OCR Text
CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor Frb. 23. 1911 A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. By H. J. Tucker 1167 White mtes In two. (Wh. 8; Bl. 11.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1168 By E, A. Le Pett Z4, so ' ' i White mates In three. (Wh. 5; Bl. i.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1162: N:Q7. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1164: R-N. We received solutions from the following: J. O. Dodge, W. E. Baikolf, Rev. P. Prichard. Mrs. A. Tovar, 3, E. Tyler, D. A. limes. O. B. Oakes. A. D. Reynolds Sr., O. C. Lawson, L. Hartman. M. Rudholm, M. D. Andrews. Dr. R H. Ross. O. Fran cis (welcome to our ladder.) 8. Taylor (welcome to our ladder.) E. L. Daniells, A. O. Kern, J. M. Memhardt, J. T. WaUon, !L- 8- Telfair (welcome to our ladder.! H. Bruhn. C. P. Ford, J. C. Drake. L. Shep- :R. H. Hava (welcome to our ladder.) C. A 1 w- A. Hall. j. Fonseca, J. P, waisn. Harmon. O. Floyd, O. C. Fish, Mr. and KpiMri. E. uroooin, w, c Noiting, j. b. KecK- (1) 8. . . , N-Q4: 9. N-K4, P-KR3! 10. P-QR3. P-QN3; 11, P-QB4, N-B2I 12. B-K3. B-K2: 13. O-O-O , K-Bl; 14. B-K2, P-QB4; 15. B-B3, with a powerful (iV 8. . . . N-N5: 9. B-KB4. K-B2 'it B-B4: 10. N-K4;i 10. B-K2, N-R3; 11. O-O-O, P-QN3; 12. R-Q2. B-K2; 13. KR-Q1, R-Qli 14. R!(R, BxR; 18. N-K4. etc. tUO 8. . . . N-Q2: 9. P-KB4, B-N5S 10. B-Q2, P-QR4; 11. P-OR3, BxN: 12, BxB. K-B2: 13. O-O-O, P-CJN4; 14. P-N3i N-N3; 15. B-Q4, N-C4: 16. B-B5, etc. dl The most aggressive line here 7. P-K5, N-Q4: 8. N-K4, P-KB4: 9. PxP in passing, NkP; 10. N-Q6 , BxN; 11. OxB and now Black has two lines which afford fair chances, e. g., the mild Q-K2; 12. OxQ , KxQ: yielding an even ending, or 11. . . . Q-N3 threatening QxP ! 12. B-Q3, P-B4; 13. B-KB4. B-N2 (if QxP; 4. O-O. Q-N3; or after O-QS; 15. R-Ol. vj-u. ixr. 15, BxQ, N-K5: 16. BxN, BxB and th game Is probably drawn. The move actually played, If followed un correctly, however, yields a satisfactory initiative for White, (ei Far too tame. Instead 8. P-B4!, P-Q3: 9. O-O (if 9. PxP. N-N5!) leads to an Interesting struggle with good chance for both sides.
(fl 9. Q-K2 and 10. B-K3 are best. The weakness the actual move provoke la of litlle importance. icl Black's center pawns are quit fearful in appearance, but will they grow or disappear V h This odd move attacks the knight, threatens P-K5-6 and breaks White's queen side flurry In a hurry! (Pardon the pua if you can! i a (i) OxB or B-B5 were threatened.
