OCR Text
CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor March 14. lf L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1071 Br A. C. Whits t.3..4ll J ty? -.1 s3 a. r- n j t i !; 1 3 ill iSj .4: - "1 Whits mates la two. (Wh. 14,; Bl. 5.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 107J Br N. Sardotsch u mm i F""f mvs Fl J" 5 fcfej 'Lft o- Bm m m ri n ft H tAi ri 6wJ Whit mstss In thrss. (Wh. S: BU 10.) OLtJTION TO PROBLEM 1067: R-QB. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1068: Kt-KB3. W received solutions from the following: D. A. Innes, J. O. Dodge. Rev P. Prlchard, W. Harmon. Dr. P. B. Sheldon, N P. Books, Dr. R. H. Ross, L. Sheppard. C." P. Ford, M. Rudholm, JL. P. Sherman, L. K. Gustafaon. J. E. Bller, H. Harrison, R. A. Bnsco. J. T. Watson, J. C. Drake, W L. Koethea. W. Harmon, R. Roslin, J. P. Walsh. H. Koga, . h. Daniells, R. C. Younger (welcome to our ladder,) H. Bruhn, J. Davidson. COMBINATIV PLAT BY DR. MAX EUWE World Champion, 1935-37. 4. MATERIAL GAIN Material gain Is sometimes effected by most beautiful and complicated combinations. Often more helpful to the learner, however, is a study of soms routine bits of combination play very frequently encountered A knowledge of thesa will save him to begin with from the annoyancs of succumbing to stock "traps." DIAGRAM 3 t .1 i i i ., j,. .,, - t j ri !... W.. he can consolidate his position, for two rooks and a bishop are naturally more than a match for a queen.
But sea how badly these pieces are placed! One rook is unprotected, the other badly hemmed In by its own colleagues. Neither of these weaknesses Is very dismal by itself but in combination they are fatal. White wins by 1. P-Ktu: Kin 2. q-uicn ana j. How easy It is to go wrong In such a position, the following shows: imagine that White plays 1. Q-03 first, thinking that Black must now move the attacked rook and permit 2. P-K.16. . winning the DIAGRAM 4 St W.J'- $rs "we j '1' ' ' frmdf ta&jtVi frwM y, s.j...i tliu-JH V.i'tt 1 White to Move other rook, next move.
Black replies 1. . . . R-R5I and Is then able to refute- 2. n vta h o R.-Kirt.Sr.h and 3. . . . dvd- h tpn his material advantage and in with ease.
Thar. nn aimDl rule for guarding uinst unlucky accidents liks these. Ex perience is the best teacher and an ever-alert eye the best assistant. It Is always well to strive for forcing moves. The less choice of reply you offer your opponent, the smaller his chance of surprising you.
A similar position to that in Diagram 5 was once reached in a game between Batth and Flohr. One of White's bishops is unproiectea; ciruuiiic .uii remits Black to win a pawn by a splendid combination Introducing a double attack: the pieces, since the attacked rook and bishop can in no wise come 10 eacn aid and White can undertake no counterattack. (To be continued. ) STEINER VS. WOLISTON MATCH ..... the score stands: Steiner, Ave wins: Wolis- ion, iwi wins, ino lir by ftteiner. the second by Wollslon, the third bv Steiner, the fourth by Woliston. the fifth, siith and seventh by Steiner. The Hollywood ehess group, 108 N. match, is arranging a special exhibition matrti or prooaDiy nve games. In.. mer titleholder, starting this coming week. visitors ars wcivsme.
