OCR Text
CHESS Ner. 18, 184A L. A. TIMES PROBLEM MO. By B. O. Laws White mates in two. (Wh, 7; Bl. 4.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1138 Composed for the Los Angeles Times By w. H Donnelly, Los Angeles, Cal. White mates in three. (Wh. 12; Bl. 7.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1133: Kt-Kt7. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1134: B-R4. CORRECTION Preblem IMS by Sase 1.ayi ta twe- maver an net m three-move yrebleaa as it ai printed in ear last isue. We received solutions from the following: J. o. Dodge, J. Davidson. J. M. Meinhardt. R. D. Weaver, I. M. Fleming, M. Rudholm, G. A. Hall. J. T. Watson, E. L. Daniells, H. P. Matosian, C. P. Ford, W. B Tudor, J. Ponseca, C. P. Pord. H. Bruh. L. Sheppard. J. E. Underdown, A. D. Reynolds Sr., B, Andrews, A. G. Karn, W. Harmon, J. P. Walsh, J. C. Drake, E. H. Schadee.
CALIFORNIA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT We are sorry to announce that the eee-templated State championship tournament which was te be played in San Francises wilt net materialize due te the fact that tbe northern players could not arrange for an appropriate afterneen achedule. The tournament was te have been held in the Meehaniea' Institute Library, which ia even enly until 10 p. as. We hoee te be able te have tbe tearna-ment in Lea Angeles around Christmas time and shall anneunee eur plana mare denuilely as even as we are certain ef the arrangemeuta. GEORGE KOLTANOWSKI BLINDFOLD EXHIBITION The Hollywsed Chess Groan, sponsors of tbia unitiue event, at lua N. Formosa Ave., anneunee thia exbibitien far Friday, Nov. 13, at 8 p.aa. He will Play Id boards, during which he will intersperse wilh an interesting lecture. Because ef tbe limited number ef beards available, we urge yee make early reservation, by calling Whbsicr 8817 er WYoming 31)10. Mr. Koltanowski holds tbe world's championship title for blindfold chesa, having played S4 beards simultaneously. On Saturday, Nee. IS, at p.m., Mr. Koltanowski will be guest at the Los Angeles Chess Club, 134 W. Fourth St., where be will play against all comers.
Per reservation call MAdisen 6:II4. Viailera are welcome. CHESS LITERATURE In enawer to the many requests, the writer is publishing a list ef inexpensive boeks, all ef which may ee ordered through tbe writer, by aending check er money order. Keres Best Games. M.75) Warsaw International Team Tournament, 19SS, tti Dr. Lasker's Chess Career. DZ.GOi The Klement of Combination Play in Chess. Sl.lllli Cambridge Soring International Tournament. 1904. (I.SIIs Collea Chesa , Masterpieces.
St.. Ill: Yeur Chess Cham-pioa, (I i C'besa Combination and Trees, ii&ei Among These Mates, 5ct Modern i Chesa Opening, '!.!Nlt The Game ef Chess, $4, and many ethers. There will be an exhibition of line ehesa I sets and beards at the headeuarters ef ; the Hollywood Chess Group, 1118 N. For mosa, visitors are welcome. The fallowing is taken from February issue of the Australian Chesa Review, a monthly publication.
Twelve Issues for ti (may be ordered directly) 1 Bond St., Sydney, N.S.W., Auatralia. UNCLE JACOBOVITCH HOLDS COURT By Lajea Steiner ' (Uncle Jacobovltch and Jackie Buresh continue the erguments over the game Mieses-PIohr, Margate. 1939. Notice that none of the arguments ig settled; the author la not concerned with final verdicts, but, rather, wishes to show students how much there la In chess that cannot be easily settled, end to Impress on them the importance of thinking for themselves. No parrot ever made a real player.) Previous neves! Black White Plohr Mieses ' 1. P-K4 P-QBS S. P-Q4 P-04 . N-OBI PxP 4. NxP ' N-B.1 . NiN'eh KPxN 5. 1. B-KI B-Ut U. l.i Why on earth not B-Q3 Oh, I see. He did not like them T Q-K2chj . B-K3, B-BS.
