OCR Text
CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail (a Chess Editor L. A 194 TIMES PROBLEM KO. HOT BT V. MARIN Hun 1, num. KtKit t. This would be more axrllrmtnt In 10. . . K-K2: 11, K-H4, F-Ktr 12 PP, P-R9: 13. K-B3, P-M4: 14 FP. P-R4 19, P-KI4. P B7i 19. K-Ki2, P-R9 (0) tni 17 KW, P-Ki9; 1 P-KiS, P-M3; 19 P-EI9. P-KI9; 2(1 PP. PP: 21. P-mirhl, KtP: 22. P-RI7, R-fll; 21. P-K(8(l eh, Kiq; 24 P-K7, P-K17; J. P-KHIQi fh and wim Nulc that Whllt inl nn nnlr bcaii ha had mora man.itvFrlni-apara at the moin-ru n( lha braaa-lhrniiah lh fiplixilnn orrurrrd in Biara nan or lha board una n Ihia tn nf and lama, (ha lrtf lv-Mparatd paoad nawna b-tl lha unltart pfd pn, bul In I hn pnalllnn lha latiar win hpcauat ihcr art much (urthtr ad- ancad II. P.P. P R9 11.
TIMF8 PROBttM NO. 1101 BT MRS. K. SCHRUrHR Whllt oittct In three. (. (: Bl. I ) CORRECTION In prohlem 110S by Percy Bowater. thera an excess Rook primed on OKU The correct aettio If at follows: k on kbi; r. on kb. b. on oi" "d ;uKt6; Kt a on K BH and Kh.t7; P t on and KKlh Wh. Blark K, on 4. Pi on OB4, KB2 and KB. (Bi l l SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1103: OsBP. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1104: -B3. W rfrelvad aolullonn from Iho follow-lni: J. O. Dodae. H. Bruhn. II. J. OH-mora. W, L Koethen. J. Davidson. 1. P. Walnh. E. H. Bchadee, M. Budhnlm. L. Sheppard. J Fonseea, Dr. R. H. Ross, C. P. Ford, CI. A. Hall. A. CI. Krn. O. R. lialton. D. A. Innes. F, V. Crano (oleoma to our Iadrier.1 W. Harmon. J. C. Drake, Rev. P. Prtchard, J. M. Memhardt. CLI'B NEWS The preliminaries for (ha Open Hnllv. wood Cliamuionship which la belin played at iho clubrooms of the Hollywood Chesa Clrnup, 108 N. Formosa Ave, ara proaress-m according to aehr'hilt. The leaden In the drat section: B. Arnnaon, 3-1; O Farley, 3-1: J, E. Bromhem.
2-1: M. Cohen. 2-7. Parotid aecHon:,C. llenderaon, ?-l: B, Paine, 2-1: W. O. Paine. -l. Third aeritnn: O. R. Hallon. 3-1: C. Thomas. ?'': J. Urtdon. 2-t, Oames afa hemo played every cvenlnt from I p m. V tailor no welcome. I, KASIIDA 9IMt I.TANEOl 9 i . . . . . . . . -i Tie jubi irrrorn oru I rorn our friroq Olland internationalist. 1. Kashdan, that, he -eontemplailno t visit to the roast around September. The Hollywood Chess ..roup win piran-v simultaneous pni billon for Mm. Tiiere la tlso a posslbilliv for a match with the writer, or a small tournameiii with lour player.
Mora nrwi Uierl THB AMERICAN FEDERATION TOURNAMENT nsllas. Ten , fill be the areno tit the annual American Cheis Federation Toiirns. ment, which will run from Au. 19 to fi. Intention should bo sent to J. C. I ; Hero it friurai position from the lamt F"ritcs t. Tariakower, 8t. Patera- bun. 190K Black t kino t tide la weak bm ho hat protresd o far on the i'"rn i wiii mat no qmri metnnas l tvaii whne.