SECOND GAME BUDAPEST DEFENSE Woliston White 1- P-Q4 2- P-QB4 3-PxP Steiner Black Kt-KB3 P-K4 Kt-K5(al White to Move In Diagram 3 it is natural to try to take advantage of the unprotected situation of the black rook. As it happens, this is not possible. If 1. 0-K2. then 1. . . . R-KR4 protecting the rooks pawn and moving over to the attack. Nor does violence effect anything: 1. BsPch. KsBi 2. 0-Keh. R-B4I 3. P-KKtt, Q-Ktt! This refutes White's combination; the pawn which attacked the pinned rook is now itself pinned, and Black threatens to free himself entirely by 4. . . . P-Kt3 or 4. . . . Q-Kt3. Moreover, an unsuspected weakness In White's own posttlon now becomes apparent: bis oueen is unprotected, so that 4 K-RI (unpinning the pawn and again threatening PxR) faila against 4. . . . Q-Bol In Diagram 4 Black must win If once Kt-Q2fblB-Kt5icl 5- Q-B2td) P-Q4! 6- PxP e p. B-KB4 7- Kt-B3 QxPiel 8- P-QR3?l(f)BxKtch 9- BxBig! Kt-Kt6 10-Q-B3, 12-B-R6 13- -KtS(h) 14- QxB 15--K4ch 16- OxKtP 17- QxBP 18- QxQ KlxR R-B Kt-02 R-R QxB Q-K3MI R-QKt Q-QKt3UV KtxQ Woliston Btelner White Black 19- P-K3 Kt-R5 20- P-Kt4 P-QR4 21- P-KI5 Kt-B4iki 22- Kt-K5 P-R1S 23- Kt-3!(l) Kt-Kt6 24-R-R2 P-R4(ml 25-B-K2 .'6-R-B2 27- Kt-KS 28- P-B5 29- Kt-BS 30- Kt-Kt4 31- P-B6 32- P-KtS 33- P-Kt7 34-PxR'O) P-R5II1) K-Q?lo) K-KP) P-B3 R-K12 R-QB2 R-Kt R-QB K-K2 RxQ 3S-P-B7 Black passes time control. ANNOTATED BY HERMAN STEINER (a) A move introduced by Fajarowlcg In Wiesbaden In 1928 against me. tb) Alekhine s move. In my game against Fsjarowici I played Q-B2, which was answered by 4 . . . P-Q4!; 5. PxP e.p.. B-B4; S. Q-R4 ch.. K-B3; 7. Kt-KB3. BxP; 8. P-QR3, Q-B3; followed by O-O-O.
with practically a wou game. The text move was introduced by Alekhlne against Tar-takower at London, Eng.. in 1932. (c) In the Alekhine-Tartakower game, the latter played K-B4: 5. K-Kt-B3.
Kt-B3: 6. P-KKt3, Q-K2: 7. B-K12. P-KKt3; 8. Kt-QKt, KtxP; 9 O-O, KtxKtch?; (P-Q3!) 10. PxKt, B-Kt2: 11. R-K. Kt-K3; 12. Kt-B3. O-O: 13. Kt-QS, Q-Q; 14. P-B4. with a better game. (d) White makes the same mistake as In my game against Fajarowicz. P-QR3 should be played.
fe Kt-QB3 comes under strong consideration. The strong-looking BxKt ch which apparently wins the exchange would not be so Rood as 8. KtxB, Kl-Kt6: 9. P-K-4. ICtxR: 10, PxB, O-O; 11. Kt-B3, followed by B-K3. (ft A combination which turns out to be good. Ig Not the best. KtxB would have been belter as Kt-Ktfi: 10. P-K4.
KtxR: 11. PxB, O-O: 12. Kt-B3 would have given Black a playable game. ih The only move, to keep up the attack. Hi A blunder.
A misconception of the position. K-Q or K-B would have eventually won the game as Black is a Rook to the good, and the undeveloped White pieces do not justify the Rook sacrifice. For example: K-Q; 16. R-Q, K-B: and Black is out of danger. If lb. QxKtP. R-QKt; 17. Q-Q5, Q-K3; 18. Q-Q4, Q-KB3: and wins. (If 15 . . . K-B; IS. QxKtP, K-Kt2: and Black wins.) (11 Following the misleading line. Black figures if he exchanges the Queen he'll have a better chance to win the end game with a Ronk ahead, overlooking the fact that the White's Queen-side Pswn will be very dangerous, as the Black Rook on the King side cannot come Into piny quick enough.
The dangerous looking K-K2 would have been much better as 18. Kt-Q4 would be answered by Q-QKt.3! 19. Kt-Btich.? K-K3! and Black Is out of danter as now the Rooks are connected. tki This is the position Black was playing for. figuring thai the position Is well controlled and the two pass pawns are blocked by the Knight.
