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January 28, 1940 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 28 Jan 1940, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address oil mail to Chess Editor Jan. in, 1910 L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 105 Composed for thi Los Ansflej Times by E. H. Woodard, Aludcna, Cal. White mites in three.
Wh. 9, Bl. S.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1055 Composed lor the Los Anueles Times if E. 11. Woodard, Alladen. Cal. mod combination? this, look for possible com- (4) Hay I To help In blnalion niolifs; la) Oeometrlc! (b) Nets tcl Jump-moves tdl Zuiizwang el tjtalemate See May ant June srllrles. especially. Ol course, Idi and iei apply only to end aames. Pawn promotion is omitted for simplicity, as beinr; always obvious where. It is present at all, 16) If not satisfied that the answer t (4) la yes. what is my best plan? For this, you nse the reconnaissance.
What are all the weaknesses and atrenglh of each side? How can I best exploit hi weaknesses, establish my strumitis, eliminate m weaknesses, and reduce his strensths. or do as many of these thlius as possible? Now return to ll.) (II: I AM CONSIPERINO A CERTAIN MOVE I M Visualise the move as though mad, firmly. (21 Does It leave me vulnerahla In mi combination? (Ill: IT 18 HIS MOVEl (1) Make a reconnaissance, as describe in 1 1,1 to be completed whin h h. . r i 1 White mates In two.
Wh 8; Bl. 3 1 SOLUTION TO PROBLRM 1051: Cooked! Three solutions; the intended one was N-N7, but R-QTch and R-Q2 also eolve the problem! SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1052: N-B5. We received solutions from the following: J, O. Dodae, J. c Drake. U A. Hail, M. Rudholm, W. B Tunor, H. Bruhn, J. t Bher, J. a. Penninatou, C. P. Ford. E. H Woodard. R. Roslin. A, Curry, O, R. Hilton. L. Sheppard, Or R. H, Ross. J. T. Watson, I p. Myers. T. Zeuer, F. H. Shadee. O. Sharp, W. Harmon, D. A Innes. J. Davidson. J. R Bsrry, J. P. Walsh, w. L. Koeihen, M. Billey.
NEWS Or 1HE CI.IBS HOROVVITZ-MORTOV IXHiniTION' The rhesa nlsiers nf Lot Anaelet will thisjmer American these federation champion, made his move Visualize Doslllnn after this nr ih.i likely move, and proceed as in tl ) THE SYSTEM IV BR1FK I: IT 13 MY MOVE i ill My moves til Chanties' Thrrats? Ohjr-rts' 3 Reconnaissance ta. h. e, d i4i Cfimuintiion? ta. b. c, d. ei t.M Plan'' Ifl) My moves HI: IP I DO THIS) til ViMiaMxe1 (2 Combination? (Ill: IT IS HIS MOVEl 'II K'onnaissance (? Visualize The skeleton system la the nne use in acaual play, it is assumed thai you have so mistered thr system that th various point omitted spnni rapdily ia the mind. CONCtl'SlOV I believe that the system as stven above will so commend Itself to most players that uiiiori remaras in support of its are necessary. .tiIVi !" f" l'"itlon to the fact Ih.t all rishis In this and the preceding am-cies ol me series are strictly reserved iu.,1n s,ure'1 'm H Pns of the world that the series has been aenerally enioved and found helpful Our indefatigable Hide compiler. Mr. 8. D Stanley insist 2VV,",'t 'L "''l eeeUon. all 'to Itself. ".,e"t,"n remark, "I consider the most important contribution to chess literature since 'M'ip Svslem.' The series has deliberately been made a little disjointed, so that, each arlirle would be as lar as possible, complete In itself." A supplementary artirle appeared in our .nuary number, aiving examples of tha system at work. Apart from the rash emoluments which so lo the four or five leaders at the closs luuriiament ot national importance.
I. A. Horowitz of a such as the last one held hw Ih. Am...AJ Chess rerieration, special prlres are usual, ly offered to those who may be able t show superior ability In Individual en-counters. In this case Frank J. Marshall was Invited to act as the Judne. .""ir""! United Slates champion (retired!.-has announced his decision. In his opinion the best played game of th tournament was that which I. A Horowni won from A E, Bantnsiere. It was art Enallsn opening, adopted by the latter, who resinned after 50 moves. Another prize, for brilliancy, was shared by hanuiel Reshevsky, for his victory over Nicholas Bellome of Waterbnry. ct . and Samastere for his defeat of A. 8. Pinkus. The scores of (he names, which wer thus selected by Marshall, are appended: ENGLISH OPENING Ssntasiert Horowitr ISatitnsiere Hnm.u. R'aclc R-KH B-KtJ anil member of the International team which won the world's championship tour cnntecntiva times, and H. Mnrlnn, New t inland champion, on f rldav, Feb. ?, at the headquarters of the Hollywood Chess (.rnuD. Km N. Formosa Ave., at K p.m. and Saturday at 2 p.m. at the l.os Anieles Chess Club. W. Seventh St. The pair will tive an unusual eshibitlon and lecture aaainst all comers. Anyone Interested In reservint s hoard aialnst thesa masters please call either of the above numbers as there sre only a limited amount of tables available. For further Information call Herman Steiner, W'F.bsler 8KI7 of the Hollywood Chess Croup, and for l.o Aneeles Chess Club, K. I". Filial!. MAdison K:it. As time ts abort it is advisable lo make early reservations.
