 36- Q-B3 37- Q-R 38- R-Q4 39- R-K3 40- P-K14 41- Q-R3ch 42- R(K3)-Q3 43- RxR 44- P-B3 45- R-K3ch 46- RXR 47- QxP 48- K-Kt2 4!)-K-K3 60-K-K12 Bl-Q-RRch 52-Q-Kt7eh 83- P-RSch 84- Q-Kt7ch S5-P-RS .Ifi-K-Kt S7-Q-B7ch Resigns Bturgls Black R-B3 Q-B5 Q-Q4 R(B3)-Q3 R-KR P-Kt R-B3 R-R4 Q-B Q-B4 Q-Kt3 K-K R-Q4 PxR Q-R3 R-K3 PxR Q-Kch Q-K7eh Q-K4ch P-Q5 K-B2 K-Kt3 K-Kt4 K-RJ Q-K7ch K-KtA P-K4.