OCR Text
CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor Mar 35, 141 L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO, 111 Composed for the Los Angeles Times by ft. C Mankowski, Los Angeles, Cal. White mates in two. (Wh. 8: Bl, 10.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1194 . Composed for tha Log Angeleg Tlmeg br . v. ManaowsKi, Los Angeles, Cal. White mates in three. (Wh. 7; BL .) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1139: P-R4. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1130: R-B8 We received solutions from the following: J. O. Dodge. Q. B. Oakes. C P. Ford, M. Rudholm, D. A. Innes, A. O. Karn, J. s. Trier, l,. enepparo, R. m. craiton. J, M. Melnhardt. L. a. Hartman. F. B. Sheldon, H. O. Metsger, H. Bruhn, Mrs. M. Stafford. Rev p. Pr chard. W. L Koethen. E. H. Bchadee, R. Roslln, J. Davidson. W. c. Noitlng, K L. Danielle, W. B. Tudor, J. C. Lawson. J. J. Carr, J. T. Watson. A. D. Reynolds Sr. J. P. Walsh, J. C. Drake, W. Harmon.
SACRAMENTO CITY CHAMPIONSHIP Wa lust received notice from Ladderlte J. B. Oea that the 1941 championship for tna capital city. Sacramento, was won by 8s n ford W. Apples ste. The tournament was sponsored by the Capital City Chess and Checker Club, Runner-up for the title was J. B. Oee. The following is the final standing: xApplegate..
5'i lVslxKozen .... 3 4 xOee ...... S 3 Wise 3 4 xChspman .4 3 ICarmany .. 2'i 4'i xMeyer .... 3'. 31ilPearson ... iVa i't Tha new champion, Sanford W. Apple gate, played strongly throughout. The only points scored against him were a draw with Pearson, in which ha played carelessly in a favorable position, snd loss to Wise in which he trird to win an even rook and pawn ending. ENGLISH OPENINO Oee White 1- P-OB4 2- N-QB3 3- P-KN3 ' 4- B-N3 6-P-K3 6- KN-K3 7- O-0 8- P-Q4 9- R-K 10- P-Q5T 11- Q-B3 12- K-R .
13- P-N3 14- P-B4 The runner-up. J. B. Gee. Justified the prophecies that he would be a dangerous threat.
Playing in his second tournament. he has shown marked improvement In the past year. His wins from Meyer and Wise were especially good. QUEEN'S PAWN GAMS Meyer Oee Meyer Oee White Black White Black 1-P-Q4 N-KB3 16-R-B3 P-B5 3-P-QB4 P-K3 17-N-B P-N6 3- P-KN3 B-N5ch 18-QxP PxP 4- B-Q2 P-B4 19-BPxP QR-Q 5- BltB PxB 20-Q-Q3 QR-K 6- B-N2 O-O 21-RxN BxR 7- N-Q2 P-Q4 22-N-K5 Q-N5 8- KN-B3 P-QN3 23-R-B B-N4 0-O-O N-B3 24-BxN PxB 10- R-B B-N2 25-QxP QxNP 11- R-K R-B 28-R-N QxKP 12- N-B Q-Q3 27-Q-QSch K-R 13- N-K3 N-KS 28-QxB? RxNchl 14- PxP PxP 29-Resigng. 13-Q-Q3 P-B4 Applegate Oee Applegate Black White Black P-K4 15-P-K4 N-R3 N-KB3 16-KPxP N-N5 N-B3 17-N-K4 BxP B-B4 18-KN-B3 N-B7ch Q-K2 19-K-N NxNch P-QR3 20-B-K3 N-B4 P-3 21-Q-Q2 P-K5 B-R2 22-P-KN4 ' BxP O-O 23-NxP NxN N-Q 24-BxN QxB N-R4 25-BxB OxP P-B4 26-B-K3 Q-B6 N-B2 27-Resigng B-Q2 easily kali at Baa Lata Okliaa mm Tim ratMa Day.
