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January 11, 1942 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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Chess by Herman SteinerChess by Herman Steiner 11 Jan 1942, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS BY HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor BOB ARONSON AND HERMAN STEINER, January 11, 1942 L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. By A. J. Peagam. White mates In two. (Wh. 11; Bl. 11.) L. A. TIMES Problem no. 1260. Bt A. W. Daniel. Horowitz played the early N-N3. a rather popular maneuver. 1. P-Kt, P-QBC J. N-KB3. P-QS (a ilr tadrnU know, we don't like this ! transpositions) 8. P-Q4, PxP: 4. ' NxN, -h.B;ti B. v-UHi), r-K;; . o-ivi. b-pu. T. O-O, O-Oi 8. N-NS auite s rood al-trrnatiTfl to 8. B-K:l.) . . . . N-B:ti 9. B-K:4, P-QBl (the moat promisinr reply,) 10. P-QRt, B-KH: II. N-Q4! Now. In the Second Game. Reshevsky pls.ved 11. . . . P-Q4, and alter 12. NxB, PxN: 13. PxP. PxP White could have made thingj troublesome tor him with 14. B-KN5! mallner-Santasiere.) In the Fourth Gme. 11. . . . NxN; 12. BxN. K-Bl; 13. Q-Q2, B-B5 was also rather unimpressive from Black's viewpoint.
The two most Interesting Lopez games were the sixth and 12th. The sixth: 1. P-K4, P-K4: 2. N-KB3. N-QRS; 3. B-NS, P-OR3) 4. B-R4. N-B:! 5. O-O, B-K1; . R-KI. P-QN4; 7. B-N3, P-QS: K. P-B3, N-QR4: . B-B. P-Bl: It). P-Q4. Q-Bl 11. P-KR:t. O-O: 1-J. QN-Q2, PxP (a pawn exchanre lauded bv Flohr;) 13. PxP. N-B:fi It. P-QS. N-QNS: 15. B-M, P-OR (forced;) 10. P-Rli. N-R.l. This position appears at first sight to have a bad point for White, in that his bishops block the queen s rook: we are so accustomed to. sliding rooks along the back line. QUEEN S PAWN Gordon i Vorkapich Gordon Black White Black P-QB4 11-P-QR3 QN-Q2 N-KB3il2-N-K QR-B P-Q4il3-B-Q3 R-B2 P-K3I14-B-Q2 Q-R B-K215-Q-K2 N(Q2uB3 BPB lfi-QR-Q R-Q Vnrkapich White 1- P-04 2- P-K1 3- N-KB3 4- B-K2 5- O-O 6- P-B4 7- KPxP 8- N-B3 9- R-K 10-PxP 0-0'17-N(K4)-N5 P-QN3 ! B-N2! NxP: Sterner White 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- P-Q4 4- SxP 5- P-OB4 R-N-B3 7- B-K2 8- B-K3 9- P-KR4 10- Q-Q2 11- P-Ki 12- 0-0-0 18- NxBPI 19- QxB 20-N-K5! SICILIAN DEFENSE Arnnson (Sterner Black ! White P-QB4 I 13-P-KN4 N-QB3 M-P-R5 White mates in three.
(Wh. &; Bl. 3.) SOLUTION TO FROBLEM 1255; NiN7)- B5. ' SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1256; BPxP lfnttB P- i White Wa received solutions from the follow- 1-P-K4 Ing: A. G. Karn. H. P. Maiosian. J. 2-N-KB3 Powers (welcome to our ladder.) J. E. ; 3-B-N5 Tyler, J Maunhmer. f). A. Innes. J. Fon-i 4-B-R4 seca, O. Francis. C. P. Ford, Mrs. A. Tovar. , s-O-o I- A. Salaado, M. Rudholm. A. D. Reynolasi R-P-Q4 8r., O. B. Oakes. B. Harris twelcome lo, 7-B-N3 our ladder.) J. C. Drake. W. C. Noltina.! R-PxP J P Walsh. O. 1. Herboth, C. O. Rankin, ! 9-P-B1 O. E. Kaeberle. B. A. Bushueff. Rev. P. : 10-B-KB4? Prichard. E. L. Darnells, J. T. Walton, 1 1I-R-N3 T. Turoff, J. O. Dodge, W. Hsrmon, W. ,12-N-Q4 DunnlcUff, G. A. Hall, G. C. Lawson. C. B.;13-PxB Collins. J. Davidson, R. Roslm. i 14-P-B1 15-PxN CALIFORNIA OFKN ST.4IE CIIAMI'IUN-SHIP TOURNAMENT The tournament which was played at White (he headquarters of the Hollywood he 1-P-Q4 ,rouo at 108 N. Formosa Ave., ended 2-P-QR4 fiundav. Jan. 4.
