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December 29, 1940 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 29 Dec 1940, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess. Master Address all mail to Chess Editor Dec. 29, 1940 L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1151 By C. S. Kipping Los Angeles, Cal White mates in two. (Wh. 7; Bl. .) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1152 Composed for the Los Angeles Times encouragement. H. S. Pike. San Fernando. Cal let s go !! Make 1941 the this at of Robertson of by the Federation Internationale deg Echecs. It was a splendid piece of work by Illinios and the present code is the most complete and clearest set of chess rules in existence. The United States Chess Federation ia glad to recognize this outstanding contribution by the Illinois Slate Chess Association by now ratifying and confirming this code as the official code of chess roles sanctioned and approved by the United States Chess Federation. No club or chess player can afford to be without a copy of these rules.
The book Is well Illustrated, too. It Is packed full of useful, interesting, al-uable Information. There are many master games expertly annotated by Fred Reinfeld. Our new yearbook will probably be ready for distribution about March 1. It promises to be Just as Interesting and Instructive as last year's book.
Either one of these volumes comes to you free with a SI membership (11.50 if you want, a cloth-bound volume). Start the New Year riRhl! Sit right down now while you are thinking of it and send tl to Ernest Olfe, Assistant Treasurer, 1111 North 10th Street. Milwaukee, Wis. You will be pleasantly surprised and pleased at what you will receive, we assure you. In conclusion let me add mv nersonal thanks to those of the Federation for Now blazest chess year on record! Cordially yours.
George Sturgis President, United States Chess Federatloa CALIFORNIA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP At the request ef the committee of the Hollywood Chess Oroup we are publishing tbe following twe letters. 8unday, Dec. 22, 1340 Dear Herman: Recently I have devoted considerable thought to the matter of the tournament which you propose to hold for the California championship and have reached certain conclusions. However, before I discuss these, I would like to have you consider certain aspects of the previous tournament. It was arbitrary: I mean this In the sense that its claim to be the tournament for the California championship devoted solely upon the willingness of the pre !n':s tltleholder iBorochowi to recognize the winner as his successor.
In calling attention to this it is not my wish to detract in anyway from the credit which accrues to you from your splendid management of the lnurnflm,nl T ai.h SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1147: Q-K8. merely to point out the conspicuous ah. ..,. ..., ,,., r-,4 senee of any authority (such as a Call-SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1148: R-Kt4. fonna sute chess Association, received from the following: "that adequately represents
White mates in three. (Wh, 4; Bl. S.) Ford, Reynolds Sr L D. u tournaments would be held annually. welcomes Tour ladder'.
of affair, is intolerable. It Then J. Fonseca. W. B. H.II Dr J B Sheldon NL Ru d hoi m, Postponed. Vnd that in th? n A In ties Rev P Pnchard H BrShn ",,ouid correspond with the San Francisco j'p'watah E H A Q Karn ?' " order. Jointly with them, to H. P. Matostan,' E L? Danfe'ls. W. E Bal- ?rh" stern Mrs. L H. 1 "ve indicated above. The responsibility for arranging all State tournaments would then rest with CORRECTION 'he association, as I propose, when such an organization la formed, to put the title Problem No. 1149 by J. A. Ersklne is in their hands, mate in three moTes instead of two as I feel that this would particularly please San Francisco Players as iney nave , had practically nothing to say m the EDITOR S NOTE. Year .writer graie- ma,.,r so fnllr acknowledges the manr season. Furlnpr considerations aueh th. 1ek ; extend, hearty wh (SSTff. tho!,or H""" nd Pros,,tro" -New ler' adequate representation, even of Los Angeles
the CHESS CORRESPONDENT" eles. n the present entry list; and the unshake-able Anirncs. through its bulletin, offers an ex- mlna ,uff,cent reasons in themselves for citing story of correspondence chess activ- dlf!tatiKfaction with your proposal, ities, tournaments which attract playcis of Pleas let h . f regarding all strengths, interesting stones about th immediately.
the country, annotated games from but I dont think we should have there maxing a lair arrange a problem section of high quality. mtnt. Very truly votirs, Many chess enthusiasts find chess by game. For details, write W. F. James. champion, secretary-tournament director, 4133 Tyler Dear Philip: I forwarded your letter te Isu gioux Cily la he tournament committee and their an- RISSIAN TOrRNAMENT The results of the 12th National Soviet the tournament, for the Interest of the championship have recently reached this game. Very truly yours, side. The news is not that the winners HERMAN STEINER.
