OCR Text
CHESS , Nov. 02, 1941 L A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1239 By J. Flschl White mates In two. Wh. 12; Bl. 10.) L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1240 Composed tor the Los Anselet Timet by Martin Rubin, Los Angeles, Cal. White mates In three. (Wh. 6: Bl. 7.) G. B. OAKES WINS SOLVING CONTEST WITH 161 POINTS We eoncratulate Mr. Oakes far wlnnlnc this eenteat the first timf. He has hren with in eff and en since Problem No, dtl. Mr. Oakes hails from Oakland, Cal. This It the score ef latt month's sr-tlelpants. Those who took part prrvioutily will have their score stand and should they tend in solutions asain ther will be added nd published next month. B. Bushueff, 18; H. Bruhn (,) 200; B. J. McConnell. 2: C. B. Collins. 18: J. U. Drake .) 38; F. Dunchlk. E. L. Dauiells ,) 183; J. O. Dodge (. 173; J. Davidson (",) 211; C. P. Pord (M 84; O. Francis. 92: J. Funsecs, 57; J. A. Frank. 35: O. A. Hall (.! 134: W. Harmon ,....... ) 73. L- Q- Hartmsn, 15; u. A. Innes (,) 219; F. C. Knlrl (welcome to our ladder.) 5; A. O. Kam, 14s; W. L. Koethen () 218; O. C. Lawson, 66; H. P. Matoslan. 105; J. M. Meinhardt.
Sou. W. C. Noltint. 200: O. B. Oakrs (winner,) 262: Rev. P. Prlchard ( 132: R. Roslin (,) 197; M. Rudholm (,) 138: A. D, Reynolds sr.. ui; l. gneppara, E. H. Bchadee ,( 147; L. A. Batsado (,) 14; J. Btuulebeam, 45: J. E. Tyler .) 145: Mrs. A. Tovar. 6; W. B. Tudor (, 8; J. P. Walh (,) 98: J. T. Watson (,) S3: A. 8. Wells, 34; L. Wilcox. 14. Solutions include Problems 1229-1238.
NEWS METROPOLITAN CHESS LEAGUE B. Wolffs announces that. 'there will he ho league matches this year, due to the lack of entries of teams.
HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIP The hiith school championship tournament started last Saturday with 17 participants at the Los Anneles Chess Club. Beven schools were represented. From Fremont, O. Bchrank: Hollywood. J. Burnett, W. Burnett, B. Fisher, I. Marks; Los Anseles, H. Riser: Manual. R. Belle. R. Martin, D. Krumsick. D. Csrter; Marshall. R. Jones; Polytechnic, D. Andree. William Bough, F. Coswell, J. Otarneart. E, Mas-ton; Roosevelt. M. Rubin. This is a round, robin tournament and matches art to be played every Saturday.
BOOK REVIEW We congratulate David MrKav. publishers, for bringing out Rubin Fine s uplenrild book on end gsmes. "BASIC CHESS ENDINGS." This publication should prove an Indispensable asset to every chess player's library. Price (3.60, plus postsge (15 HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address oil mail to Chess Editor cents,) and may be ordered through this column. RULES OF THE SOLVING CONTEST The winners of eech month's contest will receive a thret months' subscription to the Chess Review, a month's membership in the Chess and Checker Club of Los Angeles.
124 W. Fourth St., and the Hollywood Chess Group, 108 N. Formosa Ave . where they may discuss composing and solving of problems and end games. Every winner will be marked with the usual (,) showing that he was once a winner In climbing the ladder.
The system will enable 12 (or more in a case of a tie) aolvera to win. Solutions sent In answer to this problem will be acknowledged within two weeks after publication if you wish to figure In the "un-to-the-mtnuee" isdcier, tne time limit being seven days. Otherwise credit can only be given in a later ladder. Problems in this column msy begin with a castling key or have castling as a de fense, unless it csn he aenniieiy proved that such msneuvers are not legal. Capture keys, "en passant" keys and checking keys are also tolerated, but all the above types are rathrr uncommon.
