OCR Text
CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor June 8, 1911 L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1197 By B. M. Neill White mates in two. (Wh. 8; Bl. 7.) INFORMATION O-O Is east ling on the king's aide, O-O-O Is castling on the queen's side. L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1198 By A. J. Fink White mates in three. (Wh. 5: Bl. 8.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1193: B-B. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1194: N-B7. We received solutions from the following: J. O. Dodge. R. M Crafton. C. P Ford. J. T. Watson. W. B. Tudor. W, L. Koethen, A. G. Karn. G. C. Lawson. H. 1 Bruhn, J. M. Meinhardt. L. Sheppard. J. IE. Tyler. A. D, Reynolds Sr.. M. Rudholm, lJ- H- Alherton. W. C. Nolling, G. A. Hall, A- I E. H. Schadee. W. Harmon, .h. Kinsep (welcome to our ladder.!
12TH GAME RUY LOPEZ Ifnrowltl White 1- P-K4 2- Kt-KB3 3- B-KI5 4- B-R4 5- Cat!ca 8-P-Q4 7- B-K13 8- PxP 9- P-B3 10- P-UR4 11- KI-Q4 12- P-KR4 13- Q-B2 14- PxKt 15- PxOP 16- B-K3 17- KNQ2 18- QxKt 19- QR-B 20- Q-Q3 21- B-OB2 22- B-Rfl 23- Q-KKI3 24- H-KI3 25- B-KI5 26- QR-Q 27- OxB 28- P-R4 29- Q-R4 30- Q-B3 31- Q-K3 32- Q-KB3 33- R-OB 34- RxRch 35- P-R5 36- QxRP 37- RxP 38- OxBch 39- Q-B6ch 40- B-B2ch 41- Q-BSch 42- QxR 43- P-OKt3 44- Q-OBS 45- K-B 46- Q-Q8ch 47- PxQ 48-K-B2 49-K-KI.3 50-K-KI4 Reshevsky Black P-K4 KI-OB3 P-QR3 Kt-B-3 KtxP P-OKt4 P-4 B-K3 B-K2 P-Kt5 KtxKP B-KI5 P-QB4 PxKt Castles B-K3 KtxKt P-B3 Q-KI3 Q-KI2 P-KI3 R-B2 P-B4 B-Q 0-R2 BxB R-OB K-KI2 P-R3 0-KI2 Q-K2 Q-Kt2 KR-B2 RxR PxP K-R2 BxR K-KI2 K-R2 RxB K-Kt? QQ.Q2 P-QR4 Q-Q K-Kt3 QxQ K-B3 K-K3 KxP K-K3 r.s.s.R, Horowlli White 51- K-R5 52- KxP 53- P-KI4 54- P-KI5 55- P-KI6 56- P-KI7 57- P-Kt8(Ql 5H-Q-Q4 59- OxP 60- OxP 61- K-Kt 62- K-KI5 63- K-B6 64- K-B7 65- K-K7 66- K-Q7 67- K-B7 68- K-KtS 69- K-R7 70- Q-KI7 71- Q-KI6 72- K-R6 73- Q-KI5 74- K-R5 75- Q-B4 76- K-KI5 77- K-B5 78- K-Q5 79- K-K4 80- K-Q3 81- Q-K4 82- Q-OB4 83- K-Q2 84- K-B2 85- K-B3 88-Q-G4 87-K-Q2 88-P-R5 89- K-K 90- Q-KtS 91- P-R6 92- K-B 93- Q-B2 94- K-KI2 95-K-R2 98-P-R7 97- K-Kt 98- K-B 99- K-K2 Drawn TOl'RNEY Reshevsky Black K-B4 KK5 KxP K-116 p-gs P-Q6 P-Q7 K-B7 P-Q8IQI K-KI7 Q-B7ch G-Kl7ch Q-B.lch Q-Q4ch i Q-K4ch Q-B4ch Q-B2ch -K3ch Q-Q2ch Q-Q5ch Q-O.'ch Q-6ch g-03ch K-R6! Q-Qch Q-Ktch -B2ch Q-Qch Q-K2ch , Q-R2ch ! Q-KB2 J-R2ch Q-R3eh G-R7ch Q-Rch Q-Bfh KxP 5-B7ch Q-KB4 K-B5 0-K4ch S-B4ch Q-KtBch -Kt3ch K-Kt4 Q-R2ch 0-Kt2ch Q-RBch Q-R7ch Final Standing of the Players Totals Won Lost Drawn Won Lost Botwlnnlk .... 9 2 9 13'a 6'i Kerea 6 4 10 11 9 Smyslov 4 4 12 10 10 Boleslavsky ... 4 6 10 9 11 Llltentha! 5 8 7 8's ll'i Bondrevsky
From the Russian Sextangular Tourney: FALKBFER COUNTER GAMBIT H P V1.Tiiun. 1. CI U.riman W M jKinsey. E. L. Darnells, J. C. Drake. Re r. i-ru-iiaru, Mrs. a. luvar, n. nosim. L. A. Salgado. Correction: Problem 119.1 by Sam Lord should read mala in three.
