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June 01, 1941 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 01 Jun 1941, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor June 1, 1941 L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1195 By Sam Loyd White mates in two. L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1198 By R. Cheney White has a small but unrie-mania advantage, which he can maintain either with 1. N-04, or 15. P-B3, or 15, Q-Q2, or 15. Q-QJ. next month Ro tha ouestlnn as to what are the best ways of playing Into fal the Paulsen and Srhevtnmgen system!, (hi the Dragon, la still open. Next -..omh'i article will so into It. INITIO KTAim CHAMPIONSHIP After 10 games, United fltatei Champion Bammy Rcahevsky leads with 2 wlni and t drawa. i EIGHTH GAME ' RUY LOPEZ Horowlt! Reihevskyi Horowltl White 1- P-K4 2- Kt-KB 3- H.Kll 4- B-R4 5- Castlei 6- R-K 7- B-KtJ B-P-B3 0-R-BJ 10- P-O4 11- P-KR1 12- P-OR4 13- PxKtP 14- QKI-Q2 111-RxR 1H-P-Q.1 17-Kt-B 1R-P-KKI4 Ifl-Kt-Kt3 20-K-R2 21- R-Kt 22- B-K3 23- Q-QB Itlac White P-K4'24-Kt-K Kt-0113 P-QH3 KI-B3 B-K2 P-QKI4 P-Q3 Kt-H4 P-B4 Q-B2 Castles B-U2 PxKtP KI-B3 RxR Kl-Q P-BS Kt-K P-KI3 KI-KKI2 P-B3 Kt-B2 K-Ri S-Kt-Kt2 2rl-PxP 27-B-Q2 2B-P-B4 29- KtxP 30- R-B ' 31- B-R3 32- KKI-K2 33- Q-B4 34- R-KKt 35- Kt-B5 3(l-PxRP 37-BxKt 30-Q-RK 39- Q-Kl8ch 40- P-R6 41- P-R7 42- Q-Rch 43- Q-KlRfh 44- O-Rnch 45- Q-Kt6rh 46- Q-R6th Reihevsky Black' Q-R4 P-Klb QxP Q-H4 PxP KI-K4 Kt-K Kt-Kt2 X-Kt Q-B P-R4 PxKt K-Q2 BPxB O-R; K-BI Kt-K I K'-B3 K-B2 K-B K-B2 K-B
NINTH GAME QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED White mates in three. (Wh. ; Bl. 3 ) SOLUTION TO PBOBLEM TO PROBLEM ll2: P-B4 , manvl.. , : ls-P-Kt4 .j.i, nsiBu.i miB bui.ii.iu iu..itm :17-B-B5 Reshevsky While 1- P-04 2- P-OB4 3- Kt-QR3 4- B-KtS 5- P-K3 6- PxP 7- B-03 R-Q-B2 9-Kt-B3 10- Castles 11- KI-K5 12- BxB 13- KtxKt 14- KI-K2 S-KI-KI3 Horowlig Blsrlc Kt-KIH P-K3 P-Q4 P-113 QKt-OJ KPxP B-K2 , Castas R-K Kt-R Kt-Kt5 QH HxKt OR-Q be: be- hia contest the third time. Mr. vatn ;?'iSR4 WITH 2H7 POINTS We eonsratnlate Mr. Watson for winning 1 18-BxB 19-QR-Kt many haiu from Hollywood, Cal. J H Atherton. 15: H. Bruhn 21- PxP 22- R-R i?3-R-Rfi ' 24-KR-R ; 25-P-R3 ; 27-Q-B5 Duncan! io' c.tu Ford .iIIrIrt 14. G. Francis, 36: P. Gill, 61; O. R. Hsl-lin-R-Rs ion. m, g. a. Hail 79; w. Harmon i-ki-kis 1 213; L. G. Hertman. B2: D. A. i 32-Q-B2ch lnne! CM 16; W. L. Koethen CM 17;;33.b.r7 A. U. Karn. 73; u. u. i.awson, do; n. r.
