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CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor Feb. 16, 1941 L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1165 By J. X. Kay White mates In two. (Wh. 6; Bl. .7.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1168 By 3. L. Rossetti White mates in three (Wh. 6; Bl. 8.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1161: B-B4. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1163: K-B6. SOLUTION TO HOROWITZ V8 AMATEUR: 1. R-B8ch. RxR: 2. B-N5ch. K-Bi 3. Q-BSch. RxQ: 4. R-Q8 mate. 1 . . . K-Oi: 2. Q-B5ch, K-K2: 3. B-Nach, K-Q3; 4. Q-B6. We received solutions from the follow-In: C. P. Ford. Dr. R. H. Ross. H. Bruhn, E. H. Schadee. M. Rudholm. L, O. Hart- man. A. D. Reynolds Sr.. A. O. Ksrn . O. r Fish P. Oill. Rev. P. Prichard. L. Sheppard. J. O. Dodge, J. T. Watson. O. B. Oakes. H. P. Matoslan. L. Stern, O. A. Hall. J. P. Walsh. O. C Lawson. C A Mnnre Jr. R. B. Scott. W. C. Nolton. E L. Danlella. W. Harmon. J. C Drake. M. D. Andrews (welcome to our ladder.) NEWS OF THE CLUBS Watsonvllle. Cel., will be the scene of a very Interesting match on 10 boards where representatives of two California countiea will meet on Feb. lfi.
The organization is called the Monterey Chess Club; president. George Oaks: secretary and manager. P. M. Reynolds: assistant secretary and treasurer, J. M Rogers directors. T. A. Work Jr., Paul Whitman Dr. W. H. Farr. L. W. Miller. P. Clark and R. W. Klrby. SWEDI8H CHESS CLUB VS HOLLYWOOD CHESS GROUP On Tuesday evening. Feb. 11. the Holly wood Chess Group entertained the Swedlrh Chess Club at their headquarters. 108 N. Formosa Ave.. In a 10-board match. Hollywood winning. 8't l'a. A return match la planned for the near future. The following is the Individual score: Hollywood CO. Swedish C.C. Johnson 1 Carlson 'i Swansnn 0 Daleulsl 0 A. Hnlmberg H. Holmberg Blomgsen . . . Dahl Anderson ... Dalby Total ..... IVs Dr. Hoerber Everett Farly W. O. Paine . Henderson . . . Cohen B. Psln Brlrser Belling Mrs. Chernlg Total V4 ... 8'i Swedish Chess Club played White on all odd-numbered boards. HERMAN STEINER SIMIXTANEOl'S EXHIBITION The Swedish Chess Club . Vermont Ave., is sponsoring a lecture and a simultaneous exhibition aialnst all corners an Tueidav, let). 18. at 8 p.m. It Is suggested that visllora Intending ta plav aaalnst Mr. Stelner at the eihihition should bring along their beards and sela as there mav ea a snoriass i sama. Visitors welcome.
DR. EMANUEL LASKER'S CHESS MEMORIAL TOl K.N AMI-NT The following Is the present standing of (he tournament with many ad'ourned gamea pending. Gamea are played dally at the headquarters of the Hollywood Chess Group.
108 N. Formosa Ave. Bulletin," and how the "Chess Review." are even conducting correspondence chesa tournaments, we are happy about this, fot it will greatly assist the C.CL.A. (which Is the only official correspondence chess chapter of the United States Chess Federation) in promoting and popularising this phase of the royal game among play ers who have not as yet tried It. This does not put these maggslncs in actual competition with us, for as Mr. Horowitz wrote to us. they have no national titles to play for. such as the C.CL.A. sponsors, but are only conducting a social type of tournament, and we wish them succejg and a lot of fun.
So. we start off 1941 with a really top-notch magazine, folks, and by 194a we expect to have some more new features- Introduced that will thrill you beyond words! (You ain't seen noth-in yet!) Please show this issue to your rhese friends and get their membership. I am doing all I can to give our league a worthwhile magastne. and one for you to be proud of. Won t you "push It" at your end of the line? We'll grow fast If you do.
and the more we grow, the higher we'll go. Fraternally yours. WALTER F. JAMES. Sreretary-Editor. We tiighly recommend to our readers to) loin the C.CL.A. It will surely Improve their tame. The Chess Correspondent is furnished monthly from November to ebruary and bimonthly from March to October from the office of the secretary at 4133. Tyler St.. Sioux City.
