
OCR Text
CHESS HERMAN STEINER Internoticnal Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor Aui. 1. 1010 L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1113 By J. J Rirtypld nd A. P. Etrkei White mates in two. (Wh. 10: Bl. 14.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1114 Hr J. Bartsch Now fame !7. P-05!! A pawn sacrifice rwmblln that In Diagram 2, but more subtle and surprising. Here, too. While tt the open bifhnp'a file and the atron point for his piece at hi Q4. In addition If his opponent takes at White's QV White has the threat of a sacrifice at KB.S to mork on All in all, there is a very rich pros-pert of findini a win.
Forced, for If 57. . . . KPxP? 3R. Ktx PiBSich is decisive and 2". . . . KisQP? is followed b 28 BxKt, BPxKl: 29 Klx KIP, and Whitt will In this position obtain a decisive superiority. ;. KtiBi-KJ,) RIRD-Blt i9. Kt-OI. Now Black must reckon with tht sac-rlfloe at KB5. Therefore, not 29. . . P-QR.V 30 B-B2. and the daneer Is not driven away. White will aet a number of important pawns for the piece. ?.... Kt-Kt3! vt. R-B.V P-RSl St. B-Bf, Kt-QI! 3!. R-K.i. P-Kt5l Black leavps his opponent no time to breathe. It is true he loses the backward ! pnwii. but the attack by Whin Is choked! off. Play became equal: j S3. R-Bfi! BtR; 31. KtiRrh. K-KIl KliR, KsKli Sfi. BiRP, Rt-Ktli 7. , B Kt.t. kt-R:l: :t8. Kt-KJ. K-Oi: .t. R-OI. R-Bti 4U. K-Q'.'. R-RIi 41. K-K3, drawn. (Te be eontinued) From the recent United Slates cham- pionsh.p. SICILIAN DEFENSE J. l While mates in three.
tWh. U; B. " ' SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1106: Kt-Klj SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1109: B-K6. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1110: B-03. u-. ..r.i,ft solutions from the follow- m R.irihnlm. O A Hall. H. Bruhn Wilsen Jr . Dr. K ! Adnms ! White 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- P-04 4- NxP 5- N-Qrt3 ! (5-B-K3 i 7-B-Q3 ! 8-0-0 i 9-K-H1 ilO-PxN . I1-KN-K2 : 12-B-NS 1 13- PxP 1 14- QxQ 15-P-B4 I Iti-BxN i 17-P-BS i 18-KK-Ql O w Rnss. H. J. Gilmore.
Karn. L Sheppard. J Day'd?" D- A Innes W. B. Tudor. Ef H. hs""- Fonseca. W. Harmon, J, C. Drake. CUB NEWS Rubin Pine. International arand rn-ler and runner-up for the United Stares , . im.rnanient will be the a "est of the Hollywood Chess Group from 111. u i ii we recently announced Fine Adams Week .White P-OB4 ! 1!-N-N1 N-QB3 '20-PxB PxP21.K-M N-B3 '22-K-B2 P-K3 I23-R-Q7 B-N5 24-K-N1 0-Oi25-N-R5 N-K4 !2i-K-R! N:B ' 27-P-KR3 P-K4 2H-R-02 P-04 I 29-P-N4 PxP I30-K-N2 B-K3 31-R-K1 KRxQ 32-K-B3 P-KR3 33-N-N3 PxB 34-RIKH-K2 B-B5 ;1S-R-KB2 I36-R-QB2 R'Rli-QBl 137-Resigne J. Fine Black BxN K-Bl K-wn RxP n.H? B-R1 R-Ni'the prob-b-rs b-b3 R-R3 i RiBM-RS b-n4 pInI .-tore" This ame. from the national champion-; ship, was a lucky break for R-shevsk. who had been outplayed in the early siases by Denker.