HERMAN STEIN ER International Chess Master Address alt mail to Chest Editor 7. Not se had at all. Castling, after ell. Is not urgent yet. The Queen covers two Black diagonals, making room for the Rook to help him in advancing the pawns. B-KS S. B-K N-Ot . 1A. P-B4 Q-B3 11. OR-B1 V. J.: I do not quite see the meaning of this move.
Why did not he castle first? He cannot be sure yet of the future square of the rook. Why not wait for little voile? one might see clearer By then. 1. B.! Or course you would not under. stand, because you have not had an rye for the fine Black strategy, which refuted the whole White developing system.
White Is afraid to castle yet because the Black rteces are played at his future king posi tion, end the extra pawn on the KB nie is ready to march at. the moment's notice sgainst It also. The text move at least threatens to plav 13. P-QS, B moves (PxP, Pxp winning the bishop;) 13. P-BS fol lowed b P-Q6i do not agree who. you. ine White king side has no weak spot. There' fore. It cannot be attacked successfully. II. . B-KNS It. P-KRS B-E4 11. O-O ... r. I.! Right, old boy. right! Why should you be afraid to castle when you have all the means to counterattack in the center if necessary. Tou Just work on your game and let the other fellfw coun teract it. 1. . . . 4R-Ql 14. KR-Ot ... r. J.t That ta the way to do it. The sly fellow wanted to bring his knight into dos tion with 14. . . N-B4. as after 15 PxN. B-R7ch; la. NxB. RxQ. The best White can do la BxB. hoping to outbalance the queen with three pieces. 14. . . . Kl-Kl 15. P-QN4 ... V. J.t I don't think that this move is bad.
as It pursues the original plan. But I wonder If P-B5 would not be possible et once. Say then 15 . . . B-Bl; 1. P-QS (such a pawn hag to be straightened out. of course.) PxP . . . wait a minute. Is It not possible here to play 16. . . , NxP: 17. BxN. RxP: and Black regains the piece? 18. QxR would not be sufficient now, at after 18. . . . PxO; 19. BxB. Q-W! one of the White bishops geta lost. So. 15. P-QN4 therefore must be the right trove 15. . . . P-KB4 J. B.t The double pawn Is getting Into action already. White has overreached himself with his brutal, rigid advance on the other side, but a double pawn Is very elastic sometimes. It has an extra life. It is able to attack twice.
It marches on and at the same time keeps all the squares it left nro'ected bv its brother beh nd. V. J.: Please keep quiet. Why all this excitement? We have to hurry now. We lost too much time listening to your nonsense.
And, besides, White hag stilt a beautiful game: 18. P-ORR 17. B-KB4? B-Kl 7. J.: Why oh, why not 17. P-Q5 to get rid of the backward pawn and free a great many squares for hla pieces? Is there any catch? After 17. , . , PxP: 18. OxP White need not fear 18. . . . P-B5 as either 19. QxB or 19. BxP seems to be all right.
