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CHESS BY HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor June 14. 142 L A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. By A. D. Lyons White mates in two. (Wn. 10, Bl. S ) L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1304 By Godfrey Heathcote 2. K-Qfi 3. K-QS 4. K-Q4 5. K-Q3 6. Q-R4 7. K-B3 8. Q-N5 9. Q-R6 10. Q-N6 11. Q-R7 12. Q-N8 and K-N6 R-B7 K-N7 K-R8 R-QN7 K-N8 or A R-KR7 K-R8 K-N8 K-R7 K-N8 wins the Rook.
7. 0-Q1 , K-N7: Q-B3 , K.-R5; 10. A. . . R-QR7: 8. Q-B2 , K-R6; 9. K-B4 and wins.
Mr. Winkelman rives the following position as an exception to the general rule that Bishop and pawn cannot win where the pawn is a Rook pawn and the Bishop does not command the square on which It Queens. But we are inclined to think that it Is, on the other hand, an apt Illustration brintrine out the avoidance ot tha rule as the culdint motive. . . Black White mates in three. (Wh. S; Bl. 7.) TO PROBLEM NO. 1299: TO PROBLEM NO. 1300 SOLUTION B-B4. SOLUTION B-Q8. We received solution from the followlna: F. Mahan, O. A. Hall. H. Bruhn, C. B. voinns, M. Morris. O. Klbbey, J. O. Dodge, W. C. Nolting, private O. B. Kellogg (welcome to our ladder,! A, B. Wells, Mrs. M. Gordon, Mrs, F, Tovar. J. T. Watson, E. Shlmano, R. L. Hewes, J, C. Drake. M. Rudholm. w. L Koethen, J. Davidson, E. H. Schadee, C P. Ford. S. J. McConneli. D. E. Smith (welcome to our ladder. I T. Harrington (welcome to our ladder,) D. L. Lewis, o, Francis, F. Mariaretien, E. L. Buckman, Dr. F. B. Sheldon. A. D. Reynolds Sr., D. A. Innes, J. P. Walsh. B. Bushuef. a. D. Donald. R. H. Hays. Corp. G. O. Linn (welcome to our ladder.) NEWS OF THE CLUBS ' The HolJrwoed Chess Group extenda Its invitation te vlsitore another week, as many reenetta Irani same have come in. A class for beginners baa been organised with many ladiea participating. Application! for a new elasa are being taken. These are conducted by Herman Steiner.
For further information please call WKh-ster Ml? af WVeming MIO. Kinea Life Magaslne published an article about the game r uo, there nave been many calls for a club where the game may be played. The Hollyweed Chens Croup ha the facilities for those Interested in this oriental game. Final score, St. Louis District Tournament: E. W. Marchand 7 3 J. Zlnner s'-4 4' A. I. Bloom S'.t 4',i C M. Burton S' 4' L. W. Heller 3a 6't L. E. Owen 3 7 SOME INSTRUCTIVE ENDINGS By Ksmat Our first example is the play of a Queen against a pawn.
The general rule is that the Queen win except In cases where the opposing pawn la a Bishop or Rook pawn and has reached (he seventh rank and is supported by the King. Nevertheless, this ending has by no means been analysed to exhaustion and there are many interesting and critical positions. Black a U4 ai Whlta 1. Q-B5 2. Q-K4 3. Q-B4 4. Q-K3 5. Q-B3 4- 6. K-Q4 7. Q-Q3V K-K3 and wins. I White to play and - win K-NT K-B7 K-N7 K-B8 K-K8 K-QB K-K8 the method adopted being to drive tha King opposite the pawn to gain a move tor Its own.
King. To the general rule governing (ha advanced Rook pawn, there are a number of exceptions, tha following being a notable one: Bl 1Q6; 1K6; 8; 8; 8, p7: Ikfi while to play and win. Tha win Is obta.lr.rd thus: 1. K-B5 . K-B7; 2. Q-NS , K-Nfi; 3. Q-Bl. K-N7; 4. Q-K2-K K-N6: 5. Q-Q1 , K-N7, 6. Q-Q2 , K-N8 (bent;) T. K-N4. P-R8 Qt 8. K-N3 and wins. The allowing of Black to Queen followed by a typical quiet move are the points In the combination rather hard for an amateur to sea for himself.