But Reshevsky siaaed what appeared to be a trap, and Denker sacrificed a piece, thlnkine to conclude brilliantly, only to discover that the champion had seen farther than he did. QUEEN S GAMBIT DECLINED iir vitnnan I inyriiiic ...... i w o,,ni l unforeseen jjdui-he ' vM hr pu,,tituted by reasons. he will be substitute oy iwr. incldenta iy wll pirauw", " . t.-j.-....- f.nrrru l00ir W'ith OUT q,. V.,ie The Hollywood Chess Reshevsky White 1- P-Q4 2- Kt-KB3 3- P-B4 4- B-K'5 5- KI-B3 6- P-K3 7- BxB 8- Q-B2 9- KtxKt in-Kt-02 four-cornered ; 1 1-P-B5 B-B4 oiiy": "A tn.,mament uh Rubin v: u .. r. Borochow.
PhiliO WOlllSton Hmn aierner. ' Applications for ck, houid be made by writin. A " ' ' " hfrmin stuner mkihm.i. XHIIlll lON On Wednesday, Auk. 14. at the head- :.,., , f the Hollywood Chess, Group, dislinguisnea roui nninrn ... - tiripate In Merman aicinri "' Denker Black P-Q4 KI-KB3 P-K3 B-K2 Csstles K1-K5 OxB P-OB3 PxKt P-KB4 Kt-Q2 Kt-B3 13- Castles-KR K-R 14- P-n.l P-K4 15- BPsP Kt-Kt5 Ki-O-Bl 17-KPxP Reshevsky White 20- P-OR3 21- B-R2 22- Kt-B3 23- P-OKI4 24- QxOP 25- P-R3 26- OxQ 27- Kt-KtS 28- KxR 21-PxB 30- Kt-B7ch 31- KI-Q6 32- RxKt 33- K-K3 34- KlxKtP P-B5'3i-Kt-B3 PxQP!lti-R-OKt Denker Buck P-UKI4 Q-Ki3 n Di p-ksi BJ, Px Kt-K(i!37-RxP 1R-Q-Q3 19-R-B2 OxBP' Black resiens (ai Reshevsky shows this to be unsound. More conservative play should win for Black. RxR RxP P-R3 K-Kt Kt-ORch RxBch R-GK17I RxPi R-KI7, R-KH7 RxPch ENQLISH OPENINO .1.- . American refleraiioii iuim inament He played aaainat plus one asms Blinnioioea, n i; amt to Mr L. Bzucs and drawing with Mrs. K. Slater and Mr. G. Farley.
TI1E HOI I VWOOD OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP T.HRNAMENT Fourteen Players partirlpatini The result of the first round as follows: J Chernis won from Mrs. K. Slater, Dr. W I, Hnerber won from W. Reinhardt, E ' Kovars won from E. Steuermann, G. Reinhardt won from L. Szucs. J. Wreis- siem won rrom r. mnann. j I ne asmes are neum siem won rrom : .Jirtllfll(i ':,;;.d-; ,1,; headquarters of the Holly- I"m Chess Group. W8 N. Formosa Ave. sup- BY DR. MAX EUWE. (World champion, 1935-37.) . THE PAWN SACRIFICE 'Pawn sacrifices are the finest." main tains the expert. In contrast to tne scorn- be er wntcn says. inr urn the mora beautnui m-chide '"' Popular .
