OCR Text
CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor Oct. 5, 1941 L. A. TIMES PROBLEM1 NO. 1331 H. Hermansson, first prize, "Schach-varlden." individual or teams but not consult other wise. Requests for bark issues and subscriptions should be directed to the circulation department. Anyone desiring information for chess literature should send a self-addressed and stamped envelope. This column appears on Sunday.
IGHT ON SOME OPENINGS Series by C. J. 8. Pnrdy: N. IS iConlinaed (rem Last Issue)' French Defense? Laiker Variant After I. P-K4, P-KS; i. P-Q4, P-Oti . N-B3. N-KB.1: 4. B-K.NS. PxPi 5. NxP!. QN-Oii! S. NlNehi. NsN": 7. N-BS. B-KS!l ft. B-Q). P-B4; . PiP, O R4chl IS. P-B3. QxFtBt); 11. O-O, B-Qtj (see diagram.) DIAGRAM 2 White mates In two. (Wh. 7: Bl. 3.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1232 Cfimpns.ft fnr the L" Angeles Titmes by Percy Boater, San Marino. Cal. White males in three. Wh. 7: Bl. 6.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1227; R-K SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1228: P-N7 VV B. Tl'DOR WINS SOLVING CONTEST WITH 281 POINTS We congratulate .Mr. Tudor far having won this contest the second time. Mr. Tudor bails from Los Angeles and solves mostly the two-movers. J B. Andrews. 9: D. Armstrong. 11; E. Alexander. 0; A. Anion. R. Cleveland. 3; A. Bushueff, 9: H Bruhn ", 180; R. M. Crafton, 29; 8. J M. Cornell, 0: A. Daly. 0: E. W. Dembin, 3: J. C. Drake iM 18; J. O. Dodge (', I 147; J. Davidson ,! 185; M. Eimer, 5: C. P. Ford r.) 80: G. Francis. 77: J. Fonseca, 53; J. A Frank. 29; R. M. Hayes. 12: G. A Hall (.! 122; W. Harmon .) 40: L O. Hartman, 139; D. A. Innes ".) 20B; W. L. Koelhen (".) 218: A. O. Karn, 132: J. Ledeier, 0; W. V. Millord. 0; J. Mauehmer. 13: H P. Matoslan. 101: J. M. Melnhardt. 197; W. C. Noltlng. ns; G. E. Ollinger. 3; G. B. Oakes, 242; Rev. P. Prichard !,) 106; R. Roslm (.) 182: M. Rudholm (,) 118: A. D. Reynolds Sr., 123; L. Sheppard, 154: E. H. Schadee 136; L. A. Salgado IM 131: J. Stufiebeam. 28: Dr. J. B. Sheldon. 54; S. Tayior, 21: J. E. Tyler ",i 134; Mrs. A. Tovar, 4; W. B. Tudor ("winner,) 281; J. P. Walsh ,) 94; J. T. Watson (,) 88; A. S. Weils. 8; L. Wilcox. 5. This is the score of the last month s participants. Those who took part previ-ouslv will have their score atand and should they send In solutions again they will he added and published next month. The score includes Problems 1221-1228. CUB NEWS On Friday. Sept. 28, the Fairfax Chess Groan was guest of the Hollywood Chess Group a'. 108 N, Formosa Ave The oc casion was a return matcn irapia transui with six players on each team. The result was Fairfax Chess Group, 43: Hollywood Chess Group. 29. Friday, Oct. 10. will be another rapid transit tournament. Visitors are welcome.
CALIFORNIA STATE CHESS ASSOCIATION Requests have come In from Fresno, Sacramento, San Francisco and Los Angeles ior the revival of a State association and plans are under way for a reorganization Any groups interested please communicate with the writer, care this column. INITIO STATES CHESS FEDERATION The United States Chesa Federation Is contemplating a membership drive throughout the country. We urge every chess player to loin this wonderful orgamza-! tion. The membership Is only $1 per year which gives a yearbook, in it-sclf $1. so one actually sets Ihe membership grails.
