
OCR Text
CHESS BY HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor RETI OPENING Dm. 28, 1941 L A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1255 Br R. Buchner White matee In two. (Wh. 10; Bl. 8.) L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1256 Composed for the Los Angeles Times and dedicated to our many friends for the holidays.
Herman Steiner White mates In three. (Wh. 10; Bl. 7.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1251: Q-R5 SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1252: R-Kl We received solutions Irom the following: J. O. Dodee, Mrs. A. Tovar. L. A. Salcado. J. C. Drake. C. P. Ford, A. G. Karn, C. B. Collins. R. Koslin. H. p. Matosian. H. Bruhn. O. C. Lawson. J. M. Stufflebeam. D. A. Innes, O. A. Hall, M. Rudholm, J. P. Walsh. A. TuroB, J. E. Tyler. J. T. Watson. J. A. Frank. J. Davidson, B. BushuefT. J. McConnell. G. Francis, E. H. Schadee, W. DunnicllfT. E. L. Daniells, W. C. Noltine. L. G. Hartman. 5. Bdsky, W. L. Koethen. L. A. Saltado.
CORRECTION Problem a Black Knight from Black's Kim's Knight seven was omitted in the early edition, the correct setup: White 11, Blark . EDITOR'S NOTE Tour writer gratefully acknowledges the many season's greetings and eitends to all a hearty wish for a Happy, Prosperous and Victorious New Tear!
LIGHT ON SOME OPENINGS Series by C. J. S. Purdy: No. 21 The "Dragon" Our series on the Sicilian Defense last year (January to June was all right up to the concluding article, where we purported to kill the Dragon Variant. After showing. In January. 1941 (p. 19.1 that the "kill" was no kilt at all, we promised a further article on this lively beast. However, our opinion of the Dragon Is still unfavorable. 1. P-KS P OBI 2. N-KBS N-QB: By playing for the "Dragon" this way. Black permit's the Richter Attack, and he should do so. The artificial move, 2. . . . P-Q3. gives White excellent opportunities (see March, 1940, pp. 53-54.) . P-Q4 PxP 4. NiP N-BS 5. N-QBS F-QS This followed by 6. . . , P-KN3 is the Dragon Variant. Should White play 6. B-QB4, however, It is best for Black to change over to the Schrveningen with 6. . . . P-K.3, leaving White Bishop "biting granite." And by . B-KN5 Uhe Richter Attack) White can prevent the "Dragon" altogether, is 6. , . P-KN3 would allow a bad pawn-doubling.
Again Black should play 6. . , . P-K.3 (see Diagram 1.) Diagram 1: Richter Attack Position after 6. . , . P-K3 For a full discussion of the Richter see p. 84 (April, 1940.) and an important correction on p. 202 (October. 1940.) Since then, Mr. Steven 8haw of Hamilton. N.Y.. has written an Interesting article in No. 64 of ''Chess." recommending, in Diagram 1, 7. P-KB4. He gives: 7. P-KBI, B-KJ; H. F-Kft, N-Qlll 0. NxQN, Pl III.
BxB, QxBt 11. Q-B), FxP; 13. PxP "with advantage." But after 12. . . Q-N51 is not White In rather a jam? He cannot castle because of 13. . . . R-QN1. while 13. R-QN1 by White is answered by 13. . . . R-QN1 (14. P-QR3. 0-R4.) Mr. Shaw forestalls this criticism by saying, "Or perhaps before playlna P-K5 White should first play fl NxN. PxN; 9. Q-B3. B-N2; 10. P-K5." But instead of 9. . . . B-N2, 9. . . . P-Q4! seems quite satisfactory. If then 10. O-O-O. R-QN1 with advantage. We still regard the Richter as "ersatz." A belter move for White is B-K2. permitting the Dragon (6. . . , P-KN3.) See Diagram 2.