(II Our "hero" starts to expand! (k) If 24. B-QB4, Q-B3! wins. ID Missing her last chance. 25. B-ON4. while insufficient, permits a more tena cious defense. Black would reply R-K4, and then swing the rook to KN4, (ml Against 28. B-B4, Q-B3H 29. BxP . K.-R1! 30. Q-N3. R-KB1I (If R-K7, R-KN1.) 32. B-NB, RxR ! 33. RxR, R-K8!; 34. O-NB I. B-Bl: 35. Q-B4. RxR ; 36. OxR, QxB and wins. Or 32. B-B4, RxR 1 33. BxR, OxBI and White rannot guard against botli threats of P-Q8. or R-KB. Or 32. B-R5. RxR ; 33. RxR, R-K85 34. Q-B2. Q-N4' and wins. (nt My opponent. In severe time difficulties, and wholly engrossed In the threat of R-K8, overlooked this demolishing move which wins Immediately. (o) Both CJxP mate and P-Q8 ar threatened. The last throej of agony could have been: 30, B-R7 . KxB; 31. Q-Q3 . Q-K5; 32. QxQIQxP, R-K7.) RxQ; 33. RxR, PxR(Queen) i 34. RxQ, RxP. etc.
Or. 30. . . . K-Rl: 31, Q-N3, RxQR: 32. RxR, R-Kll and wln. In the final analysis, it must oe noiea that White's difficulties originated by allowing the Black forces to establish too powerful a center. short game from Switzerland: Nimzowitsch defense Vollenweider Johnerl Vollenwelder Moore Jr.. L. A. Salaado welcome back,) i a TudPT' p- om' u 8ten J- Davldson-11-16 M.ny of ""h." claimed p-bo loftf 17-14 Splller White 1- P-K4 2- P-KS 3- P-04 4- N-K.B3 5- B-Ka .o-o 7- NxP 8- N-Q1 B-P-OB3 10-N.O2 lt-P-KNJ 12-N-QH4 13- N-K3 14- R-K 1.1-BxM l-BxP 17-P-KB4 1R-B-B3 ju-p-ca a j be! in 2ndii9-BxP w.n.oi Gameijt.SxRp 18- 17- Lleber-man. is be to 8-12 for 27-24 Is correct solution la Q-Q6. but to those hav-ln claimed P-B8 we shall aive the correct defenne to defeat that aolutlon. 1. P-BB, PxN (claiming R!) and there li no male la three moves. NEWS Or THE CLCB9 On Feb. IS the members of the Swedish Chesa Club at J421 8. Vermont Ave. played against Herman Steiner, California State champion.
25 strong, and your editor emerted with 24 wins and one draw aaalnst H. L. Anderson. Before the tames a lee ture was liven on the fundamental prln clples ot the lame. Edward Kovacs, Viennese expert, will aive an exhibition aaatnet all comers Tues day, March 4. at 8 p m. for the Swedish cness Club, visitors are welcome. The Southern California chess champion ship tournament, played at the Los Anne-less Chess Club, 124 W. Fourth St., has been won by Irving Levtian with H. J, Oordon In second place, only one-half same behind.