Ia. League membership dues are 83 per year, tl of which is subscription to the Chess Correspondent for one year. The magazine contains news of chess from all ovt the country, as well as International events. Gumes annotated by the foremost experts In the country, also a fine problem depert-ment. also instructive articles to improve your game.
All in alt, a wonderful asset to one's library. . Feb. 11. 1941 Mr. Herman Steiner. Chess Editor the Los Angelei Times. Los Angeles, Cal. Dear Mr. Steiner: With the authorization of our president. Mr. Vincent R. Jordan, and as secretary-treasurer of the San Diego Chess Club, I like to call to your attention an erroneous statement that appeared in the last paragraph of your I. A. Horowitg simultaneous exhibition newa in your chess column of Feb. 9, 1941, to wit: "It Is interesting to note that Mrs. Chernts is. up to date, the only one to defeat Mr. Horowitg in California." Now. as you may see by the following, this la not a true statement. On the evening of Jan. 31. 1941. at the San Dleso Chej Club hesdquarters. Mr. Horowitz suffered his first defeat tn California at the hands of Mr. A. G. Pearsall. our vice-president.
In a simultaneous exhibition. The second defeat of Mr. Horowitz occurred In the same simultaneous exhibition at the hands of another one of our members. 19-year-old Mr. Wavne Firman. Another member of our dub. Mr. Stephen H. Smith, secured a draw and two outsiders. Mr. Julian Pohl and Mr. I. Piatt, also secured two more draws, bringing total of two wing and three draws out of 28 boards. In behalf of the California chess en. thiisiasts, we hope that this open letter will find Its way to your very interesting and able chess column. With best regards, I remain. Respectfully yours. VIKGILIO E. R08ADO, Sen Diego Chess Club. 441 C St. Building. San Diego, Cal. The 8an Diego Chess Club. I. A Horowitz simultaneous chess exhibition Sen Diego.
Jan. 31. 1941. The score: Board. San Diego, . Horowitg 1. nr. 8mlih ' 2. Freedman 0 - 1 3. Freeman 0 1 4. Pohl 'j ' 5. Cunningham 0 1 S. Drew 0 1 1. Firman 1 0 8. Piatt u, 4j 9. Walker 0 1 10. Schneider 0 1 11. D. w. Smith ft 1 12. De Great 0 1 13. Wehl 0 i 14. Kimball 0 1 15. Walters 0 I 18. Rellly 0 1 17. I.angiieth 0 1 18. nirattnn 0 1 19. Marcelll 0 j 20. Rosado 0 t 21. Mason 0 1 22. Haddock 0 I 23. Wlldt 0 I 24. Pesrsall 1 0 25. Mlllver 0 1 28. Mott 0 1 21. Fred Bmllh 0 1 28. Borewltg 0 1 Borochow Levitan .. Gordon . . Chernls . . Patterson Weiss , . i Bar.ael . . Dohsevate Steiner 8-0 . ... 4-1 ..... 2-n . . . . 3-0' Kovacs Woliston ..... Meehan O. Reinhardt,. W Rrlnherdt Qulllen Wolff Aronson Splller 1-1 1-1 0-1 0-0 0-1 0-2 0-2 0-3 0-3 0-4 Hoerber 1-1'Everett CORRESPONDENCE CHFS3 LEAGUE CF AM&riilft u in.t received a copy of the maga zine, "Chess Correspondent," January issue. It contain a very Interesting open letter from the secretary to the mem bers, which we repeat herewith: Dear Fellow Members: Well, folks, for nma lima von have been saying that rh (aua la better than the last one. and dome 01 you nave gone so ir aa to say " The tnesa torresponoeni is ine best in the worioi'- i appreciate your good healthy enthusiasm, but It's contagions, for I'm Just about ready to ggree with you myself. This Issue hill a new kisK fnr our official magazine, and 1 honestly believe that with very little more development I can conscientiously adver tise "The cneas corresponneni as ine world's greatest chess magaslne, and feel chat It will live up to that startling state-h,.ni h "the areatest." meaning the greatest chess entertainment and instruc tion value lor in" averaao piajer, r.uw, ih.ra ia very clear distinction between 'Tha rheaa Correspondent" and all other chess magazines, which keeps our publlca-tlon In a class by Itself, because It con-i.i.. aiinaaihar different tvoe of material our mesaaine aervica ia piannru tr ha.
