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December 08, 1940 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 08 Dec 1940, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 114 Bf M. WrobM - Whlt mstCs ill t9. (Wh. 9; Bl. 10.) i. A. TtMS PROBLEM NO. 1146 Bf C. S. Kipping A Lovinstoh being i Small lowri. it I tr-fuslljr necessary in play chess by rdio If tine is to have opponents to play with. AH samw re plared ustn tode (CWi sienfl 1. Che.' is very nst!fetortly bein Dlared by radio. 1 expect that dtirlhs the comim (all and winter radio season we may have a chess-radio network in full operation.
for we are already lesrninf of other enthusiasts whfl are anxious to join ul. Yours truly, H. W. QILLJ5TT. M.D.i Lovlneton, N.M. tNtl.t! JACOBOVitCH llOttJS COt'Rt By LaJot Kleiner Jackie Bnresh: I really don't understand why people cling to a set line of play in an opening, once they have started to culitTate it. For Instance, in the Mac-Cutcheon Variation of the Freneft Defense. Look, little master. I'd like to consult you on the matter, t'nrie Jarobovitch; What are ynii no td this time? I would bet without seeing it, that it is some kind of nonsense ftnaln. There is nothinr really left to dlseover In the French Defense.
And why Should there be? White has well established lines and o has Blaelc if he choosea to Play difficult opening like that. But anyway, let's see ynur variation before something better crops up. J. B.! (Makes tht followin moves:) 1. F-M s. r-ui S. N-OBS i. B- ft. P-RS PH ' P-OI H-RFt' B-!l P-iiRS Whit mates In Due. (Wh, ti Bi. J.J 6tWld TO PROBLEM 1U1S -Ktt. OLUTION TO PROBLEM 1142$ Q-Kt6 t'OBRECTtON 1i Peohlem llll the Blae Klt i tk HRS file. 6. A. HAW.
WIH HOU'WO CONTfJf WITH to torn W nraulal Mr. Mall Bavlnf ak ihla contest th fourth time. He ball! frnm Bant Barbara, ( al. Tblt I Ihe teart t last manlh'l par tlelpanla. Thnsa wha tank Bart pravl mai Bill have Ihslr aenr stand shnulel Ihey send In snlutlona atain, they Will b tditi and puoinneo neii monio. . ruhn (".) l!8l t. L. Danlella (. It,- J n.vllson (, 3H: B. Andrews, W. t. Bals-off. Jj J. O, Dodae (.) 254 3 C. Draka (.) liT- Mrs. E. M. Pleni' 101,143, J. Pr-nsepa, 31: C. P. Ford. !K8 Mr, Ind Mr, E. Oroobln, 7; H. J. Oilmnr na- r A Hall 270 wiruiCr, , W. Harmon (. 100; D. A. lnnes ",) 100; A. 0. Krn, 14; W. Ii. ftnethen '.v 172- H. P. Matosian, 42; J, M. Met- rarat. 143: w. 1;. nomna. nev. r- Frichard ".) J35i M Rudholm 213 A n Reynolds r.. 28: L. Sheppard, 92 .1 H. Bchadee (, 11; DTi F, B. Sheldon, W. B. Tudor . iMl.l., 1. under roan. IS: R. A fieyfafth 0; L. Stern, twelcome to our ladder;) J. Sekrl, S; R. D eaver, Hi J. P, Walsh I,) 44; J. T. Vaison (. 191- , , .. , Solution includa problem: 1133-1142. RC1.ES or THE KOI-VlNd tONtEST Th winners of earh month's Contes will receive a month's membershUi in the Ctiess and Checker Club of los Anaeies. vu w Pnurth lit . and the Hollywood Chess Group. lOd K. Formns Ave,, where they may discuss fomposina and solving nt problems and end names.