Bondarevsky and Lilienthal. but that , -master, was Inurtn . hitherto considered Wpnston. poverty of prizes incongruous with the :victorie in championships, ana sixin witn Keres, Estonian grand-master, was fourth master by dint of previous "30 Court Sr. Apt. B. Smlslov was third.
shared fifth the 22nd. the tournament committee of the Hollywood Chess Group wishes to make United States Chess Federation lr the following: The same group is It 1. a privilege to offer the following letter from the president of the United strong national chess organliation last year the fact that the winner would be recog- The federation is fortunate to have active chess organisation. organ zat on haa recognized you as State champion this past Th Pi-pviifpnt's Vsiv Year Mpiiif?P yir- e conclude that you as a con-Ifte iresiiieius Je lfar .Message trlbutor to th(. same wll, fupoTt tht Friends of chess everywhere: future titleholders recognized by the Hol- The United States Chess Federation is jvwood Chess Group until a more Ideal one year old. Thanks lo our multitude or organliation such as you suggest comes friends I am happy to report at the end of jmo being our first fliscal year that we are strong. it i conceded that annual open tourna-healihv, and progressive organization. We ment Piay j, an established precedent lit now have member clubs and Individual election of a State champlonshlo title members In most of the States of the Because of this the committee advises you Union.
Before long we hope that there thnt this Is not an invitational affair t will not be a single State in which we are privileged players, but rather an opportu-not represented. nity to encourage young talent, glvlnt Many may ask what have we done and them a chance to play ugalnst seasoned what have we accomplished, during the players. Therefore we see no reason to llAXt Venr W hAVe DUhhshed an HO- nn.tnnn. 4h- tmtmamant page yearbook which we have distributed Furthermore. San Francisco has been free of charge to each of our members, notified of all arrangements and has had We have actively sponsored chess every- ample time to send as many representa-where throughout the United States, we tlves as they desire.
Notice haa been have encouraged the formation of chess placed In the chess column of The Times clubs and chess groups. We have aided for five successive weeks, and the touma. them with advice on matters 01 organize- ment opens Wednesday. Dec. 23, at 2 p m. tion. We have recommended and we per schedule. Anyone desiring to par-stand ready to help in the formation of ttcipate must signify their Intention by 1 State Associations. We have devoted p.m. Dec. 25, by calling WEbster 6817. special attention to popularizing the There will be no entrance fee. game with the youth of our country. We Hoping that you will be able to partld-have encouraged children In particular pste, very truly yours, to learn to play the game as It will w nrtn nrunvtr be a source of Joy and pleasure to them f ,w- throughout their lives. Nor have we over- O. 8. O. PATTERSON, looked and slighted the expert player. a. REINHARDT.
A l.f S enl.l tournament for the chess Tournament Committee of the Holly. championship of the United States and a substantial sum for the prize money was Chess Group.
Standing after the third round: leading players of the country competed. R,.i., w0? "If end from the stellar field which battled over the chess boards for nearly three 4 weeks 8amuel Reshevsky emerged champion for the third successive time. In Dallas, test summer, we sponsored the Open Tournament of the United Slates Mayera I i Chess Federation In which twenty-seven leading niavers of the United States and Canada competed.
Reuben Fine was the Fied we have nad a busy year We have qameS FROM THE CALIFORNIA STATS naa our lull measure of troubles, too, and have come through with colors flying. Our treasury Is not quite so well off as a year ago. but we Levltan can anil pay our must witn careiui white economy and a growing membership we i-p-K4 hope to be able to report favorable fiscal 2-N-KB3 progress during 1941. 3-B-N5 Today as we stand upon the threshold 4-B-R4 of a new year the United Sates Chess s-Castles Fedration extends to all of you officers g.p.Q4 and directors member clubs and liidl- 7-B-N3 vldual members Its gratitude and thHiika B-R-K for your help and co-operation during 1940. Without your unselfish aid the progress which we have made would not have Htelncr been possible.
