OCR Text
CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor February 9, 1941 L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1161 By B. O. Feacan White mates in two. (Wh. S; Bl. 6.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1164 Br Dr. A. Kraemer Haven B. BAUER Black IS Men l White 14 Men DR. EMANUEL LASKER White to play and win. Th tarn continued with 15. BxP !. KxB; 16. QxN , K-Nli 17. BxNPil. KxB; 18. Q-N4 . K-R3: 19. R-B3. P-K4: 20. R-R3 , Q-R3: 21. RxQ-K KxR; 22. Q-Q7. B-KB3: 23. QxB, K-N2: 24. R-KB1. QR-QN1; 25. Q-Q7. KR-Q1; 26. . K-Bl; 27. PXP. B-N21 28. P-K6!. RN2i 29. Q-N6. P-B3: 30. RxPl, BxR; 31. QxB , K-Kl; 32. Q-R8 , K-K2; 33. Q-N7 , Reaifna. RUY LOPEZ White mates in three. Wn. ; BL 10.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1189: Q-N7 SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1180: -Q We rerelved solutlon from the fnllowlnt W. B. Tudor, H. J. Ollmore, A. D. Reynold Sr.. Mra. A. Tovar, A. O. Karn. L. O. Hartman, O. A Hall. C. P: Ford, J. ronneca, O. B Oakea. J. O. Podae, R. W. Copp Jr., P. CI III. W. E. Beikotl. w. H. Wellh (welcome to our ladder;) O C. Lawann el come to our ladder.) H. Bruhn, R. B. Scott, Dr. R. H. Rom. U. R. Full. L. Sheppard. J. Welaateln, W. Harmon. L. Stern, J. P. Walh. D. A. Inn, J. T. Wton. E. H. Schde, J. I)vidM.n, W. L. Koethen, W. C. Nolllni. E. B. Clew, E. L. Darnell. J. O. Drake. H. J, Ollmore, Mra. A. Tovar, Mr. and Mra. E. Oroobm. SOLUTION TO GAME HOROWITZ VS. KEVITZ 1. Q-NS'P-NJi i Q-R. PN; J. R-N4rh. PxR: 4 BxPrh. K-R: 8, B-Nb dla. cb. K-N, t, Q R7ch, K-B; 1. Qxp mat. Ja.iker White 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- B-NS 4- BxNI 8-P-Q4 6- OxP 7- NxQ 8- N-QBJ 9- 0-0 10- P-B4 11- N-N3 12- P-B5I 13- B-B4 14- BxB 15- N-Q4 1H-N-K8 17- UR-Ol 18- R-Bi 19- KR-Q2 J0-P-QN4 J1-P-QR3 Capablanca Black P-K4 N-QB3 P-QR3 GPxB PxP QxQ B-Q3 N-K3 O-O R-Kl P-B3 P-QN3 B-N2 PxB QR-Q1 R-Q2 N-Bl P-QN4 X(Q2l-K2 K-B2 B-Rl Jaker White 22-K-B2 J3-P-N4 24- R-Q3 25- P-KR4 26- PxP J7-K-B3 28- K-B4 29- R-N3 J0-K-B3I Jl-PxP 32-R-R3 J3-K-N3 34- QR-KRl 35- P-K5U 36- N-K4 17-NiK6)-BS 38-NxR 19-R-R7 I0-R-R1 41-R-R8 2-N-B8 Capablanca Black R-R2 P-R3 P-OR4 PxP R(R2UK2 R-Nl P-KN3 P-N4 N-N3 RPxP R-Q2 K-Kl B-N2 QPxP N-04 B-Bl BxN R-Bl K-Ol B-Bl Retirn CDblnea la sowerlen atalnat the threat ot R-Q7 , N-KS and N-N7 .