HERMAN STtlNKR Sl.Ml XTANKOl S TOIR At the end of this month Herman Steiner wall n.L. the exhihition-lecture tour throughout the State. This tour will have a two-fold pur-: pose, namely lo attempt the organisation of a California Stale Chess Association with representation from all parts of the State.
Such an association would sponsor the forthcoming State championship tournament whirh we hope ran be held during the month of August. Any eitv desirinr an exhibition please communicate with Ihe writer as soon as possible so that the necessary plans may be completed. THE ANNI AL IMTFII STATES CHESS FEDERATION' TOl'RNAMENT J. C. Thompson.
Texas State champion, who was a recent visitor in Log Angeles. brought word that the annual tournament Kerea White 1- P-K4 2- P-KB4 3- PxP 4- P-Q3 5- BxP 6- N-QB3 7- N-B3 8- O-Q 9- B-B4 10-B-N3 Bonds. revsky White 1- P-K4 2- P-Q4 3- P-K5 4- Kt-KB3 6-B-Q3 6- Castles 7- P-QR3 R.QKt-Q2 9-KI-K13 10- R-K 11- P-KI3 12- BxKtch 13- 0-03 14- P-KR4 15- B-Q2 Lillenthal , Keres Black i White P-K4 1I-P-QR4 P-Q4 P-K5 PxP! N-KB3i B-K2 12-K-R1 13- N-K5 14- P-N4 15- B-K3 16- P-N5 O-O: 17-PxB QN-Q2 18-P-Q6 N-N319-PxN P-QR4 1 FRENCH Lillenthal Black R-B4ch B-KB4 B-QN5 B-ltl QN-Q2 BxN N-K5 NxN Resigns DEFENSE I Bonda-Botwlnnik revsky Black White P-K3! 16-B-Kt4 P-Q4 17-Ox P-OB4 18-KPxP Kt-OB3 19-PxP PxP 20-PxP B-B4 21-B-06 KKI-K2 22-Kt-R4 Kt-Kt3 23-K-R2 B-KI3! 24-R-K2 B-02, 25-R-Q2 P-B3! 26-P-B4 PxB'27-BxPch K-B2: 28-PxKtrh Q-KKt 29-R-KB Q-R2I Resigns IRREGULAR DEFENSE Bonda-i Bole- revskyi slavsky Botwlnnlk Black P-KI4 RXU; PxBPI P-K4I R-K R-KKt B-KB4 P-Q6 Bonda- revsky will throuih tha -uth.
The writer mar par ticipate. RESHEVSKY RETAINS TITLE Appended Is a summary of the match: No. Match. Opening, Moves 1 Queen s Gambit declined 49 ' 2 Sicilian defense 3 Queen's Gambit declined 4 Sicilian defense 5 Indian defense 6 Ruy Lope 7 Queen s Gambit declined 8 Ruy Lopez 9 Queen s Gambit declined 10 Ruy Lopez U Queen's Gambit declined 12 Ruy Lope 13 Indian defense 14 English opening 15 English opening 16 3 Knights opening Final score: Reshevsky. 3; drawn 13.