Tho fniiowint bteak-ihrnuth' is to hand, however, tnd Insuret What ',1 :;itti;i:t ,1; I. I -Mt h n i! mti mm u i , Sn,nr.M Thompson, Box 900, DnlUs, Tv 1 VVIIOI.iri I I n M .f X &ntH vulnif i. p.nsi p.pi i p-Eti'i . K-Ki5. P-Ktli 4. R-fld. R-Rlli ft. EiRILKm,1,..,, 14-Kli . Q HI (threaienlm 7 Kt-Kdrh.i i kt-uit i. p.ro. R'-ksi a o ka. K-:ti 0 R(B1.R1 P.P, in. Rl-Blrh. U.KH ii. ax-Rsen, R-Ritt i. Rtp m.t. Onre tho breaa-lhroulh li discovered. lha (Hack playe lUell. (To ko eantinned) VfNT.IOR CITY INVITA1ION TOl'INtr Hera Ore aomo oddlllsnal selections from tho turrem invitation tnurner; tUKERTORT-Rtri Ulvestad;9antailet Ulvestad BY DR. MAX EUWC (World Champion.
1931-37) II THR RRMK-TIIROUIII A hreak-throtiah ronvert o blocked pn.illon Into an onen one and la nsuallr marked he a rhanue mm positional pie? to rnmhlnatlre plat ita aim Is al-as the same but It ran take an endless art. eir of forma the simplest of all the ooehlnt o( a Hie tf simple oarlianie of pawns Vhoeer al rives lor a break-thrmiah must have more room for maneu-verlni behind his pawn front than his opponent behlhd his; If this It the ease, he mill be able tn post his pieces os favor-ahlv as potble but the defender lll not. throitsh betna cramped. After the break-throuah. he will then ba able to exnlnit his batter deployment, Hence tho Ideal point for It break-throiieh ta one within mm onponent'o half of Iho board DI.40R4M I I- it r - r -f f If f f Santasiero White 1-N-KB3 l-P-KNJ 3- P-U4 4- B-Ni fJO-O h-P-H4 7-N.Bt I-R-H4 9-P-OR3 10- P-BS 11- P.QN4 1J-Q-N1 13- P-BB4 14- N-Qt llt-B-Ki IH-P-K4 I7-P-W4 ld-WP- S 10-WR-K1 20- PxBP 21- PxP S'VN-N' 23-O-RRJ 4-N.J4 M-R-Rl ! J7-R-N3 Seldmon WhMe 1-P-K4 t-N-KS 3- P-U4 4- NsP fj-ft-QBJ 0- P.-K1 7-0-0 -K-H1 1- N-NJ 10- P.B4 11- R-B l-P-KI 11-P-KN4 14-P.f lVPsqP 10-R-BI I7-U-K1 10- K-N3 11- flsM Jn-ltvS ai-K-Bi S'.'-Htlt J1-P-B1 ?4-N-04 3S-0-R4 VR-Olt 27-N-B JB-B-N5 ill-K-Nl 30-BsP tt) but reply.
Black N-KB3 n-b:i P-U4 B-B4 P-KR3 White Black 2S-RsO PxPOI.1 Of! U.Ut r.i.,nri . 3(1-PXP PxP:22-lt 31-R-KBI QR-KBllori')-, P-K3 33-N-K1 N-QNS 34-BxR P-B3I35-N-N3 N-H3 3.-B-N2 R-K2 37-NnB O-O :iH-RN -Bl 31-R-KBJ N-NI 40-R-N1 P-KN4 41-R-B3 8N.1 41-N-Bt h ni 4I-R-KB3 ht R 44-N-M V-Q2 4VK-N2 NPsP 4i-N-B4 K-RI 47.N-P BPnP 4B-N-N3 Jt-KNl 4)-PxB Q-KBl Vl-RxP QK1 SI'K-PI J-N .12-R-UN1 P-QR4 Kesicns 40 ICILtAM DrrEN.it Donovan iPeidman Black J While F-yP4 .ii-K-ef P-Wll3'i-NiiN PM'l.l.l-N-NI M-KB3 34-K-BJ P-KM 3S-P-NI B-NJ 3h-K-Kl 0-OI37-N-K-J N-P33R-N-U4 B-K.lj.ll.K-BJ N-SfH4 I 40-P-B4 P-WH1 41-B-WI K-etl 4I-P-N4 X-OH3I4.1-P-QH4 B-B-. 44-B-K1 Nxp 4-p-in 0-N3 4H-P-NJ N-K4 47-PxP NB 4H-R-01 RBxNi Brll 41.P-B4 B-Q4 SO-PxP 51-R.R1 BsR SJ-R-R4 PxP 5I-R-N4 PxP 54-P-B1 O-KBI SVK-K1 NxQ -K-Oi R-Kl 57-N-Ki B.f.- Stt-R-NS . N-KS Hesianstol B-R1 RR B-KJ BxB l-7."l.a NxN ; R-K k'-bi! ".Ri; ""R-VallR-'O "bxiJ' P-Nti P-N7'"'1 . R;20-lfl R-QNJ 1 Donovan illark P-B4 R-tl! K-N4 R-K4 B-Q4 b-ki P-KB4 r.'kV' KpC R-01 "p; RxP R-Kfj P-Nfi 1- ; R-BH R-KRtt RxP K-B3 , QVET.H 8 PAWM The Pillshiirv-Cttinsnefi amo at Htlna In lfiOtt produced this positiolt.
