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May 19, 1940 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 19 May 1940, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all moll to Chen Editor CHESS L, A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 108T Br T. R. Dawtori a 4 can Whit metet in two. (Wh. 10; Bl. 10.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1088 By Mrt. N. Schrufer Kt-BHl 4. P-OH, Kt-Ki la (rap ontiimifd by Bird;) 5. KUP?? Should c"t pi!) P-BJ (m n in piny , . . -K4kh nd 1. move U K. , . . P-Q3i 7. B-R4. P-OKt4 and Black mill win a piece,) T. Kt-Q matt. (To b eonlinufd.) NORTH AND BOl'TH MATCH The annual Northern California . Hotiihern California thru Mulch which Kill be held June t) at the Andemon Hotel in Ran t.ula Oblnpo promlsn to he the rlnaeil eanlreted mitrb ever held between Ihene two tee mi.
There will probably be :n plavi en eerh aide. All rheae plavera In houlhern California aried to attend. I'lanere dnirlm lo o ahnuld enmmunl-eale with the editor of Ihla eolamn or with the I ea Antele Cheat Club, Ut W. Fourth St. UNITED STATES CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP Bunding of playera after 1) round: While maid In three.
(Wh, J; Bl. 4 ) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1083: O-B. SOLUTION TO PROBLENM084. J-Q. ResheYiky r me . . . . Kashdan . . Pintua .. Kupchllc , 8inumaon. Denker . . Ri-infld , Green ... W, 10 , 8 Adam ... Polland . , . Shin.Hlt . Bernstein, . Henauer ,. Seideman, , ft 'i iLltlman B'i Woluton. 7!l W. n 4li 4'i 4',i a 3 L.
From the United. States client championship tourney; RUY LOt'EG AflHin!! Rrldinen Black White P-K4 19-P-KB4 N-OH3I20-R-B P-Ultl 21-Uli-KBI N-B3.-NxP P-N4iJ3-N-BI B-K.'24-K-Iii N-Qn4!LM,.Q-OJ BPIrimart White 1-P-K4 S-N-KB3 3- B-N5 4- B-R 5- O-O B-B-N3 7- O-Kl B-P-B3 8- B-BJ 10- P-W4 11- P-KRJ Vl-P-vS 13- ON-Q2 14- N-N3 15- RPxN 1.P-KN4 17- B-RB 18- N-Q2 Adam P-1-.4J7-H-K.J Q-n'JiJB-PxP 30-Q-o: 11-P-KS 32- O-Kd 33- Q-B1 34- PxP 33-RxrJ We received aolullona from the followliu: J. O Dodxe. C. P. Ford. H J. Gllmore. O. A. Hall, Rev. P. Prichaid. Dr. H. H, Ro, O. 1. Jolinaion. M. Rurihnlm. L. I. Bher man. p. A. Innea (sorry, rour acore l 47.1 N P. Brooks, K H. Bchadee, J, E. Blirr, W. Harmon, j. C. Drake l. Daviu-aon. jibiikp; COHRHHPOVOKNCB T01HNAMI.T When It eomee to parllclpallon In the Jubilee correspondence tournament conducted by the American Cheaa Bulletin, 150 Naanau St., New York, NY. California l certainly a banner Hi ale.
No km tnan 40 have enteied from here and thia la a very huh percnlaae. connideritix the dletanre and aieo the tolal number of tiurlea. which lie now reached 37) Tint repreienta 53IH-B-K3 aecllona ot eeven piavert eacn. wno carry i li-R.Kl on tu tamea tlmuitenenuaiy. With 'h-'n-P-KnJ while pleeea in half of (lie conteata and 14. p. R the black in the otlier three, under a n-Q-BJ time limit n( 24 hourt a move, reckoning , m-N-K.N'5 from the time of the receipt of each mra-; j-.vxB aate. The entrance fee It 11 and al'-; 1B-B-KS5 B-2 o-o N-R4 NxN P-N.I n-n: KR-WNl P-R4 p.B3We in-iTpxp' p-Nskhe R-R n k I ! CPxP NxP K-RI B-B3 Nxi" R-KN1 N-KBP t A ronvlneinf effort on the part f our latlderile. At the coneluamn ihe threet, amona other thimi. wa rxb.