lh. ... fr the cnnce, backjis." DIAGRAM J a l! W t ; " A ft ft ' ft r:V While 1- P-QB 2- Kt-OBJ 3- Kt-B3 4- P-KKt3 5- P.xP 6- P-C33 7- B-KI2 B-Castiea 9-P-OR4 10- B-K3 11- R-B 12- Kt-OKtS 13- BxKt n-Kt-oa 15-Kt-B. IK-P-B4 17-PxP 1H-K-R I1-Kt-B3 20-Q-K LM-R-O 23-P-K4 23-RxR 34-Kt-KS 25-PxKt ?i;.RiP It ; 27-Q-O ?a-Ktx3 t-R-B3 30- P-R3 31- R-Q3 32- K-Kt Black P-K4 KI-KB3 Kt-B3 P-C4 KtxP B-K2 IC!-Kt3 Castles P-QR4 B-K3 P-B4 B-B3 PxB R-B B-K2 PxP B-B4ch R-B3 R-R3 R-B2 R-Q2 RxP QxR KtxKt P-B5 Q-Q5 OxQrh B-OS BxKP F-B3 P-R4 F.-QB5 White 33- R-Q7 34- R-QRch 35- R-Q7 3B-KI-B3 37-R-Q8ch 3B-B-B 39- B-Kt.S 40- K-Kt2 41- R-KBJ 42- R-B3 43- B-Q3 44- RxB 45- PXB 4fi-R-0 47- R-07 48- RxP 49- K-B.1 50- K-K4 51- K-KS 52- P-R4 53- K-BH 54- K-K.1 55- R-Kt8 SH-K-Q5 S7-K-04 5S-PxP S1-R-OB8 fiO-R-BI fil-RxP fi2-R-Kt Resigns Black R-B2 R-B B-QKtfc R-BJ K-R2 K-R.1 K-K.I4 R-B2 P-KI3 B-B7 BxB BxKt K-H5 R-B3 KxP K-3 Kxp K-Bsiihp SICILIAN DEFENSE Denker B'srk P-OB4 Kt-QB3 PxP Kt-B3 P-Q3 P-KKt3 B-Kt2 Castles B-K3 R-B Kt-K4 B-Kt5 B-Q2 Kt-B3 Kt-QR4 l-KtiB2-K3 Kt-B5 17-KtxKtch BxKt lR-Kt-05 B-KI2 11-P-OR4 P-K3 20- KI-K3 Q-Kt3 21- 0-K2 KI.-R4 Pine White 1- P-K4 2- Kt-KB3 3- P-C54 4- KtlxP 9-Kt-QB3 fi-KKt-K2 7-P-KKt3 B-B-KI2 9-Castles 10-Kt-O5 H-P-QB3 12- Kt-04 13- P-B3 14- P-KB4 15-Kt-B2 P-B. RtO'.'1-ttli :i'i.
K(in;-B.. niwi-Kl: S. K-KS. R(KII)-BI: With his One pawn sacrifice, nuitt In accord with the situation. White has con-tderablv sireuathened his "hole position; hi. Lnich a nnnrriui. i.m, r. v.. ci'!.-Prtiv move, simple now was 34. K-Q3 Our next position Is from the elahth ame of the match BololJubow-Splelman, wii- p-o.v! p,p, . . P-K.V RtOSI-U-i! 3. Rt-U. f' Reshevsky White 1- P-Q4 2- Kt-KB3 3- P-B4 4- P-KKt3 5-B-KI2 Pine White 22- K-R 23- R-R3 24- Kt.-B4 25- RxKt 2h-RxP 27-OxR 2S-Q-03 29- Q-B2 30- P-B5 31- Q-B2 32- PxP 33- PxP 34- B-K3 . 35- B-B4 3fi-BxB ' 37-K-Kt 3R-Q-K2 39- Q-KI2 40- K-R 41- QxP Drawn CATALAN OPENINO K-B4 R-B R-B3rh K-BS K-KI5 B-B4ch P-KI4 RxP P-RS P.RK P-R7 R-R4 Dnker Black Kt-KIH P-QR4 Q-R3 RxKt OxR R-B B-B B-Kt Q-B3 KPxP (3-B5 RPxP B-Kt2 B-QB3 QxBch R-KI2 P-Q4 Q-Kt3ch .
OxP OKI fcn;ir;" ai!of the pawn t Blacks 4. This would 1 have led to a win m the Inn run. Bo- e "ljubcw -bean to play incorrectly, how- be-1 ever, and the aame finally became a draw DIAGRAM 3 i to news-: at of . to Hill- an. Frpm h J4th Mmt tht AltkhM.
