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June 21, 1942 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 21 Jun 1942, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS BY HERMAN STEINER INTERNATIONAL CHESS MASTER. Address All Mail to Chess Editor Jan 21, 1942 L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 130S By Doucla Jack 16th S champion Play L. R fid Oilman. O. I. Gay v. Darla-Thormon. White mate in two. (Wh. t: BI. 6.) L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1306 By Or. J. J- O'Keefe and P. T. White mate in three. (Wb. 4; Bl. 3.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1301: PK3 SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1302: N-B. We received solutions from the following B. BushurfT. J. P. Walsh. R. L. Hewes, Rev, P. Prirhard, A. L. Buckman, E. H. Schadee, W. L. Koethen. D. A. Innet i thanks') L. A. Saliado, W. C. Noltina, J C. Drake, O. A. Hall, C P. Ford, C. B. Collina, H, Bruhn. T. Harrington, J. O. Dodae, M. Morris. J, T. Watson, D. L. Lewis. O. D Donald. P. Margaretten. R. H. Hay. A, D. Reynolds Sr.. S. J. McCon-neil, M. Rudnolm, O. J. Myert. Corp. O. O. Linn. Mrt P Tovar, Mrt. M. Oordon, A. S. Weill, E. Shimano.
NEWS OF THE CLUB The Hollywood Chess Group. 10ft N. Farirosa Ave., extends Ita Invitation to the chess plavinr public t visit Ita (darter fer the month ( June. Darin the (b) Whit t developing strong K-ald attack, o Black counterattack In th center. () To ttop . . . P-B5. but there ar mora terlout threat bidden in tbt poti-tlon. (d) Th B cannot move btcauu of th reply 32 , , . PxP. () Olvini Whit fewer chance thin he would have after 22 . . , PxB. It 1 Interesting that tblt would not b pot- (Ibl wer th Whit QNP at N2. (f Were the Q protected (other than by the R White could now play 24. RxN, but a It 1 h mutt exchange or retreat.
QxBP becaui of th of (!) Not 27 . . reply z. r-b. (h) Taking fmmedlat advanta White weak 34th move.
l) Thi prove to b no defense, but White wa in aerloui time trouble and probably overlooked Blaek'i next move. It la doubtful If White can lone defend hlm- elf becaute of th weakness of th White tquaret (every P 1 on a Black aquarc.) (j) After the exehanaa of Quean White' tame la bopelei. Meyer White 1- P-QB4 2- N-KB3 3- P-KN3 4- B-N2 (b) S-N-B3 Auttin Black P-K3 a) P-KB4 N-KB3 B-K2 O-O (1-P-03 (c) P-Q4 7- PxP PxP 8- Q-N3 K-R id) 9- B-B4 P-B3 10- O-O QN-Q2 ie) 11- OR-TJ N-B4 12-Q-B2 N-K3 1.1-B-K5 B-Q3 14- BxB OxB 15- P-K4 (f) BPxP DUTCH DEPKNSE Meyer White 16- PxP 17- NxP l-QxN 19- Q-QB4 20- KR-Q 21- QQ4 22- QxQ 2.1'N-KS Auttin Black PxP NxN N-B4 (g) P-QN3 -B3 B-K3 BxP 24-P-QN4 N-R3 (hi 25- P-N5 N-B2 26- BxP QR-KB (II 27- N-Q7 RxP 28-NxR RxN 29-R-Q7 R-B2 0) 30-R-QBch Retlgnt Note by N. T. Auttin (A I and M n Meyer (M.:) (I) A good wav in rearh th nntrh Defense, provided Black it prepared also to play a French Defense.
Into which the ame wou:a transpose were White to move r-n.. (At.) (b) The flanchetto nr (he kr la ine aironeet; tines against th Dutch. Betides the player of the White nieces woulH oi oe nappy in a closed game were not i. lease one oi nit Btshona deve ooed ar N2! (M ) (c) Mora utual la P-Ot lht Whit Is anxious to prevent a Black hi from occupying K5. and at th lame time deviates from "book" lines of in order to avoid being caught in a prepared variation. (M. (d) S . . . P-B3 alto came Into eonild-eration. (A.) e Instead. 10 . . . P-Q.V 11. N-q! lurcra.) ri-v; u. a-K5: B-B3: 13 BxP. BxB: 14. NxB. N-B5 appear! Inaufflclent for Black. (A.) (f) White attack! the center Immediately at Black threat of 15 . . . P-B5 i very strong.
M ) fg) IB N-B2 would clve Tslai-k nt three noalhs, Herman Btelner following the game led to ; i conduct classes lor aednnera and advance players. All (hose Interested please phone WKbater an 17 or tvvominc s.,10. Mra. Nanny Roe, runner-up for the 1'nlted Stales women a rhampiniiehip title, will be gneat ef the club daring her M-lonrn In South,, California. Richard Lysn, well known California cheat eipert. win leeture en the game ef Oe at the Hollywood Chess Group en Friday, June 28, at 6 p.m.