u 8-3; 36. tixR , kx, 37. R-38 , etc. h J Si7t q-oi ! w- nui N-K3 Q-N2 KnMidan While 1-P.K4 'J-N-KB3 3- NP 4- N-KBJ 8-P-Q4 (l-B-03 7-O-O 8P-B4 o.N-Bl in-p-H5 rETRorr depenss Xunrblkl Ka.shdan Black While P-K4I U'0-Q-KJ N-Kii3 Jl-UR p.Olj 32-R-K1 N;;P P-04 B-K-' o-o i23-ftxH ;4-R-K7 25-U-Bh !.KB3ia7-P-ON N-13! Jfl-Qxtt e ' O-Bl 30-P-NS R-Kl 31-BvONP B-K3 3'2-BxN N-NI33-R-Q7 Leonard M. Kirket.
carmnterie I Hatlam. Beverly Hille Edwin Al)it,; oeorse u Beiiinter, Hui'man. Car'mel-y-theea: "RJJ:St. varl-r-ri p-k- iilp-Bd RIPti oeo itS n.r,;Bn.iMf- ouaie book pritet are pronoea tor the 19.R.KJ B-Ul' ihfi? ."'Yhe net.n, of the dr. between M.t.hewto onth.
, ........ urf f5 n..,m T K"J7 :2 ;"'"" ho are cnmpetmi: Moaea Rothechilo Lot Anteiea: Jamet p. eele. Monrovia; Kennelh L Butlrr. Oak-, hl,. l--64 Steele. Itnr!; Dtn Udoy. lnle-ood: Aihi-n l. Milliard. Berkeley, N, P. Brook". Avalon, Edwin Y. Fnher. Lot Anaces. Ocoree R. .laffray Tujuntat Btmuel Croat. Harhnr City; T. V. McCnllnutri. San Fernando; Oilbert Preche. Puente; A P. Buachine. Sun Joae; Charlee E- Hender"n. Beverly Mills: Homarit H. Carter. Hma Monica; Lourtney teel, Bell; Axel L. Teteraen, Rekrtsf.cid J. A. Cul-ten. Lot Ante'ea: Percy 1 Chamherlam. Bekersfteld; Eimer Mettaon. Hifhlftntf: fnllaw KIMZOW1TSCK DErENSB Re.ih'vskyoreen Rehevky ! BlerklWhite Black!.. KI-KH3I 14-BxBP Kt-KtSiHdl I Walter I,. Koethen, Rlver.Mde. Mrt, Elira n. w. 2-P-QR4 P-K3I lS-B-KtJ 3- Kt-OB3- B.Kt-VIH-CaM'.ee. 4- O-B.' K'-H3H7-Or-K 5- Kt.Bl P-03I1R-K-R2 R-P-K4 BMlch19-Kt-RJ 7-PxB P.K42n.RKt K.P-QS Ki-OKI 21-BxKt S-I-KR3 OKt-Q.'i-Q-nj 10..B-K3 p.CKi3i23-B-K3 11.R-K2 Kt-B J4-B-R4 12- Kl-oa F-KR3;2-RxR 13- P-B4 PxPlDraw airetd. Kt'PCHIR S WINNING CAME Appended It the tcore of the lame Kup traps COMBINATIVE PLAT By Rr. Mai Eaoe-World Champion, 193S-IT Black White P.QR4.I 1S-KR-K KI-QR3 i lfl-P-OKt3 PxP17.0R-Q Kt-BI 11-R-K3 P-K3! 1!-B-B B-KiSU'O-GR-K K'PxKi 21-R.KS Kt-04 1 1'l-Q-R".