Wa regret this esswdlnglg- mm aeaia Baa Made flag reaeratlea tbla year, having had several nm4 taaraaa teals hy way af practice. Wa hop that la tha fatara wa shall hava katlar mm pralla treat tha Northers alarer. aae "' r taa "mi atale Champlaashlai Taaraaaeni f.r wh,B mt lo4, g,n Fraaelsea. Hew aheal 1T Let as hear frees goal LIGHT ON IOMI OPENINGS (Series by C. J. S. Purdy t. Aaelher BleUlaa Una lar Liasha(T) 1 Intended enertetio 3. N-KB3lt In the fll elllsn Deiense (after tha usual 1. P-K4, P-QB4; 3. N-KB3.) Closer analysis In tha imiim iiae .urnw my paean mio aj M,ntl. Ivan.
C. O. Tha tuna rung as follows: VAKIATIONI 1. P K4 P-OB4 . N-JIBS N-KBSIf I. P-KSI N.Qt 4. N-B.1! NiN 5. ttPxN This variation (4. . . . NxN) wag not tha ona I was relying on, but It Is Interest lng because Fine claims In M.C.O, that Black can emerge from It with an "even end-game.' This la an Instance of how even grand master and how much mora as the ordinary amateurl sometimes allow themselves to be hypnotised by a plausible piece of "analysis" In defiance oi simple logic Sea diagram.
DIAGRAM 1 ait at an sit m m m m- m m m mm mm mm Peslllea after (. QPxN. Tarrasch would have roundly denounced such a claim. How, he would have argued, can Black possible equalize a game In which he Ig three tempi behind In development Not only did Black lose a tempo) by exchanging knights (since White recaptured with a developing move. I but now his original 1. . , . P-QB4 Is turned into a useless move, also. For It wag tha QB file when White played P-O; now White has command ot the Q-fiie without playing P-4 at aU. 5 P-P4 .
PxPe.p. OiP 7. QxQ PxQ Here It has been usual to play 8. P-OB4j to hold back the backward pawn. But this loses White one of his tempi and this la innovation that Inspired Fine Black immediately regains another tempo by 8. . . . B-B4I attacking a pawn. But If White doesn't try to stop .
. , P-Q4 i which will lose Black a tempo) and develona simply, he MUST retain an advantage. For example: 8. B-KB4! . F-Qt 9. O-O-O . B-R White's advantage la obvious. 10. N-N5 N-B 11. P-KNS B-KS If 11. . . . O-O-O, It. NxB and 11. B IS wins a pawn. 14. B-NJ! And wins a pawn, e.g., IS. . , . BiNi 13. BxB. P-KR3I 14. B-KS. Or 13. . . . O-O-Ol 111. NxB and 14. B-R3. Or IS. . . . B-Ql 1.1. KR-K!, BxNt 14. BxB, R novest ! BxP. But not 13. NxB, PxN.
13. R-K P-KN4I with chances. RESHEVSKY-HOROWITZ TITLE MATCH On May 4 this very Important match began In New York City. So far. seven games have been played, the first four drawn, the fifth won by Reshevsky.
Tha following are the scores ot the fourth, sixth and the seventh game. . The score follows: FOURTH GAME SICILIAN DEFENSE Charles E. Henderson, a very talented member of the Hollywood Chess Group who Just returned from brief visit ta Newf York City, is proud possessor ot m game against Frank J. Marshall, retired endefeated champion at the United 8tates, in which the latter escaped luckily with a draw.