(1) The move Black overlooked Black now realized that after 23 . . . KtxKtch: 24. BxKt.
followed by K-K2. which wins the Knight, leaves While with a won end game. tm Black expected While to pley P-K13, which would be answered by P-R5. trying to salvage as many pawns as possible for the Knight at Rook 8.) (n) A move made under time pressure. R-R3 would have been better.
(oi A blunder. Here Black had about two minutes to make the next 14 moves. (0) Black figured 27 . . . K-B2: 28. Ktx P. KR-KB, overlooking that White answers with 28. P-BM forcing the pass pawns. The rest needs no comment as the moves are obvious.
LOS AXGEI.FS CITY CHAMPIONSHIP TOl'RNAMKNT BENONI COUNTER-GAMBIT Aronson White 1- P-Q4 2- P-QS 3- KI-QB3 4- P-K4 . 5- P-B4 6- B-Q3 7- P-K5! 8- PxP 9- B-Kt5ch!-10-P-KS n-B-Kj 12-PXB Freed Black P-QB4 P-Q3 P-KKI3 B-K!2 P-B4 Kt-KR3 PxP '. Kt-B2 K-B Kt-Q3 BxKtch Q-R4 A ronson White 13- Kt-B3 14- B-R6ch 15- O-O 16- Q-Q2 17- QsKt . 18- Q-KS 19- P-Q6 20- Q-B6 21- Kt-Kt5 22-Q-B7eh Freed Black Kt-KS K-K KtxP KtxBch . P-R3 R-Kt PxP Q-B2 , Q-K2 K-Q 23-QxR and won in few moves Bovine Passengers Aufo Plunge Victims Careening along the Ridge Route below Whitaker Peak Summit after the driver .had jumped to safety, a truck-trailer plunged over a GO-foot embankment yesterday, killing a cow and injuring six others, which were destroyed.
Twenty-four other bovine passengers in the plunge were grazing in the canyon on the arrival of deputy sheriffs from Newhall substation. Ralph E. Vincent, 1011 V. Dinwoody. St., Downey, driver of the truck, told officers the .brakes failed to hold the truck after he had passed the summit: Mayor's Aide to Taik Speaking on "The Future of Racial and Political Minorities," Ordean Rockey, field secretary to Mayor Eowron, will address the Jewish Free State League tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. at the Unitarian Center, 2335 W, Eighth St. MORE KERES-EUWE GAMES TENTH CiAMF NIMZOWITSCH DEFENSE Keres Euwe Keres . Euwe While Black White Black 1- P-Q4 . Kt-KB3 26-QxQ RxQ 2- P-QB4 P-K3 27-R-Q4 . RxRp 3- KI-QB3 B-Kt5 28-B-B3 B-K 4- Q-B2 Kt-B3 29-P-R4 R-B3 5- P-K3 , P-K4 30-R-R .
RxRch 6- PxP KtxP 31-BxR K-B 7- B-Q2 P-Q3 32-B-KtT B-B3 8- P-QR3 BxKt 33-BxB . RxH 9- BxB Castles 34-P-K14 K-K2 10- KI-B3 KKI-Q2 3S-K-Q2 P-R4 11- B-K2 Q-K2 3R-P-R5 R-R3 12- R-Q KtxKtch 37-K-B3 R-R 13- PxKt P-KB4 3R-P-BS R-R 14- R-KKt R-B2 39-P-Kt5 P-R5 15- Q-02 Kt-B3 40-P-KtB PxP 16- P-B5 P-Q4 41-PxP P-R8 17- BxKt QxB 42-P-Kt7 P-R7 18- QxP B-K3 43-R-Q R-Q 19- QxKtP tJR-KB 44-RxR P-R8 (Qi 20- P-B4 R-K2 45-P-Kt8 Q-B8ch 21- R-Q2 . B-B2 46-K-K14 Q-Kt7ch 22- QxRP Q-R5 47-K-R5 Q-R8ch 23- Q-Kt7 -RxP 48-K-Kt8 Q-Kt5ch 24- Q-Kt2 P-Kt3 49-K-B7 Resigns 25- Q-KtS R-R8 ELEVENTH GAME A perplexing gsme with a questionable opening in which Keres gives up a P on his 12ih move. The opening resembles the Cambridge Springs defense, bul the difference in While's QB being at KB4 instead of KKtS makes the variation seem definitely bad for Black. Euwe's sacrifice on his 23rd is not clear cut, although if 23 .'.
