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June 16, 1940 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 16 Jun 1940, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor June 16. 1910 L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 109S Composed for the Los Angeles Time by R. . Mankowski, Los Angeles, Cal. White mate tn two. (Wh. 10; Bl. 8.) L, A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1096 Composed for the Los Angeles Times by R. C. Mankowskl, Los Angeles, Cal, to All defense of, U 367 for without check, wins tha tame. If 47. . . . B-Kt3eh, then 48. IlxB, PxR; 49. P-Kt3ch. The actual lame concluded 47. . . . K-Rli 48. P-KCi, KxP. 41). K-KU. R-Rt; All. K-R0, B-K13; (VI. U-KtH and Black resigned.
Revealing that traps are as possible in the end-game at in tha opening or middle-game. (To bt continued.) (From tht United Statea Championship Tournament) QUEEN'S PAWN Denker Adama Denker Adama Whit Black White Black 1- P-04 P-Q4 15-R-BS P-UN3 2- N-KB3 N-QH3 lfi-QR-KBl U-K3 3- B-B4 B-B4 17-Q-R3 Q-Q3 4- P-K3 P-K3 18-Q-R4 P-B.1 5- B-Q.) B-Q3 19-N-K4 Q-Q4 8-KflxB PxB 20-NXN Pxri 7- BxB QxB 21-N-N4 Q-KJ 8- 0-0 N-B3 22-NXP. K-Bl 9- P-B4 PxP 23-R-K5 Q-03 10- QN-tJJ Q-Q4 24-Q-B2 F-KR3 11- Q-B1 N-QR4 25-Q-B5 Q-B2 12- N-KS P-B5 2S-R-B3 P-B8 HP3 RT"-N-R7 R"'n NIMZOWITSCH DEFENSE White matei In threa. (Wh. 9; Bl. TO PROBLEM NO. 6.) 1091: TO PROBLEM NO. 1092! Kahdaa White 1- P-Q4 2- P-QB4 3- Kt-QB3 4- P-K3 5- KI-K2 8-P-QR3 7- Kt-Kt3 8- P-Q3 9- KKt-K2 10-P-K4 U-P-B3 12- R-K3 13- Kt-B 14-Kt-Q3 13-BxKC 1S-Q-Q2 17- BxKt 18- KI-K2 19- P-R3 20- B-H2 21- KI-Q4 22- Castlea 23- QR-Q 24- B-R4 25- K-R 2S-B-BS 27- P-QKt 28- B-Kti 29- BxB 30- Kt-Kt5 31-PxP 132- R-B 133- R-QB2 34-KR-B 35-K-Kt 36-R-Kt Hanauer Black Kt-KB3 P-K3 B-Kt5 P-QKI3 B-KI2 B-K2 P-KR4 P-R5 P-K4 P-Q3 P-R4 Kt-R3 Kt-R4 KtxKtch Kt-R4 Kt-B5 PxB B-KI4 (3-B3 Castles Q-K4 B-KB3 Q-KI4 B-B B-K4 R-Kt B-R3 R-R i&'y t " mia , south sched-"pt. of SdllsIdC- SOLUTION Q-K7. SOLUTION R-Kt7.
CORRECTION In Prahlem 10V3 a White Rook fram White'i hi raa mUslna. Tha followlna ia lha correct aetup: White: hint at UR8, Uueen at ORI, Rook at Ol, Binhopa Kit and KKtt, kniahta at QBH and 15, Pawn at K8. (While, 9 pierea.). Black: Hint at :t, Rooka at OBI and Kl. Bi.hopi at QKll and KBH, Knlaht at KKtt, Pawm at OKI, OB5, K3, KB). (Black, 10 plecea.) . W received nolutiona from the following; J. O. Dode. O. Wilsen, J. Fonseca, Dr. R. H. Ross, W. Harmon. C, P. Ford, Rev. A, B. Cooke, N. P. Brooka, J. E. Bller, Rev. P. Prirhard. M. Rudholm. J. T. Wat- to our ladder O. R. Halton, W. L.,2"S' Koethen. J. C. Drake. E. H. Bchadee.