Following ia tha scare: Henderson White 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- NxP 4- N-KB3 5- P-Q4 6- B-Q3 7 - O-O 8- P-B4 9- PxP 10-R-K U-QN-Q2 1Z-Q-N3 13- P-KR3 14- N-K5 15- PxB 16- Q-B3 17- QxN 18- P-K8 19-QxQ 20- P-K7 21- R-K3 22- RxP 23- RxB 24-K-RZ 25-N-N3 PETROF Marshal! Black P-K4 N-KB3 P-Q3 NxP P-Q4 B-Q3 O-O B-KNS P-KB4 N-Q2 ON-B3 K-R B-R4 BxN N-B4 NxB NxP N-N5 KRxQ R-Q2 N-Q6 RxP R-K8ch NxBP R-R8ch DEFENSE Henderson White 26- K-N3 27- R-R4 28- B-B4 . 29- NxR 30- BxP - 31- R-Q4 32- R-Q8 33- BxR 34- N-N3 35- K-B4 36- K-K5 37- B-B7 3R-N-Q4 39- K-K4 , 40- K-Q5 41- N-BS 42- NxP 43- K-K4 44- P-N4 45- BxKNP 48-B-B7 47- K-B5 48- K-N4 49- BxP 50- B-Q8 Drawn. Marshall Black R-KB N-Q6 RxR NxP N-08 N-Bft RxR NxP K-N K-B2 N-N5 P-KR4 N-Q6ch N-B4ch P-ON3 P-R5 N-Q6 N-K8 PxP e.P. N-B7 P-KN4 M-QSChl K-N3 N-B4 N-R3ch Horowltg Reshevsky Horowltl Reshevskf White Black White Black 1-P-K4 P-QB4 27-K-R2 R-B3 3-Kt-KB3 P-Q3 28-R-QB3 Kt-B4 3- P-Q4 PxP 29-Q-K3 R-K3 4- KtxP KI-KB3 30-P-B3 R-B3 8-Kt-QB3 P-KKt3 31-P-Kt3 R-K3 8-B-K2 B-K12 32-K-Kt2 P-R3 7- Cattleg ' Castles 33-P-R4 R-B3 8- B-K3 Kt-B3 34-K-R2 R-K3 9- Kt-Kt3 P-QR4 35-R-KKt R-B3 10- P-QR4 B-K3 36-P-RS Kt-K3 11- Kt-Q4 KtxKt 37-PxP PxP 12- BxKt R-B 38-K-Kt2 Q-B4 13- Q-Q2 B-B5 39-Q-Q2 P-Kt4 14- QR-Q Q-B2 40-R-Q P-KtS 15- KR-K KR-Q 41-PxP Kt-Kt4 16- P-R3 Q-B3 42-0-K3 QxQ 17- Q-K3 BxB 43-RxQ K-R2 18- RxB Kt-Q2 44-Kt-B3 R-QB 19- Kt-JS R-K 45-Kt-OS R-KB3 20- BxB KxB 46-R-KR . R-KKt 21- P-Kt3 Q-B4 47-R-KB RxR 22- Q-K13 R-B3 48-KxR R-Brh 23- P-B4 P-K3 49-K-Kt3 R-B3 24- Kt-B3 .
Q-Kt5 50-Kt-B3 K-Kt 25- Kt-Kt5 P-K4 51-Kt-Q R-B3 26- R-K3 R-K3 Drawn , SIXTH GAMX Horowltl Reshevsky Horowltg Reshevsky White Black White Blue 1- P-K4 P-K4 22-B-K3 Q-Kt 2- Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 23-R-B2 Q-KS 3- B-KtS P-QR3 24-R-QB B-M 4- B-R4 Kt-B3 25-R-K2 P-RS 5- Castlei B-K2 26-P-Kt4 Kt-Kta 6- R-K P-QK14 27-RxR RxH 7- B-Kt3 P-Q3 28-B-R2 R-B9 8- P-B3 Kt-QR4 29-R-K12 Q-Ft 9- B-B2 P-B4 30-Q-Kt O-B 10- P-O4 Q-B2 31-BxKt PxB 11- P-KR3 Castles 32-RxP R-B7 12- Kt-Q2 ; BPxP 33-Q-O ; P-Kt3 13- PxP Kt-B3 34-0-03 Kt-R3 14- P-Q5 Kt-OKt5 35-B-C2 R-B5 15- B-Kt P-QR4 36-R-B3 P-B4 16- P-R3 Kt-R3 37-Kt-R4 P-B5 17- P-GKt3 Kt-B4 38-Kt-K2 B-K3 18- Kt-B B-Q2 39-Kt-B3 Kt-B3 19- R-R2 OR-B 40-RxR PxH 20- Kt-Kt3 KR-Q 41-Q-B3 21- B-KtS P-R3 Drawn SEVENTH GAMS F-L-A-8-H NORTH VS. SOUTH Just reeeived telegram trem Charles B, Bagby of San Francisco that the North is unable ta send team thia year for the annual North vs. Sooth match which is QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED Reshevsky Horowltg Reshevsky Horowitl White Black White Black 1- P-Q4 Xt-KB3 1S-KR-Q OR-B 2- P-QB4 P-K3 16-P-K4 P-QKt4 3- Kt-QB3 P-Q4 17-Kt-K3 Q-Kt3 4- B-KtS P-B3 18-P-K5 Kt-Q4 8-P-K3 QKt-Q2 19-Kt-Kt4 KtxKt 8-Kt-B3 Q-R4 20-QxKt P-QB4 7- Kt-Q3 - PxP 21-PxP RxRch 8- BxKt KtxB 22-RxR BxP 9- KtxP Q-B2 23-KtXB QxKt 10- P-KKt3 B-K2 24-QxQ RxQ 11- B-Kt2 Castles 23-P-QKt4 R-B3 12- Castlea KR-Q 26-R-Q8 K-B 13- R-B , B-Q2 Drawn 14-Q-Kt3 B-K.