Horowitz, 0; Boleslavsky White Black White 1- P-K4 P-Q3I 15-Q-K3 2- P-Q4 Kt-KB3 16-B-K13 3- KI-OB3 P-KKI3I 17-BPxKt 4- Kt-B3 B-K12I 18-K-Kt 5- B-KtS P-KR3! 19-Kt-Q4 6- B-KB4 QKt-Q2j 20-QKt-K2 7- Q-Q2 P-KK14! 21-R-Q2 8- B-Kt3 Kt-R4 22-P-R4 9- B-QB4 P-Kl5i23-PxP 10- Kt-KKt P-QB4i24-Kt-B3 11- PxP KtxB ! 25-KtxQP 12- RPxKt KtxP26-RxP 13- KKI-K2 B-Q2I27-Q-Q3 14-Castles.QR R-QB. Resigns Here is the exciting game between the two club champions. Albert S. Pinkus of the Manhattans and Reuben Fine of the Marshall. It occurred in the current deciding match of the Metropolitan Chess League, New York City: QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED B-K6 KtxB K-K2 B8(Q)31-R-B2 Rlsrkl36-BxQ p.R337-K-Bl KtxBch;38-BxR Q.R4;J9-H-W7 Q-QB4 r-M' Q-K4 P-KR4 PxP.e.p.
P-Q4 QxKtP B-R3 R-KKt Q-KtBch 13- B-KI5 14- Q-K2 15- KtxP 16- Q-B2 17- QR-Q 18- B-R4 19- KKt-K2 20- RxR " 21- P-B4 Reshevsky White 1- P-Q4 2- P-QB4 3- Kt-KB3 4- Kt-B3 5- P-QR4 6- P-K3 7- BxP i 9-P-R3 of!jo-B-Q3 '11-QxB io.dIic i ' Won by Reshevsky. 10TH GAME RUY LOPEZ Horowitz Reshevsky! Horowitz Reshevsky White Black I White Black 1- P-K4 P-Kl 14-PxKt P-QR4 2- Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 15-P-B3 P-R5 3- B-K15 P-QR3! 16-Kt-Q2 Kt-Kt4 4- B-R4 KI-B3I 17-P-B4 Kt-K.V 5- Castleg KtxP 18-Kt-Bl P-B4; 6- P-Q4 P-QKt4 19-B-K.t P-B5l 7- B-Kt3 P-Q420-Kt-Kt5 BxKti 8- PxP B-K321-PxB P-Kt5 9- P-B3 B-K222-Q-K G-Kt2 10- QKt-Q2 Castles' 23-R-B KR-B 11- B-B2 P-B4 24-P-R4 P-K16 12- Kt-Kt3 Q-Q225-BxKt Drawn 13- KKt-Q4 KtxKt I The full score of the llth gamer QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED Fine White 1- P-Q4 2- P-OB4 3- P-KN3 4- B-N2 5- Q-R4ch 6- QxBP 7- N-KB3 8- Q-Q3 9- 0-0 10- Q-QI 11- N-B3 12- NxB 13- N-KS Plnkua. Fine Black; White N-KB3 14-B-B4 P-K3il5-R-Bl F-Q4:16-B-NS PxP 17-B-B4 B-Q2 : 18-P-B3 B-B3 19-P-K4 B-Q4 20-R-KB2 N-B3 21-N-Q3 B-K5 22-NXB B-K2 23-Q-N3 B-Q4 24-N-Q3 PxN 25-R-Q1 O-O 26-PxBP N-B3 N-Kl;21-P-R5 P-KB4 BxB23-B-B N-B2I24-B-K3 P-KN4 t R-Nl ;26-Q.Q K-R127-B-B4 NxP'28-R-R2 Pinkus Black B-Q3 N-K2 N-K5 P-QB3 Horowitz Black P-Q4 P-QB3 KT-B3 PxP B-B4 P-K3 QKt-Q2 B-K2 Castles BxB Q-B2 P-K4 QR-Q PxP KR-K B-Q3 P-KR3 B-K4 Kt-B QxR B-Q5ch Reshevsky White 22- KtxB 23- B-B2 24- P-K5 25- KI-K4 26- P-KKt3 27- Q-Q3 28- P-KI3 29- B-B5 30- P-KKt4 31- B-Q6 32- K-R 33- P-B5 34- PxP 35- P-K6 36- B-B5 37- Q-KB3 38- R-KKt 39- Q-H5 40- KxR 41- QxPch 42- B-B8 Horowitz Black QxKtch Q-Kt5 Kt-Q4 Kt-K3 Kt-Q5 Kt-B4 P-KKt3 Q-R4 Kt-Kt2 Q-Kt3ch P-QRi PxP K-R P-B3 Q-R3 R-KKt Kt-K RxRch Kt-Kt2 K-Kt Resigns
