OCR Text
CHESS BY HERMAN STEINER INTERNATIONAL CHESS MASTER Sept. 13. 1942 L A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. By N. Paster J320 Miss A. Camarao. 12; J c. Drake (.) 252; J. O. Uodce , 65, J. Davidson (,) 140: E. Dmytryk. 72' H. F. Erdlcv. 2; C. V. Ford CI 22-. O. Francis, 241; C, J. (libbs. 52; Capt. H. W. Glllett, M.C.. IB: K. Gordon. 0; J. F, Gubbms (welcome to our ladder ) R. Hewes. 12; R. H. Hays, 2; W. Harmon (.) 13; O. A. Hull ' . i SH'i; T. Harrington, 3H; C. Henderson, 17; C. Huffman. 13: Mrs. K. IliBaohiuchl. 5; Dr. 8. Lirbshard. 0 li White mates in two. (Wh. 10; Bl. 10.) L A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1330 By F. M. Oodaaer and T. Field '"IS t 4r. St- ' 1 S3 W Hall. 2 iwelcome buck;) D. A. lnnes! (".i llfl; Miss a. Jimincz, 2; w. Circula-Koethen t,,,,i 83; O. Kibbcy, 40; D. H. McCluie Jr., (V. J. Menkes, 4, IL. Mato-i sian. 281; M. Morris, 51; 8. J. McConnell, 51; F Marcaretten. 20; O J. Myers, 8.1 ehampton-H. Mnrtin. 19: M. Morley, 5: W. H Mr-: Cracken, 2; N. O. McCarthy. 2; W. C. Noliini; (.i 01: Rev. P. Prichard winner,) 20!): i. S. Peck, 5: M Rudholm (". i 43; A. D. Reynolds Sr., 221; E. L, Pubm. 3; W. Race (welcome to our ladder;! W. Rlosson, 5; E. Shimann, 41; E. H. Scliadee i"", winner, i 2S9: Dr. J. B. Sheldon, 81: L. A. Saitado Ci 237; J. Stufflebeam. ; Mrs. F. Tovar. 23: H. M. Vc-rbfes 15' J. P. Wai'h ..' !"B A. S Wells. 181, F. E. Wells, 9: William h. Wiesinger. 7; J. T. Watson CM 237. The score includes Problems 1314.
RULES OF THE SOLVING CONTEST The winners of each month's contest will receive g three months' subscription lo the chess Review, a month's membership m the Cheis and Checker Club of Los Angeles. 124 W. Fourth St , and the Hollywood Chess Group, 108 N. Formosa Ave,, where they may discuss White mates in three.
(Wh. 11; Bl. 9.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1225: N-P3. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1226: N-N2. Rev. Paul Trichard and E. H. Hrhadee win solving contest with 2H0 points. We congratulate Rev. Prichard and Mr. Sch. dee for winning this contest the fourth time. Rev. Prichard hail from Strath-more, Cal., and Mr. Schadee from Pomona, (al. il Bruhn ( ) 104: B. Bushueff. 05; A. L. Buckman. 90: R. H. Beals, 42; R. comoonn i nnri snlvuiE of nroblems and end Barnes. ' Every winner will be marked with the.-'-BxN usual (',) showing that he as once ai-"'5 winner in climbing 4he ladder. The system j will enable 12 (or more in a case of a tie i solvers u win. Solutions sent In answer to this problem will h Keknnwledaeri wilhln two week after publication if you wish to figure in the "up-lo-tlie-minute," ladder, the time limit being seven d. vs. Otherwise credit can only be given in a later ladder. Problems In (his column may begin with a ca.sthiiK key or have casilins as a defense, unless It ran be definitely proved that such maneuvers are not legal. Cap-mre keys, "en passant" . keys and check-ins keys are elso tolerated, but all the above types r.re rather uncommon. The capturn of a pawn, however, is not unusual.