and about our membere the play era themselveaand we believe that It la now sufficiently interesting nu mai-rn-tlve to be welcomed by the entire English-speaking ehess world ss a valuable addition to worthwhile chess literature: and w also believe that chess players will want It. whether they play correspondence chesa or not. for a player doesn t have to be Interested tn correspondence-chess to get more than his money s worth from "The Chesa Correspondent." But another factor, a new order, la beginning to appear In the ehess world which makes our magazine still more valuable, OTHER MAGAZINES TAKE IT 'I P ' Correspondence chess has at last become fully recognized aa a valuable and fascinating medium of play that can no longer be ignored by the professional commercialized chess magazines, lor now they have all accepted it, Th "American Chesa Totals J' 24 '4j Editor's note: We are sarry fee the misprint, the abeve-menlinnea paragraph should read ! Anseles, Cal. (From (he Lasker Memorial tournament:) KINO'S BISHOP OPF.NINO Levitan While 1- P-K4 2- B-B4 3- P-03 4- PxP 5- N-KB3 8-Q-K2 7-P-KR3 t-OxR B-B-QNJ 10-H-R3 U-BxN 12- OxQ 13- B-K3 14- CatleiK 15- N-K4 1:.-N-B1 17- B-Q2 18- OR-R 19- N-K4 20- B-B3 Bororhow Black P-K4 N-KB3 P-04 NxP N-OB3 B-KNS BxN N-B3 Q-Q3 Castles OXB PxQ B-K2 N-Q4 F-KB4 P-Btl N-N8 P-B4 N-B3 P-N4 RETI OPENINO Levltsn White 31-P-B3 2J-N-B2 23- KR-K 24- R-K4 25- QR-K 26- R-B4 27- P-ON3 28- B-NJ 29- R-R4 30- RxRP 31- R-R.1 32- RPxP 33- PxP 34- P-N4 38-P-N4 3A-N-K4 37- N-B3 38- KxR 39- Reslgnt Borochow Blark P-KR4 K-OJ K-K3 B-03 K-Q4 OR-KR KRN N-K2 N-P4 N-K8 P-NS PxP NxNP N-K1 PxP e p. , P-N7 RxN R-Bcn Welsg White 1- N-KB1 2- P-ON4 3- P-K3 4- P-B4 B-P-B.1 fl-P-04 7- N-B3 8- PxP 9- B-NJ 10- PxN 11- R-KN 12- P-B4 Wolff Black P-04 N-KB3 ON-Q2 P-K3 P-B3 Q-H2 P-K4 NxP NxN B-K2 Castles P-QN3 Weiss While 13- R-03 14- PxP 15- 0-02 16- R-OB 17- P-B5 18- PzP 19- OxN 20- RxP 21 - Ox Pen 22- K-K2 3.N.N..cn R3ch 23-N-: 4-q-: WOlff Black PxP Q-R4 P-N3 N-03 NxP NxB RPxP PxR K-R t)-R3 B-B Reslgne CARO-KANN DEFENSE Levitan White 1- P-K4 2- P-Q4 3- N-UB3 4- NxP B-NxNrh 6- N-B3 7- B-OR4 H-B-K3 5- Q-Q3 10- PxB 11- P-B3 12- Castle 13- KR-N 14- K-NI Woliston Blnrk P-OR3 P-4 PxP N-B3 KPxN B-Q3 Castles B-KN5 BxN Q-R4rll Q-R4 , OxBP B-B8 BxB Levitan White 15-PxB I8-R-N3 17- OR-N 18- P-K4 19- P-K5 20- P-K8I 21- R-R3 22- PxP 23- B-K8I 24- Q-K3 25- Q-K& 2-PxQ 27-RxNPI Woliston Blsrk N-03 Q-R4 P-KN3 Q-R3 K-R N-N3 O-Ni P-KR4 OBI P-B8 QxQ QR-Q Resigna QUEEN'S PAWN (IRREGULAR DEFENSE) Chernlg White ' 1-N-KB3 8-P-QN3 3- P.Qi 4- B-N2 8- P-K3 6- B-N5 7- P-O.I . B-PxN 9- PxP 10- Q-Q2 1 1- R-O.l 12- P-KR4 ij-R-KN Oordon Black N-KB3 P-OS N-B3 B-B4 P-K4 P-h5 PxN P-ON3 P-G4 p-onj , B-KR8 B-QB4 Castles? Chernlg White 14- R-N3 15- P-N4 16- o-ni 17- P-OR3 18- Q-Q4 19- N-B3 20- NxP 21- QxN 22- K-B 23- Q-N2 24- RsBl, SB-QxP Oordon Black B-KN1 B-Ol , Q-KJ P-KR4 K-R R-KN NxN DxPch OR-Q B-OB4.