SICILIAN Leaalnf Whit 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- P-Q4 4- NxP 5- P-QR4 6- N-UB3 7- B-K2 8- B-KJ S-O-O 10- P-B4'a) 11- Q-Q2? 12- NxNiBS) IJ-NxP 11 ibi Th. Swedl.h Chess Club (e) The aile Whit 14- BxO 15- B-BJ lfi-R-QHe) 17- PxB 18- B-Q4 19- B-B3 20- N-O5 Jl-P-N4dl 22- R-Kld) 23- RxR 34-K-BJ 28-KN 2H-Reline Sllahllr premature. Havin lout a Pawn hr fore. White th exchane and piar William Black P-QB4 R-UB3 PxP P-Q3 N-KB3 P-KN3 B-N2 O-O B-Q2 Q-N3I NxP NxQibl K-Rl Willlama Black NxR K-G7 BxN N-K5 P-B3 QR-KH K-N2 K-B2Hei N-Q7 (IxB RxR B-B3 5 HOROWITZ SIMULTANEOUS EXHIBITION I. A. Horowltt. ehatlenaer for th TJnlted late title, has alven two verr Interattin exhibition In lot Antele. On Peb. 1 he w euett of th Lo Anaelea Cheee and Checker Club, plavine aaatnat II and emeralne with 1 win and two draw. He waa Introduced bt M. B. Kubn of Chi-raao, bonorarr president of th united Atata Chen Federation. On Peb. 3 h wa uet of th Hollvwood Che Oroup, where h plaved aaalnit 14. winning 11, drawing two and losing one to Ruth Chernle. The draws were obtvlned bf Mai rohen and Prlta Brieaer. Th latter flew from New York eepeclallr ta attend thia exhibition. On Peb. S Horowltt iave in cermet, Cel., aint an wlnnln 1 and drawin on with Paul Whitman.
He was scheduled blue in Ban Franclaco and Oakland on Feb 7 end i . . Th to ow na la a m won bt ninn Chernl. a verf talented member of the Hollywood Cheu Group It t intereeiint lo note thkt Mr. Chernl I, lip to dl. the onlv on to delett Mr. Horowltt in California. Ta- to at Re- BIHHOP OPIN1NO Horowltt White I-P-K4 3- B-B4 J-P-04 4- N-KftJ 8-Cantlee -P-K8 7-P-KR1 Chernl Black P-K4 N-KB3 PP H-P.3 B-B4 rtKN8 KNuKP P-03 Catlc HP Nn Q-B3 NK4 MvNch 0-R8 epp B-OJ F-JB) Horowltt White )9-N-K7el 20-R-KB 31-R-R4 22-O.R2 33- QR-IC a4-B-rt3 2T-4J-B 28-0-OR4 30-OtRP 30- P.QNJ 31- B-B2 32- P-B4 31-RB 34- B-BS 3-Riene Chernl Black K-R Q-NR Q-K4 PICN4 Q-N2 P-B4 OR-K B-Q8 B-K4 Bxrf . -K1 B04 P-N8 F-wa PvR Q-N8 tankef Whit empt to trap the Black B-Q3. etc . laila alirr OR-K1: 17 NiBll-05. B-Rll: 18. R-Ql. BiN. 1.
NxN. N-K8. ew.plne. tdi A denperat attempt, (et Bv.N lone after thl move if) An outnaht blunder, but White' tame wee Ion In anr ca. LeMlni Whit 1-P-K4 2-N-KB 3- B.N8 4- B-R4 8 O-O 8H-N1 7-R-Kl 8P-B1 R-ni I0-P-O4 II-P-WR4 1J-PJHP 13-P-N 14.PINP (a I If. on thl or the uererilnt move. Blrk plv BN, Whit el eour re-capture with th pawn, ibi Th rubl ROY LOPEZ I. Neldlch I..ln S. Neldlch Black White Black P-K4 lS-RxK QxB H-OB1 18-Q0 RQ F-UR3 I7-N-R3 R-Bl N-Rl 18-R-N2 F-04V F-QN4 l-RvP B-OJ P-Q3 20-QPPII BvR B-K2 21-PN BNP H-WR4 22-PNP R-Nl P-R4 2-NxB BxR 0-R2 24-N-Qdt'tO K-Q2 B-N8 28-NxR BxP PxNP 2-KxR RxM FaNPtai 27-PxP Realana R-Bll Marehall QUBEN'S C. C. championship OAMBIT DECLINED R-K -P-RJ JO-PitP It-HxM . 