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• Robert J. Fischer, 1978 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1979 ➦
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April 13, 1941 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 13 Apr 1941, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor April 13. 1911 L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1181 Br L. Kiss and L. Klein White mates In two (Wh. 8; Bl. 7.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1182 By F. Godager and T. Field White mates In three. 9; Bl. 8.1 SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1177: R-KR8. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1178: KxP. We received aolutlons from the follow-in. a times. R Rnsltn. O. A 'Hall. Dr. R H. Rosa. C. P. Kord, i J. I. Tyler. J. L. Reckerd. A. D. Reynolds! i Sr., A. O. Kirn. L. Sheppard. E. H. 8cha-i Idee. a. C. Lawsnn, Mrs. M. Stafford wel-i 8'05rom4 0 01lr i,dder.) J H. Atherton. L. CI. ' i Hartman. H. J. Gllmore. H. Bruhn, J. T. AiriWllt,on 0 B okes J. P Walsh, R. M.I Ulcrafton. W. C. Nolton. Mrs A. Tovar. O. IPrancis. W Harmon. J. K Lucke. Wll-j i llm H Dlln(.,n, j c Dttke, H. L. ' ntrpag, U Stern, P. Gill. ( I I B NEWS t Sk'FB MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT Games ere progressing for this most Interesting tournament at the headquarters.
Oordnn . .. Hoerber . J!7 Paitersnn .Dobsevaee ENTRIES FOR THIS TEAR'S MATCH WILL CLOSE JULY 1 Get as many entries as you can by that time. i Entry fee la only 25 eenta per section and you can play in as many sections as; you wish to.
There goes the gun! We're' off and may the best team win In the! first National Team Match In United Slates chesa history I Send your entry I2c now to waiter F. James, secretary. Correspondence Chess League of America. 4133 Tyler St., Sioux City. la.
THE (.HCSR DUAKU For explanation of the gymbola of the chess board, we are printing Dr. Tarrasch's version taken from his excellent work, "The Game of ChekS." "Before anything else, the beginner must learn the name or rather, the two names! of each of Uie squares on the board and must practice recognising the squares by their names. This he will be able to do after ha has studied the diagram. (In diagrams the player of the White forces always assumed to be seated at the lower end if the board, the player of the Black at the upper. The board is so placed that each player has a white square at his right-hand corner.) "The sixty-four squares form vertical flies and horiaontnl ranks.
In the English notation the tiles are called after the names of the pieces which at the beginning of the game occupy their end squares. Going from left, to right in the following dlaaram remember White is at the lower end, Black at the upper we have the Queen's Rook file, the Queen's Knight's, the Queen's Bishop s, the Queen s, the King's, the King s Bishops, the King s Knight's and the King's Rooks. The ranks are numbered from one to eight, each player counting from his own end of the board. Thus Black s eighth rank. Is White's first.
White's eighth Is Black s first. The beginner will find In diagram No. 1 the names of the squares. The upper symbols in esch square show Black's name for it. the lower White's.
The abbreviations used are: K for King's. Q for Queen's. R for Rook's, B for Bishop's and Kt for Knight a (These abbreviations ere also used to denote the names of the pieces. Thus K may aland for 'King' or 'King's,' Q4 for Queen' or Queen's.' etc. Sq an abbreviation of squares is frequently used instead of 1." Black 0RA OK'8 0B S ,08.
QK'7 QB7; Q7 K7. KB7 KIC7KR7 SUD Elft VBO V t Jn(aioa QR 8 QK'6 QB4 ; Q8 KB KB 6 Krf6 KR6 No. just a 11. n standings nf players with many ol games unfinished the i w. Wolff 1 iQuillen ... l's Woliston .. 3 Meehan . . . 2 j Levin ... i Preedman 3 ls Aronsun . . 12 Snilier ... l's F.vereU 7 Henderson 4'i'rV Uelnh rdt W. 2 7 14 IP, 1 3 White THK IORSVTHK NOTTIOX The board is placed before the plarer as is usual la diagrams, with the White side nest lo Ton It la then read as one would Vi'2 a read the lines on a psge. the rowg of squires being regarded ".the lines, be-, ginning with Bier g a Queen's Boog square Bmall letter, are used tor the name, of . the Rlark mere, and Roman raoiiala are used for the White pieces.
Fieurea represent the number of consecutive vacant squares, and a semicolon designates the at first-end of the row of figures LOU CITY CHAMPIONSHIP ! Pr Instance, suppose a Black Rook stood ; i ,A,m.ur nn.QRsq: then the nest t.o squares .and Bsi were varantineji. championship which be. on Q square, nesi the Black King on his, ami on March 1 at the Log Angelea Chess own square, then another vacant squares . 124 W. fourth Bt. I according to schedule The following the present standing of players: Elliott Donnely Hmiin . Dohsevste i Hufnagel Lsub W. Kendall . 0 ;Dr. Burns 1 Waterman 1 'i lviisn . . l'i;Pr. Malig 0 lOiesen ,. Is progressing 'KB; nest a Black Kt on Kt sq . and the la last aquare KKi is vacant, mia wouia ire.d. r2i.k-K,i. .
