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August 04, 1940 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 04 Aug 1940, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor Aug. 4, 1940 L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1108 By G. W. M. (First Pr.) 4 White mates in two. (Wh. 8; Blk. 7.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 11 10 By C. Schwede W gain Immensely In effectiveness were hii KBP to advance; so: 1. P-KBK! KIPiP (If 1. . . . KPxP; 2. KI-B4, B-K12: 3 Q-K8eh and wins ) i. K-R3, R-Bil S. Q-K5, B-KBI ; 4. RiP. A combination loliows the brtak-through. as usual. 4. . . . PsKi S. KI-B4. B-QKt4 (not 5. . . . KtKC?? 6. QxP mate;) . B-Kt3eh. B-Ktli 7. R-Rtf. B-Rl? Black wants to win hut he should have been satisfied with repetition of move by 7. . . B-KBI. It. Q-BP, U-Q2I . KtxKI! To reply to 9. . . QxQ with 10. Kt-KT ch and 11 Kt-Q. Now the drawback t 7. . . . B-Rl? becomes obvious it leaves K2 inadequately protected so that While can recover his sacritlred material. 9. . . . BxKt; 10. OsB, Utt): II. BiO. OR-KBI: 12. B-Rll, B-Kf.'i 13. BtB, RsBi II. K-KCIrh. K-RIi 15. BiR, RiBl 16. K-Bi and Whites plus pawn carried the day.
From the Plllsburv-Lasker tame, Nurn-bcrr. 1896: (See next diaaram.) DIAGRAM i. '.:i t, IJ i -a s. l ft " f? " White mates in three. (Wh. S; Bl. 7.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1105; KI-K8. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1106; Will be published in our uexl issue. A position with many atrikin analoaiea to the last. Aaain Black has the betler of it on the oueen'a side.
White on the j king s but without any very apparent means of bursting open the position, and i aiain 1. P-B5! does the trick. ! 1. . . KIPxPi i. Kt-BI. I Black now has to reckon with the threat j of Q-K13 and Q-K17. also with the invasion of the kmiiht via KR5 or the bishop via Kt5: heme his reply which. I however, only lives While the opportunity I CORRECTION TO PROBLEM 1106: In our last issue it was misprinted.
Hie cor- famil-ZV'on k m o ok.s and QB3, Knlahts on KBH and . KKl6 Wh 8 POSl-i Black: Km on 4, Pawn of;KB- "d KB5- : tor A mftrvplnim romhltl&t tin. 1. .'. . P-K5: S. R-RI. B-KJ: 4. RxKtt BxRi It. Ktii)xP! PtKti . KtxKP. Biack now must give up his queen. vu-iiiFor instance 5. . . . O-WBl he must pieces I on KB4, (Bl. 4 pieces.) DAVIDSON AND E. II. SCIIADKfc SOLVING CONTEST keen his on aiiarded.) 6. UxBP, B-QB.I; 7 B-KI5! K-Bl- 8 WxRch, BxQ: 9. RxB ch. K-Q'2: 10. Kt-B5 male. This la only one among many beautiful replies to various moves by the queen ork them out! In the aame Black went 6.
. . . B-J and resinned soon afterwards. We congratulate Mr. Davidson and Mr. j pnisbury here evolved one of the most SrhaUee for havlna won this conlest the j heautilul of tif ak-throuuh combinations in tiiira iinic. ivn. wB.jn.wii .....-. ' .ii whwi v. , ... us since Problem 424 and hails f rum Tims the break-throuah is not so much Los Aneeles, while Mr. Schadee has been a combination in liself as the preliminary with us since Problem 434 and hails from; to combinations. It is often the one and Pomona Cal i only means of evalualing a superiority in .., , . ... months' development, Seek for a point In your u .,h' "J-'!!L,w.t. I opponent a half of the board; only in gameimmedi-,ir"h" , .-a )- con.siaeration.;"--"a-Y;b';;vh';'reu mon.h 'XTtZ S?brV.WU5.h VZ"Z re-i H p Bm. 4h, h. o Benne... y u. rhUrXXmuf v W.rzttl Su.nh JnS ."M?. W posi-ooae, ib. j. f. rkl " ou have suddenly become.
