OCR Text
CH6SS BY HERMAN STEINER INTERNATIONAL CHESS MASTER Address All Mail to the Chess Editor, L. A. Times, 1943 TIMES PROBLEM NO. BT L. Roberts White mates In two. (Wn. 7; BI. 7.) LA. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1310 Composed for the Los Angeles Times by R. C. Minkowski, Lot Angeles. White mates in three. (Wh. Si Bl. 3) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM . 1308: Q-Q3 SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1306; - HELKNEK RUDHOLM WIN SOLVING CONTEST WITH SOI POINT '" Wi congratulate Mr. Kudholra for win fclnc this contest the fourth time! Ha kaa been with at aline wa started our eolamn and null frem Los Angeles, Lai. Thia Ii tba score ef lait mentti'a par gteleants. Thoaa whs took cart previously will have their scare aland and ahould (har aand in solutions again they will be added and pbllstaeel neat month. "- H. Bruhn ( 57; R. H. Beels welcome to our ladder.) 8: B. Bushuefi, 1- A. I. Rurkman. 67: C. B. Collins, 12r W. da Castro. 0: J. C. Drake 309; J. O. Dodge ,) 17; O. D. Donald. 14; J. Davidson (, 99; C. P. Jord .) 1M; O. Francis, 207; C. J. Glbbs (welcome to our ladder.) 9; Mrs, M. Gordon. 12: R L. Hewes. 0; T. Har- imtton, 8; O, A. Hall ,) 253; T). A. Kne () 80; J. J. Jackson, S; W. L. liethen (,) 60: O. Kibbey, 36; J. Y. tlmagaii 3; O. B. Kellogg, o: u. u. ewis, 3: M. Morris, 40; f. Mahan, 0; . J. MeConneli. 39: H. P. Matoslan, 227; O. W. Linn. 0; P. Margeretien, 13; O. J. Mrers. 3; W. C. Noltlng (.) 55; R L Ostergard, 6; Ray, P. Prlrhard (,) BftS; M. Rudholm ( 308 winner;) A. D. Remolds Sr.. 190: X. H. Bchadee ,) 247; Dr. J. B, Sheldon. 72; L A, Salgado (.) 210: E. Shimano. 10; D. E. famlth. 3; Mrs. T. Tovar, 17; J. P. Walsh M 184; A. S. Wells. 164: i. T. Watson .) 213. Score Includes Problems 12U9-1306.
RULES OF THE SOLVING CONTEST The winners of each month's contest Will receive a three months' subxenpuon to the Chess Review, a month's membership. In the Chess and Checker Club of Los Angeles. 124 W. Fourth St., and the Hollrwood Chess Croup, 108 N. For . mosa Ave., where ther mav discuss com, sKising and solving of problems and end gamea. Every winner will be marked with the usual ,) showing thst ha was once a winner in climbing the leaser, me intern will enable 12 (or more in a case , of a tie) solvers to win.
Solutions sent In answer to this problem will be acknowledged within two weaka after publication if you wlnh to fgure In the 'up-to-the-minute' laaoer, the time limit being seven days. Otherwise credit can only be given In a later Udder. - Problems In this eolumn may begin with a castling key or have castling- as defense, unless It can. be definitely proved that such maneuvers are not legal.
Capture keys, "en passant" keys and checking keys are also tolerated, but all the above types are rather uncommon. The capture ot a pawn, however, la not nuaual. If a problem has no solution, "no so-tiitlnn" must be claimed in order to score points. The prlnelps! vsrlatlona are necessary! when sending in the three-movers. Keys! only need be given In two-ers.
althoushj It la excellent practice to write out all the distinct variations. I Two-movers receive two points. Three-j lovers receive three points on our ladder. The prize Is swarded to the leading! solver once a month, (Hi score Is then snceled.) Solvers msv become Isdderlles at any time. They are expected to solve as Individuate or teams but not consult otherwise.
Anyone desiring Information for chess literature, chess lessons, address of chess clubs, or whatever information concerning the game of chess, should send a self-addressed and stamped envelope or card to Jierman Stelner, Chess Zdltor. us. Times. Request for back Issues and subscrip tions should be directed to the Circulation Department. This column appears on Sunday.
