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January 19, 1941 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 19 Jan 1941, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor RESHEVSKY PRESSURE PAYS from the national championship, enow a how Resnevaky (raduaLr famed the upper hand, without hie opponent making any outstanding blunders. White mates In two.
Wh. 9: Bl. 4.) L. A TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1158 Composed for the Los Angeles Times by Ralph Copp Jr., Los Angeles, Cal.
White mates In three. (Wh. 5; Bl. 1.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1153: N-Q5.
SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1154: K-B7. We received solutions from the following: L. Sheppard. G. C. Flh, Mrs. A. Tovar (we give two weeks for solution, thanks for your interest;! C. P. Ford, J. C. Drake. H. Bruhn. J. Davidson, A. D. Reynolds Sr.. A. G. Karn, M. Rudholm, W. C. Naltlng, E. L. Darnells. J. T. Watson, E. H. Schadee. O. A. Hall, L. Btern, W. Harmon. D. A Innes, J P. Walsh, C. L. Weeks, Dr. R. H. Ross. DR. EMMAM'I'.L I.ASKERB CHESS MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT The rhess world menrns the loss ef ne of It's greatest contributors, in the pasting ef Dr. Emmanuel Lasker. Nat nly was he the world champion for 37 rears, but also a phllnAinhrr and pro fessor of mathematics. We shall publish ne of his best samei in our next issue with annotations by Reuben Fine and Ired Reinfeld. The Hollywood fheaa Group Is sponsoring an Invitational tournament in honor nt Dr. Lasker. The following are the possible participants: H. Kleiner, H. Borochow. P. Woliston, T. Basarl. G. S. G. Patterson. E. Kovaea. P. Smith, P, Qull-lan. I. Levitan. G. Reinhardt, W. Rein-hard!. J. Weisstein. J. Themis. Dr. W. L. Hnerher. Mrs. K. Slater, B. Aronson. B. Dobsevase, C. D. Molt. The games are to be played at 108 N. Formosa Ave., enee week.
GIUOCO PIANO Bernstein Reshevsky Bernstein ReaherskT White Black white Bli-k 1-P-K4 P-K4 273-B Q-Kxi 3-KI-KB3 KI-QB3 28-P-KR3 Q-RS 3- B-B4 Kt-B3 29-K-R2 P-R4 4- P-Q3 B-B4 30-P-R3 Q-B3 5- Kt-B3 P-KR3 31-Q-B O-K'4 6- B-K3 B-K15 32-Q-B Q-R3 7- Castlea BxKt 33-K-Kt P-KRS -PxB Cistlea 34-RxR JxR 9-R-K P-Q3 35-Oxa PxQ 10- R-Kt Kt-OR4 3h-Kt-K2 BxP 11- B-KI3 KtxB 37-KI-Q4 K-B2 12- RxKt P-OKI3 38-Kt-Kt5 BxBP 13- P-B4 B-K3 39-KtxBP B-Q4 14- Kt-Ql Kt-KtS 40-Kt-Rt P-OK14 15- P-Q4 KtxB 41-PxP BxP 16- PxKt P-KB4 42-K-B2 K-B3 17- P-OJ B-Q2 43-Kt-Kt B-R3 18- PxP RxP 44-K-B3 K-B4 19- R-B RxRch 45-Kt-R8 B-06 20- KtxR Q-R5 4fi-Kt-Kt P-Kt4 21- Q-K2 E-KB 47-P-R4 B-R3 22- Kt-Kt3 B-K 48-Kt-R8 B-B5 23- P-K4(a) B-Kt3 49-Kt-Kt B-KtS 24- R-R3 P-OR4 50-K-B2 K-KS 25- R-KB3 R-B5 Resigns 26- Q-B Q-Kt4 Bchwarte iMlnlek gchwarfi Black White Black Kt-KH:i 12-BxKt R-Q'al P-K3 13-CastIesQR Q-B3 B-K15 14-QxQ PxQ P-Q4 15-BxKt RxB QxP 18-RxR PxB P-B4 17-KR-Q B-R3 BxKt 18-R-Qch RxR Kt-B3 19-RxRch K-K12 Castles 20-R.O7 B-B8 PxP 21-RxRP BxP KtxKt 22-P-QR4 and wins.