Whlie would be verr happv If he eould plsr hia knuht to will, as ha would obtain a'rtn-lent passed pawn nn the itnen'( wlna. more dunaeroita than W hile a: but Pills-butv, the master n( tho breek-throiie!i, turns the tahlri on hit opponent In Inspired fashion; 1. P-P.MI Wlih the double Purpose of freelno 'he sonata KR4 lor his kniaht and ruhbttia Blacks UP of prntertioti. White would tltt tills pawn be Kt. B raitaltr ef'er t RirPi 1 rP, PsP a oner I , , RPP ond then hl tinned pa.sert hawnt would rarrv the die. Hence Pisi-m replo. tvhirh keeps the knlaht Irom RB4. I,,., P-Rttt a, Rt HIt! , rreveiHint 1. , , PP nrt thrlnlni P0fl I , , . P-PRtt 1 P.R4! Threitenlm 4 P-B7. ad thai Ih4 knlilit llnnok be taken H. . i , K-O.li 4.
PiP! Do fa aaaln the knlaht esnnot b4 eag. lured, thtl timo becaus4 ( , f S.7, KxPi invest ad White l-P-04 a-N-RB 3-BB4 4 P-Rl ! s-r-ni : ti.B-uN l 1-N-RS I S-NxN ! 0-B.R4 I 10-PxP ll-ll-ll 1J-W-KJ 13- B-KN3 14- P-N4 Id-KR-t)l 17-P-QK4 U-UR-RI lt-p-nj 30-P-NS ?l-BsNP 1-P-R1 J4-V-R4 i-R-B1 2(i-NxRP ST-N-MJ ?.p.on4 20-P-R4 10-R-Bi 31-BtB Reidman artuaii piaved 89 N-B. resiined without twaitlnt Black I sev-Ap",m'!eiith l"B'Kii.oRirngSno,p RiNn-Riiinuvr. JJ;"! R'B4'nR Jj -g KiBjjlast i KxK n.nijf.) g;an N-Bi n.ni j Adams Black P-4 H-ni R B4 P-Kl R-O.l KW-R'i O-O PxN P-B4 BxP PKIH P-K4 R-Nl R-N1 K-Rl p-b:i B-KI R-WH3 P-UIM PxNP B-3 P-BH R-Rl B RI Q-H2 KR-QN I t-Qi n-nj QxB tllvestad White T!-lxP 3 )- K4 34-B-Rl 37-U-RI 34-RBI 3H-W-N4 4n--N4 41-QxtJ 4J-R-H4 41-N-Ol 44-K-Nl 4S-R-NI R-Ntl 4l, 47-P-B4 4-RxP 40-R-O4 SO-nxRiQ-l ol-R-N.1 52- P-R! 53- N-N4 4-P-B4 SS-NxN -R-R 57-K-BJ SR-P-B7 89-P-PS hO-ft-BI K OI : PxPi K-K3' el-P-B7 63-P-fl RIQ) QUEEN S OAMDIT ACCEPTKD Morris W'liHa l-P-04 -P-n S-N-RRJ 4 PR1 -BxP -O-O TsP R-QRJ -O-R4 McCormlck Black P-W4 PxP R R B.I P-Kl P-B4 PP a hi 00 4-N3 Morrla fihlie 0-fl-RN i.n-wt -RII Rl M-RsKBPI I-P f 18-Q-B7 U-xNP -R-RH McCormlck Black K-Njinoi R-N4',t,.t KM 1 RcMaiu Jf p-wtu? Rx- RxB K-R4 Kasitnt Mat heal tnivt be II. 0-RN1.