No one should miss this opportunity. For further information,; send self-addressed; envelope to the writer. j RtI.ES OF THE SOLVING CONTEST J i M Hit. 3 Position after 11. . . . B-Q2. ilf 1. R-K-1 (threat N-K5.) 1?. . . . N-N5! forces B-K: and easy equality, for If 18. Q-Q'i?, BlBi It. NlB, NxBP! wins a pawn. If l!. Q-K. 0-0; 1.1. N K5. KR-Qlt II. QR-Qt (if NxB. OxB.) 14. . . . B-KI and Black retains his Bishops with a safe position Finally, if 1?. Q-Bi. R-OBI! ( . . . B-BS or . . . B-N4i P-B4, B-BS la "en" if complications are wanted;) 13. QR-QI (say,) B-Ntli simplifying and removing the pressure on KB In this, not 13. BxN?, BxB; 14. BxP?. P-KN3, etc. White gets three pawns for his piece, but no game.
So much for the Lasker Variant. Richer In chances is the Winawer, 3, . . B-N5. We come on this later. Next Issue we discuss W. W. Adams' remarkable book, -White to Play and Win."
SICILIAN DEFENSE Willman Crur. Willman Black White Black P-QB4 19-R-B7 Kt-B Kt-QB3 20-Kt-B3 Kt-Kt3 F-KK13 21-KtxP Kt-02 B-Kt2 22-PxP KtxP P-G3 2t-Kt-Q4 CR-Kt B-Q2 24-P-KI3 P-R4 j Kt-Q5 25-R-B2 R-Kt5 i P-8Kt4 26-P-B3 OxPch' P-K4 27-Q-KI2 -r Crur White 1- P-K4 2- Kt-QB3 3- P-KK13 4- B-Kt2 5- KKt-K2 6- P-Q3 7- B-K3 8-Q-Q2 9-Kt-O 10- P-QB3 11- QxKt 12- Cast!es 13- Q-02 14- P-KR4 15- P-O lfi-PxP 17- R-R 18- BxB Q-B4: P-04 I KtxKt 28-B-KI5 Kt-K2 :29-KtxKt Q-B 30-KR-B P-KR4 31-R-B4 B-RB32-RXR BPxP 33-B-K7 Castles 34-BxP Q-Kt5 Resigns QxB 1
SICILIAN DEFENSE Willman Fine! Willman White Black j White 1- P-K4 P-QB4'21-KxQ 2- KI-KB3 P-K3j22-B-K4 3- P-B4 KI-QB3 23-BPxB 4- Kt-B3 Kt-Q5 i 24-QR-KKt 5- P-Q3 Kt-K2!25-P-KKt4 6- B-K3 KKt-B3 2S-R-R2 7- P-KKt3 P-KKt3 27-PxP B-B-Kt2 B-Kt2 28-KtTKt3ch 9-Q-Q2 Castles i 29-P-R5 in.p.KR P-KR4 '30-Kt-R 11-n-KtS P-B3 ;31-KR-Kt2 R-KKt I 12-B-B4 P-Q3 ; 32-KI-P2 KxP 13- KtxKt pxKt;3.!-K.t-R.t4 14- KI-K2 P-K434-R-R2ch 15- B-RS P-B4!35-Kt-B2 16- PxP BxP:36-Kt-R 17- B-Q5ch K-R2 37-Kt-Kt3ch 18- BxB KxB'38-Kt-K2 19- P-B3 Q-R4!39-RxR 20- P-R3 QxQch I White overstepped I time limit qxp QUEEN S Reshrvsky White 1- P-Q4 2- P-OB4 3- KI-QB3 4- B-Kt5 5- P-K3 C-K1-B3 7- Q-B2 8- PxQP 9- BxB 10- KtxKt 11- B-Q3 12- PxP 13- Castlei 14- QR-B 15- B-K2 16- Q-B3 The winners of each month's contest wlllil7-Q-R3 receive a ihree months' subscription to the! 18-KI-Q4 Chess Review, a month's membership inil9-Q-R5 the Chess and Checker Club 01 Los An- 20-H-UJ geles, 124 W. Fourth St., and the Hollywood 21-P-QKt3 wood Chess Group, 108 N. Formosa Ave.. 22-RxR here they may discuss composing and!23-RxRch solving of problems and end ames. Every i 24-Q-B3 winner will be marked with the usual f.i 25-Kt-K2 showing that he was once a winner In 26-Kt-B4 climbing the ladder. The system will en-27-Q-K5 able 12 (or more in a case ol a tie) solvers ; 28-Q-Kt2 Win. 29-F-KKJ.