WOOD OR VICINITY Irvln Haas writes: "If there are any kai. Westwood Villiee." 1 ,rjnd lurk. Mr Hill 1 HERMAN STEINER CHESS EXHIBITION On Wednesday, Jan. 22 at 2 p.m.. Herman Steiner. California State champion, will be the guest of Co. 8. at the National Military Home at West Los Angeles. There will be a lecture and exhibition by him. CLUB NEWS The Hollywood Chess Group announces a lecture and simultaneous exhibition by Herman Steiner, international master, every Wednesday at 8 p.m.. 108 N. Formosa Ave. Reservations may be made by calling WCbster 8817. ARTISTIC ALEKHINE VICTORY An eighty-move game in print looks like mitrh trouble In the sversve ehess jplayer. but this game, from the Buenos Aires Team tournament, piayeo in me LOS;,urnmer last year, should serve as a model to faint-hearted tournament players who agree to a draw simply because the material la equal and the positions fairly even in the early staiiea. Tins same is well worth careful study.
FRENCH DEFENSE Apscheneek Alekhinei Apscheneek : White , Black White P-Q4I43-R-B2 (a) White felt this was necessary so that Black would not be able to euablisn his B at K5. (From the C.S Monitor.) BRONX CHAMPIONSHIP GAME This game was won by the tournament rictor NIMZOWITSCH DEFENSE Pllnlck White 1- P-Q4 2- P-QB4 3- KI-QB3 4- Q-B2 5- PxP 6- Kt-B3 7- B-02 B-BxB 9-P-K3 10- B-Q3 11- KtxP ia wniteg strong reply renders tnif move doubtful. HOROWITZ SIMULTANEOUS EXHIBITION We are very happy to announce the pearance of Mr. I. A. Horowitz en fcatwr day. Feb. I, at t p.m. at the I. A. Chess Club, 1J4 W. Fourth St. Everyone Invited. Oa Monday, Feb. 9, at 8 p.m., Mr. Horowitz will be the gneat r the Hollywood Chess Group where he will glee aa exhibition against all comers. He will alse give an Interesting lecture far all class of play ers. Anyone interested in participating in this Interesting event write 108 N. Formosa Ave., or telephone WEbstee 8817. In April Mr. Horowlts will play a match for the U.S. cbes title with the present title holder and former hov. wonder, 8, Res he v-sky. More of this later. SIMULTANEOUS EXHIBITION VIENNA OAME Hnrowltg White 1- P-K4 2- Kt-QB3 3- B-B4 4- Q-KI4I 5- Kt-OS 6- K-Q1 7- KI-R3 Amateur .