Third place i still unde cided. The Los Anteles elly championship tour nament will begin at the Los Angeles club In two weeks. LASKER MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT ENGLISH OPENING Reinhardt White 1- P-OB4 2- N-KB3 3- N-BI 4- P-Q3 5- P-KN3 6- B-N2 7 - O-O -P-N3 9-B-N2 1 10-Q-Q2 12- N-Q 13- PxP 14- N-K 15- O-BJ 16- N-B3 17- BxB 1B-P-B 19- N-B4 20- PxB White 1- P-04 2- P-QB4 3- N-OB3 4- 0-B2 5- N-B3 6- P-OR3 7- QxB 8- P-ON3 9- B-N2 10-P-K3 U-PxP 12-n-K2 13-Q-B2 Black White N-KB3( 14-N-Q2 P-K3 B-N5 N-B3 P-Q3 BxN P-GR4 O-O R-Kl P-K4 PxP B-N5 P-K5 15-KxB lfl-QR-Ql 17- N-N1 18- N-B3 19- NxP? 20- P-B3 21- QxR 22- K-K1 23- K-K2 24- K-K1 25- K-K2 26- Restgni Johner Black BxB Q-K2 QR-Ol N-Q2 Q-N4 Q-N3! RxM QxP QxR QxRP QxRi
From the current championship at th Marshall Chess Club: SICILIAN W1NQ OAMBIT Marshall Cass I Marshall Casg White Black White Blaclt 1- P-K4 P-QB4 13-N-02 P-R3 2- P-ON4 P-K4 14-PK5 (5-B3 3- N-KB3 N-OB3 15-PxNP P-KN4 4- B-B4 PxP lfi-BxNP PxP 5- P-B3 Q-B3 17-BPxP P-QN4 6- P-Q4 P-KR3 1R-R-QBI PxB 7- PxKP NxP 10-NxP Q-K3 -NxN QxN 20-N-Q K-1 9-0-0 B-03 21-Q-B2 BxB 10- P-N3 B-K2 22-OXB K-K2 11- B-B4 Q-B3 !3-QxR Resign! 12- R-K1 P-KR4 . FALKBEER COUNTER Bororhow Reinhardt Borochowr Black White Black N-KB3 21-Q-B4ctl K-R P-Q3 22-B-Q3 Q-Q P-K4 23-B-N8 R-K2 B-K2 24-N-B3 P-N4 P-B3 25-Q-K4 NxBP O-O 2--B2 P-K5 B-NS 27-NxKP NxN ON-Q2 28-BxNiK4) N-B3 P-KR3 29-B-BS P-BB N-R2 30-B-OR3 R-K7 Q-B2 31-pxP P-KB4 32-R-KB P-N5 PxP 33-B-B QxRP B-N4 34-QxP R-K4 BxP 35-B-03 N-R2 BxR 38-Q-N3 Q-OS B-B3 37-B-K3 0-04 P-B5 38-B-KB4 RxB BxN 39-OxR R-N4ch QR-K 40-Keslini AtEKHINE DEFENSE Blelner Snlller Steiner Blaclt White Black N-K.B3 23-QxP R-QB N-4 24-BxPch K-Q P-C53 25-QR-Q BxB B-B4 28-Qxach KxQ P-K3 27-RxB BxP PxP 28-RxB RxR N-Q2 29-R.K5 R-QR3 Q-R5 30-P-QR3 R-QN P-QB3 31-R-N2 N-U4 B-Q3 32-P-B4 N-B5 Q-K2 33-R-Q2 R-N8 B-B2 34-R-K4 R-QB8 B-R8 3&-P-QS R-RI NxN 3-P-6ch K-Q2 P-KR4 37-R-K R-Nch P-KN4 38-K-R P-K41 N-B3 39-R-KN R-QB PxP 40-R-N3 RxBP O-O-O 41-R-Q R-KB7 B-B4 42-R-N3 R(B5-B7 BxNI43-R-N7rh K-K3 I K-Q2l44-Relns
SICILIAN DEFENSE Keren Petrov White Black 1- P-K4 P-K4 2- P-KB4 P-Q4 3- KPxQP P-K5 4- P-Q31 N-KB3 8-QN-Q2 . PxP 8-BxP QnP 7- KN-KB3 B-QB4 8- Q-K2 0-K3 9- N-K5I 0-6 10- N-K4 NxN 11- QxN P-KN3 12- P-QN4 B-K2 (a) If NxQ; 22. rook has Just been mate. ibl Tf K-R2: 24. R-Bl; then 24, QxNP mate. (From N.V.E.P.) A crucial tame from the current Boston Championship: Keres White 13- B-N2 14- 0-0-0! 15- P-KR4 18-P-KN4 17- PxB 18- Q-K3 19- P-K8I 20- PXP 4- 21- B-QB4 22- RXN 23- Q-K8 4- Resigns'bt R-QR . K-R2 1th pinned!") 