' p.Q3 23-PBP BxPrhi T4-P-R4 KPxKti JS-BxP xP.:i-P-R5 Ct"tie 27-Brclt P-OBtl kr-k an-Ki-02'nntations K K-K4iwin o-K2 "y.pi' fxr prefer-1 n-.-.?"'c,'-",I?:chii4 on iwm rm: Harr'u." Hlpaaa: Le'wn P. Sherman, Bant I SICILIAN DEFENSE jaca OPlcer. ixia AHBr-. piaiuic ruprnia rinr iuMiiua Btn j-ranclnco; John P. Vale. Sen white isir,""1""0' nni. ri?11 ,, I 'J., inner. 8am iomca. pui c. Mccomme, 3-p-4 F.I Cerrllo. Wallace mnri. San Francuco. -KtxP M wettrook. stcr.mento; s, j. j-ki-qbj in'o. Lomnn. Lont Beach. Richer u p. -b-k3 : Coulter, Ban Jo. . 1-Kt'Kt , h-p.ks 9-B-02 10- KtxKt 11- Qxfl 12- PxP 13- B-OJ Trapt ere e tpecial kina t romnina-. ii-vaitirt ;t ftn- itnl m'lht ra them -"0eil00.rolTl. ... . .. - . - k... ' Tk., lir (mm nlhr enm. iwaiinrw, n. ........", ......
...... - . . ;hination In heme oaxed ,,., than eomo,ii..,on only ! L"''1,.'1... ' .'' ..?,"!,' E!!ith Bnmuei R.hevxky also deterve ape.!at1(t linn nil niufriiiriui mim fcvii.iu.iu Ih. nother. I m ,. . plv.iLi.Aii icrr...r;M -T.'"!, b-k3 on-Kt P-Kt3i Q-K13 P-H5 P-OR4I F-R't PvP R-Q.1! R-KH B-Q2 Rexiint I oiner com- ..-..-- .
i iVmni.tmniOie compeiltoit, it aco'uitine hlmwll ell. iy hen a!,nd on' ' hia hf eftorta aa hit drat;0f ttt Ar ! n I'levia ruinnu, n--;irii ninineiii e . - ( ' U'Kti fftrnt Anmm fh tumnUltfln lkt? (Ukiiftlly mirril tmn: though vinom PniUna orroihr utiurmc thinE ctn fmm th-s own, thatj;'lml W'uXr 0l'& mccumba to trapa. ellher hecause he can-, jnni wnhiand the temptation of the moment or because he it too ready to heln-ve hit opponent hat made a mistake. Alaavt mlatruat a CAk move: examine it lnKlw ttnrf .m!! tin nnt hajirtlv rnn.
demn It at a blunder Be particularly 'on auard i( your opponent, by .-,,., ,tnhtea to the Idea that he hat blundered; for Inatance. we recall a ell-knnn international e thai! with be-; J"" 1 1T:..-,n!,i0.n;i !-5-5 a painful erlmace and tithed theatrically. txo. Bin miirniura &iitii"iii"il iRim ly he had teen the trap. Fven In the opentnei there exltt rum- Iherleaa opportunity of aettinf and avoid.
White 1- P-K4 2- Kt-KB3 3- P-Q4 4- KxP 5- Kt-QPI ei-B-KKtJ 7-R-K2 K-P.OR4 9-Castlea in-Kt-Kt3 11-BxKl U-P-B4 13- PxKt 14- K-R 15-P-RH 17-PxP llt-PxP 10-B-O7 20-Kt-KJ 31-R-B3 Orern Bierk P-QH4 Xt-OB I PxP Kt-B.l P-Q3 P-K3 P OR3 BK-K2 B-Q2 Kt-QR4 PvR KtxKI 0-Kl3ch Cattlea, OR O-K'5 P-B4 P-Q4 PxP B-03 K-Kt P-K4 polland White 22-PxP ;'3-R-B5 24- d-K 25- RXQ .fi-P-OKti 27-R-g.l Jfl-KR-B 2t-Kl-B4 311-R-OKt 31- K-Kt 32- P-K!S 33- BxP . 34- CR-Q 35- B.Q7 3-P-Kt3 37-R-B2 3H-KR-B 31-P.vR 4n-B-K'4 41-K-B2 Reaiana Oreen Brk BP B-B3 QOch BxP KR-K P.M n-Kii B-GR'i P-M3 B-KB PxP B-KS P-B4 RxP P..H7 F-RA RxR P-Ofi P-07 R-K8 nrrieaa ni int trpt. The puyer with ood knowi- iedt ol theory It arauainted llh moal ,f ,he .tock eemie. but it mar he helpful to learnera to demnnatrate a (ear. beamnlna with one or two which ere err p.Ki p.Kj , B., Bieek ieave hu km t pn to he itaken.
for he conid repir to . PxP'? br .1. ... o-RSeh. mtm or innm a rook.