34-Q.Q Reshevsky White 42- Q-Kt 43- R-R8ch 44- R-KB8 45- R-OKI8 46- R-Kt7ch 47- RxRch 48- Kt-K2 49- Kt-Kt 50- P-KI3 51- K-KI2 52- Kt-B3 53- Kt-02 54- KPxP 5..-KI-B3 Q-RS ; Sh-Q-QH R-03 57-QxBP R-B3 58-KXP OxBi 59-Q-07ch P-OR3 0-Kt-K5 P-Kt4ltil-KlxO RPP62-Kt-Kt6 KI-KI3I63-P-R4 R-OBjM-P-R5 Drwn Horowitgl puck ; p"ic?3 ; R.B.i p-km K-R3I KI-KI3IT. SS-P-B4 6fi-KtxP ti7-Kt-K3ch h8-K-Kt4 fi9-Kt-05ch R-K270-K-B5 R-K3;71-K-Kt5 Kt-R5l72-P-Ri,ch P-R4 Q-Q2 R-KI OK K-R2 f . J. CVa.,11. Itl, U. . a.-l1.-". per Matoslan, h9; J. M MelnhiJrdl. 176; H. G. cent..' ,1V: o. b. oXT p.' &q.r2 v. Hudnolm " JJ: A. u. neynoias. ji.,,.- L. Sheppard. 115; L. Btern, 69; E. H. Scha flf( C .1 HO. -J. A. B8IKSOO I-.; 4VfJ j. a one aon. ja; Mrs. oiauora. w. e.. 47- ,;r Mr-. A. Tovr, w. Tud0r im 254; j. p. I winner. ilie'sco. includes Prob- lem 1185-1192. Or.
E. Ty- 39- Q-B3 40- O-B2 41- K-R R-KI3 P-KB4 R-R3 R- R-02 RxR Q-K3 R-KI3 73-P-B5 74- K-R5 75- Kt-B7 76- KtxP 77- Kt-Qfi 78- Kt-BS 79- K-K15 80- K-B6 Q-B3I81-K-K7 0-K3l82-P-Kt5 p"p Kt-Kt3 i pp o'-kj! K.VPark; k-bi'IH. KtxQpiSidcrs' K-m K:l$ K-Kt' Kt-OS K-R2 Kt-BKch KI-K4 KI-B2 KtxP Kt-Kt Kt-R3 Kt-B2rh K-Kt Kt.K'l Rrsians Gal- a ca fense- llnl.s. it can b(. d-.f,m(eiy proved shoot- re-j .' LAWRENCE (Kan.) May 31.j0f (U.R) The University of Kansas; to University Speeds Army Service Class ;),C1I;J .
Two-movers receive two points RlXfcS OF TIIF, SOLVING CONTEST The winners of each month's contest will receive a month a membership m the Chesi and Checker Club of Los Angeles. 124 W. Fourth 8t., and the Hollywood Chesi Group, 108 N. Formosa Ave., where they may discuss composing and solving of problems and end games. Every winner will be marked with the usual e.l showing that, he was nnre a winner In climbina the ladder.
The system will enable 12 tor more ; has Instituted a n r O ? r a m bv incase of a tiei solvers to win. ..!... . ' 4 Solutions sent In answer to this problem i wlllCfl most Students can COlll- will be acknowledged within two week! ' inust MUULiiti idii iuiu rhe' Sphrminu-e0'- ladder'0 .Wim. 1 Plcte lhe,r collcKe courses before cfn oniVbe n m'iate'udder cred" i DCC'ominrT eligible for military , problems m this column may begin with : service at the age of 21.
! lena'uneeVVe. Rv t:,u-i.w a.K-antaco nf npw that such maneuvers are not legal, cap-, - ; or ture keys 'en passant" keys and eheckin summer sessions. Students Can i keys ' a,s0 'olerated. but all tne above ' iiu- lypes ,re rtther uncommotl. qualify for a degree in three be; capture of Pawn. however, i, nijyearfl Th? program win gQ into! ;tl ..rn'ur2lbpbm T2iv' So?"! effect next June. - er '."... nrinr!nt rutlntl. ...
nrei when sending Tn the three-movers. Keys! Offer Based i i I r . Three-movers receive three points on Our Ladder. " ncan.! PITTSFIKLD (Mass.) May 31. ' ca in ied . (U.R) Even the law of averages '"" n "ejected', '"'doesn't help John E. Fitzgerald ' dividual! -jr teams but not consult other- spend $lon Fitzgerald, father . for h,cl issuM nd ,ub.crlp. of five tUuitrhteis.
offered to give jiona should be directed to the circulation , t firca fp,,:. as hus- ueAp0mr, literature should send a self-addresed and - 1 nus- Anyone desiring information for chess flau'-'htcrs to nresent him with a ! literature should send a self-addresed and u-"e"-is "'I"11"1 ."uu . : stamped envelope. grandson. Three of the girls al- This column appears on Sunday.
leaclv are married and have CLIB NEWS J. B. Roe, president of the newly formed rneis cruup wnicn mrcm rvery naini-a, K afternoon at the county's recreation park borne children all girls. ..r.n. rbrJn.em.1 Marriage Course Popular jSlelner, International ches master, for a j ,..., LEW1SBURG (Pa.) Mav 31.