23. R-R8 Petro Blaclt B-B3 N-QB3 P-KR BxN QxNP NxQNP N-Q4 RxP P-QB3a QxB Q-RR man. And 11 RUY LOPEZ Kulr, BhSDlrn Knta Shapiro White Black While Black 1-P-K4 P-K4 22-RxRch RxR, 3-Kt-KB3 Kt-Qn.3 23-QxH B-Kt 3- B-KtS P-QR3 24-P-QR3 B-B5 4- B-R4 Kt-R3 2A-Q-Q2 BxB B-Castleg B-B4 2-QxB R-K 6- P-B3 B-R2 27-Q-Q2 P-KR3 7- P-Q4 KtxKP 28-R-K RxRch 8- R-K P-KB4 29-QxR P-QKtJ 9- KI.Q2 Castles 30-Q-Kt4 Q-Q 10- KtxKt PxKt 31-P-KK13 P-QR4 11- B-KKtS Q-K 32-Q-B3 P-B4 12- B-Kt3ch . K-R 33-PxP P-Q5 13- RxP P-.1 34-Q-B4 P-QS 14- Q-Q2 B-KB4 35-Q-B P-Q7 15- R-R4 PxP 3H-Q-Q PxP lfi-KtxP KtxKt 37-K-KtS Q-Q5 17-PxKt, Q-Q2 38-P-Kt3 P-RS 1B-R-QB QR-K 39-PxP P-BS 19- B-K3 P-Q4 40-K-B3 Q-Q6cU 20- R-KB4 P-D3 Resigns 21- B-B2 BxB
BISHOP'S OPENINO Oresser White 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- P-Q4 4- NxP . 5- N-QB3 8-NxNib) 7-B-Q3id) B-O-Oiet 9-B-KNJ(f) 10- B-Q2 11- PxP 12- K-R1 13- P-B3 14- Q-Kt 15- B-N8 16- N-R4 Sussman Black P-QB4 P-K3 PxP TJ-KB3 N-Bli a) NPxN(C) P-K4! B-B4! P-KH3 P-Q4 PXP(1 O-O B-N2 R-Kl R-K 3 B-KB1 Oresser White 17-Q-B2 19-B-Q3 19-N-BJ1 2D-QXB . 21- Q-N4 22- Q-N3' 23- PxP 24-B-K2(k Sussman Black P-R3 Q-KlMh) BxN R-Bl R--K2II1 P-KS'tlt pyp P-K8 2fl-B-QB3(l N-K5I 2K.R-K1 N-Q7! 27-BxN PxB JH-B.Qlrml Q.BItltnV 29-KR-Nt R-K8I 30-R'Slns(ol The notes. Including the exclamation marks, ire those of the winner. (a) B-N5. in erstwhile favorite, has been Ibandoned dui to the sharp report of 8. P-KSt Other possibilities it this point in P-Q3 or P-Q4. (M The most accurate reolv. It, In stead, 8. ,B-K3. or 6, B-K2, then B-N5I selsea the Inlllntlve let QPxN has been essayed here to void complications, but la not quite tlsfictorv, E, a.. 7. QXQ ..KXQ.
P-K5I B-KNIS leada to noihlntt and now Black has three possibilities, all of Which yield the idvantaae to While: Adams Whl, l K4 2-H-B4 3- P-Q3 4- Q-K2 5- K1-QB3 6- B-KI3 7- PxP 8- QxP 9- K-B 10- Q-Kt.7 11- KKNK2 12- KI-K4 13- PxKt. 14- P-KB3 15- B-R8 1B-R-Q 17- R-Q3 18- W-B7 19- P-QR4 20-B-QB4 21- BXQ 22- UxKI Mn. Sievenson White 1- Kt-KBJ 2- P-B4 . 3- Kt-B3 4- P-Q4 8- KUP , 6- Kt-Kt3 7- P-K4 R-n-K.I 9- P-B4 10- B-K2 11- PXB 12- B-Q1 13- Castlef 14- Q-K2 15- QR-Q lH-Kt-Q'J 17- P-Kft 18- P-KB8 Daly Black P-K4 KI-KH3 P-QB3 B-K2 P-Q4 Castles PxP B-QKI5 R-K Q-R4 P-Q5 KtxKt RxP H-IC P-KKI3 Q-QKI4 B-KB4 Kt-Q3 Q-R3 BxR BxB RxKt BETI OPENING I Mrs Adams White 23- K-Kt. 24- K-B2 25- QxQP 2ti-BxB 27- C)xP 28- P-QKI4 29- K-Kt? 3n.Q-KtHch 31- -K5ch 32- Q-K7ch 33- QxBP 34- K-B4 3-Q-BRch Daly Blaclt R-K8ch RxR B-B RxB R-B RxPch B-B8 K-Kt2 P-BJ K-Rl RxPch RtRSixP K-R4 Tli.O-QH.'.rh P-KUrh 37-K-BH 3H-K-B8 39-Q-Q5 40- K-K17 41- Q-Q 42- K-R8 Resign B-QHrri R-R5 R-B5ftt B-BS R-B2ch R-KT Fae- kas Rlnrk P-QB4 Kt-QH3 P-KK13 PxP B-K12 P-Kt3 B-QR3 R-B P-Q3 BxKtch Kt-B3 Castles 0-Q2 R-H2 Q-K3 KR-lt PP Q-U3 Stevenson While 19- K-Kt4 20- BxKt 21- PxP 22- B-R8 23- B-K1 24- B-Q2 2S-BXB 2ir-B-Rfl 27-Q-KBJ 2B-R-B 29-B-H4rtl 3l)-BxPrh 31- B-K3 32- R-B4 3,l--R4eh 34-B-RMh 33- B-liBch . F7e. ka Black; KtxKI Q-Rfl RPxP Q-B4ch QP QxBP R-8 R-KJ rP-B4 Q-Qj P-Kl KR Q-Kl K-K'3 K-r Beatgni.
