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February 11, 1940 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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Chess by Herman SteinerChess by Herman Steiner 11 Feb 1940, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS Frt. It, 1I 10 L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1059 Composed (nr th Lo Aneelci Tnne: nine. They are, PXI,rrtr(t to solve . m-fcy Percy Boaster. San Mnrino, Cal. I dividual or learn but not consult other. White mate in two.
10; BI. 6.) Comments to these problems are welcomed by the composer, Ferry Homier, San Marino, Cat. L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1060 Composed for the I,os Anscles Times by Percy Bowater. Ban Marino, Cal. White mate In three. (Wh. 8; SI. 8 ) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1055: Q-QKt7. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 105ft. Three olutions; the Intended one is B-K5, followed by U-K3. but Q-R2 or Q-Kt3 also olve th problem.
, CORRECTION In Problem 1058, a White Pawn was missing on Whites 03rd. The correct position as follows: White: K on Ki Q on KKt8; R on Kt3; Kt on Q7 and KKt4; Pawns. KKi2, j3. QKI6. (White. 8;) Black: K on Q5; Kt on QB3; B on KB3; Pawns, KR4, KB4, Qi, Qb. and K2. (Black, S.) We received solution from the following: E. H. Schadee. T. Zetaer, B. ftoslin, J. B. Ryan, H. W. Towne (welcome to our ladder.) E. H. Woodard. O. R. Halton, O. A. Hall. J. O. Dodge. A, Curry (as Problem 1054 will be o k.) N. Dilley. J. O. rennincton (the white side is always on the bottom of the diagrams,) O. Troffen (welcome to our ladder.) J. T. Watson, j. r. niyers, j, k. Barry, M. Kuaholm. J. K. Blier. W. B. Tudor, F. B. Shildon (welcome to our ladder,) B. Clews, O. Sharp, Rev. P.. Prlchard. D. Scott. C. P. Ford. L. Sheppard, H. E. Smith (welcome to our ladder, a. R. Halton. J. E. Tyler, J. C. Drake, J. Davidson, J. R. Barry, S. H. Seeman (welcome to our ladder,) W. W. Harman. I. P. Myers, Dr. H. H. Ross, J, P. Walsh. CLl'B NEWS ; The Ilorowiti Simultaneous tUhibition On Friday, Feb. 2, Mr. Horowitz and Mr. Morton gave a very successful and Interesting tandem exhibition anainst 13 Players at the headquarter of the Hollywood Chesa Group, 108 N. Formosa Ave., winning 11 and drawing two aeatnst G. Reinhardt and W. Reinhardt. This was followed by an Illustrated lecture by Mr. Morton.
The next day Mr. Horowit played at the Los Angeles Chess Club where h encountered 12 players, winning 17 and losing 2 and drawing 3. The winners were E. Kovacs and A. Syversteln.
Draw. D. H. Sibbett, A. Sptller, B. C. Brodericlc. Plan are being formulated for a 10-ffair.e match between Herman Steiner, International master, and Philip Wollis-ton. State ehampion, starting March I. A ftoo purse is to be raided by the sale of 5 season tickets.
Those purchasing a saon ticket will receive a cony of all the games annotated by the winner. Please make alt reservation through the writer. KASIIDAN IS WIN NCR IN CLEAN INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT Mr. Koltanowski reports from Havana the following: The first International tournament to be held in Havana since 1913 has just ended with the merited victory of L Kashdan. I He played very steady chess and odd; enough as It may seem, the only gamei where he waa in trouble was hit match! with Senorita, Mora.
He will be very erlmi contender for the United Stales championship title to be held In New York in April. I wa a good second, this by drawing j too many games in the first week. In the' last round when the final placing was de-j cided, I drew with Aleman in the following position: White: Aleman, K on QB3. R on KRl.j Kt on Ql. B on QB2, Pawn on KKt 4,: K4 and Q5.
I Black: Koltanowski, K on KKt 2. B' on KKt 4, B on OKt 4; Kt on K4: Pawrssi on KB6, KB2, QB4 and QB2. Black to! play. ) Aleman and Planes both displayed plen-! ty of talent. Senorlta Mora showed considerable courage and will become quite a dangerous opponent with a little more tournament experience.