12TH GAME RUY LOPEZ Ifnrowltl White 1- P-K4 2- Kt-KB3 3- B-KI5 4- B-R4 5- Cat!ca 8-P-Q4 7- B-K13 8- PxP 9- P-B3 10- P-UR4 11- KI-Q4 12- P-KR4 13- Q-B2 14- PxKt 15- PxOP 16- B-K3 17- KNQ2 18- QxKt 19- QR-B 20- Q-Q3 21- B-OB2 22- B-Rfl 23- Q-KKI3 24- H-KI3 25- B-KI5 26- QR-Q 27- OxB 28- P-R4 29- Q-R4 30- Q-B3 31- Q-K3 32- Q-KB3 33- R-OB 34- RxRch 35- P-R5 36- QxRP 37- RxP 38- OxBch 39- Q-B6ch 40- B-B2ch 41- Q-BSch 42- QxR 43- P-OKt3 44- Q-OBS 45- K-B 46- Q-Q8ch 47- PxQ 48-K-B2 49-K-KI.3 50-K-KI4 Reshevsky Black P-K4 KI-OB3 P-QR3 Kt-B-3 KtxP P-OKt4 P-4 B-K3 B-K2 P-Kt5 KtxKP B-KI5 P-QB4 PxKt Castles B-K3 KtxKt P-B3 Q-KI3 Q-KI2 P-KI3 R-B2 P-B4 B-Q 0-R2 BxB R-OB K-KI2 P-R3 0-KI2 Q-K2 Q-Kt2 KR-B2 RxR PxP K-R2 BxR K-KI2 K-R2 RxB K-Kt? QQ.Q2 P-QR4 Q-Q K-Kt3 QxQ K-B3 K-K3 KxP K-K3 r.s.s.R, Horowlli White 51- K-R5 52- KxP 53- P-KI4 54- P-KI5 55- P-KI6 56- P-KI7 57- P-Kt8(Ql 5H-Q-Q4 59- OxP 60- OxP 61- K-Kt 62- K-KI5 63- K-B6 64- K-B7 65- K-K7 66- K-Q7 67- K-B7 68- K-KtS 69- K-R7 70- Q-KI7 71- Q-KI6 72- K-R6 73- Q-KI5 74- K-R5 75- Q-B4 76- K-KI5 77- K-B5 78- K-Q5 79- K-K4 80- K-Q3 81- Q-K4 82- Q-OB4 83- K-Q2 84- K-B2 85- K-B3 88-Q-G4 87-K-Q2 88-P-R5 89- K-K 90- Q-KtS 91- P-R6 92- K-B 93- Q-B2 94- K-KI2 95-K-R2 98-P-R7 97- K-Kt 98- K-B 99- K-K2 Drawn TOl'RNEY Reshevsky Black K-B4 KK5 KxP K-116 p-gs P-Q6 P-Q7 K-B7 P-Q8IQI K-KI7 Q-B7ch G-Kl7ch Q-B.lch Q-Q4ch i Q-K4ch Q-B4ch Q-B2ch -K3ch Q-Q2ch Q-Q5ch Q-O.'ch Q-6ch g-03ch K-R6! Q-Qch Q-Ktch -B2ch Q-Qch Q-K2ch , Q-R2ch ! Q-KB2 J-R2ch Q-R3eh G-R7ch Q-Rch Q-Bfh KxP 5-B7ch Q-KB4 K-B5 0-K4ch S-B4ch Q-KtBch -Kt3ch K-Kt4 Q-R2ch 0-Kt2ch Q-RBch Q-R7ch Final Standing of the Players Totals Won Lost Drawn Won Lost Botwlnnlk .... 9 2 9 13'a 6'i Kerea 6 4 10 11 9 Smyslov 4 4 12 10 10 Boleslavsky ... 4 6 10 9 11 Llltentha! 5 8 7 8's ll'i Bondrevsky
From the Russian Sextangular Tourney: FALKBFER COUNTER GAMBIT H P V1.Tiiun. 1. CI U.riman W M jKinsey. E. L. Darnells, J. C. Drake. Re r. i-ru-iiaru, Mrs. a. luvar, n. nosim. L. A. Salgado. Correction: Problem 119.1 by Sam Lord should read mala in three.