Our next Is a Queen against Rook ending. The main thing to remember about this class la that (he Rook must be driven away from the King and If the student works with this fixed aim, not much book knowledge la necessary. Black White to play and win. 1. B-Q2 (so as to play P-R3 If K-R4 and transfer tha P from the Rook file to Kt file.) K-N2 (or A:) 2. K-Q6. K-N3; 3. B-Kl (White must force Black to advance his pawn again with a view to such transference,) K-N2: 4. B-R4. K-N3: 5. B-Q8 , K-N2; 6, B-B7, K-Rl; 7. K-B6, K-R2: 8. B-Q8. K-Rl; 9. K-N6. K-Nl; ju. B-JB1 . R.-ii it. a- ana wins. A. 1 . . . K-B2; 2. B-NS.
K-Q2; 3. K-B8, K-Bl (best:) 4. K-N6. K-Nl; 5. B-B4 , K-Bl! 6. B-N3. K-Q2: 7. KxP-(N5.) K-Bl: 8. K-N6. K-Qli 9. K-NT. K-Q2; 10. B-Kl ana wins. Where the superior force consists of King, Knight and pawn against a King mere ig usuaity a win. But there are several positions which are drawn.
. The underlying reason for this Is that the Knight cannot gain a move. In the following position While, with the move, cannot win. Were It Black to play. White wins easily.
Black m r3 m ma m W4 1. N-Q3 2. N-K5 4- 3. N move Whlta K-B2 K-Bl K-B2 cu:. Tha next position It drawn in any vent.
8; 6KP; 5N2; 6K2: 8: 8; 8; 8 Drawn. Oamta from the championship: ALEKHINE'S DEFENSE Hnrowltl White 1- P-K4 2- P-K5 3- P-QB4 4- P-Q 8- P-B4 6- Kt-QB3 7- Kt-B3 B-BPXP 9- P-B5 10- Q-K13 11- PxB 12- Kt-Kt 13- K-K2 14- QxKip Seldman Black Kt-KB3 Kt-Q4 Kt-KtS P-Q3 P-KI3 B-K12 PxP B-KtS Kt-Q4 BxKt P-K3 Q-R5ch PxKt QxQP Hnrowltl While lS-Q-B8ch lS-B-Kt&ch 17-QxPch ISPxPch 19- Q-Q6ch 20- R-Q 21- R-Q2 22- Qxp 23- QxRrh 24- Q-K4ch 25- R-B2 26- P-B6 27- P-B7ch Seidman Black ' K-K2 P-B3 Kt-Q2 BxP K-K QxPch Q-B BxB K-K2 K-Q Q-B3 R-K Resigns
QUEEN'S O AMBIT DECLINED Reshevsky White 1- P-Q4 2- P-QH4 3- KUUB3 4- B-KtS 8-P-K3 8-KI-B3 7- BxB 8- Q-B2 0-KtxKt 10-QxP 11- castiea 12- B-Q3 13- Q-R4 14- KtxQ Altman Black P-Q4 P-K3 Kt-KB3 B-K2 Castles Kt-K5 QxB P-QKI3 PxKt P-QB3 B-Kt2 P-KB4 QxQ P-B4 Reshevsky White 15- P-QS 16- KtxP 17- BxPch 18- Kt-Oti 19- KR-Kt 20- Kt-B7ch 21- Kt-KtSch 22- Kt-B7ch 23- Kt-KSxh 24- R-Q6 . 25- B-K8 26- Kt-B7ch 27- Kl-Q8ch Altman Black PxP PxP K-R BxP B-B3 K-Kt K-R K-Kt K-Q P-QKI4 B-KI2 K-Kt Resigns m . m m $ it w?2 J JiA Smm Cm r: Id - S 111 O 53 E3 12 1 S3
QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED Kashdaa HorowltslKsjhdsn Horowili White fllerk White Blade 1- P-Q4 P-Q4 34-KI-K4 PxP 2- P-QR4 P-K3 35-Kt-BJ . P-QK4 3- Kt-QB3 Kt-KB3 36-RxP R-K 4- KI-B3 QKI-Q2 37-Kt-Q7ch K-B2 5- B-KIJ B-K2 38-RxP RxR 6- P-K3 Castles 39-KtxRch K-B3 7- B-Q3 PxP 40-KI-B6 P-RS 8- BxP P-QR3 41-K-KU Kt-Kt3 9- P-K4 P-Kt4 42-Kt-Qi Kt-BS 10-B-Q3 B-K12 43-KtxP KtxKlP U-Q-K2 R-K 44-K-B4 K-K3 