Black P-K4 Xt-QB3 B-B4 0-B3? OxPch K-BI Q-QS Horowitl White 8- P-QJ 9- R-B1 10-RxKt U-xPch 12- B-R6ch 13- R-Kt6ch 14- KI-B6 Amateur Black B-Kt3 Kt-B3 P-Q3 KxQ K-Ktl RPxR Mat U.S. CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT NEW YORK. 1936 CARO-KANN DEFENSE 19-K-B2 J0-R-K3 71-B-B 12-QR-K Kt-02 24- RxR 25- R-K2 28-R-KR 27- R-K2 28- B-R3 20-BxKt 30- R-K 31- P-B4 32- R-KB j 34-K-Q3 Berto&.j'.l"0," Tnai37-Kt-B 38-Kt-K3 White 1-P-K4 2- P-Q4 3- PxP 4- B-Q3 5- P-QB3 -Kt-K2 7- P-KK13 8- Kt-Bt 9- KxQ 10- R-Kch 11- P-B3 12- P-KI3 13- B-R3 14- BxB 15- Kt-02 lfi-Kt-KtJ 17-Kt-R4 18-Kt(Q2)xPKKt-K5 P-KB3 Kt-B7 QR-K R-K5 PxPi44-K-Q3 K1-QB3 4S-P-QK14 B-Q3 48-K-B3 Q-R5 47-R-R2 Q-R4 4R-R.R8 QxQch ,9-Kt-Kt7ch Kt-B3 50-Kt-R5 Kt-K2 51-K-Q3 B-Q2 52-KtPxP CastlesQR 53-Kt-B4 Kt-B4 54-KtxPia) , KtxB!55-K-B2 P-KKt456-Kt-Kt8(b) P-Kt5j57-R-R7ch PxP 39- PxP 40- R-B 41-Kt-B.Vh 58-RxP 59-P-R4 K0-KtxKt 81- R-F8 82- P-R5 83- P-R8 RxR84-K-Q3 Kl-Ki.5 K5-K-K2 B-Kt4 68-K-B3C) B-Q2I87-R-QB8 R8-R-QR8 80-K-K2 70- K-B2 71- R-R7 72- R-R8 73- P-R7 74- R-KtBch 75- R-Kt 78-R-Rch 77- R-Kteh 78- R-Bch 79- R-B5 80- R-R5 Resigns R-Kt K-Q BxB P-KR4 P-B3 K-K2 Kt-Kt4 Kt-B2 BxKt P-R5 R-KR PxP Kt-K3 R-Rfi K-Q2 Alekhlne Black . R-R7 : R-R8 P-K13 R-QKI8 R-Kt8 Kt-Kt4 K-K3 K-B2 Kt-Kt5ch PxP KtxKt P R-KB8 , R-OSch RxP Kt-KS K-K3 KtxP Kt-Q2 RxKt P-KB4 K-Q4 R-KB2 P-B5 K-B5 K-KI4 K-KI3 R-B1 P-Bfich K-R4 K-Kt4 K-K13 K-Kt2 KxP K-R3 K-Kt4 K-B5 K-Qfi K-Q5 P-B4 Horowit Reshevsky Horowitl ReshevskT White Black White Blact 1- P-K4 P-QB3 18-P-R4 P-Kt8Q? 2- P-Q4 P-Q4 I9-QxQ P-Kt4 3- Kt-QB3 PxP 20-R-RI , Q-Kt3 4- KtxP Kt-B3 21-Kt-KS P-Kt$ 8-Kt-Kt3 P-KR4 22-QR-B1 PxPfh 8-Q-Q3 P-R5 2.1-PxP P-K3 7- Kt-K4 KtxKt 24-Q-Kt4 B-Q3 8- QxKt Kt-Q2 28-P-R5 BxKt 9- P-KKI5 Q-Kt3 26-RxB R-OKtl 10-0-0-0 Q-R4 27-B-R4 K-Bl U-KNB3 QxP 28-Q-KtJ P-B3 12- B-Q3 Q-RBeh 29-RxKl P-K4 13- K-Q2 Q-R4ch 30-RxP B-R3 14- P-B3 P-R8 31-R-QKtl Q-Ql 15- KR-K1 KI.-B3 32-RxR QxR 16- Q-B4 Kt-Q4 33-R-QB5 0-Kt7ch 17- Q-K13 PxP 34-B-B2 Resign! Games from the California State ehsm plonship tournament: HUNGARIAN DEFENSE Dnbsevage Qulllen Dobsevage QuiUen White Black White Black 1- P-K4 P-K4 12-N-N3 PxB 2- N-KB3 N-QB3 13-PxP B-Q8 3- B-B4 B-K2 H-Q-Q2 Q-Q4 4- P-Q4 P-Q3 15-N-Q4 NxP 5- P-B3 B-N5 lfi-Castleg Q-R4 6- P-KR3 B-R4 17-P-QR3 " P-QB4 7- B-K3 N-B3 18-NiN.D-BS B-Bl 8- QN-QJ Castles 19-P-Ni , ; B-Q 9- Q-K2 NxKP 20-P-B4t PxN 10- NxN P-Q4 .1 , , N-B3 11- P-KN4 B-N3 Black won la a few more moves. FRENCH DEFENSE Qulllen Mayers IQulllen Mayerg White Black Wht'e Black 1- P-K4 P-K3 18-K-N Q-N3 2- P-Q4 P-Q4 19-PxPch K-B 3- N-QBJ N-KB3 20-BxPch QxB 4- B-KN5 B-N5 21-N-K2 ', P-K4 5- P-B3 P-KR3 22-Q-N5 Q-N3 8-B-R4 P-KN4 23-N-B BxNfdls.
