OCR Text
CHESS BY HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor April 26, 1942 L A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1289 By P. O. White mates in two. (Wh. 8; Bl. 10.) L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1290. By A. c. Challenger. Solution to problem no. i286: W. Lawrence, F. B. Sheldon, O. Francis, H. P. Matoslan. Tyler. A. L. BucKmsn. W. Harmon. J. O. Dodge. M. Morns. O. S. Kibbey. C, Drake. J. J. Fonseca. C. B. Collins. C. P. Ford. M. Rudholm, O A. Hall. W. L. Koeten. A. D. Rey-noldt Sr.. 1. Margarettei,, O D. Donald, Mrs. F. Tovar. Rev. P. Prichard, R. H. Hays, S. J. McConnel.
Standings In the United Bute. Chess Federation championship tournament beuia ncm in New York: I MENS CHAMPIONSHIP Isaac Kashdan ...7'i t Chernev ... 3 4 iReshevsky ..l'i 'i Oreen 3 4 Penker S'g S'i Levin 3 5 (Horowitr, ...4't l'i Pilnick 2 6 Pinkus 4'i 3'j Altman 3 iSteiner 4 3 :Hahlbohm 4'i jSeidman 4 4 iLevin l'j 4'i Baker 4 4 iLessing l's WOMEN B CHAMPIONSHIP and an ttttack is otten made on an unoccupied square, the possession of which gives a key position, alwayt at. the dis posal ot one s own forces and can be used as occasion requires. These key squares are usually the center of the board. For Instance, White's K5 is always an important square against a close defense On the other hand, In the Siciltsn Defense, the key square Is Blaek't OB5 around the control of which his who.e strategy is formed but which he only occupies gt the critical stage nf the gme. Similarly in the Indian Defense to the, Queen s the vital squares are Blaek't K4 and QB4.
Modern experience has taujht that provided some of these tmportinl squares can be adequately controlled, it is permissible to violate some of the principles laid down by Steinlts. The latter pays special attention to the disadvantages of holes in the center nf the board. He defines these as -squares on the third or fourth rows in front of ft pawn after the two adjoining pawns have been moved." He expressly condemns the, pawn formation K4. QB4 and Q3. Yet Niemr.owitsrh has met with considerable success with thl identical formation.
h grip maintained on the square OS being of more importance than any weaknest in his 0 Niemso-witsch White 1- P-OB4 2- S-OB3 3- S-B1 4- P-K4 5- P-OI B-P-KS3 7- B-K2 8- B-K3 wn camp. Samlseh Black P-K4 8-KB1 S-B3 B-(?5 P-03 B-S5 P-KR3 BxS Nlemr.o-wltsch White 9-pxb lo-g'-B2 H-Q-Q2 12- P-KR3 13- S-Sl 14- P-B3 15- P-Q4 16-PxP and ,n Bsmlsch Biaclc 0-03 OO B-R2 BxP B-83 B-K3 PxP mutt - White mates in three. iWh. 10. Bl. 5.) TO PROBLEM NO. 1285 R-K. I j. r. wauon. b. Bustiueff. 2" 'Br'un' i- e. &$SJr niece. One result of the growing knowledge of chess, which increased after Stetnl'i became world's champion, wsa the realtjg-tion of the power of the king as a fighting piece.
He was first to clearly lay down the principle that every unit o the chess board had attacking potentialities. At that time the power of the kin for the pawn ending was valued by the best, piavers aa dbout that of a minor piece. Stelnltg was Inclined In extend this valuation to alt parts of the game.. It 1 clear from the following diagram from one of Capablanca's games at Buda-. pest tournament that the power of th 'king play ie a decisive factor in slrat'gy, Capablanca has succeeded in maneuver, i ins his king into a formidable post.
