OCR Text
CHESS BY HERMAN STEINER INTERNATIONAL CHESS MASTER Address All Mail to the Chess Editor July 26, 1942 L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1315 Composed for the Los Angeles Times by R. C. Mankowski. Los Angeles. Cal. White mates In two. (Wh. 5; Bl. 5.) L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1316 Composed for the Los Angeles Times by R. C. Mankowski, Los Angeles, Cal. White mates in three. (Wh. 11; Bl. 8.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1311: R-KR2. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1312: Q-K3. We received solutions from the following: J. T. Wttaon. Capt. H. W. Gilbert. W de Castro, J. Weasem (welcome to our ladder.) J. J. Carr. W. Harmon. Dr. R. at. McLure Jr (welcoma lo our ladder.,) C. Henderson, F. Martaretten, O. D. Don-tld, B. Schwart I welcome to our ladder.) C. J. Olbba (two points for each two-mover, Ihret polnlt for etch three-mover.) F. J. Culhertton Jr.. Dr. F. B. Sheldon, A. L. Buckmtn. Mrt. F. Tovar, J David-$nn, W. C. Noltlnt. A. D Revnol-'s Rr., C. B. Collins, H. Bruhn, E. H. Schtdee. M. Rudholm, L. A. Stlaado. rtcv. r1. Prlrhard. R. Benton. B. BushuefT. J. P. Walsh, W. L. Koethen, J. C. Drake, D. A. lnnea. C, P. Ford. F. E. Wells. S. J. Mc Connell. A. 8. Wells, O. J. Myers. R. H. Beals, B. Dayman Jr. (welcome to our ladder.) H. M. Voorheea (welcome to our ladder.) E. Dmyiryk, T Harrington, O. A. Hall, J. O, Dodge, M. Morris.
CORRECTIONS In Problem 1313. by R. C. Mankowskl. the rook al Q-Ktt should bt a white bishop. In Problem No. 1314. by R. Roalln. white ptwn from Q2 wat misting.
NEW YORK CHESS ASSOCIATION CONGRESS Caaennvla, N Y., will b the scene of ont of tht annual and Important tnurntments. It la deemed Important because the beat players In the country live In the vicinity of New York and therefor participate. It It an open tournament and anyone may participate who can qualify. There are several cltsaet to play. Anyone Interested may writ Oeorta Estabrookt, Hamilton, N.Y.
NATIONAL OPEN CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT The 43rd meeting and national open championship tournament of lha United States Chest Federt'lon will bt held In Dallas, Tex., Aug. 23 to 30 (Inrluslve.) undtr the banner of the Texas Ch'e As. tociatlon. Dallas' renowned Btktr Hotal will b lha tcene of atllon, The tournament, a continuation' of the tournament of the Western Chesa Aeoe!iu Hon and the American Chest Federation, la. by all odds., Americas most historic tournament.
Among its winners of the past are the llluatrioua names of J. W. Pliowaltcr, Edward Laaker and Carlos Torre. Counted amona its winners more recently are the namea of national champion Samuel Rehevaky. Reuben Fine. Isaac Kashdan tnd 1 A. Horna'ita Fine, who ltaa had somewhat of n stranglehold on the title In recent years and winner of the tournament at Bt Louie last year, u expected to defend tola tula. Following a policy adopted In recent yeara, a championship, matters consolation and a Class A tournament will be provided for. The method or system by which players qualify for the championship tournaments will, however, be determined on the basis of the number of entries received. Play will be governed by the recently adopted code of play of the United States Chess Federation.
A time limit of 40 moves for the first two hours and 20 moves for tvery hour there, titer will ba In force. The event la open to ill cltsaet of players. Application to play ahould be mad with the chairman of the Texas committee. J. C. Thompson. 702 Monte Vista Drive. Dallas, Tex., or with the secretary of th United Slates Cheaa Federation. 1111 N. 10th St.. Milwaukee, Wla. Th entry fee It 810. (4 of which It returned to those who finish the tournament either aa part of the prlta fund or In cash. Entries close Saturday. Aug. 15.