Every winner will Da maraeo witn ine usual i-,; snuwiMg that he was onee a winner in climbing the ladder. The system will enable 12 tor fcore in rasa of a tiei solvers to win. Solutions aent In answer to this prob-)m will be acknowledged wlfhin two weeks after publication if you wisn to nsnre in the up-to-the-minute" ladder, the time limit belnar seven days. Otherwise Credit tan only be tivsn in a later ladder. Problems In this column may bum with a csstlina key or nave casnini as a ae-funse.
unless It can be definitely proved lhat atich. maneuver ar not leaal. cap ture keys, ' en passant keys and cneeaina keys are also tolerated, but all the above lypea ar rather uncommon. The capture of a pawn, however, is not nuaual. If a problem has no solution, "no aolu lion" must be claimed in order to score olni. The principal variations are necessary when endln In the three-movers. Keya (inly need be given in two-era. although It is excellent practice to write out all the distinct variations. Two-movers receive two points. Three-raovers receive three points on Our Ladder.
The prisie Is awarded to the leading kolver once a month. (His score is then canceled. Solvers mav become Ladderltes at ny t me. They are expected to solve ai m- dividual or teams but not eonsult other- snr. nennesta for hack Issues and aubscHP' tlnna should be directed to the Circulation department.
Anyone desiring Information for chss literature should tend a self-addressed and Stamped envelope. This column appears on Sunday. , CLUB NEWS The Hollywood CHess Group anhnnneet lecture and slmttllaneou exhihltlnti by nerman Kleiner, International matter, ev ry Wednesday at k .m lost N. fernisa Ave. Reaervatlnnt may be made by ealllnt WEbslcr .U.
CALIFORNIA TAT CHAMPIONSHIP TOtlRNAME.N'T Preparations if belnt made by the tint, hwnori i hesa Omit fnf the lortheomin annual Stale ehamnlnHsHlgi tnurnamrnt tit be held between Christmas and New Veer, prospective fisrtlHtianla annuls annnunre their Intention lit ftlay be writing er phoning Herman Kleiner. t would like It ear from niit-nf-lnn players. CIlRlaTM l!Of!EHf ItlfK) (MM MTERATIRR In answe In Id ItiSny remte!. Ihe writer Is puhlishlng a list bf Inrttierifclve 4 t-- 1, 1 i ri t it' kutiat sii tJ:i t.M f 2? n ri W-sV .S W2 a; iinf&.:m Position after . P-KR3.
That la th Boslfinn 1 was referring- to Why tines White autotnatlcally relreat his blshpp now to his Ul Instead of Hi, hirh wdulel follfi souna principle 6f keeping up Ih pin-forclhg Black, to eaken his position Bv . , p-kins. I . t.i you ar not as isa ana by fin means as original as you imagine -1 once saw your b-r piayea by the great Pils bury, But, first of all, in Playing the smooth e ssslcai retreat. A B-U2. While. Instead of keepint for one move a plti that cannot be maintained, unpins his own knisht. for which. Black Is forced to en chant ms bishop. Yet White haa also the choice of other moves.
He can play 6. PxN, or the even mora classical B-K3. Yes. B-K3. smile as you wliL, The move was plRyed Jong before you war born and thoimh in some ways yery risky (1 confess It gives Whit a Beautiful same otherwise.
Watch , B-KJ. N-K5; 7. Q-N4. K-Bl (or . . . P-KN3:i . B-3. NxN: 9. B-2, ' NxPt 10. P-QB3. NxP! 11. PxN. For his two pawns White haa a beautifully built position, filll of attacking chances. Though, as I said, there is a treat risk In being two pawrls down for nothtn more tangible than well-built attackina pnsltlnn. J. a.: I am not In bellicosa mood to- flutht. What T want to say t Just that B. B-R4 has to be good becatiaa it forces , . p-KN m reply. . B-Bl f-KVi , t. B-NS . N-k . . N-Ki . . , F. 1.x White has to !s . V-K2. yes. and let me tell you It Is an iittly more: it blocks a Blshnp for suite a lnhis time. Ton see this would hot have been necessary if the Bishop had one to 02 or K3. J. R.; Riit. mr dear littia tnalet 1- thouch the blnckin of Ihe Bishop Is unpleasant for the moment, can ydtl deny !h weakness of Black s Kinr aide? A serious and lasting Weakness. What, j a! merely temporary discomfort IH enmnari.i son with that? But let s proceed. j iTo ba continued) t'HfcSS SEV1FW EDITOR TO TOl'B t. A. Horowitz editor of the Chess US. I view, plans to renew his icouaintanc With chess irotips all over the country when he oesina nis annual tour just after Christ mas. He plans to visit Texas, Mexieo. call forma and Washington, with numerous stops on tn way. Horowitz was a member or three cham pionship United States teams in biennial team tournaments held in Europe.