RxKt: 24 RxR, KxR: 25 Q-K7ch, K-Kt; 26 QxBP gives White several pawns for his ptece. Perhaps Keres figured the Terlation he adopted wss satisfactory, but he must have overlooked 25 KtxP. QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED Euwe Keres Fuwe . Keres White Biack White Black 1- P-Q4 P-Q4 17-P-K Q-B3 2- P-QB4 P-B3 18-KR-Q R-Q 3- Kt-QB3 Kt-B3 19-R-03 B-R3 4- PP PxP 20-R-B3 R-Q2 5- Kt-B3 Kt-B3 21-Kt-RS P-B3 K-B-B4 Q-R4 22-P-KI3 K-R 7- P-K3 Kt-K5 23-KtxK;P OxKP 8- Q-KlJ P-K3i24-Kt-R5 Q-B4 9- B-Q3 B-K:5l25-KtxP R-KB2 10- BxKt PxB!2-B-K5 Kt-B3 11- K'-Q2 Catlrj27-Q-ti6 KtxB 12- CslieKR Q-KB4 28-PxKt QR-KB 11-KKtxP BxKt 129-P-KRJ ' B-B5 14- Kt-Kt3 Q-Q4 30-R-O BxP 15- PxB Kt-R4!31-Q-Q8 Resigns 16- Q-KI4 P-QKt3i TWELFTH CAMF Another short tame. Eua embarks upon.
a questionable Q side P advance and as result is on the defensive before his open-ins development is completed. Euwe questions his bth. 9th and 16th moves. Instead of the 6th, he favors Kt-QB3: of his 9th, P-Kt5; of his 16th. QxQ.
Euwe resigns because he has tut defense to 24 B-Kto or R-B 7. RETT OPENTNO Keres White 1- Kt-KB3 2- P-B4 3- P-K3 4- BxP 5- CasMes 6- P-QKlJ 7- B-KJ 8- B-Kt ' 9- P-QR4 10- PvP 11- RxR 13-K.l-Rl Euwe Biark P-Q4 PP P-OB4 Kt-KB.1 P-OR3 P-OK14 B-K12 QKt-Q2 PtPI Keres White 13- P-04 14- PxP 15- KI-Q4 16- QjB 17- fcf-ttKt4 1R-Q-Q6 1J-R-B :o-Kt-B4 J1-0-B4 ;2-Kt-Qrtch Fa we B.aclc P-K3 BxP BxKKt -K!2 Kt-34 K-K2 P-KtS KI-KB4 BxP KttKI Resisnsj.
But sea how badly these pieces are placed! One rook is unprotected, the other badly hemmed In by its own colleagues. Neither of these weaknesses Is very dismal by itself but in combination they are fatal. White wins by 1. P-Ktu: Kin 2. q-uicn ana j. How easy It is to go wrong In such a position, the following shows: imagine that White plays 1. Q-03 first, thinking that Black must now move the attacked rook and permit 2. P-K.16. . winning the DIAGRAM 4 St W.J'- $rs "we j '1' ' ' frmdf ta&jtVi frwM y, s.j...i tliu-JH V.i'tt 1 White to Move other rook, next move.
Black replies 1. . . . R-R5I and Is then able to refute- 2. n vta h o R.-Kirt.Sr.h and 3. . . . dvd- h tpn his material advantage and in with ease.
Thar. nn aimDl rule for guarding uinst unlucky accidents liks these. Ex perience is the best teacher and an ever-alert eye the best assistant. It Is always well to strive for forcing moves. The less choice of reply you offer your opponent, the smaller his chance of surprising you.