The tournament was arranged by the Sport Ministry under the direction of Commandante Marine. The tournament director wa Dr. Aibear, and the entire a flair Was well handled. An arrangement is being made for a Pan American tournament, possibly next year in Havana, Signed, GEORGE KOLTANOWSKI. The gtandlngs: Kashdan, 7'i; Kolta-noWBky, fi; Aleman.
Blanco and Planas, " each; Gonzalez, 4: Pa.. 3'i; Meylan, 3; i'lorldo, l'j, and Miss Mora, . BILES OF THE The winner of SOLVING CONTEST each month' contest ill receive a month membership In the Chess and Checker Club of Lo Aneeles, 1004 W. 7th Bl.. where thejr may discuss composm and solving of problems and end game.
Every winner will be marked with the usual (M shnwint that he wa once a winner in cllmbin the ladder. The system will enable 12 tor more in case of a tie i solvers to win. Solution ent In answer to thl problem will be acktiowledKfd within two weeks after publication if you wish to fiaure in the 'up-to-the-minute" ladder, the time limit beinf teven day. Otherwise credit can mly be given In a later ladder. Problem in thi column may bemn with a castling key or have castling a a
utiles It can be definitely proved that eiif.h maneuver are not lesal. Cap-I ture key, "en passant'' kev ariit checking j ke aa also tolerated, but ali th abovei tvpc are ra'her uncommon. 1 The capture of a pawn, however, if roll unusual. 1! a problem has no solutlrn, "no sohi-I lion" must oe claimed in order to corei point. ,' The princlral variation are necesrary! when sending In the thiee-movers.
Keys! oiiiy ntra be given in two-erg, although It 1 excellent practice to writ out ail the w.vinet r;unns. Taa-movpi receive two point. Three- fc"ii reeeiy three point on Our Ladoer. It. piu j aiueU to iht lMdicg i HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master .Address oil mail to Chess Editor solver nnee month.
(Ms enre It then esnrrlfd j wise. Requests for buck issues nd subscriptions should be directed to th Circulation Department. Anyone desirln Information for chess i literature should send a self-addressed and I stamped envelope. ; Tins column appear on Sunday. The game below, played recently In Holland, shows how lliihtly a master values i the Jons of the exchange If ha can win ' two or three pawns, i INDIAN DEFENSE Bcmsma White 1- PQ4 2- P-UB4 3- Kt-KB3 4- B-K15 8-P-K3 6- BxKt 7- B-K2 8- QKt-2 9- Castle 10- PxP 11- P-QR3 12- B-tt.i 13- KI-K5 14- Kt-Q7 15- Kt-B3 lB-KtxR 17- PxP 18- Q-R4 19- Q-KBi 20- Qxy 21- WR-B 22- P-QH4 23- KR-K 24- P-R3 Euwe Black Kt-B3 P-K3 P-OKI3 B-Kt2 P-KH3 QxB B-Ktftch P-B4 PxP Castles B-K2 P-t Kt-B3 .QxP OxKtP KxKt PxP Kt-R4 Q-B3 BxQ Kt-B5 R-B R-B4 P-K13 Bergsma White 25-R-K2 28-BxKt 27- Kt-OJ 28- KtxP 2H-KR-B2 30- Kt-Q2 31- R-B7 32- Kt-B3 33- R-Kt7 34- R-Kt8ch 35- Kt-Q2 36- R-K 37- KLK4 38- R-K8 30-R-K7 40- Kt-Kt3 41- PxB 42- RxRP 43- K-B 44- KR-K7 4r,-KR-Q7 4-K-Kt Resign Euwe Black R-WR4 PxB RxP B-R3 B-05 R-RB B-QH B-B3 B-K5 K-Kt2 B-KI4 B-IS4 B-B5 B-B3 K-B BxKt RxP Rxl'ch R-KR7 B-Q4 B-B5ch RxP Thl.( gnmf, from the A tournament of the Newark-ltlce Chess Club, also hln 'on the losa ol the exchange.