The organization is called the Monterey Chess Club; president. George Oaks: secretary and manager. P. M. Reynolds: assistant secretary and treasurer, J. M Rogers directors. T. A. Work Jr., Paul Whitman Dr. W. H. Farr. L. W. Miller. P. Clark and R. W. Klrby. SWEDI8H CHESS CLUB VS HOLLYWOOD CHESS GROUP On Tuesday evening. Feb. 11. the Holly wood Chess Group entertained the Swedlrh Chess Club at their headquarters. 108 N. Formosa Ave.. In a 10-board match. Hollywood winning. 8't l'a. A return match la planned for the near future. The following is the Individual score: Hollywood CO. Swedish C.C. Johnson 1 Carlson 'i Swansnn 0 Daleulsl 0 A. Hnlmberg H. Holmberg Blomgsen . . . Dahl Anderson ... Dalby Total ..... IVs Dr. Hoerber Everett Farly W. O. Paine . Henderson . . . Cohen B. Psln Brlrser Belling Mrs. Chernlg Total V4 ... 8'i Swedish Chess Club played White on all odd-numbered boards. HERMAN STEINER SIMIXTANEOl'S EXHIBITION The Swedish Chess Club . Vermont Ave., is sponsoring a lecture and a simultaneous exhibition aialnst all corners an Tueidav, let). 18. at 8 p.m. It Is suggested that visllora Intending ta plav aaalnst Mr. Stelner at the eihihition should bring along their beards and sela as there mav ea a snoriass i sama. Visitors welcome.
DR. EMANUEL LASKER'S CHESS MEMORIAL TOl K.N AMI-NT The following Is the present standing of (he tournament with many ad'ourned gamea pending. Gamea are played dally at the headquarters of the Hollywood Chess Group.
108 N. Formosa Ave. Bulletin," and how the "Chess Review." are even conducting correspondence chesa tournaments, we are happy about this, fot it will greatly assist the C.CL.A. (which Is the only official correspondence chess chapter of the United States Chess Federation) in promoting and popularising this phase of the royal game among play ers who have not as yet tried It. This does not put these maggslncs in actual competition with us, for as Mr. Horowitz wrote to us. they have no national titles to play for. such as the C.CL.A. sponsors, but are only conducting a social type of tournament, and we wish them succejg and a lot of fun.
So. we start off 1941 with a really top-notch magazine, folks, and by 194a we expect to have some more new features- Introduced that will thrill you beyond words! (You ain't seen noth-in yet!) Please show this issue to your rhese friends and get their membership. I am doing all I can to give our league a worthwhile magastne. and one for you to be proud of. Won t you "push It" at your end of the line? We'll grow fast If you do.
and the more we grow, the higher we'll go. Fraternally yours. WALTER F. JAMES. Sreretary-Editor. We tiighly recommend to our readers to) loin the C.CL.A. It will surely Improve their tame. The Chess Correspondent is furnished monthly from November to ebruary and bimonthly from March to October from the office of the secretary at 4133. Tyler St.. Sioux City.
Ia. League membership dues are 83 per year, tl of which is subscription to the Chess Correspondent for one year. The magazine contains news of chess from all ovt the country, as well as International events. Gumes annotated by the foremost experts In the country, also a fine problem depert-ment. also instructive articles to improve your game.
