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March 16, 1941 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 16 Mar 1941, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS HERMAN STEINER -International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor March 16, 1941 L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1173 Br N. Easter White mates in two. (Wh. (; Bl. 11.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1174 Br E. Palkoska White mates in three. (Wh. 9: Bl. 13 ) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1168: Q-R2. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1170: P-B7. We received solutions from the following L Hartman. O A. Hall. Dr. R. H Rom. 3. C. Drake. O. B. Oaken. H. Bruhrt. W. Harmon. Oeurae C, Lawnn. I L, Danlellx. J p. Walsh. R. M. Crafton. D. A. lnnea. t. H. Bchaclee. A. O. Kam. P. I. QUI. J. Davidlon. J. Ponsece. L. fiern, M. Riid-1 holm, A. D. RrynuUU Sr , H P. Matoaian, J, J. Carr 1 welcome to our ladder.) L. sheupard. W. C. Noltlni. J. O Iode. C P. Ford. M D Andreai, Rer, P. Prichard, 1. T. Wa'.non. O. Ktod. ( I I B M The annual tournament for the ehenn championship of Lo Antelet, open to all fhex playeri of Lou Anielra County, be an lant nltht, Saturday. March lb. 1041, at the roma of the Lo Anaelea Cbeaa Club. 124 W. Fourth Bt. Publl'h. Anrone miereated please write to March Los Angeles Times Chess Editor; Wt are dlactuslni a po.t card tame ! Borochow llh Bourncm Calltnmia. 100 plarera onlStetner.. 'rn ,,rt- .Th fyr to he divided IntojLevitan .
, CM , that the poorer plar- Raraei .. won ina we cnind ,et all of the plavera inlKovael .'he mate inio one bit rlub It aeem. to m that something kind la necea. sarr ia maae rnex. pnptti.r. Plearf let me know what ou think of ,n Plan, flincerelr. P. M REYNOLDS. Route J. Ro 4.V1, fl.nta Crua, Cal. I'MIK J(OBOVIT(M HOLDS COl HT Serlea br l.le. Htelner The follewlnr it taken frem September la.ue er me An.lrahan (be Review "lentniv Pnntleallen. Twelve at 1 mar he erdereit dlreetlv,) n-liRvdner, W.R.W.. Aatlralla It all aounda er nice, but whv la nt the aame manuever with the Klrw at QB2 a tood the other and much quicker? 1'nele Jaeobovitrh: It la atrante poU tlon. no doubt hla eye. are ahlnlnt with delisht.) Let u have a thorough look at It. 1. It not lnteretint how the two pawna are able to bind two rook, on the rank? If there 1 a win land why ahould there not be with auch material advantaaeTi White ha to protect one of hi rook, with the kina. thua freelnt the other for action, and then drive the Black klnc out In the open Irom protectlnt and from the protection of the pawn,. The bonk sayt that one ha. to brim kin. to KN2 Not yet taklnt the oher posnlblhy Into conaldrratlon.
I like that maneuver: It free, the more mobile rook, which clrcum-.tancea miaht or not be of Importance Say we broutht the klnt around to KN2, the position otherwise remaintnt the ,ame Our .econd tak I. to brint the rook from Ql to UR1 or QN1. Say, 1. . . . B-QS Now White haa to play ellher R-R2 pinnuit the pawn, or R-4. altackint the blOiop. Say 2. R-R4, B-t; 3. H-K4 and Black la forced to play 3. . . . K-Ut, lrat-int White an easy win by K-B3. Had Black played I. . . . B-B4. then Whl'e need, an extra move to let on the K-flle: 2. H-R5, B-05: 3. R-R4. etc. It waa pretty ea.y that way.
m-aan't H? Jackie Rureah: Yea. but Is not the other way a. ea,y. and ehorter? I'nrle Jarohovlteh: Perhapa you ire rlaht, but that, extra rile might be of ,nme Importance. Say wt play J. K-Bl Now let'a be eareful with the Black move. Jt mlaht be of Importance row where to put the blhop. a, White ha. no extra move to choo,e from ta. on the other aide, where he haa the ehotct ol R-QRl or R-QN1.) Bay wt play 1. R OM K M 1. R-KRl R-Nl . R-R.1 B-M 4. R-Rt Kow. here It the difference: 4. . . . P-RK'Q'? A. RxQ R-SS! . RiRSl-Rl What else? . . . . R-K! And White cannot win.
