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April 21, 1940 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 21 Apr 1940, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address Oil moil to Chest Editor April ti. mm L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1079 Bv H. capture with the Kt without loss of af tempo. : will .... the value, of this move la Questionable maa Whjte 1- K.t-KBS 2- P-OH4 3- P-4 4- Kt-B3 5-B-B4 7-KtxKt 8-Bxr -B-B4 10-P-URJ 11-P-K3 While mates in two. tli. 7; HI. 7.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1080 Bv Mrs N Srhrufer 3j0 Glen-s, Her- C. O. San An-... one (ei The cured answer of taking ad vantage of White's last move. Every capture of pawn will oniy help Blact s development. id i The pinning of this Kt Is very vital. and .'t was natural to expect that this W,, piece will have to move, then Black would piaT P.BP thereuy making White lose a tempo.
iSe Noie Ai (e) A pawn- sacrifice BxP would have BXfCt after all the exchanges wind up with ai. better end game. Q Dawn alihoiiuh While will ir a sirnnir tack but (ultimately Black, has an adequate defense. The only way of breaking up Black's Not P-K15 because of RxR, CJxR; 18. Kt-QCrh and While has a better game. (II This move prevented Black to castle, eg.. 18 . . . O-O; 19. KtxKrrh.
BxKt: 20. W-W3. White wins buck the pawn with an MdValllltBC. UJ Black decides to win another pawn, although it creates a lot of complications and a possible loss of a piece but uie two pass pawns will give euouuh compensation renner INDIAN DEFENSB jVerker-tWIII. nianniman Biacki White Kt-KB3' 17-R-Fl P-KKI3 18-l'x.P BK.t2 10-P-KR4 P-W4:.'0-P-RS Castles' 2 1-P-Rfi KtxP!22-ll-R3 xKti23-R-Kt3 Kt-R.1i24.B-B5 B-B4I2S-R-K3 R-B,26-BxR K-B727-RxB a-R4rhi2B-Q-BJ QxB29-PxP ,KR-B10-B-B BxP Resigns BxP FRENCH DEFENSE Feldman.
Tenner 1-P-K4 2- P-04 3- N-OB3 4- B-;l 5- N-B1 ti-B-KI 7-K.NxP B-NxN S-PxP 10-U-B3 Il-O-O Black P-K3 P-4 N-KH3 ill-Q-K4 Q-K17: 21. R-RH, O-OI 22. R-R2 xR;I?"Sqi followed Joy R-UR and the advanced pawns! NIMZOWITSCH DEFENSE '.Vf,.1".'"'1'''11 advantage for Black. iBlumln Boudakoff i Blumln Boudakoff White 15-NxN 1 1B-Q-QR4 1 17-B-QN5 P-B41 1B-CJR-Q1 N-B3I19-P-OB3 B!xP 20-P-KB4 P-K4I21-R-B2I Pxkl'22-PxB NXP23-B-KNSI B-QN5'24-B-OB6 O-O-25-UxB .
. P-B4i2B--K R-K1I27-Q-K7 B-j3l Keeker mana Biarg O-OI RPxP KR-B3 P-KK4 K-R2 P-KI5 P-B4' R-K3c1 RxRcti P-Kt RxR RxKt R-H7 ' ClxQ Feldman Black B-K4 PxN R-K3 B-N2 B-KN3 P-tJS O-RS Q-RA RxB BxQ H-KB1 K-Rl Resign til White uecu es to aive no an R fur i u;iiir complications but he is always one move 1-F-Q4 uruiiiu. ns nuiiiu imvr iu iuse a piece anyway as BxKt is threatened. (mi Desperation. There la nothing left for White. Ina: J. O. Dodge. D. '""Slto our ladder,) W. Antonson.
W. Harmon, White mates In three. (Wh. 8: Bl. S.I HOLUl'iuN TO PHOBI.EM 1075: Q-KR3.
soLunoN to pitoiii.KM io7t: a-KH..n.p.oH we received solutions iroin uie iuiiuwii-q-R5 KleitiecKe i welcome calcu-i pe-Uf. KuuiiJmi. b. a. iiaii.
r.' play,!",!"; JJ; aV i'nne t. rj. till I, SheDoard. J. C. Dratte, Dr. R. H. Ross, come to our Sheldon, N. P. oiks, R. Koslm. J. E. i welcome to our Davidson.