All in alt, a wonderful asset to one's library. . Feb. 11. 1941 Mr. Herman Steiner. Chess Editor the Los Angelei Times. Los Angeles, Cal. Dear Mr. Steiner: With the authorization of our president. Mr. Vincent R. Jordan, and as secretary-treasurer of the San Diego Chess Club, I like to call to your attention an erroneous statement that appeared in the last paragraph of your I. A. Horowitg simultaneous exhibition newa in your chess column of Feb. 9, 1941, to wit: "It Is interesting to note that Mrs. Chernts is. up to date, the only one to defeat Mr. Horowitg in California." Now. as you may see by the following, this la not a true statement. On the evening of Jan. 31. 1941. at the San Dleso Chej Club hesdquarters. Mr. Horowitz suffered his first defeat tn California at the hands of Mr. A. G. Pearsall. our vice-president.
In a simultaneous exhibition. The second defeat of Mr. Horowitz occurred In the same simultaneous exhibition at the hands of another one of our members. 19-year-old Mr. Wavne Firman. Another member of our dub. Mr. Stephen H. Smith, secured a draw and two outsiders. Mr. Julian Pohl and Mr. I. Piatt, also secured two more draws, bringing total of two wing and three draws out of 28 boards. In behalf of the California chess en. thiisiasts, we hope that this open letter will find Its way to your very interesting and able chess column. With best regards, I remain. Respectfully yours. VIKGILIO E. R08ADO, Sen Diego Chess Club. 441 C St. Building. San Diego, Cal. The 8an Diego Chess Club. I. A Horowitz simultaneous chess exhibition Sen Diego.
Jan. 31. 1941. The score: Board. San Diego, . Horowitg 1. nr. 8mlih ' 2. Freedman 0 - 1 3. Freeman 0 1 4. Pohl 'j ' 5. Cunningham 0 1 S. Drew 0 1 1. Firman 1 0 8. Piatt u, 4j 9. Walker 0 1 10. Schneider 0 1 11. D. w. Smith ft 1 12. De Great 0 1 13. Wehl 0 i 14. Kimball 0 1 15. Walters 0 I 18. Rellly 0 1 17. I.angiieth 0 1 18. nirattnn 0 1 19. Marcelll 0 j 20. Rosado 0 t 21. Mason 0 1 22. Haddock 0 I 23. Wlldt 0 I 24. Pesrsall 1 0 25. Mlllver 0 1 28. Mott 0 1 21. Fred Bmllh 0 1 28. Borewltg 0 1 Borochow Levitan .. Gordon . . Chernls . . Patterson Weiss , . i Bar.ael . . Dohsevate Steiner 8-0 . ... 4-1 ..... 2-n . . . . 3-0' Kovacs Woliston ..... Meehan O. Reinhardt,. W Rrlnherdt Qulllen Wolff Aronson Splller 1-1 1-1 0-1 0-0 0-1 0-2 0-2 0-3 0-3 0-4 Hoerber 1-1'Everett CORRESPONDENCE CHFS3 LEAGUE CF AM&riilft u in.t received a copy of the maga zine, "Chess Correspondent," January issue. It contain a very Interesting open letter from the secretary to the mem bers, which we repeat herewith: Dear Fellow Members: Well, folks, for nma lima von have been saying that rh (aua la better than the last one. and dome 01 you nave gone so ir aa to say " The tnesa torresponoeni is ine best in the worioi'- i appreciate your good healthy enthusiasm, but It's contagions, for I'm Just about ready to ggree with you myself. This Issue hill a new kisK fnr our official magazine, and 1 honestly believe that with very little more development I can conscientiously adver tise "The cneas corresponneni as ine world's greatest chess magaslne, and feel chat It will live up to that startling state-h,.ni h "the areatest." meaning the greatest chess entertainment and instruc tion value lor in" averaao piajer, r.uw, ih.ra ia very clear distinction between 'Tha rheaa Correspondent" and all other chess magazines, which keeps our publlca-tlon In a class by Itself, because It con-i.i.. aiinaaihar different tvoe of material our mesaaine aervica ia piannru tr ha.