(fl 9. Q-K2 and 10. B-K3 are best. The weakness the actual move provoke la of litlle importance. icl Black's center pawns are quit fearful in appearance, but will they grow or disappear V h This odd move attacks the knight, threatens P-K5-6 and breaks White's queen side flurry In a hurry! (Pardon the pua if you can! i a (i) OxB or B-B5 were threatened.
(II Our "hero" starts to expand! (k) If 24. B-QB4, Q-B3! wins. ID Missing her last chance. 25. B-ON4. while insufficient, permits a more tena cious defense. Black would reply R-K4, and then swing the rook to KN4, (ml Against 28. B-B4, Q-B3H 29. BxP . K.-R1! 30. Q-N3. R-KB1I (If R-K7, R-KN1.) 32. B-NB, RxR ! 33. RxR, R-K8!; 34. O-NB I. B-Bl: 35. Q-B4. RxR ; 36. OxR, QxB and wins. Or 32. B-B4, RxR 1 33. BxR, OxBI and White rannot guard against botli threats of P-Q8. or R-KB. Or 32. B-R5. RxR ; 33. RxR, R-K85 34. Q-B2. Q-N4' and wins. (nt My opponent. In severe time difficulties, and wholly engrossed In the threat of R-K8, overlooked this demolishing move which wins Immediately. (o) Both CJxP mate and P-Q8 ar threatened. The last throej of agony could have been: 30, B-R7 . KxB; 31. Q-Q3 . Q-K5; 32. QxQIQxP, R-K7.) RxQ; 33. RxR, PxR(Queen) i 34. RxQ, RxP. etc.
Or. 30. . . . K-Rl: 31, Q-N3, RxQR: 32. RxR, R-Kll and wln. In the final analysis, it must oe noiea that White's difficulties originated by allowing the Black forces to establish too powerful a center. short game from Switzerland: Nimzowitsch defense Vollenweider Johnerl Vollenwelder Moore Jr.. L. A. Salaado welcome back,) i a TudPT' p- om' u 8ten J- Davldson-11-16 M.ny of ""h." claimed p-bo loftf 17-14 Splller White 1- P-K4 2- P-KS 3- P-04 4- N-K.B3 5- B-Ka .o-o 7- NxP 8- N-Q1 B-P-OB3 10-N.O2 lt-P-KNJ 12-N-QH4 13- N-K3 14- R-K 1.1-BxM l-BxP 17-P-KB4 1R-B-B3 ju-p-ca a j be! in 2ndii9-BxP w.n.oi Gameijt.SxRp 18- 17- Lleber-man. is be to 8-12 for 27-24 Is correct solution la Q-Q6. but to those hav-ln claimed P-B8 we shall aive the correct defenne to defeat that aolutlon. 1. P-BB, PxN (claiming R!) and there li no male la three moves. NEWS Or THE CLCB9 On Feb. IS the members of the Swedish Chesa Club at J421 8. Vermont Ave. played against Herman Steiner, California State champion.
