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April 28, 1940 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 28 Apr 1940, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address, oil moil to Chess Editor April lit. 1910 L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. By L. Neumann 1081 17, director White mates in two. (Wh. 8: Bl. 13.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 108J By Mr. N. Bchrufer California
Win 11. BiPch, KsBi 12. Kt-Kt5fb, K-RJ. Forced, since 13. Q-R5 would kill 12. . . K-Ktl-and 13. PxBch would kill 12.
. . , BxKt. At R3. it mint be admitted, the king appear safe enough. 13. Q-Q3, F-K13. What harm can come to the kinr now? Black threatens almply 14. . . K-Ktl and 15. . . . R-Rl.
and It I White who eem to he In trouble. II. P-RJI! Beautifully played. It 1 of the greatest! importance in uch critical position a tnese to Keep the attack going at all cost Splelmann cheerfully give up another piece o as to deny his opponent any chance of consolidating hi position. DIAGRAM 1 White mate In three.
(Wh. : Bl. 8.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1077: B-KtB. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1078: R-B. We received rolution from the following: J. O. Dodse, L F. 8hermn. A. E. Burritt. J. E. Tyler, O. I. Johnstone twei-in nur ladder 1 R Rositn tsorry for the mistake; your card wa Ion; check- j by QxR. ing up you should have been the winner of last month contest with the score or 412 pointsl Plese forgive me error.i ur. F. B. Sheldon.
L. BUeppard (we mention name whenever we receive solution whether they are correct or not.) O. Wil-sen Jr. (please send stamps for answer.) C. Erlcson (welcome to our laooer.i u. a. Hall, D. A. Innes, C. P. Ford. J. C. Drake. Dr. R. H. Ross. E. H. Schadee, J. P. Walsh. J. T. Watson, J. Davidson. M. Rudholm, W. Harmon. W. L. Koethen, H. Bruhn, W. B. Tudor. CORRECTIONS Tn our April 21 Issue. Diagram 3 was king cannot escape from the tolls fori hfi MK&g'"11 Wh"e thmk ' "mn The text move 1 much tror.ger than 17. P-B4. which would have regained Piece but fatally weakened the attack (17. . . . B-R3ch: is. rxb. R-Ri!) it l fatal. in a situation like this, to go for any but the highest prize. j n. . . . p-B5. Trying to close ome of the line of' attack. Black task is. terribly difficult: for the blast come from all Quarters.
Tim-17. . . . K-K2; 18. Q-B5, or 17. . . . Kt-.nfhv 14. . . . BiKt: l.V PiP dli. eh. K-Rtli 16. R-S7 eh, K-B ti 17. O-O-OI Q2: 18. P-B4. or 17. . . . Kt-B3. 18. PxP 18. Q-K?, K-KJ; 19. P-Bt, B-B3l 20, F-K4! PxP 21. KtxP, K-Qi. If 21. . . . BxKt? 22. OxBch, followed St. V-QS, Kt-B3i 23, P-Kt7, R-KRll. One can comprehend Black' hot counter-sacrificing by 28. . . , BxKKtP ince his position would remain just as bad and he would be only one piece up.
However, this was his only chance, 24. R-Rfl! The attacked bishop ha nowhere to go; eg,, 24. . . , B-K2; 25. Q-Kt4ch, K-Kl; 26. R-R8, or 25. , . . K-B2; 26. P-6ch, etc. 24. . . . BxKKtP. minrimrf the White Rook should have ! p""" u. i been at QB instead of KP8! Also White I 53. R-Qfch. K-B?s SC.
QxPrh 2lst move should read, RxB, instead oi RxR. COMBINATIVE PLAT By Dr. Max Euwe (World Champion. 1935-37) .SACRIFICIAL COMBINATIONS Many combination Involve some sacrifice which reveal itself, after a lew move, a no sacrifice at all. but merely a profitable investment.
The offered material I regained very quickly, with heavy tnterest ,U(f Today we shall consider only corn-round binations in which the compensation for rnflre I ourelv dynamic. Such eom- He g vea ud the aueen for a rook and two bishops-a good plam were not hii':',u- ?.'K' i " 37. Rxch, RxR; 8. K-Ktl. Rt-Bi r-wo, nt-ivifi aw. r-n, bikicii. I the sacrifice Is pur .oinauona ran inio inrre ctassrs. l.-The hostile kin, i brought yiolently Ji.iimin me oi,rn, wurir nc i TkwBn, m itinv.rl At. th mnmpcit nf thei saennce.- it is impossiuir w (inuiair uu, ...... (Sunder-'all the oosslbilltles.
but It i Justifiable to White lssnme that the situation of the km Is so (Hud-'unsafe that It should be possible to admin- Hastening the end: "better move would; have been 30. ... R-QB1. . .it.
