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February 18, 1940 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 18 Feb 1940, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS HERMAN STEINER . International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor Feb. IS, 10 10 L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. By W. Mertdith 1061 White mates in two. Wh. 9; Bl. 3.) CORRECTION Problem 1059' by Percy Bowater was misprinted last week. The correct setup isi as follow: White kins on QR'3, queen on KRi, R'a en )i and KBti, Kt'i on i and Qt. B en QRS, pawns en )Kt(i. OKU and QR.'t.
Black kins en GIH, R on KKt4. Kt's en K3 and K t, pawns on Qt and QS I White 10, Black II pieces.) White nates in two. L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1062 By . Orsini. black indeed mere so (haa the white. It Is obvious enough that, tn the position shown in Diagram 1, both kings are safe, lor it Is impossible to lorce open either the queen's file or the king's file for a considerable tirne. Remarkably, the black king is safer than the white, whose pro tecting pawns are flung s little too far forward for really lasting secuiitr, . DIAGRAM S : f I , i ' i '; 1 White mates in three. (Wh. 6; Bl. 4.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1057: B-Q. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1038: Q-08. We received solutions from the following: Dr. R. H. Rons. M. Rudholm, W. Harmon. J. p. Walsh. D. A. imies, H. K. Koga, E. H. woodard. D. Scott, J. R. Barry. C. P. Ford, L. F. Sherman. J. T. Watson, J. O. Dodce, Anon, H. Bruhn, O. A. Hull, W. L. Koethen. L. Sheppard, R. A. Brisco, T. Zetzer, N. Brooks (welcome back, I W. An-tonson (welcome to our ladder. t w. B. Tudnr, G. R. Halton, R. E. Smith, F. B, Sheldon. J C. Drake. B. Clews, Q. Sharp, Rev. p. Prichard, J. E. Tyler, S. H. Bee-man, I. p. Myers. J. E. Biter. FLASH I Keres wing match against Dr. Euwe, 7Vs-e,.s. More details in our next Issue. COMBINATIVE PLAY By Dr. Max Euwe (World champion, 1935-7) I. COMBINATIONS AND MATINO ATTACKS AtiAlNST THE KING IN THE CENTtR. Castllnu is usually almost, essential, but It does not invariably enhance the king a safety.
Often the king in the center stands as well as or even better than on the wing, the main idea in castling being the development of the rook. We shall consider today a few situations In which castling actually endangers the king's security. The study of combinations themselves and the study of positions from which combinations arise, are of equal Impor tance. DIAGRAM 1 i. jM Mi ; ....
23 The black king is very badly placed ' in the center, far both center files are open. Definitely otherwise in Dlasram 2 Here both the center files are open. White's king is safe. Black's in the greatest peril, for It is not even ready to castle.
This is how the position has arisen: 1. P-K4. 2. P-OI. P-Qi 3. KI-QB3. PPl 4. KtP, KKl-Bt: 5, 0-03, P-Kli 6. PsP, Q-Ktrh; 7. B-Q!, OxKPi 8. O-O-O. Not only Black's kmg, but his queen, too. Is badly placed: she has ventured too early Into the fray and is open to attack. His queen moves, Q-R4ch and . . . QxKPi have wasted time so that he is behind in development. All these circumstances combine to make it hwhly probable that the position holds a combination While realises this well, as his last move 8. O-O-Ol shows. If now 8. . . . QxKt? then 9. R-Kl would win the queen. If. on the other hand 8. . . . KtxKt? we have the marvelous combination !). Q-Q8ch! KxQ; 10. B-KI5 double check, followed by mate throueh 11.
B-Q8 mate or 11, R-Q8 mate, accnrdinit to the move of the kine. Had White not perceived this combination, he would not have dared to casile and would have been in a difficult, position. (Te be continued) Played at the headquarters of the Holly wood Chess Group between Gottfried Rein. hardt, well-known screen writer, and I. A. Horowits and H. Morton, at the latter , simultaneous exhibition. SICILIAN DEFENSE Horowits. : Horowitz. Morton Bernhardt! Morton Reinhardt three-:
While Block! White Black 1- P-K4 P-QB4 1 18-Q-RSrh K-B2 2- KI-KB3 Kt-B3j 19--R7ch K-K ! 3- P-Q4 T.P20-xPch K-Q2j 4- KtxP P-Q3 21-P-(Q,Kt3 Q-R4 5- P-QB4 Kt-B3!22-R-QB R-Kt : 6- KNQB3 P-KKt3i23-.R7 K-KR 7- B-K3 B-Kt2j24-QxR RxQ 8- B-K2 O-O 25-RxR PxP 9- Q-Q2 Kt-KK!5 26-PxP B-B2 ! 10- BxKt BxBl27-K-3 Q-R6 11- KtxKt PxK(i2R-R-R7 B-KI3 : 12- B-KRS P-QB4 29-R-R 0-Kt7ch I 13- P-KR4 R-Kt30-R-B2 Q.R8 14- P-B3 B-K3j31-R-B Q-Kt7ch 15- P-R5 P-B4I22-R-B2 Q-R8 : 18-BxB KxBj33-R-B Q-Kt7ch j 17-RPxP RPxP'Driwa j Thf following two me ar from the HavHim tournament: QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED Plsnas White 1- P-Q4 2- P-QB4 3- Kt-KB3 4- KNB3 5- B-K13 6- PxP 7- P-K1 8- B-03 9- 0-0 10- Q-B2 11- P-OR3 12- P-QKt4 13- BxKt 14- Kt-QR4 15- Kt-B5 Knshdan Black KI-KB3 P-K3 P-Q4 3Kt-02 P-B3 KPxP B-K2 O-O R-K Kt-B P-KK'3 P-OR3 BxB . B-Kt2 Q-K2 Planas While 16- QR-Kt 17- P-OR4 18- P-Kla 19- QPxKt 20- RPxP 21- PP 22- Kt-Q4 23- PxB 24- R-Kt4 25- P-B3 I'S-BxP 27- QxPch 28- Q-Rch 29- a-R6ch Ktshdan Black. P-B4 Kt-Q2 KtxKt RPxP R-RS PxP I BxKt Q-R5 P-OS Q-Kl PxB K-B K-Kt i Draw QUEEN'S PAWN OPENING! Koltanowskl White 1- P-04 2- KNKB3 3- P-KKt3 4- B-Kt2 5- 0-0 6- P-B4 7- KI-B3 8- P-KR3 9- B-K3 10-R-B It -PxP 12- P-OKI4 13- Q-KS3 14-P-QR4 al R8cli.