SACRAMENTO CITY CHAMPIONSHIP Wa lust received notice from Ladderlte J. B. Oea that the 1941 championship for tna capital city. Sacramento, was won by 8s n ford W. Apples ste. The tournament was sponsored by the Capital City Chess and Checker Club, Runner-up for the title was J. B. Oee. The following is the final standing: xApplegate..
5'i lVslxKozen .... 3 4 xOee ...... S 3 Wise 3 4 xChspman .4 3 ICarmany .. 2'i 4'i xMeyer .... 3'. 31ilPearson ... iVa i't Tha new champion, Sanford W. Apple gate, played strongly throughout. The only points scored against him were a draw with Pearson, in which ha played carelessly in a favorable position, snd loss to Wise in which he trird to win an even rook and pawn ending. ENGLISH OPENINO Oee White 1- P-OB4 2- N-QB3 3- P-KN3 ' 4- B-N3 6-P-K3 6- KN-K3 7- O-0 8- P-Q4 9- R-K 10- P-Q5T 11- Q-B3 12- K-R .
13- P-N3 14- P-B4 The runner-up. J. B. Gee. Justified the prophecies that he would be a dangerous threat.
Playing in his second tournament. he has shown marked improvement In the past year. His wins from Meyer and Wise were especially good. QUEEN'S PAWN GAMS Meyer Oee Meyer Oee White Black White Black 1-P-Q4 N-KB3 16-R-B3 P-B5 3-P-QB4 P-K3 17-N-B P-N6 3- P-KN3 B-N5ch 18-QxP PxP 4- B-Q2 P-B4 19-BPxP QR-Q 5- BltB PxB 20-Q-Q3 QR-K 6- B-N2 O-O 21-RxN BxR 7- N-Q2 P-Q4 22-N-K5 Q-N5 8- KN-B3 P-QN3 23-R-B B-N4 0-O-O N-B3 24-BxN PxB 10- R-B B-N2 25-QxP QxNP 11- R-K R-B 28-R-N QxKP 12- N-B Q-Q3 27-Q-QSch K-R 13- N-K3 N-KS 28-QxB? RxNchl 14- PxP PxP 29-Resigng. 13-Q-Q3 P-B4 Applegate Oee Applegate Black White Black P-K4 15-P-K4 N-R3 N-KB3 16-KPxP N-N5 N-B3 17-N-K4 BxP B-B4 18-KN-B3 N-B7ch Q-K2 19-K-N NxNch P-QR3 20-B-K3 N-B4 P-3 21-Q-Q2 P-K5 B-R2 22-P-KN4 ' BxP O-O 23-NxP NxN N-Q 24-BxN QxB N-R4 25-BxB OxP P-B4 26-B-K3 Q-B6 N-B2 27-Resigng B-Q2 easily kali at Baa Lata Okliaa mm Tim ratMa Day.
Wa regret this esswdlnglg- mm aeaia Baa Made flag reaeratlea tbla year, having had several nm4 taaraaa teals hy way af practice. Wa hop that la tha fatara wa shall hava katlar mm pralla treat tha Northers alarer. aae "' r taa "mi atale Champlaashlai Taaraaaeni f.r wh,B mt lo4, g,n Fraaelsea. Hew aheal 1T Let as hear frees goal LIGHT ON IOMI OPENINGS (Series by C. J. S. Purdy t. Aaelher BleUlaa Una lar Liasha(T) 1 Intended enertetio 3. N-KB3lt In the fll elllsn Deiense (after tha usual 1. P-K4, P-QB4; 3. N-KB3.) Closer analysis In tha imiim iiae .urnw my paean mio aj M,ntl. Ivan.