White has only, one thing he must figure out thoroughly. knleht move. And because of the threat of OxBP there is only one knight move to be feared: 18. . , . N-K4; 19. QxN (almost forced,) 19. . . QxQ; 20. NxO. BxB: 21. RxR. BxR (If 21. . . . RxR; 22. P-B6 with dangerous possibilities, e.g., 22. . . . B-Q.1: 23. PxP!. BxN: 24. R-B8. R-Bl: 25. BxP. etc.:). 22. P-Efi', B-B2. 23. PxP with about the lame result as before. (Te be eentinaed) CZECHOSLOVAKIA Aug. 31, 1930 Stelner White 1- P-Q4 2- Kt-KB3 3- P-B4 4- P-KKtJ 5- B-Q2 6- QKt.xB 7- B-Kt2 8- Q-B2 9- 0-0 10-P-K4 Br.ekely Black Kt-KB3 P-K3 P-OKt3 B-Kt5ch BxBch B-KI2 P-G3 Kt-Q2 P-B4 P-K4 B-B 43-B2 O-O Kt-KI5 Kt-R3 P-B3 P-R3 l-QKt4 R-K PxP Q-R4 Kt-Kt3 B-02 Kt-B2 B-R5 Kt-Q2 Steiner White 27- P-KtS 28- KtxP 29- OxKt 30- P-B6 31- Kt-BS 32- B-Q3 33- KR-QKtJ 34- R-KI6 35- R-Kt8 38-K-R 37- R(Kt)xB 38- RxKtch 39- R-K7ch 40- OxPch 41- KtxO Szekely Black PxP KtxKt Q-Q KtxP R-R2 R-B Q-B Kt-K R-B3 B-Kt4 PxR K-B2 1 1 -p. as. vj.o.fm . Kt-R4 ; H-p-B4 Iu-qr-K )l(J-OKt-B3 QxR K-K R-KB2 R(B2ixKt 42-Q-Kt5 17-R-B2 43- PxP 44- Q-KI8ch 45- P-Kt6 46- K-Kt2 47- K-B 48- B-R6 49- QxPrh 50- B-B8rh 51- S-Kt8ch 52- Q-B7 RxP 18-Q-B2 K-02 R-R8ch R-R7rh R-K17 19- P-OKt3 20- P-B5 21- PxP 22- R-OICt 23- P-KR3 24- P-Kt 25- B-B 26- Q-B R-K P.-K2 K-O R-K Resigns From the International team matches July 16, 1930 Abramvlciua Steiner Abramviclug Steiner White Black White Black 1- P-Q4 Kt-KB3 28-K-B3 K-K2 2- Kt-KBJ P-K3 29-K-B4 R-Q8 3- P-B4 B-Kt5ch 30-R-KB2 P-KR3 4- B-C2 Q-K2 31-P-K5 P-QB4 5- Q-Kt3 . BxBeh 32-K-KR4 P-OKt4 6- QKtxB P-Q4 33-R-B2 P-B5 7- P-K3 O-O 34-P-Kt3 PxP 8- B-Q3 QKt-02 35-R-OKtJ K-K3 9- QR-B P-B3 36-RxP R-Q4 10- O-O P-K4 37-R-B3 RxPch 11- PxKP . KtxP 38-K-Q3 R-04ch 12- KtxKt OxKt 39-K-K4 P-B4ch 13- PxP KtxP 40-K-B3 P-QP4 14- R-B5 Q-K2 41-R-BSch R-Q3 15- Q-B2 P-KKt3 42-R-B5 ' R-Kt3j 1S-P-QR3 R-Q! 43-P-K4 , P-KtS1 17- R-K Kt-B5! 44-PxPch PxP 18- R-B3 B-RR! 45-PxP PxP 19- P-KKt3 KtxB 4B-R-B2 P-KtS 20- RxKt RxB 47-R-OKtJ K-Q4 21- QxR R-Q 48-K-K3 K-B5 22- Q-K2 Q-B3 49-K-Q2 R-R3 23- Kt-K4 Q-B4 50-K-B R-R8ch 24- P-B3 B-Kt5 51-R-Kt R-R7 35-K-B2 QxKt 52-R-KtS K-B6 2fi-PxQ BxQ Resigng 11-Rxli K-B .
