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CHESS BY HERMAN STEINER INTERNATIONAL CHESS MASTER Address All Mail to the Chess Etditor Aug. 16, 1942 L A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1321 Composed for the Los Angeles Times by Nicholas Gabor. Cincinnati. OH White mates in two. (Wh. 7i Bl. 7.) L A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1322 By A. C. White. L. Koklseh and George Hume. White mates in three. (Wh. 13; Bl. 13.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1314: P-N8(Q.I SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1317: R-K. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1318: "Cooked." Three solutions, B-B5. B-Q6 and R-B6. which la the intended solution. We received solutions from the following: J. O. Dodge. E. H. Schadee. A. L. Buckman. William L. Wieslngrr (welrome to our ladder! C. B. Collins. W. C. Noltlng. F. J. Culbertson Jr. A. D. Reynolda Sr., J. Davidson, W. Harmon. F. Margaretten. S.-J. McConnell, O. S. Peck (welcome to our ladder.) H. Bruhn. G. A. Hall, B. BufchuefT. J. P. Walsh. M. Rudholm, Rev. P. Prichard. H. P. Matoslan. C. P. Ford. Mrs. t. Tover. M. 3. Morley, A. S. Wells. C. J. Oibbg, T. Harrmaton, O. Francis. C. Huffman. J T. Watson. Capt. H. W. Gillett. M.C.I W. L. Koethen, D. R. Mc-Clute Jr.. R. H. Reals. F. E. Wells, H, F. Erdley (welcome to our ladder.) Dr. F. B. Sheldon. E Shlmano. R. Benton. D A. wnes. w. siooson. H. M. voorhees, T. Harrington, L. A. Salgadn. O. J. Myers. Misa B. Junenea (welcome to our ladder.) Mra. K. Hirflaiiichl (welcome to our ladder,) t. C. Drake. A chess club has been nraanlied amnna '"mates of Fnlsom Prison with the approval of.
Plummer, for the purpose of inviting outside competition and lectures. It la called the -Re. presa Cheat Club" and meeta every Sunday in the prison educational department The club would Lke outstandln chesa players to give aimuitaneoua exhibitions, lectures for the club. Will all chesa clubs In the vicinity please take note and write Mr. F. A. Ouernsey, Record Clerk. California State Prison at Folaom, Repress. Cal. .
' VS. OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT Thig Important annual tournament will atart Aug. 22 in Dallas, Tex., with rep. resentation from all the 8tatea In the United State as sej ag Canada. California will be represented bv Herman Steiner of Los Angeles, and Kfller Mjon of Or-ane, Cal . and pntalblr others. All those wbo Intend to rartwinata should write J. C. Thompson, Box 900. Dallas. Tex.
RULES OF THE SOLVING CONTEST The winners of each month's contest will receive a three months' subscription to the Chesa Review, a month' mem bership in the Chesa end Checker Club of Los Anceiea. 124 W. Fourth St., and the Hollywood Chess Group, 108 N. Formosa Ave., where tney may discuss com weeks after publication If you wish t figure In the "up-to-the-minute" ladder, the time limit being seven dara, Otherwise credit can only be given In a later ladder. Problems in this column may begin with a castling key or have castling a a defense, unless It can be definitely proved that such maneuvers are not legal. Capture keys, "en passant'" keys and checking keys are also tolerated, but all Ihe above types are rather uncommon. The capture of a pawn, however. Is not unusual.
If a problem has no solution, "no solution" must be claimed in order to score points. The principal variatinna are necessar when sending m the three-movers. Keys only need be given in two-ers. although; It is excellent practice to write out all the distinct variations. Two-movers receive two points.
Three-movers receive three points on our ladder. The prize Is awarded to the leadlnc solver once a month. (His score Is then csnreled t Solvers may become ladderltes at any time. They are expected to solve aa in dividuals or teams but not consult other wise. Anyone desiring Informstlon for chess) literature, chess lessons, address of chess clubs, or whatever Information concerning; the game ot chess, should send a self-ad dressed and stamped envelope or card to Herman Sielner, Chess Editor.