epao.nc maun. L'-J v- i ' ! r-n f-.') rv 6- Castlea 7- Q-B2 8- QKt-Q2 9- R-Q 10- P-K4 11- KtxP 12- OxKt 13- P-KI3 14- 0-K2 15- B-KtJ lfi-PxP 17-BxB 1S-Q-K5 11-K-KtJ 70-B-B3 21-RxR C2-R-Q3 23- RxRch 24- P-OK14 25- Q-K2 2S-Q-Q3 7-Q-K4 2S-B-K2 2t-QxQ 30- P-QR3 31- P-B4 32- B-B3 13-B-K4 34-K-B3 3.4-K-K3 3-PxP 37-B-Kt 3H-K-K4 .T-B-R2 40-B-Kt itl-P-KU Kupchlk Black P-K3 P-04 Kt-KB3 B-K2 Castles P-B3 P-QKI3 B-KI2 QKt-02 PxKP KtxKt Q-B2 Kt-B3 OR-Q P-B4 BxKt BxP Q-K2 P-KR3 RxR R-B R-t) QxR B-Q3 Q-B2 Kt-02 Kt-K4 o-B3 K'xO K-B P-K4 Kt-OS P-B3 K-K? KI-K3 PxP Kt-OS K-K3 Reshevsky White 42-B-Q3 43-PxP 44- K-K3 45- B-K16 4H-B-K4 47-P-B4 4R-P-RS 49- K-Q3 . 50- B-K17 51- B-Q2 52- B-BRch 53- B-Q7 54- K-K4 55- B-B8 -P-Kt5 57- B-K3 58- B-B2 Sd-K-OS hO-P-BS til-KxP 62- K-B4 63- KxKt S4-K-B4 65-K-OS S6-B-BS fi7-B-KKI8 8-B-Kt6 6fl-B-0ch 70- K-K4 71- K-B5 72- KxP 73- K-B 74- B-Bwh 75- B-KS 7A.-K-B 77-K-K 7R-B-Q3 7"-B-B2 K-Q2lA0-K-P r-QRtl b-b iwijeh! B.snn.j Knprhlk Black PxP B-B2 B-Q3 K-W2 K-K2 P-KKt4 K-B3 K-K2 K-K3 B-K2 K-B3 B-OS K-K2 KI.-B7 KI-Q5 K-B3 B-B2 B-O PxP B-K2rh KtxP B-R5 B-B8 B-Rfi B-Kt7 B-BH B-Kt7 K-Kt2 . B-Bfi P-KS B-Q7 B-B" K-Kl B-FS B-B B-KtS.
Forced, for If 57. . . . KPxP? 3R. Ktx PiBSich is decisive and 2". . . . KisQP? is followed b 28 BxKt, BPxKl: 29 Klx KIP, and Whitt will In this position obtain a decisive superiority. ;. KtiBi-KJ,) RIRD-Blt i9. Kt-OI. Now Black must reckon with tht sac-rlfloe at KB5. Therefore, not 29. . . P-QR.V 30 B-B2. and the daneer Is not driven away. White will aet a number of important pawns for the piece. ?.... Kt-Kt3! vt. R-B.V P-RSl St. B-Bf, Kt-QI! 3!. R-K.i. P-Kt5l Black leavps his opponent no time to breathe. It is true he loses the backward ! pnwii. but the attack by Whin Is choked! off. Play became equal: j S3. R-Bfi! BtR; 31. KtiRrh. K-KIl KliR, KsKli Sfi. BiRP, Rt-Ktli 7. , B Kt.t. kt-R:l: :t8. Kt-KJ. K-Oi: .t. R-OI. R-Bti 4U. K-Q'.'. R-RIi 41. K-K3, drawn. (Te be eontinued) From the recent United Slates cham- pionsh.p. SICILIAN DEFENSE J. l While mates in three.
tWh. U; B. " ' SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1106: Kt-Klj SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1109: B-K6. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1110: B-03. u-. ..r.i,ft solutions from the follow- m R.irihnlm. O A Hall. H. Bruhn Wilsen Jr . Dr. K ! Adnms ! White 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- P-04 4- NxP 5- N-Qrt3 ! (5-B-K3 i 7-B-Q3 ! 8-0-0 i 9-K-H1 ilO-PxN . I1-KN-K2 : 12-B-NS 1 13- PxP 1 14- QxQ 15-P-B4 I Iti-BxN i 17-P-BS i 18-KK-Ql O w Rnss. H. J. Gilmore.