eh ) 7- B-B2 PxP 24-KxB B-N5T 8- P-KR4I N-Q4 25-QxKP Q-R3cht 9- Q-Q2 PxBP 26-K-N BxR? 10- PxNP BPxP 27-P-Q8! BxPcrt 11- BxP P-KR4 28-K-R! KxP 12- Castleg NxN 29-Q-K7ch K-N3 13- PxN P-R8ch 30-R-KN K-B4 14- K-N P-QB4 3l-B-R3ch K-B5 15- K-R N-B.1 32-Q-R4ch K-K4T 16- P-Q5! N-R4 33-Q-Q4checkmat 17- P-N6? B-N7ch! J. J. Jack, W. West
This position was encountered In a cross-board game between S, Ilershkowitz and A. J. Mantell; the former, playing the Black .forces, played 2-8 at this point and While got away with a draw. f AH that is left. ' QUEEN'S PAWN (Irregular Defense Kovan White 1- N-KB3 2- P-QN3 3- B-N2 4- P-KNJ 8-B-N2 6- P-Q1 7- P-QR4 8- P-B.1 9- QN-QJ 10- Castleg 11- R-K 12- P-K3 13- NxP? 14- BxB 15- B-N1 Levi tun White 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- B-N5 4- B-R4 A-Castlea B-P-B3 7- P-Q4 B-PxP 9-N-B3 10- P-QR3 11- B-B2 12- B-K3 13- Q-Q2 14- KR-Q 15- QR-B lfi-N-05 17- NxNch 18- B-N 19- P-R3 Mo ft White 1-P-K4 Z-P-Q4 3- N-QB3 4- B-KN5 5- P-K5 8- PxN 7- PxP 8- P-KR4 9- N-R3 10- RxP 11- N-KS 12- NxN 13- Q-Q3 14- R-R7 lfi-P-KNj 17-Q-Q2 18- RxR 19- P-B4 20- N-K2 2l-Castlel 22-Q-K3 fltelner Black P-KB4 N-KB3 P-QN3 B-N2 P-K3 P-QR4 B-N5rh B-K2 Castles P-Q3 P-K4 QN-Q2 NxN R-R2I NxP Kovacg White IS-Q-B27 17- RxN 18- P-QB4 19- Q-B3 20- P-K4 21- NxP 22- R-Qt 23- PxP 24- P-C 2S-P-R3'? S'einer Black NxR P-N3 Q.Q7 P-Bi PxP P-Q4 Q-B4 R-Q2 B-Q NxN 26- Q-B4ch R(Q2)-B2 27- BxN QxPeh 28- K-R QxB 29- R-KR K-Nl 30- Resigni RUY LOPEZ Dobsevsge Blark P-K4 N-QB3 P-WR3 N-B3 P-Q.1 B-K2 PxP Castles B-N5 P-QN4 Q-Q2 QR-Q P-R.1 Q-B KR-K B-B PxN N-K2 B-R4 FRENCH Mayers Black P-K3 P-Q4 N-KB1 B-N5 P-KR.1 PxB R-N PxP Q-B3 QxNP N-Q2 BxN Castles Q-TI3 B-Q.1 P.B1? R-R! ' RxR Q-N2 R-R7 p-ni K-N (as Overlooking a Lnitaa White 20- P-KN4 21- N-R4 22- N-B5 23- P-Q5 24- PxP 25- K-NJ 2S-R-R 27- B-R8 28- NPxB M-RxB 30- P-B4 31- R-R7 32- RxPrh! 