A similar position to that in Diagram 5 was once reached in a game between Batth and Flohr. One of White's bishops is unproiectea; ciruuiiic .uii remits Black to win a pawn by a splendid combination Introducing a double attack: the pieces, since the attacked rook and bishop can in no wise come 10 eacn aid and White can undertake no counterattack. (To be continued. ) STEINER VS. WOLISTON MATCH ..... the score stands: Steiner, Ave wins: Wolis- ion, iwi wins, ino lir by ftteiner. the second by Wollslon, the third bv Steiner, the fourth by Woliston. the fifth, siith and seventh by Steiner. The Hollywood ehess group, 108 N. match, is arranging a special exhibition matrti or prooaDiy nve games. In.. mer titleholder, starting this coming week. visitors ars wcivsme.
SECOND GAME BUDAPEST DEFENSE Woliston White 1- P-Q4 2- P-QB4 3-PxP Steiner Black Kt-KB3 P-K4 Kt-K5(al White to Move In Diagram 3 it is natural to try to take advantage of the unprotected situation of the black rook. As it happens, this is not possible. If 1. 0-K2. then 1. . . . R-KR4 protecting the rooks pawn and moving over to the attack. Nor does violence effect anything: 1. BsPch. KsBi 2. 0-Keh. R-B4I 3. P-KKtt, Q-Ktt! This refutes White's combination; the pawn which attacked the pinned rook is now itself pinned, and Black threatens to free himself entirely by 4. . . . P-Kt3 or 4. . . . Q-Kt3. Moreover, an unsuspected weakness In White's own posttlon now becomes apparent: bis oueen is unprotected, so that 4 K-RI (unpinning the pawn and again threatening PxR) faila against 4. . . . Q-Bol In Diagram 4 Black must win If once Kt-Q2fblB-Kt5icl 5- Q-B2td) P-Q4! 6- PxP e p. B-KB4 7- Kt-B3 QxPiel 8- P-QR3?l(f)BxKtch 9- BxBig! Kt-Kt6 10-Q-B3, 12-B-R6 13- -KtS(h) 14- QxB 15--K4ch 16- OxKtP 17- QxBP 18- QxQ KlxR R-B Kt-02 R-R QxB Q-K3MI R-QKt Q-QKt3UV KtxQ Woliston Btelner White Black 19- P-K3 Kt-R5 20- P-Kt4 P-QR4 21- P-KI5 Kt-B4iki 22- Kt-K5 P-R1S 23- Kt-3!(l) Kt-Kt6 24-R-R2 P-R4(ml 25-B-K2 .'6-R-B2 27- Kt-KS 28- P-B5 29- Kt-BS 30- Kt-Kt4 31- P-B6 32- P-KtS 33- P-Kt7 34-PxR'O) P-R5II1) K-Q?lo) K-KP) P-B3 R-K12 R-QB2 R-Kt R-QB K-K2 RxQ 3S-P-B7 Black passes time control. ANNOTATED BY HERMAN STEINER (a) A move introduced by Fajarowlcg In Wiesbaden In 1928 against me. tb) Alekhine s move. In my game against Fsjarowici I played Q-B2, which was answered by 4 . . . P-Q4!; 5. PxP e.p.. B-B4; S. Q-R4 ch.. K-B3; 7. Kt-KB3. BxP; 8. P-QR3, Q-B3; followed by O-O-O.
with practically a wou game. The text move was introduced by Alekhlne against Tar-takower at London, Eng.. in 1932. (c) In the Alekhine-Tartakower game, the latter played K-B4: 5. K-Kt-B3.
Kt-B3: 6. P-KKt3, Q-K2: 7. B-K12. P-KKt3; 8. Kt-QKt, KtxP; 9 O-O, KtxKtch?; (P-Q3!) 10. PxKt, B-Kt2: 11. R-K. Kt-K3; 12. Kt-B3. O-O: 13. Kt-QS, Q-Q; 14. P-B4. with a better game. (d) White makes the same mistake as In my game against Fajarowicz. P-QR3 should be played.
fe Kt-QB3 comes under strong consideration. The strong-looking BxKt ch which apparently wins the exchange would not be so Rood as 8. KtxB, Kl-Kt6: 9. P-K-4. ICtxR: 10, PxB, O-O; 11. Kt-B3, followed by B-K3. (ft A combination which turns out to be good. Ig Not the best. KtxB would have been belter as Kt-Ktfi: 10. P-K4.