Let ua look atain. Perhan. While haa other movea. Yen, ln.tead of 3. R.R one can pin the pawn with 3. R-R2!. and If 3 ... B-BS; 4 R-N2!, B-Oti: 1. H-N3. B-B5; R-N4. and lh' rook aet on the K-flle. a. 6. . . . P-BR'QI la of no value now. You see how Important a hlnhop move now I. with the rook limited on the K-ilde' Ro. ln.tead of I. . . . B-B3 we have to Plry 1 . . . B-N4 or 1 . . . B-R I flr.l. and only after 2. R-KRl. B BS Thia take. KRJ from While, who ha. now no mean.
of aalnlnt a tempo Pnr If for example. 1. R-CR1. B-K41, 4. R-QN1 there It 4 R-OHS, B-NH lust the eeme.t 4. . . . B-Nft: . R-N3, P-BU; b. ltQ. B-K. draw. Therefore, after 1. . . . B-N4M: J R-KRl, B-B5: White haa to retrace hi. ,tep and brlnt hi. klnt around to KN2 at In the prevloua variation.
LASKER MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT Gamea are praarea.lnt fnr thl. mn.t la. ere.llnr lenrnamenl at the headauartera of the Hnllvweed I heae fireoe al Hit N. termma Ave. (iamea are belnt played olihtlr. , a l.oe far 1 Bond HI., 1 n rj m fr- r- f-;.- iujji 'J.. ut iJ I r. :2 r- : l ;i:: si hub'. ? (Mr. O. M. Brown of Napier aent In tn Intereatlnt query about Ion 92 In Mie.ea book, "Initructlve Po.ltiont from Ma.ier Play," In the book. Iht dlatram la reveraed and ill the movea hkewl.e, but thta did not punrle our correapondent. and we have quoted helnw the di.tram and move, actually Intended hr Mlenea 1he whole point of tht endlpt. which la Ko.tlrh-Jaffe, Ctrl.bad 1911, la why the White Hint la not equally erTectivt at WHJ a. at KN2, alnre the pn.llion look, tn all Intent, and purpo.ea avmmetnrtl. 1'hla wa. not mentioned by Mle.eai here tlncle Jacoiioviich remedlea tht deficiency.) Jaekie Rure.h! One rannot even rely on booka ometlm, Look at thla pnnltion dlatram Ed I It I. not obvlnii. that the While Klnt mint in.
