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January 05, 1941 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 05 Jan 1941, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master; Address all mail to Chess Editor January 05, 1941 L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. Godfrey Heslhcots 1153 Chi-j La-Guardia White mates in two. (Wit. I; Bl. .) LA. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 11 Si Br A. M. Dobordschilnldss White mates in three. (Wh. 7: Bl. 11.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1149: KB2. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1150: Q-Rt.
THE SOLVING CONTEST The winners of each month's eon test will receive a months membership in Chess and Checker Club of Los Angeles. 124 w Fourth mi., Chess Group. 401 N, Formoea Ave., where they may discuss composing and soivins rooiems ana ena tames, aver? winner be msrked with tne ususi t'.i snowing that he was once a winner In climbing Uie ladder. The arstem will enable 12 lor more in case Of tie) solvers vo win. amiutlnns aent In answer to this prob lent will be acknowledged within two weeks sfter publication It you wish to figure In the "up-to-the-minute" ladder, the time limit heine seven days.
Otherwise credit can only be given In a later ladder. problems in in is column may oetin wnn a castling key jr nave castnnt aa a ae- fense, unless 't can Be oennueiy proven that auch maneuvers are not Icsal. Cap ture keya "en passant keys snd cneckint keys trt also toleratea. oui an me aoove types are rather uncommon. The capture of a pawn, however.
It not unusual. .... II a problem has no solution, "no solution" must be claimed in order to score points. The principal variations ar necessary when sendlnt In the three-movers. Keys only need be tlven in two-ers, although It is excellent practice k write out an mc distinct variations. Two-movers receive iwo pninis. inree-movers receive three points on Our Ladder. The prlsa la awarded to the leadlnt solver once a month. (Hit score Is then csn-celed ) Solvers msy become Lsdderltes f ny time. They r expected to solve as In-dividuala or ttsms but not consult otherwise.
Requests for bsck Issues snd subscriptions should be directed to the Circulation nn.rlmMit Anyone desirine Information for chess literature should send a selt-addressed and stamped envelope. This column appears on Sundsy. CLUB NEWS The Mellrwaod Chesa Great annooncea a letter and almaltaneeaa exhibit! kr Mfbb atelner. International master, ev err Wednesday at II as.. DM N.
Formosa Ave. Reservations aver be asade br ealllnt WEbater 117.1 HENNINO BtLHN WINS SOLVINO CONTEST WITH tM POINTS We eentralHlate Mr. Brabn far wlnnlnt this eenlest the few r Id llase, Mr. Brabn halls from Santa Barbara. Cat.
This Is the scare of last month's psr- tlrlpante. These who took pert will have their seer stand and should tbev send In solutions atsln. I her will be added and published pest month. I H. Brnhn () winner: W. E. Bslkoff .; R. Copp, 0 (welcome to our ladder. I B. L. Danielle I,) IB"; J. Davidson .) 3d: J. O. Dodte (.! 264: I. c. nraxe (.) 12; J. Pronsecs. 3V Mrs. E. M. Plemln. ISO: C. P. Pord. 220: H. ). Oil-mor (,) 139: O. A Hall (. IS: W. Harmon . 143: D. A. Innes (.) 110; A. O. Kirn, 25: W. L. Koethen ,) 11: H. P. Mstostan, 44: W. C Noltlnt. 2S: J. M. M. Melnhardt, IS"; Rev. P. Prlch-ard (M 332: M Rudholm ,) 2i"i I, D. Robertson. 0: At D. Reynolds Sr.. 3d: L. flhepnerri. 93: L. Stern, t; A. Bplller. . E. H. Bchadee (.) 2d: Dr. J. B. Bhel-don. 33! A. Tovar. 6; W. B. Tudor (. 23: R. D. Weaver, 16; K. Watson.
: J p. Wslsh .( 50: J. T Watson , l 203. The score Include Problems 1143-11 SO. t'NCI.E JACOBOV1TCH HOLDS COt'BT (By LJo Stelnsri Th following I taken fret July Issue el the Aastra lan These Review.
month Ir peblleatlon. Twelve Issaee far SI lexer be ordered directly.) I Bond St., drdoer N.8 W.. Australia. Jarkle Beresbt Little master her Is something for you to chew at. An admirer of yours haa aent me a letter with tuerle to be put before you by me, I do my duty.
Here It I. (H reads t "Why do som po sitions hev a win In them when It appears that arrordlnt to th recntnlred prlnrinles of the tame th win should not there?" welt lit mssier. until show you th position. . Mobility: It csnnot he denied that black pieces are more mobile.
