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• Robert J. Fischer, 1955 ➦
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• Robert J. Fischer, 1961 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1962 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1963 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1964 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1965 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1966 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1967 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1968 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1969 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1970 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1971 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1972 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1973 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1974 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1975 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1976 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1977 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1978 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1979 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1980 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1981 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1982 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1983 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1984 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1985 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1986 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1987 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1988 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1989 ➦
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• Robert J. Fischer, 1995 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1996 ➦
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• Robert J. Fischer, 1998 ➦
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Chess Columns Additional Archives/Social Media

February 21, 1943 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 21 Feb 1943, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS BY HERMAN STEINER INTERNATIONAL CHESS MASTER Address All Mail to the Chess Editor L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1375 By R. Junker White mates in two. (Wh. 8; Bl. 9.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1376 Br O. Duraa (1st Pr.) nightly by individual arranaement. Visitors are welcome 10 vaich the games at ail Hires. (Group "A") F-rwhow Light Fgelslem Everert .. Hufnagel Vnrkspich. Cohen Wolff Henoerson Polland .. Hoerber .. Aronon . Chernu ..7 ( .Reinhardt. (Group "B") W L. I W. L Dobsevage Coswell . Forti Dr. Luban 'a 7'a Lienne . Martin .. Rier C'-ellert .. Lenk .. Marks ... 5 6 K Pilowsky 8 5 IParadisa .3 .7 Poliycove . Toabin .. Dj:. Collins Patsch .. (Group -C") Lleberman 14 1 itr'kson Jr. Von Sel ..I0' 4't:Jans Jr. . 5' 8' Enckson. 10 Gottlieb. 3'a 8' Datsko ... 9', 4 ' I Alberts .2 3 Ulrich . . 9 3 HarsonJr. 2 9 ' Harrison . 9 5 jLaykin ... I'i 12'4 Hanf . 6 ; Kesner ... 1 9 Look ... iFerer 0 12
RULES OF THE SOLVING CONTEST The winners of each mouth's contest will receive a three-month subscription to the Chess Review, a month's membership in the Chess and Checker Club of Los Angeles. 124 W. Fourth St., and the Hollywood Chess Group. 108 N. Formosa Ave., where they may discuss composing and solving or problems ana end games. Every winner will be marked with a number showing times be was a winner in climbing the ladder. The system will enable 12 (or more in a case of a tie) solvers to win. Solutions sent In answer to this problem will be acknowledged within two weeks after publication if you wish to figure In the "up-to-the-minute'' ladder, the time limit being seven days.
Otherwise credit can only be given in a later ladder. f Problems In thla column may begin with a castling key or have castling as a defense, unless it can be definitely proved that such maneuvers are not legal. Capture keys, "en passant' keys and checking keys are also tolerated, but all tht above types are rather uncommon. The capture of a pawn, however. Is not unusual.
If a problem has no solution, "no solution" must ba claimed in order to scort points. The principal variations are necessary when sending In tht three-movers. Keyt only need be given In two-ers. although it is excellent practice to write out all the distinct variations. Two-movers receive two points.
Three-movers receive three points on our ladder. The 'pr lie is awarded to the leading solver once a month. iHig acora la then canceled? Solvers may become ladderitea at any time. They are expected to solve as individuals or teams but not consult otherwise, i Anyone deslrlnc Information for rhesg literature, chess lessons, address of chesg clubs, or whatever information concerning the game of chess, should send a self-ad-riresed and stamped envelope or card to Herman Sietner, Chesa Editor, Log Angeles Times, Reauests for bark Issues and subscrip tions should be directed to the Circulation Department.
HOLLYWOOD OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP Thla column appearg on Sunday. The Hollywood open championship tour-! r.itrTin tna ivcnm nrrv mr.u Group and played at their headquarters at 108 N. Formosa Ave. has created Interesting competition in all three classes. Due to the fact that some 6, players par-tlcinat (including the ladies' championship tournament, i games are played off White mates in three. (Wis. Hi BL 7.)
SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1371: N-Q3. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1372: N-R4. Wt received solutlong from the following: J. o. Dodge, H. Gimeno (welcoma to our ladder,) D. M. Poole, E. H. Quayle, C. B. Collina (yes.l W. B. Tudor, W. L. Koethen, D. A. Innes. G. F. Holt-Hartford. R. Kingsbury, . E. H. Schadee, F. Margaretten. A. D. Reynolds Sr.. H. Bruhn, G. S. Peck. J. L. Larrabee. Capl. M. C. (welcome to our ladder,) A. Von, C P. Ford. H. I. Moses, J3. Bushueff, J. P. Walsh. M. Rudholm, Private R. L. Bridges. C E. Boyle. J. T. Watson. O. A. Hall. A. S. Prigmore (welcome to our ladder,) M. Moixis, Capt. N. Maxlmov M.C.