13-N-OBJ 13.H-B1 14H-Q8 18-K-R 10-OlM 17-0-K4 lt-B-Nt On of the mcMl fmou victorle ever won bf Dr. Leeker w hi meenlflcent combination et Amtrdm in 180 when he wa onlr 81. Th power ef th two AiKhnpe haa Sever been ahown t reatr edvantate. The ooenln. tJird Onenln fth snlv recorded Inatanee of Laeker'e adoption of thia dehut.1 toon the foilowint ourae: 1 P-KB4. P-Q4i 7 P-K1. N-RB1S 3. P-ON3. P-K3: 4. B-Hl, B-K2: . B-Ol. P-QN1: N-QB3, B-NJ 1. N-BJ . O-O. O-O: . R-KJ. P-B4: 10. R.N3. o.. It ft. V t ftt.W. I W.W Q.l. It 0-K2, P-ORJi l. H-R.tt, riaff ann w nave now reached th petition liluatratftd in our dlaeram Relnfeld Whit 1- P-04 2- P-OR4 3- N-KR 4- P-K3 8-B-Q1 8-ON-OJ l-O-O 5- P-OH1 t-BPxP (Oamei tnd Rlchman Black P-U4 F-QR3 P-Rl K3 QX-U1 P-B4 0-R2 F-K4 NxP note from Pott.) Belnfeld White 10- R-N2 11- R-RI 13- PxKP U-NxN 14- BxB l.VRxP 15- N-Rl 17-RxN Rirhman Black B-Q.1 O-O ONP BxN OxB l-ON1 0-R4 Ratttna
the New York QUEEN! KNOLlSif OAMBIT ACCEPTED (Br Tranpoitlon) Ring Card Announced for San Bernardino SAN BEnNAItDINO, Feb. 8.-rromoter Jack Means has an all-star boxing program carded for next Wednesday night at San Bernardino A C. 1-P-OB4 S-p- -N-onj 4-N-R3 I-9-R4 t 8- OxBP 7-N-R8 -R-R4 9- B-N1 JO-PxN 11- NiB 12- P-R4 1.1-P.R I4-Q-N8 18-O-Nl I0-B-R3 17-P-QR Lev? Black N-KRJ P-KS F-04 PxP B-Q2 B-B1 B-K2 N-04 NxN O-O NxN B-Ol O 02 P-Qf!3 P-B4 F-ON4 N-R4 t.ker Whit ie-o-o I0-P-OR4 iint 32- B-B3 33- B-P2 24-R-Ql 28-QxR 28-PxP 27.P-OS 211-BxN 20-O-R1 30- RxP 31- 4-01 32- R- 33- PxB 34- Reltnt tvf Blrk P-B4 It R-Nl RPxP R-R2 N-BS BxR PxP JI-N1 NxP PxB P-NS F-Nl OKI PxR F-N7 13-N-NJ 14- BV14 15- PxP I8-N-Q7 iKRj tine ureiRj icteiB iruiin-rxB Ret I fh clln encounter between Reuben Fin nd Edward Laxker: NIMZOW1TRCH DEPENSC f,aker White i-P-04 -P-OR4 -N-RBJ -B-QJ -PxP -O-O i-N-KS 10-P-B4 IJ'-P-WRJ Soldier Efldle Stanley clash over the 10-round route. "Suitcase" 19-ORl 20-NxP Th m edljtirnment. F'n Lker Fine Black Whit . Black N-KR3 21-R-Kt R-KI P-K1 23-N-N3 NvBP P-04 21- P4t N-Rl B-N8 24-N-P8 Q-P2 O-O 28-B-N1 , BxNP F-ON3 28-OR-Ql KxR PxP 27-BxR B-B8 B-N2 28-N-NJ P-R4 P-P4 2C-K-BJ t)-N2 N-B3 W-R-Q2 9-N7 N-K8 3I-K-K1 Q-N8 B-H4 32-N-Rk BxN N-R2 31-OxB KP PxB 34-R-K2 Q-Od F-B1 38-tJ-Nl K-B2 R B2 38-Q-N2 O N B-Q4' 37-R-B2 0-R4 BxN J8-K-N1 8ealedl PxPP 38-Reltni'l OK J le for the White force.