Mr. I ron la ene or the best eiaencnta of this oriental same, which la faat gaining In popularity In the city.
M. O. METER WINS SACRAMENTO CITY CHAMPIONSHIP N-K3 would Meyer Applet! Gee Wis .. . 3W Take ... Thornton Aislln . .
INSTRUCTIVE ENDINGS R Pine concluded hit encounter with T. H. Tylor with pretty ending. Margate: 1937 T. H. Tylor: Black Pin: White to play. Th gam proceeded thus: 30. S-QBS, Q-Bl: 21. R-Q54. K-Rl: 22 BxB . KxB: 23. S-Kb.
Resigns tl Black cannot avoid lota of material. In lh following position Buerger'! central maneuver atainat Sir G. A. Thomas' Klntsldo attack came too late and proved Ineffective to ward off the attack, Margite: 1937 V. Buerger: Blick the conclusion that 24 nave Been better.
B-N6: and If PxP. It II cuet. tmnable whether White can force a win. R-KN mould prevent the Immediate loss of at least the exchange. Thl indicates the degree of con-trol of the board exercised by the White pieces.
(M.I (i) A serioiia htitndp whip), uM. diately. but in any case the advantage of nin anouia win. (M )
FRENCH DEFENSE Applecate Wise White Blick 1- P-K4 P-K3 2- P-Q4 P-Q4 3- B-03 N-QB3 4- N-K2 N-NS B-P-K5 P-QB4 5- P-OB3 P-B3 7- B-B2 NxB 8- OxN B-K2 9- B-K3 B-N4 10- P-B4 B-K2 11- N-Q2 N-R3 12- N-B3 N-B4 13-B-02 B-02 14- 0-0-0 Q-R4 15- Q-N P-ON4 18-P-QR3 R.QN 17- P-KN4 N-R3 18- P-R3 Q-N3 19- N-N3 P-OR4 20- P-B5 PxP 21- P-N5 P-N5 22- PxN PxQRP 23-QR-N OxPch 24-QxQ PxQch 2S-K-N P-N3 2S-R-N2 P-R5 27-N-K2 P-R8 28-N-B B-QR5 29-NxOP B-B7ch 30- KxB P-R7 31- R(N2)-N R-N2 32- N-N4 BxN 33- PxR POch 34- RxQ PxR-Ochl 35- RxO K-02 36-B-K3 K-R3 37-K-B3 K-Q4 ,38-N-Oa R-R .i-N-n R-Htcn 40- K-O2 R-R7ch 41- K-R3 R-RRch 42- K-Q2 P-BS wia 3 A -ft " l wJk A. m m Apple! Wise White Black 43- BxP KxP 44- B-K3ch KxP 45- R-K K-Q4 46- B-B3 P-B6ch 47- K-B? K-B5 48- N-K3ch K-N4 49- N-Q3 K-B5 50- N-K3ch K-N4 51- N-Q R-R7chl 52- K-N3 R-R7I 53- NxPch K-B3 54- K-B4 RxRP 53-P-N5ch K-Q2 5ri-R-0ch K-K3 57- P-N6 P-B4 58- R-Ofich K-K4 59- R-BS RxRP 60- B-Och K-B5 61- R-B7 R-N 62- P-N7 P-N4 63- R-K7 R-B3ch? 84-K-Q5 RxN 65-BxR R-Och 88- K-KS P-R4 87-B-KSch K-N5 68-B-B7 R-KR 89- K-07 P-B5 70- B-O8 P-BS 71- P oueen P-B7 72- Q-N4rh R-N5 7.7-xRchh KxO?? 74- R-B7ch K-NS 75- B-N6 P-R5 7-RxP P-Ri 77- R-OB2 P-N3 78- K-K8 K-Bfi 79- B-B7 K-K5 80- K-B8 K-Qfi 81- R-OR2 K-K5 82- K-N5 K-B8 83- K-R4 Retltni R-R7ch i ALEKHINE S DEFENSE Austin White 1-P-K4 3-P-K5 3- P-OB4 4- P-04 5- N-KB3 8-PxP 7- P-Q3' 8- P-ON3 9-"B-K2 10-N-O4 U-QxB Appleiate Black N-KB3 N-Q4 N-N3 P-03 N-OB3 KPxP N-K4 B-N5 Q-B3 BxB o-o-o Austin White 12- B-N2 13- 0-0 14- N-KB3 15- NxN 10-N-O3 17- BxN 18- Q-N4rh 19- N-K4 20- OR-Ott 21- OxNP 22- Realtni Apple! Black R-K P-N4 N(3-Q2 NxN B-N2 RxB K-N Q-K2 P-KB4 PxN QUEEN PON Blr o.