25 strong, and your editor emerted with 24 wins and one draw aaalnst H. L. Anderson. Before the tames a lee ture was liven on the fundamental prln clples ot the lame. Edward Kovacs, Viennese expert, will aive an exhibition aaatnet all comers Tues day, March 4. at 8 p m. for the Swedish cness Club, visitors are welcome. The Southern California chess champion ship tournament, played at the Los Anne-less Chess Club, 124 W. Fourth St., has been won by Irving Levtian with H. J, Oordon In second place, only one-half same behind.
Third place i still unde cided. The Los Anteles elly championship tour nament will begin at the Los Angeles club In two weeks. LASKER MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT ENGLISH OPENING Reinhardt White 1- P-OB4 2- N-KB3 3- N-BI 4- P-Q3 5- P-KN3 6- B-N2 7 - O-O -P-N3 9-B-N2 1 10-Q-Q2 12- N-Q 13- PxP 14- N-K 15- O-BJ 16- N-B3 17- BxB 1B-P-B 19- N-B4 20- PxB White 1- P-04 2- P-QB4 3- N-OB3 4- 0-B2 5- N-B3 6- P-OR3 7- QxB 8- P-ON3 9- B-N2 10-P-K3 U-PxP 12-n-K2 13-Q-B2 Black White N-KB3( 14-N-Q2 P-K3 B-N5 N-B3 P-Q3 BxN P-GR4 O-O R-Kl P-K4 PxP B-N5 P-K5 15-KxB lfl-QR-Ql 17- N-N1 18- N-B3 19- NxP? 20- P-B3 21- QxR 22- K-K1 23- K-K2 24- K-K1 25- K-K2 26- Restgni Johner Black BxB Q-K2 QR-Ol N-Q2 Q-N4 Q-N3! RxM QxP QxR QxRP QxRi
From the current championship at th Marshall Chess Club: SICILIAN W1NQ OAMBIT Marshall Cass I Marshall Casg White Black White Blaclt 1- P-K4 P-QB4 13-N-02 P-R3 2- P-ON4 P-K4 14-PK5 (5-B3 3- N-KB3 N-OB3 15-PxNP P-KN4 4- B-B4 PxP lfi-BxNP PxP 5- P-B3 Q-B3 17-BPxP P-QN4 6- P-Q4 P-KR3 1R-R-QBI PxB 7- PxKP NxP 10-NxP Q-K3 -NxN QxN 20-N-Q K-1 9-0-0 B-03 21-Q-B2 BxB 10- P-N3 B-K2 22-OXB K-K2 11- B-B4 Q-B3 !3-QxR Resign! 12- R-K1 P-KR4 . FALKBEER COUNTER Bororhow Reinhardt Borochowr Black White Black N-KB3 21-Q-B4ctl K-R P-Q3 22-B-Q3 Q-Q P-K4 23-B-N8 R-K2 B-K2 24-N-B3 P-N4 P-B3 25-Q-K4 NxBP O-O 2--B2 P-K5 B-NS 27-NxKP NxN ON-Q2 28-BxNiK4) N-B3 P-KR3 29-B-BS P-BB N-R2 30-B-OR3 R-K7 Q-B2 31-pxP P-KB4 32-R-KB P-N5 PxP 33-B-B QxRP B-N4 34-QxP R-K4 BxP 35-B-03 N-R2 BxR 38-Q-N3 Q-OS B-B3 37-B-K3 0-04 P-B5 38-B-KB4 RxB BxN 39-OxR R-N4ch QR-K 40-Keslini AtEKHINE DEFENSE Blelner Snlller Steiner Blaclt White Black N-K.B3 23-QxP R-QB N-4 24-BxPch K-Q P-C53 25-QR-Q BxB B-B4 28-Qxach KxQ P-K3 27-RxB BxP PxP 28-RxB RxR N-Q2 29-R.K5 R-QR3 Q-R5 30-P-QR3 R-QN P-QB3 31-R-N2 N-U4 B-Q3 32-P-B4 N-B5 Q-K2 33-R-Q2 R-N8 B-B2 34-R-K4 R-QB8 B-R8 3&-P-QS R-RI NxN 3-P-6ch K-Q2 P-KR4 37-R-K R-Nch P-KN4 38-K-R P-K41 N-B3 39-R-KN R-QB PxP 40-R-N3 RxBP O-O-O 41-R-Q R-KB7 B-B4 42-R-N3 R(B5-B7 BxNI43-R-N7rh K-K3 I K-Q2l44-Relns
