OCR Text
CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address oil moll to Chess Editor June 0, 11)10. L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1093 By P. O. Pedler White mteafn two. (Wh. 8: Bl. 10.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 104 By Mr. N. Bchrufer White mates in three.
Wh, 8: Bl. 8 ) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1089: Q-Kt2 SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1090: R-K2. We reselved solutions from the following Dr. R. H. Rus. K. H. Schadee, J. E. Baer, J, P. Walsh, J. MrC'arthy twelcume to our ladder.) B. Got dull i welcome to our ladder.) -W. Harmon, J. C. Drake,: N. P. Brooks. L. Blieppard. Rev. P. Prlrh- ! ard, C. P. lord. U. A. Innes. J. T. Wat- win. Rev. A. B. Cuuke, M. Rudliolm, O. A. , Hall. J B. llHkniau. W. L. Koellien. 11.1 Hruhn, E and J. Rowe ohe Benin delense Is plavable.i J. W. Gorrcll, J. O. DoUiie, ' 11, J. Uilinure. 801TH VS. NORTH I The annual match win be played at the Anderson lintel, Man l.uia Obi.ao, ( allen Isundsv, June 9. Iwenlv-eithl ef the best plavers en bath aides will earflripate. 1 be resull will be eubhshetf In detail la ear neat Issue. COMBINATIVE PLAT Br Dr. Max Euwe World Champion.
lv:ift-ST 7. TRAPS Traps are a special kind of combination: one 111 ir lit call them "pirudo-com-lunations." "I lire differ from other combinations In beine based on temptation lather than compulsion. Only when a I player has snapped at the bait doea hej Ond his movement are controlled br ano'her. What form does the temptation take! Usually material tain: lhouah various other allurini thin can form the Oreek eifl. It is the hot-headed, the ever-optimistic, the avaricious player ho succumbs to traps, either because he cannot aithstand the temptation of the moment or because he is too read to believe his opponent has made a mistake.
Altava mi'tru-t a teak move: examine It clwely and coolly and do not hastily con-d.Tjiti it as a blunder he particularly on snard If your opponent, bv mien or vesture, contributes lo the Idea that lie has blundered: for Instance. e recall a rame briween an Enalish master and a aell-known international te shall nh-l hold their news I The International! master put a pawn en prise, then made a painful eriinate and sifiiril tliratrtcnliv. "No. sir!" murmured the Euallshiiiaii calmly - he had seen the trap Even in the openinss there exist numberless opportunities of setting and avoiding traps. The player with a loud knot)-ede ol theoiy ts arouainted with most of the stock examples, but It may be helpful to iearnera to demonstrate a few,' hrxinmni with one or to which are very suiipie.
Our next example is taken from the Nottingham tournament of IMti. The diasrain represents the nosiuun after Fiohr a 49th move . . , P-K8. AirXauder Is White.
There is really no deiense aiainst tne threatened queenlne of the biark passed pawn. Why is White playina on at all? This la Just the sort of psrcholntlral an i-atmii in ahich many dead won aamrs are lost the sort of situation In which the most banal ef threats can become fatal traps, for overennfldence seduces into casual play. Even the cautious Flohr succumbs to the deluslva enchantment of a on same here. Ait. P-K8 r-B7?J 81. KI-B7 And wins, for Black cannot parr the threat of mate on KR8 by 51. . . . RxKt, the answer bem 52 PxR mate The actual tame continued 81. . , , B Olrhi .V.'. RxB. RsKli 81. PxRrh. KiPi At. R-Ol. P-RSiQi) 55. RxQ, RiR and White con thrnuah his extra pawn.