L.A. Times, Requests for back Issues and subscript tlons should be directed to ths Circulation Department. This column apceara on Sunday. STALEMATK BT KAMAT (Continued from last Sunday) Th next example Is from th Osteo4 tournament. 1907.
NO. 4 Black: Salve it system will enable 12 (or more In case meet-of nei solver to wm. I. to California pmo- lem wui b acknowledged within two mow nrre mrr may aiscuss com. Posing nd solm of problems and end winner in ctimBmg the Jadder.
Tne White: Znosko-Borovski Here Znosko-Borovski. the Russian master, outwitted his older compatriot as follows: 1-R-R8 R-QR7 Whites maneuver would net have succeeded if Black would have played R-S7. 2- P-R7 F-B7 3- K-Bl K-B6 . . .
Threatening mat 4- R-QR8 HxJt 5- F-R8-Q Rxa Stalemate (To be continued) The world's champion. Dr. Alexander Alekhine. has been awsrded the first brll. Iiancy prise for the following game played In a European Tourney" at Munich, ac cording to a British source! RUT LOPEZ ' Alekhino Rohscek Alekhine Rchaeek White Black White B ack 1- P-K4 P-K4 1H-B-B4 lN2-Q3'Ci 2- N-KBJ N-QB3 19-N-Q3 P-N4'l 3- B-N5 P-QR3 20-NxN PgB 4- B-R4 N-B3 21-N-KS B-KB3(d) 5- 0-0 P-ON4 22-N,4-B8 6- B-NJ NxP BxN B 7- P-Q4 P-Q4 13-NxB Q-Kl B-PxP B-K3 24-NxR ' QxN 9-P-B3 B-K2 25-O-OJ Q-N'3 10- P-OR4 R-QNKai 20-K-R1 O-BJ 11- PxP PxP 27-B- BxP 13-N-QVb) NxKP 28-Q-B1 . p-S 13- P-KB3 N-QB4 2)-OxKPP P-Oie) 14- B-B2 B-02' 30-KR-QB1 P-QT 15- P-WN N-N2 31-R-QB2 0-R3'f 16- Q-K2 H-CB5 32-R-OI B-NJ 17- R-K1 K-Bl 33-RxBP Resign (a) Just for a change. P-QNS 1 con-gldered as better here. (b) An interesting sacrifice of a pawn, (ci Biarg must provide aaalnst BiOBP, as then his own bishop at K2 would remain unprotected. id" Getting rmi counterattack fn( the excharte., This aivea Biack Kail chances if Dr. Alekhine becomes careless.
ie If in. lead BxKR; then 30. O-P.6. K-Nl: 31. R-OBl, Q-Kl ee why QxR :g bad": 32. RiP. N-B4: 33. BxP. QxB, 34 R-Ba. and wins.
If BxOR: then 3. Q-B. R-N!- Jt. BxPI Th Biack knight cannot recapture because of th unpTo'eetl '; In t's rear'), and th discovered checa three: wua bancUlr..
Plummer, for the purpose of inviting outside competition and lectures. It la called the -Re. presa Cheat Club" and meeta every Sunday in the prison educational department The club would Lke outstandln chesa players to give aimuitaneoua exhibitions, lectures for the club. Will all chesa clubs In the vicinity please take note and write Mr. F. A. Ouernsey, Record Clerk. California State Prison at Folaom, Repress. Cal. .
' VS. OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT Thig Important annual tournament will atart Aug. 22 in Dallas, Tex., with rep. resentation from all the 8tatea In the United State as sej ag Canada. California will be represented bv Herman Steiner of Los Angeles, and Kfller Mjon of Or-ane, Cal . and pntalblr others. All those wbo Intend to rartwinata should write J. C. Thompson, Box 900. Dallas. Tex.