The I position of the king neutralises the ad-i vantage nf the three pawns to two on the oneen side and after the sacrifice: Black's king side pawns advance with irresistioie lorce. Black: Capablancg j w. L. Miss Karff. 5 0 Mrs, Rons . Bain 2 3 Miss Har'ath 1 3 Mlsa Raettlg.l 4 Mist Fawmt.. ', 3'i Reshrvsky White 1- P-04 2- P-WB4 a-Kt-qni 4- p-oih 5- Pxli 5-P-K3 7-B-Q.1 fl-BPxP D-Kt-Iia !n-g-Ka From the championship tournament the United Siatet chest Federation. Of NIM2!0WIT8CH DEFEN8B U-P-K4 13- PxP 14- B-KKtS 15- QxB H-Csstlei 17-OR-B 1R-KR-K 19- B-Q2 20- BxR Levin IReshevsky Levin Black; White Black Kt-Kll.121.n-Q2 R-Q P-K322-Q-K2 Kt-Kt B-Kt.l j23-Kt-KS Q-R4 BxKteh'24--B4 Kt-K P-B4 25-B-KI4 Q-K'4 Csstles l2fl.p.R4 Q-B3 P-Q4 127-P-OR4 KI-02 0P(2-Kt-B6 R-R P-QKI3 20-P-B5 PxP B-Kt230-P-K5 O-RS Q-R4I31-P-KH PxP PxP!32-xPch K-R B-R3i.13-xKt Kt-B3 BxBI34-4xRP P-QR4 QKt-Q235-B-B.l R-KB KR-QB!3-r.'-K7 Q-Ktn Q-KI337-KTKlrh K-Kt P-KR33S-g-Kch R-B2 RxRI39-Kt-K5 RttiBIlt R-QBl
BUDAPEST DEFENSE Ksshdan Pllnlck Kaahdan rilnlrk White Black White , Black 1- P-04 Kt-KB3 lH-KR-Kt P-KI3 2- P-QB4 P-K4 19-Q-Q5 J-K 3- PxP Kt-Kt5 20-B-K3 Kt-K2 4- B-B4 Kt-QB3 21-Q-Q4ch KI-B3 B-KI-KB3 B-Kt5rh22-B-FtA R-B2 fi-Kt-B3 Q-K2 23-B-KtS Kt-Kt 7-Q-QS BxKlch !24-B-C)3 T-B4 a-l'sll P-B3 35-BsR PxQ D-PxP KtxP(B3) 2-BxQ PxP 10- O-Q3 P-Q3 27-R.HJ RxB 11- P-KI3 Caatles 2H-B-B4 R-OB 12- B-KI2 Kt-K5 a-BBP P-W4 13- Castlet R.ri4 30-OR-QB R-K 14- KI-R4 P-KKt3 31-B-K3 Kt-K2 15- KtxB PxKt 52-B-Q4 K-Kt2 1-QR-Kt, QR-Kt 33-R-KJ Reslint 17-R-KtI K-R y r'-Tt fTl M M M to S 1 SIS wm mt m m 5ia White: Merenyl The conclution nf the tame wtt: 30- . . . RxSI 35-K-B1 P-KH 31- PxRe KxP3fl-R-Kl PxBP 32- P-83 P-K84 37-RxP KxR 33- P-OS P-B5 3-PxRP P-B 34- P-B5 P-B5 I39-Relin There is now much more chess expert, ence available and. a natural result ot it, a tendency to play with more restraint and circumspection, for (his experience stored up In the vest number of recorded games cannot but help to strengthen the delentlve play of the best playert. But It Is a mistake to suppose that drawn c nines are lacking in incident. Many contain the gems ot remarkable brilliant combinations which do not come ta fruition on account of the fartithted. nest of the adversary.
