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• Robert J. Fischer, 1965 ➦
• Robert J. Fischer, 1966 ➦
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• Robert J. Fischer, 1968 ➦
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March 08, 1942 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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Chess by Herman SteinerChess by Herman Steiner 08 Mar 1942, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS BY HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor March 8, 1042 L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 127 By E. Mazel White mates in two. (Wb. 0; BL 3.) L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1276 By C. S. Kipping White mates in three. (Wh. 4: Bl. 6.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1271: H-BB. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1272: "NO SOLUTION." The problem is a four-mover! Anyone who wishes to solve it, will receive four points. Those who sent in "No solution" will receive three points. HENNING BRUHN WINS SOLVING CONTEST WITH 284 POINTS We eontratulate Mr. Brubn lor wlnnlnc (hit contra the filth lime! Mr. Bruhn has been with us sinre Problem No. Mil, and hull from Santa Barbara, California.
This is the score of last month's par-llripanta. Those who took part previously will have their score stand and should thev send in solutions asaln they will be added and published next month. P. Armstrong, 5; H. Bruhn f 284. win ner:) B. Bushueff. 50: A. L. Burkman. 22: C. B. Collins. 8; J. C. Drake .) 123: J. O. Dodge ,) 257; J. Davidson ,) 34; C. P. Ford ,) 153; O. Francis, 163; J. Fonseca, 77; F. Oarcia, 0; E. O. Graham, 19: G. A. Hall 197; W. Harmon (,! 134: T. W. Hays, 2: G. I. Herboth. 17; D. A. Innes (.) 23; W. L. Koethen (,) 24: M. N. Jurin, 2; A. O. Karn, 211; M. Gardner, 2 (welcome to our ladder:) O. Klbbey, ; H. P. Matosian. 145; J. Mauahmer, 28; W. C. Nolting, 280; H. L. Nearpass, 15: J. Powers, 9; Rev. P. Prlchard (.) 214; R. Roslin (.) 272: M. Rudholm (.) 228: C. O. Rankin. 3: A. D. Reynolds Sr., 173; E. H. Schadee (.! 202: L. A. Salgado .) 197: Sergt H. X. Robinson, 3; W. B. Tudor . 28; J. E. Tyler (.) 190; Mrs. F. Tovar. 9: J. P. ('.) 134: A. S. Wells.
104. I Score includes Problems 1263-1272. j Rl XES OF THE SOLVING CONTEST The winners of esch month's contest will receive a three months' subscription to the' Chess Review, a month's membership in the Chess and Checker Club of Los An- geles, 124 W. Fourth 8t.. and the Hollywood Chess Group.
108 N. Fnrmnu Ave . 1 where they may discuss composing and solving of problems and end aames. Every winner will be marked with the usual ( i shnwins I hat he was once a winner in climbing the ladder. The system will en able 12 tor more in a case of a tie) solvers to win.
Bouillons sent In answer to this problem III be acknowledged within two werk. after publication If you wish to figure In the "up-to-the-minute" ladder. ih iim limit being seven days. Otherwise credit can oniy oe given in a later ladder. rrnoiems in mis column may begin with castling key or have castlinc a defense, imless It csn be definitely proved that such maneuvers are not legal. Capture keys, "en passant" keys and checking keys ara also tolerated, but all tht above types ara rather uncommon. The capture of a pawn, however I. nni unusual. If a problem has no solution "nn min.
tlnn" must ba claimed in order to score points. The principal variation ara nr.r when sendina in the three. mover. Kv only need be given in two-ers, although It is excellent practlc to writ out all the distinct variations. Two-movers rece ve two points.
Three. movers receive three points on our ladder The prise, is awarded to the leading solver once a month. iHts score is then canceled Solvers may become ladderiu. at n ume. mtj an expeciea to solve as indl-vldusls or teams but not consult otherwise.
Anyone desiring information for chess lltersturt, chess lessons, address of chess clubs, or whatever Information concerning na same or enrss, snoum sena a self-addressed and stamped envelope or card to Herman Steiner, Chess Editor, L.A. Times. Requests for back Issues and subscriptions should ba directed to the Circulation Department. This column appears on Sunday. qualify for the finals.
A S10 entry fee will be required for all who are seeded. The closing date for entry for the preliminaries is March 14 and all entries must be sent to the chairman of the committee. L. Walter Stephens. 279 E. 34th St., Brooklyn. N.Y., together with check or money order for $10. The fee may be paid to Mr. Kennilh Harkness at the Marshall Club, Mr. Friti Brieger at the Queens Club and Mr. Link, secretary, Manhattan Club. Entries must be in the mail on or before March 14. Entries from seeded players must be sent on or before Tuesday. Feb. 24. together with entry fee of 10 or given to any one of the above-mentioned at the various clubs. Preliminary tournaments will be held In the following regions: 1. San Francisco and the Northwest. 2. St. Louis, Chicago and the South. 3. Milwaukee and the North Central States. 4. New England States.
5. Philadelphia and Washington. If a tournament can be arranged at both St. Louis and Chicago, each group will be entitled to a qualifier. There will probably be six qualified from outside the metropolitan area.
Entry fees of S10 will also be required from these tournaments outside. All preliminary tournaments will begin on March 24 and finish h Anrll 1 nH the qualifiers' names must be In the hands or me committee chairman by April S at the latest. Only one player will qualify in the regional tournaments outside of New York City. No player will be admitted Into the preliminary tnnrnamnnt. ne nas paid nis sio entry fee.