HERMAN STtlNKR Sl.Ml XTANKOl S TOIR At the end of this month Herman Steiner wall n.L. the exhihition-lecture tour throughout the State. This tour will have a two-fold pur-: pose, namely lo attempt the organisation of a California Stale Chess Association with representation from all parts of the State.
Such an association would sponsor the forthcoming State championship tournament whirh we hope ran be held during the month of August. Any eitv desirinr an exhibition please communicate with Ihe writer as soon as possible so that the necessary plans may be completed. THE ANNI AL IMTFII STATES CHESS FEDERATION' TOl'RNAMENT J. C. Thompson.
Texas State champion, who was a recent visitor in Log Angeles. brought word that the annual tournament Kerea White 1- P-K4 2- P-KB4 3- PxP 4- P-Q3 5- BxP 6- N-QB3 7- N-B3 8- O-Q 9- B-B4 10-B-N3 Bonds. revsky White 1- P-K4 2- P-Q4 3- P-K5 4- Kt-KB3 6-B-Q3 6- Castles 7- P-QR3 R.QKt-Q2 9-KI-K13 10- R-K 11- P-KI3 12- BxKtch 13- 0-03 14- P-KR4 15- B-Q2 Lillenthal , Keres Black i White P-K4 1I-P-QR4 P-Q4 P-K5 PxP! N-KB3i B-K2 12-K-R1 13- N-K5 14- P-N4 15- B-K3 16- P-N5 O-O: 17-PxB QN-Q2 18-P-Q6 N-N319-PxN P-QR4 1 FRENCH Lillenthal Black R-B4ch B-KB4 B-QN5 B-ltl QN-Q2 BxN N-K5 NxN Resigns DEFENSE I Bonda-Botwlnnik revsky Black White P-K3! 16-B-Kt4 P-Q4 17-Ox P-OB4 18-KPxP Kt-OB3 19-PxP PxP 20-PxP B-B4 21-B-06 KKI-K2 22-Kt-R4 Kt-Kt3 23-K-R2 B-KI3! 24-R-K2 B-02, 25-R-Q2 P-B3! 26-P-B4 PxB'27-BxPch K-B2: 28-PxKtrh Q-KKt 29-R-KB Q-R2I Resigns IRREGULAR DEFENSE Bonda-i Bole- revskyi slavsky Botwlnnlk Black P-KI4 RXU; PxBPI P-K4I R-K R-KKt B-KB4 P-Q6 Bonda- revsky will throuih tha -uth.
The writer mar par ticipate. RESHEVSKY RETAINS TITLE Appended Is a summary of the match: No. Match. Opening, Moves 1 Queen s Gambit declined 49 ' 2 Sicilian defense 3 Queen's Gambit declined 4 Sicilian defense 5 Indian defense 6 Ruy Lope 7 Queen s Gambit declined 8 Ruy Lopez 9 Queen s Gambit declined 10 Ruy Lopez U Queen's Gambit declined 12 Ruy Lope 13 Indian defense 14 English opening 15 English opening 16 3 Knights opening Final score: Reshevsky. 3; drawn 13.