Karn. L Sheppard. J Day'd?" D- A Innes W. B. Tudor. Ef H. hs""- Fonseca. W. Harmon, J, C. Drake. CUB NEWS Rubin Pine. International arand rn-ler and runner-up for the United Stares , . im.rnanient will be the a "est of the Hollywood Chess Group from 111. u i ii we recently announced Fine Adams Week .White P-OB4 ! 1!-N-N1 N-QB3 '20-PxB PxP21.K-M N-B3 '22-K-B2 P-K3 I23-R-Q7 B-N5 24-K-N1 0-Oi25-N-R5 N-K4 !2i-K-R! N:B ' 27-P-KR3 P-K4 2H-R-02 P-04 I 29-P-N4 PxP I30-K-N2 B-K3 31-R-K1 KRxQ 32-K-B3 P-KR3 33-N-N3 PxB 34-RIKH-K2 B-B5 ;1S-R-KB2 I36-R-QB2 R'Rli-QBl 137-Resigne J. Fine Black BxN K-Bl K-wn RxP n.H? B-R1 R-Ni'the prob-b-rs b-b3 R-R3 i RiBM-RS b-n4 pInI .-tore" This ame. from the national champion-; ship, was a lucky break for R-shevsk. who had been outplayed in the early siases by Denker.
But Reshevsky siaaed what appeared to be a trap, and Denker sacrificed a piece, thlnkine to conclude brilliantly, only to discover that the champion had seen farther than he did. QUEEN S GAMBIT DECLINED iir vitnnan I inyriiiic ...... i w o,,ni l unforeseen jjdui-he ' vM hr pu,,tituted by reasons. he will be substitute oy iwr. incldenta iy wll pirauw", " . t.-j.-....- f.nrrru l00ir W'ith OUT q,. V.,ie The Hollywood Chess Reshevsky White 1- P-Q4 2- Kt-KB3 3- P-B4 4- B-K'5 5- KI-B3 6- P-K3 7- BxB 8- Q-B2 9- KtxKt in-Kt-02 four-cornered ; 1 1-P-B5 B-B4 oiiy": "A tn.,mament uh Rubin v: u .. r. Borochow.
PhiliO WOlllSton Hmn aierner. ' Applications for ck, houid be made by writin. A " ' ' " hfrmin stuner mkihm.i. XHIIlll lON On Wednesday, Auk. 14. at the head- :.,., , f the Hollywood Chess, Group, dislinguisnea roui nninrn ... - tiripate In Merman aicinri "' Denker Black P-Q4 KI-KB3 P-K3 B-K2 Csstles K1-K5 OxB P-OB3 PxKt P-KB4 Kt-Q2 Kt-B3 13- Castles-KR K-R 14- P-n.l P-K4 15- BPsP Kt-Kt5 Ki-O-Bl 17-KPxP Reshevsky White 20- P-OR3 21- B-R2 22- Kt-B3 23- P-OKI4 24- QxOP 25- P-R3 26- OxQ 27- Kt-KtS 28- KxR 21-PxB 30- Kt-B7ch 31- KI-Q6 32- RxKt 33- K-K3 34- KlxKtP P-B5'3i-Kt-B3 PxQP!lti-R-OKt Denker Buck P-UKI4 Q-Ki3 n Di p-ksi BJ, Px Kt-K(i!37-RxP 1R-Q-Q3 19-R-B2 OxBP' Black resiens (ai Reshevsky shows this to be unsound. More conservative play should win for Black. RxR RxP P-R3 K-Kt Kt-ORch RxBch R-GK17I RxPi R-KI7, R-KH7 RxPch ENQLISH OPENINO .1.- . American refleraiioii iuim inament He played aaainat plus one asms Blinnioioea, n i; amt to Mr L. Bzucs and drawing with Mrs. K. Slater and Mr. G. Farley.
