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August 10, 1941 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 10 Aug 1941, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Moster AHrlrtti all mail to Chess Editor L A TIMES PROBLEM NO. B A. J. White mates in two. (Wh. 10; Bl. T.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1216 Bt J. Pospistl Tovur. J. A. Prink. M. Rudholm. I. Sheppard. O. Francn. J. O. Dodf. J. C. Drake. O. A. Hall. J. 3. Curr. . F. Watson. Whit matei In three. (Wh. t; Bl. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1211: NIQ6I-B4. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1212: Wt received solution from the lollow- Inc L. Harlman-Relter. F. B Bheldon, M.D. Rabbi B. Mnlriawaky. Charles P. Ford. Willard Harmon. E. H. Schadee. R. M. Craitnn. J. 'H. Atherton. Hemin Bruhn. y. C. Noltlni
NATION'S NEWS The United Statea open tournament, held In St. Louis, Mo.. wa on by Reuben Fine. world famoua Chess player. occnna place was won by Herman Steiner, International chess master, and third place Weaver Adams. Herman Stelner will give several exhlbt tlons on the East coast, and after the trip from east to west coast he will prepare for a treat event the nation's treat- eat chess anair.
Mtss Lola Klbbee, Totint Hollywood actress and niece of Hollywood a famous Guy Klbbee. has Kilned the publicity sisl of "America s Greatest Chess Exhibition" for the British War Relief Association. This oulstandint event will be held at the Hollywood Athletic Club, September 7, be-ginnint at 1 p.m. On September 7. Herman Bteiner will make the first move that will to down In history of the chess world, and it will be the duty of all California chess players to come and make this the mightiest chess attraction ever witnessed.
While movlnt their thousands of chessmen, they will donate with every move toward bulldlna t new world dedicated to liberty, and the help of the sutler ln people in the commonwealth of the Entlish nation. Their flsht for liberty can not be pictured better than on chess board. When you all come and move your army on the M squares you may fie sure that your spirit will help to checkmate the Insidious power of the world's most hated Individual. The respons Is frowln day by day. From many letters hSvetrecelved, her are two to be published: FROM United Slates Dept. of Interior Dear Mr. Sterner: Enclosed Is my money order for applica tion for a reservation In your stupendous exhibition I returned from Oklahoma for this event. Cordially yours, T. R. H. WILLIAMS. FROM 20th Century-Fox Studios Dear Mr. Kovacs: I think you may be Interested to know how many people over her at, 20th-Fox are lookint forward to participating in Mr. 8telner'a forthcoming exhibition. In the meantime I hope that a similar amount of Interest wilt develop in the other studios.
I'm sure thst never before has there been an opportunity to contribute so painlessly (outside of the positions which will arise In the actual tames) to such A worthy cause. Sincerely yours, 20TH-CENTURY FOX STUDIOS. Due to the fact that Mayor Bowron has tlven us the support of our exhibition for the British War Relief Association, and the ticket sale to Charles Boyer, Ronald Colman, J, Edward Brombert to the organization of 20th Century-Fox, Metro-Ooldwyn-Mayer and Warner Brothers Studios, to Lockheed Aircraft. Associated Press, KFWB, and The Times. It Is the time to get the treat radio protrsm over KFI-KECA and KFWB in full swing and make sura that the news reaches every home where chess players live.
All chess players of California are requested herewith to write for all information and tickets to the Chess column of the Los Ange les Times or British war Relief, 3578 Wil-shire Blvd., Los Angeles. Directors of Arrangements: Directors of Arrangements: Edward Ko-vscs. Jay Chernis. Committee of the B.W.R.A.: Charles Boyer. Louis Berkoff.i J. Edward Brombert, Ronald Colmsn. Dave Davidson, Frank Oarbutt. John Garfield. Charles Hathaway. Charles Henderson. Russell Hushes. Walter Hersbrun, Basil Rathbone, Gottfried Bernhardt, Wolfgang Reinhardt, Jose Rodrigue7. Joseph Schlld-kraut. Richard Sehayer, Charles E. Skou-ras, Clark Thomas.