This sacrifice h been known for mo time, snhoiiah It usuail? occurs tialnst tare Rann, icf asmes bt Dr, Altithlno nd istatl A, Horowtti.).
TIMF8 PROBttM NO. 1101 BT MRS. K. SCHRUrHR Whllt oittct In three. (. (: Bl. I ) CORRECTION In prohlem 110S by Percy Bowater. thera an excess Rook primed on OKU The correct aettio If at follows: k on kbi; r. on kb. b. on oi" "d ;uKt6; Kt a on K BH and Kh.t7; P t on and KKlh Wh. Blark K, on 4. Pi on OB4, KB2 and KB. (Bi l l SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1103: OsBP. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1104: -B3. W rfrelvad aolullonn from Iho follow-lni: J. O. Dodae. H. Bruhn. II. J. OH-mora. W, L Koethen. J. Davidson. 1. P. Walnh. E. H. Bchadee, M. Budhnlm. L. Sheppard. J Fonseea, Dr. R. H. Ross, C. P. Ford, CI. A. Hall. A. CI. Krn. O. R. lialton. D. A. Innes. F, V. Crano (oleoma to our Iadrier.1 W. Harmon. J. C. Drake, Rev. P. Prtchard, J. M. Memhardt. CLI'B NEWS The preliminaries for (ha Open Hnllv. wood Cliamuionship which la belin played at iho clubrooms of the Hollywood Chesa Clrnup, 108 N. Formosa Ave, ara proaress-m according to aehr'hilt. The leaden In the drat section: B. Arnnaon, 3-1; O Farley, 3-1: J, E. Bromhem.
2-1: M. Cohen. 2-7. Parotid aecHon:,C. llenderaon, ?-l: B, Paine, 2-1: W. O. Paine. -l. Third aeritnn: O. R. Hallon. 3-1: C. Thomas. ?'': J. Urtdon. 2-t, Oames afa hemo played every cvenlnt from I p m. V tailor no welcome. I, KASIIDA 9IMt I.TANEOl 9 i . . . . . . . . -i Tie jubi irrrorn oru I rorn our friroq Olland internationalist. 1. Kashdan, that, he -eontemplailno t visit to the roast around September. The Hollywood Chess ..roup win piran-v simultaneous pni billon for Mm. Tiiere la tlso a posslbilliv for a match with the writer, or a small tournameiii with lour player.
Mora nrwi Uierl THB AMERICAN FEDERATION TOURNAMENT nsllas. Ten , fill be the areno tit the annual American Cheis Federation Toiirns. ment, which will run from Au. 19 to fi. Intention should bo sent to J. C. I ; Hero it friurai position from the lamt F"ritcs t. Tariakower, 8t. Patera- bun. 190K Black t kino t tide la weak bm ho hat protresd o far on the i'"rn i wiii mat no qmri metnnas l tvaii whne.
Tho fniiowint bteak-ihrnuth' is to hand, however, tnd Insuret What ',1 :;itti;i:t ,1; I. I -Mt h n i! mti mm u i , Sn,nr.M Thompson, Box 900, DnlUs, Tv 1 VVIIOI.iri I I n M .f X &ntH vulnif i. p.nsi p.pi i p-Eti'i . K-Ki5. P-Ktli 4. R-fld. R-Rlli ft. EiRILKm,1,..,, 14-Kli . Q HI (threaienlm 7 Kt-Kdrh.i i kt-uit i. p.ro. R'-ksi a o ka. K-:ti 0 R(B1.R1 P.P, in. Rl-Blrh. U.KH ii. ax-Rsen, R-Ritt i. Rtp m.t. Onre tho breaa-lhroulh li discovered. lha (Hack playe lUell. (To ko eantinned) VfNT.IOR CITY INVITA1ION TOl'INtr Hera Ore aomo oddlllsnal selections from tho turrem invitation tnurner; tUKERTORT-Rtri Ulvestad;9antailet Ulvestad BY DR. MAX EUWC (World Champion.