A. Thomu: Whit to plir. 34. P-KS4 P-04 28. P-B3 P-J5 28. Q K4 K-Rl 27. Q-R4 R.l 28. P-B8 BxP 29. Bx9 BxB 30. RxB PxP 31. B-BS R.R2 32. BxP R-B3 33. BxR QxB 34. Q-OH Reiltni FRENCH DEPENBi Whit I-P-K4 Meyer Blactc P-K3 3-N-KB2 () P-St 3- PxP PxP 4- P-Q4 N-KB3 B-B-O.l B-K2 6- B-RB4 B-N5 7- B-K2 QN-Q2 8- N-B1 P-B3 8-0-0 O-O 10- N-K8 B-KB4 11- P-QRJ R-K 12- R-K N-B 13- B-Q3 BxB 14- xl N-K3 13-B-N3 B-Q3 I8-R-K3 P B4 lb) I7-N-N8 'BN 18-RxB N-K8 4I-K-)1 19- P-QNJ ( P-QR3 42-P-05 20- N.B3 NxN 43-P-K4 3l-OxN P-B3I44-K-K3 22-pxp ai r-oa () Renin xn iru Not hf
M. O. Meyer: a Mor urual 1 I. p-04. Wis Whit 24- Q-K 25- R-Q 28-PxR 27- P-ON4 28- Q-02 29- 0-B3 30- R-Q3 . 31- PxR 32- Q-03 33- P-Q4 34- P-N3 33-KB 1 1) 30-K-N2 37-K-B 38-K-K2 Meyer Black N-B2 Rxn QxBP Q-K2 it) N-K3 R-Q RxR Q-QR2 K-B2 K-K2 N-N4 (hi Q-B8ch Q-Q4ch Q-R8ch OxPch Oe Whll 1- P-Q4 2- P-B4 3- P-K3 4- N-KB3 S-B-K2 Applet! Black N-KB3 P-QB4 N-B3 P-Q3tl B-R4 8-B-Q2(b Q-Q2c) 7-P-OR3 B-P-W5 8-BxB 10- B-K2 11- O-O(e) 12- P-B3I 13- P-K4(f 14- P-R3(tl I3-N-B3 18-R-Nlh) B-K5 BxN(dl N-K4 Q-B4 P-KN3 B-N2 Q-Q2 Q-B2 O-O N-R4II) Oe White 17- P-B4 18- BxN 19- QxP 20- K-R 21- q-B3(jl 22- N.N5(kl 23- NxB 24- Q-Q3 35-P-QN4 28-P-BSIimt Q-Rinnl 27-QxP QxRPinl 78-R.R3 Q-R7 39. Ft. RIO) 0-B7 30-B-B3i) PxPirn 31-QxNch Reiltni Appleiate BlarK N-Q2 PxB B-QJch N-B3 K-R Q-Bdl PxN Q-B4 Q-N3 Black-9-14 23-18-a 14-23 27-18 12-lG-b 18-14 10-17 21- 6- 7- 22- 14-22 39- K-Q3 QxQrh 1)1 40- Kxd N-K5ch NxP P-KR4 P-R8 P-R4 NOTES BT OEK (a) Too How. 4. . . . PxP, thin P-Q4 it Better (bt Stop 8. , , . N-QNB. (e Threaten N-QN5 Id) A trap, if 8, PxN. Blick pity .
, . RxPiB3) and wlna a Pon, iNot 8 . . . QxP: 10. BxB Iniint a niece ei Lnnki daniermn. hut whir' next mnva ttnpa any rnunlrrlhrrat. (ft Makt a tolld tarn. Black ha to ret reai. Threat: IS.
P-B4. lh) Almlnt at Blark't vetk Q-sld. II) A Dtlitike, loaea a P outrliht. Ht 81. Q-NSoh would b a wait ef llm.
. tk) Whit wanti to occupy th dlataoal B3 to 418 now that tha Black Kin 1 enpoeed ID 22 . , , Q-N3 wil Kronttr. 'ml. 28 . . . PxPl 27. PxP. QxPl 28 KR-B, Q-Q3; 38 P-K8 win th N.
in) 3. , . . Q-B wis aefer . " Thi lose in chincit Black mltht have at thi point.
() . Rut now th Q I tripped. (a) Got that diatonal and the tame tlont with It. AIm hop th threii JO . . . QxKP which waa hack of 29 . . , Q-B7, Black mi to follow n lutiv Ide iri lost In tny rat. If 30 , , , R-KN then 31. R-B3, Q-N. 32. R-NI win the Q. After in it! white announced mat in Ihre. 11-16, in was was for the 10-14, ing 23-18 1 1-23 27-18 5- 26-23 10-15 32-27 6-10 21-17 10-H 17-10 7-14 Then wins.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

Special Thanks