Solutions sent In answer to this problem ; 30-P-QK14 will be acknowledged within two weeks 31-Q-Q4 GAMBIT DECLINED CruxReshevsky Biack; White Kt-KB3!40-P-R3 P-K341-P-KtS P-Q4 42-PxP B-KJS-Kt-KZ Castles 44-Q-04ch QKt-Q245-Kt-B3 P-B4 i4t-Kt-Q5 KtxP47-Kt-B8ch QxB 48-K-Kt2 PxKt!49-Q-Q8 P-KKt3 E0-Kt-K8ch KtxP 51-Kt-B7 B-02 52-Q-C35ch QR-B 53-OvO KR-Q 54-KtxRP B-K3 55-K-Kt3 P-C3R3 5-Kt-B5 K-Bi57-K-R4 Kt-K5 58-K-KI5 Kt-03 59-Kt-Q7ch RxR :60-Kt-B8 pxr R?K5;work, Fine; Kt-K2'from bxb j qr-'kb ! g".into KK-R3;rORTR.lIT P-KKt4l kr-bb Kt-Kt3j KtR5 or-kt3 I RPxP 1 pxp K.'Ftnine b-Q? ! K-R3; K-Kt3 R-B7 Biack! P-KI51 er publication If you wish to figure in the "up-to-the-minute ladder, the time limit being seven days, Otherwise credit can only be given in a later ladder.
Problems In this column may begin with castling key or have castling as a de fense, unless it can be definitely proved that such maneuvers are not legal, capture keys, "en passant" keys and checking keys are also tolerated, but all the above types are rather uncommon. The capture of a pawn, however, is not unusual. If a problem has no solution, "no solution" must be claimed in order to score points. The principal variations are necessary when sending In the three-movers. Keys only r.eed be given in two-ers, although It is excellent practice to write out all the distinct variations.
Two-movers receive two points. Three-movers receive three points on our ladder. The prize Is awarded to the leading solver once a month. (His score is then canceled l Solvers may become ladderltea at any time. They are expected to solve as in- 32- B-K2 33- B-B3 34- Q-Q2 35- B-K2 36- P-KR4 37- P-Kt 38- B-B3 39- BxKt R-B,61-Kt-Kt6ch KtxR 62-Kt-K7ch K-Kt fi3-KtxP Kt-Q3 64-Kt-Q4 Kt-K 65-KxP Q-B2 166-K-B4 Q-B3 67-KtxPch P-B3 68-KxP P-OKt4 69-K-04 B-B2 70-P-K4 K-K'2 71-P-B4 K-Kt K-B2 Q-B4 K-K2 PxQ K-03 K-K4 B-B7 B-Q8 B-B7 K-Q3 K-K4 K-Q4 K-B5 B-Q6 K-B6 K-Kt7 KxP BxKt KxP B-B5 B-Kt6 Kt-B2 0-B5 Q-B3 Kt-K Kt-Q3 Kt-K5j PxB, 72- K-K5 73- K-Bfi 74- P-B5 75- P-K5 76- P-K6 Drawn K-Kt4; K-obien B-B7:base ! RETI OPENING Saniasiere Fine Santaslere White Black I White 1- Kt-KB3 P-Q4 17-R-02 2- P-KK13 KI-KB3 18-K-KI2 3- B-K12 B-B4 19-KR-Q 4- P-B4 P-B3 20-R-Q3 5- P-Kt3 P-K3 21-Kt-K2 6- B-KI2 B-03 22-R-K3 7- Castles Castles 23-RxKt 8- P-Q3 G-K2 24-QR-Q3 9- Kt-B3 PxP 25-RxR 10- P-K4 B-KKI5 2S-P-B4 11- QPxP P-K4 27-QxP 12- Q-B2 P-OR4 28-R-KB3 13- P-KR3 BxKt 29-0-Q2 14- BxB K-R3 30-K-B 15- OR-Q KR-O 31-C3xKt ' 16-Q-B Kt-B4 Resigns by KtxB a-K5 Fine Black I KI-K3 TO -OX B-KI5 knb4 j KtxKP; bcrth-RRi b-b4 PxP: Kt-B7iof Kt-Ofi; R-K.
