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June 22, 1941 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 22 Jun 1941, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS Jun 22. 1941 L A. TTMES PROBLEM NO. 1201 Cnrnnosrd 'or Ih Lea Ani'lfi Timse, By R. C. Mankowskl. Lot Anialei, Cal. White mates in two. CORRECTION In problem No. 1198 a White rook wet omitted from White a KS square the cor rect poiltlon as followa: White, kmt on KS. queen en KN8, ronkt on Kl and K3, knifnU on w ana tvoi, a piecei. Black, klnt on KB8, rooki on QR7 and OB3, blthop on OBJ. pawn on QR3, KR3, KRS and JtnT, ptecei. L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1202 Com noted for the Los Angeles Times By R. C. MankowikL Lot Angelea, Cal.
White mates in three tWh. 6: Bl. 6.) BOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1195: Q-NS (three mover.) BOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1197: N-K7. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1198; No solution a It was printed. Wa received solutions from the following: C. P. ford. 0. A. Innes. L. A. Sal-gad. O. A. Hall, H, Bruhn, J. E. Tyler. ,1. O. Dodte. J. C. Drake. J. Davidson, W. C. Noll int. A. O. Karn. R. M. Crafton, M. Rudholm. J. T. Watson. R. Roslin. L. Fheppard. W. L. Koethen, A. D. Reynolds Sr., W. Harmon. J. P. Walsh, Mrs. A. Tovar, E. H. Bchadee. 13TH MORPHT DAY CHESS CARNIVAL M'a received word too late for onbliea- tloo except for the early edition appearing n Saturday. June SI. that the Murphy Day celebration will be held aa usual at Sierra Madre on Saturday.
June SI. alao aa it is planned la Arcaaia on June Vi. We are very aorry that we couldn't give more publicity for sueh an Important event, but II le IP to certain organisations to aee that sack activities art well planned months ahead of the date, ao that the public, may look forward to participation In them. Let aa hope that next year the announeementa will bt aent In more promptly. The following announcement waa given: CALIFORNIA CHESS CARNIVAL will be held Sunday, June tZ, at Recreation Park.
Arcadia, en lotth anniversary of birth of PALL MORPHY. Chess activities will besln at 1:30 p.m.,' will last all day and evenint. and in-, elude aimultaneous cheat exhibitions by' Herman Kleiner. E. P. Elliott and E. Koran; rapid transit chess and blindfold. 'hesa by Snero. Wolision and Banner. I Alan social games.
Activities free. Everyone Invited. Come early and stay late. Brine mur own chessmen, squares and lunch. Special prises will be awarded. I'nder auspices of the County Chess Cluht and Arcadia Recreation Park. Arcadia Recreation Chess Club will bt host' . HERMAN STEINER International Chess Mqster Addrcsg all moil to Chtu Editor Tournament director In charge of the conauet 01 tn tournament will be L. w. Stephens of New York, who hat directed several national I championship lourna cents.
Scope The central location of St. Louis la expected to attract 40 or so players, Including outstanding playcrt from New York. Boston, Philadelphia, Ml waukee, California, Canada and Cuba. Reuben Fine will defend tilt tit la won last summer at Dallas. Sponsors The tournament Is being con ducted by trie Bt. Laula Chest Lessue tha Missouri State Chess Association and tne uniieo elates chess Feneration. Committee Erich W. Marchand. chair, man: Lewis W. Heller.
Banford B. Avia, Otto A. Ehlera, Francis R. Stout. Charles M. Burton and Murwin W. atlbert. LIGHT ON SOME OPENINGS ' tierles by C. J. R. Purdy 8. The fteheveninren fiyatem. In our survey of tht Sicilian Defense, we have, not yet found a variation that la tatisiactory lor Black. We now coma to the Schevenlngen Bye-tern, which gives rise to auch 'complex no. sit ions that It la hard to Imagine It ever being either demonstrably refuted or demonstrably established.
It Is a tpod ih pibj osamai cauuuua oppo nent, at the only line that Is really to he leareq agalnat It la a atorm by tht K-tlde pawns, which will leave White In a Iom position If hit attack falls, for he himself la castled en the K tide. On the other hand the attack hat chancea of succeeding. The atudent will find a good deal nf analysis In M.C.O.. practically all In White's favor, but it It all bastd on a weak seventh move by Black. In thla article 1 shall discuss only Lajoa Stetntr'a variant of the aystem lalao adopted by Capablanea aaalnat Laaker on tht only occasion that Capablanca.
to our knowledge, ever used the Sicilian In a bl tame: sec A.C.R., 1938. P. 283.) Lajoa Btelner postpones . . , B-K3 and castling and develops hit Q-slde pieces rapidly In order to build up a Q-slde Initiative and delay White's attack on the K side.