SICILIAN Leaalnf Whit 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- P-Q4 4- NxP 5- P-QR4 6- N-UB3 7- B-K2 8- B-KJ S-O-O 10- P-B4'a) 11- Q-Q2? 12- NxNiBS) IJ-NxP 11 ibi Th. Swedl.h Chess Club (e) The aile Whit 14- BxO 15- B-BJ lfi-R-QHe) 17- PxB 18- B-Q4 19- B-B3 20- N-O5 Jl-P-N4dl 22- R-Kld) 23- RxR 34-K-BJ 28-KN 2H-Reline Sllahllr premature. Havin lout a Pawn hr fore. White th exchane and piar William Black P-QB4 R-UB3 PxP P-Q3 N-KB3 P-KN3 B-N2 O-O B-Q2 Q-N3I NxP NxQibl K-Rl Willlama Black NxR K-G7 BxN N-K5 P-B3 QR-KH K-N2 K-B2Hei N-Q7 (IxB RxR B-B3 5 HOROWITZ SIMULTANEOUS EXHIBITION I. A. Horowltt. ehatlenaer for th TJnlted late title, has alven two verr Interattin exhibition In lot Antele. On Peb. 1 he w euett of th Lo Anaelea Cheee and Checker Club, plavine aaatnat II and emeralne with 1 win and two draw. He waa Introduced bt M. B. Kubn of Chi-raao, bonorarr president of th united Atata Chen Federation. On Peb. 3 h wa uet of th Hollvwood Che Oroup, where h plaved aaalnit 14. winning 11, drawing two and losing one to Ruth Chernle. The draws were obtvlned bf Mai rohen and Prlta Brieaer. Th latter flew from New York eepeclallr ta attend thia exhibition. On Peb. S Horowltt iave in cermet, Cel., aint an wlnnln 1 and drawin on with Paul Whitman.
He was scheduled blue in Ban Franclaco and Oakland on Feb 7 end i . . Th to ow na la a m won bt ninn Chernl. a verf talented member of the Hollywood Cheu Group It t intereeiint lo note thkt Mr. Chernl I, lip to dl. the onlv on to delett Mr. Horowltt in California. Ta- to at Re- BIHHOP OPIN1NO Horowltt White I-P-K4 3- B-B4 J-P-04 4- N-KftJ 8-Cantlee -P-K8 7-P-KR1 Chernl Black P-K4 N-KB3 PP H-P.3 B-B4 rtKN8 KNuKP P-03 Catlc HP Nn Q-B3 NK4 MvNch 0-R8 epp B-OJ F-JB) Horowltt White )9-N-K7el 20-R-KB 31-R-R4 22-O.R2 33- QR-IC a4-B-rt3 2T-4J-B 28-0-OR4 30-OtRP 30- P.QNJ 31- B-B2 32- P-B4 31-RB 34- B-BS 3-Riene Chernl Black K-R Q-NR Q-K4 PICN4 Q-N2 P-B4 OR-K B-Q8 B-K4 Bxrf . -K1 B04 P-N8 F-wa PvR Q-N8 tankef Whit empt to trap the Black B-Q3. etc . laila alirr OR-K1: 17 NiBll-05. B-Rll: 18. R-Ql. BiN. 1.