IGHT ON SOME OPENINGS Series by C. J. 8. Pnrdy: N. IS iConlinaed (rem Last Issue)' French Defense? Laiker Variant After I. P-K4, P-KS; i. P-Q4, P-Oti . N-B3. N-KB.1: 4. B-K.NS. PxPi 5. NxP!. QN-Oii! S. NlNehi. NsN": 7. N-BS. B-KS!l ft. B-Q). P-B4; . PiP, O R4chl IS. P-B3. QxFtBt); 11. O-O, B-Qtj (see diagram.) DIAGRAM 2 White mates In two. (Wh. 7: Bl. 3.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1232 Cfimpns.ft fnr the L" Angeles Titmes by Percy Boater, San Marino. Cal. White males in three. Wh. 7: Bl. 6.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1227; R-K SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1228: P-N7 VV B. Tl'DOR WINS SOLVING CONTEST WITH 281 POINTS We congratulate .Mr. Tudor far having won this contest the second time. Mr. Tudor bails from Los Angeles and solves mostly the two-movers. J B. Andrews. 9: D. Armstrong. 11; E. Alexander. 0; A. Anion. R. Cleveland. 3; A. Bushueff, 9: H Bruhn ", 180; R. M. Crafton, 29; 8. J M. Cornell, 0: A. Daly. 0: E. W. Dembin, 3: J. C. Drake iM 18; J. O. Dodge (', I 147; J. Davidson ,! 185; M. Eimer, 5: C. P. Ford r.) 80: G. Francis. 77: J. Fonseca, 53; J. A Frank. 29; R. M. Hayes. 12: G. A Hall (.! 122; W. Harmon .) 40: L O. Hartman, 139; D. A. Innes ".) 20B; W. L. Koelhen (".) 218: A. O. Karn, 132: J. Ledeier, 0; W. V. Millord. 0; J. Mauehmer. 13: H P. Matoslan. 101: J. M. Melnhardt. 197; W. C. Noltlng. ns; G. E. Ollinger. 3; G. B. Oakes, 242; Rev. P. Prichard !,) 106; R. Roslm (.) 182: M. Rudholm (,) 118: A. D. Reynolds Sr., 123; L. Sheppard, 154: E. H. Schadee 136; L. A. Salgado IM 131: J. Stufiebeam. 28: Dr. J. B. Sheldon. 54; S. Tayior, 21: J. E. Tyler ",i 134; Mrs. A. Tovar, 4; W. B. Tudor ("winner,) 281; J. P. Walsh ,) 94; J. T. Watson (,) 88; A. S. Weils. 8; L. Wilcox. 5. This is the score of the last month s participants. Those who took part previ-ouslv will have their score atand and should they send In solutions again they will he added and published next month. The score includes Problems 1221-1228. CUB NEWS On Friday. Sept. 28, the Fairfax Chess Groan was guest of the Hollywood Chess Group a'. 108 N, Formosa Ave The oc casion was a return matcn irapia transui with six players on each team. The result was Fairfax Chess Group, 43: Hollywood Chess Group. 29. Friday, Oct. 10. will be another rapid transit tournament. Visitors are welcome.
CALIFORNIA STATE CHESS ASSOCIATION Requests have come In from Fresno, Sacramento, San Francisco and Los Angeles ior the revival of a State association and plans are under way for a reorganization Any groups interested please communicate with the writer, care this column. INITIO STATES CHESS FEDERATION The United States Chesa Federation Is contemplating a membership drive throughout the country. We urge every chess player to loin this wonderful orgamza-! tion. The membership Is only $1 per year which gives a yearbook, in it-sclf $1. so one actually sets Ihe membership grails.