Whether Lajoa Btelner actually originated tht variant Is not known but ha baa been itt special exponent. The system it introduced by tht following moves: I. P-K4 P.QB4 I. N-KBJ N-UB If. In spite of last month's article, the stuaem wisnrs 10 avoid the Flchter attack he can introduce the Bchevenlnten hy 3. . . . P-K3 13. P-Q4. PxP: 4. NrP N-KBJ; 5. N-QB3. P-Q3: 8. B-K3. N-B3 This, of course, necessitates preparing against tne unusual lints,. 3. P-B4 and 3. B-K2. 8. P-Q4- Here 3. P-B4 would be answered hy 3. . . P-K4I followed by . . P-03. with Initiative for Black since he can break through by P-KB4. while the same move is barred to White. And 3. B-K2 wouia tie met m tne ssm way.
By 3. , , P-K4!, at 4. P-QB3 would permit 4. . , P-Q4 ! . . . . PxP 4. NsP N-B.t 5. N-QBS P-QH 8. B-KJ! P-RS The same move, followed hy . . . P-OR3 In most variations, answera the Rlehter attack 8. B-KN3.) which need not be feared If tha atudent carefully studies last montn s article. These first tlx moves constitute the Schevenlngen System. Black can also de velop nis e-Knuht at Q2. and tha ob .lection to that is that after Black sue ceeds in playing , . . P-QR3 and . . P-QN4, his CN is not supporting the ad. vance . . . P-N5. and White can often gam an advantage by attacking tht np Wltn F-H4. 7. O-O P-OR.t Already we have left N.C O.. which bases an its analysis on the stereotyped 7. B-K2. That move is just a preparation tor castling, for which there Is no hurry. Instead. Black should hurriedly develop on tne not wnere nis chances lie.
Diagram "A" ,i.k .niT-rsirsiw rat irnsivia mr i nr.i r i Wa are ery happy to announce the re-liOS organisation af a Southern California Chest' League on Sunday, Junt 37. at tha tali- jrornia Chess Carnival in Arcadia. All chess leluha Interealed In joining thla organlza- lion pleast attend the meeting of the mm 4 A'i'i '4 V 4utM mad srd mst A jA --,14 a; l'a& election of officers. Out of town n,iin eligible and urged to loin. HERMAN STEINER SIMULTANEOUS TOt'R At the end of this month Herman Xtlfltp.
International h mst. will make aa exhibition-lecture lour through-... out he Slate. This tour will have a twofold purpose, namely to attempt the Arsaniullnn nf a rallfitrni Ntal rh Association with representation from all Position after t. . . . P-QR.1 In the diagrammed position White has tnree mam lines, i; a. B-KJ: II: 8. K.-RI. Ill: 8. P-QX3. iTo be continued) Prom the Lasker memorial tournament. dub, n ouywcoa: t C3UEEN8 GAMBIT DECLINED ,ne sisne 01 our cms 'e Mr. Robinson's ber and address for reser parts ot the state.
Such an association would sponsor the forthcomjna State iaiv championship tournament which we hope;ji-C-B2 can be held during the month of Autust. ! 12-B-Q3 Any eity desiring an exhibition please com. 1 13.0-0 municate with the writer as soon as pos-i 14-KR-N aihlt so that the necessary plans msy be is.p.oRi completed. li6-RxP On Juno 30 at 8 p.m. a leetiira and!,-, n' v, aimultaneous ehlbition will be given hy!i.o-N2 Herman Stelner ir. Fresno. Cal. Writes! ci Mr. N. Robinson: "lucre are many chess Lrvlttm F, uv nut Know bi , Whir. tnerciore we telephone nnm- reserving boards for 31 Broadway, Fresno. Cal. On July 1 Sac ramento will be the next stop for lecture and aimultaneous exhibition. Mr. J. B. Get will be in chance. Interested parties should write P.O. Box "HC. Sacramento, Cal.