Ixa'Dodse 165; J. C. Drake Mlsa E. Fonlron. 0: J. Fronseca. in; o C Fish, 18; C. P. Ford. 156: II. J oilmore ( 45: 1 J. W. Gorrell, 62: J. B. : a Hoover. or. Helton, r;..;.. '47;; D, a. mnes c bs;) a. a. beiK.rr, 5: w. Jisa" orjoaae, us, n; f. enchard .173,) oth-.r; j"'3:"E p. 'Rwe, 2: w. r. shanks, R. j; J?' y B ' sneidon. 20: j, e. Trier c; js;) ..'iV a w?., VM The core Includes Problems 1089-1103. Itiie American chess federation-White-6, tocrnament The open championship and congress .
,,, Un)ted tllies Chess Federalion enCOUn-WU be held at Dallas. Tex., from Auk. Entriea should be tent to the tournament director. J. C, Thompson, ii'i aiome visia (T be eontinned) The followin game was won by PhlliO Woliston of Los Anaelea In the fourth round at Ventnor Cily: I NIMZOWITSCH DEFENSE.
! Bernstein Wollston I Bernstein Woiiston Black White Kt-KB320-H-Q Anvnne rirlvina please aet in touch wlih ....... - . . ..... ..... St . Da las. Tex. ine sessions will be held at the Hotel Adolphu .u. Kb i.i.i,hAn wv.ihin. or write Herman fllelner. care of Hollywood iAeOr0U''' 108 N' ro,mosi Av''' Los h.i b news the Hollywood open chess The foIInwlnf ,re tne ieadpr,,: section AB. Aronson. 5-1; Mrs. K. Slater, n Frly. 4-2; J. K. iiromoern, rri-- ,;obc .Henderson, 4-1 ; B. Paine, 2-1: W, O. Paine, 2-1; b. i. wains, i-t. nrr.-)Uiy Him cj GoIdni 3.i: G. R.
Ilalton, 3-1; P. Mason, 3-2: C Thomas ( TVyVo "0! andtroHPlOB N. Formosa Ave. Visitors are membership urbe The Hollywood Chess Group offer a a White 1- P-04 2- P-OB4 3- Kt-B3 4- 0-B2 5- Kt-B3 6- B-K15 7- P-K3 8- PxP 9- B-K2 10- K1-U2 11- OxB 12- Castle 13- KR-O 14- P-QR3 15- B-R4 16- B-KI3 17- Kt-Kt3 18- Q-K 19- RxR P-K3 B-KI5 KI-B3 P-4.3 Caslles P-K4 PxP Q-K2 BxKt B-B4 OR-Q R-Q2 P-KR3 P-KK14 KR-0 Kt-K5 P-KI3 RxR 1-RPxKt 22- RxR 23- Q-Q2 24- KtxQ 25- H-KI4 26- B-Q7 27- P-B3 2R-K-B2 L9-P-KKt4 30- PxKP 31- B-KB 32- B-R5 33- K-K2 34- B-KI4 35- B-B5 36- P-KI3 37- K-B3 Black KtxB B-B7 OxR QxQ P-K5 Kt-K2 P-KB4 K-B2 K-B3 PxKtP P-KR4 P-R5 P-Kt6ch Kt-B3 Kt-K4 Kt-Q Kt-B7 B-Q8 matt Adama White 1- P-K4 2- Kt-OB3 3- P-04 4- PxP 5- P-B4 6- P-K5 7- Kt-B3 8- B-KtS 9- P-KR3 10- Casilea 11- O-K 12- PxP 13-K-R IRREGULAR DEFENSE A (hi MIS While Wollston Black Kt-OB3 Kt-B3 P-K4 OKtxP Kt-B3 KKt-Kt P-Q3 B-K15 B-2 Kt-R3 PxP B-B4ch Kt-B4 14- Kt-K4 15- B-KI5 16- KKlxB 17- R-O 18- BxKt 19- P-KK14 20- O-R4 21- Kt-B6ch 22- KKt-RP 23- KlxR 24- K-Kt 25- Hxlt 26- Kt-Kt8ch Wollston Black B-K2 BxB Castles Q-K2 PxB Kt-R3 OR-Q K-R P-B B-B3rh RxR QxP Resigns QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED special inducement a series of free lessons to new members by Herman Melncr, For further information call WE-H817. COMBINATIVE PLAT BY DR. MAX EUWE (World Champion. 1935-37) THE BREAK-TIIRCl'GH A hreak-throinth converts a blocked Posll Ion Into an open one ana la usually kPd hy R cnRnsa from positional piay to eombinatlve play n aim s always 7" toVmthT Juki of n. in;;B," Whoever strives" for a break- byj.hru.h a!nm,onpnt Dl.hlnd hi,; if this is the ease. he will be able to post his pieces .s ravor-diaW nosslble but the defender will not. Ithrouah beinit cramped.