31-Q-R5ch 34Q-R7ch 35-Q-Rch Ifi-Q-Nijch 37-R-R DEFENSE Mott White ' 23-N-!f 24SPxP 2.1-N-R3 26- PxP 27- N-KS 28- PxB 29- QxQ 30- B-O3 31- R-R 12-BxR 33- B-Q3! 34- PxB 35- K-B2 .1H-K-N3 37-K-B4 18-K-B8 39- P-R4I 40- P-R5f 41- KxP 42- P-N4 43- K-K5 44- Driwn Win with Dobsevase Black, B-N3 B-R3 P-KR4 PxP N-N3 N-K4 B-N2 BxN BxB K-B N-Q2 K-K2 KxR.
K-K2 K-H K-B2 K-B Resigna Mayerg Blark P-K4 PxP PxP l-B3Va BxN Q-B7 RxQ RXBA B-B4 BxB P-Q5 K-Q2 K-K3 KxP P-R1? K-K3 K-Q2 K-Q3 K-BJ K-Q3 Q-N4I FRENCH DEFENSE Smith Mavera Smith Mayert While Black White Black 1- P-K4 P-K3 22-RxN QR-B 2- P-Q4 1 P-Q4 23-R-QJ R-KB5I 3- N-QBJ N-KB1 24-KR-Q R-Q5! 4- B-KNS B-N5 2-RxR Pxtt B-P-K5 P-KR3 J1-R-Q2? P-Qli! 8-B-R4 P-KN4 27-P-B3 P-05t 7- H-N3 N-KS 28-RxP PxP 8- N-K2 P-KB4 29-PxP BxP 9- PxPgw. QxP 30-N-K4 P-N4 10- P-B1 NxB 11-P-N1 P-QR4 11- NxN? P-B4 32-P-B4t P-QNS 12.R-N.1rh R-Q2 ,11-R-4ch K-K2 13- Castlei QxPch 34-R-OR8 P-Nfl 14- QxQ PxQ 35-RxQRP P-N7 15- BxBch KxR 8-R-R7eh K-K3 18-QN-K3 P-K4 37-R-Rich K-Q2I 17- QR-Q N-B1 18-N-Behf K-Q 18- K-R K-K3 .19-R-N8 RxP 10- f'-QPI B-Q3 40-R-N8ch R-B 20- KR-K KR-B? 41-RN7 R-BBch 21- NxPch NxN 42-Reslgns BUDAPEST DEFENSE Mayerg Chemla Mayers Chernl While Black White Blark 1-P-Q4 N-KB3 14-N-04? B-Q27 5- P-QB4 P-K4 15-N-N8 R-QB 3- PxP N-NS lfl-KR O Castles 4- B-B4 N-GB1 17-NxQP R-B27 8-N-KBJ B-B4 18-N-B4 P-B3 8-P-K1 Q-KJ 19-NxP B-K3 7-N-B1 B-N5 20-N-B4 KR-K 5- Q-N1 iP-ajll 21'N-NA N-N5 0-B-KJ NtNStsKP 32-Q-R3 Q-B4? lfl-Clstlel K. BxN 23-C.R4I P'Kl-Kl 11- QxB P-Q' 24-B-QN8 JI(W).3f 12- P-B5I N8' 38-BN'K) NxB 13- rxP FxP 3-R-Q8ch Resign!

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

Special Thanks