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May 05, 1940 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 05 May 1940, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address oil mall to Editor Msr , JftlO L. A, TIMES PROBLEM NO. 108J By Dr. A. Ktaemer (i t which tak control f tht diagonal from QH1 to ortd and to SIt7. 7he tfxt move prrpmrj lor Immedlai tttack aiainxt the K mdr. ici K preparation for the occupation of the nitniv important m Quare.
A weak mova br which White livea up He hd obvioiiaiy had iiii enntiniiatinn In mind when makum hi urcvioui move:1 and lnj.1 nhvinualv he hrt rtiknnni White matea in two. (Wh. t! Bl. I I L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 10S4 Br Mil. N. Schrufer blnatlve thrtiau. to force the K aide, before the Black forcen ,,rl th ..i.u. win, nf ell dil.iiu could come into the tame with advantage.
A quextlonable move, t8ee iiexti DIAGRAM 2 note.i ff Here While mli1-' the correct con-tlnuallon. The text iove eeeminiily wins a pawn, but Rives Black (urTicient counter play to resmn his pawn. The correct eon. tinuatlon would have been BxB. RxB: lfl. 0-K2. Kt-K4; 17. Kt-5. lollowed br B-K15 with advantaae. - i) Best.
O-O would be followed br BxB. i8ee brevloua note t th) Not RxO because KR-K. Ill B-QI would be antwrred br R-K? jl Bern. The prnmimnf lookini B-KK15 It rietealed bv RxP. ik Aaain the best.
It forces White to exchaniie the Buthopa. til R-K4 defendinr the p would not be the bent, aa after 24. P-QB4. KR-K: 2 P-OK13 followed br P-K;U. While would have freed hit R and the double p of Black'a, would have eventually liven him an Interior tame.
imi The only possible move which lvei White hope of wlnnlni. n) Better would have been RxOKIP. toi RxOKtp would have still nven Black, drawlnt chances. I ip) At last! Now Blark has several) weuknessex. (The three Isolated pawna!) q A blunder which loirs a pawn, i KiKn-K4 would nave oeen Better.
iii &i;i i 7i- ' . . . . BxKtt to. PB. Not 10. UxB because of 10. , , ttKtxPi II. PxKt, B-Q3. IB. . . . P-OI! II. PxP Somewhat better would have been II. the opposition. COMBINATIVE Pl.AY Br Dr. Max In we (World Champion. 1935-37) I A( R1H tAL COMBINATIONS White matea ln three.
(Wh. 4; Bl. 4 SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1079: Kt-B3. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 100: B-KlS. , T. W4I.HH WINNER OF ftOLVINO CONTEST WI1H 84 POINTS rt Th Aiiii'Lil ' fi m. mnittar isl The innocent looklnir P-H4 onlv;B-Kl.t. Whit la loo ambitious and thinks draws, as Black's answer would be P-R4 he can refute his opponents scheme out and there would be no w,y of breakim of hand. l lh.n"if . wkxp; 43 kxp.
K-B3- 44. H'e 'ckrlno'Te' "h ? Kt ' bee ot'ner p-R5. and th whit k win 'escape from ; n. , , ?"b.q5:p 13. B-kt2.x xPch!t"". l o!her'wi.eB'wh;t. eouiH ..k. th. Bi.,. I Now he cannot, if u.
pxh. KKixp. taiasuonhe In either ca.' Now'it'Veaiir looks as if white mnt win a piece. But the Insecure situation Msnr comblnatlona Involve some aaerl. ot his kins allows Black all aorta of flee which reteala itself, alter few move, toml'lnative chancea.
reaalned very quickly, with heavy interest lvp w"ite no lime to capture euner l In lh (nrn il II , Ir 1,1 nntlll.mal .rtv.. the knlSlllS. I laie. Todar we shall consider onlr com-l !.. .. . blnailons in whlcn the eompensallon for! "oium. everrtnma wee aaain BiacK Blackly We eoniralulat Mr. Walsh far havint! tine the beilnnlnt ef this e.nte.1. which dan.ers At the moment of the toek him seven years assume tnai tne situation or ine Kiiiar is so In this aaine While never eamt L.ea Anaeiee, the combination wa definitely a acrl- heme decoyed" away from the shelter of ladder. w. Antun.m. 4: R. Asborn, J; A. Rev. t. decoyed away tiom him We nnxht call the kin thua "artificially" expused. 3 Tlie bout lie kins i cramped like a boxer on the ropes. He has lilile mobility and his pieces ran come onl rlumsily to .Impossible to calculal. every one of the 1 pii.Mbiiiuea involved ana ins pieces Rev. P. L. Cleary.