But In this instance combination ana counter-combination finally led the former State champion, hitherto undefeated in the club tournament, Into a hopeless position. ENGLISH OPENINO Berkman White 1- P-OB4 2- Kt-QH3 3- P-KK13 4- PxP 5- B-KI2 6- KI-B3 7- C'astle B-P-Q4 9-KtxP 10- OxKt, 11- QxKt. 12- Q-KU 13- B-B4 14- BxKtP 15- OxH 16- RiBI-Q Parmelee' Black P-K4 Kt-KB3 P-Q4 KtxP B-K3 QKt-B3 B-K2 PxP QKtxKt KtxKt B-B3(ai R-QKt P-KKt4 RxB PxB B-Q5(b) Berkman White 18- P-K3 19- RPxP 20- PxB 21- RxP 22- RiR)-Q 23- R-Qch 24- RxR 25- Q-Q4 2fi-RxQ 27- R-QR4 28- RxP 2il-P-OKt4 30- P-Kt8 31- P-KI8 32- R-BT 33- K-B Parmelee Black PxKtP P-KR4 PxP Q-B3 K-B K-K12 KxR QxQ BxP B-K3 K-Kt K-B K-K K-d B-Q4 Resigns 17-Q-K4 P-QB4 (at 11. P-B3 1 more solid, hut White 1 confident that he will triumph in the en-tuina complications. (bl An unfortunate blunder.
16 . .'. Q-B or B-Q2 would give Black good chances. SICILIAN DEFENSE Tenner Sinwnson Tenner I White Binck White I 1-P-K4 P-GB4 15-PxKt 2- P-Q4 PxP l-QRxR 3- KKt-B3 QKt-B3 17-Kt-Q5 4- KtxP Kt-B3 18-Kt-KI6 5- Kt-B3 P-Q3 19-Kt-Q5 6- B-K2 P-KKI3 20-KtxBch 7- Castles B-Kt2 21-KtxB 8- Kt-Kt3 Castles 22-R-OS 9- P-B4 P-OR3 23-B-BS 10- B-K3 P-QKt4 24-B-Q5 11- B-B3 B-K12 25-KRxP 12- P-K5 PxP 2-RxR 13- Kt-BS Q-B2 27-RxPch 14- PxP WR-Q SICILIAN DEFENSE Pinkus Moskowitz Pinku White Black White 1- P-K4 P-OB4 17-B-Ktfi 2- Kt-KB3 Kt-OB3 18-B-O.l 3- P-04 PxP 19-P-BS 4- KtxP Kt-B3 20-PxKtP 5- Kt-OB3 P-03 21-PxP 6- B-K2 P-KKt3 22-QB-B5 7- Castlcs B-Kt2 23-B-B4 8- Kt-Kt3 Castles 24-Q-B2 9- K-R P-QR4 25-P-KI3 10- P-QR4 B-K3 26-Kt-Q(; 11- P-B4 BxKt 27-KtxBP 12- PxB Q-Kt3 28-KtxQ 13- B-B4 QR-Q 29-BxKtch 14- Q-K P-K3 30-RxR 15- B-K1 Q-B2 31-BxR 16- Kt-Kl5 -Kt SImnnson Black RxQ BxP Q-B Q-B2 -B PxKt QxKt Q-K2 Kt-K4 R-Q RxR Kt-Qb Resigns MoakowiU Black R-Q2 P-K4 P-Q4 PPxP KtxP R-K Kt-B5 Q-Q Kt-K3 R-B R-Q7 KRxQ K-R2 RxR Resigns From tha Marshall Chest Club championship. Grandmaster Fin keeps up the pressure and gradually get the upper hand.