1931-37) II THR RRMK-TIIROUIII A hreak-throtiah ronvert o blocked pn.illon Into an onen one and la nsuallr marked he a rhanue mm positional pie? to rnmhlnatlre plat ita aim Is al-as the same but It ran take an endless art. eir of forma the simplest of all the ooehlnt o( a Hie tf simple oarlianie of pawns Vhoeer al rives lor a break-thrmiah must have more room for maneu-verlni behind his pawn front than his opponent behlhd his; If this It the ease, he mill be able tn post his pieces os favor-ahlv as potble but the defender lll not. throitsh betna cramped. After the break-throuah. he will then ba able to exnlnit his batter deployment, Hence tho Ideal point for It break-throiieh ta one within mm onponent'o half of Iho board DI.40R4M I I- it r - r -f f If f f Santasiero White 1-N-KB3 l-P-KNJ 3- P-U4 4- B-Ni fJO-O h-P-H4 7-N.Bt I-R-H4 9-P-OR3 10- P-BS 11- P.QN4 1J-Q-N1 13- P-BB4 14- N-Qt llt-B-Ki IH-P-K4 I7-P-W4 ld-WP- S 10-WR-K1 20- PxBP 21- PxP S'VN-N' 23-O-RRJ 4-N.J4 M-R-Rl ! J7-R-N3 Seldmon WhMe 1-P-K4 t-N-KS 3- P-U4 4- NsP fj-ft-QBJ 0- P.-K1 7-0-0 -K-H1 1- N-NJ 10- P.B4 11- R-B l-P-KI 11-P-KN4 14-P.f lVPsqP 10-R-BI I7-U-K1 10- K-N3 11- flsM Jn-ltvS ai-K-Bi S'.'-Htlt J1-P-B1 ?4-N-04 3S-0-R4 VR-Olt 27-N-B JB-B-N5 ill-K-Nl 30-BsP tt) but reply.
Black N-KB3 n-b:i P-U4 B-B4 P-KR3 White Black 2S-RsO PxPOI.1 Of! U.Ut r.i.,nri . 3(1-PXP PxP:22-lt 31-R-KBI QR-KBllori')-, P-K3 33-N-K1 N-QNS 34-BxR P-B3I35-N-N3 N-H3 3.-B-N2 R-K2 37-NnB O-O :iH-RN -Bl 31-R-KBJ N-NI 40-R-N1 P-KN4 41-R-B3 8N.1 41-N-Bt h ni 4I-R-KB3 ht R 44-N-M V-Q2 4VK-N2 NPsP 4i-N-B4 K-RI 47.N-P BPnP 4B-N-N3 Jt-KNl 4)-PxB Q-KBl Vl-RxP QK1 SI'K-PI J-N .12-R-UN1 P-QR4 Kesicns 40 ICILtAM DrrEN.it Donovan iPeidman Black J While F-yP4 .ii-K-ef P-Wll3'i-NiiN PM'l.l.l-N-NI M-KB3 34-K-BJ P-KM 3S-P-NI B-NJ 3h-K-Kl 0-OI37-N-K-J N-P33R-N-U4 B-K.lj.ll.K-BJ N-SfH4 I 40-P-B4 P-WH1 41-B-WI K-etl 4I-P-N4 X-OH3I4.1-P-QH4 B-B-. 44-B-K1 Nxp 4-p-in 0-N3 4H-P-NJ N-K4 47-PxP NB 4H-R-01 RBxNi Brll 41.P-B4 B-Q4 SO-PxP 51-R.R1 BsR SJ-R-R4 PxP 5I-R-N4 PxP 54-P-B1 O-KBI SVK-K1 NxQ -K-Oi R-Kl 57-N-Ki B.f.- Stt-R-NS . N-KS Hesianstol B-R1 RR B-KJ BxB l-7."l.a NxN ; R-K k'-bi! ".Ri; ""R-VallR-'O "bxiJ' P-Nti P-N7'"'1 . R;20-lfl R-QNJ 1 Donovan illark P-B4 R-tl! K-N4 R-K4 B-Q4 b-ki P-KB4 r.'kV' KpC R-01 "p; RxP R-Kfj P-Nfi 1- ; R-BH R-KRtt RxP K-B3 , QVET.H 8 PAWM The Pillshiirv-Cttinsnefi amo at Htlna In lfiOtt produced this positiolt.