6. B-K3 r-KNS Distrain t ft1 ft :d X ft r2 ft t -to ft t fjM i3A J &Ji fe-M La J S i ft' -.1 Position alter 6. . , . P-KN3 The most important variant of the Dragon is probably the following: 7. B-KS B-N . Q-Q3 O-O Or else the old 8. . . . N-KN5, which loses a tempo, as after 9. BxN, BxB Black's bishop toon has to retire, even If not driven; the "two Bishops" are something, but White actually gains by exchanging off bis weak white-square Bishop. Furthermore. White's Q-knight can rapidly come to OS because the KP no longer needs protection. Variations are given In M.C.O., p. 292, all good for White. 9. 0-0 B-Q ' This is the move relied on by M.C.O., which also mentions 9. . . . P-Q4 as "playable." However, after 9. . . . P-Q4; 10. PxP. NxP (10. . ... N-ON5 is also unfavorable;) 11. QNxrt, OxN; 12. B-B3, Q-B5; 13. P-QN3I L. Steiner 13. . . . Q-R3: 14. NxN.
PxN: IS. B-R61 it is hard to find a defense (If IS. . . . BxR; It, RxBl simply.) 10. P-B3 ... Strangely enough,, this obvious move (threatening N-Q5. White's Mecca In the Dragon) Is not examined In M CO. 10. . . . R-Bl Prevents N-QS, which would lost the QBP. 11. N-N3! This renews the threat of N-QS and leaves Black cramped. The writer examined the position with Lai os Stelner and came to the conclusion that Black has difficult game. However, a student who Is willing to make a deep study of the possibilities may b rewarded by discovering a line good enough to make the "Dragon" still worth while. As readers know from last ' year's series, we regard the Schevenlngen. System (6. . . P-K3) as more solid.
CALIFORNIA OrCN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TOIRNAMEXT The Open Stale Championship Tournament Is being held at the headquarters of the Hollywood Chess Group. 108 N. Formosa Ave. For further details, read your daily paper, until the 4th Mrs. Belcher White The tournament of January, will last : -. Miss Karff Black XR-Q2 K-K ' Kt-K2 P-KSch K-B2 R-OB R-B4 KtPxR PxP K-K3 P-Kt3 Kt-B , p.Q4 R-B2 Kt-Kt3 K-Q3 Miss Karfl Black Kt-KB3 P-K3 P-QKt3 B-Kt2 B-K2 Castles KtKS KtxKt P-KB4 BxB . B-B3 , P-B3 P-B4 PxP . BxKt Kt-B3 R-B2 e-KB KxQ P-K4 R-Q P-Q3 Mrs. ' Belcher White 23- KR-Q 24- P-B4 25- K-B3 26- R-KtS 27- K-B2 28- P-QR4 29- P-Kt3 30- RxR 31- P-Kt4 32- BxQKtP 33- K-K3 34- R-Q2 35- P-B5 38-P-Bfi 37- R-B2 38- B-R5 39- B-Kt4ch 40- B-R5 41- K-Q4 42- B-Kt4 43- P-R5 1- P-04 2- P-QB4 3- Kt-KB3 4- P-KKt3 5- B-K12 6- Castleg 7- Kt-B3 8- Q-B3 9- OxKt 10- Kt-KS 11- KxB 12- Q-B3 13- Q-Q.1 14- Kt-B3 15- KtxP 16- QxB 17- Q-QS 18- B-Q2 19- QxQcfi 20- QR-Q 21- B-B3 22- R-QS K-K3 R-B Kt-BS RxP KtxP Resigns
DEFENSE CICILIAN Wlllman White 1- P-K4 2- KI-KB3 3- P-B4 4- Kt-B3 B-P-Q3 Fine Black P-QB4 P-K3 Kt-QB3 Kt-QS Kt-K2 Wlllman Pint White B ack 22-B-K4 , BxB 23- BPxB n-e 24- QR-KKt QR-KB 2f.-P.KfU4 ' R-K8 25- R-R2 , K-R3 6-B-K3 Kt IK2I-B3 OT.PP KxP 7- P-KKt3 8- B-KI2 9- Q-Q2 10- P-KR 11- B-KI5 12- B-B4 13- KlxKC 14- Kt-KJ 15- B-R8 lfl-PxP 17- BOSch 18- BxB 19- P-B3 20- P-RJ 21- KxQ P-KKt3 B-K12 Castles P-KR4 P-B3 PrQ3 PxKt P-K4 P-B4 BxP K-R2 KxB Q-R4 QxQch Kt-K.3 28- Kt-Kt3ch K-R3 29- P-RS P-KKt4 30- Kt-R RIK8I-B8 31- RR21-Kt3 R-KKt T2-KI-H2 KxP 33-Kt-Kttt Kt-K.13 34- R-R2CII 35- Kt-B2 R(Ktl-KB 36- Kt-R RIBl-BS n.Kt-Kllrh K-KM 38-KI-K2 R-B7 39-RxR White lost through overstepping . Ik time limit.