and about our membere the play era themselveaand we believe that It la now sufficiently interesting nu mai-rn-tlve to be welcomed by the entire English-speaking ehess world ss a valuable addition to worthwhile chess literature: and w also believe that chess players will want It. whether they play correspondence chesa or not. for a player doesn t have to be Interested tn correspondence-chess to get more than his money s worth from "The Chesa Correspondent." But another factor, a new order, la beginning to appear In the ehess world which makes our magazine still more valuable, OTHER MAGAZINES TAKE IT 'I P ' Correspondence chess has at last become fully recognized aa a valuable and fascinating medium of play that can no longer be ignored by the professional commercialized chess magazines, lor now they have all accepted it, Th "American Chesa Totals J' 24 '4j Editor's note: We are sarry fee the misprint, the abeve-menlinnea paragraph should read ! Anseles, Cal. (From (he Lasker Memorial tournament:) KINO'S BISHOP OPF.NINO Levitan While 1- P-K4 2- B-B4 3- P-03 4- PxP 5- N-KB3 8-Q-K2 7-P-KR3 t-OxR B-B-QNJ 10-H-R3 U-BxN 12- OxQ 13- B-K3 14- CatleiK 15- N-K4 1:.-N-B1 17- B-Q2 18- OR-R 19- N-K4 20- B-B3 Bororhow Black P-K4 N-KB3 P-04 NxP N-OB3 B-KNS BxN N-B3 Q-Q3 Castles OXB PxQ B-K2 N-Q4 F-KB4 P-Btl N-N8 P-B4 N-B3 P-N4 RETI OPENINO Levltsn White 31-P-B3 2J-N-B2 23- KR-K 24- R-K4 25- QR-K 26- R-B4 27- P-ON3 28- B-NJ 29- R-R4 30- RxRP 31- R-R.1 32- RPxP 33- PxP 34- P-N4 38-P-N4 3A-N-K4 37- N-B3 38- KxR 39- Reslgnt Borochow Blark P-KR4 K-OJ K-K3 B-03 K-Q4 OR-KR KRN N-K2 N-P4 N-K8 P-NS PxP NxNP N-K1 PxP e p. , P-N7 RxN R-Bcn Welsg White 1- N-KB1 2- P-ON4 3- P-K3 4- P-B4 B-P-B.1 fl-P-04 7- N-B3 8- PxP 9- B-NJ 10- PxN 11- R-KN 12- P-B4 Wolff Black P-04 N-KB3 ON-Q2 P-K3 P-B3 Q-H2 P-K4 NxP NxN B-K2 Castles P-QN3 Weiss While 13- R-03 14- PxP 15- 0-02 16- R-OB 17- P-B5 18- PzP 19- OxN 20- RxP 21 - Ox Pen 22- K-K2 3.N.N..cn R3ch 23-N-: 4-q-: WOlff Black PxP Q-R4 P-N3 N-03 NxP NxB RPxP PxR K-R t)-R3 B-B Reslgne CARO-KANN DEFENSE Levitan White 1- P-K4 2- P-Q4 3- N-UB3 4- NxP B-NxNrh 6- N-B3 7- B-OR4 H-B-K3 5- Q-Q3 10- PxB 11- P-B3 12- Castle 13- KR-N 14- K-NI Woliston Blnrk P-OR3 P-4 PxP N-B3 KPxN B-Q3 Castles B-KN5 BxN Q-R4rll Q-R4 , OxBP B-B8 BxB Levitan White 15-PxB I8-R-N3 17- OR-N 18- P-K4 19- P-K5 20- P-K8I 21- R-R3 22- PxP 23- B-K8I 24- Q-K3 25- Q-K& 2-PxQ 27-RxNPI Woliston Blsrk N-03 Q-R4 P-KN3 Q-R3 K-R N-N3 O-Ni P-KR4 OBI P-B8 QxQ QR-Q Resigna QUEEN'S PAWN (IRREGULAR DEFENSE) Chernlg White ' 1-N-KB3 8-P-QN3 3- P.Qi 4- B-N2 8- P-K3 6- B-N5 7- P-O.I . B-PxN 9- PxP 10- Q-Q2 1 1- R-O.l 12- P-KR4 ij-R-KN Oordon Black N-KB3 P-OS N-B3 B-B4 P-K4 P-h5 PxN P-ON3 P-G4 p-onj , B-KR8 B-QB4 Castles? Chernlg White 14- R-N3 15- P-N4 16- o-ni 17- P-OR3 18- Q-Q4 19- N-B3 20- NxP 21- QxN 22- K-B 23- Q-N2 24- RsBl, SB-QxP Oordon Black B-KN1 B-Ol , Q-KJ P-KR4 K-R R-KN NxN DxPch OR-Q B-OB4.