Your president Is deeply white appreciative. We now commence our se- j.p-o4 ond year of life. The Fedration wishes 2-N-KB3 you a very happy and prosperous New 3-P-B4 Year. More and still better Chess to each 4-N-R.1 and every one of you! 6-P-K3 We look forward to 1941 wllh conn- 6-BxP denee. We hope that you approve the 7.
Castles work which we have accomplished and R.Q-K2 which we hope to do in the future, 9.P-K4 We believe that yon do approve. We jo-B-K.3 have confidence you will help us to grow h-qr.q ana prosper as a reaera'ion. nut our soal cannot, be reached without an eflort a united effort. We cannot hope Dobsevage to become truly strong unless each of white you will do your nart. No mailer how l.p.ici hard our officers and directors may work 2-P-Q we cannot reach oiir objectives unless 3-V-QB3 we all push.
You believe in what we have 4-B-KNS done, don't you? You think well of what 5-P-K we are trying to accomplish? Then help 6-P-KR4 us, please. How? First of all by Joining .the 7-Q-N4 Federation If you are not already a mem- 8-PxP e.p. ber, and ' get your friends to Join. too. 9-Q-N3 If you belong to a chess club whlrh la 10-Q-O3 not a unit of the U. S. C. F. either 11-B-K3 directly or indirectly by affiliation with 2-PxP a Stale association which Is a member 13-N-B3 unitplease get your club to Join, Club 14-Cast!ea dues are only 15. per year and that In- 5-B0 eludes a year's subscription to the Chess 16-R-K CHAMPIONSHIP RUY LOPEZ Bmith Levltan Smith Black White Black P-K4 9-NxP NxB N-OB3 10-RPxM B-K3 P-QR3 U-P-B3 Q-B3 N-B3 12-Q-K2 N-Q3 NxP 13-QN-Q2 B-K2 P-QN4 14-ON-B3 ' Q-B4? P-Q4 I5-P-KN4M Realgni N-QR4 QUEEN'S OAMBIT Qulllcn Stelner Qulllen Black White Black P-Q4 12-B-N.1 Castles .
B-B4 13-P-KR3 BxN PxP 14-QxB PxP N-KB3 13-BxP P-B4 P-K3 lfi-BxN NxB ON-02 17-KR-KI Q-K4? B-CI3 18-RxB! QxR P-K4 19-P-KJ 0-Q7 B-KN5 20-R-O OxP P-OR3 21-PxN P-N3 Q-K2 22-Q-K3! Resigns FRENCH DEFENSE gr&.8,r e"S "00!: ee' that each member is entllleo to re- 9-RxN r1r.l-'cflv" th yearbook of the Federation. 20-KR-K year's bdMt Inclnded among Its 21-PxN many features the official code of chess 22-RxR rulrfi Tni, code W((s on(:lniiny COTI,Pird 23.uxRPh by the Illinois State Chess Assoriatlon. 24-P-KN4 ,n(- " tn adoption, revision and 25-N-O amendment of the official eode complied S6-B-BS Kovacs I Dobsevage Kovacs Black White Black P-K3 27-K-N B-NS P-04 2R-B-BB P-N.1 N-KH3 29-N-K3 BxP B-K2 30-N-B5 B-N5 KN-U2 31-PxP BxP Castles 32-N-K7ch K-B2 P-KB4 33-NxBP BxP NxP 34-NxP "B-KS 0-03 35-N-N5 P-B4 P-B3 3fi-N-fich K-B3 P-K4 37-P-R4 P-P QxP JH-B-R3 , B-R Q-B4 ,T)-N-B8 P-B5 OXQ 40-B-B , B-N7 "-KNS 41-B-Q3 B-K B-QB4 42-P-N4 P-P7 GN-02 43-K-N2 P-B'0) NxN 44-BxQ BxB B-02 4-K-B1 K-Kl OR-K 4B-N-B7 K-Q PxB 47-K-N1 J-B5eti RR 4S-K-B3 B-K7 BvR 41-K-N3 B-07 P-KR4 jo-P-BJ 9-QScll B-Q3 Resigns B-BSch.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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