If a problem haa no solution, ' no solution" mutt be claimed In order to score points. The pi.nclpal variations are necessary when senctiiiK in the three-movers. Keys only need bo given In two-ers, although It Is excellent practice to write out all the distlnci variations. Two. movers receive two points.
Three- movers receive three points on our ladder the prize la awarded to the solver one month. iHI icore leading; it then;26-BxKt 157; F. J Culbertson Jr. 0: K. Cav. 12; canceled. Solvers may become ladderltea at any ! time. They are expected to solve as individual, or teams but not consult otherwise. Anyone desiring Information for chess ! literature, chess lessons, address of chess clubs, or whatever Information concerning : the name of chess, should send a self-addressed and stamped envelope or card ; to Herman fitetner, Chesg Editor, L A. i j imcs Reques'a for bark Issues and suhscriptiuons snnuui be directed to the Circula-Koethen I tion Department, Mato-i This column appears on Sunday, States open champion-H. Mr-: "v' Dallas, Te., lll2. Horowitz While 1-N-KB3 .2-P-B4 3- P-KN3 4- P-C4 5- B-N2 K-QN-Q2 7-0-0 I H-P-OF13 I 9-QxB j 10-P-QN4 U-PxP 1 12-NxN ! 13-B-N2 I 14-P-B3 ' 15-C5-Q4 : 1H-UR-B 17-KR-Q S'einer Black PxP 1R-R-Q3 i 1?"9'f? ' .u-W-a the.-'-BxN ai-"'5 j 2J-PxK Marchand While lKt-KB3
DUTCH DEFENSE Steiner 'Horowitz Black i White P-KB4 24-R-K N-KB3 1 28-PxP N-B3 26-RxP P-K.l'27-K-BJ P-QR4 B-N5ch 28-B-B R-Q O-O 29-K-N2 P-H5 -Ki30-R-K P-R BxN;31-R-R R-R P-Q3!32-R-R2 Q-N5 P-K4 33-Q-B Q-NS NxKP34-Q-R P-N4! PxN 33-PxP B-B2 P-K5i3fi-R-K2 P-R7 P-K6!37-R-K 0-B7eh B-K3 3R-K-N Q-B4ch B-B2 39-P-Q CJ-N5 Q-K2 40-R-Q Q-Nfi KR-K41-P-Nfi Q-Kfich! OR-Q 42-K-R QxPeh B-N3 141-K-N B-Q4 PxR!44-R-(33 Q-R8ch RxR45-K-B2 R-K! P-B4! i46-Resign Yanofskr White 1- P-K4 2- P-04 3- Kt-QB3 4- P-KD 5- P-QR3 -OxP 7-Q-K4 R-Kt-B3 0-P-KR4 10-Q-Kt3 U-P-R5 12-B-Q3 13- Q-B4 14- Q-KI3 15- Kt-K2 lfi-QKtxP 17- KtxKt 18- QxQ lU-Kt-B3 jn.B.vtai-h w'-21-B-K3 Q-B4 22.Oastles.QR 23- B-K4 24- B-OB5 FRENCH DEFENSB Bturgial Yanofikr Black I White P.K32S-nxR P-Q4 3S-R-Q B-KtSa7-B-Kt(l P-QB4 1 28-fl-Kt4 PxPi29-B-B3 Kt-QB330-BxKP B-B 31-KtxB KKt-K232-P-KKt3 Kt-Kt3 33-F-Kt3 P-QR3 34-K-KtJ KKI-K2 P-R3 Q-B2 P-Q5 P-B3 35-P-QB4 3n-PxBP 37- K-R 38- B-BJ 30-R-Q2 KtxKt 40-BxP OxPch41-P-B5 PxQi42-PxKteh Kt-B3i43-R-Kta K-Q 44-R-Kt K-B2 45-KxR B-K214H-B-B9 B-B3j47-BxB R-U 48-K-B2