r-qii S4. qxp, R-ii! m. u-Kntch,! With the nasty threat of 38. P-QKt4. .17. . . . P-Rf, :n. QxPch, Kt-KtJ, 38. Q-Btt, R-Qti 4U. Q-B7cb. Black resigns. (To be continued.) An unusually Interesting game from the Buenos Aires International team tournament played late last summer. H. Reed of Chile show great skill In demolishing the somewhat Irregular defense oi O. Danlelson of Sweden. ALEKHINE'S DEFENSE I 1-P-K4 2- P-K5 3- P-Q4 4-Kt-KB3 Danielson Black Kt-KB3 KI-Q4 P-Q3 5-P-B4 6- P-K6(b) 7- B-Q3 8- Castleg 9- R-K Kt-QB3fa) Kt-Kt3 PxP Kt-Q2 Kt-B3 P-K4ic KtxP PxKt Q-Q3'dl, Reed White v 13- B-B4 14- Q-U2 15- Kt-B3 16- Kt-QS 17- Q-B2 18- P-KR3 19- PxB 20- B-B5ie) 21- B-Kfich 22- O-R-tch 23- RxP 24- RxR 23-R-Q ister the roua de grace sooner' or later. There i also the allied case In which the king 1 exposed to attack, not through being decoyed away from the shelter of hi pawn and pieces, but by having them decored away from him. We might, call the king thu "artificially" exposed.
2. The hostile king I cramped like a 10-PxP boxer on the rope. He has little mobility! 11-KtxKt and hla pieces can come only clumsily to 12-RxP hi support, o that the attaciter na time! a hi turn out badly 4 to improve hi position. Here again U'jg better. involved not rxacb caiiumuun.
wu m tri- tain "Instinctive appraisal of tne possibilities of the position. 3. The dangers to the opposing king may n.,...,t.t. ,h. rnnrHin oi om.
Drv.l. ' '"' the PSWn, tional advantage tsuch as a passed pawn) which more than counterbalances the extra material he holds. Isolated position provide Inadequate illustration of these ideas, so we shall consider whole games. Firstly a game played In Vienna, 1933: Danielson Black B-KtS Q-Q2 R-Q P-B3 K-F12 PxKt P QxUB K-K R-Q2 Q-B2 KtxR Resign . . B-KtS The King la the Open: No. 3B QUEEN S GAMBIT R. Poielmana S. Rubinstein White Biack 1. P-Qt.
KI-RBt: ?. P-OBI. P-KJi S. Kl- OB.1, P-Q4I 4. Kt-R.1. B k?; S. B-KtA. O-O! 6. F-K1. P-QRt.1i 7. B-Q. B-Ktti S. BxKt. BxB . PxP, PxPi 1. P-KRt. With the obvlou Intention of mauiurat-Ing. at the first opportunity, a violent at- tack bv BuPch. followed by KuK.l5ch (b) A good Investment. Black begin to pay the penalty for hi weak development.
(c) Black hope to free his game at the expense of his extra pawn. But if he trie White oes merri y on hi way bringing his piece Into action, and should win more than a pawn In time. (n Biack hope to castie. but the ex-i puai-u i sit Tvnue mure oppvriuniuea to invite fireworks. (el A worthy conclusion! - 11-15 18-11 27-23 9- 25-21-c 15-1 for 1 ne ipiy .
. . K.-B.I i ts. tnen unPiayao.e n--K3 because of Q-R5 and the kin .s forced Into ij.c.s.le, the open The s.crmce is not r,aiytica'iy 13-P-QR3 Isound. perh.p. but give good, I. M-K-xP i. . . .
p-bi. i'5-5'1? . 17-VI-B4 o' iev ne can wnmrr e norm which would ensue the advance of his king to the third rank. H; tactic are mis- J4 1. MM ";n!"BTTieM retuuuon.
lO. . . . R-Kl comes Into con- uh tiac km ufut oigst .-.
From the championship tournament of. 9-1 9-14, the Hollywood chesa group.) HUNGARIAN DEFENSE Rovac White 1- P-K4 2- Kt-KB3 3- B-B4 4- P-Q4 5- P-B3 6- P-KJ 7- PxP 8- B-KCI 9- Kt-B3 10-Q-QI Weisstein Rovac Wels'tetn Black White Black P-K4 18-B-B2 St-Kt3 Kt-OB3 19-Q-B5 KtxP B-K2 20-B-Q3 Q-K2 PxPi21-Q-R5 Kt-K5 Kt-B3 22-B-Kt2 Kt-B5 Kt-K5 23-Q-Q Q-KI4' P-Q4 24-P-Kt3 KtsBj Ca5ties:25-QKt Q-Q7! B-QKtS' 26-Q-Kt5 R-B7; B-KB4 27-B-B Q-P Kt-K22R-B-B4 KtxBPi P-B4 : 29-QlQP Kt-RRrhj Pxpj3rt-K-R Q-KI7; 1 BxKt'31-P-Kt4 K'xB R-B 32-Q-BJ RxPch, KtxKt 33-Restfnt I Kt-K2, ! ' ' 31-27, take 23-11. IIAGEX vs. If Alt OLD BELL vs. HOLLYWOOD LEGION.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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