KtxR: 11. PxB, O-O: 12. Kt-B3 would have given Black a playable game. ih The only move, to keep up the attack. Hi A blunder.
A misconception of the position. K-Q or K-B would have eventually won the game as Black is a Rook to the good, and the undeveloped White pieces do not justify the Rook sacrifice. For example: K-Q; 16. R-Q, K-B: and Black is out of danger. If lb. QxKtP. R-QKt; 17. Q-Q5, Q-K3; 18. Q-Q4, Q-KB3: and wins. (If 15 . . . K-B; IS. QxKtP, K-Kt2: and Black wins.) (11 Following the misleading line. Black figures if he exchanges the Queen he'll have a better chance to win the end game with a Ronk ahead, overlooking the fact that the White's Queen-side Pswn will be very dangerous, as the Black Rook on the King side cannot come Into piny quick enough.
The dangerous looking K-K2 would have been much better as 18. Kt-Q4 would be answered by Q-QKt.3! 19. Kt-Btich.? K-K3! and Black Is out of danter as now the Rooks are connected. tki This is the position Black was playing for. figuring thai the position Is well controlled and the two pass pawns are blocked by the Knight.
(1) The move Black overlooked Black now realized that after 23 . . . KtxKtch: 24. BxKt.
followed by K-K2. which wins the Knight, leaves While with a won end game. tm Black expected While to pley P-K13, which would be answered by P-R5. trying to salvage as many pawns as possible for the Knight at Rook 8.) (n) A move made under time pressure. R-R3 would have been better.
(oi A blunder. Here Black had about two minutes to make the next 14 moves. (0) Black figured 27 . . . K-B2: 28. Ktx P. KR-KB, overlooking that White answers with 28. P-BM forcing the pass pawns. The rest needs no comment as the moves are obvious.
LOS AXGEI.FS CITY CHAMPIONSHIP TOl'RNAMKNT BENONI COUNTER-GAMBIT Aronson White 1- P-Q4 2- P-QS 3- KI-QB3 4- P-K4 . 5- P-B4 6- B-Q3 7- P-K5! 8- PxP 9- B-Kt5ch!-10-P-KS n-B-Kj 12-PXB Freed Black P-QB4 P-Q3 P-KKI3 B-K!2 P-B4 Kt-KR3 PxP '. Kt-B2 K-B Kt-Q3 BxKtch Q-R4 A ronson White 13- Kt-B3 14- B-R6ch 15- O-O 16- Q-Q2 17- QsKt . 18- Q-KS 19- P-Q6 20- Q-B6 21- Kt-Kt5 22-Q-B7eh Freed Black Kt-KS K-K KtxP KtxBch . P-R3 R-Kt PxP Q-B2 , Q-K2 K-Q 23-QxR and won in few moves Bovine Passengers Aufo Plunge Victims Careening along the Ridge Route below Whitaker Peak Summit after the driver .had jumped to safety, a truck-trailer plunged over a GO-foot embankment yesterday, killing a cow and injuring six others, which were destroyed.
Twenty-four other bovine passengers in the plunge were grazing in the canyon on the arrival of deputy sheriffs from Newhall substation. Ralph E. Vincent, 1011 V. Dinwoody. St., Downey, driver of the truck, told officers the .brakes failed to hold the truck after he had passed the summit: Mayor's Aide to Taik Speaking on "The Future of Racial and Political Minorities," Ordean Rockey, field secretary to Mayor Eowron, will address the Jewish Free State League tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. at the Unitarian Center, 2335 W, Eighth St. MORE KERES-EUWE GAMES TENTH CiAMF NIMZOWITSCH DEFENSE Keres Euwe Keres . Euwe While Black White Black 1- P-Q4 . Kt-KB3 26-QxQ RxQ 2- P-QB4 P-K3 27-R-Q4 . RxRp 3- KI-QB3 B-Kt5 28-B-B3 B-K 4- Q-B2 Kt-B3 29-P-R4 R-B3 5- P-K3 , P-K4 30-R-R .