SICILIAN DEFENSE Keren Petrov White Black 1- P-K4 P-K4 2- P-KB4 P-Q4 3- KPxQP P-K5 4- P-Q31 N-KB3 8-QN-Q2 . PxP 8-BxP QnP 7- KN-KB3 B-QB4 8- Q-K2 0-K3 9- N-K5I 0-6 10- N-K4 NxN 11- QxN P-KN3 12- P-QN4 B-K2 (a) If NxQ; 22. rook has Just been mate. ibl Tf K-R2: 24. R-Bl; then 24, QxNP mate. (From N.V.E.P.) A crucial tame from the current Boston Championship: Keres White 13- B-N2 14- 0-0-0! 15- P-KR4 18-P-KN4 17- PxB 18- Q-K3 19- P-K8I 20- PXP 4- 21- B-QB4 22- RXN 23- Q-K8 4- Resigns'bt R-QR . K-R2 1th pinned!") 23. R-R8 Petro Blaclt B-B3 N-QB3 P-KR BxN QxNP NxQNP N-Q4 RxP P-QB3a QxB Q-RR man. And 11 RUY LOPEZ Kulr, BhSDlrn Knta Shapiro White Black While Black 1-P-K4 P-K4 22-RxRch RxR, 3-Kt-KB3 Kt-Qn.3 23-QxH B-Kt 3- B-KtS P-QR3 24-P-QR3 B-B5 4- B-R4 Kt-R3 2A-Q-Q2 BxB B-Castleg B-B4 2-QxB R-K 6- P-B3 B-R2 27-Q-Q2 P-KR3 7- P-Q4 KtxKP 28-R-K RxRch 8- R-K P-KB4 29-QxR P-QKtJ 9- KI.Q2 Castles 30-Q-Kt4 Q-Q 10- KtxKt PxKt 31-P-KK13 P-QR4 11- B-KKtS Q-K 32-Q-B3 P-B4 12- B-Kt3ch . K-R 33-PxP P-Q5 13- RxP P-.1 34-Q-B4 P-QS 14- Q-Q2 B-KB4 35-Q-B P-Q7 15- R-R4 PxP 3H-Q-Q PxP lfi-KtxP KtxKt 37-K-KtS Q-Q5 17-PxKt, Q-Q2 38-P-Kt3 P-RS 1B-R-QB QR-K 39-PxP P-BS 19- B-K3 P-Q4 40-K-B3 Q-Q6cU 20- R-KB4 P-D3 Resigns 21- B-B2 BxB
BISHOP'S OPENINO Oresser White 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- P-Q4 4- NxP . 5- N-QB3 8-NxNib) 7-B-Q3id) B-O-Oiet 9-B-KNJ(f) 10- B-Q2 11- PxP 12- K-R1 13- P-B3 14- Q-Kt 15- B-N8 16- N-R4 Sussman Black P-QB4 P-K3 PxP TJ-KB3 N-Bli a) NPxN(C) P-K4! B-B4! P-KH3 P-Q4 PXP(1 O-O B-N2 R-Kl R-K 3 B-KB1 Oresser White 17-Q-B2 19-B-Q3 19-N-BJ1 2D-QXB . 21- Q-N4 22- Q-N3' 23- PxP 24-B-K2(k Sussman Black P-R3 Q-KlMh) BxN R-Bl R--K2II1 P-KS'tlt pyp P-K8 2fl-B-QB3(l N-K5I 2K.R-K1 N-Q7! 27-BxN PxB JH-B.Qlrml Q.BItltnV 29-KR-Nt R-K8I 30-R'Slns(ol The notes. Including the exclamation marks, ire those of the winner. (a) B-N5. in erstwhile favorite, has been Ibandoned dui to the sharp report of 8. P-KSt Other possibilities it this point in P-Q3 or P-Q4. (M The most accurate reolv. It, In stead, 8. ,B-K3. or 6, B-K2, then B-N5I selsea the Inlllntlve let QPxN has been essayed here to void complications, but la not quite tlsfictorv, E, a.. 7. QXQ ..KXQ.