He also won the Amerlran Chess Federation eon Kress in Philadelphia; and shared first bonora wltn Kashaan, 1 Boston. In 1938. The game below is a snVnina example of how to punish inferior opening play. VIENNA GAMS Hornwlt Whit 1-P-K4 9-Kt-B3 3-B-B -a Kt -Kt-5 a-K-o 7-Rt-R Amateur Black P-K4 Kt-QB3 B-B4 Q-B3? x Pen K-B Q-Q5 HoroWitt White 8- P-O.I 9- B-B 10-RnKt lt-xPch 12-B-R6ch 13-R-Ktch Amateur Blark B-KI3 Kt-B3 P-03 Kiq K-Kt, RPxB 14-Kt-B6 mate Vt.W 80CTK WALES CHAWPIONSHIP Lkjn Bleiner. formerly tj( f!tin(tart But nm reKfrilne in Australia nn ih Ntw Potilh Wales championship with score o( 10ts..h draw belnir lth O, Kosh-(illak, th Australian champion, The aame low annus a narrow escape at the hands me tnirn-nriae winnpr.
eriirnr nr i.h Auslrkllitfl Chess Review. 1-ngHCH DEFENSE hooks, all nt the writer, raer. hlrh tnke be ardered throiinh aeHdlnt check er moner Kerea' Feat ftam. t.7A, Wra tnler- Itallnnal Team TniirnSmenli HMn, Hi lie, I,.kr'a llMl l l,H: a Silt thd ef Comhinatlnn rise Id f'heas, Mi :AII l im. brldte Sprint Inlerttailonal Tournament, 1Hlit, ai.f.lli I'nlle CheaS Masterpieces, ai.Mii Your ,Ches Chamnldn, all C'heaii fombinatiort and Trana.
7Aci Amonc These Mates, 75ci Mnrlern Chess Onenlnt, aj.Wli The Game ef ( hesa, (I, and many ethers. There will be IH eihthllton f Kit eheaa aets and board; al the headtiitarters of the Hollywood I nets tlrnup, jug N. For anosa, Visitors ar welcome. ArthurV. Dakei Ihlt-d member (H. Kleiii. er. 1. A. llornwllf) nr the tnlted atatea learn In the International team tourney at Frame, was Injured in an automobile accl dent and is now In the Barred Heart Hos pital at Eugene, or. The 12th nations flovlet. ehamnionalilo tourner reauiteo in a tie tor premier honors between iaor Bonfiatevfkr and Annreaa Ltiientnai. tne naturaiirrn Munssrisp s randmaster. Vasally Sinlslo trss third, rtil KerC4 (iiurth, while Ihe famous JMikhel! Botwinnlk eouia tinlf ahar ilfth and sixth prises with N, Boleslavskr, Cll88 Bt KAOIO fidltor "Chew Revlew', FolWwlnt our aiikeeatlnn In furrent .ue of "The Chess Review" that, radlft amateurs send In th.Hr frequency and call Jet tf rn, l auhmll. the fnllowina: Durini the past rear t have played ensn? enloysbls samea ol cheal b radio with the followlna: WlQMD-Rohert C. Morwood, 818 1. mar, PprinaMeld. Mo. .rrenufney: 7170, 3HM kc' 1 WflNOT Ken Wrlcht, 4033 Bdmar Ave., Toledo, O. Frequency! 7080 kc. WflMYT Joseph V. Hartahnm. Bo 1S4, Hollydaie, Cal. Fretiuency: 1170, 3 SOS kc. , W.IM.IP J. O, Hancock. 110 8 . Ke-van's at Pnrleirs. N.M. Frenuency: 3701.