. p - July 27. 1930 Steiner U.S.A. White 1- P-Q4 2- Kt.-KB3 3- B-Kt5 4- P-K3 5- QKt-Ql 6- P-QB3 7- B-Q3 8- 0-O 9- Q-K2 Bibere Spain Black Kt-KB3 P-K3 P-Q4 QKt-Q2 P-QB4 B-K2 O-O P-QKt3 B-Kt2 R-B Kt-K5 Steiner U.S.A. White 19- Kt-K$ 20- BxKt 21- P-B4 22- P-KKt4 23- R-B2 Bibere Spain Black R-R3 QPxB Q-H5 P-QKI4 B-B3 Q-R6 24-R-KKt 23-R(B2)-XtS 26- P-Kt5 27- R-Kt3' 5R-R(Kt)-KUI 29- Q-Q 30- P-QR4 31- Q-R 32- Q-R3 33- Q-K7 34- QxPch P-Kt3 R-R4 Q-R5 B-K 10- QR-K ; 11- Kt-KS 12- BxB 13- KtxKt(Q7) 14- Kt-B3 15- K-R. lS-Kt-R4 17-B-B2 . 1B-Kt-B3 R-Q QxB Q-Kt P-KB3 ' Q-K2 P-B P-B4 R-KB3 PxP P-KR3 PxP K-QKt K-R BxKt 35- KtxPch 36- Q-K5eh Resigns
CALIFORNIA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT We are sorry to announce that the eee-templated State championship tournament which was te be played in San Francises wilt net materialize due te the fact that tbe northern players could not arrange for an appropriate afterneen achedule. The tournament was te have been held in the Meehaniea' Institute Library, which ia even enly until 10 p. as. We hoee te be able te have tbe tearna-ment in Lea Angeles around Christmas time and shall anneunee eur plana mare denuilely as even as we are certain ef the arrangemeuta. GEORGE KOLTANOWSKI BLINDFOLD EXHIBITION The Hollywsed Chess Groan, sponsors of tbia unitiue event, at lua N. Formosa Ave., anneunee thia exbibitien far Friday, Nov. 13, at 8 p.aa. He will Play Id boards, during which he will intersperse wilh an interesting lecture. Because ef tbe limited number ef beards available, we urge yee make early reservation, by calling Whbsicr 8817 er WYoming 31)10. Mr. Koltanowski holds tbe world's championship title for blindfold chesa, having played S4 beards simultaneously. On Saturday, Nee. IS, at p.m., Mr. Koltanowski will be guest at the Los Angeles Chess Club, 134 W. Fourth St., where be will play against all comers.
Per reservation call MAdisen 6:II4. Viailera are welcome. CHESS LITERATURE In enawer to the many requests, the writer is publishing a list ef inexpensive boeks, all ef which may ee ordered through tbe writer, by aending check er money order. Keres Best Games. M.75) Warsaw International Team Tournament, 19SS, tti Dr. Lasker's Chess Career. DZ.GOi The Klement of Combination Play in Chess. Sl.lllli Cambridge Soring International Tournament. 1904. (I.SIIs Collea Chesa , Masterpieces.
St.. Ill: Yeur Chess Cham-pioa, (I i C'besa Combination and Trees, ii&ei Among These Mates, 5ct Modern i Chesa Opening, '!.!Nlt The Game ef Chess, $4, and many ethers. There will be an exhibition of line ehesa I sets and beards at the headeuarters ef ; the Hollywood Chess Group, 1118 N. For mosa, visitors are welcome. The fallowing is taken from February issue of the Australian Chesa Review, a monthly publication.
Twelve Issues for ti (may be ordered directly) 1 Bond St., Sydney, N.S.W., Auatralia. UNCLE JACOBOVITCH HOLDS COURT By Lajea Steiner ' (Uncle Jacobovltch and Jackie Buresh continue the erguments over the game Mieses-PIohr, Margate. 1939. Notice that none of the arguments ig settled; the author la not concerned with final verdicts, but, rather, wishes to show students how much there la In chess that cannot be easily settled, end to Impress on them the importance of thinking for themselves. No parrot ever made a real player.) Previous neves! Black White Plohr Mieses ' 1. P-K4 P-QBS S. P-Q4 P-04 . N-OBI PxP 4. NxP ' N-B.1 . NiN'eh KPxN 5. 1. B-KI B-Ut U. l.i Why on earth not B-Q3 Oh, I see. He did not like them T Q-K2chj . B-K3, B-BS.
HERMAN STEIN ER International Chess Master Address alt mail to Chest Editor 7. Not se had at all. Castling, after ell. Is not urgent yet. The Queen covers two Black diagonals, making room for the Rook to help him in advancing the pawns. B-KS S. B-K N-Ot . 1A. P-B4 Q-B3 11. OR-B1 V. J.: I do not quite see the meaning of this move.