NxN. N-K8. ew.plne. tdi A denperat attempt, (et Bv.N lone after thl move if) An outnaht blunder, but White' tame wee Ion In anr ca. LeMlni Whit 1-P-K4 2-N-KB 3- B.N8 4- B-R4 8 O-O 8H-N1 7-R-Kl 8P-B1 R-ni I0-P-O4 II-P-WR4 1J-PJHP 13-P-N 14.PINP (a I If. on thl or the uererilnt move. Blrk plv BN, Whit el eour re-capture with th pawn, ibi Th rubl ROY LOPEZ I. Neldlch I..ln S. Neldlch Black White Black P-K4 lS-RxK QxB H-OB1 18-Q0 RQ F-UR3 I7-N-R3 R-Bl N-Rl 18-R-N2 F-04V F-QN4 l-RvP B-OJ P-Q3 20-QPPII BvR B-K2 21-PN BNP H-WR4 22-PNP R-Nl P-R4 2-NxB BxR 0-R2 24-N-Qdt'tO K-Q2 B-N8 28-NxR BxP PxNP 2-KxR RxM FaNPtai 27-PxP Realana R-Bll Marehall QUBEN'S C. C. championship OAMBIT DECLINED R-K -P-RJ JO-PitP It-HxM . 13-N-OBJ 13.H-B1 14H-Q8 18-K-R 10-OlM 17-0-K4 lt-B-Nt On of the mcMl fmou victorle ever won bf Dr. Leeker w hi meenlflcent combination et Amtrdm in 180 when he wa onlr 81. Th power ef th two AiKhnpe haa Sever been ahown t reatr edvantate. The ooenln. tJird Onenln fth snlv recorded Inatanee of Laeker'e adoption of thia dehut.1 toon the foilowint ourae: 1 P-KB4. P-Q4i 7 P-K1. N-RB1S 3. P-ON3. P-K3: 4. B-Hl, B-K2: . B-Ol. P-QN1: N-QB3, B-NJ 1. N-BJ . O-O. O-O: . R-KJ. P-B4: 10. R.N3. o.. It ft. V t ftt.W. I W.W Q.l. It 0-K2, P-ORJi l. H-R.tt, riaff ann w nave now reached th petition liluatratftd in our dlaeram Relnfeld Whit 1- P-04 2- P-OR4 3- N-KR 4- P-K3 8-B-Q1 8-ON-OJ l-O-O 5- P-OH1 t-BPxP (Oamei tnd Rlchman Black P-U4 F-QR3 P-Rl K3 QX-U1 P-B4 0-R2 F-K4 NxP note from Pott.) Belnfeld White 10- R-N2 11- R-RI 13- PxKP U-NxN 14- BxB l.VRxP 15- N-Rl 17-RxN Rirhman Black B-Q.1 O-O ONP BxN OxB l-ON1 0-R4 Ratttna
the New York QUEEN! KNOLlSif OAMBIT ACCEPTED (Br Tranpoitlon) Ring Card Announced for San Bernardino SAN BEnNAItDINO, Feb. 8.-rromoter Jack Means has an all-star boxing program carded for next Wednesday night at San Bernardino A C. 1-P-OB4 S-p- -N-onj 4-N-R3 I-9-R4 t 8- OxBP 7-N-R8 -R-R4 9- B-N1 JO-PxN 11- NiB 12- P-R4 1.1-P.R I4-Q-N8 18-O-Nl I0-B-R3 17-P-QR Lev? Black N-KRJ P-KS F-04 PxP B-Q2 B-B1 B-K2 N-04 NxN O-O NxN B-Ol O 02 P-Qf!3 P-B4 F-ON4 N-R4 t.ker Whit ie-o-o I0-P-OR4 iint 32- B-B3 33- B-P2 24-R-Ql 28-QxR 28-PxP 27.P-OS 211-BxN 20-O-R1 30- RxP 31- 4-01 32- R- 33- PxB 34- Reltnt tvf Blrk P-B4 It R-Nl RPxP R-R2 N-BS BxR PxP JI-N1 NxP PxB P-NS F-Nl OKI PxR F-N7 13-N-NJ 14- BV14 15- PxP I8-N-Q7 iKRj tine ureiRj icteiB iruiin-rxB Ret I fh clln encounter between Reuben Fin nd Edward Laxker: NIMZOW1TRCH DEPENSC f,aker White i-P-04 -P-OR4 -N-RBJ -B-QJ -PxP -O-O i-N-KS 10-P-B4 IJ'-P-WRJ Soldier Efldle Stanley clash over the 10-round route. "Suitcase" 19-ORl 20-NxP Th m edljtirnment. F'n Lker Fine Black Whit . Black N-KR3 21-R-Kt R-KI P-K1 23-N-N3 NvBP P-04 21- P4t N-Rl B-N8 24-N-P8 Q-P2 O-O 28-B-N1 , BxNP F-ON3 28-OR-Ql KxR PxP 27-BxR B-B8 B-N2 28-N-NJ P-R4 P-P4 2C-K-BJ t)-N2 N-B3 W-R-Q2 9-N7 N-K8 3I-K-K1 Q-N8 B-H4 32-N-Rk BxN N-R2 31-OxB KP PxB 34-R-K2 Q-Od F-B1 38-tJ-Nl K-B2 R B2 38-Q-N2 O N B-Q4' 37-R-B2 0-R4 BxN J8-K-N1 8ealedl PxPP 38-Reltni'l OK J le for the White force.