CALIFORNIA OPEN STATE ' CHAMPIONSHIP W. L. W. L. Stelner .14 O Light .... 4 '2 4' Barsm ..12 4 Lenk 4'i 6'a Fortl ... 8 6 Chernls .. 3'2 3'a Mrs. Roos 8 6 Dobsevage. 3'i 8'a Fitikelsteln 7 1 K'pilowsky 3'a 8!a Cohen ... 6 7 Martin . . 3 7 Henderson 5 4 Von Sel .. I'i 7'a Hufnagel , 5 5 Bnger ... la 'a Levienne , 5 ; 10 Everett .. 'a 4Va
SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIP The hot Anselei Utah Schools Cham plonshlp Tournament, under (he sponsorship of the Hollywood Chess Group. 1 OK N. Formosa Ave., started last Sunday afternoon with 10 players In Group A. There will be several (roups with 10 players in eai-h formed. It is open ta alt hich fhno pupils.
All those interested eall Mr. Kleiner at Wf.b.ter 8817 after f p.m. The fnllowinr is the stand-inr of the first (roup: w i w x, O. Groves .20 M. Bvrd . 0 i C. Nuese .. I'i 'a O. Blancher 0 1 G. Tianer lis ' E. Hane ... 0 1 Ft.Devenportl 0 E. Rubin .0 1 G. Haimson 1 O C. Bernard.
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA OPEN COLLEGE CHAMPIONSHIP At a meetlnr of eollece students last Sunday at the headquarter nf the Hollywood Chess Group at 108 N. Formosa Ave., it was derided that the tournament start Sunday afternoon. March 7, The tournament is open to all rollere and junior college students. Anyone interested eall Mr. Steiner, WFbsler 8 IT after 6 p.m.
BOOK REVIEW David MrKar has attain published a delltrhifu! little volume enlltled. "Fifty I Great Games of Modern Chess," chosea and annotated by H Uoiomuefc, an English player. It contajns the best limn of the present century played by such masters as Alrkhme. Lasker, Keres. Caps-blgnca, Nimaowltsrh, Eue, Rubinstein, Flohr, Splelman.
Botalnnik. etc. No period has produced so many masterpieceg of the chess player's art, and there i no better way of combining Instruction with amusement than by playing thrnush the great gamrs by the mast-era. Prica 81.23. plus 3 rents postage, and may bt ordered through the cliess editor.
GAME FIVE Ai its best, the style of the Americas master. Marshall, was a wonderful rom-binatinn of visor and artistry in attack, as. for example, in the fnlloninr cam where even the great defensive Player, Burn, meets with most incisive treatment at his hands. GIUOCO PIANO (Ostend. 1905i 15-22, 25-18, 8-11, 20-25, 4-8, 21-20 is an illustration.
Marshall White 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- B-B4 4- P-B3 8-P-Q4 8-PxP Burn Black P-K4 N-QR3 B-B4 N-B.Tsi PxP B-N5ch Marshall While 12- R-Kch 13- B-Q3! 14- KBxN 1.VN-K5! Iti-NxNPch 17-RxBch t8-Q-CMrh 19- P-KR4! 20- P-R3 21- Q-B5 Burn Biscit K-B B-K2fei RPxB PxB K-B2 KxN K-R3 P-N5U. NxP Resign) K-B'b) NxKPici 8-P-Q5 N-K2 0-O-Q4 N-KB3 10- B-KN3 N-N3'd 11- QN-Q2 P-KR3 (al Inviting the Moller attack: a sound alternative is 4. . . . B-N3 followed by l. . . . Q-K2 in order to preserve tha center. (bi The main line of the Moller attack runs 7. N-B3, NxKP; 8. P-Q5. The text leads to the little known Cracow variation. (ci A risky crpture. Safe enotish la 7. . . . P-Q4; 8. PxP, KNxP; B. QN-B3, B-K3. di A better line for Black Is 10. . . . P-B4; 11. Q-K3. N-N.V 12. Q-K4, P-Q3. lei Temnorary relief would nave been provided y 13. . . . BxN. Black's posi tion, however, would still be Inferior. fi If 19. . . . OxR; 20. PxP, dis. eh KxP: 21?N-B3ch, K-BS: 22. P-N3ch, K-N5; 23. (-N6ch and male next move..

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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