Los Angeles City Chess Championship tournament will begin Saturday evenlns. Feb. 3i the last day for enterlnr will be I-eh. I with entrance fee of (I. The tournament will be played at the rooms of the l.os Anaeles Chess Club, Unit West eventh St. Any plaser deslrinr to enler should retisler at the elub at once. Visitors sre welcome lo see these aamea and also the simultaneous chess exhibition by the famous New York masters. I. A. Iloro wite and II.
Morton, which will be held at the club Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. SF.CRETS OF THE CHESSBOARD By C. J. . Purdy (Copyriiht) .
It A Method or Thinkinr in Chess. (This article concludes the seriej, which ran throughout the year Complete sets of the A C.R. for the year, handsomely bound, ran b obtained for $2.30.1 Previous r-tlcles: 1. Preliminary Iconoclasm: 2. A New Conception of Strat'sy and Tuctica; 3.
Controversial Interlude; 4. How to See Combinations: 5 Same (continued:! 6. More Rules for Seeinj Combinations; 7. How to Plan: 8. The Growth of Chess Principles: 9 Bark to t.a Bourdonnaia! 10 The Soul of Chess; 11. A Method of Thinkin In Chess (Introductory.) White 1- P-OB4 2- KI-UH3. 3- Kt-R3 4- P-QJ 5- l'xP h-P-KKt3 7-B-Kt2 A-Castlea 9-p-qh:i 10- P-WKI4 11- B-KI2 12- Kl-Qi 13- P-KlS 14- O-B'i 15- KUR4 1K-QB-B3 17-Kt Q2iKt 18-ylt-Kt lP-OxKt 0-Kt-R!5 31-Q-B2 32-Kt-Bd V.i-Kn-Q '.'4-P-OR4 ?S-P-R4 26-B-B3 Horowitr jRatitnsiere Black White P-K4 !'27-K-Kt2 KKt-B I j-JH-H-KR Kt-B3 ifl-QR-KB P-04 R i KtP 30-RtRi.Kt B-K2 31-K-R Kl-Kt3 32-l?P Castles 33-K-KtJ P-B4 .14-I-04 B-H3 3VK-Kt Q-K7 .'IH-KtxB R-Q 37-B-Ktl Rt-R4 3H-P-K3 P-B4 ;i!l-Q-Kt2 B-K i 4(l-q-R Kt-Kt6 4l--B3 4:i-R-R KtxKt 43-Q-B4 KtxR 44-Pxll QH-B 4T.-R-K R-Q2 4li-B-B P-OKt.l 47-K-KI3 J-03 4B-R-K2 P-QR4 4'1-K-Kt P-R4 SO-BsR P-KI3 Rcsiiina K-R2I 87I-KB2 P-KBS PxP R-BS RxP P-K.t BxP OxKt B-B4 Q-Od O-Q.l R- O-Kl R-Kt RsR. R-Ofl K-KtJ 0-K4 R-07ch -Kt7 Rxf Q-QT QUEENS PAWN OPPENING Rellome Reshevskyl Bellome While Block While 1- P-04 Kt-KB.I 21-B-02 2- P-WB4 P-K3l32-On-K 3- K-UB3 B-KtSl23-P-B.'i 4- C3-B2 Kt-B3! 24-OB-U3 5- KI-B3 25-K-R -P-Kl Cast Irs 2S-R-K2 7- B-Wt pxP 27-RxQ 8- Bxl P-QR3 2H-R-B2 B-P-QR3 R-O.3 2f-QxR 10- Castlei P-K4 30-B-O4 11- P-W5 Kt-K2 31-QxR 12- P-RI Kt-Kt.1 32-KxKt 13- B-O.l Q-K2 33-K-BJ 14- KI-C32 Kt-R5 34-K-K3 15- KKI-K4 KtxKt 35-B-B3 lR-KlxKt BxP .1A-K-B2 17- PxB P-KB4 37-K-K3 18- P-B4 PxKt 3R-Px.B lfl-BxKP PxP 31-P-B4 ?0-PxP P-KKlS'Restans ZUKERTORT OPENING Santaslere Pinkus Snntaslere White Black While 1- Kt-KB.1 Kt-KB3 24. KtxKt 2- P-QKH P-K3 2.1-K-Ktl 3- P-QR3 . P-OR4 2h-Kt-B2 4- P-KtS P-B4 27-Kt-K3 5- B-KI2 P-OKI3 28-WR-B ti-P-K3 B-Kt2 2fl-QxB 7- P-B4 P-3 30-Q-O4 8- P-Q4 QKt-tt2 31-K-R -Kt-Q2 R-B 32-UK-4 10- B-W3 B-K2 33-R-Q2 11- Castles Cssrles 34-UR-KB2 12- 0-K2 Q-B2 3S-BP 13- QH-B KR-K 3fi-Kt-K(4 14- Kt-K B-R 37-Kt-RSch 15- P-B4 PxP LR-KtxR 16- PxP , P-K4 3-P-Kt4 17- BPxP PxP 40-QxKP 18- P-OS 0-03 41-RxKtch 19- B-B2 P-KI3 42-RxPcb.
20- B-Kt B-R3 43-Pxc 21- QR-RJ Kt-R4 44-K-Kt. 22- P-KI3 K't-B4 45-SUPch 23- Kt-K4 Q-K2 Reshevsk Blarlc R-B.l O-BJ PxP R-Kt3rh R-KB PxB RxR RxR Kt-Bft R-Kt8ch KtxQ K-B2 K-Kt.l K-B4 B-B5ch B-K4 BxB K-K4 P-Kti Pinkus Blac Q-Ktch P-K K-BKtJ O-Ol BxB P-B4 R-B Kt-Kil R-QB2 KR-B R-Oi PxR Kt-B K-BJ OxKa P-KH RxF PxR Oxa BxPch, K-Bl Resigns.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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