12- CaslletKR P-B4 45-K-K4 Kt-Q8 13- P-KS Kt-Q4 46-P-B4 P-R4 14- Kt-K4 Q-KI3 47-P-K14 PxP 15- BXB RxB 4B-PxP K-B3 18- KtxP KlxKt 49-P-KtJch K-KI3 17-PxKt QxP 50-K-B3 Kt-Kt7 1B-QR-B Q-KtS 51-K-KI4 Kt-BS 19- P-QR3 Q-KI5 S2-P-BSch K-B2 20- P-R3 Q-R4 S3-K-B4 K-K2 21- BK4 R-Q 94-K-K4 Kt-Q7ch 22- KR-Q XR-Q2 M-K-K3 Kt-BJrh 23- K-R2 Q-R3 S6-K-Q4 ' Kt-Q7 24- Q-Q2 QxQ S7-K-K5 Xt-B6ch 25- RxQ K-B 5B-K-B4 . Kt-Q7 2H-KI-Q4 Kt-BS 59-P-Kt8 Kt-BS 27-BxB RxB 60-K-KlS Kt-K4 28- Kt-R KI-Q4 61-KI-B3 Kt-Brh 29- Kt-Qfi R-KI3 62-K-B4 Kt-KB 30- RIQ2I-B2 P-B3 63-Kt-QSch K-B 31- R-B8 R-Kt M-Kt-KI4 K-K2 32- RxRca i RxR dJ-Kt-QSrh " K-B 33- R-BS R-R 6-Kt-Kt4 Resigns a) (a) Tha lama was adjourned at this point, and since analysis Indicated that Whlta can trap Bucks Kt with enough time to force through tha Q-RP, Horowlu resigned. RUT LOPEZ Whlta Tha abort poiition U from Philtdor, Ore en White 1- P-K4 2- Kt-KB 3- B-K15 4- B-R4 b-Castlea -R-K T-B-Ktl 8- P-B3 9- B-B3 ln.p-04 U-P-QR4 Reshevsky Blark P-K4 Kt-QR3 P-QR3 Kt-B3 B-K2 P-OKI4 P-Q3 K'.R4 P-B4 Q-B2 R-R3 Ore en While 12- PkKIP 13- P-KR3 14- P-QS 15- QKI-Q2 16- Kt-R 17- B-K3 IB-PiP 14-PxB JO-Kt-Ktl ai-tt-Kt Reshevsky Black PxKtP Castles P-BS Kt-Q3 Kt-B4 P-B4 BxP RxB R-B Drawn.
7. 0-Q1 , K-N7: Q-B3 , K.-R5; 10. A. . . R-QR7: 8. Q-B2 , K-R6; 9. K-B4 and wins.
Mr. Winkelman rives the following position as an exception to the general rule that Bishop and pawn cannot win where the pawn is a Rook pawn and the Bishop does not command the square on which It Queens. But we are inclined to think that it Is, on the other hand, an apt Illustration brintrine out the avoidance ot tha rule as the culdint motive. . . Black White mates in three. (Wh. S; Bl. 7.) TO PROBLEM NO. 1299: TO PROBLEM NO. 1300 SOLUTION B-B4. SOLUTION B-Q8. We received solution from the followlna: F. Mahan, O. A. Hall. H. Bruhn, C. B. voinns, M. Morris. O. Klbbey, J. O. Dodge, W. C. Nolting, private O. B. Kellogg (welcome to our ladder,! A, B. Wells, Mrs. M. Gordon, Mrs, F, Tovar. J. T. Watson, E. Shlmano, R. L. Hewes, J, C. Drake. M. Rudholm. w. L Koethen, J. Davidson, E. H. Schadee, C P. Ford. S. J. McConneli. D. E. Smith (welcome to our ladder. I T. Harrington (welcome to our ladder,) D. L. Lewis, o, Francis, F. Mariaretien, E. L. Buckman, Dr. F. B. Sheldon. A. D. Reynolds Sr., D. A. Innes, J. P. Walsh. B. Bushuef. a. D. Donald. R. H. Hays. Corp. G. O. Linn (welcome to our ladder.) NEWS OF THE CLUBS ' The HolJrwoed Chess Group extenda Its invitation te vlsitore another week, as many reenetta Irani same have come in. A class for beginners baa been organised with many ladiea participating. Application! for a new elasa are being taken. These are conducted by Herman Steiner.