The capture qt pawn, however, Is not unusual. If a problem has no solution, "no solution" must be claimed in order to score points. The principal variations are necessary when sending in the three-movers. Keys only need be given In twn-ers, although it is excellent practice to write out all the distinct variations. Two-movers receive two points.
Three-movers receive three points on our (ladder. The prize is swarded to the leading solver once a month. (His score Is then canceled. ) Solvers may become ladderites at any time. They are expected to solve as Individuate or teams but not consult otherwise.
Requests for bark Issues and subscriptions should be directed to the circulation depsrtment. Anyone desiring Information for chess literature should send a self-addressed and stamped envelope. This column appears on Sunday.
KOLTANOWSKI'S SIMULTANEOUS George Kollanowskl, world's blindfold chess champion, will visit Los Anseles on Nov. So and 21. On Thursdsy, Nov 'ill, at 8 p.m.. he will play asalnst all comers at the Lot Anseles Chess Club, I'M W Fourth St. On Nov. 21 at R:.1(l p.m. the Hollywood Chess Group, 108 N. Formosa Ave., will sponsor a unique event. Mr Koltanowskl will give a Ill-hoard blindfold exhibition and will Intersperse this with an interesting lecture. Becsuse of the limited number of boards available we urge the public to make early reservs-tion by calling VYEbster 881 er WYomlnt Mill. During my many tours throush the Eniilish Isles, Keswick. In the Cumber land mountains, used to be a Isvonle stopover of mine.
The beauty of this gniHll place, surrounded by mountains and lakes, the old historical Inn. with Its eternal quietness, made It. for a travel weary chess master, the Idenl snot lo rest up for a lew days belure continuing the wanderings. Keswick had a small but select chess club, and they saw to It that I gave a blindfold exhibit Ion each year. The man who really made my visits possible to Keswick was no one else but the recently deceased Sir Hugh Walpoie, the famous British novelist.
He was a keen chess player and had he been able to devote more time to the game he would have risen high in the ranks of chess players. In his first game against me, in which I plsyed eight gsmes blindfolded, he tried to play blindfold too, his secretary making the moves for him. He lost very quickly, not being used to the greet effort. But he wanted his revenge.
snd on my next visit gsve rr.e real trouble. The game was (drawn then. tH5. u,td . t0 ,nmk ?" highly of my blindfold abilities, and I have a collection of his works with personal Inscriptions.
The dedications would fill more space than I am allowed here. Instend of that. I shall bring here one of the best games we played together. In doing so. I wish to honor a great artist, chess player and friend, who has entered the Great Beyond.
Played in blindfold exhibition, with seven others, in Keswick. 1937. White-O. Koltanowskl. Black: Sir Hugh Walpoie.
COLLE OPENING 1- P-04 Kt-KB1 4-B-03 2- KLKB3 P-K3 8-Q-Kt-Q3 3- P-K3 P-04 1 I prefer P-B4 here. 8-P-K4 PxPl 9-B-O.I 7- KtxP KtxKt 10-Castles 8- BxKt K L-P.il QKt.Q2 B-Q3 Castles P-KRJ Probably with the Idea of stooping the Pin on KKtS. Black should have tried P-OKt.t and B-Kt2 instead. U-Q-K2 B-2 1 Tha above note still holds eood. 12-KI-K5 P-B414-R-Qt Q-K2 13-PxP BxP Black does well to get out of possible Pin. 1VB-KR4 OR-Oll 17-P-B1 P-KKt4 18-Q-KR3 B-Bl Black loses patience. He sees that White is going to play on his oueen side majority, so he decides to stsrl a king's side attack , , . which leads to fatal re- suits. 18-B-KI3 K-Ktl!20-B-B2 P-Kt3 19-P-KR4 R-KR1I Good advice is difficult to glvt hert. 21-Kt-B B-K12I22-P-KI4I The move Black overlooked.