ZUKERFORT-RETI OPENINO P-B4 3- P-KN3 4- P-KKt3 5- BPxP 6- B-KI3 7- Cas'les 8- PxP 9- P-QR3 10- P-QK'4 11- B-Kta 12- P-K3 13- Q-Q3 14- QKt-Q2 15- RxKt 16- Q-B 17- K-R 18- Kt-KtS 19- RxP 20- Q-B4 :;i-itxPch 22- PxQ 23- RxR 24- R-K 25-B-B then;26-BxKtcli Horowlts i Marchand Blnrk! White Kt-KB3 2a-BxP N-KB3 20-Kt-K4 N-B3 30-P-B5 P-Q431-K-Kt2 KPxPI32-P-Bach Kt-B3 33-KtxB B-K2 34-B-KI7 Castles'35-B-R BxP;36-K-B3 B-Kt3!37-K-K3 R-K38-K-K4 B-KtS!3!)-K-Q4 Kt-K5l40-K-B5 KtxBP 41-B-B8 RxP 42-B-Ba Q-K2!43-BxP R-K344-P-R4 QxKt 45-B-Kt B-K746-B-B2ch OxQ:47-P-R5 K-B48-KxP R-K2'49-B-B5 KtxRlSO-B-KBch fl-OS.Sl.B-R2 R-K52-KK(4 RxBiReslgni KxRI Yanofsky White 1- P-K4 2- Kt-KB3 3- P-Q4 4- KtxP 5- Kt-OBS 6- B-K2 7- B-K3 8- Castle 9- Kt-Kt3 10-P-B4 lt-R-K 12- B-Q4 13- Q-B 14- P-B5 15- PxP lfl-BxQKt 17- B-B2 18- K1-Q2
SICILIAN DEFBNSB McKee i Yanofsky Black! White P-QR4I19-RXP P-Q3'20-R-Kt5 PxP21-Kt-B3 Kt-KB3 22-RxBch P-KKt3l23-H-Q4 B-K12 24-Q-B4 Castles !2,VKt-K4 Kt-B3 28-Kt-Q6 B-K3i27-KtxR Kt-OR4 28-PxKt Kt-B5 29-R-K KtxP 30-K-B2 Kt-BS'Sl-Q-QS PxPi32-R-K7ch BxPi33-Q-Q5ch P-K4'34-Q-B7 R-B 33-K-K P-Q41 turgll Black KtxR Kt-sa F-KtJ P-R4 Kt-OJ BxB B-KtJ P-XI4 B-04 P-RS KtPxP B-Kteh B-B3 H-KB B-BS R-B4 KxKt K-Q R-KScll JtxRch BxP B-K KxB Resign McKea Black B-K3 PxB y-KRj KxR, K-R2 Kt-03 P-B3 Kt-K KtxKtch OxK R-Ktch R-KI3 B-RS K-Kt K-R R-Kt7eh Retlgn Horowitz Black1 pB-K6 1 BK17 The regular New York season closes at empire city K-Q5 K-BH B-B5 K-KtS KxP K-R5 D.riDi " pip that P-KtS B-K7 P-Kt7 K-Rfi BxP B-QB K-KI9 KB8 '27-RxR KxR
RULES OF THE SOLVING CONTEST The winners of each month's contest will receive g three months' subscription lo the chess Review, a month's membership m the Cheis and Checker Club of Los Angeles. 124 W. Fourth St , and the Hollywood Chess Group, 108 N. Formosa Ave,, where they may discuss White mates in three.