Black: Rfll m i 0 awa 1 :a m mm RUY LOPEZ Seidman White 1- P-K4 2- KI-KB3 1-B-KI3 4-B-R4 ft-Cetle n-Q-Ki 7-B-Kt,1 B-P-QR4 o-p-nj IO-P-kKJ li.R-Q ia-p-ot 13- P-KK14 14- B-Q5 15- PxKt. ili-PxHP 17-OKt-QJ l.Qx8 19.Q-KIS Rethevaky Black P-K4 Kt-QB3 P-QR3 Kt-B3 R-K2 P-QKI4 B-Kti Cat ics B-R4 P-KtS PxRP O-Kt KtxB B-Kti Kt-R4 PxP R- O-Kt-R Jl--Jt4 Seidman wnite 22-KI-B5 23- Kt-K. 24- Qxn 25- U-KI4. 2R-R-Kt 27-RxKt 3H-Q-KIT 20-Q-KI3 30- Q-R'J 31- KI-Q4 33-Pxp 33- KtxP 34- P-KtS 3R.Q-R1 3B-Q-R3 37-QsP Reaiint Reshevsky Black P-KB3 B-B7 BxR RxKl Q-K Kt-Kt" KtxB p.B7 S-4 R-Kl P-KR4 PxP Q-K Q-K7 PxP RxKt B-K5 Q-Ktcb K EVOLVTIO.t Of MODERN tlUM BY XAMAT (concluded. I To Stelhitg modern ehes thnuht.
tin. dnubledi nwet a great deal In distinction to his predecessors,' who. as first players. Invariably made the hostile king the immediate object of attack, he laid down ths theory that "rapture nf the hostile king ie the ultimata but not the first ohiert nf the game.'' B trill he meant tint, before a mating attack can b successful! carried thrmieh, superiority nf force must he achieved nr at gne rat the hntttle pntlllnn undermined by maneuvers In other Par( nf the hoard Nowtdart the principle 11 carried further White; Niemgowittch In the above position CD playert eul of lOOjkwniild have played the nbrlnut move, V-Q84. This would have lost by a ptere of extraordinary subtle ttrategy; f. P-QS4, RxP 2. HxH, QxP: 3. Q-RQ1, P-R7: 4. RxB, P-RB equall Q and wini gt Whlte't threat of mate it prevented. If 3. R-OBl.-QxR-t-l 4. Bxq. RxB4-i 5, 8-K1. BxR, and will queen the pawn. Another Instance nf the hidden charm nf the tame which every player will sea when the ideal behind the minds of the players are revealed occurred In the tame between CaPablanca and Niemtowltlch al Bad Kltsrngrn, Black: Niemzowitsch White; the 8 file with the rank, wrim would nave followed a brilliant tnttini altarki 1. B-K4, h K2: 3, KA-85. r8. 4 8-B, 8x8, . B-K4 and mat It loreed. trtom Modern Mattcrplar).
Standings In the United Bute. Chess Federation championship tournament beuia ncm in New York: I MENS CHAMPIONSHIP Isaac Kashdan ...7'i t Chernev ... 3 4 iReshevsky ..l'i 'i Oreen 3 4 Penker S'g S'i Levin 3 5 (Horowitr, ...4't l'i Pilnick 2 6 Pinkus 4'i 3'j Altman 3 iSteiner 4 3 :Hahlbohm 4'i jSeidman 4 4 iLevin l'j 4'i Baker 4 4 iLessing l's WOMEN B CHAMPIONSHIP and an ttttack is otten made on an unoccupied square, the possession of which gives a key position, alwayt at. the dis posal ot one s own forces and can be used as occasion requires. These key squares are usually the center of the board. For Instance, White's K5 is always an important square against a close defense On the other hand, In the Siciltsn Defense, the key square Is Blaek't OB5 around the control of which his who.e strategy is formed but which he only occupies gt the critical stage nf the gme. Similarly in the Indian Defense to the, Queen s the vital squares are Blaek't K4 and QB4.