FINAL CHAMPIONSHIP TOtRNAMEfiT . T5ere, he a maximum of 18 players in the final Chamoionshin tournament iknri no seeded player will be admitted unless ne nas paio entry lee or 10. The winner of the championship tournament will be declared United States Federation chess champion. All communications regarding the tournaments will be addressed to L. WALTER STEPHENS. Chairman National Chess Committee, 279 E. 34th St., Brooklyn. N Y. WOMEN'S CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP There will be a women's chess cham-Pionsh p tournament held at the same time and place as the men's tournament and under similar cirrnm.!n,- ,v,, only Miss Karff and Mrs. Belcher will be seeded and six entrants will qualify from a preliminary tournament.
The cntrv fee will be S5 for all entrants as well as seeded players and no further fee will "mired Irom those who qualify for vim tucj, L. WALTER STEPHENS. We orre all rhess players as In the past to contribute to this worthy event and send same to the chairman of the national chess committee at the above address. LIGHT ON SOME OPENINGS Series by C. J. S. Purdy: No. 24 The Colle for Economy (Continued from January 25) The . . , B-B4 Defense Relnfeld In his hrwht,r. , v.- rn. System comes to the conclusion that the . . . B-KB4 Defense is the most effective Sn. ?lnt the Colle. After 1 P-Q4. P-Q4; 2. N-KB3, N-KB3: 3. P-K3 B-B4 B-Q3.
P-K3! White Is certainly up mst a brick wall, ir h. ...h.n... master practice shows that Black's use of K-flle Is full compensation for his uuuuicu iiih. un we other hand. While has no other way of asserting himself, c.nnoi rnrorce P-K4. so that it If White, not Black, who has bad Q-blshop DIAGRAM 4 Wi mm i urn : . -i x f '" r -rr mm m ?ai m m te &i Lil kJ .ais mi ! 5 Position after White s . Q-N3. W received tht following letter from New York;
CHESS MASTERS AND EXPERT! AND CHESS PLAYERS OF THE UNITED STATES The United States Chess Federation will nma us oirnnisi cness cnempionshlp tour nsmsnt for th title of 'United States cnempinn unaer tng lonowlng lules and (eauiabiuiia. TIME April 10 to Mar 4. Inclusive. ..,PL.ACE,.NW York Clt Pom to ba Tirvkcu inter. SEEDED PLAYERS The following mas-tera are seeded without nuaiirvin m ih- preliminary tournaments: Messrs. Reshevsky.
Fine, Keshdan, Hnrowlta, Msrshall, Sislner, Blmonson, Denker and Bernstein. If either Mr. Denker or Mr. Bernstein do nt enter, on other player will be seeded from on of the threg masters in ths foi-lowing order; Messrs. Kupchlk, Relnteld and Plnkua, PRELIMINARY TOtTltMAMEMTri.h players will be Qualified to play In tht championship tournament from tlit metropolitan area In lliret or four separate qualifying tournaments, at the Marshall, Manhattan, west Sidt and Queens chess clubs. Tha entry let will bt (10 for all entrants la tha preliminaries and nn addi tional ie wnt oe required lor uiost who All in all. In reply to . . . B-KB4, It Is best for White to give up the Colle and transpose Into the Queen's Osmblt. in wA',r.,h S101" QNP tn be attacked by Q-N3. Thus While ran attempt to show ii.av . . . o-a nss aisadvantagea as well uvhiiirkcs. inus: I. P-OI p.Q -k n-nt 4. F-B4! p.ha 4. . . . P-K3. then S. Q-N3 It mort auuuTins. 6. PsP p. If 8. ....'omethlng back also weakens Dint in mo center. A lalrly easy game for While, fi. N-OBS w.sti Now the obvious move U 7. Q-N3, but bet. ter Is 7. N-K5I. with th thr..t ni a P-KN4'. B-N3; 9. F-KR4. P-KR1 (forced ! iu. rixB. wrecxing isiaca a ,n. known coup. 7. N-K6 KV.o-t Tha only defense, and Black Is not likely lo see It unless he knows It.
In any c. wip mere isct mat Black nas been forced to make a retrogressive move is enough to assure Whit of a reasonably comfortable game, which la all that the tone siinina pe played lor, S. U-N.1 If now 8. . . . Q-N3: 9 OxQ, PxO: 10 B-N5 with the Initiative and the belter pawn position lor an end-game. If . , , Q-B Or 8. . . 0-R2. O n.OI ln lowed by R-QB and soon tht queen must move again. Consequently While will bt ahead tn development and will havt no special difficulties to contend with. Black may he ablt to equalise with very exact play, but u aama applies, probably, in anr opening A ahort brilliancy won br Oromer of Franca from of ymlinil In the namourg tnesg Olympics of 1030 the good old days when all battles acre fought only on tht chequered arena. CARO-KANN Krogliis Oromer Black P-B3 P-4 PxP N-KB3 Oromer White 1-P-K4 a-p-4 3- N-QB3 4- Nxp ' 5- N-KN3 S-R-K.l 7- BXQP 8- M-Ki B-N-KRl In-B-OBJ ll-O-O la-p-KR (a) tte. h If FK: than 34. OiRP leads la a spetdr mat. white 13- B-Ql 14- R-Kl ilS-Q-U.' Id-RSBII P-K4 17-BsN PsP 1S-N-RSI ' B-K3U9-Q-N5 O-O30-NxNp -OB4!31-0-R4 N-OB3 32-NxR B-KN5I33-R-K1 -If PxB; IB. Q-R, F-XB4; 13, N-RS, Kmtlii" Black Q-R3 Kft-Kl Ult-Ql Nsll Q-N3(a H-B4 B-N3 F-KIt.1 BsB B-R3 Reslg

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Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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