No one should miss this opportunity. For further information,; send self-addressed; envelope to the writer. j RtI.ES OF THE SOLVING CONTEST J i M Hit. 3 Position after 11. . . . B-Q2. ilf 1. R-K-1 (threat N-K5.) 1?. . . . N-N5! forces B-K: and easy equality, for If 18. Q-Q'i?, BlBi It. NlB, NxBP! wins a pawn. If l!. Q-K. 0-0; 1.1. N K5. KR-Qlt II. QR-Qt (if NxB. OxB.) 14. . . . B-KI and Black retains his Bishops with a safe position Finally, if 1?. Q-Bi. R-OBI! ( . . . B-BS or . . . B-N4i P-B4, B-BS la "en" if complications are wanted;) 13. QR-QI (say,) B-Ntli simplifying and removing the pressure on KB In this, not 13. BxN?, BxB; 14. BxP?. P-KN3, etc. White gets three pawns for his piece, but no game.
So much for the Lasker Variant. Richer In chances is the Winawer, 3, . . B-N5. We come on this later. Next Issue we discuss W. W. Adams' remarkable book, -White to Play and Win."
SICILIAN DEFENSE Willman Crur. Willman Black White Black P-QB4 19-R-B7 Kt-B Kt-QB3 20-Kt-B3 Kt-Kt3 F-KK13 21-KtxP Kt-02 B-Kt2 22-PxP KtxP P-G3 2t-Kt-Q4 CR-Kt B-Q2 24-P-KI3 P-R4 j Kt-Q5 25-R-B2 R-Kt5 i P-8Kt4 26-P-B3 OxPch' P-K4 27-Q-KI2 -r Crur White 1- P-K4 2- Kt-QB3 3- P-KK13 4- B-Kt2 5- KKt-K2 6- P-Q3 7- B-K3 8-Q-Q2 9-Kt-O 10- P-QB3 11- QxKt 12- Cast!es 13- Q-02 14- P-KR4 15- P-O lfi-PxP 17- R-R 18- BxB Q-B4: P-04 I KtxKt 28-B-KI5 Kt-K2 :29-KtxKt Q-B 30-KR-B P-KR4 31-R-B4 B-RB32-RXR BPxP 33-B-K7 Castles 34-BxP Q-Kt5 Resigns QxB 1
SICILIAN DEFENSE Willman Fine! Willman White Black j White 1- P-K4 P-QB4'21-KxQ 2- KI-KB3 P-K3j22-B-K4 3- P-B4 KI-QB3 23-BPxB 4- Kt-B3 Kt-Q5 i 24-QR-KKt 5- P-Q3 Kt-K2!25-P-KKt4 6- B-K3 KKt-B3 2S-R-R2 7- P-KKt3 P-KKt3 27-PxP B-B-Kt2 B-Kt2 28-KtTKt3ch 9-Q-Q2 Castles i 29-P-R5 in.p.KR P-KR4 '30-Kt-R 11-n-KtS P-B3 ;31-KR-Kt2 R-KKt I 12-B-B4 P-Q3 ; 32-KI-P2 KxP 13- KtxKt pxKt;3.!-K.t-R.t4 14- KI-K2 P-K434-R-R2ch 15- B-RS P-B4!35-Kt-B2 16- PxP BxP:36-Kt-R 17- B-Q5ch K-R2 37-Kt-Kt3ch 18- BxB KxB'38-Kt-K2 19- P-B3 Q-R4!39-RxR 20- P-R3 QxQch I White overstepped I time limit qxp QUEEN S Reshrvsky White 1- P-Q4 2- P-OB4 3- KI-QB3 4- B-Kt5 5- P-K3 C-K1-B3 7- Q-B2 8- PxQP 9- BxB 10- KtxKt 11- B-Q3 12- PxP 13- Castlei 14- QR-B 15- B-K2 16- Q-B3 The winners of each month's contest wlllil7-Q-R3 receive a ihree months' subscription to the! 18-KI-Q4 Chess Review, a month's membership inil9-Q-R5 the Chess and Checker Club 01 Los An- 20-H-UJ geles, 124 W. Fourth St., and the Hollywood 21-P-QKt3 wood Chess Group, 108 N. Formosa Ave.. 22-RxR here they may discuss composing and!23-RxRch solving of problems and end ames. Every i 24-Q-B3 winner will be marked with the usual f.i 25-Kt-K2 showing that he was once a winner In 26-Kt-B4 climbing the ladder. The system will en-27-Q-K5 able 12 (or more in a case ol a tie) solvers ; 28-Q-Kt2 Win. 29-F-KKJ.