SECOND ROUND DOUBLE FIANCHETTO DEFENSE Stelner White 1- P-Q4 2- Kt.-KB3 3- P-KKI3 4- B-K12 5- Ctstles 6- P-B4 7- Kt-B3 ; 8- Q-B2 9- R-K in-PxP -n-KtxP 12- KtxKt 13- KxB 14- P-K4 15- B-KI5 16- OR-B 17- P-B3 1S-B-K3 19-KR-Q THIRD ROUND BUDAPEST DEFENSE Holland Fine Holland Fine White Black Whit Black 1-P-Q4 KI-KH3 23-Q-K1 Q-KI4 J-P-OB4 P-K4 24-P-B4 PxP 3- R-KKtS P-KR3 2S-RxP R-B7 4- B-R4 - KI-B3 3H-R-Q2 O K4 8- P-QS Kl-OS 27-R-R RxR 6- P-K3 . KI-B4 2)-QxR QxKP 7- BvKt QsB JA-R-Hi R-B4 -KI-B3 B-KI5 30-K-K2 RxF 9- Q-K13 RxKlch 31-Q-K Q.Q5ch 10-QxB Castlea 32-K-B , R-B4ch U-KI-B3 P-3 33-R-R2 RxRrh 12- B-Q3 R-K 34-OxR OxOch 13- BxKt BxB IVKxQ P-B4 14- C'slles P-B3 H-K-K3 K-B2 15- QH-a PxP 37-K-Q4 K-K3 l-PxP OR-B 38.P-OKI3 P-Kt4 17- Q-KI4 P-QR4 39-P-K13 P-4 18- 4-R.1 R-R4 40-K-B5 P-B.1 19- KL02 B-B7 41-PxP PxP 20- Kt-KtS BxKt 42-K-Q4. P-KU 21- QxR P-QKI4 Resigns 22- P-K4 KR-QBl ' FOURTH ROUND QUEEN 8 GAMBIT DECLINED Fine Stephens Fine Stephens White Black White Black 1- P-04 KI-KB3 U-P-K4 PxKP 2- P-OR4 P-Q4 12-KtxP KtxKI 3- KI-KB3 R-R4 13-OxKt Kt-B3 4- K1-B3 P-K3 14-Q-K2 OR-O 5- R-B4 P-B3 1S-OR-Q P-KR3 S-P-K3 B-Q3 1H-R-Q3 KR-K 7- BxB OxB 17-KR-Q Q-B2 R-B-Q3 BxB 1H-P-OKI3 Kt-R4 9-OxB QKt-Q2 19-P-KI3 Kt-B3 10-Castlet Castles 20-K-KI2 Drawn
FIFTH ROUND INDIAN DEFENSE Fine Blumln Fin Blnmln White Black Whit Rlack 1-P-Q4 KI-KB3 22-B-B.l QR-B.S ?-P-QB4 P-KKI3 23-RxP RxP 3- KI-QB3 P-Q4 24-B-K3 R-Q2 4- B-B4 B-K12 25-RxR KtxK 5- P-K3 Castlea 2K-P-OR KI-K4 8- Q-KI3 P-B3 27-B-K2 R-R 7- KI-B3 Q-R4 2H-P-H5 B-B 8- B-K2 PxP 29-K-B K-B 9- BxP P-QKI4 30-P-R8 BxBrh 10- B-K2 B-K3 31-KxB K-K 11- Q-B2 Kt-04 32-P-R7 K-Q2 12- B-K13 . P-QB4 33-R-Qrh K-B 13- Castlei KtxKt 34-P-R4 KI-B3 14- PxKt KI-Q2 35-B-B.1 K-B2 15- KR-Kt PxP 38-R-OR K-Kt2 IS-KtxP BxKt 37-R-Ktrh K-B2 17- KPxB QR-B 38-R-QR K-KI2 18- BxP OxBP 3B-K-B3 KtxP 19- QxQ RxO 40-BxP R-K 20- R-QR5 KR-B 41-B-B5 Drawn 21- B-KB4 Kt-B3 BEVENTH ROUND Fine Whit 1- P-K4 2- P-Q4 3- K1-OB3 4- P-KS 5- P-OR3 -PxB 7- Q-Kt 8- B-Q3 9- PxP.e p, 10- O-KI3 11- K1-B3 12- PxB