STALEMATE By Kamat We have often met with sneering rente! ks by the player who has had the accident of superior position at thia quite legitimate device to atave off defeat; and in club games, the "filthy looker-on" moat often reminds the Player with the advantage of thia tactical possibility Just to ahow off hit auperlor wisdom In cheaa rules. The following examples from Dr. Schnmer's collection will, however, convince tht retder that theer trtlttry underlie! thlt attempt lo save th game from hopeless position. "Stalemate' In matter play la an extremely rare occurrence, and is seldom due to eareleaaness.
but In most eaaes to highly Ingenious play on the part of the hard-pressed victim. A slip between th cup and th Hp of th would-be victor often entblet th victim to atave off defeat. Th first example dates from th London tournament of 1833, Bird, who conducted th attack In the Glucco Piano againat Fngllach In moat ritorout ttylt, obtained thia winning potltlon. NO. 1 Black: Englltch.
tm rm ra r&A & 'SI White: Bird Bird pltyed tht fine move 1. Rx8M threttenlng If RxR. 2. 8xP tnd Black cannot avoid tht mttt. But Entliach, foreseeing a pretty combination which aavea th ttme answered R-R4 1 and the tame proceeded.
39- RxS! R-R4 U 40- K-Sl RxR 41- SxP R-R l 42- KxR R-K8 43- K-R3 - R-RB 44- KxR Stalemate (T bt continued) ALEKHINK GAME ' Alekhln participated In a tournament it Munich In the early states of the war. He wat able to place second, tied with Lundln of Sweden, a point and a half below Stolts. also of Sweden. . Th gam helow shows how h dlspoad of Bogoljubow.
twice defeated by him In rhallente matches for the worlds championship. Rl'Y LOPES Alekhlnt Bogollubow White 1-P-K4 3-KI-KB3 3- B-K15 4- B-R4 8-KI-B3 8- Cttleg . 7-B-Kt3 -Kt-QS 9- P-B3 10- KlxRch 11- B-B3 U-P-Q1 13- Kt-R4 14- Q-B3 15- PxP 16- O-Ktl 17- P-KB4 18- BxP 19- PxKt 30-O-B2 21- Kt-BJ 22- P-Q4 Black P-K4 Kt-QB3 P-OR3 KI-B3 B-K2 F-OKI4 P-Q3 Catties KI-QR4 QxKt. P-B4 T-KR3 P-Q4 B-Kl KtxP 0-B3 PxP KtxB Q-KI4 QH-Q B-Q4 Pit1 Alekhlnt Bogollubow While 23- PKR4 24- Ktxgp 23-R-KB 26- B-KI6 27- R-K4 28- RiB-K 29- KI-B3 30- RxR 31- Q-Kt 32- R-K3 . 33- B-B3 34- B-Kl.lrh 3.1B-Bach 3A-Q-KI8 37- RxKt 38- R-B 39- K-R 40- QxR 1 41- K-B2 42- Q-B7eh 43- Q-Kttch 44- a-Kta Black B-02 4-K2 P-B3 R-K4 Xt-B8 RsR XI-K4 B- R-Q K-R2 P-K13 KtxKtch 0-K8ch Q-K6ch Q-K7 OxRch B-B4 K-R K-R2 Kttlgot.
CORRECTIONS In Problem 1313. by R. C. Mankowskl. the rook al Q-Ktt should bt a white bishop. In Problem No. 1314. by R. Roalln. white ptwn from Q2 wat misting.
NEW YORK CHESS ASSOCIATION CONGRESS Caaennvla, N Y., will b the scene of ont of tht annual and Important tnurntments. It la deemed Important because the beat players In the country live In the vicinity of New York and therefor participate. It It an open tournament and anyone may participate who can qualify. There are several cltsaet to play. Anyone Interested may writ Oeorta Estabrookt, Hamilton, N.Y.
NATIONAL OPEN CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT The 43rd meeting and national open championship tournament of lha United States Chest Federt'lon will bt held In Dallas, Tex., Aug. 23 to 30 (Inrluslve.) undtr the banner of the Texas Ch'e As. tociatlon. Dallas' renowned Btktr Hotal will b lha tcene of atllon, The tournament, a continuation' of the tournament of the Western Chesa Aeoe!iu Hon and the American Chest Federation, la. by all odds., Americas most historic tournament.