C. O. Tha tuna rung as follows: VAKIATIONI 1. P K4 P-OB4 . N-JIBS N-KBSIf I. P-KSI N.Qt 4. N-B.1! NiN 5. ttPxN This variation (4. . . . NxN) wag not tha ona I was relying on, but It Is Interest lng because Fine claims In M.C.O, that Black can emerge from It with an "even end-game.' This la an Instance of how even grand master and how much mora as the ordinary amateurl sometimes allow themselves to be hypnotised by a plausible piece of "analysis" In defiance oi simple logic Sea diagram.
DIAGRAM 1 ait at an sit m m m m- m m m mm mm mm Peslllea after (. QPxN. Tarrasch would have roundly denounced such a claim. How, he would have argued, can Black possible equalize a game In which he Ig three tempi behind In development Not only did Black lose a tempo) by exchanging knights (since White recaptured with a developing move. I but now his original 1. . , . P-QB4 Is turned into a useless move, also. For It wag tha QB file when White played P-O; now White has command ot the Q-fiie without playing P-4 at aU. 5 P-P4 .
PxPe.p. OiP 7. QxQ PxQ Here It has been usual to play 8. P-OB4j to hold back the backward pawn. But this loses White one of his tempi and this la innovation that Inspired Fine Black immediately regains another tempo by 8. . . . B-B4I attacking a pawn. But If White doesn't try to stop .
. , P-Q4 i which will lose Black a tempo) and develona simply, he MUST retain an advantage. For example: 8. B-KB4! . F-Qt 9. O-O-O . B-R White's advantage la obvious. 10. N-N5 N-B 11. P-KNS B-KS If 11. . . . O-O-O, It. NxB and 11. B IS wins a pawn. 14. B-NJ! And wins a pawn, e.g., IS. . , . BiNi 13. BxB. P-KR3I 14. B-KS. Or 13. . . . O-O-Ol 111. NxB and 14. B-R3. Or IS. . . . B-Ql 1.1. KR-K!, BxNt 14. BxB, R novest ! BxP. But not 13. NxB, PxN.
13. R-K P-KN4I with chances. RESHEVSKY-HOROWITZ TITLE MATCH On May 4 this very Important match began In New York City. So far. seven games have been played, the first four drawn, the fifth won by Reshevsky.
Tha following are the scores ot the fourth, sixth and the seventh game. . The score follows: FOURTH GAME SICILIAN DEFENSE Charles E. Henderson, a very talented member of the Hollywood Chess Group who Just returned from brief visit ta Newf York City, is proud possessor ot m game against Frank J. Marshall, retired endefeated champion at the United 8tates, in which the latter escaped luckily with a draw.