For further information please call WKh-ster Ml? af WVeming MIO. Kinea Life Magaslne published an article about the game r uo, there nave been many calls for a club where the game may be played. The Hollyweed Chens Croup ha the facilities for those Interested in this oriental game. Final score, St. Louis District Tournament: E. W. Marchand 7 3 J. Zlnner s'-4 4' A. I. Bloom S'.t 4',i C M. Burton S' 4' L. W. Heller 3a 6't L. E. Owen 3 7 SOME INSTRUCTIVE ENDINGS By Ksmat Our first example is the play of a Queen against a pawn.
The general rule is that the Queen win except In cases where the opposing pawn la a Bishop or Rook pawn and has reached (he seventh rank and is supported by the King. Nevertheless, this ending has by no means been analysed to exhaustion and there are many interesting and critical positions. Black a U4 ai Whlta 1. Q-B5 2. Q-K4 3. Q-B4 4. Q-K3 5. Q-B3 4- 6. K-Q4 7. Q-Q3V K-K3 and wins. I White to play and - win K-NT K-B7 K-N7 K-B8 K-K8 K-QB K-K8 the method adopted being to drive tha King opposite the pawn to gain a move tor Its own.
King. To the general rule governing (ha advanced Rook pawn, there are a number of exceptions, tha following being a notable one: Bl 1Q6; 1K6; 8; 8; 8, p7: Ikfi while to play and win. Tha win Is obta.lr.rd thus: 1. K-B5 . K-B7; 2. Q-NS , K-Nfi; 3. Q-Bl. K-N7; 4. Q-K2-K K-N6: 5. Q-Q1 , K-N7, 6. Q-Q2 , K-N8 (bent;) T. K-N4. P-R8 Qt 8. K-N3 and wins. The allowing of Black to Queen followed by a typical quiet move are the points In the combination rather hard for an amateur to sea for himself.
Our next Is a Queen against Rook ending. The main thing to remember about this class la that (he Rook must be driven away from the King and If the student works with this fixed aim, not much book knowledge la necessary. Black White to play and win. 1. B-Q2 (so as to play P-R3 If K-R4 and transfer tha P from the Rook file to Kt file.) K-N2 (or A:) 2. K-Q6. K-N3; 3. B-Kl (White must force Black to advance his pawn again with a view to such transference,) K-N2: 4. B-R4. K-N3: 5. B-Q8 , K-N2; 6, B-B7, K-Rl; 7. K-B6, K-R2: 8. B-Q8. K-Rl; 9. K-N6. K-Nl; ju. B-JB1 . R.-ii it. a- ana wins. A. 1 . . . K-B2; 2. B-NS.
K-Q2; 3. K-B8, K-Bl (best:) 4. K-N6. K-Nl; 5. B-B4 , K-Bl! 6. B-N3. K-Q2: 7. KxP-(N5.) K-Bl: 8. K-N6. K-Qli 9. K-NT. K-Q2; 10. B-Kl ana wins. Where the superior force consists of King, Knight and pawn against a King mere ig usuaity a win. But there are several positions which are drawn.
. The underlying reason for this Is that the Knight cannot gain a move. In the following position While, with the move, cannot win. Were It Black to play. White wins easily.
Black m r3 m ma m W4 1. N-Q3 2. N-K5 4- 3. N move Whlta K-B2 K-Bl K-B2 cu:. Tha next position It drawn in any vent.