w ith Herman Slrlner i 3-N-KB3 relalninc his title. Second place went to 4-.N-B3 young Irving l.evitan, and third to fd-ward Everett (surprise- of the tournament.) Harry Borochow. former Nlale champion. Ferett has a chanra to tie wilh him provided Mini hl last iim. uith Kleiner. There i-r-ll are several unfinished games which do vot alter the results. Steiner has two adjourned games with Borochow and Cher-ais. Cordon against Aronson. orkapich against Aronson. Chernis against Aronson.
an.d Cohn against Aronson. The following is the standing: PxP P-Q3 N-B3 P-KN3 B-N2 O-O P-KR4 K-R2 R-K B-Q2 RUY LOPEZ Borochow Levitan Blarki White P-K4 N-QB3 P-QR3 N-B3 15-PxP 16- P-N5 17- RxPch 1H-N-B5 1B-PXB 20- QxN 21- Q-R3t J.'R-R 23- R-R71 24- PxNi P-KR3?? KxN K-B Resigns Aronson Black PxP PxRP N-K4!ir. k-n BXN NxB Q-B P-B3 N-N3 P-Q3 Resigns 16-R-K; 17- K-B 18- N-B3 19- K-K2 NXP20-K-K3 P-QN4 21-K-B4 22- R-R 23- RxR 24- NxOP 25- KXP fi-BxBch P-Q4 B-K3 B-QB4 P-N4 P-KR4 Borochow Black P-KN5 Q-R5 Q-R8ch QxPch Q-B7ch PxP RxR QxR BxP ft n pxb Q-N4ch , Q-N7ch ' BxN i 27-0 P-R5:28-K-B2 NxB i 29-Resigns PxP ' QUEEN'S GAMBIT ACCEPTED Piher Guillen Fisher Quillen Black While Black r-Q4j 5-P-K3 B-N2 PxPi 6-BxP QN-Q2? N-KB3 j 7-BxPch! KxB P-KN3' 8-N-N5ch Resigns SCOTCH GAME Borochow Everett Steiner . . Levuan .
. Everett . . Borochow Pisher . . . Cordon . . ICohn Chernis . . . Aronson Vorkapich Gilutin ... 5! a 4' il Quillen S 4 2', 2"i 2a 2 8 S 4i 71, 8'. a 9 - The I os Angelea Chess Club had a Hew and lis youngest chess champion last week, when Bob Aronson, 18-year-old high school senior, won the finals in the Club's championship matches. 2-N-KB1 3- P-Q4 4- NxP 5- B-K3 K-P-QR3 7- Q-Q: 8- B-K2 9- 0-0 10-NxN U-BxB 12- PxP 13- P-QB4 14- N-B3 15- P-QN3 1S-Q-B 17- KR-Q 18- B-B3 19- Q-B4 20- N-Q4I 21- QxB 22-Q-N5 Black! White Black; P-K4 24-QxQPch QxQ N-QB3;25-RxQ KR-K PXP126-P-KN3 K-B2 B-B4I27-QR-Q R-K7 Q-B3128-R-Q7ch R'Kl-K2 KN-K2i29-R(Q7-Q2 R-K8ch fn lila series f unM fie wnn mil epl one which was a draw.
Donnelly, 23-BxNch having last to Aronson la the third round. took second place. The Importance and popular!! has been , rapidly (rowing since break of the war, and even now reauired school subject In aom In Europe. Bob hopes to teach strategy nd, tactics to young draftees through Interesting medium ol chess when gets inte the Army. ' The youth bees me interested In chess three years ago at Junior high where he won hit first tournament, and since then ha has become senior high champion.