FRENCH DEFENSE Marchand Black P-K3 P-Q4 B-KtS P-QB4 BxKteh P-Kt3 K-B P-B4 KtxP B-R3 BxB KI-B3 Fine Marchand White Black 13- Castlet PxP 14- PxP P-KR3 15- B-Q2 P-KKI4 1K-QR-K K-B2 17- Kt-KSch KtxKt 18- QxKt Q-Q2 19- P-B4 P-Kt 20- P-BS KR-K 21- QxKtch KxQ 22- PxPrh K-K2 Black resigns SFCOND ROUND 'FINALS! QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED Fine White 1- P-Q4 2- P-QB4 3- KI-KB3 4- P-KKI3 5- B-Q2 6- B-K12 7- Castles 8- Q-R2 9- BxB 10- QKt-Q2 11- KR-K 12- R-QR3 13- B-K4 Bteiner Black P-Q4 P-K3 Kt-KB3 B-KtAch Q-K2 QKI-Q2 P-B3 Castles QxB R-K P-K4 Q-KI3 PxQP Fine Whit 14- BPxQP 15- PxP 18- RxR I7-Kt-B4 lR-KK'-KS 19- Q-Q2 20- R-OR 21- KtxP 22- Q-K 23- KKt-KS 24- P-KK14 25- PXB 2S-QxKt S'etner Black PxP RxRch Kt-B Q-B4 P-QR4 R-R3 ' R-B4 Kt-KS R-KB3 QxQP P-QKt4 PxKt Resigns
THIRD ROUNO 'FINALS) Ranch White 1- P-QB4 2- Kt-KB.l 3- P-KKt3 4- PxP 5- B-KI2 8-P-Q4 7- B-K3 8- Castles 9- Kt-B3 10- PxKt 11- KI-QR4 12- PxP 13- R-B 14- P-K3 15- Kt-B5 1-Q-Kt3 17- Q-B3 18- P-QKI4 19- KR-Q 20-PxKt 21- PxP 22- Kt.-Q4 23- Kt-Kt3 24- R-Q3 ENGLISH Fine Black P-QB4 KI-KB3 P-Q4 KtxP KI-QB3 Kt-B3 P-K3 Kt-Q4 KtxB B-K2 PxP Castles R-Kt B-Q2 B-K Kt-R4 R-B B-QKt4 P-QKI3 PxKt Q-B2 B-R5 BxP BxKt OPENING Rauch White 25- PxB 26- Q-Kt2 27- P-R8 28- RxR 29- B-B 30- Q-Q4 31- PxQ 32- B-KI2 33- RxR 34- K-B2 36- K-B3 38-B-B 37- P-KKt 38- B-B4 39- P-R3 40- B-KI8 41- K-B4 42- K-Kt.l 43- K-KI2 44- B-R7 45- B-KH 48-K-B Resigns Fine Black Q-Kt B-Kt Q-KI4 RxR Q-QB4 QxQ R-Q RxP B-B4 BxRch P-B4 K-B2 K-B3 P-KI3 P-K4 P-K5ch P-Kt4ch P-BSch P-R3 K-K 4 P-B8ch P-K6
FOURTH ROUND t FINALS BENONI COUNTER GAMBIT Stenhena Fine Stephens Fine White Black fWhite Black 1- P-Q4 P-QB4 24-Q-B3 QR-B 2- P-K3 P-Q4 25-Q-Q4 R-B!S 3- P-QB3 . KI-Q2 26-RxKt PxR 4- KI-B3 KKI-B3 27-QxQP R-B2 5- B-Q3 P-KKt3 2R-R-Q Q-BS 8-QKt-Q2 B-KI2 29-Q-Q8 QR-K2 7- Castle Castlea 30-P-KRS QxP 8- R-K R-K 31-K-R2 Q-K3 9- B-B2 P-Kt3 32-Q-KI4 R-Q2 10- P-K4 PxQP 33-R-QB P-KR4 11- KtxP P-K4 34-Q-KR4 Q-K4h 12- KKt-B3 B-KI2 35-P-KI3 QxP 13- PxP BxP 3fi-Q-Kt5 Q-K4 14- Kt.