RxRch 6- PxP KtxP 31-BxR K-B 7- B-Q2 P-Q3 32-B-KtT B-B3 8- P-QR3 BxKt 33-BxB . RxH 9- BxB Castles 34-P-K14 K-K2 10- KI-B3 KKI-Q2 3S-K-Q2 P-R4 11- B-K2 Q-K2 3R-P-R5 R-R3 12- R-Q KtxKtch 37-K-B3 R-R 13- PxKt P-KB4 3R-P-BS R-R 14- R-KKt R-B2 39-P-Kt5 P-R5 15- Q-02 Kt-B3 40-P-KtB PxP 16- P-B5 P-Q4 41-PxP P-R8 17- BxKt QxB 42-P-Kt7 P-R7 18- QxP B-K3 43-R-Q R-Q 19- QxKtP tJR-KB 44-RxR P-R8 (Qi 20- P-B4 R-K2 45-P-Kt8 Q-B8ch 21- R-Q2 . B-B2 46-K-K14 Q-Kt7ch 22- QxRP Q-R5 47-K-R5 Q-R8ch 23- Q-Kt7 -RxP 48-K-Kt8 Q-Kt5ch 24- Q-Kt2 P-Kt3 49-K-B7 Resigns 25- Q-KtS R-R8 ELEVENTH GAME A perplexing gsme with a questionable opening in which Keres gives up a P on his 12ih move. The opening resembles the Cambridge Springs defense, bul the difference in While's QB being at KB4 instead of KKtS makes the variation seem definitely bad for Black. Euwe's sacrifice on his 23rd is not clear cut, although if 23 .'.
RxKt: 24 RxR, KxR: 25 Q-K7ch, K-Kt; 26 QxBP gives White several pawns for his ptece. Perhaps Keres figured the Terlation he adopted wss satisfactory, but he must have overlooked 25 KtxP. QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED Euwe Keres Fuwe . Keres White Biack White Black 1- P-Q4 P-Q4 17-P-K Q-B3 2- P-QB4 P-B3 18-KR-Q R-Q 3- Kt-QB3 Kt-B3 19-R-03 B-R3 4- PP PxP 20-R-B3 R-Q2 5- Kt-B3 Kt-B3 21-Kt-RS P-B3 K-B-B4 Q-R4 22-P-KI3 K-R 7- P-K3 Kt-K5 23-KtxK;P OxKP 8- Q-KlJ P-K3i24-Kt-R5 Q-B4 9- B-Q3 B-K:5l25-KtxP R-KB2 10- BxKt PxB!2-B-K5 Kt-B3 11- K'-Q2 Catlrj27-Q-ti6 KtxB 12- CslieKR Q-KB4 28-PxKt QR-KB 11-KKtxP BxKt 129-P-KRJ ' B-B5 14- Kt-Kt3 Q-Q4 30-R-O BxP 15- PxB Kt-R4!31-Q-Q8 Resigns 16- Q-KI4 P-QKt3i TWELFTH CAMF Another short tame. Eua embarks upon.
a questionable Q side P advance and as result is on the defensive before his open-ins development is completed. Euwe questions his bth. 9th and 16th moves. Instead of the 6th, he favors Kt-QB3: of his 9th, P-Kt5; of his 16th. QxQ.
Euwe resigns because he has tut defense to 24 B-Kto or R-B 7. RETT OPENTNO Keres White 1- Kt-KB3 2- P-B4 3- P-K3 4- BxP 5- CasMes 6- P-QKlJ 7- B-KJ 8- B-Kt ' 9- P-QR4 10- PvP 11- RxR 13-K.l-Rl Euwe Biark P-Q4 PP P-OB4 Kt-KB.1 P-OR3 P-OK14 B-K12 QKt-Q2 PtPI Keres White 13- P-04 14- PxP 15- KI-Q4 16- QjB 17- fcf-ttKt4 1R-Q-Q6 1J-R-B :o-Kt-B4 J1-0-B4 ;2-Kt-Qrtch Fa we B.aclc P-K3 BxP BxKKt -K!2 Kt-34 K-K2 P-KtS KI-KB4 BxP KttKI Resisnsj.