Herman Steiner White mates In three. (Wh. 10; Bl. 7.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1251: Q-R5 SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1252: R-Kl We received solutions Irom the following: J. O. Dodee, Mrs. A. Tovar. L. A. Salcado. J. C. Drake. C. P. Ford, A. G. Karn, C. B. Collins. R. Koslin. H. p. Matosian. H. Bruhn. O. C. Lawson. J. M. Stufflebeam. D. A. Innes, O. A. Hall, M. Rudholm, J. P. Walsh. A. TuroB, J. E. Tyler. J. T. Watson. J. A. Frank. J. Davidson, B. BushuefT. J. McConnell. G. Francis, E. H. Schadee, W. DunnicllfT. E. L. Daniells, W. C. Noltine. L. G. Hartman. 5. Bdsky, W. L. Koethen. L. A. Saltado.
CORRECTION Problem a Black Knight from Black's Kim's Knight seven was omitted in the early edition, the correct setup: White 11, Blark . EDITOR'S NOTE Tour writer gratefully acknowledges the many season's greetings and eitends to all a hearty wish for a Happy, Prosperous and Victorious New Tear!
LIGHT ON SOME OPENINGS Series by C. J. S. Purdy: No. 21 The "Dragon" Our series on the Sicilian Defense last year (January to June was all right up to the concluding article, where we purported to kill the Dragon Variant. After showing. In January. 1941 (p. 19.1 that the "kill" was no kilt at all, we promised a further article on this lively beast. However, our opinion of the Dragon Is still unfavorable. 1. P-KS P OBI 2. N-KBS N-QB: By playing for the "Dragon" this way. Black permit's the Richter Attack, and he should do so. The artificial move, 2. . . . P-Q3. gives White excellent opportunities (see March, 1940, pp. 53-54.) . P-Q4 PxP 4. NiP N-BS 5. N-QBS F-QS This followed by 6. . . , P-KN3 is the Dragon Variant. Should White play 6. B-QB4, however, It is best for Black to change over to the Schrveningen with 6. . . . P-K.3, leaving White Bishop "biting granite." And by . B-KN5 Uhe Richter Attack) White can prevent the "Dragon" altogether, is 6. , . P-KN3 would allow a bad pawn-doubling.
Again Black should play 6. . , . P-K.3 (see Diagram 1.) Diagram 1: Richter Attack Position after 6. . , . P-K3 For a full discussion of the Richter see p. 84 (April, 1940.) and an important correction on p. 202 (October. 1940.) Since then, Mr. Steven 8haw of Hamilton. N.Y.. has written an Interesting article in No. 64 of ''Chess." recommending, in Diagram 1, 7. P-KB4. He gives: 7. P-KBI, B-KJ; H. F-Kft, N-Qlll 0. NxQN, Pl III.
BxB, QxBt 11. Q-B), FxP; 13. PxP "with advantage." But after 12. . . Q-N51 is not White In rather a jam? He cannot castle because of 13. . . . R-QN1. while 13. R-QN1 by White is answered by 13. . . . R-QN1 (14. P-QR3. 0-R4.) Mr. Shaw forestalls this criticism by saying, "Or perhaps before playlna P-K5 White should first play fl NxN. PxN; 9. Q-B3. B-N2; 10. P-K5." But instead of 9. . . . B-N2, 9. . . . P-Q4! seems quite satisfactory. If then 10. O-O-O. R-QN1 with advantage. We still regard the Richter as "ersatz." A belter move for White is B-K2. permitting the Dragon (6. . . , P-KN3.) See Diagram 2.
6. B-K3 r-KNS Distrain t ft1 ft :d X ft r2 ft t -to ft t fjM i3A J &Ji fe-M La J S i ft' -.1 Position alter 6. . , . P-KN3 The most important variant of the Dragon is probably the following: 7. B-KS B-N . Q-Q3 O-O Or else the old 8. . . . N-KN5, which loses a tempo, as after 9. BxN, BxB Black's bishop toon has to retire, even If not driven; the "two Bishops" are something, but White actually gains by exchanging off bis weak white-square Bishop. Furthermore. White's Q-knight can rapidly come to OS because the KP no longer needs protection. Variations are given In M.C.O., p. 292, all good for White. 9. 0-0 B-Q ' This is the move relied on by M.C.O., which also mentions 9. . . . P-Q4 as "playable." However, after 9. . . . P-Q4; 10. PxP. NxP (10. . ... N-ON5 is also unfavorable;) 11. QNxrt, OxN; 12. B-B3, Q-B5; 13. P-QN3I L. Steiner 13. . . . Q-R3: 14. NxN.