3S40, 7Pni kc, W'lKlK A. A. Simon, 3419 Giles Ave, St LouH, Mo. Frequency; 3585, 7170 kc. My n,1'n name and frequencies: ' W'SPNI. rr. H. w. Glllett, Irftvinaton. N M. frequency; 3703, 330, 7280, 7170, 7080 keJ iSIMSf whii -P-cif -f-4 M -Kt-OftJ hi 9-PaPcr 10- P-OR3 1 1- KtxB U-RPxKt .B-R8ch 14- CastlPS 15- P-B4 7- KR-B 8- Kt-KS 9-OxKt Piifdy m 1U-KB3 ten t-KKti Kt-R5 P-RB4 QxP BltKtah KtxR KI-R3 K-K2 KtsP B-02 KlxKtchl KR-Kt Steiner White 80- QR-K 81- Q-K3 82- P-R4 a3-R)iP 24- P-R5 25- PxR 89-0-K5 Ul-K-Kt, 28-R-KB 89-O-KtBch 30- OxP 31- -BSch 32- P-B5 3.1-P-Bfi 34- O-OS . 35- (SxBPch 36- 9-QKch 37- ta-Kt6ch is) The turnlna Bnlni After 54 . R-Bi. White would have ho counterattack and would Re a pawn behind. LONDOVF.
ASTER TOl RXAMF.NT M. Golombek and P. M. List shared first honors In the eastern tournament held in the National Chess Center, how demolished h bombs. Mrs. Ver Mfhehik. Stevenson, woman champion, was third, Th katne below from the tournament, la a (nod example ot Liat'l torthrlahl play. Queen i oambiT declinbo No. J. B-B'pft Wealan.
Purdy Black P-'iVtS' PxP Q-KI4 RxR'al Q-KI8 Pxp R-B OxKtP K-Kl R-KKt K-K Q-Kt2 Q-B2 Msf MnrrylLlst While Black White 1-P-Q4 . P-m )3-KtxKt S-Kt-KBi Kt-KB3 14-Q-B'J a-P-B4 , r-K3 15-B-KB4 4- kt-Bi B-K2 18-B-B4 5- B-B4 Cast IPS 17-PiQKt4 H-P-K3 P-B4 18-CJ-KI3 7- B-K2 Kt-B3 19-KtxP 8- OPxP BxP 20-P-QR4 ?-Cajtlea ' P-QR3 21-'rtt,-o8ch lfl-PsP PxP 22-Kt-KB 11- kl-R.8 Kt-K2 23-Q-KI4 12- B-KKlA ' Kt-KS 24-B-RS HCF.NOS AIRES C.AMU flow that there Is no lourrmment play nr nolei the onportunlly presents Itself to return a year or more to the Bueiios Aires team tournament, which produced many Interesllnf sames hitherto linpuh llshed. Th am below throws liar ht on a variation which seemed to Javor Black. QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED Worry Black PxKt 0-Q4 P-QK13 Q-Kt2 BxKtP B-QB4 Q-R2 B-KI2 K-R R-B4 R-KKt. Resigns 27- 10- 1.
f- 20-24 28- 11- Kahn White 1-P.I54 x 3-P-QB4 3- KI-KB3 4- B-K!5 -Kt-B3 8-P-R4 7rBtP o-KtxP 9-BXKt ta Schmidt Black KI-KB3 P-K3 P-4 B-KtSrh PxP P-B4 PkP 0-R4 PxB Itahn Whll J3-0-K9 14-B-RiS 19-KR-O 10-e BChrrtldl Black R-QB let R-Q B-K2 Kt-R4 O-RS 7-KHR41-BS Bill lR-PttxB ' B-B 1-Rxnch KsRidl 20- -P4 K-K2 21- KtxKlP BxRt 22- BxRt R- 23- Q-Kt4ch Resltns 10-Cs sties B-Q2 (b Jl-R-B KI-B3 12-Kt-K'l 0-Kt3 lal rtrfrftoa in ml thins nrt tf tinw . i , BxKtrh: 1(1 PB. QxPnht' It. k-B. OxBch; 12. K-Kt, PxBj 13. R-B. and Black lOPca. (hi Not 10 . .
. BxKt; 11. PxB 12. R.-H, etc. t , c) A waste or lime, as Black soon finds out (d) II 19 . , . QXR 30. KtxKtP, ate. from by two-by-two . will over on QxBP

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

Special Thanks