0, R. C. Doty, 0; E, L. to tmpiove his position Here asain Is ,m,,u 0D. BOtin and exolo;'t the not exact ta tuition, out Drake. Erirkson, 7; tain 'insunctiv." apprawai t th. worthy. IS, u. KieinicKe. o; w. i. linemen. ni. Rev. p. Th cor,i included problems 1U7J-10K0. necrsnlaie the coned ins of aome pnsl- which more than counterbalances the e- fOUt ArC3 UDCtlCCj til material he holds. r Isnmea positions proviat insaequete c IPD UH'VTtl ii,.,, I ptt, Illustrations of tnese Ideas, ao w shall MLHAJICMU, iNldJ 1. A j consider whole tames lL" or 1M Th winners or each months tonte en-!..m , Wlllih, membershio in ti and checker cum or ; 11!4 W, Fourth St..
where ther compiislni end aolvuif of problems and end tames. Kierr winner will b marked with Hie usual 'A showini that h. was onr winner In tllmbin, th. ladder. The system will enabl.
12 (or mor. in cas. of a net tolveri to wm. , Solutlona lent m answer w this pro. '"n wilt b.
icknowledaed within two weake alter puoucation 11 you wisn 10 osure in Swan-;!,,".-TZ': o" of,,,n ntr lvn ln Ul,r '" Problems In thl. column mar beem with , cum, ker or have eastim, .a de- I'nse. unless It ein b definitely proved lur. key, "en pint'' key, and eheckint Itypea ir. raiher uncommon.
came accessible today, the State Division of Highways announced,,8 Another trout fishing area "Artificial" Iipeilnr ef th H.illl Klni NO. 139 KINO nAMBIT DECLINED piay.d it New York in i94 j witn opening of tne lAittier 1'ass w. R'einiti ptiisburr and collaborators Highway from Mevers, near h'IV. 'Lake Tahoe, to Woodfords, about ki-'ubi. poii 4. b b. Kt-oBi, . p-Bi. seven miles from Markleville i iii, ' ' in Alpine County. Th. capture ot pawn, however, If not unusual. If a problem has no solution, "n. ablution" must b. claimed in order to aoor. points. Th. principal variations ir.
tietessarr when aendini in the three-movers. Key oily need be liven In twn-ers, illhonih It is excellent prattle, to writ, out til the dutiful variations. Two.mnvera rerelvi tWA nolnta Three. mover, receive three points on Our 'Ladder Th. nriv la mmmrAA In Ik.
I... n,. fnofe Pott by, Prinrilla Lant, Warner Bros, Sftir. II" lit lfl soiver onci month. tHis nor.
is then m., hfCnm. ,.Hd.rl(,. ' time Ther ir. expected to solve is m- il.AduU of ,"m, but not ,on"uU oth"-i Requests for hack Issues and subserlp- )i0l)t ,h()llld bt -ir(ieU4 l0 thi clrcui.llon Department. Anyone desiring information for ehesa literaturt should send a aeir-addreaaed and 'Stamped envelope, This column ippir, on Sundir times Jay ChernU, I. Edward Bremhere and C harles F. Henderson. 1 hes ,:,li m. keslnnln. May IH. Visiters are WelCim., SOUTH VS. NORTH The annual Heulai vs, Nerlk wialrh, whirh Is wsiiellv held Pecerellen 11st at San l.uia Obispo, us been pestpened this year 1. June ). Plaer Intendlni Is arllripale, pleese send their Inlenlle te this wrltee. The Hollywood (heal t.reue Is irranains Praetlea teurnsment far I hose wh Intend lo aarllrleate 1st this maleh. r foriher Inferwiatlea) iddreu 1th. writer r eall WKbster MIT. ' I'NITRO STATU CHAMPIONSHIP TOt BNAMKNT tfllandlnai after three rounds.) Plavera. Won. Lost, Players. Won Lost Kashrian Bimonson Pine Oreen Reshevskr. Bernstein . 'Bhsinswit , Maneuer . , Denker ...