G. A. f At' Baum (welcome back,) L. Kahdan Whlta 37- Kt-Q4 38- R(KM-QB 3B-KI-BS 40- RxR 41- R-B 42- KtxB 43- Q-B3 44- P-B5 44-PxP 48-QxBP 47-UxP 48- Q-BJ 49- K-R 50- Q-BS 51-Q-R4 i2-RxO 53- K-Kt 54- K-B2 55-K-K2 58- R-K6 57-K-B R8-K-K2 59- K-G3 i.0-RxP 61-R-B5ch RxP 63- K-04 64- R-B5 - RxB 65-K-K5 PxPl6S-P-OHch Q-K2 87-R-B7ch KR-R 88-P-Q7 0-02 R-R5 KR-R3 R-R I INDIAN DEFENSE 69- K-K8 70- R-B8 71-R-B8ch Hanauer Black R-R8 O-RJ P-B3 exRch Q-R8 BPxKt Q-R7 KtPxP PxP O-KtT K-R2 Q-Kt3rh Q-Q3 Q-KB3 QxQ R-K K-Kt K-B2 R-UR R-7ch R-R8ch R-R7ch RxP B-KI8 K-K2 RxRP P-Kt4 R-Ktfl P-R8 ' K-Q2 K-B3 K-B2 R-KtS R-08 Realgni Flna Whlta 1- P-Q4 2- P-QB4 3- Kt-KB3 4- P-KKI3 5- B-Kt2 8-Ca.1t leg 7- P-Kt3 8- B-K12 9- QKt-QI 10- P-K3 11- 0-K2 12- QR-B 13- PxQP 14- Kt-KS 29-23i Hall. H. P, Jl-4.- pinyed in the recent match. South 2v)-ll 'North, at San Lun Obispo, Cal.: ! CENTER COUNTER OAME Tl. Aii- 1-P-K4 2- PxP 3- P-G4 4- N-KB3 5- B-K2 8-P-B4 7- P-Q5 8- P-KR3 9- Castlea 10- N-B3 11- B-B4 12- P-QN4 13- NxB 14- Q-CJ4 15- UR-Q1 Boyette Black North P-Q4 N-KB3 NxP B-N5 N-QB3 N-B3 Keys Whita South 18-P-B5 17- P-B8 18- PxP 19- Q-K5 20- OxBP Il-BvQ N-N122-B-R5 Boyette Black North B-N2 PxP . N-N3 Q-Hl CN-04 17- P-QR3 18- P-QK14 19- Q-Q3 Seldman Black Kt-KB3 P-K3 P-QKI3 B-KI2 B-K2 Castles P-Q4 P-B4 QKt-02 R-B Q-B2 O-Kt KPxP QR.Q PxP KR-K Kt-B B-03 Q-R Fine Whlta 20.QR-K 21- P-Kti 22- R-K2 23- KR-K 24- Kt-B 25- KtxKt 2H-RXR 27- RxR 28- KI-K3 2)-Q-Kt3 30-KtxP 31- P-OR4 32- KtxB :)3-B-H:ich 34- Q-K3 35- P-Q5 3S-Q-K7ch 37-B-K12 Seldman Black P-QR R-K2 QR-K KKt-Q2 P-B3 KrxKt RxR B;R P-KI3 K-B Q-B P-B4 KxKt K-B3 K-KI2 Kt-B4 K-R3 Reslgna NIMZOWITSCH DEFENSS Rashdaa White 1- P-Q4 2- P-gBt 3- Kt-QBJ 4- P-K3 5- Kt-K2 8-P-OR3 7- Kt-Kt3 8- P-Q5 fl-KKt-KJ Hanauer B-R4 QN-Q2 B-N3 P-QH3 B-K5 hisi-,,J,,,i N-B8 ln-P-Ka KN-K5 11-P-B1 Castles 12-B-K3 KR-B 13-Kt-B N-Q3 14-Kt-qJ N-04 15-BxKt N-KB5 lo-Q-U2 N-Kl 17-BxKt Resigns 18-Kt-K2 I111-P-R3 !l'(.R-B2 The annual chess match between tha 21-KI-Q4 North and tha South was played at Ssn 22-Castleg Luis Ohipa on June It and resulted in tha 23-QR-Q warst defeat tha Kauth aver halt. I XL- An- j0' " to ior th south.