RULES OF THE SOLVING CONTEST The winners of each month's contest will receive a three months' subscription to the Chesa Review, a month' mem bership in the Chesa end Checker Club of Los Anceiea. 124 W. Fourth St., and the Hollywood Chess Group, 108 N. Formosa Ave., where tney may discuss com weeks after publication If you wish t figure In the "up-to-the-minute" ladder, the time limit being seven dara, Otherwise credit can only be given In a later ladder. Problems in this column may begin with a castling key or have castling a a defense, unless It can be definitely proved that such maneuvers are not legal. Capture keys, "en passant'" keys and checking keys are also tolerated, but all Ihe above types are rather uncommon. The capture of a pawn, however. Is not unusual.
If a problem has no solution, "no solution" must be claimed in order to score points. The principal variatinna are necessar when sending m the three-movers. Keys only need be given in two-ers. although; It is excellent practice to write out all the distinct variations. Two-movers receive two points.
Three-movers receive three points on our ladder. The prize Is awarded to the leadlnc solver once a month. (His score Is then csnreled t Solvers may become ladderltes at any time. They are expected to solve aa in dividuals or teams but not consult other wise. Anyone desiring Informstlon for chess) literature, chess lessons, address of chess clubs, or whatever Information concerning; the game ot chess, should send a self-ad dressed and stamped envelope or card to Herman Sielner, Chess Editor.
L.A. Times, Requests for back Issues and subscript tlons should be directed to ths Circulation Department. This column apceara on Sunday. STALEMATK BT KAMAT (Continued from last Sunday) Th next example Is from th Osteo4 tournament. 1907.
NO. 4 Black: Salve it system will enable 12 (or more In case meet-of nei solver to wm. I. to California pmo- lem wui b acknowledged within two mow nrre mrr may aiscuss com. Posing nd solm of problems and end winner in ctimBmg the Jadder.
Tne White: Znosko-Borovski Here Znosko-Borovski. the Russian master, outwitted his older compatriot as follows: 1-R-R8 R-QR7 Whites maneuver would net have succeeded if Black would have played R-S7. 2- P-R7 F-B7 3- K-Bl K-B6 . . .
Threatening mat 4- R-QR8 HxJt 5- F-R8-Q Rxa Stalemate (To be continued) The world's champion. Dr. Alexander Alekhine. has been awsrded the first brll. Iiancy prise for the following game played In a European Tourney" at Munich, ac cording to a British source! RUT LOPEZ ' Alekhino Rohscek Alekhine Rchaeek White Black White B ack 1- P-K4 P-K4 1H-B-B4 lN2-Q3'Ci 2- N-KBJ N-QB3 19-N-Q3 P-N4'l 3- B-N5 P-QR3 20-NxN PgB 4- B-R4 N-B3 21-N-KS B-KB3(d) 5- 0-0 P-ON4 22-N,4-B8 6- B-NJ NxP BxN B 7- P-Q4 P-Q4 13-NxB Q-Kl B-PxP B-K3 24-NxR ' QxN 9-P-B3 B-K2 25-O-OJ Q-N'3 10- P-OR4 R-QNKai 20-K-R1 O-BJ 11- PxP PxP 27-B- BxP 13-N-QVb) NxKP 28-Q-B1 . p-S 13- P-KB3 N-QB4 2)-OxKPP P-Oie) 14- B-B2 B-02' 30-KR-QB1 P-QT 15- P-WN N-N2 31-R-QB2 0-R3'f 16- Q-K2 H-CB5 32-R-OI B-NJ 17- R-K1 K-Bl 33-RxBP Resign (a) Just for a change. P-QNS 1 con-gldered as better here. (b) An interesting sacrifice of a pawn, (ci Biarg must provide aaalnst BiOBP, as then his own bishop at K2 would remain unprotected. id" Getting rmi counterattack fn( the excharte., This aivea Biack Kail chances if Dr. Alekhine becomes careless.
ie If in. lead BxKR; then 30. O-P.6. K-Nl: 31. R-OBl, Q-Kl ee why QxR :g bad": 32. RiP. N-B4: 33. BxP. QxB, 34 R-Ba. and wins.
If BxOR: then 3. Q-B. R-N!- Jt. BxPI Th Biack knight cannot recapture because of th unpTo'eetl '; In t's rear'), and th discovered checa three: wua bancUlr..