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January 21, 1940 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 21 Jan 1940, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor to-posing L.A. T1MF8 PROBLEM NO. 10S3 Br J. Harin '.4 1 "! K p, White mates In two. (Wh. 6; Bl. ) L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1054 By J. Oberman the Tftlue nf a temno In the nomine-- rnuehly. it ma he raierl at a d'larter to ihlrd of a center pawn, and up to half flank pnwn. Ermt-thrnueh points nfier, 1. T-K3: 2. P-Q4- P-Qt. 3 P-K1. f KBS lor VVhil". flnd OB4 nrl KB3 lor Black.
Both plavers' plans In the opening often him on such points. (To b eonllnued) From th Boiirnemo'Hh 'EnsUndi tnr rument. Dr. Eu8 has a ver nrro a . Tes-Scheldt's 1 ri - e J 4 t , 1 Whm mites la (hree. (Wh. 9, Bl, 8 ) SOLU'nON tO PROBLEM 1049: P-K4. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 10SO: P-B4. We received solutions from the followine: .. i . Ford, Dr." R." h' Bom. A. Curry (wet- w ' Udlr.
a. RUY LOrEZ Ki'to Fuwe'Kittn White Black' White 1- p-k p-Ki n-r-KBt 2- KT-KB3 K-OR.1I?0-B-K!S 3- B-Kt3 r-Cin.liIl-B.Rfi 4- B-B1 Kt-B.rai-B-Kt A-Cast4ea K'xP; 21-P-KK-4 -P-04 P-OKt4?4-P-KR4 T-B-Kt3 P-OliJ5-PxP H-PxP B-K1 L'H-0-K4 9-P-M3 H-K2;L7-PxP 10-B-K.1 ratlesi?R-B:t(a) ll.OK'-qa KtvKt 2S-P-B.) 12- QxK' KI-R4 in-O-BJ lt-Kt-04 O-Qi 31-O-CSch 14-B-Pi P-B4 32-0-B:i 13- Q-OI P-KKMill-K-K.) lfi-Kt-rB PxKt i 34-R-KKt, n-B-RA R-B2 Resigns 18-QR-K Kt-B3l tat 2 K-R, followed by R-KKf E;ct B-B B-KJ B-3 K--K2 R-K P-9S P-BS P-KB FxP r-K'.'ch KP K- CxPcH CUP RlPcS ha Sharp. L. Shen- ord. H Bruhn.
R. Rrtalin. J. B. Ryan, M. S J Ollmore, J P Walsh. W. L. Koeihen, v. n. neii, n. -,inr. , ...n,. ..... ladder. i i T, Blicr taelcome to our tad-C -rier.i J. G. Pennnuton. M. Rtidholm. J. T. " Waiaon. D A. Innes. T. Zeer iwelcwme to our ladder.t F. Ntiyer iwelcome to our ladder,) W. B. Tudor, i T Hnritf, member of the Aim-rifan '-1 'International Chess team, and Harold Mar- ,-.. ,u,.,.i i t...... S-llitm. champion New Bnaland. will j YZtlr H.stmi Fn. i sitnuluneou, exhibition on Wn'., w; ; Jj," tf t,tt$'Mlt " ten auo l;..,- it .,v. da for abatil twenty years, hut this year. rnnT. era.
, 1 ,, exhihiuon at. th headi'iarters of the Hni- IvwooM Chess aroup. iu r. nrmos r. been given as the winning line lor Whits.