I There la for Instance the position from the game Botwlnnlk Plohr In the in ternational tournament at Moscow (Diagram a.) have been faced with difficulties every yesr and there have alwaya been last- minute preparations. Due to tire con servatlon. it was suggested the celebra tlon be held near by Los Angeles, under the SDonsorshin of the Chamber ot Com merce of Los Angeles. The writer would appreciate an expression from the chess players, which he wiU submit to the Chamber of Commerce. CHESS LITERATURE We have just received the second edition of Dr. Tarrasch's "The Came of Chess" at the new low price of 2,50 in stead of (4. The writer ha always con. sidered this volume as the finest of its kind and which he. Incidentally, uses as the trxt for his lectures. It may be ordered through the , writer (postage 15 cents.)
TOURNAMENT NEWS Tanofsky wina Ventnar City Tournament.
STANDING OF THE PLATERS Tanofsky Bernstein Shainswit Moskowitl Pinkus W. L ,.ei sis 3Vs uonovan ...4 s Levy 4 5 Chauvenet ,2'2 6'b Suesman . . Z'i 6'i The final scores In the recent Msr del Plata tournament are: M. M. Naldorf. Po land. 13 14 3'i: H. Filnlck, Buenos Aires, and O. Btahlberg. Sweden, 13 4 each: j Bolbochan. Argentina. 12 5: P. Michel, Germany. 116: M, Luckls, Lithuania, and J. Pellkan, Csechosiovakla, 9'a 7Va; C. E. Qulmard. C. H, Maderna and H, H. Villegas. all Argentina, 9 8 each; H. Ros-setto. Argentina, 7'a 9'i; M. Czerniak, Palestine, and C. Laplna, Rosarlo, 710 each; J. inesco, Rumania, ana v. ren- oello. Argentina, . 5'i ll'i each: C. J. Corte. Parana, 812; J. Canepa. Uruguay, and Miss Son J a Oraf, Bueno Aires, 3Vs 13s. . ' ' A "short-short' from Chicago through which we will have passed before these lines greet your eyesl Samuel Factor is one of the Middle West's finest players and hag competed nationally.
KING'S BISHOP GAMBIT NIetsche Factor White Black 1- P-K4 P-K4 2- P-KB4 PxP 3- B-B4 Q-H5 (s 4- K-B1 P-KN4 5- N-KBI Q-R4 6- P-KR4 P-G4 7- BxPB4 N-KB3 NIetsche White 8- N-QB3 9- BxN 10- P-Q4 11- K-N1 12- N-K5? 13-PxQ 14-Resigni (b) Factor Black N-QB3! PxB B-R3 P-N1 QxNt B-B4 (a) BotolJtlbow's defense 3 . .-. N-KB3; N-B3. P-B3! is so good that the Bishop's Gambit has lost much of Its popularity , . and danger! (b) Factor s Queen's sacrifice en his 12th turn must have been ouite a shock. Tba finish has undoubtedly appeared often in the past under somewhat similar conditions.
After 14. K.-HZ, f -No j 13 K-K3, B-B1 : 13. Q-M4. BxQ mate! Diagram J Black White ' After the move P-QB5, White threat ens to advance Ms Q side pawns: P-K14 P-Kt8 and so on. To atop Ms Black playa P-QH4 and now there Immediately omeg White's threat, to place the Kt sU Qti. It will make its way there via B-Ktl. R3 and B4, threatening from the past or inese tnrea squares not oniy me aouare Q6 but also the pawn at QR4 nd the square Kt6: To protect against II these.
Black must put his B at QB2 tut In this esse his P at QK12 will be defenseless and Black will be more or less forced to Play RQ-Ktl. Thus we can work nut tha next few moves thst actually followed in the asms: 33. P-QBS, P-QR4: 34 Kt-Ktl. OBI; 35. KtK3, .BQ1: 36. KtB4. B-B2: 37. Kt-QO. R-Ktl Now White can direct tha attack against tha backward UKtP, playing R-WKtl, P-QK14. doubling rooks on tha file when t is opened and finally obliging Black "to capture tha Kt on Q6 and thua provide him with a strong protected pased pswn on the sixth rank.
Wa thua sea that, by examining the position for the frest Plan It has to offer, we have weeded down the moves worth considering to almost one each time and thus gone into a five-move-deep piece of analysis in a eery short time. Follow your own ideas -hnt take your opponents Into account. Sometimes by' sticking rigorously lo a breconcelved Idea we overlook a tactical possibility which hsppens suddenly to be liven us hy a careless move on the psrt ef our opponent. This will he rare. Of the 20 possible moves at the beginning ef tha lama only four or five are good, In rest are worthless, planless, wsste If time.