University pro- and NCA if.t,...-w simultaneous cxninnton ana leciure on : . , ., i - n iiunointniRi prinnpm on junf , i ' ' IID1 r. 1 11 Kisi'A larse attendance Is anticipated, sa bring lU.K) HUCKlieil "wn cheM nd b0fd"; jfessors say their biggest problem ' " iiaM..M iwith the schools new course. , the ' fr.HM1i.Cier Xjto keep down enrollment. (.antra are proaressinr lor tnis.
most in- .u j t.,...;.. it u. u trrestinr tournament at the headquarters! uiuiimiii aim iUdiiidgi;, is u tin: 1 has players, with many of the games unfinished: la. il.evin 5'i Steiner .. ; Borochow ' Chernis . . ; Levitan . . Kovacs . . j Barael . . . j Gordon , . j Weiss . . . ! wniff ... ; Dobsevage ; Hoerber . Wollston 2 '4 Everett , . i'l j Patterson 5' a Ouillen . 1 Va I Freedman 6 jMeehan . . 3 1 a j Aronson . 9 '.4 Henderson 8 Sniller .. 13 IW.Reinhardt '4 'Continued from last Sunday) LIGHT ON SOME OPENINGS Series by C. J. S. Purdy !. Another Sicilian Line for Limbo'?) I intended this month to sina the praises of energetic 2. . . . N-KB3!? in the Sicilian P-OB4; erim 6' 1 121 2 10 fV 9 'a 5' 7'. 9 5 V ! nightly. The following Is the present stand lings of pack-mule ! Defense (after the usual 1. P-K4.
P-i 2 N.KB3.i Closer analysis In the int has turned my paean into a lament ifrank dlsaKrcement with M. C. O. The I,. 7 BNe;.hl b several authorities, but lust casually, and Fine, in M.C.O., has omitted it altogether, to substitute the inconclusive pawn- sacrifice 7. b-knsi? whatever is new I iiiuoi i ci iv c giirt'tuviivki P-OBl N-KB:it? N-Q4 tune runs as follows: VARIATION II 1. P-K4 2. N-KBS 8. P-K,-! 4. N-BX! The only move, that does not lose a tempo. The various knlftht moves all leave Black ser ously behind. Plausible Is 4 N-N5!?: 5. P-Q4. PxP; 6. NxP, QN-B3; but the subtle retreat. 7. N-B3! (Tartaltower) leaves Black'! knight wretchedly placed. 8. NxN PxN . p-ot r-m This is orthodox variation, on which I relied. But Whit has one strong answer This has been quoted 7. B-N5ch! The point of thl! Is rapid castling and the possibility, therefore, of hampering Black slightly by R-K before he ii ready for castling himself. 7. . . . B-Q5 All authorities admit that 7. . . . N-B3 leads to White'! advantage, e.g., 8. O-O, It-Kit . P-B4!, 1(1. B-K3 (Dimer-Kruger. 1021,) with pressure. 8. BxBch QxR If 8. . . . NxBt 9. O-O, PxKPl 10. NxP!, also with advantage, e.g., 10. . . . NxN'i 11. R-KB-K-; U. RxN, O-Oi 13. PxP. . O-O N-B8 10. PxP BxP 11.
R-Krh N-K3 DIAGRAM 2 Q a- l'4 "L'Echiquier" m 1930. -Black has nothing f-ar-. 0n ,h(( trM1gth of tmi cieany careless pronouncement, the 1932 edition OI HI..U. quoira ine MnRirRi nuu uu- i 31 !3f eW ex. "And." wrote Tartakower airily In critically ve the verdict, "equality.
After 12. PxP. BxP; 13. B-K3, Black has . ...., w...n... in hi fOP mnti nnth. Inr whefever to show for It tnd'ed. White la the better developed. There fol- lwa naturally, . . . bb. 14. rb.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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