(Wh. 11; Bl. 9.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1225: N-P3. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1226: N-N2. Rev. Paul Trichard and E. H. Hrhadee win solving contest with 2H0 points. We congratulate Rev. Prichard and Mr. Sch. dee for winning this contest the fourth time. Rev. Prichard hail from Strath-more, Cal., and Mr. Schadee from Pomona, (al. il Bruhn ( ) 104: B. Bushueff. 05; A. L. Buckman. 90: R. H. Beals, 42; R. comoonn i nnri snlvuiE of nroblems and end Barnes. ' Every winner will be marked with the.-'-BxN usual (',) showing that he as once ai-"'5 winner in climbing 4he ladder. The system j will enable 12 (or more in a case of a tie i solvers u win. Solutions sent In answer to this problem will h Keknnwledaeri wilhln two week after publication if you wish to figure in the "up-lo-tlie-minute," ladder, the time limit being seven d. vs. Otherwise credit can only be given in a later ladder. Problems In (his column may begin with a ca.sthiiK key or have casilins as a defense, unless It ran be definitely proved that such maneuvers are not legal. Cap-mre keys, "en passant" . keys and check-ins keys are elso tolerated, but all the above types r.re rather uncommon. The capturn of a pawn, however, is not unusual.
If a problem haa no solution, ' no solution" mutt be claimed In order to score points. The pi.nclpal variations are necessary when senctiiiK in the three-movers. Keys only need bo given In two-ers, although It Is excellent practice to write out all the distlnci variations. Two. movers receive two points.
Three- movers receive three points on our ladder the prize la awarded to the solver one month. iHI icore leading; it then;26-BxKt 157; F. J Culbertson Jr. 0: K. Cav. 12; canceled. Solvers may become ladderltea at any ! time. They are expected to solve as individual, or teams but not consult otherwise. Anyone desiring Information for chess ! literature, chess lessons, address of chess clubs, or whatever Information concerning : the name of chess, should send a self-addressed and stamped envelope or card ; to Herman fitetner, Chesg Editor, L A. i j imcs Reques'a for bark Issues and suhscriptiuons snnuui be directed to the Circula-Koethen I tion Department, Mato-i This column appears on Sunday, States open champion-H. Mr-: "v' Dallas, Te., lll2. Horowitz While 1-N-KB3 .2-P-B4 3- P-KN3 4- P-C4 5- B-N2 K-QN-Q2 7-0-0 I H-P-OF13 I 9-QxB j 10-P-QN4 U-PxP 1 12-NxN ! 13-B-N2 I 14-P-B3 ' 15-C5-Q4 : 1H-UR-B 17-KR-Q S'einer Black PxP 1R-R-Q3 i 1?"9'f? ' .u-W-a the.-'-BxN ai-"'5 j 2J-PxK Marchand While lKt-KB3