Instead of 60. . . . p.R7? B'ack could have piaved 5(1. . . . R-B4; 51 K'-B7. R-KR4 52 PxR, PxR; 53 P-K7. BxP: 54. RxB, P-R7: 55. R-Kl. KxKt' 58 R-OR 1. U-R6 and won easily, even If not at once. Another example from the same tourna-ment: The diasram shows the position after 18. . . . KPxKBP In the ame Trior iWhltei vs. Lasker nt sort am 4 i i.l 6 1 i I 1,1.4 iV -4 -..' -. VUiy does Lasaer live his opponent this rhence to smash up hl klni'a side Has he such a bad same that there la nnthme better? la (here not aome cunnlna plot behind this apparent iulride Had While asked hlmseli a , questions like this, then he would hardly have continued as he did with: II. RxRtr PxR It. RsP For now comes: Kt-Ktt And White suddenly realitei that he li forced, by 18. KtxKt BPR To reconaolidate his opponent a aim s side, the net, result of the whole transaction belne that he has (Iven UP ene of his bishops for a kniiht and drifted into Ihe worse position.
A pretty example of a trsn in whicn the bait la positional, not material. fTe be eentlnaed .) (Prom the United Rtates Championship Tournament t OtUOCU riANO nernstem Reshevsky Bernstein Reshevsky White piark 27-w-Bl .N1 :'.-P-vR3 -W5 JH-K-Ri P-R4 10-P-RJ QUI Jl-Q-Kl 4J-N4 .12-B1 -B.I 3,1-K-Nl P-KRi J4-HR 0R 35-UsQ I'xvJ -N Kl BvP 37-N-W4 K-B.! IB-N-NS BsUP .It-NxHP 1 i 40- N-R8 P-QN4 41- PxP BxP 42- K-na K-B3 4.1-N-N8 B-H3 44- K-B1 1 K-B4 45- N-R8 , B-Ut 4H.N.NH P-N4 47- P-P4 B-R3 48- N-RH B-H' .4M-N-N8 B-NHt xn-K-BJ It-KJ 91-ResiIOi White Black 1- P-K4 2- N-KBJ J-BB4 4- P-ul 8-N-H1 8-B-K1 7- 00 . 8- PxB 5- R-Kl 10- R-Nl 11- B-N.1 13- RxN U-P-H4 14- N-U2 18-P-W4 m-rsN l-'-P-uS 18-PxP n-R-Pi -.'O-NsR 21-Q-KJ 23- N-NJ 23 P-K4 24- R-W1 SS.R-Kfsj 26-Q-B1 V K4 h'-Bl N- ! B-B4 PKflt B-N5 flN O-O P-Q3 N-WR4 NxB P-ON3 B-KI N-N 5 NxB PKI14 RxP Jtxll 8HS It Kin R-Kl B-NJ r-QR R-B5 CH DEFENSB Bernoulli White 1- P-Q4 2- P-UB4 3- Kt-UB3 4- Q-BV o-Kt-R3 -PxP 7-B-KI5 H-B-B4 9-P-K1 10-B-K5 Fine Black Kt-KBJ P-K3 B-KI5 Kt-B3 P-CJ4 PxP P-KR3 Kt-KS P-KKI4 P-B.l P-KH4 KtxB KB Kl-K'J Q-R(.cli KI-B4 KtxKtp K-KU P-Kto P-KI4 B-O P-BJ Bernstein White 2ti-P-UR4 27-R-H.S 2N-K-B3 L'd-K-Qi :i0-H-Kt 3I-R-H5 Fine Black PxP KR-Kt KR-K. UH-Kt ' R-K2 B-K TClxKl R(Ki-KI2 32- Kt-K3 33- BxKt :t4-RxPlR4) P-UB4 P-B5 BxP P-H4 3S-P-K1& :ili-P-K4 37- RiR4)-Kt4 38- R IK14I-K12 :i-RxRch ill-B-KII 12-P-KR1 In-Q-Kttich 114-PxKt 15-Caie ! lli-HxH 17--Kt lH-K-Ui jll-B-QI 120-KR-K B-R3 RxH 40- R-K. 41- PxP 42- KxP 41-R-UR, 44- K-HH 45- RxP 4t.