Following ia tha scare: Henderson White 1- P-K4 2- N-KB3 3- NxP 4- N-KB3 5- P-Q4 6- B-Q3 7 - O-O 8- P-B4 9- PxP 10-R-K U-QN-Q2 1Z-Q-N3 13- P-KR3 14- N-K5 15- PxB 16- Q-B3 17- QxN 18- P-K8 19-QxQ 20- P-K7 21- R-K3 22- RxP 23- RxB 24-K-RZ 25-N-N3 PETROF Marshal! Black P-K4 N-KB3 P-Q3 NxP P-Q4 B-Q3 O-O B-KNS P-KB4 N-Q2 ON-B3 K-R B-R4 BxN N-B4 NxB NxP N-N5 KRxQ R-Q2 N-Q6 RxP R-K8ch NxBP R-R8ch DEFENSE Henderson White 26- K-N3 27- R-R4 28- B-B4 . 29- NxR 30- BxP - 31- R-Q4 32- R-Q8 33- BxR 34- N-N3 35- K-B4 36- K-K5 37- B-B7 3R-N-Q4 39- K-K4 , 40- K-Q5 41- N-BS 42- NxP 43- K-K4 44- P-N4 45- BxKNP 48-B-B7 47- K-B5 48- K-N4 49- BxP 50- B-Q8 Drawn. Marshall Black R-KB N-Q6 RxR NxP N-08 N-Bft RxR NxP K-N K-B2 N-N5 P-KR4 N-Q6ch N-B4ch P-ON3 P-R5 N-Q6 N-K8 PxP e.P. N-B7 P-KN4 M-QSChl K-N3 N-B4 N-R3ch Horowltg Reshevsky Horowltl Reshevskf White Black White Black 1-P-K4 P-QB4 27-K-R2 R-B3 3-Kt-KB3 P-Q3 28-R-QB3 Kt-B4 3- P-Q4 PxP 29-Q-K3 R-K3 4- KtxP KI-KB3 30-P-B3 R-B3 8-Kt-QB3 P-KKt3 31-P-Kt3 R-K3 8-B-K2 B-K12 32-K-Kt2 P-R3 7- Cattleg ' Castles 33-P-R4 R-B3 8- B-K3 Kt-B3 34-K-R2 R-K3 9- Kt-Kt3 P-QR4 35-R-KKt R-B3 10- P-QR4 B-K3 36-P-RS Kt-K3 11- Kt-Q4 KtxKt 37-PxP PxP 12- BxKt R-B 38-K-Kt2 Q-B4 13- Q-Q2 B-B5 39-Q-Q2 P-Kt4 14- QR-Q Q-B2 40-R-Q P-KtS 15- KR-K KR-Q 41-PxP Kt-Kt4 16- P-R3 Q-B3 42-0-K3 QxQ 17- Q-K3 BxB 43-RxQ K-R2 18- RxB Kt-Q2 44-Kt-B3 R-QB 19- Kt-JS R-K 45-Kt-OS R-KB3 20- BxB KxB 46-R-KR . R-KKt 21- P-Kt3 Q-B4 47-R-KB RxR 22- Q-K13 R-B3 48-KxR R-Brh 23- P-B4 P-K3 49-K-Kt3 R-B3 24- Kt-B3 .
Q-Kt5 50-Kt-B3 K-Kt 25- Kt-Kt5 P-K4 51-Kt-Q R-B3 26- R-K3 R-K3 Drawn , SIXTH GAMX Horowltl Reshevsky Horowltg Reshevsky White Black White Blue 1- P-K4 P-K4 22-B-K3 Q-Kt 2- Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3 23-R-B2 Q-KS 3- B-KtS P-QR3 24-R-QB B-M 4- B-R4 Kt-B3 25-R-K2 P-RS 5- Castlei B-K2 26-P-Kt4 Kt-Kta 6- R-K P-QK14 27-RxR RxH 7- B-Kt3 P-Q3 28-B-R2 R-B9 8- P-B3 Kt-QR4 29-R-K12 Q-Ft 9- B-B2 P-B4 30-Q-Kt O-B 10- P-O4 Q-B2 31-BxKt PxB 11- P-KR3 Castles 32-RxP R-B7 12- Kt-Q2 ; BPxP 33-Q-O ; P-Kt3 13- PxP Kt-B3 34-0-03 Kt-R3 14- P-Q5 Kt-OKt5 35-B-C2 R-B5 15- B-Kt P-QR4 36-R-B3 P-B4 16- P-R3 Kt-R3 37-Kt-R4 P-B5 17- P-GKt3 Kt-B4 38-Kt-K2 B-K3 18- Kt-B B-Q2 39-Kt-B3 Kt-B3 19- R-R2 OR-B 40-RxR PxH 20- Kt-Kt3 KR-Q 41-Q-B3 21- B-KtS P-R3 Drawn SEVENTH GAMS F-L-A-8-H NORTH VS. SOUTH Just reeeived telegram trem Charles B, Bagby of San Francisco that the North is unable ta send team thia year for the annual North vs. Sooth match which is QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED Reshevsky Horowltg Reshevsky Horowitl White Black White Black 1- P-Q4 Xt-KB3 1S-KR-Q OR-B 2- P-QB4 P-K3 16-P-K4 P-QKt4 3- Kt-QB3 P-Q4 17-Kt-K3 Q-Kt3 4- B-KtS P-B3 18-P-K5 Kt-Q4 8-P-K3 QKt-Q2 19-Kt-Kt4 KtxKt 8-Kt-B3 Q-R4 20-QxKt P-QB4 7- Kt-Q3 - PxP 21-PxP RxRch 8- BxKt KtxB 22-RxR BxP 9- KtxP Q-B2 23-KtXB QxKt 10- P-KKt3 B-K2 24-QxQ RxQ 11- B-Kt2 Castles 23-P-QKt4 R-B3 12- Castlea KR-Q 26-R-Q8 K-B 13- R-B , B-Q2 Drawn 14-Q-Kt3 B-K.