Among its winners of the past are the llluatrioua names of J. W. Pliowaltcr, Edward Laaker and Carlos Torre. Counted amona its winners more recently are the namea of national champion Samuel Rehevaky. Reuben Fine. Isaac Kashdan tnd 1 A. Horna'ita Fine, who ltaa had somewhat of n stranglehold on the title In recent years and winner of the tournament at Bt Louie last year, u expected to defend tola tula. Following a policy adopted In recent yeara, a championship, matters consolation and a Class A tournament will be provided for. The method or system by which players qualify for the championship tournaments will, however, be determined on the basis of the number of entries received. Play will be governed by the recently adopted code of play of the United States Chess Federation.
A time limit of 40 moves for the first two hours and 20 moves for tvery hour there, titer will ba In force. The event la open to ill cltsaet of players. Application to play ahould be mad with the chairman of the Texas committee. J. C. Thompson. 702 Monte Vista Drive. Dallas, Tex., or with the secretary of th United Slates Cheaa Federation. 1111 N. 10th St.. Milwaukee, Wla. Th entry fee It 810. (4 of which It returned to those who finish the tournament either aa part of the prlta fund or In cash. Entries close Saturday. Aug. 15.
STALEMATE By Kamat We have often met with sneering rente! ks by the player who has had the accident of superior position at thia quite legitimate device to atave off defeat; and in club games, the "filthy looker-on" moat often reminds the Player with the advantage of thia tactical possibility Just to ahow off hit auperlor wisdom In cheaa rules. The following examples from Dr. Schnmer's collection will, however, convince tht retder that theer trtlttry underlie! thlt attempt lo save th game from hopeless position. "Stalemate' In matter play la an extremely rare occurrence, and is seldom due to eareleaaness.
but In most eaaes to highly Ingenious play on the part of the hard-pressed victim. A slip between th cup and th Hp of th would-be victor often entblet th victim to atave off defeat. Th first example dates from th London tournament of 1833, Bird, who conducted th attack In the Glucco Piano againat Fngllach In moat ritorout ttylt, obtained thia winning potltlon. NO. 1 Black: Englltch.
tm rm ra r&A & 'SI White: Bird Bird pltyed tht fine move 1. Rx8M threttenlng If RxR. 2. 8xP tnd Black cannot avoid tht mttt. But Entliach, foreseeing a pretty combination which aavea th ttme answered R-R4 1 and the tame proceeded.
39- RxS! R-R4 U 40- K-Sl RxR 41- SxP R-R l 42- KxR R-K8 43- K-R3 - R-RB 44- KxR Stalemate (T bt continued) ALEKHINK GAME ' Alekhln participated In a tournament it Munich In the early states of the war. He wat able to place second, tied with Lundln of Sweden, a point and a half below Stolts. also of Sweden. . Th gam helow shows how h dlspoad of Bogoljubow.
twice defeated by him In rhallente matches for the worlds championship. Rl'Y LOPES Alekhlnt Bogollubow White 1-P-K4 3-KI-KB3 3- B-K15 4- B-R4 8-KI-B3 8- Cttleg . 7-B-Kt3 -Kt-QS 9- P-B3 10- KlxRch 11- B-B3 U-P-Q1 13- Kt-R4 14- Q-B3 15- PxP 16- O-Ktl 17- P-KB4 18- BxP 19- PxKt 30-O-B2 21- Kt-BJ 22- P-Q4 Black P-K4 Kt-QB3 P-OR3 KI-B3 B-K2 F-OKI4 P-Q3 Catties KI-QR4 QxKt. P-B4 T-KR3 P-Q4 B-Kl KtxP 0-B3 PxP KtxB Q-KI4 QH-Q B-Q4 Pit1 Alekhlnt Bogollubow While 23- PKR4 24- Ktxgp 23-R-KB 26- B-KI6 27- R-K4 28- RiB-K 29- KI-B3 30- RxR 31- Q-Kt 32- R-K3 . 33- B-B3 34- B-Kl.lrh 3.1B-Bach 3A-Q-KI8 37- RxKt 38- R-B 39- K-R 40- QxR 1 41- K-B2 42- Q-B7eh 43- Q-Kttch 44- a-Kta Black B-02 4-K2 P-B3 R-K4 Xt-B8 RsR XI-K4 B- R-Q K-R2 P-K13 KtxKtch 0-K8ch Q-K6ch Q-K7 OxRch B-B4 K-R K-R2 Kttlgot.