-K-3 47-P-Uli 4H-K-K3 't-K.B4 Reina R-K2 P-lltirh RxB R-Kwh R-K2 B-Kt'i P-B4 B-K.Vh H-2 K-UJ !il-P-KR4 'J2-Kt-Kt a:i-R-H H-Q-KU 25-PxQ MMF.OWIT8CH DEFENSE Denker White 1- P-04 2- P-UB4 MMzowrrsc Beldman Black Kt-tja K1-K4 Kl-Kt3 R-Kt R-KI3 D-ICI H B F-KII.I KtsH KisKI KtxP KtsP Resiaua 3-Kt-WBl 4- P-WU3 5- HxB 6- P-B3 7- PxR 8- P-K1 9- B-U3 10- K-K2 11- P-KI3 12- K-BU 13- PxP Llttinan W hue 1- P-K4 2- N-KH1 3- P-UH4 4- N-WH3 5- P-UJ 6- H-KN3 7- B-Ni 8- B-N5 9- Q-U'i 10- NN 11- N-KJ 12- BN LI-HxP 14-0-0 13- KH-K1 1-p-n:i 17- UR-Nl 18- H-B3 19- JI-N Hanstier Black B-K4 U-HI OKN; P-H4 2:i-K-flJ Bsll'Hil N-KB3 24-PxH R-KHI B-K2 25-R-KR1 RsBP N-BJ,2o-RiNll-KNl O-OI RsP i N-5i27-K-Kl(c R-KG KPvN:.'H-ij.R5 PsH 2M-K-U2 :io-n-bi 3I-K-B2 :t-K-N2'e) 33- K-Rl 34- K-K1 H-II4 B-B5 RxtH"di K-W7 PQt,l B-K4 y R-N7 BxB R-WN1 B-Rti P-UN4 K-Rl P-N4 F-KR4 P-R5 15-K-M l-K-Rl RXNP 37-Krsiaiislf) 'a) White haa achieved his oblectlve, but the imprisoned Bishop will come to life unexpectedly and with deadly etlnt.
ibl A fine MirritUe of the exclianse ci If 27. KxH, g-KBi i 8. K-K4, Q-UN2 mate. id) Another brilliancy. (e) If 32. NxR. W-K7 ! 33. K-NI. BxN ; 34. K-Rl. B-Q7: 35. U-Ud irela-lively the best,) K-K3 iwatch the Kinx escape!): 36. U-Q7 1 . K-R3! 37. wxQH. B-NJ: 38. Q-BH . K-R'.M and now the Black niatlna threats come through unless While yields his Queen, alter which his (nine la also hopeless. (fi 37. KXB, Uxlt ri 38.
Q-B3, QxQ male. DUTCH DEFENSB Kashdan ,Orren Green White 1- P-Q4 2- P-KN3 3- B-N2 4- N-KB3 5- O-O B-P-B4 7- N-B1 8- P-UN1 S-N-K5 10- N-O3 11- B-N2 12- P-K3 13- OB2 14- OH-Kl 15- BxN Iti-PxP 17- N-N1 18- P-B4 H-P-UK4 '.'0-R-B1 21- B-H1 22- B-U2 2.I-H-N2 H-U-V.1 Kashdan Blark P-H4 B-OH1 B-U2 -Kl P-B4 PsH B-N3 KR-KIU -H2 OR-UN1 B-H4 UK 2 U-Ui Bv B Q-P4 KM K-P. N-N") RPH y,y K-K2 K-Ul K-B4 Drawn Blark White P-KB4 17-KH;i P-K3 B-K2 O-O P-Q4 P-H3 U-Kl N-K1 Hill P-UH4 K-HI NN PxP PK4 Q-R4 P-K5 P-ON1 B-R1 U-B.' B-KJ N-B.1 KR-KN1 .'5-P-R1 Zu-R-UBl 27- N-Wl 28- R-.N1 t-N-Hi I0-R-H1 31-PxP 3J-H-K3 33-U-N3 14- P-U5 15- N-(.'1 nti-B-Bi 37-B-K2 id-K-Rl M-UxB 40- R-B3 41- N-NJ 42- P-K4 43- BN 44- H-02 45- Hxq H.-K-N! 47-K-BL' 4H-R-N3 Nlni70-Indian Defense S. Bernteln fWhitei vs. M, Hammer IBlarkl 1. P-W4. N-KBI: 'i P-WB4. P-K3; 3 N-WB3, B-N5, 4. Q-112. N-B.l: S. N-B3. P-W3. 