8; 6KP; 5N2; 6K2: 8: 8; 8; 8 Drawn. Oamta from the championship: ALEKHINE'S DEFENSE Hnrowltl White 1- P-K4 2- P-K5 3- P-QB4 4- P-Q 8- P-B4 6- Kt-QB3 7- Kt-B3 B-BPXP 9- P-B5 10- Q-K13 11- PxB 12- Kt-Kt 13- K-K2 14- QxKip Seldman Black Kt-KB3 Kt-Q4 Kt-KtS P-Q3 P-KI3 B-K12 PxP B-KtS Kt-Q4 BxKt P-K3 Q-R5ch PxKt QxQP Hnrowltl While lS-Q-B8ch lS-B-Kt&ch 17-QxPch ISPxPch 19- Q-Q6ch 20- R-Q 21- R-Q2 22- Qxp 23- QxRrh 24- Q-K4ch 25- R-B2 26- P-B6 27- P-B7ch Seidman Black ' K-K2 P-B3 Kt-Q2 BxP K-K QxPch Q-B BxB K-K2 K-Q Q-B3 R-K Resigns
QUEEN'S O AMBIT DECLINED Reshevsky White 1- P-Q4 2- P-QH4 3- KUUB3 4- B-KtS 8-P-K3 8-KI-B3 7- BxB 8- Q-B2 0-KtxKt 10-QxP 11- castiea 12- B-Q3 13- Q-R4 14- KtxQ Altman Black P-Q4 P-K3 Kt-KB3 B-K2 Castles Kt-K5 QxB P-QKI3 PxKt P-QB3 B-Kt2 P-KB4 QxQ P-B4 Reshevsky White 15- P-QS 16- KtxP 17- BxPch 18- Kt-Oti 19- KR-Kt 20- Kt-B7ch 21- Kt-KtSch 22- Kt-B7ch 23- Kt-KSxh 24- R-Q6 . 25- B-K8 26- Kt-B7ch 27- Kl-Q8ch Altman Black PxP PxP K-R BxP B-B3 K-Kt K-R K-Kt K-Q P-QKI4 B-KI2 K-Kt Resigns m . m m $ it w?2 J JiA Smm Cm r: Id - S 111 O 53 E3 12 1 S3
QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED Kashdaa HorowltslKsjhdsn Horowili White fllerk White Blade 1- P-Q4 P-Q4 34-KI-K4 PxP 2- P-QR4 P-K3 35-Kt-BJ . P-QK4 3- Kt-QB3 Kt-KB3 36-RxP R-K 4- KI-B3 QKI-Q2 37-Kt-Q7ch K-B2 5- B-KIJ B-K2 38-RxP RxR 6- P-K3 Castles 39-KtxRch K-B3 7- B-Q3 PxP 40-KI-B6 P-RS 8- BxP P-QR3 41-K-KU Kt-Kt3 9- P-K4 P-Kt4 42-Kt-Qi Kt-BS 10-B-Q3 B-K12 43-KtxP KtxKlP U-Q-K2 R-K 44-K-B4 K-K3 12- CaslletKR P-B4 45-K-K4 Kt-Q8 13- P-KS Kt-Q4 46-P-B4 P-R4 14- Kt-K4 Q-KI3 47-P-K14 PxP 15- BXB RxB 4B-PxP K-B3 18- KtxP KlxKt 49-P-KtJch K-KI3 17-PxKt QxP 50-K-B3 Kt-Kt7 1B-QR-B Q-KtS 51-K-KI4 Kt-BS 19- P-QR3 Q-KI5 S2-P-BSch K-B2 20- P-R3 Q-R4 S3-K-B4 K-K2 21- BK4 R-Q 94-K-K4 Kt-Q7ch 22- KR-Q XR-Q2 M-K-K3 Kt-BJrh 23- K-R2 Q-R3 S6-K-Q4 ' Kt-Q7 24- Q-Q2 QxQ S7-K-K5 Xt-B6ch 25- RxQ K-B 5B-K-B4 . Kt-Q7 2H-KI-Q4 Kt-BS 59-P-Kt8 Kt-BS 27-BxB RxB 60-K-KlS Kt-K4 28- Kt-R KI-Q4 61-KI-B3 Kt-Brh 29- Kt-Qfi R-KI3 62-K-B4 Kt-KB 30- RIQ2I-B2 P-B3 63-Kt-QSch K-B 31- R-B8 R-Kt M-Kt-KI4 K-K2 32- RxRca i RxR dJ-Kt-QSrh " K-B 33- R-BS R-R 6-Kt-Kt4 Resigns a) (a) Tha lama was adjourned at this point, and since analysis Indicated that Whlta can trap Bucks Kt with enough time to force through tha Q-RP, Horowlu resigned. RUT LOPEZ Whlta Tha abort poiition U from Philtdor, Ore en White 1- P-K4 2- Kt-KB 3- B-K15 4- B-R4 b-Castlea -R-K T-B-Ktl 8- P-B3 9- B-B3 ln.p-04 U-P-QR4 Reshevsky Blark P-K4 Kt-QR3 P-QR3 Kt-B3 B-K2 P-OKI4 P-Q3 K'.R4 P-B4 Q-B2 R-R3 Ore en While 12- PkKIP 13- P-KR3 14- P-QS 15- QKI-Q2 16- Kt-R 17- B-K3 IB-PiP 14-PxB JO-Kt-Ktl ai-tt-Kt Reshevsky Black PxKtP Castles P-BS Kt-Q3 Kt-B4 P-B4 BxP RxB R-B Drawn.