DUTCH DEFENSE Steiner 'Horowitz Black i White P-KB4 24-R-K N-KB3 1 28-PxP N-B3 26-RxP P-K.l'27-K-BJ P-QR4 B-N5ch 28-B-B R-Q O-O 29-K-N2 P-H5 -Ki30-R-K P-R BxN;31-R-R R-R P-Q3!32-R-R2 Q-N5 P-K4 33-Q-B Q-NS NxKP34-Q-R P-N4! PxN 33-PxP B-B2 P-K5i3fi-R-K2 P-R7 P-K6!37-R-K 0-B7eh B-K3 3R-K-N Q-B4ch B-B2 39-P-Q CJ-N5 Q-K2 40-R-Q Q-Nfi KR-K41-P-Nfi Q-Kfich! OR-Q 42-K-R QxPeh B-N3 141-K-N B-Q4 PxR!44-R-(33 Q-R8ch RxR45-K-B2 R-K! P-B4! i46-Resign Yanofskr White 1- P-K4 2- P-04 3- Kt-QB3 4- P-KD 5- P-QR3 -OxP 7-Q-K4 R-Kt-B3 0-P-KR4 10-Q-Kt3 U-P-R5 12-B-Q3 13- Q-B4 14- Q-KI3 15- Kt-K2 lfi-QKtxP 17- KtxKt 18- QxQ lU-Kt-B3 jn.B.vtai-h w'-21-B-K3 Q-B4 22.Oastles.QR 23- B-K4 24- B-OB5 FRENCH DEFENSB Bturgial Yanofikr Black I White P.K32S-nxR P-Q4 3S-R-Q B-KtSa7-B-Kt(l P-QB4 1 28-fl-Kt4 PxPi29-B-B3 Kt-QB330-BxKP B-B 31-KtxB KKt-K232-P-KKt3 Kt-Kt3 33-F-Kt3 P-QR3 34-K-KtJ KKI-K2 P-R3 Q-B2 P-Q5 P-B3 35-P-QB4 3n-PxBP 37- K-R 38- B-BJ 30-R-Q2 KtxKt 40-BxP OxPch41-P-B5 PxQi42-PxKteh Kt-B3i43-R-Kta K-Q 44-R-Kt K-B2 45-KxR B-K214H-B-B9 B-B3j47-BxB R-U 48-K-B2
ZUKERFORT-RETI OPENINO P-B4 3- P-KN3 4- P-KKt3 5- BPxP 6- B-KI3 7- Cas'les 8- PxP 9- P-QR3 10- P-QK'4 11- B-Kta 12- P-K3 13- Q-Q3 14- QKt-Q2 15- RxKt 16- Q-B 17- K-R 18- Kt-KtS 19- RxP 20- Q-B4 :;i-itxPch 22- PxQ 23- RxR 24- R-K 25-B-B then;26-BxKtcli Horowlts i Marchand Blnrk! White Kt-KB3 2a-BxP N-KB3 20-Kt-K4 N-B3 30-P-B5 P-Q431-K-Kt2 KPxPI32-P-Bach Kt-B3 33-KtxB B-K2 34-B-KI7 Castles'35-B-R BxP;36-K-B3 B-Kt3!37-K-K3 R-K38-K-K4 B-KtS!3!)-K-Q4 Kt-K5l40-K-B5 KtxBP 41-B-B8 RxP 42-B-Ba Q-K2!43-BxP R-K344-P-R4 QxKt 45-B-Kt B-K746-B-B2ch OxQ:47-P-R5 K-B48-KxP R-K2'49-B-B5 KtxRlSO-B-KBch fl-OS.Sl.B-R2 R-K52-KK(4 RxBiReslgni KxRI Yanofsky White 1- P-K4 2- Kt-KB3 3- P-Q4 4- KtxP 5- Kt-OBS 6- B-K2 7- B-K3 8- Castle 9- Kt-Kt3 10-P-B4 lt-R-K 12- B-Q4 13- Q-B 14- P-B5 15- PxP lfl-BxQKt 17- B-B2 18- K1-Q2
SICILIAN DEFBNSB McKee i Yanofsky Black! White P-QR4I19-RXP P-Q3'20-R-Kt5 PxP21-Kt-B3 Kt-KB3 22-RxBch P-KKt3l23-H-Q4 B-K12 24-Q-B4 Castles !2,VKt-K4 Kt-B3 28-Kt-Q6 B-K3i27-KtxR Kt-OR4 28-PxKt Kt-B5 29-R-K KtxP 30-K-B2 Kt-BS'Sl-Q-QS PxPi32-R-K7ch BxPi33-Q-Q5ch P-K4'34-Q-B7 R-B 33-K-K P-Q41 turgll Black KtxR Kt-sa F-KtJ P-R4 Kt-OJ BxB B-KtJ P-XI4 B-04 P-RS KtPxP B-Kteh B-B3 H-KB B-BS R-B4 KxKt K-Q R-KScll JtxRch BxP B-K KxB Resign McKea Black B-K3 PxB y-KRj KxR, K-R2 Kt-03 P-B3 Kt-K KtxKtch OxK R-Ktch R-KI3 B-RS K-Kt K-R R-Kt7eh Retlgn Horowitz Black1 pB-K6 1 BK17 The regular New York season closes at empire city K-Q5 K-BH B-B5 K-KtS KxP K-R5 D.riDi " pip that P-KtS B-K7 P-Kt7 K-Rfi BxP B-QB K-KI9 KB8 '27-RxR KxR