CARO-K ANN DEFENSE Fine Hanatier Fine Hanaiter While Blacifi White Blari 1- P-K4 P-QBl!?2-P-RS KR-Kt 2- P-OI P-QI2.1-Q-K3 Kt-C5 3- KI-OB3 PxPi34-RyReh RR 4- KtxP B-B4 2S,-BxKt PB 5- Kt-Kt3 B-Kt.t !2H-RxP RxR S-P-KR4 P-KR3'07-QxFl Q-Fi 7-Kt,-KB3 Kt-0;'2-P-KKt4 Q-Ko-d H-B-Q3 BxR 29-K-B3 C-K7rn 9-QxB KKt-B.I .in-K-K'3 K-KI 10- B-O2 P-F3 31-K-K'4 Q-KSrtr 11- O-O-O Q-B3 32-K.-R4 G-K7 12- rC-Kfc CMs 33-K-R1 Q-P? 13- P-B4 B-Q3 '34-O-B& Q-X7 H-Kf-K4 KtxKt;U,1-P-Kt4 0-07 15-Q.xKt, P-QB4 3i-Q-Ohch Qx'J 1SI-B-B3 K'.-B:(i37-PQ P-K3 17-0-K2 P-R3 Id-K-KtS K-B 1R-KI-K1 BxKtl3t-P-B5 PxP H-PxH K -O 40-PxP r-Kt 20- R-Q Kt-Kt. !41-P-Q7ch KsP 21- KR-Q Kt-B.1 i42-KxP Rttunt ENGLISH OPENING Oreen 1 Hanauer Black While P-K4!12-Q-KI3fh Kt-KBK!3-P-K3 P-Ol j 14-P-04 KtxP 15-RPxP Kl-Kfl 1 lti-KixP Kt-BI ; 17-RvR B-Ki 1 IR-PvKt Ctir j IT-K-R P-Bt .'O.R-K P-tJIU 21-CJ-B7 PxBl Hanauer White 1- P-OB1 2- Kt-QRI 3- P-KKI3 4- PxP -B-Kf2 -Ki-H3 7-Casl.ieg 8-P-OI !)-B-K3 in-p-wi?4 flreeaj Blar K-R P-BN PKP PP PxRr'rt K t x K QxPfii Q-O-i ts.k Reslcni Beervatmn should be made be (eiephon- Ung MAdison 634 or WEbster 8817. if there la any rnnaress at. all. It will hardly be up t the ttandardi of nrevimia Premier Tournaments, in which Alekhln. Euwe. Capablanca, Keres. Fine. Reshevi and Flnhr war numbered among the. contestants.
There lj a sayln among ehesa playi'a that lurk favors the better player. It : certainly trua In the. rase of the gatra pasn iin- tha lurir the C R for the year, handsomely bounn, w,nnr, wr, nol Beuben Fine, surelv oea can be obtained for 2 30 Previous ar- 0f Ins leading fiva or six players in th deles l Preliminary K-onoclasm: 2. A I world. Netr Conception Of S.ra.y and Tart Ira: Hjs BDpolnt , ,hi, from lh. Marshall rhes. riuh rhamnmnahln inttrna. tcontinueo. i ' - : j . , " , llll HI lUIW ir.nn rr,, .'11,1, SI.CItlCT Or THE CHESSBOABO By C. J. . Pry (Cogyriiat) ' li. A Slelboa" of Thinking fn Chea. (This article conclnds the series, wntrn j below, which wo-ilrt. probably ran throughout the yesr complete aen u i noticed if one of the plavera, ' See Comhnia'ions' 5 -- Sftme a store Km" inr fiue . J I ereri himself vith .lory un to a Dolnt! a I h nrnn n or I orvx.-'- .... - . Bourdonnats A Method ot'Knorr While i-r-M 7 How to Plan Princnlcs: 9. Back to La in.
The Soul ot Chess: II Thinking In Chess (introductory.) THE SYSTEM (I: MY TURN TO MOV I) ft) What ara all the moves I have to consider? This mav aeem strange question to ask first, because It ia usually unanswer- It If very iiserui. now- ahle at tbia !&. ..... tr tu. 1. rlozvlv limltnil to iwn Tin. u ill. un'iis i i"."-' - nejor three possible moves, as you may ne sition hi in "nt" a eonimon sense, way m choosing the ritht move without fnllnwlna nut th rest, o! the system, or aome into much analvaia. Or there may he only one possible move, apparently: In that event, look hard lor aomethitia el yon mlaht do first, f., after 1. P-K4. N-K Bl: 2. N-OB.1. P-Q4; 3. PvP, NxPi 4. B-B4, NxN.
Now don't Impulsively nla.T the nppnrentiy forced recapture, !. NPxN. but first . O-mi hirh aalna White a bit of arivuntau. vtot niavor noiiir! rr this move it thev inokd for tt, but 95 per cent ot players would not look.
to nuKt coses, the ouesflon Is atipposec) to remain lncompif!tely answered for the time bm. to ba returned to after (sues-Hon 5 (t-Hnw has his Isst mora chanted the SICILIAN PrrEN8E Fine i Knorr flls'-k i White p-qri jn-Kt-Q 2-KI-KB3 P-K3 i'.'l-B-O.I 3- P-Q4 PxP iJ-P-Bi 4- KtxP Kt-KB.'l j J't-Kt-KJ 5- KI.-QB3 Kt-B3iJ4-BxP 6- Kt'Q4)-Kt5 P-O.t ;i!S-RiB-B3 -B-KS R-B-KKtS 9-BxKt ln-Casilra 11- -K 12- R-Q ' n-P-ORl 14- K-ll 15- Kt-Ql lfi-P-Bt 17-Kt-Kt3 ia-r?,-o.) 19-r-r:) B-K2 2H-KI-Q5 Castle.s!'J7-rt'B3t-Kl3 :a-Kt-K!S 2-KtsR ,10-KtxKt 31-P-Kl3(a) .12-Bi(B 3.1-PxP 34- Q-Q 35- R-OI :it-RtJ)-K3 QxKtP) mateibl Fluaj Tt'an P-QP4 P-K4 P-Oi PvKP B-R3 on-s Q-Ol B-Bt Kt-5 RxK PxKt B-Q4 PxP PvSl What are his threats? What ara ht obieels? If you have carried out full reconnaissance while he has been thinkini out his move, the flrsl part of Shis question en-soles you to bnna tt uo to date. The other two parts are also important. It is obvlottslv vital to ba aware of any threats. But if there ara no actual threats, don't leave tt at that.