Whlie would be verr happv If he eould plsr hia knuht to will, as ha would obtain a'rtn-lent passed pawn nn the itnen'( wlna. more dunaeroita than W hile a: but Pills-butv, the master n( tho breek-throiie!i, turns the tahlri on hit opponent In Inspired fashion; 1. P-P.MI Wlih the double Purpose of freelno 'he sonata KR4 lor his kniaht and ruhbttia Blacks UP of prntertioti. White would tltt tills pawn be Kt. B raitaltr ef'er t RirPi 1 rP, PsP a oner I , , RPP ond then hl tinned pa.sert hawnt would rarrv the die. Hence Pisi-m replo. tvhirh keeps the knlaht Irom RB4. I,,., P-Rttt a, Rt HIt! , rreveiHint 1. , , PP nrt thrlnlni P0fl I , , . P-PRtt 1 P.R4! Threitenlm 4 P-B7. ad thai Ih4 knlilit llnnok be taken H. . i , K-O.li 4.
PiP! Do fa aaaln the knlaht esnnot b4 eag. lured, thtl timo becaus4 ( , f S.7, KxPi invest ad White l-P-04 a-N-RB 3-BB4 4 P-Rl ! s-r-ni : ti.B-uN l 1-N-RS I S-NxN ! 0-B.R4 I 10-PxP ll-ll-ll 1J-W-KJ 13- B-KN3 14- P-N4 Id-KR-t)l 17-P-QK4 U-UR-RI lt-p-nj 30-P-NS ?l-BsNP 1-P-R1 J4-V-R4 i-R-B1 2(i-NxRP ST-N-MJ ?.p.on4 20-P-R4 10-R-Bi 31-BtB Reidman artuaii piaved 89 N-B. resiined without twaitlnt Black I sev-Ap",m'!eiith l"B'Kii.oRirngSno,p RiNn-Riiinuvr. JJ;"! R'B4'nR Jj -g KiBjjlast i KxK n.nijf.) g;an N-Bi n.ni j Adams Black P-4 H-ni R B4 P-Kl R-O.l KW-R'i O-O PxN P-B4 BxP PKIH P-K4 R-Nl R-N1 K-Rl p-b:i B-KI R-WH3 P-UIM PxNP B-3 P-BH R-Rl B RI Q-H2 KR-QN I t-Qi n-nj QxB tllvestad White T!-lxP 3 )- K4 34-B-Rl 37-U-RI 34-RBI 3H-W-N4 4n--N4 41-QxtJ 4J-R-H4 41-N-Ol 44-K-Nl 4S-R-NI R-Ntl 4l, 47-P-B4 4-RxP 40-R-O4 SO-nxRiQ-l ol-R-N.1 52- P-R! 53- N-N4 4-P-B4 SS-NxN -R-R 57-K-BJ SR-P-B7 89-P-PS hO-ft-BI K OI : PxPi K-K3' el-P-B7 63-P-fl RIQ) QUEEN S OAMDIT ACCEPTKD Morris W'liHa l-P-04 -P-n S-N-RRJ 4 PR1 -BxP -O-O TsP R-QRJ -O-R4 McCormlck Black P-W4 PxP R R B.I P-Kl P-B4 PP a hi 00 4-N3 Morrla fihlie 0-fl-RN i.n-wt -RII Rl M-RsKBPI I-P f 18-Q-B7 U-xNP -R-RH McCormlck Black K-Njinoi R-N4',t,.t KM 1 RcMaiu Jf p-wtu? Rx- RxB K-R4 Kasitnt Mat heal tnivt be II. 0-RN1.
This sacrifice h been known for mo time, snhoiiah It usuail? occurs tialnst tare Rann, icf asmes bt Dr, Altithlno nd istatl A, Horowtti.).