Ignore the other Iti. Do not exhaust yourself by Considering the nil- merous mistakes your opponent may com put, hut do hava a good look at the few ooo moves that are at his disposal, ; news op The rums The Hollywood Chesa Orniio, 106 N Formosa Ave,, extends lis Invitation to fhess players to visit Its tjuartara for the vtontn of July. During the nett three rinntha. Herman llelner will conduct (leases for beginners and advanced play-fra. AH thoat Interested plraae phone WKisiar "1 17 or Wyoming jsio.
Mr. Iiuls Prrslnxer, famous violinist ind pedagogue, la also a very fine chess player, will be guest of the Hollywood lies Orotip. when he comes to Is An elas for 'the summer months. We are isppy to announce tha return on July 0 of' Mrs. Nsnny Roon. Reliliim's worn-n's chess chsmpion, who will also he fuest of tha Hollywood Chess Group, MORPHT DAY " Wa would like to know if the chess-Playing nubile would Ilka (his annual thasi holiday in ha field tfl Lna Anielea pkil ear, prtferablp Urlflllh Patk. W Black 6, 17, 21; king, 7. White to move and win.
RULES OF THE SOLVING CONTEST The winners of each month's contest Will receive a three months' subxenpuon to the Chess Review, a month's membership. In the Chess and Checker Club of Los Angeles. 124 W. Fourth St., and the Hollrwood Chess Croup, 108 N. For . mosa Ave., where ther mav discuss com, sKising and solving of problems and end gamea. Every winner will be marked with the usual ,) showing thst ha was once a winner in climbing the leaser, me intern will enable 12 (or more in a case , of a tie) solvers to win.
Solutions sent In answer to this problem will be acknowledged within two weaka after publication if you wlnh to fgure In the 'up-to-the-minute' laaoer, the time limit being seven days. Otherwise credit can only be given In a later Udder. - Problems In this eolumn may begin with a castling key or have castling- as defense, unless It can. be definitely proved that such maneuvers are not legal.
Capture keys, "en passant" keys and checking keys are also tolerated, but all the above types are rather uncommon. The capture ot a pawn, however, la not nuaual. If a problem has no solution, "no so-tiitlnn" must be claimed in order to score points. The prlnelps! vsrlatlona are necessary! when sending in the three-movers. Keys! only need be given In two-ers.
althoushj It la excellent practice to write out all the distinct variations. I Two-movers receive two points. Three-j lovers receive three points on our ladder. The prize Is swarded to the leading! solver once a month, (Hi score Is then snceled.) Solvers msv become Isdderlles at any time. They are expected to solve as Individuate or teams but not consult otherwise.
Anyone desiring Information for chess literature, chess lessons, address of chess clubs, or whatever information concerning the game of chess, should send a self-addressed and stamped envelope or card to Jierman Stelner, Chess Zdltor. us. Times. Request for back Issues and subscrip tions should be directed to the Circulation Department. This column appears on Sunday.
I There la for Instance the position from the game Botwlnnlk Plohr In the in ternational tournament at Moscow (Diagram a.) have been faced with difficulties every yesr and there have alwaya been last- minute preparations. Due to tire con servatlon. it was suggested the celebra tlon be held near by Los Angeles, under the SDonsorshin of the Chamber ot Com merce of Los Angeles. The writer would appreciate an expression from the chess players, which he wiU submit to the Chamber of Commerce. CHESS LITERATURE We have just received the second edition of Dr. Tarrasch's "The Came of Chess" at the new low price of 2,50 in stead of (4. The writer ha always con. sidered this volume as the finest of its kind and which he. Incidentally, uses as the trxt for his lectures. It may be ordered through the , writer (postage 15 cents.)
TOURNAMENT NEWS Tanofsky wina Ventnar City Tournament.