0. B-N5. P-KH I: 7. BxN. QvB; 8. P-H3. BN J-. . B. P-Uit4: 10. P-KN.I. O-O, 11. B-N2. P-K4: 12. PxP. PsH: 13, O-O. B-N5: 14. KR-Ol. KR-Ol: 15 R.Q5. N-Ui: lti. NxN, PxN: 17. U-U-', P-UN3: 18. R-Ul, P-B4. i't FxHf, FxR: 20. B-K4. R-Kl; SI. B-3. B-K'ii il 4J-M4. 4i-B3: 23. U-B.l. Wxvj: 24. P-O. B-W2: 25. P-KN4. K-Bl; NI. K-K2; i" P-UR4. P-KR4: 28. 2. P- H-R1. K-B3: -i. B-K4. K-N4: 30. H-ti5. 31. K-Bl. P-BI 3" R-Q1. K-BV R - K - : 33 R-Ol. P-B4. 34. PxRP, B-Kl: 35. R-U3, BxKRr ; 3'i. B-Bo, B-BJ. Ihe indllK Is now interest!!! . . Ctrl rid of the Bish- UP37. B-R8. 3-K3; 38. R-Q3, B-Bl 39 B-05. B-N2': 40. BxB. RxH; 41. R-Ki. R-KB2.
42. P-R4. KxPi 43 R-K8. R-VIN2: Be I dm nil Denker , hlaek While Kt-KHI I4-P-QB4 P-K3 15-PxP B-KI5 Ili-B-Kt2 BvKtch 17-Q-B2 f-UKI3 18-UR-Kt P-U4 1'1-gxP PxP JO-BsB Caslles J1-Q-H4 KI-H4 i!2-BH Q-H5rh j:i-Kt-B4 Q-RIi 24-UxKt P-U114 5-U-(Jli PxP ti-R-KtS SICILIAN DEFENSE hauaiier Lit I tnmi Iiliirk Willie P-Q114 0-H-KN4(a) P-:i V1-B-K4 P-K4
Wh, 8: Bl. 8 ) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1089: Q-Kt2 SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1090: R-K2. We reselved solutions from the following Dr. R. H. Rus. K. H. Schadee, J. E. Baer, J, P. Walsh, J. MrC'arthy twelcume to our ladder.) B. Got dull i welcome to our ladder.) -W. Harmon, J. C. Drake,: N. P. Brooks. L. Blieppard. Rev. P. Prlrh- ! ard, C. P. lord. U. A. Innes. J. T. Wat- win. Rev. A. B. Cuuke, M. Rudliolm, O. A. , Hall. J B. llHkniau. W. L. Koellien. 11.1 Hruhn, E and J. Rowe ohe Benin delense Is plavable.i J. W. Gorrcll, J. O. DoUiie, ' 11, J. Uilinure. 801TH VS. NORTH I The annual match win be played at the Anderson lintel, Man l.uia Obi.ao, ( allen Isundsv, June 9. Iwenlv-eithl ef the best plavers en bath aides will earflripate. 1 be resull will be eubhshetf In detail la ear neat Issue. COMBINATIVE PLAT Br Dr. Max Euwe World Champion.
lv:ift-ST 7. TRAPS Traps are a special kind of combination: one 111 ir lit call them "pirudo-com-lunations." "I lire differ from other combinations In beine based on temptation lather than compulsion. Only when a I player has snapped at the bait doea hej Ond his movement are controlled br ano'her. What form does the temptation take! Usually material tain: lhouah various other allurini thin can form the Oreek eifl. It is the hot-headed, the ever-optimistic, the avaricious player ho succumbs to traps, either because he cannot aithstand the temptation of the moment or because he is too read to believe his opponent has made a mistake.