Why did not he castle first? He cannot be sure yet of the future square of the rook. Why not wait for little voile? one might see clearer By then. 1. B.! Or course you would not under. stand, because you have not had an rye for the fine Black strategy, which refuted the whole White developing system.
White Is afraid to castle yet because the Black rteces are played at his future king posi tion, end the extra pawn on the KB nie is ready to march at. the moment's notice sgainst It also. The text move at least threatens to plav 13. P-QS, B moves (PxP, Pxp winning the bishop;) 13. P-BS fol lowed b P-Q6i do not agree who. you. ine White king side has no weak spot. There' fore. It cannot be attacked successfully. II. . B-KNS It. P-KRS B-E4 11. O-O ... r. I.! Right, old boy. right! Why should you be afraid to castle when you have all the means to counterattack in the center if necessary. Tou Just work on your game and let the other fellfw coun teract it. 1. . . . 4R-Ql 14. KR-Ot ... r. J.t That ta the way to do it. The sly fellow wanted to bring his knight into dos tion with 14. . . N-B4. as after 15 PxN. B-R7ch; la. NxB. RxQ. The best White can do la BxB. hoping to outbalance the queen with three pieces. 14. . . . Kl-Kl 15. P-QN4 ... V. J.t I don't think that this move is bad.
as It pursues the original plan. But I wonder If P-B5 would not be possible et once. Say then 15 . . . B-Bl; 1. P-QS (such a pawn hag to be straightened out. of course.) PxP . . . wait a minute. Is It not possible here to play 16. . . , NxP: 17. BxN. RxP: and Black regains the piece? 18. QxR would not be sufficient now, at after 18. . . . PxO; 19. BxB. Q-W! one of the White bishops geta lost. So. 15. P-QN4 therefore must be the right trove 15. . . . P-KB4 J. B.t The double pawn Is getting Into action already. White has overreached himself with his brutal, rigid advance on the other side, but a double pawn Is very elastic sometimes. It has an extra life. It is able to attack twice.
It marches on and at the same time keeps all the squares it left nro'ected bv its brother beh nd. V. J.: Please keep quiet. Why all this excitement? We have to hurry now. We lost too much time listening to your nonsense.
And, besides, White hag stilt a beautiful game: 18. P-ORR 17. B-KB4? B-Kl 7. J.: Why oh, why not 17. P-Q5 to get rid of the backward pawn and free a great many squares for hla pieces? Is there any catch? After 17. , . , PxP: 18. OxP White need not fear 18. . . . P-B5 as either 19. QxB or 19. BxP seems to be all right.