Centralitatian: Black commands the center of the board: Whit does not command any square near the center. 4. Kin Positions: Both are uncom fortable; but surely White's king looks a dangerously placed as Black's. f S. Passed Pawn! It is an end-tamo and Black has the advanced passed pawn-, , besides being a pawn up." Your admirer toes on to tar that there must be other principles by which a oe- ' sition can be Judged and he wants you to say what principles would Indicate a win for White in the position.
Remember. White has a forced win. therefore White' position with the move must be the better. It chess principles are worth anything, they should indicate White's advantat somehow. How? Uncle Jaceeevileh: Walt minute, wait minute. Let us have a look at the noil. tion first and then ... Jackie Buresh : Don't waste your time. Uncle Jacobovitch. with the solution, a the question I mor Important Just now. Here u tn solution: l. Q-RSeh. K-tlS (KxNT 0-R2ch. K-B8: 3. Q-B2 mate:! 2 ' QxR. QxQ: 3. NxPch. K-B8: 4. B-N3I Q-KB4; S. B-B4ch. QxB 8. N-K2ch. K-Q8: T. Nxu.
and the black knight 1 helpltst against th white pawn, uncle jaeotevlteh: It Is a touth Question. no doubt. One can solve the problem, or me prooiems. or a position. But really l( there any unmistakable principle to recognise a position as a winning ont. Just br principles r Let us try it by following tht oroer oi tnt querist: (To bt continued) .', ' CALIFORNIA STATE CHESS " CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT . The open tournament, sponsored by: ' the Hollywood Chtss Oroup and played between Christmas and Nsw Ytar'i at 108 No. Formosa Ave., cams to s elose with -Herman Stelner winner with ', point out of a potsibls 8. Second place wenf to two promising young players. Irving Levitan, city champion. and Donald Mayers. with fourth place, Charles D, Mott. San Diego champion: fifth, Edward Kovacs.
Viennese chess expert., with 4'i " 4M,; sixth waa accorded to Jay Chemls. talented representative of the Hollywood Chess Oroup. with 4-5; seventh and eighth went to J. Paul QuiUen of Olendale. th youngest participant, who tied with Philip 8mlth.. formerly of Washington, D.C.i ninth was Bernard Dobsevtt with 2'i-fi'.a, the only one to draw with the win-. ner: and 10th. Pred Johnson, Orante County representative. We hone that tht next Btatt cham pionship tournament will see a wider. representation, especially front th norm.
, , FINAL STANDINGS i ' rs .:. Wen : Lost - Stelner Vk Yf Uvllsn W iMl Marers Mi ' t't Moll AH I'Vi Kovacs 4Vw 4Mi Cherol 4 ;. Qulllen !, ' Mmlth "t a'- Dobsevatt I'.-i dVi Jehnten Otmes from tht California Stat Chtm plontbip tournament: QUIIN S O AMBIT DECLINED ': Marert ' Stelner! Mayer ., Stelner Blacx wntt N-KB3 18-Q.N3 P-Q4 20-P-KR4 White 1- P-Q4 2- N-KB3 3- P-B4 4- N-B3 6-P-K3 6- B-Q3 7- Cstles 8- P-ON3 8.B-N2 10-PxP U-PxP 12-NxN 13- N-Q5 14- NxBch lft-NxB 1A-Q-N3 n-oxp 18-C.N3 , Chemls Whit 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- B-N 4- B-R4 S'Castlt 8-B-NJ 7- P-B3 8- P-Q4 8-P-KS 10-NxN U-R-K 12- QN-Q2 13- NxN P-B3 P-K3 QN-Q2 B-K2 Castles Q-R4 PxP P-K4 NxP QxN(K4 QxB K-R QRxN Q-K4I N-NS R-B21 21-K-N2 22- Q.Q 23- R-R 24- K-N! 25- Q-KB 2S-K-N2 27- B-K2? , 28- PxN 29- KxR 30- B-N4I 31- K-B2 32- K-K3 - 33- K-K 34- K-K2 35- K-B3 Renins RUT LOPEZ Qulllen :Chern It Blsck White P-K4 14-BXP N-QB3 I5-N-Q8ch P-QR3ll0-R-K8ch N-B3 P-QN4 B-Q3 B-Q3 PXP NxP BxN N-KS PxP PxP 17-NxO 18.QxQf 19-Q-Q8CB 30-Q-BP 21- Q-NSch 22- QxB 23- Q-Blkh 24- Q-Bfeh 28-Q-B7 Black. Q-KR4 , P-N4, P-B3I : PxP! p.R8chl R-Q2 p-R7ch : R-KNI NxPcbl . RxPchll ; R-N2ch QxBch Q-RSch .