TI1E HOI I VWOOD OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP T.HRNAMENT Fourteen Players partirlpatini The result of the first round as follows: J Chernis won from Mrs. K. Slater, Dr. W I, Hnerber won from W. Reinhardt, E ' Kovars won from E. Steuermann, G. Reinhardt won from L. Szucs. J. Wreis- siem won rrom r. mnann. j I ne asmes are neum siem won rrom : .Jirtllfll(i ':,;;.d-; ,1,; headquarters of the Holly- I"m Chess Group. W8 N. Formosa Ave. sup- BY DR. MAX EUWE. (World champion, 1935-37.) . THE PAWN SACRIFICE 'Pawn sacrifices are the finest." main tains the expert. In contrast to tne scorn- be er wntcn says. inr urn the mora beautnui m-chide '"' Popular .
lh. ... fr the cnnce, backjis." DIAGRAM J a l! W t ; " A ft ft ' ft r:V While 1- P-QB 2- Kt-OBJ 3- Kt-B3 4- P-KKt3 5- P.xP 6- P-C33 7- B-KI2 B-Castiea 9-P-OR4 10- B-K3 11- R-B 12- Kt-OKtS 13- BxKt n-Kt-oa 15-Kt-B. IK-P-B4 17-PxP 1H-K-R I1-Kt-B3 20-Q-K LM-R-O 23-P-K4 23-RxR 34-Kt-KS 25-PxKt ?i;.RiP It ; 27-Q-O ?a-Ktx3 t-R-B3 30- P-R3 31- R-Q3 32- K-Kt Black P-K4 KI-KB3 Kt-B3 P-C4 KtxP B-K2 IC!-Kt3 Castles P-QR4 B-K3 P-B4 B-B3 PxB R-B B-K2 PxP B-B4ch R-B3 R-R3 R-B2 R-Q2 RxP QxR KtxKt P-B5 Q-Q5 OxQrh B-OS BxKP F-B3 P-R4 F.-QB5 White 33- R-Q7 34- R-QRch 35- R-Q7 3B-KI-B3 37-R-Q8ch 3B-B-B 39- B-Kt.S 40- K-Kt2 41- R-KBJ 42- R-B3 43- B-Q3 44- RxB 45- PXB 4fi-R-0 47- R-07 48- RxP 49- K-B.1 50- K-K4 51- K-KS 52- P-R4 53- K-BH 54- K-K.1 55- R-Kt8 SH-K-Q5 S7-K-04 5S-PxP S1-R-OB8 fiO-R-BI fil-RxP fi2-R-Kt Resigns Black R-B2 R-B B-QKtfc R-BJ K-R2 K-R.1 K-K.I4 R-B2 P-KI3 B-B7 BxB BxKt K-H5 R-B3 KxP K-3 Kxp K-Bsiihp SICILIAN DEFENSE Denker B'srk P-OB4 Kt-QB3 PxP Kt-B3 P-Q3 P-KKt3 B-Kt2 Castles B-K3 R-B Kt-K4 B-Kt5 B-Q2 Kt-B3 Kt-QR4 l-KtiB2-K3 Kt-B5 17-KtxKtch BxKt lR-Kt-05 B-KI2 11-P-OR4 P-K3 20- KI-K3 Q-Kt3 21- 0-K2 KI.-R4 Pine White 1- P-K4 2- Kt-KB3 3- P-C54 4- KtlxP 9-Kt-QB3 fi-KKt-K2 7-P-KKt3 B-B-KI2 9-Castles 10-Kt-O5 H-P-QB3 12- Kt-04 13- P-B3 14- P-KB4 15-Kt-B2 P-B. RtO'.'1-ttli :i'i.