Solutions sent In answer to this problem ; 30-P-QK14 will be acknowledged within two weeks 31-Q-Q4 GAMBIT DECLINED CruxReshevsky Biack; White Kt-KB3!40-P-R3 P-K341-P-KtS P-Q4 42-PxP B-KJS-Kt-KZ Castles 44-Q-04ch QKt-Q245-Kt-B3 P-B4 i4t-Kt-Q5 KtxP47-Kt-B8ch QxB 48-K-Kt2 PxKt!49-Q-Q8 P-KKt3 E0-Kt-K8ch KtxP 51-Kt-B7 B-02 52-Q-C35ch QR-B 53-OvO KR-Q 54-KtxRP B-K3 55-K-Kt3 P-C3R3 5-Kt-B5 K-Bi57-K-R4 Kt-K5 58-K-KI5 Kt-03 59-Kt-Q7ch RxR :60-Kt-B8 pxr R?K5;work, Fine; Kt-K2'from bxb j qr-'kb ! g".into KK-R3;rORTR.lIT P-KKt4l kr-bb Kt-Kt3j KtR5 or-kt3 I RPxP 1 pxp K.'Ftnine b-Q? ! K-R3; K-Kt3 R-B7 Biack! P-KI51 er publication If you wish to figure in the "up-to-the-minute ladder, the time limit being seven days, Otherwise credit can only be given in a later ladder.
Problems In this column may begin with castling key or have castling as a de fense, unless it can be definitely proved that such maneuvers are not legal, capture keys, "en passant" keys and checking keys are also tolerated, but all the above types are rather uncommon. The capture of a pawn, however, is not unusual. If a problem has no solution, "no solution" must be claimed in order to score points. The principal variations are necessary when sending In the three-movers. Keys only r.eed be given in two-ers, although It is excellent practice to write out all the distinct variations.
Two-movers receive two points. Three-movers receive three points on our ladder. The prize Is awarded to the leading solver once a month. (His score is then canceled l Solvers may become ladderltea at any time. They are expected to solve as in- 32- B-K2 33- B-B3 34- Q-Q2 35- B-K2 36- P-KR4 37- P-Kt 38- B-B3 39- BxKt R-B,61-Kt-Kt6ch KtxR 62-Kt-K7ch K-Kt fi3-KtxP Kt-Q3 64-Kt-Q4 Kt-K 65-KxP Q-B2 166-K-B4 Q-B3 67-KtxPch P-B3 68-KxP P-OKt4 69-K-04 B-B2 70-P-K4 K-K'2 71-P-B4 K-Kt K-B2 Q-B4 K-K2 PxQ K-03 K-K4 B-B7 B-Q8 B-B7 K-Q3 K-K4 K-Q4 K-B5 B-Q6 K-B6 K-Kt7 KxP BxKt KxP B-B5 B-Kt6 Kt-B2 0-B5 Q-B3 Kt-K Kt-Q3 Kt-K5j PxB, 72- K-K5 73- K-Bfi 74- P-B5 75- P-K5 76- P-K6 Drawn K-Kt4; K-obien B-B7:base ! RETI OPENING Saniasiere Fine Santaslere White Black I White 1- Kt-KB3 P-Q4 17-R-02 2- P-KK13 KI-KB3 18-K-KI2 3- B-K12 B-B4 19-KR-Q 4- P-B4 P-B3 20-R-Q3 5- P-Kt3 P-K3 21-Kt-K2 6- B-KI2 B-03 22-R-K3 7- Castles Castles 23-RxKt 8- P-Q3 G-K2 24-QR-Q3 9- Kt-B3 PxP 25-RxR 10- P-K4 B-KKI5 2S-P-B4 11- QPxP P-K4 27-QxP 12- Q-B2 P-OR4 28-R-KB3 13- P-KR3 BxKt 29-0-Q2 14- BxB K-R3 30-K-B 15- OR-Q KR-O 31-C3xKt ' 16-Q-B Kt-B4 Resigns by KtxB a-K5 Fine Black I KI-K3 TO -OX B-KI5 knb4 j KtxKP; bcrth-RRi b-b4 PxP: Kt-B7iof Kt-Ofi; R-K.