CARO-KANN DEFENSE HanaueriFine Hanauer BlRcki White Black P-OB3i22-P-R5 KR-Kt P-4I23-Q-K3 Kt-4J5icl Fine White 1- P-K4 2- P-Q4 3- Kt-QB3 4- KtxP 5- Kt-Kt3 6- P-KR4 7- Kt-KB3 B-B-03 -QxB 10- B-Q2 11- CastlesQR 12- K-Kt PxP24-RxRch RxR B-B4i25-BxKt PxB B-Ki3!2S-KxP RxR P-KR3 27-OxR Q-R4 Kt-2 ; 28-P-KKt4(d)Q-K8ch BvB 29-K-B2 G-K7ch KKt-B3l30-K-K!3 K-Kt P-K331-K-K14 Q-K8ch Q-B2'32-K-R4 Q-K7 Castie;33-K-R Q-B6 13- P-B4 14- Kt-K 15- QxKt 16- B-BJ 17- 0-K2 18- Kt-K5 19- PxB 20- R-Q6 21- KR-Q B-Q3ai!34-Q-B5 Q-K7 KtxKt'3!i-P-Kt4 Q-Q7 P-QB43H-Q-W6ch QxQ Kt-B3,37-PxQ P-Kt3 P-R3'bi !38-K-Kt6 K-B BxKti39-P-E5 PxP Kt-Q2 40-PXP P-K4 Kt-Kl 41-P-Q7ch KxP Kt-Bi'42-KxP Resigns a) In the latent edition of "Modern Ch" Fire sives: 1J P-B4: 14 B-B3. P-CR3: 15 Q-K2. B-Q3; 16. K;-K4. KtxKt: 17. QxKt. Kt-B3; 18. Q-K2, PxP; 19 KtxP. B-B4. with equality bi Thr tkosition 1 tiracticaiW that ar- rived at m the variation above, but th text rff i..m afr.:r anA ran lln m very s'.ron and hrht eskneR. involve ihretrs the BP, but 23. 24. Q'KKtJ would be dlfficult lor b.k (3t An unuaukl tntfinc. Note how t.hi, -htt k reaiiT become a fmhtin piece, tbTtZtrt un Ui au"M remaln AnothT .re fro ih. curr-nt Marsha., Chf Club ehampionthip. Each player r?wi vi :ms ueiurc ana vno end came a jrprise. EKOLU3H meen U.Kl'g i P-K4 Kt-KBi P-W4 OPENINO Hanauer White 12- Q-Kt3ch 13- P-K3 M-P-04 Hanauer White 1- P-QP4 2- KI-OH3 3- P-KKU 4- PxP 5- B-K2 6- KI-B3 7- CaMlf 8- P-03 9- B-K1 10-P-QH4 Green Black K-R P-B5 PxKP PxP RxRch K'xPi 15-BPxP Kt-Kt3l H-KtvP Kt-B3 17-RxR B-K.2! JR.
PxKt Castle1 19-K-R P-B4IBI 120-R-K P-QJM 'bl ; 21-Q-B7 PxB KtxKt OxPch Q-Q3 B-Kt5'cl Resigns 11-BxKt (ai Perhaps 9. . . . B-Kt5 would he more satisfactory.
The text seem premature. ib) This work out fairly well, but doesn't look rieht. (c) Black overlook th main threat, but alter 20. . . . B-02, for xample, Black war la not easy. INDIA DEFENSE FineRelnfeld Cluck White Kt-KB3 22-RxKfch Kemfeld Fine Black KxR K-B3 K-K'2 White 1- P-04 2- P-QB4 3- Kt-KB3 4- P.KKU 5- B-K.I2 6- B-W2 "?-Kt-B3 8-f' P-K3i 23-Kt-Kt6ch P-QK':)I24-KR 'B-Kta: 25-K-K B-KtV.h!:-K-02 B-K2 27-K-W3 Castles' 2R-K-B4 P-04 29-P-B3 P-B4 30-P-B4 KtPxP,31-K-03 G-Kt3j32-K-F3 P-KR3'33-K-B4 xO34-K-03 PxRl 3S-K-B3 BB,3-K-03 PxRj37-K-B3 KxR! ?8-K-02 P-G14 i39-K-B2 KKt-tl2'40-K-2 K'lKt 41-K-B2 ik.-K2iRw.gll4 9-Kt-K5 10-PxBP U-Q-KI3 32-B-K5 13- PxP 14- PxO 15- P-06 lb-PxB 17-Pxrt'R) ia-KxB 19-Kt-R4 K-B2 K-03 K-B3 K-Q4 P-K4 P-KSth K-Q3 K-B3 K-K'4 20-KrxKtcll il - R - y K k-b3 i unfin-'pIjh K-Kt3i K-K;.vof p-K6iThe.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

Special Thanks