Horowitz, 0; Boleslavsky White Black White 1- P-K4 P-Q3I 15-Q-K3 2- P-Q4 Kt-KB3 16-B-K13 3- KI-OB3 P-KKI3I 17-BPxKt 4- Kt-B3 B-K12I 18-K-Kt 5- B-KtS P-KR3! 19-Kt-Q4 6- B-KB4 QKt-Q2j 20-QKt-K2 7- Q-Q2 P-KK14! 21-R-Q2 8- B-Kt3 Kt-R4 22-P-R4 9- B-QB4 P-Kl5i23-PxP 10- Kt-KKt P-QB4i24-Kt-B3 11- PxP KtxB ! 25-KtxQP 12- RPxKt KtxP26-RxP 13- KKI-K2 B-Q2I27-Q-Q3 14-Castles.QR R-QB. Resigns Here is the exciting game between the two club champions. Albert S. Pinkus of the Manhattans and Reuben Fine of the Marshall. It occurred in the current deciding match of the Metropolitan Chess League, New York City: QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED B-K6 KtxB K-K2 B8(Q)31-R-B2 Rlsrkl36-BxQ p.R337-K-Bl KtxBch;38-BxR Q.R4;J9-H-W7 Q-QB4 r-M' Q-K4 P-KR4 PxP.e.p.
P-Q4 QxKtP B-R3 R-KKt Q-KtBch 13- B-KI5 14- Q-K2 15- KtxP 16- Q-B2 17- QR-Q 18- B-R4 19- KKt-K2 20- RxR " 21- P-B4 Reshevsky White 1- P-Q4 2- P-QB4 3- Kt-KB3 4- Kt-B3 5- P-QR4 6- P-K3 7- BxP i 9-P-R3 of!jo-B-Q3 '11-QxB io.dIic i ' Won by Reshevsky. 10TH GAME RUY LOPEZ Horowitz Reshevsky! Horowitz Reshevsky White Black I White Black 1- P-K4 P-Kl 14-PxKt P-QR4 2- Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 15-P-B3 P-R5 3- B-K15 P-QR3! 16-Kt-Q2 Kt-Kt4 4- B-R4 KI-B3I 17-P-B4 Kt-K.V 5- Castleg KtxP 18-Kt-Bl P-B4; 6- P-Q4 P-QKt4 19-B-K.t P-B5l 7- B-Kt3 P-Q420-Kt-Kt5 BxKti 8- PxP B-K321-PxB P-Kt5 9- P-B3 B-K222-Q-K G-Kt2 10- QKt-Q2 Castles' 23-R-B KR-B 11- B-B2 P-B4 24-P-R4 P-K16 12- Kt-Kt3 Q-Q225-BxKt Drawn 13- KKt-Q4 KtxKt I The full score of the llth gamer QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED Fine White 1- P-Q4 2- P-OB4 3- P-KN3 4- B-N2 5- Q-R4ch 6- QxBP 7- N-KB3 8- Q-Q3 9- 0-0 10- Q-QI 11- N-B3 12- NxB 13- N-KS Plnkua. Fine Black; White N-KB3 14-B-B4 P-K3il5-R-Bl F-Q4:16-B-NS PxP 17-B-B4 B-Q2 : 18-P-B3 B-B3 19-P-K4 B-Q4 20-R-KB2 N-B3 21-N-Q3 B-K5 22-NXB B-K2 23-Q-N3 B-Q4 24-N-Q3 PxN 25-R-Q1 O-O 26-PxBP N-B3 N-Kl;21-P-R5 P-KB4 BxB23-B-B N-B2I24-B-K3 P-KN4 t R-Nl ;26-Q.Q K-R127-B-B4 NxP'28-R-R2 Pinkus Black B-Q3 N-K2 N-K5 P-QB3 Horowitz Black P-Q4 P-QB3 KT-B3 PxP B-B4 P-K3 QKt-Q2 B-K2 Castles BxB Q-B2 P-K4 QR-Q PxP KR-K B-Q3 P-KR3 B-K4 Kt-B QxR B-Q5ch Reshevsky White 22- KtxB 23- B-B2 24- P-K5 25- KI-K4 26- P-KKt3 27- Q-Q3 28- P-KI3 29- B-B5 30- P-KKt4 31- B-Q6 32- K-R 33- P-B5 34- PxP 35- P-K6 36- B-B5 37- Q-KB3 38- R-KKt 39- Q-H5 40- KxR 41- QxPch 42- B-B8 Horowitz Black QxKtch Q-Kt5 Kt-Q4 Kt-K3 Kt-Q5 Kt-B4 P-KKt3 Q-R4 Kt-Kt2 Q-Kt3ch P-QRi PxP K-R P-B3 Q-R3 R-KKt Kt-K RxRch Kt-Kt2 K-Kt Resigns