twb- bs-k-r tv-six of the top playera from the !outh,l2rt-R-B'; wh. h.. ... iB th. matches m 27-p-oKt u;.!the asst. failed ta mn this year, whlrh VA-R-Ki.s neressary to draft 1.1 young play-: 24-BxB i 23-R-Q2 24- R-B2 25- B-G3 2S-P-B7 27-KR-B1 NN 28-R-QB8 KN-B3 i 29-B-B P-K.N33U-P-N3 NORTH VS. BOITH cancel- from th south at the last sched-'r.uh?.. e,, ?iV .h.".;!! ;VP,"?.,."RV JXsonm,wV,.b,!.,a,enry U-k'r0" ; predicted ur tram would ios the matrh 35-k-ki " ,r"r '3. " by 3-R-Kt one-nair point Black KI-KB3 P-K3 B-Kt5 P-QKt3 B-K12 B-K2 P-KR4 P-R5 P-K4 P-G3 P-R4 Kt-R3 KI-B4 KtxKtch B-KH1 Q-K14 B-B B-K4 R-Kt B-R3 R-R RxB PxP Q-K2 Kashdaa be; -! NORTH 1- f)nrlow .... 2- Pink 3- Simon 4- ciarke 5- Howland ,, 8-Pa(nutieff 7- Verienky .. 8- McClaln ... 9- Lapiken . . . 10- Lewia 11- Capps 12- Ralston ... 14-Boyeit ... 'ndHckT0 Z-2m,,h ii-Robinson -Falconer ., 'sH1"" 24-vanoeider':, lha sad arora follows) SOUTH 1- Steiner 1 2- Kovicg 0 3- Snero 0 Whlla 37- Kt-Q4 38- RKti-QB 39- Kl-BS 40- RxR 41- R-B 42- Ktx3 43- Q-B3 44- P-B5 45- PxP 48-OvBP 47-OxP 48-O-BI 49- K-R 50- CJ-BS Kt-R4 51-Q-H8 fc.t-Bra2-RxU PxB' 53-K-Kt It-Ki4!54-K-P2 , 0-B3i.55-K-K2 Castles 5K-R-K6 Q-K4; 57-K-B 58- K-K2 59- K-Q3 80-RxP nl-R-B5ch 82-RxP 63-K-Q4 S4-R-B5 85-K-K5 t-8-P-Qlch B7-R-B7ch KR-H:R-p.Q7 -02 M-K-K8 R-R5WO-R-B8 KR-R371-R-B8ch R-R Hanauer Black R-R8 Q-R5 P-B3 CxRch O-RS BPxKt a-R7 KtPxP PxP Q-Kt7 K-R2 Q-Ki3ch Q-Q3 Q-KBJ QxQ R-K K-Kl K-B2 R-OR R-R7irt R-R8rh R-R7rh RxP R-KtS K-K2 RxRP P-KI4 R-Kt8 P-F8 K-Q2 K-B3 K-B2 R-Ktg R-08 Resigns .'5-Abrshams Total .... ELEVENTH .
Elliott 5-B Ponsevag (i-Orabill 7-S.vvertsen .. H-Levltan .... 9-Smilh 10- Jaqua .. 11- Erlck.on . . . . 12- a. Bernhardt 13- Hall 14- Kevs 15- Sniller Ifi-Aronsnn .... 17-Dnnnelly ... la-Chernls .... lft-O. Dobsevaga 20- Fuflle 21- Hufnagel ...
22- Cnhen 23- W. Relnhardt 24- Henderson . . 25- Crotut Total SICILIAN DEFENSE Polland i Adamg Pnlland Black I White Black P-QfMl'JO-P-KiS B-R8 P-o:i21-K-Kt PxKt Kt-KRI 22-KxB PxP PxPi-Vl-R-QKt PxP P-KKtl !24-RP 0-R2rh B-KI2 25-K-KtJ Kt-K4 Kt-B32(i-Q-Kl4 Kt-B5ch Kt-KKt527-K-B K-B2 BxB!2(t-Q-B1 Kt-K4 B-K3:21-Q-K3 O-RRch PxKt 30-R-Kt RxPch H-B3i3I-KxR R-Bch R-QH132-K-OJ Q-R7ch 14-CastlesQR Kt-K4 33-K-K QxRch 15-P-OKI3 P-QKI4 .14-K-B2 R-B7rh Q-32 3S-K-KtJ CxR Kt-B3i3i-Q-B4cll K-K Adamg While 1- P-K4 2- KI-KB3 3- P-04 4- Kt-U 5-KtxP S-B-K2 7-B-K3 S-Q-U2 9-BxKt 10- P-B3 11- KtxB 12- B-RK 13-Kt-KI 1S-KI-Q4 17-P-KI4 ... 6'g ANNl'AL MORPHT BAT CHESS CARNIVAL This most enjoyable annual meeting af chess plavers and their families will ha held Saturday, June !, at tha t'lty Park In Sierra Madre.
Kvery ehess player Invited la came. Herman Stelner and Harry Bornrhnw will play 40 boards slmul-lanenuslr In the aftetnnnn and In the eveniag Edward Kavaes. the famous Vienna rhes master, will play all comers slmul-tanenmlv. The rapid transit tournament and other games and matches will also ha on the prncram. Good restauranta ar bring your lunch and eat in the park.