Altava mi'tru-t a teak move: examine It clwely and coolly and do not hastily con-d.Tjiti it as a blunder he particularly on snard If your opponent, bv mien or vesture, contributes lo the Idea that lie has blundered: for Instance. e recall a rame briween an Enalish master and a aell-known international te shall nh-l hold their news I The International! master put a pawn en prise, then made a painful eriinate and sifiiril tliratrtcnliv. "No. sir!" murmured the Euallshiiiaii calmly - he had seen the trap Even in the openinss there exist numberless opportunities of setting and avoiding traps. The player with a loud knot)-ede ol theoiy ts arouainted with most of the stock examples, but It may be helpful to iearnera to demonstrate a few,' hrxinmni with one or to which are very suiipie.
Our next example is taken from the Nottingham tournament of IMti. The diasrain represents the nosiuun after Fiohr a 49th move . . , P-K8. AirXauder Is White.
There is really no deiense aiainst tne threatened queenlne of the biark passed pawn. Why is White playina on at all? This la Just the sort of psrcholntlral an i-atmii in ahich many dead won aamrs are lost the sort of situation In which the most banal ef threats can become fatal traps, for overennfldence seduces into casual play. Even the cautious Flohr succumbs to the deluslva enchantment of a on same here. Ait. P-K8 r-B7?J 81. KI-B7 And wins, for Black cannot parr the threat of mate on KR8 by 51. . . . RxKt, the answer bem 52 PxR mate The actual tame continued 81. . , , B Olrhi .V.'. RxB. RsKli 81. PxRrh. KiPi At. R-Ol. P-RSiQi) 55. RxQ, RiR and White con thrnuah his extra pawn.
Instead of 60. . . . p.R7? B'ack could have piaved 5(1. . . . R-B4; 51 K'-B7. R-KR4 52 PxR, PxR; 53 P-K7. BxP: 54. RxB, P-R7: 55. R-Kl. KxKt' 58 R-OR 1. U-R6 and won easily, even If not at once. Another example from the same tourna-ment: The diasram shows the position after 18. . . . KPxKBP In the ame Trior iWhltei vs. Lasker nt sort am 4 i i.l 6 1 i I 1,1.4 iV -4 -..' -. VUiy does Lasaer live his opponent this rhence to smash up hl klni'a side Has he such a bad same that there la nnthme better? la (here not aome cunnlna plot behind this apparent iulride Had While asked hlmseli a , questions like this, then he would hardly have continued as he did with: II. RxRtr PxR It. RsP For now comes: Kt-Ktt And White suddenly realitei that he li forced, by 18. KtxKt BPR To reconaolidate his opponent a aim s side, the net, result of the whole transaction belne that he has (Iven UP ene of his bishops for a kniiht and drifted into Ihe worse position.