STANDING OF THE PLATERS Tanofsky Bernstein Shainswit Moskowitl Pinkus W. L ,.ei sis 3Vs uonovan ...4 s Levy 4 5 Chauvenet ,2'2 6'b Suesman . . Z'i 6'i The final scores In the recent Msr del Plata tournament are: M. M. Naldorf. Po land. 13 14 3'i: H. Filnlck, Buenos Aires, and O. Btahlberg. Sweden, 13 4 each: j Bolbochan. Argentina. 12 5: P. Michel, Germany. 116: M, Luckls, Lithuania, and J. Pellkan, Csechosiovakla, 9'a 7Va; C. E. Qulmard. C. H, Maderna and H, H. Villegas. all Argentina, 9 8 each; H. Ros-setto. Argentina, 7'a 9'i; M. Czerniak, Palestine, and C. Laplna, Rosarlo, 710 each; J. inesco, Rumania, ana v. ren- oello. Argentina, . 5'i ll'i each: C. J. Corte. Parana, 812; J. Canepa. Uruguay, and Miss Son J a Oraf, Bueno Aires, 3Vs 13s. . ' ' A "short-short' from Chicago through which we will have passed before these lines greet your eyesl Samuel Factor is one of the Middle West's finest players and hag competed nationally.
KING'S BISHOP GAMBIT NIetsche Factor White Black 1- P-K4 P-K4 2- P-KB4 PxP 3- B-B4 Q-H5 (s 4- K-B1 P-KN4 5- N-KBI Q-R4 6- P-KR4 P-G4 7- BxPB4 N-KB3 NIetsche White 8- N-QB3 9- BxN 10- P-Q4 11- K-N1 12- N-K5? 13-PxQ 14-Resigni (b) Factor Black N-QB3! PxB B-R3 P-N1 QxNt B-B4 (a) BotolJtlbow's defense 3 . .-. N-KB3; N-B3. P-B3! is so good that the Bishop's Gambit has lost much of Its popularity , . and danger! (b) Factor s Queen's sacrifice en his 12th turn must have been ouite a shock. Tba finish has undoubtedly appeared often in the past under somewhat similar conditions.
After 14. K.-HZ, f -No j 13 K-K3, B-B1 : 13. Q-M4. BxQ mate! Diagram J Black White ' After the move P-QB5, White threat ens to advance Ms Q side pawns: P-K14 P-Kt8 and so on. To atop Ms Black playa P-QH4 and now there Immediately omeg White's threat, to place the Kt sU Qti. It will make its way there via B-Ktl. R3 and B4, threatening from the past or inese tnrea squares not oniy me aouare Q6 but also the pawn at QR4 nd the square Kt6: To protect against II these.
Black must put his B at QB2 tut In this esse his P at QK12 will be defenseless and Black will be more or less forced to Play RQ-Ktl. Thus we can work nut tha next few moves thst actually followed in the asms: 33. P-QBS, P-QR4: 34 Kt-Ktl. OBI; 35. KtK3, .BQ1: 36. KtB4. B-B2: 37. Kt-QO. R-Ktl Now White can direct tha attack against tha backward UKtP, playing R-WKtl, P-QK14. doubling rooks on tha file when t is opened and finally obliging Black "to capture tha Kt on Q6 and thua provide him with a strong protected pased pswn on the sixth rank.
Wa thua sea that, by examining the position for the frest Plan It has to offer, we have weeded down the moves worth considering to almost one each time and thus gone into a five-move-deep piece of analysis in a eery short time. Follow your own ideas -hnt take your opponents Into account. Sometimes by' sticking rigorously lo a breconcelved Idea we overlook a tactical possibility which hsppens suddenly to be liven us hy a careless move on the psrt ef our opponent. This will he rare. Of the 20 possible moves at the beginning ef tha lama only four or five are good, In rest are worthless, planless, wsste If time.
Ignore the other Iti. Do not exhaust yourself by Considering the nil- merous mistakes your opponent may com put, hut do hava a good look at the few ooo moves that are at his disposal, ; news op The rums The Hollywood Chesa Orniio, 106 N Formosa Ave,, extends lis Invitation to fhess players to visit Its tjuartara for the vtontn of July. During the nett three rinntha. Herman llelner will conduct (leases for beginners and advanced play-fra. AH thoat Interested plraae phone WKisiar "1 17 or Wyoming jsio.
Mr. Iiuls Prrslnxer, famous violinist ind pedagogue, la also a very fine chess player, will be guest of the Hollywood lies Orotip. when he comes to Is An elas for 'the summer months. We are isppy to announce tha return on July 0 of' Mrs. Nsnny Roon. Reliliim's worn-n's chess chsmpion, who will also he fuest of tha Hollywood Chess Group, MORPHT DAY " Wa would like to know if the chess-Playing nubile would Ilka (his annual thasi holiday in ha field tfl Lna Anielea pkil ear, prtferablp Urlflllh Patk. W Black 6, 17, 21; king, 7. White to move and win.