Everyone Invited! llt-KlxKtP 0-Kt2iResigng 19-P-QR4 P-R31 FRENCH DEFENSE jpinkug Llttman,Pinkug Lit'mgn White Black; White Black 1- P-K4 P-K3 17-Kt-B7ch K-S2 2- P-Q4 P-04lS-KtxR K-B3 3- Kt-QB1 Kt-KB3 j 1U-R-R4 P-K4 4- B-KKt5 B-K220-RxKP KKOM-K3 5- P-KS KKt-0'.'i2l-P-UKI4 Kt-K S-P-KR4 P-OR322-RxHP Kt-OJ I 7-Q-KI4 P-KB4t23-P-KI5ch KtxP ! B-O-Kt.3 P-B4i24-R-B4ch K-Q3 1 9-KI-B3 Kt-OB3!25-Kt-Ktj Kt-R2 10- PxP BxBi2H-R-Q.'ich K-K2 11- PxB Q-B227-R-K4 Kt-B3 12- Castleg KtxBP '.'R-B-B4 R-K 13- Kt-4 OxH 2!)-KtxBch RxKt 14- OxQ KtxQ 30-R-QH5 K-Q3 15- R-K Kt-B3 3l-BxKt Resigns lb-KtxQP KlxKt THE HOLLYWOOD CHAMPIONSHIP The Hollywood rhesg grnna at log N. Formosa Ave. will sponsor a championship tournament for Hollywood. All Interested thelnleas reserve place In h ouallfylni pra COMBINATIVE FLAT By Pr. Ma Enwa World Champion, 1M.VST T.
TRAPS Traps ara a special kind of combination; one mlaht call them "pseudo-com-blnatlona." They differ from other combinations tn being based on temptation taLher than eoronulslon Onlv when a Plaver haa snapped at th bait doea he , .nothe"" mo"'n"'l "n""a " What form doei tha temptation take I Usually material gain; though various other alluring things can form tha Oreek ""t- it nth hot-headed, the over- who , , ,v, in avail, iuun uia.Trr succumbs to trans, either hecau.a be ran. ment oT reca,.,." h.T. uS" .df t! "'iieva his opponent hag made mistake. lAlwayg mistrust a weak move: It closely and coolly and do pot hastily con occupa-idrmn "r r particularly ,nn guard If your opponent, by mien or gesture, eontrlbutei to tha Idea that he n"s biunderea: for Instance, wa recall Don't Take My WORD for It! BY FRANK COLBY .,,,, between an Kngllsh peri.-,,.".-tn?'n international (we master and a shall with pt .Tawn T, lZTi pposiih bishops on oppositely colored isauares, While s extra pawn countg for notnihi whatever. White trleg 8 trap .
9'.M. rlmaca and aighed theatrically ,..NOi ,rr. murmurea tha Englishman calm- 'ir-he had seen the trap. Even in the openings there exist num- Iberless opportunities of selling and avoid-f fP-. The player with a good knowl-t, '"''.0' t1"1"" ' faualnted with most 'of the stork examples, but It may be (iieipiui to learners to aemointraia a raw.
Finslly, an essmnle from the lt llst-31 Christmas Congress. The game F.uwe miinri vs. Miiner-nnrry prooureq, iiiier 45. , , , KtKlOl-IVS, the diagrammed posi tion: DIAORAM 8 mere ia noming in u: unaer ma c r-Civic leumtanees and particularly In view of the 48.
r-nti Bir?t 47. K-B?! And now the threat e( 41. f-KU. with j 'INTERESTING' AGAIN ADJ. Engaging the attention; designed to create interest.
, From Detroit: "I hava followed your advice and have been pronouncing 'interesting' with four syllables. Today my teacher corrected me before the elnss, telling me that 'In-trist-ing' ia the only correet pronunciation. Please comment on tht word again." rcrplcxcd. Answer I can only repeat what I have previously laid: "in-trist-ing, intrest-ing, In-trust-Ing" and "lnterst-lng" have no dictionary sanction for United States use. In my opinion, Inter, ruling is the most frequently mispronounced word In tht English language.
While the New Webster's states that "In-trlst-ing" is preferred in England, Mt is not recommended or even mentioned In Britain's sacred and monumental Oxford Dictionary. "In-trlst-Ing" simply docs not exist, except as a very dubious Briticism, as far as American dictionaries arc concerned. Interesting should havt four distinct syllables: in-ter-cst-ing. The first is accented; the third rhymes with brat, .net, ri'M. Correct- pronunciation: IN-terf.t-lng. (Capitals indicate syllables to bo accented.) For a parsonal answer to your questions about words, send a stamped (3-cent) setf-nddrcssed envelope to Frank Colby, care of Tho Times. Copyright, 1940, Bell Irndlcel. Ins..

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

Special Thanks