A pretty example of a trsn in whicn the bait la positional, not material. fTe be eentlnaed .) (Prom the United Rtates Championship Tournament t OtUOCU riANO nernstem Reshevsky Bernstein Reshevsky White piark 27-w-Bl .N1 :'.-P-vR3 -W5 JH-K-Ri P-R4 10-P-RJ QUI Jl-Q-Kl 4J-N4 .12-B1 -B.I 3,1-K-Nl P-KRi J4-HR 0R 35-UsQ I'xvJ -N Kl BvP 37-N-W4 K-B.! IB-N-NS BsUP .It-NxHP 1 i 40- N-R8 P-QN4 41- PxP BxP 42- K-na K-B3 4.1-N-N8 B-H3 44- K-B1 1 K-B4 45- N-R8 , B-Ut 4H.N.NH P-N4 47- P-P4 B-R3 48- N-RH B-H' .4M-N-N8 B-NHt xn-K-BJ It-KJ 91-ResiIOi White Black 1- P-K4 2- N-KBJ J-BB4 4- P-ul 8-N-H1 8-B-K1 7- 00 . 8- PxB 5- R-Kl 10- R-Nl 11- B-N.1 13- RxN U-P-H4 14- N-U2 18-P-W4 m-rsN l-'-P-uS 18-PxP n-R-Pi -.'O-NsR 21-Q-KJ 23- N-NJ 23 P-K4 24- R-W1 SS.R-Kfsj 26-Q-B1 V K4 h'-Bl N- ! B-B4 PKflt B-N5 flN O-O P-Q3 N-WR4 NxB P-ON3 B-KI N-N 5 NxB PKI14 RxP Jtxll 8HS It Kin R-Kl B-NJ r-QR R-B5 CH DEFENSB Bernoulli White 1- P-Q4 2- P-UB4 3- Kt-UB3 4- Q-BV o-Kt-R3 -PxP 7-B-KI5 H-B-B4 9-P-K1 10-B-K5 Fine Black Kt-KBJ P-K3 B-KI5 Kt-B3 P-CJ4 PxP P-KR3 Kt-KS P-KKI4 P-B.l P-KH4 KtxB KB Kl-K'J Q-R(.cli KI-B4 KtxKtp K-KU P-Kto P-KI4 B-O P-BJ Bernstein White 2ti-P-UR4 27-R-H.S 2N-K-B3 L'd-K-Qi :i0-H-Kt 3I-R-H5 Fine Black PxP KR-Kt KR-K. UH-Kt ' R-K2 B-K TClxKl R(Ki-KI2 32- Kt-K3 33- BxKt :t4-RxPlR4) P-UB4 P-B5 BxP P-H4 3S-P-K1& :ili-P-K4 37- RiR4)-Kt4 38- R IK14I-K12 :i-RxRch ill-B-KII 12-P-KR1 In-Q-Kttich 114-PxKt 15-Caie ! lli-HxH 17--Kt lH-K-Ui jll-B-QI 120-KR-K B-R3 RxH 40- R-K. 41- PxP 42- KxP 41-R-UR, 44- K-HH 45- RxP 4t.-K-3 47-P-Uli 4H-K-K3 't-K.B4 Reina R-K2 P-lltirh RxB R-Kwh R-K2 B-Kt'i P-B4 B-K.Vh H-2 K-UJ !il-P-KR4 'J2-Kt-Kt a:i-R-H H-Q-KU 25-PxQ MMF.OWIT8CH DEFENSE Denker White 1- P-04 2- P-UB4 MMzowrrsc Beldman Black Kt-tja K1-K4 Kl-Kt3 R-Kt R-KI3 D-ICI H B F-KII.I KtsH KisKI KtxP KtsP Resiaua 3-Kt-WBl 4- P-WU3 5- HxB 6- P-B3 7- PxR 8- P-K1 9- B-U3 10- K-K2 11- P-KI3 12- K-BU 13- PxP Llttinan W hue 1- P-K4 2- N-KH1 3- P-UH4 4- N-WH3 5- P-UJ 6- H-KN3 7- B-Ni 8- B-N5 9- Q-U'i 10- NN 11- N-KJ 12- BN LI-HxP 14-0-0 13- KH-K1 1-p-n:i 17- UR-Nl 18- H-B3 19- JI-N Hanstier Black B-K4 U-HI OKN; P-H4 2:i-K-flJ Bsll'Hil N-KB3 24-PxH R-KHI B-K2 25-R-KR1 RsBP N-BJ,2o-RiNll-KNl O-OI RsP i N-5i27-K-Kl(c R-KG KPvN:.'H-ij.R5 PsH 2M-K-U2 :io-n-bi 3I-K-B2 :t-K-N2'e) 33- K-Rl 34- K-K1 H-II4 B-B5 RxtH"di K-W7 PQt,l B-K4 y R-N7 BxB R-WN1 B-Rti P-UN4 K-Rl P-N4 F-KR4 P-R5 15-K-M l-K-Rl RXNP 37-Krsiaiislf) 'a) White haa achieved his oblectlve, but the imprisoned Bishop will come to life unexpectedly and with deadly etlnt.
ibl A fine MirritUe of the exclianse ci If 27. KxH, g-KBi i 8. K-K4, Q-UN2 mate. id) Another brilliancy. (e) If 32. NxR. W-K7 ! 33. K-NI. BxN ; 34. K-Rl. B-Q7: 35. U-Ud irela-lively the best,) K-K3 iwatch the Kinx escape!): 36. U-Q7 1 . K-R3! 37. wxQH. B-NJ: 38. Q-BH . K-R'.M and now the Black niatlna threats come through unless While yields his Queen, alter which his (nine la also hopeless. (fi 37. KXB, Uxlt ri 38.