Modern experience has taujht that provided some of these tmportinl squares can be adequately controlled, it is permissible to violate some of the principles laid down by Steinlts. The latter pays special attention to the disadvantages of holes in the center nf the board. He defines these as -squares on the third or fourth rows in front of ft pawn after the two adjoining pawns have been moved." He expressly condemns the, pawn formation K4. QB4 and Q3. Yet Niemr.owitsrh has met with considerable success with thl identical formation.
h grip maintained on the square OS being of more importance than any weaknest in his 0 Niemso-witsch White 1- P-OB4 2- S-OB3 3- S-B1 4- P-K4 5- P-OI B-P-KS3 7- B-K2 8- B-K3 wn camp. Samlseh Black P-K4 8-KB1 S-B3 B-(?5 P-03 B-S5 P-KR3 BxS Nlemr.o-wltsch White 9-pxb lo-g'-B2 H-Q-Q2 12- P-KR3 13- S-Sl 14- P-B3 15- P-Q4 16-PxP and ,n Bsmlsch Biaclc 0-03 OO B-R2 BxP B-83 B-K3 PxP mutt - White mates in three. iWh. 10. Bl. 5.) TO PROBLEM NO. 1285 R-K. I j. r. wauon. b. Bustiueff. 2" 'Br'un' i- e. &$SJr niece. One result of the growing knowledge of chess, which increased after Stetnl'i became world's champion, wsa the realtjg-tion of the power of the king as a fighting piece.
He was first to clearly lay down the principle that every unit o the chess board had attacking potentialities. At that time the power of the kin for the pawn ending was valued by the best, piavers aa dbout that of a minor piece. Stelnltg was Inclined In extend this valuation to alt parts of the game.. It 1 clear from the following diagram from one of Capablanca's games at Buda-. pest tournament that the power of th 'king play ie a decisive factor in slrat'gy, Capablanca has succeeded in maneuver, i ins his king into a formidable post.
The I position of the king neutralises the ad-i vantage nf the three pawns to two on the oneen side and after the sacrifice: Black's king side pawns advance with irresistioie lorce. Black: Capablancg j w. L. Miss Karff. 5 0 Mrs, Rons . Bain 2 3 Miss Har'ath 1 3 Mlsa Raettlg.l 4 Mist Fawmt.. ', 3'i Reshrvsky White 1- P-04 2- P-WB4 a-Kt-qni 4- p-oih 5- Pxli 5-P-K3 7-B-Q.1 fl-BPxP D-Kt-Iia !n-g-Ka From the championship tournament the United Siatet chest Federation. Of NIM2!0WIT8CH DEFEN8B U-P-K4 13- PxP 14- B-KKtS 15- QxB H-Csstlei 17-OR-B 1R-KR-K 19- B-Q2 20- BxR Levin IReshevsky Levin Black; White Black Kt-Kll.121.n-Q2 R-Q P-K322-Q-K2 Kt-Kt B-Kt.l j23-Kt-KS Q-R4 BxKteh'24--B4 Kt-K P-B4 25-B-KI4 Q-K'4 Csstles l2fl.p.R4 Q-B3 P-Q4 127-P-OR4 KI-02 0P(2-Kt-B6 R-R P-QKI3 20-P-B5 PxP B-Kt230-P-K5 O-RS Q-R4I31-P-KH PxP PxP!32-xPch K-R B-R3i.13-xKt Kt-B3 BxBI34-4xRP P-QR4 QKt-Q235-B-B.l R-KB KR-QB!3-r.'-K7 Q-Ktn Q-KI337-KTKlrh K-Kt P-KR33S-g-Kch R-B2 RxRI39-Kt-K5 RttiBIlt R-QBl
BUDAPEST DEFENSE Ksshdan Pllnlck Kaahdan rilnlrk White Black White , Black 1- P-04 Kt-KB3 lH-KR-Kt P-KI3 2- P-QB4 P-K4 19-Q-Q5 J-K 3- PxP Kt-Kt5 20-B-K3 Kt-K2 4- B-B4 Kt-QB3 21-Q-Q4ch KI-B3 B-KI-KB3 B-Kt5rh22-B-FtA R-B2 fi-Kt-B3 Q-K2 23-B-KtS Kt-Kt 7-Q-QS BxKlch !24-B-C)3 T-B4 a-l'sll P-B3 35-BsR PxQ D-PxP KtxP(B3) 2-BxQ PxP 10- O-Q3 P-Q3 27-R.HJ RxB 11- P-KI3 Caatles 2H-B-B4 R-OB 12- B-KI2 Kt-K5 a-BBP P-W4 13- Castlet R.ri4 30-OR-QB R-K 14- KI-R4 P-KKt3 31-B-K3 Kt-K2 15- KtxB PxKt 52-B-Q4 K-Kt2 1-QR-Kt, QR-Kt 33-R-KJ Reslint 17-R-KtI K-R y r'-Tt fTl M M M to S 1 SIS wm mt m m 5ia White: Merenyl The conclution nf the tame wtt: 30- . . . RxSI 35-K-B1 P-KH 31- PxRe KxP3fl-R-Kl PxBP 32- P-83 P-K84 37-RxP KxR 33- P-OS P-B5 3-PxRP P-B 34- P-B5 P-B5 I39-Relin There is now much more chess expert, ence available and. a natural result ot it, a tendency to play with more restraint and circumspection, for (his experience stored up In the vest number of recorded games cannot but help to strengthen the delentlve play of the best playert. But It Is a mistake to suppose that drawn c nines are lacking in incident. Many contain the gems ot remarkable brilliant combinations which do not come ta fruition on account of the fartithted. nest of the adversary.