QxPelt Q-BSrh ' Q-Blrh ; R-N4I Qulllen Black BxB K-B QxFt RxN R-K2 R-K R-KJ R-K K-K Resign QUEEN'S OAMBIT ACCEPTED Stelner White 1- P-Q4 2- N-KB1 3- P-B4 4- N-B3 8-P-K3 8-BxP 7-Csstltl 8-PxB N-Kt 10- S-HJ 11- P-B4 12-P-B&! Mott i Stelner Blsck White P-Q4 13-Nr.P! N-KB3 14-PxPch P-K3 U-Q-N4I PNPi lfi-PxN! B-N5 Csstles 12-19 0 5-14 17-10 6 2 19- the I H' s3 . rf H-nt Waft ' ' a m rao sua m x io ! m m ii - m mm a u m mm m BxN P-QN3 B-N2 R-K B-K5 QN-Q2 17-QR-Q lll-B-NJ'l 1-Ri8 20- BxP 21- B-N3 22- PxPI 23- -Rhl Molt Black KxN Rxr N-B4 B-QJ P-B1 a-K P: xR R-Q od R- RxBP . Resigns IUKERTORT OPENING Stelner White 1- N-KB3 2- P-B4 J-PxP 4-N-B3 a.p-KN 8-B-N2 7- Castltt 8- P-Q4 -NxP 10- PxN 11- Q-N3I 12- B-B4 13- OR-B 14- Q-R4 15.N-K4! 1R-N-Q4CII 17-RvB 18-K.R-a Stelner White 1-P-K4 -2.P-Q4 3- N-QB 4- NxP B-NxNch 5- N-B3 1-B-QJ 8-B-K3 -P-B1 10-Q-B7 , U-P-KR4I Levitan Stelner Black White P-Q4 19-P-NJ N-KB3 20-Q-R4 QxP 21-P-K4 ' Q-QR4 22-R-Q2' P-B3 23-P-KR3I P-K4 24-P-B4 R-KNS 25-P-BS QN-Q2 2D-K-R2I NxNl27-B-B7 QXKP.28-Q-B4 Q-BWS-BxN Q-B 30-RiB-Q R-K3 '31-Q-Qd N-UJ!32-UxKBP B-KSiSS-P-K't BxN 34-P-Kd P-B3 38-R-Q8 K-B J I CARO-KANN DEPEN8S Stelner White Uvllsit BlacK N-N3 B-B4 B-M P-KRJ P-KR4 B-QJ Q-K R-q R-QB' K-N PxB PKN4 R-Rl R-Ni ft-QBi B-B Rttltnt. . Chernls Black P-QB3 P-4 PxP N-B3 RP-N B-Q3 Cas'les B-nj N-Q2 13-B-KNt 13- B-R 14- Castle 15- P-R5I i.s.p 7-BxP 8-Q-QJ 4-BxN 20-Q-N ?-KN3!2l-KxQ KB4 33-N-KSI AROENTINf OAMI Chrnl Black va BPxP ; B-Nf Q-R4 t).Rch ' QcX KR-4 Rentns.
This tamt wa played in tht thaajplon. ship tournament ol tht Argentine Chesg Pederailon last year. Plaainl Plv4 frsl or second bord en ne urssn.m. . which eompeted in tne internetKwai ib Tournament f last ear. RETI OPENINO PlsitinliVlllett Black Whit Vlltettt Whit KI-KBl B4 4- PxP 5- KtxRt 1-KI-i-P-l S-P- 1-Kt-KU I-P-Q4 -P-fis 10- P-OK14 11- P-Q j2-QxlC 13-QxKPch U.R.K1 is-P-oM'ti P-Q4 P-Q.1 Kt-QBJ Qi reads.! "All th thes Bnncioies seem ";r;7r xKt Kl-BJ Q-KtJ P-K4 Q-S3 P-QR3 KtP Psltt Kl BKJ B-BJ R.nrh Whit' interrstUit 17-x5 10-B-R3 21-B-i Plsrslnl ' Blsrk ' Q K 8)1 Pep : I2-B-KJ liastiet 38-R-Kt ' i'J . 38-BxH R-( 27-Q-KJ - Ja-H-Qa -Q4ek 20.R.Q1 Ri 3ft-Rx R BxP Resign a id r favor Black.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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