The ptwn la thm "Indlreetlv" proterted: actuellr. "Indirect protection" and "trapa" 'are cloaele related meet. Onlr when the indirect protection la aomeahat more oh- cure than Una. hnaever, do e talk of a "trap" ta a rnie ini i, r-ait i, at-nnA, ai-ud n.m. ki.o i I Hero a e a I ti Blaek leavet hit klne'i rawn to -kfn The ';"'"";;;' 4. IttxP"? 0-llt4i n. KlxBP (If 8. BxPfh, K.K, ,n(J Whlte ln. ift , piPr,. xiupi .r-bi. oxKPrhi i. b-ki. ki-b NIMZOWITSCH DEFENSE , n iioen nnwi.i..,k,,k. eeaueinted ilh moat u.J,,. ' 1- P-Q4 2- P-OP4 3- Kt-OBJ 4P-K3 S-KI-K2 K-P-QRJ 7-KtxB -P-R3 9-B-K2 in-ctatiea 11-OxP n--Qt 13-HxP 14-B-KI ' la-o-Ri IK.R-O 17-QxR U-B-02 lO-Kt-K'S 20-OvKt 31-Kt-RJ P1""- Hr th 'm P"'l33-R-a c 1., . ttt-KBi. Kt.oBi,Ui:g;5J fi.Rl.
m.H:ti 4 Kt.Kt.V P.Oli . P.P. oi .n a Kt-i)Ai . P-Oli tnot ehtnlutelr had but i "i.iti.o Inf doubtful taliie.t OaPI 1. KtxBPTT (7. ja.Kt-BJ IllvIVh K.K1: a n.Kil la h.ll.r l 0.1'! V 1 i. P-oa df a Kmr then a. . . .
oxP withuo-K-oi !:n?.?,V.p.M '"he only way ot tevm the eueen.) khi33-p-b4 """ Beldman Black Xt-KR3 P-K3 B-KlS P-QKI3 B-KI2 BxKlch Ctailea P-04 P-14 PxtP Kt-B3 PvP O K2 KIt-O R-B RxRch K'-t4 Kt-B.t KivB B-R3 Bxrt P-KH3 R-Q F-O.I OtR Q K-H K-K2 K-RI P-R1 Kt-QJ Kt-B4 Peahevskf While 34-P-CKt4 3IS-P-KS 3K-Kt-K4 37-Kt-H 1-P.H4 31-Kt-K8 4n.pxP 41-Kt-Otl 13-P-Klftch 4J-PxPrh 44KI-B4 4VP-Kt4 4-Kt-K3 47-KtxP IR-Kt-Pj '1-K-Q3 50- K-K1 51- KI-K4 S3-K-B3 H3-KtxPth .-4-KtxP SVKi-cMch SS-Kt-KJ S7-Kt-H3 Mt-P-R4 St.K-KJ hd-K-Bl 6t-Kt-K2 K2-Kt-Q4ch B3-K-K3 h4-K-Q3 H5-K-B4 Drawn. Seldman Black Kt-2 Kl-B Kl-OJ P-B4 Kt-B P-KK'4 PxP Xt-Ki3 PxP K-C2 K-B2 PxP K'-BS K.Q Kt-K7rh Kt-n.lrh K-K2 Kt-orh K-R2 K-KM K-P4 KvP Kt-B3 K-P4 Kt-K3 Kt-B2 Kt.KI KI-B2 K-K4 Kt-Q4ch K-P5 Kt-lU.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

Special Thanks