Black: Rfll m i 0 awa 1 :a m mm RUY LOPEZ Seidman White 1- P-K4 2- KI-KB3 1-B-KI3 4-B-R4 ft-Cetle n-Q-Ki 7-B-Kt,1 B-P-QR4 o-p-nj IO-P-kKJ li.R-Q ia-p-ot 13- P-KK14 14- B-Q5 15- PxKt. ili-PxHP 17-OKt-QJ l.Qx8 19.Q-KIS Rethevaky Black P-K4 Kt-QB3 P-QR3 Kt-B3 R-K2 P-QKI4 B-Kti Cat ics B-R4 P-KtS PxRP O-Kt KtxB B-Kti Kt-R4 PxP R- O-Kt-R Jl--Jt4 Seidman wnite 22-KI-B5 23- Kt-K. 24- Qxn 25- U-KI4. 2R-R-Kt 27-RxKt 3H-Q-KIT 20-Q-KI3 30- Q-R'J 31- KI-Q4 33-Pxp 33- KtxP 34- P-KtS 3R.Q-R1 3B-Q-R3 37-QsP Reaiint Reshevsky Black P-KB3 B-B7 BxR RxKl Q-K Kt-Kt" KtxB p.B7 S-4 R-Kl P-KR4 PxP Q-K Q-K7 PxP RxKt B-K5 Q-Ktcb K EVOLVTIO.t Of MODERN tlUM BY XAMAT (concluded. I To Stelhitg modern ehes thnuht.
tin. dnubledi nwet a great deal In distinction to his predecessors,' who. as first players. Invariably made the hostile king the immediate object of attack, he laid down ths theory that "rapture nf the hostile king ie the ultimata but not the first ohiert nf the game.'' B trill he meant tint, before a mating attack can b successful! carried thrmieh, superiority nf force must he achieved nr at gne rat the hntttle pntlllnn undermined by maneuvers In other Par( nf the hoard Nowtdart the principle 11 carried further White; Niemgowittch In the above position CD playert eul of lOOjkwniild have played the nbrlnut move, V-Q84. This would have lost by a ptere of extraordinary subtle ttrategy; f. P-QS4, RxP 2. HxH, QxP: 3. Q-RQ1, P-R7: 4. RxB, P-RB equall Q and wini gt Whlte't threat of mate it prevented. If 3. R-OBl.-QxR-t-l 4. Bxq. RxB4-i 5, 8-K1. BxR, and will queen the pawn. Another Instance nf the hidden charm nf the tame which every player will sea when the ideal behind the minds of the players are revealed occurred In the tame between CaPablanca and Niemtowltlch al Bad Kltsrngrn, Black: Niemzowitsch White; the 8 file with the rank, wrim would nave followed a brilliant tnttini altarki 1. B-K4, h K2: 3, KA-85. r8. 4 8-B, 8x8, . B-K4 and mat It loreed. trtom Modern Mattcrplar).