E. 11. Of.Schadee would to plaf n-n someniie by Dull . Wrile Will, 3.,9 Lut Aur.w. cai.
r. , IV iihih.iii i , WC A jj-iu mil i VIENNA OPENING Tenner Hldalto, Tenner While Black: White 1- P-K4 P-K4 22-KxB 2- Kt-B3 Kt-K113:2:i-K-Kt2 3- B-B4 B-B4j24-P-B:l 4- P-U3 Kt-U3l25-P-WKt4 5- P-B4 P-o:i2li-PxP B-P-B5 B-U2l27-R-OKt 7- B-KKtS P-KH:il2B-Kt-H4 8- HxKt QxB, 29-Kl-D5ch 9- Kt-US Q-Rjch!30-PxR 1U-P-K13 -!31-H-KB Kt-K2KI2-P-R4 P-KKt3l:i:i-P-K't4 1J-W-H4 JK.IXK.I .:i4-B-KB 14- WxOclt RxQ :t"i-K-B3 15- llxKt P-Bli:i6-B-R5 1U-B-KI3 PXPI37-K-K3 17- KI-B3 PXP;:SH-K-B3 18- PxP B-Kt5 39-K-B4 19- R-KB B-KKt.;40-K-K3 20- BxPcll K-K2! 21- B-R5 BxR' Hidalgo Black C2R-KB 2- P-UB4 3- N-UB3 4- U-B2 5- P-K1 6- P-WK3 7- OXB 8- N-B3 9- B-K2 10-P-ON3 K-BJ1I.-B2 P-R4 I 12-0-0 PXPI13-B-N2 BxHll4-OR-l P-B4Mri.N-Kl R-R 16-N-tt.l RxKlin-P-BJ. Black! White P-K3 19-Q-KI B-nO!20-N-H4 RxP K-B3 P-B5 P-B6 R-H7ch R-7 P-4 B-B4ih P-K5ch B-Q3ch K-K4 N-B:l21-Q-N3 0-OI22-P-K4 BxN 23-P-BS P-Q3I24-B-B3 -K2l25-PxP P-UK4:26-P-05I N-K5 27-PP P-B4 2H-PXN B-2 29-R.xQ QR-Kl 30-N-N6 B-Bl 31-P-B(Q) P-W4 I2-RXR R-B3 33-PxN N-N4 Black R-R3 R-Bl G-03 N-B2 N-K2 Q-Ql BPxP PxP n-n NxQ K-RI RxR PxN RxU K-R2 Resigns Ball for Elks' Ruler Jere J. Sullivan, Exalted Ruler, will he honored by Los Angeles Eiks at an inaugural ball at th Elks Temple, Sixth and Park, view Sts., next Saturday at 9 p.m. By Dr. Max Euwe S. PINNING "The pinning" of an opposing piece can uften be exploited by niraus of a com-! buiauon. A rintsct altiuk on the pinned I nine can often prove highly dangerous. i)i)!A simple exumule la Miovn in Diagram i-i '-" Black is a pawn up and has obviously j li-I() Just played B-K.4 so as to exciiaiiKe if 1 T1TAOR4M 1 6 K'jr'y, nl 1 i I : til yA ..; r ..... 23-10 K 10-10 2 10-11 9 White to Move and Win ri i off more pieces, But this is a fatal mis-. ."itake, as While can at once demonstrate liby piaylng 1. KxBI RxB: 2 K-B4. Black's 1 I rook is pinned arid Immobile: atiaciccd 1 I twice but defended only once.
It is lost 13-17 1 next move and White ends up a piece M n 1 he awtd ! Here Is a beautiful example from actual iblay of a combination depending on a niariRAM i 7 8 -t:i': ' ; t 0 .1 ' ; i ft nf in New York. 1924. : P.IISI l r i!- Millie 10 Muve The nosiiioii m Diagram 2 arose out game between Rctl and laitakowerl i Inauauraliug a clever Pin. id. BxI'T Black would have done better to decline the offer by 20. . . . B-W2. l. KxK RxR f!. 4-UH! Attacking the pinned piece. !t. P-K5t o-u. a..i.. . ve 01 n.u ik.n : 23. , . . R-K4, and White recovers only T1-fi "the exchaiiR-e.
7 ; 34. ! Threatening to win tiulckly by KI-KI3, Again Black hag no choice 2. r-KRI! I. Kt-KIS PxB fa Ki.u A "pinning combination" Is essentially Qironnected only wllh gain of material, but ) un... thrrtiiali Ia ,l film., hum fhi-nnirh a! direci attack on the king.
White threat en n-wi vim a wu.utna aituca. which gives Black no time to capture the i KRP "1- 8. q-KS I R-KJ! I Threatening 27. B-Q4 once again (and once asam tins move would decide the issue ii 26. , . . PxP. l B-K4 7. B-OI! And now Is threatened 2(5. KlxP. so that Black Is compelled to leave- the pawn on his KKI5 to us fate. II. Kt-B.1 ?. PxP R-KKII 2. Bs B I'xH Stl.
R-H?ch Rt-R2 l. Ht-K.1 Through his combination White has, 1n the final recKonina. annexed a valuable pawn, which ultimately won him the Later nn In tha same anme the nnsilinn . In Diagram 3 was reached. Black is ; threatening both 38. ,,. RxQ and 39. KtxP. -White discovered the super- resource 38. -n.) ftupernne Indeed Jor Jt mmnt , J seem that White has over- White Iq Aiiive 38. . . . winning anae. But White has allowed 'or all tins: he will .
oxKtch. k-r:i; 41. oxitrh. ko; 42. Kt-BSrh. K-B3; 4.1. KtxQ winning a piece. -A heauiifnl ampliflrallon of the Ideas looked lhat Black can si ill plaf oxtctrj,; k-w uirj q urrn, in J5. IX ' a t l .".i iihu h-..j n prcsi-'i":? P-K? 8- B-OI 9- B-lV.'(ei iuo-o expounded in our last tao articles and a demonsira.ion that a comhina.lon can have a derensive, as opposed to an offensive purple. (To Ke eonKnned.) SIMM (.A.1IE QUEENS GAMBIT UKCLINEn Wnlls'on Stemeri WoHston B-e!ner Whit Black .'While Biack 1- P-C4 P-U4 Ui-K'-K4 RxR'hi 2- Kt-KB3 Kt-KB3 17-rtxR P-K'5 3- P-B4 P-K3:i8-R-R7tt) KfxKt')! 4- B-K?5 QKt-OJ1 19-BxKt ftxKtP 5- Kl-Q3iai P-KR3 ::n-P-u:i'k) O-O A-B-B4ib) P-B4-CI : i'l-Kt-04 Q-Kt7 Q-R4idi : J2-B-B2 B-B4 PxBP 23-O-Cil K-B3 PxP:24-PxP'li BxR B-K22S.K!-B5(mi BxP 0-O4 fi I ? K'vP KxKt P-ttKi4 27-B R5 Q-B-ch

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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