to QB2. tnd that he la lut a. effective there a, ne would he at KNJ, Rut perhapa I had btler read to you what tht book lay, ttne oi tne mo.t peculiar a occurred in mailer fl. aniililna pn.itiona inn ever Piev, in .put or mi enn.lderablt u-perlnrlty eif, mtterlil, White haa aome diniculty In fnrcint a win, Tht beat line of plat la to do ao in the fnllowlnt manuever- White flr.l brim, hla Klnt to KN3, which cannot he hindered h Black. The next partjof White, men l tn plav the Rook Via OR and OR to K Rlarit would then have no defcn.a aeam.t the threat nl Rxpch, and Whut would have an tt.y win.'1 Wei. Itoerber Prom the Hollywood. Dohnevatt WoliMon Nfeehan . . . Aron,on . , O'lillen ... worn t. t ?'i W. h. 7 0 ft 0 S 3 4', 4a 4 O 4 a V, Hi 3 2 3 7 La.ker Memorial Tournament O. R'nhardt 0 w. R'nhardt ft nlller ft Everett ... 0 Rorochow White 1- P-K4 2- N-KBJ 3- P-Q4 4- Nxp 8-N-Nlt 6- N-B1 7- B-KNS l-B.N -B-Q3 10-O-O Qilltlrn White 1-P-K4 2-N-KH3 SICILIAN DEPENSE Gordon i Borochow Black White P-QB4' 11-PxR N-WBll 12-N-Q2 PxP P-K4? N-B1 B-N. P-KR1 QxR P-t BxN 13.B-N?ch 14-Q-N I1-ON4 1A-KR-Q 17-N-H llt-BxN 19- N-R1 20- N-BVh SICILIAN DEFENSE Patter.oniQulllan 3-P-WN4 4- P-4 5- PXP P-WB4 7- NP I-B-U2 9-N-K4 10- N-onrh 11- N-B4 12- NxB 13- B-K2 14- O-t) 15- Q.N7 16- W-R3 . n-trn-y W'el.a While 1- N-KR3 2- P-OH4 3- N-B3 4- P-K3 8- P-84 (i-B-Ql 7-Q-B2 d-P-ORl 0-R-O2 10- P-R3 11- KK2 12- QR-KN 13- R.N8 14- P-Q5 1H-KR-KN l-PxP 17- N-q.1 18- RXH Rtelner White 1-P-Q4 3-P-K4 3- N-MH3 4- P-BI 5- R-KNS -Q-K2 7-PxP l-O0 A-U-N5 in-B.o ta-Rxp 1.1-R-NI 14-NxP i-rN 1.R-Rck Black P-WB4 M-wni PxP P-4 QxP PxPep.
U-R4 P-K3 B-NS K-K2 BxBch O-BH QxP N-B1 KR-Q K-K Q-BS DI'TCH Rtelner Black P-KB4 N-KB3 P-K3 B-K2 O-O P-Q3 N-B3 O-K 0-N3 QxP Q-N3 Q-R4 Q-B2 N-Q N-K BxP RxR ,PKR3I DUTCH Oordon Black P-KB4 PxP N-K 113 P-OI R-B4 P-B4 Q-R4 QN-W3 OXQ O-O-O PxP N-K4 PxP KvN r-Kt K-B2 White IH-N-B3 ltt-P-N3 20- N-N5 21- U-R 22- N-K4 23- U-NX 24- W-N 25- P-KN4 2..N.K3 27-O-B 7B.N-N2 21-U-R :tO-K-Q3 31-H-Q ,12-RxN 33-Re.lmi nrrENSK Welaa White 11-R-N1 20- PxB 21- R-NJ 2J-P-K4 23- R-N4 24- R-R4 25- RxBP 2-N-04 27-H-N.t 2H.K-K' 20-B-KB 30- Q-N.lch 31- B-KJ 32- K-B 31-N-B5 34- B-ORl 35- N-R4 .IH-ile.itna. DEPENSI Gordon Black R-Kl N-R4 K-K? KR-OB P-ON1 R-Bi N-BS BxR OR-R Re.itn. patler.on Rlart N-W4 j-b; -K. KR3 UH-H K-B K-N P-QN4 P-WR1 B-N? UR-R P-K4 N-OS RxR B'elner Black BxN ?-R4 -Bl P-B K-KB3 OK' PxP PaP Q-R4ch N-R3 N-K4 R-B2 -N1 P-Ot R-O N-R4' Q-N4 Rtelnef White 11-KR-K IB-B-R4ch li-n-gj 30-B-n 21- RxPch 22- nxR 21-PxH 24-R..R4 2S.P.OR4! 2-n-oa 27-R-N 5H-RtN4 Jt.R(N4t.N( in.R.R.vh ,U-R-N4ch Oordon Rlark B-QNA K-Ni B-Rl RxR K-fl BxN KR-K n-oi N-R4 R(Q2'-KJ p-ni R-QN R-Nt' et-R4 Rtaitni.

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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