P-QR3!30-RxR 0-0I31-K-N2 P-Q4!32-K-B3 xN3.1-P-KR4 QxB 34-K-K4 NxPj3S-K-04 N-B3I36-K-B5 B-K3;37-K-N6 QR-Q;38-PxP B-B4j39-KxP QR-K 40-P-B5 P-QB3141-P-N4 R-K2I42-P-N5 NxN!43-P-BS P-KN344-P-B7 P-B3:45-P-B8(Q) PxBi !O.P.M.A$k$Savingi-& e countries; 'Hof Burlap Bags RxRch K.-K2 R-QB8 R-Bbch P-B4ch R-Bfi pxp RxKNP P. on. p-R5jlished rxp RPoSiDe Aronson . Donnelly Hulnagel Chirm . . . 6'4 8'-. 3'n 3Va Quillen 3 4 Reed 2'i 4'i 8piller 2 5 Varga Vj 5!, the ' Ona of mem: QUEEN'S l'-a 3 'a !' 31V last games of the tourna- OAMBIT DECLINED Aronson. White 1-P-KQ4 3-P-QB4 3- N-KB3 4- N-B3 -PxP Reed Black P-Q4 P-QB3 N-KB1 B-B4' PxP War Has Disrupted Supply From India Conservation of burlap bags was requested yesterday by Philip M. McCuliough, acting priorities director for Afnn.nn ReH white Black: regional 7-B-B4 p-rp'?:the Oflico of Production Manage o m v.' s wr,-.
S-Q-R4! Resutni. iment here, ' LIGHT ON ROME OPENINGS Series by C J. . Purdyi No. SI The Openings In 'he Reshevaky-llorowlta Match ! (Cenlinued from last Sunday.) Reshevsky Introduced the simple but (in his position) novel maneuver of 17. P-QN3 followed by N-Bl and R-R2I and then hart rlearlv the Dreferahlo same. If. however, Black leaving the center pawnsj riipted UIHWSMIini, lie unuiv .w led ivw He asked that wholesalers, retailers, farmers and others using the bags return them to their sources if possible or else bundle them up with other scrap materials which are being collected. The war in the Pacific has dis- our supply of burlap, most of which comes from India, the material, he pointed out. "dead ' position The 12th- i. p-ki. p-k4i . N-KB'.jana it is necessary to conserve . O-O. NxPl 8. P-Q4. P-ON4I 7. H-N8. P-Q41 8. PxP. . P-BX. B-Kil 10. P-dRi (probably good, not ollen played,) 10. . . . P-NAi II. N-Q4 (a promising pawn-aacrlflce which Alekhlne tried againat Fine In the A.V.R.O..) II. . . . NxKPt li. P-KBt, I-N8i 18. Q-Bi, P-QB4i 14. PxP, PxNt 18. PxQP, O-Ot 18. B-K3. B-KHi 17. N-Q'!.
VtNi 18. QxN. Whit has the better chances. Horowltt obtained a "won game." but threw it away and drew In ft) moves. The wholt match waa rather uninspiring In the opening as well as other si axes. Lack of confidence by Horowltg and Re-elievsky'a grim determination to avoid losing a game, were contributing factors. Alter watching one of the games, Marshall said to a friend in reply to a query. "Oh I Just positional they didn't play ehesa." TRENCH DEFENSE: LA8KER VARIANT Mr. R. G. Wade, runner-up for the last Hew Zealand championship, makes an Important criticism of our January article on tha Laaker Variant of the French De fense, in th a article, Blaek'i disabilities, but showed one line which we considered sufficient for equality. However, la the paragraph lust below the aecond diagram (page 13.). Wade points nut a combination, 14. BxNI (Instead of OR-Q1.) which wlna a pawn by force. To amend this line, Black needs to play 13. . . QR-Q1 In place of 13. . .
. XR-Q1T, but then 14. NxB gives White the "two bishops." In compensation Black gets ahead in development, but we hould bealtatt to claim complete equal-It As this was tha only line 'In the Leaker Variant which we thought satisfactory after murh research, we ara inclined now to recommend the Wlnawer Variant lone, as the right answer to 3. N-UB3 after 1. P-K4, P-K3; 3. P-Q4. P-W4 ) The Wlnawer was dealt with In June and July, li has the merit of making no concession In White. In the Laaker Variant 3. N-QR1. N-KB3; 4. B-KN.l, PxP) Slack makea dear concession with 4. . , , PxP, bringing the While Q-kmght Into a central post. Compare tha more virile Wlnawer Variant, in which Black pint that piece with 3. . . . B-N9. KING'S. PAWN Except for on English Opening, Horowitz played 1. P-K4 always.

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Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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