I1 KINO'S ls I's Pinkus Seldmsn Woliston Relnfeld Kunchik I.lttman Aftsms , Polland . 1' l' l1 1 1 0 1'v IN BISHOP'S Opr.NINO 1 1 IN IN 1 1 N 3 1 Bimonson Black P-K4 KI-KB.1 P-B.1 P-Q4 P-K5 KtsKP B-WIM B-B4 PP BsKt BxKt Castle Whit, misses Adsm White 1-P-K4 3-B-B4 3- P-O.l 4- P-B4 -PsP -PxP 7-KI-KB.l ,-oKi-ga t-W-KJ 10- KticKt 11- B-K3 13-PxB la Her. a follows: 21. RxPch, K B! ?J. K-KIAcht, KR: 33. R-Klrh. K-B: 2n B-Kt7ch. K-Kt, 27. B-BN diseh. K-B: 24 K-KUch', RxR, 29. Q-Kt2ch, K-B, 30. Q-Kt7 nut. HU H IAN nrrFNAR Adems Whli 1.1-Castles QR 14- P-B3 15- PxP ld'K.Rt 17-P-UA 14-KR-Kt I9-R-04 2n-B-Ul 31-BxPch(l) 23-RxPrh Realms. Bimonson Blsrk P-U5 KI-H3 B-Wl ti-H.l Kt-KlS KR-K Q B4rh Q.QP KxR K-R3 1 i- i r "., . V k'J ' ' - ' ., '- ) A A ; j i forced mil.l : ' Wnllton While 1-P-K4 J-Kt-KBJ 3- P-W4 4- KlxP 5- KI-OB3 P-K5 7-B-UJ S-PxB l-K".Kt ln--Ki4 11- B-W.l 12- O-KH 11-P-KR4 14-Castle (SEVENTH Sieiner While 1-P-M JKt-KBl 3- P 04HI 4- KtxP a-Ut-OB3 -B K2 7- CO -Kt-Kt3 o-K-Rbi 10-P-B4 tl-O-K 12-P-KMd) 13-B-Ol Woliston Black P-QM P-l PxP Kt-KHt PKKt.1 B-KI'J Kt-Pl OO B KUri Kl-OHs R-B B-B.t Kt-Kt4iei U-KtxKt UxKt lJ-Kl-OA'f) QxU'ri 14-KtxPchih K-R 14-BsB ' l.-B-US'll 2n.B-Kt5 21-RxB 23-R-KB Tolland Woliston Polland Hlrk While Blark P-OB4 Ift.R-KtSeh K-HJ P-K t IK-B-K2 P-Kil PxP 17-UR O B-KI2 Kt-KFtl 1A.P-OB4 KI-K3 fl-Kt A H-B-KI5 Kt-BJ KI-Q4 JO-R-OS Kl-ftft BiKt Jl-B-Q tl-Q Kt on.t 21-nxR bb Ul'iKI M-f HI Kl Ml P-KKI.l .'4-RxH QlH P-KB4 ,'S-B-B3 O KI P-H4 2S-R-0 P-KH.I R-KKI 27-Q-B4 K-KI3 Q-B2 2B-R-Q4 Reslan AND FINAL OAMI OF THIi MATCH 1 I SICILIAN DFFF.NCB
I Sieiner WP'lon While Pleck 2J-PKt Tt K7il "4-p.B4(m) KP-Kini 2S-BvP K-Ktami ih-wlt-KB RiKl-K? 77-p.OKtl RxHP 1-P-R lipi RiR1l-K7 2-RiBH-ni RiK7)-K"ill 30- RPthl RxR JI-RRiK3) R-Bftrh 32-K-R2 K Pi l.l-R-Rlrh'r) Pn 14-Pi.R KR1 3A-K-KI3 P-WH4 3-K-KI4 K-KM 17-P-P4 P-Ktl 14-P-PVh K-Pl 31- K-B4 P-Rl 40-K.Ki4til K-at 4I-P-W4 K-Rl Qrt K i l RsKt PsP B-fUik KhU KtxB i T IMES S E E C I. A S S I E I C A 43-K-R RealanstOf ANNOTATFD BY Mr.BMAM STF.INFR. (i P-OKI4 delayed Win, Oamhlt tan b. piaved hre tbi A new idea, th usual mart If l-KI.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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