We would like to hear from San Franeltco. Oakland, Monterey. Santa Bar. bara and many or the other California ir. cities whether they are organited er not.
ji k KS Tha purpose or this tour is to organise alii-N-Q'? strong Calirorn'a State Chess Association,! is vrq with representwtlon from every city ef the is" S aT Stelner Chernls 1 Stelner Chernls White Blaek White Black 1- P-Q4 P-Q4 19-B-B7 Q-B 2- P-QB4 P-QB3 20-RxP . RxR 3- N-OB3 N-B3 21-BxR R-K 4- N-B3 B-B4 22-B-B7 R-R 5- PxP NxP 23-P-R3 B-R3 6- Q-N3 NxN 24-N-B4 Q-R5 7- PxN Q-B2 25-Q-N3 0-R3ch 8- B-B4! Q-N3 26-K-R2 B-Q11 9-N-02 N-02 27-P-OS PxP B-K3 28-NxB PxP Q-R4 20-B-OB4 N-B4 P-KN3 30-O-N5! -K B-N2 31-BxB NxB P-ON4 32-NxP NxB PxP 33-RxN K-B Q-Q 34-Q-B4 Q-N P-QR4 35-N-Q6! Resigns O-O GUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED 31- l-P-04 2- P-OB4 3- N-QB3 4- N-B3 5- 0-B2 6- PxQP 7- B-B4 R-P-K3 9-B-Q3 10-PxN 11-BxP State where chess it played. 17-RxP ST. LOUIS OPEN CHESS TOURNAMENT i 18-R-OM Dates July 17-27. 1941.
IJ2"5'!3 ' Place De Soto Hotel (air conditioned.) S?"Xmi Entry fee10, of which at least 4 l?J""?.i, will be returned if schedule is completed STni nts and no prise won. Each player also re-lsjg reives vear'l ni,mWhin in v, TTHi..J .Zl-rC-rJ States Chess Federal (usual charse $1) and H5'S,. the tournament book either lor last year i ' or mis. as ne preiers. Ladies' tournament Entry fee in this event is $S, Games will probably be scheduled only In the evenines.
The winner will receive a beautiful trophy. Time of play The main tournament games will be played in the afternoons and evening. Organization Players will be divided into sections of about eight players with two seeded players in each. Results in the preliminary sections will determine, the placing of the players In the final sections (masters, A consolation. B consolation, etc.) Thua all playert will play straight through the tournament. Prises First prlre will be at least $200 Suitable prises will be awarded in each final section. Players of all skills are welcome and will have good chances of winning some prize money. . Prlxe fund A minimum of $500 Is being raised by the local committee which will probably be increased by outside contribu tions, contributions win be gratefully received. Even a "good-will dollar" will heln.
Donations may be sent to Erteh W. Marchand, In care of the Taylor School, Clayton. Mo. spectators Admission charge for spectators will be 35 cents a session or $1 for a season ticket. Donors to the prize fund will receive a season ticket.
27-RxP 28- R-B3 29- R-RS Patterson Black . M-KB3 P-K3 P-Q4 QN-Q2 P-B4 KPxP Q-R4 N-K5 NxN P-B5 RxB! OxPch . Q-N7ch P-B6 PxN G-N3 N-B3 C-K3 B-Q3 OxB P-KN3 K-B B-B4 Q-R3 PxQ K-K2? N-K B-B B-N2 Levltan Patterson White Blaek 30-R(B3)-R3 P-R3 31- R-N3 32- R-B5 33- K-B3 34- RxR 35- K-B4 3S-P-N4 37-P-KR4 3B-P-B3 30-P-K4 40- PxP y 41 - PxP 42- K-B3 43- R-NS 44- P-K5 45- K-K4 46- P-R4 47- R-N7ch 43-K-B3 48- KxP 50- R-N2 51- R-Q3 52- RxB M-R-QR 54- K-BA 55- K-K5 50-P-Q5 57-P-Q6 N-Q3 K-Q2 R-QB?? BxR N-B5 P-B3 N-Q3 K-K2 PxP P-N4ch PxPch B-Q2 B-N4 N-B2 B-B5 B-K7 K-K N-R3CH NxP B-QB NxP N-B5 N-R4 K-Q2 N-N2 N-R4 Resign 15- 16- 22-23 10-1 18- 19- 22- 23- 26- 14- 25-29 18- 32-27 21-17 27- 17- 23-19 14-10 19- 16-19, up Cut n Use Civilians a of.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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