. Now uppn n nM! row or latum - w. 1 1 1 ilihe original pawn row) Pawn on QR3, Q-KI2 and QB2 the nest square iQ2 la vacant: then a White Pawn on K2: the neat square ikb2 Is vacant, nest a Black Pawn on KK'2 and the last square. KR2 Is vacant. This would read. If the entire row nf squares is CORRESPONDENCE CHESS
I.IAGlt OE vacant. It would be designated by the iv, AMERICA : number a. Officially organised chess Invites you to 'From the CH Championship Tournament) iPlay on your team In the flrsi annual 'national 118 team match. East versus West.
Mississippi River la the dividing: line Open to all chesa players in the: viiiivu Dime. Elliott White 1- P-K4 2- N-KB.l 3- R-B4 4- P-B1 5- O-O n-P-04 7-p.QS Oil 4 , 7,, nmion.wide match la con- ducted bv the Correspondence Chesa Leaeue of America, which is the only official member nt the ecu. USCF to participate in this match modern in. B.n the Instruction and entertainment value of j.n Kl correspondence chess.
Dr. Euwe. ex-world moderator-champion, said that correspondence eh" 1 14-R-K AMyWvS Memotiii To mem. ' strong French amaieur to play correspond. h.l ' - - i nernn OIUOCO PIANO Levltan ! Elliott Black ! White P-K4!lVN-Q4 N-OB3I1A-P-B4 B-B4 n-N-K g-KJ ia.-N.R1 P-U1 11-PxKP B-N.1 70-Q-O4 N-Q!21-RsN p-on:i 2i-op P-KB4i21.BsBch BP 24-R-K! B-R22-QsR N-KB1 2o.P-ON4 RiB 27-N-BS.rh N-B2i2sOrh Bi.c'k B r1 I ww. PKMj B-N4 P-RV NsKP: R-R psR P.P p.n 1 N-N 2 K-0-' Q-B1 K-03 Resigns Improve hla game. That s what Alekhine oio nimen in nis younger oav. This event will give you en opportunity In nlav rorresnondenre chesa in an Official. ln""c tournament not nm a 'hobby igroup" or advertising feature Thte is mod lime of year to atari enrresnondence !" developed and ready for the eaeltlng imiddle-game battle nest fall nd winter.
SVTr.M IOR MATCHING PLAVtRS 1. Plaverg will be divided Into ilk classes 2 Classes will be divided Into sections of three plavers on each team There will 'not be a Hoard No. 1. Board Nn, 1, etc . so on down the line from top "A" lo lowest "P." hut a section In any cleat will Be started as soon as three players on both trams are ready in the same class.
The first .en ion ready tn stall will be No I regardless nf what class it la In, and the neat sen Inn started will be Nn. 2. etc . but the aasianment sheet wiU also Identify the class the section Is In, 3. The East Team players will be numbered I. 2 and J In all sections, and the West Team playera UI be numbered 4, I and White 1- N-KH1 2- P-ONJ J-B-N'J 4- P-K1 5- P-04 K-S-Ql 7-N-P.1 a.p-om -o-o 10- BP4 11- P-Q. 12- PsP tll-B-KJ 14-N-W4 is-q-q; Freedmsn Black P-Q4 R-tJl DUTCH DEFENSE Freedmen Chernis Black White P-KH4 ! lft-OR-Q N-KBV17-N-B1 P-mUA-P-NJ B-K7 11-NQ4 P-Q1 :20-P-B4 OOJl-O-OI N-B1i??-B-Bl P-QHl'21-BsN Qin Q-K?4-NtP P-KH4 O ft4 i?VN-KB1 P-B1 N-Q'-'n-N-N B-B4 BP:37-N-KS O-Rl iH-OsB BsPeh B Ol rfl-K-R N-K.l K-R 30-NlR Resigns NIMF.OVITCH DEFF.NSF, Boroehow Dobsevaae, Bororhow Dobsevege B-pilthen I r-k ;S;,that White IP-K4 J-P-Q4 3- PP 4- B-K1 5- N-QH1 tl-N-BI 7-B-K.a S-O-O PsB 10-R-K Black N-UH1 P-V14 QsP P-K4 B-QN!i B N4 White I7-BB4 IS-RsR IS-P 0-R-Kkch Jl-P-KRJ 23-Q-K7 4 Player No I (East) wilt play lwoi-NsP BsON34-R-nS KN-Kllait-flvP 0-03fi-RN BRJ7-PB4 NsN I5S-K-R2 KR-K 7.-04 i-KS in-o-tj P-B4 IM-O-K Q-N4 33-Q-Kfi OUKFNR OAMBIT PKCIINCT Btelner Kovaca'at'elner Knvars IJ-NsN 11-UsR I4-P-WB4 U-P-OB1 ld-QOJ re Black N-KB.1 P-4 P-Kl P-R1 eamea with 4. s and A (West players Plaver No. 3 (East) will plav two gamea witfi 4. S and Player No, 3 (Faatl will plav Iwo games with 4. i end ft. Thus earh player will have aig gamea In a section. Plavers, t, 3 and 1 will not play aamea with each other because thev will ail tie nn the Kast team. Likewise. 4. 1 and ft will not plav with earh other WhHe because they will be on the West team. I-P-D4 Plavers 1, 2 and .1 will aend the Oral 3 N-KB.1 cards and plavers 4. and will aian 3-P-B4 the second game on their first reply card 4-N-B1 No team captains will be necessary be. -B-N cause all aames will be reported to Wil- ft-P-KI Mam Wllcock. nRlclal C.CLA games re.