-K4 BxKt 37-QxQ RxQ 15- BxB KtxB 3R-R-B8oh K-K2 lfi-RxKt Kt-B4 39-B-R R-K7 17- R-K P-K5 40-K-KI2 QR-Q7 18- Kt-04 Kt-Q8 41-BxR RxB 19- R-K2 BxKt 42-R-B7 P-R4 20- PxB BxKt 43-K-B3 P-R5 21- B-K3 Q-Q2 44-K-K3 R-Kt7 22- Q-K13 Q-K16 Resigns 23- R-Q2 Q-K3 SIXTH ROUND ZUKERTORT-RETI OPENING Marchand White. 1- Kf-KB3 2- P-KK13 3- B-KI2 4- P-B4 5- P-04 8-KtxP 7- B-Q2 8- KtxB 9- Castles 10- KKt-Kt3 11- PxP 12- KI-B3 13- Q-Q2 14- P-K3 15- P-QR3 16- QKt-Q4 17- Q-RS lR-KtxQ 19-KI.(RS)-Bfl Rauch Black P-QB4 Kt-KB3 P-Q4 P-K3 BPxP B-Kt5ch BxBch Castles Q-KI3 Kt-B3 PxP B-Kt5 KR-K Kt-Kt5 Kt-R3 Kt-KS QxQ P-QK13 B-Q2 20-KR-B Kt(R3)-B4 Marchand Ranch Whit Black 21-P-QKt4 Kt-Qfi 22- R-B2 P-QR3 23- B-B KI-K4 24- KtxKt RxKt 25- R-B7 Kt-B3 26- QR-B KR-K 27- R-Kt7 P-QK4 28- R(Bi-B7 B-B 29- R-KtR Kt-KS 30- Kt-Bfi KI-Q7 31- Kt-K7ch KB 32- KIXP B-K3 33- R-KI2 Kt-BS 34- R(Kt8)-Kt7 KlxRP 35- Kt-B4 B-P.S 3R-Kt-Q5 KR-B 37- RxPch K-K 38- R(Kt7)-K7ch Resigns
FIFTH ROUND RUT LOPEZ Blumin Stelner Blumln : Schmidt Fine Schmidt Fine Black White Black White Black White Black KI-KB3 20-P-KR3 K B 1-P-K4 P-K4 20-RxB B-B4 P-KK13 21-P-KI3 Q-K3 2-Kt-KB3 K1-QB3 21-P-B3 KR-QKt P-QKI3 22-B-Q4 Kt-R4 3-B-Kt5 P-QR3 22-R-KB2 R-Q B-QK12 23-BxBch KxB 4-B-R4 P-Q3 23-P-KKI4 B Kt3 B-Kt2 24-Kt-K2 P-QB4 S-P-B3 P-B4 24-K-Kt2 R-QR P-Q3 25-RxR RxR 6-P-Q3 KI-B3 25-B-B4 R-K Castles 26-R-Q R-Q3 7-Castles PxP 26-BxP RiKi-KR Q-KI-Q2 27-RxR QxR R-PxP KtKP 27-K-KI3 B-Q6 P-K4 28-K-B2 Kt-B3 9-KtxP PxKt 2R-P-KR4 R-KtRrh PxP 29-Q-B3 Q-K3 10-BxKtch PxB 29-K-B4 P-KR4 BxB 30-P-KKI4 K-Kt3 ll-Q-R3ch , K-K2 30-K-Kt5 PxP Q.xKt 31-Kt-Kt3 Q-Q2 12-QxPch K-B2 31-PxPch K-Kt Q-B3ch 32-Kt-BS 0-K3 13-QxKt Q-Q4 32-R-B4 R-Kt7 QxP 33-P-KR4 Kt-K 14-Q-B4ch K-Kt 33-R-KI3 B-K7 KR-K 34-Q-RH P-B3 15-P-B4 Q-B2 34-R-KtBch K-R2 P-B3 33-Q-B8 P-QR4 lfi-Kt-B3 B-Q3 3S-B-KI8 R-KBR P-KR3 36-Kt-K7ch K-R2 17-OxQch KxQ 36-R-K4 B-QR QR-Q 37-QxKt Resigns 1R-B-K3 B-K4 37-R-B4 RxR P-KKI4J 19-QR-B BxKt 3R-KXR Drawn.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

Special Thanks