PxN: IS. B-R61 it is hard to find a defense (If IS. . . . BxR; It, RxBl simply.) 10. P-B3 ... Strangely enough,, this obvious move (threatening N-Q5. White's Mecca In the Dragon) Is not examined In M CO. 10. . . . R-Bl Prevents N-QS, which would lost the QBP. 11. N-N3! This renews the threat of N-QS and leaves Black cramped. The writer examined the position with Lai os Stelner and came to the conclusion that Black has difficult game. However, a student who Is willing to make a deep study of the possibilities may b rewarded by discovering a line good enough to make the "Dragon" still worth while. As readers know from last ' year's series, we regard the Schevenlngen. System (6. . . P-K3) as more solid.
CALIFORNIA OrCN STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TOIRNAMEXT The Open Stale Championship Tournament Is being held at the headquarters of the Hollywood Chess Group. 108 N. Formosa Ave. For further details, read your daily paper, until the 4th Mrs. Belcher White The tournament of January, will last : -. Miss Karff Black XR-Q2 K-K ' Kt-K2 P-KSch K-B2 R-OB R-B4 KtPxR PxP K-K3 P-Kt3 Kt-B , p.Q4 R-B2 Kt-Kt3 K-Q3 Miss Karfl Black Kt-KB3 P-K3 P-QKt3 B-Kt2 B-K2 Castles KtKS KtxKt P-KB4 BxB . B-B3 , P-B3 P-B4 PxP . BxKt Kt-B3 R-B2 e-KB KxQ P-K4 R-Q P-Q3 Mrs. ' Belcher White 23- KR-Q 24- P-B4 25- K-B3 26- R-KtS 27- K-B2 28- P-QR4 29- P-Kt3 30- RxR 31- P-Kt4 32- BxQKtP 33- K-K3 34- R-Q2 35- P-B5 38-P-Bfi 37- R-B2 38- B-R5 39- B-Kt4ch 40- B-R5 41- K-Q4 42- B-Kt4 43- P-R5 1- P-04 2- P-QB4 3- Kt-KB3 4- P-KKt3 5- B-K12 6- Castleg 7- Kt-B3 8- Q-B3 9- OxKt 10- Kt-KS 11- KxB 12- Q-B3 13- Q-Q.1 14- Kt-B3 15- KtxP 16- QxB 17- Q-QS 18- B-Q2 19- QxQcfi 20- QR-Q 21- B-B3 22- R-QS K-K3 R-B Kt-BS RxP KtxP Resigns
DEFENSE CICILIAN Wlllman White 1- P-K4 2- KI-KB3 3- P-B4 4- Kt-B3 B-P-Q3 Fine Black P-QB4 P-K3 Kt-QB3 Kt-QS Kt-K2 Wlllman Pint White B ack 22-B-K4 , BxB 23- BPxB n-e 24- QR-KKt QR-KB 2f.-P.KfU4 ' R-K8 25- R-R2 , K-R3 6-B-K3 Kt IK2I-B3 OT.PP KxP 7- P-KKt3 8- B-KI2 9- Q-Q2 10- P-KR 11- B-KI5 12- B-B4 13- KlxKC 14- Kt-KJ 15- B-R8 lfl-PxP 17- BOSch 18- BxB 19- P-B3 20- P-RJ 21- KxQ P-KKt3 B-K12 Castles P-KR4 P-B3 PrQ3 PxKt P-K4 P-B4 BxP K-R2 KxB Q-R4 QxQch Kt-K.3 28- Kt-Kt3ch K-R3 29- P-RS P-KKt4 30- Kt-R RIK8I-B8 31- RR21-Kt3 R-KKt T2-KI-H2 KxP 33-Kt-Kttt Kt-K.13 34- R-R2CII 35- Kt-B2 R(Ktl-KB 36- Kt-R RIBl-BS n.Kt-Kllrh K-KM 38-KI-K2 R-B7 39-RxR White lost through overstepping . Ik time limit.