7-BiN corder. 337 Clvde Ave. Jamealown. NY,, II-N-Q7 and regular C CL A. retereea will aectae w-w-ru any elaims that may come up 10-B-O1 ft Scores will be reported in the Chesa It -P-R4 Correspondent by the individuel result, and IJ-O-O bv the combined score or eaen aeennn.
ana i i-r-wnj the prosressive total score ol each team. 114-PsB A ANNl'AL MATCH TOI RMAMfNT, IJlpgNP mmu. np riAMES 17-B-N wi l he publtsKed n an innu.l Tourne. QUEEN R OAMBIT DECLINED Black RsRrh HOI P-KR1 K-R3 Q B NO Q-R4 Q-N1 R-B7 QB Q-ON.Vh Q-B7 QRP P-KN1 K N3 Resigns White IS.Q.R 30- P-KS 31- P-N4 33-R-BI ONCWI31-R-R1 O R4 134-PsP NsB 3-P-B4 B-N5 I 3S-N-B1' O-O 37-B-BSI R-K P-B4 B-Q3 BsN BR P-QN4 menl Booh to he sold t reaaonable pnrea. I s)ielner ?A-RB "(t.K-R 10- BsNt 3t-OsP 13-R-Neh 11- O-BHch! P-BS 74-RsR ort-N !NNeh RP'.lft--KSeh Black P-Nl N-R4 NN3 R-N3 PR4 NP KPiP P-B R-Ql RsB K-N3 PR R-K1 R-N) K-R3 PR K-N Resigns fiord"- to There will probably be ton man gamee for one bonk, but they ran be divided Into separate volumes These books will be wnnderlill collection for any chess library and a valuable addition lo the literature of chess 7 Playera do nol have lo he niemhera nf the CCLA to play In this national event.
Oet your Irlenda to enter, net your whole cluh tn en'er It will be greet sport and esfltlng entertainment of t high woNnmrn. pi bi.k itt for chess If we an get aeveral thousand playera into thia match (and we fart If you get ThessU-.d pre.. "" twtf start enmmg m V'mmIM" Z Your local wiih ptf turfs of the metrh Chess heeds gone publicity like this lo keep It K.ln. ,h nuhlii. tr the ih...
nlavera havei'hemselvea doni see to It that ehesa gets ii. we are missing our ppiwrmiiMv anu neetertlng one duty In the royal game. Will you he risht In there ftahttne for our team? personally. I'm tfl bu to White l-P-04 J-N-KBJ 3- B-Nfl 4- P-B4 fi-N-BI H-P-K1 7-P-ORJ .pP .NN in-n-sni ll-B-1 I3H-QS 11-R-N 14-R-N i-B B4 A r on son Rlark H-KB7 P-KJ P-W4 ON-QJ B-K1 o-o P.WN1 NsP PvN M-B1 r R4 P-B4 B-Ol f-KR.l P-NJ Rtelner A ronton White Black IS-N-KS B-N3 I7-P-B4 R-KJ Ift-O-O P-ON4 I0-R-KB3 fK 30- RsR QtR 31- BsN Ptfl 33-fl-NI O-Kl 71-Q-n' K-R7 M.O-R4 R-KN 3H-N-N4 P-N4 3S-PP RvP I7.R-B!' P-R4 3SN.P RR 311-NgP flll. tn O Resigns Qt'FEN S OAMBtT DECLINED A son son IverelUri,hon tereLt 8 A.F,L.iiit m pirtpt ; ,h .. Tnf i'V J?. 'J.TJl' M U" iiisnesl in tnf v.nese worrrspvnacn. While nisrklWhlle J.N.KR3 rf-B7hl-N-K4 3. P-B4 P-K1I4.P.KR 4. M-P1 RKiltS-NiRli-NI fi-B-NK QN-QJ IS-N-al .p.yi o-o I7-P P 7-p-trtl R-K l-PtN 5.
Q.Rl ' 17-OsP 4-S-Q N-RiJn.RtP I0-B-Q3 PaP'JINtP U-BlP R.Q4'23-N-NSeB Black OsR fl-KNI K-R N-Bl R-R QvN PP K-R Q-n? Naai Resit n I.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

Special Thanks