White has only, one thing he must figure out thoroughly. knleht move. And because of the threat of OxBP there is only one knight move to be feared: 18. . , . N-K4; 19. QxN (almost forced,) 19. . . QxQ; 20. NxO. BxB: 21. RxR. BxR (If 21. . . . RxR; 22. P-B6 with dangerous possibilities, e.g., 22. . . . B-Q.1: 23. PxP!. BxN: 24. R-B8. R-Bl: 25. BxP. etc.:). 22. P-Efi', B-B2. 23. PxP with about the lame result as before. (Te be eentinaed) CZECHOSLOVAKIA Aug. 31, 1930 Stelner White 1- P-Q4 2- Kt-KB3 3- P-B4 4- P-KKtJ 5- B-Q2 6- QKt.xB 7- B-Kt2 8- Q-B2 9- 0-0 10-P-K4 Br.ekely Black Kt-KB3 P-K3 P-OKt3 B-Kt5ch BxBch B-KI2 P-G3 Kt-Q2 P-B4 P-K4 B-B 43-B2 O-O Kt-KI5 Kt-R3 P-B3 P-R3 l-QKt4 R-K PxP Q-R4 Kt-Kt3 B-02 Kt-B2 B-R5 Kt-Q2 Steiner White 27- P-KtS 28- KtxP 29- OxKt 30- P-B6 31- Kt-BS 32- B-Q3 33- KR-QKtJ 34- R-KI6 35- R-Kt8 38-K-R 37- R(Kt)xB 38- RxKtch 39- R-K7ch 40- OxPch 41- KtxO Szekely Black PxP KtxKt Q-Q KtxP R-R2 R-B Q-B Kt-K R-B3 B-Kt4 PxR K-B2 1 1 -p. as. vj.o.fm . Kt-R4 ; H-p-B4 Iu-qr-K )l(J-OKt-B3 QxR K-K R-KB2 R(B2ixKt 42-Q-Kt5 17-R-B2 43- PxP 44- Q-KI8ch 45- P-Kt6 46- K-Kt2 47- K-B 48- B-R6 49- QxPrh 50- B-B8rh 51- S-Kt8ch 52- Q-B7 RxP 18-Q-B2 K-02 R-R8ch R-R7rh R-K17 19- P-OKt3 20- P-B5 21- PxP 22- R-OICt 23- P-KR3 24- P-Kt 25- B-B 26- Q-B R-K P.-K2 K-O R-K Resigns From the International team matches July 16, 1930 Abramvlciua Steiner Abramviclug Steiner White Black White Black 1- P-Q4 Kt-KB3 28-K-B3 K-K2 2- Kt-KBJ P-K3 29-K-B4 R-Q8 3- P-B4 B-Kt5ch 30-R-KB2 P-KR3 4- B-C2 Q-K2 31-P-K5 P-QB4 5- Q-Kt3 . BxBeh 32-K-KR4 P-OKt4 6- QKtxB P-Q4 33-R-B2 P-B5 7- P-K3 O-O 34-P-Kt3 PxP 8- B-Q3 QKt-02 35-R-OKtJ K-K3 9- QR-B P-B3 36-RxP R-Q4 10- O-O P-K4 37-R-B3 RxPch 11- PxKP . KtxP 38-K-Q3 R-04ch 12- KtxKt OxKt 39-K-K4 P-B4ch 13- PxP KtxP 40-K-B3 P-QP4 14- R-B5 Q-K2 41-R-BSch R-Q3 15- Q-B2 P-KKt3 42-R-B5 ' R-Kt3j 1S-P-QR3 R-Q! 43-P-K4 , P-KtS1 17- R-K Kt-B5! 44-PxPch PxP 18- R-B3 B-RR! 45-PxP PxP 19- P-KKt3 KtxB 4B-R-B2 P-KtS 20- RxKt RxB 47-R-OKtJ K-Q4 21- QxR R-Q 48-K-K3 K-B5 22- Q-K2 Q-B3 49-K-Q2 R-R3 23- Kt-K4 Q-B4 50-K-B R-R8ch 24- P-B3 B-Kt5 51-R-Kt R-R7 35-K-B2 QxKt 52-R-KtS K-B6 2fi-PxQ BxQ Resigng 11-Rxli K-B .
. p - July 27. 1930 Steiner U.S.A. White 1- P-Q4 2- Kt.-KB3 3- B-Kt5 4- P-K3 5- QKt-Ql 6- P-QB3 7- B-Q3 8- 0-O 9- Q-K2 Bibere Spain Black Kt-KB3 P-K3 P-Q4 QKt-Q2 P-QB4 B-K2 O-O P-QKt3 B-Kt2 R-B Kt-K5 Steiner U.S.A. White 19- Kt-K$ 20- BxKt 21- P-B4 22- P-KKt4 23- R-B2 Bibere Spain Black R-R3 QPxB Q-H5 P-QKI4 B-B3 Q-R6 24-R-KKt 23-R(B2)-XtS 26- P-Kt5 27- R-Kt3' 5R-R(Kt)-KUI 29- Q-Q 30- P-QR4 31- Q-R 32- Q-R3 33- Q-K7 34- QxPch P-Kt3 R-R4 Q-R5 B-K 10- QR-K ; 11- Kt-KS 12- BxB 13- KtxKt(Q7) 14- Kt-B3 15- K-R. lS-Kt-R4 17-B-B2 . 1B-Kt-B3 R-Q QxB Q-Kt P-KB3 ' Q-K2 P-B P-B4 R-KB3 PxP P-KR3 PxP K-QKt K-R BxKt 35- KtxPch 36- Q-K5eh Resigns