Still try to fathom your lepponent'a aoiecis in piayint the move. ii inin i i. i,i m irirn. in... ,,i p, - wiu;ttchd th utmost vaiu to this.
Pon t foraet. of course, mat tr you aee to search' for a defense to It. but rather lor a way 01 ihinuum it. CP Complete your reconnaissance If not already dene: tai Material (hi Kins positions c Weaknessea and strentths (di Devejopment (ei Where could either slda through? cramned tame. Sirentthe ara: tarter apac oe terrain.
ani,nj ef central eiuarea. To compare development, eotinr. tne Inumhev of moves needed by each army to tu.MrLtl& Its,. v inui, wiif itempo to the player whose turn It la to In eounUnt materia!, notice atich thlnss . ii.bR as -two Bishops." Bishops on oppoaile j 14-Q.K2 colors, pawn maiorltles.
1S-KR-Q Notice evers-thmn you fan about the.m.xtvKt nnsitionj-of the Kinta ia either evposed. i 17-RxR or does It suffer (he reverse disability ofi.R-Q lack of flinht aouares? ih-HxR Weaknesses are: Weak paarna. weak i'jn-Q-Q squares, confined pieces, a generally 21-P-KR3 22- O-ei 23- Kt-F4 24- KtxKt 25- KI-K4 2n-P-ORl 27-P-B 2S-0-Q4 2l-KtsP W have written several tlmea oni3fl-sQ move. BxB 0-114 R-Q B-K2 R-Q2 P-QR3 Q-B2 B-B3 P-OKI4 P-KI.& I (al Knorr considers 31. CJ-Q'3 tba proper move and If -K4; 32.
B-Q3, BxB; 33, RxB, etc. (hi Chess blindness at Its worst, but Black has the atuck and mujht readily outwit White in due tima anyhow. One of th Inevitable penalties of being a srnnd master Is that losses ara (re. fluently tiven more publicity than wins. But in the casa of the name below, playeo! in the Buenos Aires team tournament.
Kerfs represrntinK Finland, and Foerder. Palestine, the ending- is a perlact exampla of end-same pawn counting. Perhara Ksres did not lose brilliantly, but he did losa mathematically. Ordinarily Keres loses hecaus h out-combines himself, tries too hard to pueK a brilliant attack. Hera ha pever reallv ts a position aood ennue.h to think of attacking, and loses positionally.
ZDKIRTORT Fnerder Keres Foer.der Krea White Pluck While Blaeic 1- Kt-KBI Kt-KB.tbl-Kt-Klch K-Kt 2- P-CJKtJ P-KKt3i.12-Kt.OR P-QB4 3- B-litJ B-KI2 3.1-Kt-KlT P-BS 4- P-K.l Castles i34-PP B-K'1 5- B-K2 P-B4 3.1-K-B K-B fi-P-Bt Ki-Bll :it.-Kt-08 K-Kt 7- Castles P-K'3 37-Kt-B)Ch K-Oa 8- P-04 PP 3H-KIXR P:,K 9- KtP B-KU 31-K-K2 K-Bl in-n-KRT O KI : 4l-P-RS K-K:l break n-Kt-B3 R-Q;4l-K-Ql K-B1 ll:T-Il-B it-e. ,:-i.-n.: - wn U-ls-MJ t'-! P-QR3 44-P-R4 P-P1 Kt-B3j45-P-B3 P-K'4j PxKt I4h-P-Ri P-P. RvR 47-P-Kt K-K'.l Q-B2 ! tA-KxP K-Bl OxRt-K-Pl K-Qi O-B'2 i 50-K-Q K-K3 P-QR4 M-P-Bi PxPchl Kt-2 R2-KxP K-K4 KI-B4 KS3-K-B4 P-Kt BxBlS4-PxP K-B.1 P-B3 SS-K-CJ . K-Kt. B-R5t-P-KA KxP K-Kt2 j 57-P-KS K-K'I PP KxP O-OT ISO-P-KH'QI P-B1 PxQ :t.0-O-KtSeh Reaijne.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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