P-K5I B-KNIS leada to noihlntt and now Black has three possibilities, all of Which yield the idvantaae to While: Adams Whl, l K4 2-H-B4 3- P-Q3 4- Q-K2 5- K1-QB3 6- B-KI3 7- PxP 8- QxP 9- K-B 10- Q-Kt.7 11- KKNK2 12- KI-K4 13- PxKt. 14- P-KB3 15- B-R8 1B-R-Q 17- R-Q3 18- W-B7 19- P-QR4 20-B-QB4 21- BXQ 22- UxKI Mn. Sievenson White 1- Kt-KBJ 2- P-B4 . 3- Kt-B3 4- P-Q4 8- KUP , 6- Kt-Kt3 7- P-K4 R-n-K.I 9- P-B4 10- B-K2 11- PXB 12- B-Q1 13- Castlef 14- Q-K2 15- QR-Q lH-Kt-Q'J 17- P-Kft 18- P-KB8 Daly Black P-K4 KI-KH3 P-QB3 B-K2 P-Q4 Castles PxP B-QKI5 R-K Q-R4 P-Q5 KtxKt RxP H-IC P-KKI3 Q-QKI4 B-KB4 Kt-Q3 Q-R3 BxR BxB RxKt BETI OPENING I Mrs Adams White 23- K-Kt. 24- K-B2 25- QxQP 2ti-BxB 27- C)xP 28- P-QKI4 29- K-Kt? 3n.Q-KtHch 31- -K5ch 32- Q-K7ch 33- QxBP 34- K-B4 3-Q-BRch Daly Blaclt R-K8ch RxR B-B RxB R-B RxPch B-B8 K-Kt2 P-BJ K-Rl RxPch RtRSixP K-R4 Tli.O-QH.'.rh P-KUrh 37-K-BH 3H-K-B8 39-Q-Q5 40- K-K17 41- Q-Q 42- K-R8 Resign B-QHrri R-R5 R-B5ftt B-BS R-B2ch R-KT Fae- kas Rlnrk P-QB4 Kt-QH3 P-KK13 PxP B-K12 P-Kt3 B-QR3 R-B P-Q3 BxKtch Kt-B3 Castles 0-Q2 R-H2 Q-K3 KR-lt PP Q-U3 Stevenson While 19- K-Kt4 20- BxKt 21- PxP 22- B-R8 23- B-K1 24- B-Q2 2S-BXB 2ir-B-Rfl 27-Q-KBJ 2B-R-B 29-B-H4rtl 3l)-BxPrh 31- B-K3 32- R-B4 3,l--R4eh 34-B-RMh 33- B-liBch . F7e. ka Black; KtxKI Q-Rfl RPxP Q-B4ch QP QxBP R-8 R-KJ rP-B4 Q-Qj P-Kl KR Q-Kl K-K'3 K-r Beatgni.