K(in;-B.. niwi-Kl: S. K-KS. R(KII)-BI: With his One pawn sacrifice, nuitt In accord with the situation. White has con-tderablv sireuathened his "hole position; hi. Lnich a nnnrriui. i.m, r. v.. ci'!.-Prtiv move, simple now was 34. K-Q3 Our next position Is from the elahth ame of the match BololJubow-Splelman, wii- p-o.v! p,p, . . P-K.V RtOSI-U-i! 3. Rt-U. f' Reshevsky White 1- P-Q4 2- Kt-KB3 3- P-B4 4- P-KKt3 5-B-KI2 Pine White 22- K-R 23- R-R3 24- Kt.-B4 25- RxKt 2h-RxP 27-OxR 2S-Q-03 29- Q-B2 30- P-B5 31- Q-B2 32- PxP 33- PxP 34- B-K3 . 35- B-B4 3fi-BxB ' 37-K-Kt 3R-Q-K2 39- Q-KI2 40- K-R 41- QxP Drawn CATALAN OPENINO K-B4 R-B R-B3rh K-BS K-KI5 B-B4ch P-KI4 RxP P-RS P.RK P-R7 R-R4 Dnker Black Kt-KIH P-QR4 Q-R3 RxKt OxR R-B B-B B-Kt Q-B3 KPxP (3-B5 RPxP B-Kt2 B-QB3 QxBch R-KI2 P-Q4 Q-Kt3ch .
OxP OKI fcn;ir;" ai!of the pawn t Blacks 4. This would 1 have led to a win m the Inn run. Bo- e "ljubcw -bean to play incorrectly, how- be-1 ever, and the aame finally became a draw DIAGRAM 3 i to news-: at of . to Hill- an. Frpm h J4th Mmt tht AltkhM.
epao.nc maun. L'-J v- i ' ! r-n f-.') rv 6- Castlea 7- Q-B2 8- QKt-Q2 9- R-Q 10- P-K4 11- KtxP 12- OxKt 13- P-KI3 14- 0-K2 15- B-KtJ lfi-PxP 17-BxB 1S-Q-K5 11-K-KtJ 70-B-B3 21-RxR C2-R-Q3 23- RxRch 24- P-OK14 25- Q-K2 2S-Q-Q3 7-Q-K4 2S-B-K2 2t-QxQ 30- P-QR3 31- P-B4 32- B-B3 13-B-K4 34-K-B3 3.4-K-K3 3-PxP 37-B-Kt 3H-K-K4 .T-B-R2 40-B-Kt itl-P-KU Kupchlk Black P-K3 P-04 Kt-KB3 B-K2 Castles P-B3 P-QKI3 B-KI2 QKt-02 PxKP KtxKt Q-B2 Kt-B3 OR-Q P-B4 BxKt BxP Q-K2 P-KR3 RxR R-B R-t) QxR B-Q3 Q-B2 Kt-02 Kt-K4 o-B3 K'xO K-B P-K4 Kt-OS P-B3 K-K? KI-K3 PxP Kt-OS K-K3 Reshevsky White 42-B-Q3 43-PxP 44- K-K3 45- B-K16 4H-B-K4 47-P-B4 4R-P-RS 49- K-Q3 . 50- B-K17 51- B-Q2 52- B-BRch 53- B-Q7 54- K-K4 55- B-B8 -P-Kt5 57- B-K3 58- B-B2 Sd-K-OS hO-P-BS til-KxP 62- K-B4 63- KxKt S4-K-B4 65-K-OS S6-B-BS fi7-B-KKI8 8-B-Kt6 6fl-B-0ch 70- K-K4 71- K-B5 72- KxP 73- K-B 74- B-Bwh 75- B-KS 7A.-K-B 77-K-K 7R-B-Q3 7"-B-B2 K-Q2lA0-K-P r-QRtl b-b iwijeh! B.snn.j Knprhlk Black PxP B-B2 B-Q3 K-W2 K-K2 P-KKt4 K-B3 K-K2 K-K3 B-K2 K-B3 B-OS K-K2 KI.-B7 KI-Q5 K-B3 B-B2 B-O PxP B-K2rh KtxP B-R5 B-B8 B-Rfi B-Kt7 B-BH B-Kt7 K-Kt2 . B-Bfi P-KS B-Q7 B-B" K-Kl B-FS B-B B-KtS.