After the break- ,h,h h. will then be abe to exploit ;,, beUer deployment. Hence the Ideal a;E-- -M DIAGRAM. 5 I '"A T " M ; ' r 1 Bernstein McCormick White 1- P-04 2- P-QB4 3- Kt-KB3 4- KI-B3 5- P-K3 8-B-Q3 7- BxltP 8- B-Q3 9- P-K4 10- P-K5 11- KtxKtP 12- KtxKt 13- Q-B3 14- K-K2 15- Q-KI3 16- Kt-B3 17- RPxQ 18- B-KB4 19- KR-QB Black P-Q4 P-QB3 Kt-B3 P-K3 QKI-Q2 PxP P-QKI4 P-QR3 P-B4 PxP KtxKP PxKt B-KI5rh R-QKt Q-Q3 QxQ B-B4 R-R B-Kt3 Bernstein McCormick While 20- B-K5 21- nxPrh 22- KtxP 23- B-B7 24- Kt-llfich 25- Kt-KI8ch 26- KBxB 27- MxBih 2H-ll-H6rh 29- R-KI8 30- RxR 31- R-K17 33-R-Q 33- RxP 34- K-Q3 35- llxR 38-K-K2 37-KxKt Black B-Kt2 K-K2 R-R4 . B-R3 K-Q2 K-K2 BxB K-Q3 K-K4 RxKt RxB R-B3 Kt-K5 R-B7ch RxBP KtxRch KtxR Resigns QUEEN'S PAWN OPENING ENGLISH OPENINO Ilanauer Whit' lame, Ln" '!u-'- From the Plllshury - GunsBer Monte Carlo.
1902-3. ' Ulorli'm KR4 anprari to ne wen hut White sees he can break held throuah on would pieces Stephen! White ' 1- P-Q4 2- P-K3 3- B-QI 4- KI-Q2 5- P-KB4 6- P-B3 7- QKt-BJ R-KI-K2 I fl-Castlel I 10-B-B2 11-B-Q2 12-Kt-R4 i 13-KlxB 14-B-K ' 15-BxKt : Ifl-Kt-Kt3 i 17-Kt-B5 18-P-KKI4 ' 19-B-KI3 ; 20-P-K.I5 21- K-B2 22- P-KH4 2,7-KPxP 24-P-KI4 , 25-Q-Q2 Hanatier While 1- P-QB4 2- Kt-KB3 3- P-KKt3 4- B-KI2 5- P-Q4 6- KtxP '7-Csllei R-Kt-RI 9-P-QKtJ 10-B-Kt2 Bantaslere Black Kt-KB3 P-KKt3 P-Q4 B-KI2 P-B4 Q-Q3 Kt-B3 KI-K5 B-B4 Castles P-B3 K-R PxKt. R-KKt BI'xB P-K3 Kt-K2 QR-KB P-B4 P-KI3 KI-B3 PxP P-Kt4' R-B BxPch Btepheni White 26- PxB 27- K-Kt 2R-U-K3 29-KK-B 3CI.H-Q 31- B-B2 32- Q-Q2 33- 1I-K3 34- U-KK12 35- H-U2 3i.-!xri 37-K-H2 3H-Q-K2 3H-K-KI2 4f)-BxKt 41- HxQ 42- K-B 43- K-K 44- K-Q 45- K-B2 46- KxQ 47- K-Q 48- KI-KI3 49- KI-K2 Keslans Santasiera Black KtxKtP R-R7 KR-QB Q-B3 Q-BS R-Bfi Kt-Qrt P-Kt5 R-B7 P-BRch QRrh Kt-K8 Kt-Brh KtxR R-B7 RxOrh RP P-Kt P-KI7 PxBiQi P-K8 P-R4 P-R.5 RxKt. Ulvestad . Blnrk P-KB4 Kt-KB3 P-B4 ICt-B3 PxP P-KKH B-Kt2 KI-K4 Cas'les P-QR3 11- Q-Q2 12- QR-Q 13- KI-K8 14- KixR 15- KI-W5 16- Kt-Kl6 17- P-B5 1R-P-KB4 ln-BxItth 2fl-Q-Blrh Ulvestad Bisr R-K6 K-R Q-K QxKt Kt-K Kt-Ql KtQ3i-B2 .Kt-KlS KxB Reslana.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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