Pi Black Kt-KB3 P-KKI3 B-Kt2 P-Q3 O-O QKt-02 P-K4 R-K P-B3 P-KR3 PxP Q-B2 K-Kt3 B-K3 Koltanowskl White 15- Kt-Q2 16- P-R5 17- Kt-Q5! 18- KtxKtch 19- KI-K4 20- BxRP 21- B-Kt5 22- KxB 23- QR-Q 24- Q-KB3 25- Kt-Bbch 2b-BxB Pal Black QR.Q Kt-B Q-Q2 BxKt B-Kt2 BxRP BxB Kt-K2 Q-B4 K-B 27-QxQ Resigns ta) , If KtxQ: 28 R-KR. Kt-K2: 2H. R- Kt-Kti 30, RxKtch! KxRi 31. R-KR! j Played In exhibition recently in Tulsa. Hnrowltl Ruddy' HnrnwiU Roddy While Black i White Black, 1- P-K4 P-QB4!2!-Ox.V B-B4 1 2- N-KB3 N-B3i22-Q-Q4 KR-Q 3- P-U4 PxP23-OxQ TtxRch 4- NxP N-B324--N BxQch 5- N-OB3 P-Q3;25-KxR BxKP 8-B-K2 P-KN3I2B-B-02 RxP 7- 0-0 B-N2I27-R-K BxP 8- N-N3 O-O 28-BxP B-K3 9- P-KB4 B-Q2I29-R-K3 R-B5 10- B-B3 R-B;30-B-O6 RxP: 11- K-R N-OR4 31-K-B R-B5 12- Q-K2 N-B532-N-R3 R-B8ch 13- R-O P-QN4;33-K-K2 B-N5ch 14- P-OR4 P-N5 34-K-C2 R-Q8ch 15- N-N5 Q-N335-K-P2 RxB l-NN5)-04 P-K4 3fi-KxB R-Q7ch 17- NIQ4I-N5 P-QR3 37-K-B3 RxP 18- NxP NxN 38-P-R3 B-K3 1 19- PxP N(B3xP 39-N-B8 R-KR7 20- BxN NxB, Resigns j RnddT Fine Roddy Pine White Black (White Black 1- P-04 N-KB3;24-P-ON3 QxNP, 2- N-KB3 P-KN3;25-OxO PxQ 3- P-B4 B-N2;26-R-B3 P-N7 4- N-P3 P-Q427-R-N1 N-N3 5- Q-N3 P-Q3i28-R-N3 NxP 8-B-B4 O-O 29-R-R3 N-N3 7- P-K3 P-N3j30-RxRP R-Rli 8- B-K2 B-N2i31-RxR RxR 9- 0-0 CN-Q2l32-RxP R-R8ch 10- OR-P1 P-B3 33-B-B1 N-B5 11- KR-Ql R-Kli34-R-V8ch K-N2 12- PxP KPxP : 35-P-S3 P-OB4 13- P-OR4 P-QR3 3rt-K-N2 PxP 14- N-R2 R-Bl 37-PxP N-Q3 15- N-N4 P-OR4 38-B-Q3 R-R6 11-N-R8 N-R4 39-B-M P-N4 17- B-QH Q-B3i40-R-N N-K5 18- B-K3 Q-K241-R-N7 N-Q3 19- BxB NxB,42-R-G7 R-R3 f 20- N-B5 PxN,43-B-R2! N-KB1 F 21- OxB N-K3144-R-08 N-K3 1 22- Q-N3 P-B545-R-7 N-KB1 B 23- Q-B3 Q-N5I Drawn Ordinances Ordered If The City Council has ordered preparation of the final ordinance for the construction of sewers in Hemet Place at HilleritJ Place and in Barrington Ave. ! between Richland Ave. and Na-! tional Blvd.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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