Q-B3, QxQ male. DUTCH DEFENSB Kashdan ,Orren Green White 1- P-Q4 2- P-KN3 3- B-N2 4- N-KB3 5- O-O B-P-B4 7- N-B1 8- P-UN1 S-N-K5 10- N-O3 11- B-N2 12- P-K3 13- OB2 14- OH-Kl 15- BxN Iti-PxP 17- N-N1 18- P-B4 H-P-UK4 '.'0-R-B1 21- B-H1 22- B-U2 2.I-H-N2 H-U-V.1 Kashdan Blark P-H4 B-OH1 B-U2 -Kl P-B4 PsH B-N3 KR-KIU -H2 OR-UN1 B-H4 UK 2 U-Ui Bv B Q-P4 KM K-P. N-N") RPH y,y K-K2 K-Ul K-B4 Drawn Blark White P-KB4 17-KH;i P-K3 B-K2 O-O P-Q4 P-H3 U-Kl N-K1 Hill P-UH4 K-HI NN PxP PK4 Q-R4 P-K5 P-ON1 B-R1 U-B.' B-KJ N-B.1 KR-KN1 .'5-P-R1 Zu-R-UBl 27- N-Wl 28- R-.N1 t-N-Hi I0-R-H1 31-PxP 3J-H-K3 33-U-N3 14- P-U5 15- N-(.'1 nti-B-Bi 37-B-K2 id-K-Rl M-UxB 40- R-B3 41- N-NJ 42- P-K4 43- BN 44- H-02 45- Hxq H.-K-N! 47-K-BL' 4H-R-N3 Nlni70-Indian Defense S. Bernteln fWhitei vs. M, Hammer IBlarkl 1. P-W4. N-KBI: 'i P-WB4. P-K3; 3 N-WB3, B-N5, 4. Q-112. N-B.l: S. N-B3. P-W3. 0. B-N5. P-KH I: 7. BxN. QvB; 8. P-H3. BN J-. . B. P-Uit4: 10. P-KN.I. O-O, 11. B-N2. P-K4: 12. PxP. PsH: 13, O-O. B-N5: 14. KR-Ol. KR-Ol: 15 R.Q5. N-Ui: lti. NxN, PxN: 17. U-U-', P-UN3: 18. R-Ul, P-B4. i't FxHf, FxR: 20. B-K4. R-Kl; SI. B-3. B-K'ii il 4J-M4. 4i-B3: 23. U-B.l. Wxvj: 24. P-O. B-W2: 25. P-KN4. K-Bl; NI. K-K2; i" P-UR4. P-KR4: 28. 2. P- H-R1. K-B3: -i. B-K4. K-N4: 30. H-ti5. 31. K-Bl. P-BI 3" R-Q1. K-BV R - K - : 33 R-Ol. P-B4. 34. PxRP, B-Kl: 35. R-U3, BxKRr ; 3'i. B-Bo, B-BJ. Ihe indllK Is now interest!!! . . Ctrl rid of the Bish- UP37. B-R8. 3-K3; 38. R-Q3, B-Bl 39 B-05. B-N2': 40. BxB. RxH; 41. R-Ki. R-KB2.
42. P-R4. KxPi 43 R-K8. R-VIN2: Be I dm nil Denker , hlaek While Kt-KHI I4-P-QB4 P-K3 15-PxP B-KI5 Ili-B-Kt2 BvKtch 17-Q-B2 f-UKI3 18-UR-Kt P-U4 1'1-gxP PxP JO-BsB Caslles J1-Q-H4 KI-H4 i!2-BH Q-H5rh j:i-Kt-B4 Q-RIi 24-UxKt P-U114 5-U-(Jli PxP ti-R-KtS SICILIAN DEFENSE hauaiier Lit I tnmi Iiliirk Willie P-Q114 0-H-KN4(a) P-:i V1-B-K4 P-K4