22 . . RxRchl23-RxR Q-Kl If 23 ... BxKt then 24. OxB and White wins a piece. Black's only move that would have saved him at tha cost of a pawn, would have been 23 . . . P-Kts; 24. KtxQ. BxQ: 25. PxB, BxKt; 28. B-K5. R-Ql (best;) 27. PxP, etc.
He would surely have played this. If he had noticed 24-QxKtchlI KxQ25-B-K5 matt QUEEN'S PAWN OPENING Evans Wlllman Evans Wlllman White Black White Black 1- P-Q4 Kt-KB3 21-K-B Q-BSch 2- P-K3 P-Q4 22-Kt-B3 Q-B5ch 3- B-Q3 P-B4 23-K-Kt Kt-Qfl 4- P-QB.1 Kt-B3 24-OxPch K-Q 5- P-KB4 B-KtS 2S-QxPrh K-02 8-Kt-B3 P-K3 2fl-Kt-K5ch KtxKt 7- Castlcs Q-B2 27-OxKt Q-B4ch 8- Q-K R-B 28-K-B KR-Bch -Kt-K5 B-R4 29-B-B1 P-KI3 10- KI-Q2 B-KI3 30-R-K Q-K2 11- B-Kt B-Q3 31-K-Kt Q-B3 12- R-B3 PxP 32-Q-K2 R-B!) 13- BxB BxKt 33-R-Q K-B2 14- PxB KtxP 34-R-KB Q-Q.Vh 15- HxKt PxR 35-K-R P-K4 1B-B-R5 PxBP 38-R-Q 0-B5 17- PxP QxP 37-RxP R-BReh 18- R-Kt Kt-Ofi 38-R-Q P-K5 19- Q-Ktl KtxB Resltnt 20- Q-K17 QxPch
NrMZO-INDIAN DEFENSK Reshevsky Shalnswlt Reshevsky Shalnswit White Black White Black 1- P-04 KI-KB3 22-Q-RS P-OKI3 2- P-OR4 P-K3 23-0-R4 Kt-B3 3- KI-OB3 B-KtS 24-RxRch QxR 4- Q-n2 P-Q4 25-Q-BR R-R2 5- PxP QxP 2K-Q-B8 QxQ 6- Kt.-B3 Castles 27-RxOch K-R2 7- B-Q2 BxKt 2R-R-BS P-QKt4 B-BxB P-B4 29-B-B3 K-Kt3 9-P-K3 Kt-B3 30-K-B P-KR4 10- PxP QxRP 31-K-K2 K-B4 11- B-K2 P-K4 32-B-Q4 R-R 12- R-QB B-KtS 33-K-02 Kt-04 13- Csstle Q-K2 34-R-QS Kt-K2 14- P-KR3 B-R4 35-BxP R-KKt 15- KR-Q KR-Q 3fi-R-Bfifh K-K4 1H-P-P3 ' Kt.Q4 37-RxPrh K-K3 17-B-K P-K.1 38-R-Bfich K-K4 1R-Kt-04 KtxKt 39-R-KKtch K-B4 l-RxKt BxB 40-R-Kt3 P-RS 20- xH P-KR3 41-R-K14 Resigns 21- Q-K15 P-R3 QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED 1 Fine Kashdan Fine Kashdan White Black White Black 1- H-04 Kt-KB3 22-KI-R4 B-K3 2- P-UB4 P-K3 23-KI-QB3 KI-K2 3- P-KK13 B-KtSch 'H-R-Qi K-B2 4- H-WJ BxBch 25-R-B . P-QR4 5- K(xB Castles Jti-Kt-R4 QR-Q -B-Kt2 KI-B3 27-)R-l4 Kt-Kt2 7- KKI-H3 P-Q3 28-RxR RxR 8- (,'ssles P-K4 20-RxR KtxR 9- P-K3 Kt-K 30-P-B5 PxP 10- PxP PxP 31-QKtxP B-B 11- KI-K4 B-B4 32-Kt-Kt2 KKK21- 12- KI-R4 QxQ B3 13- KRxQ B-KtU 33-KI-K K-K2 14- P-B.t B-K3 34-Kt-B2 K-Q3 15- P-KI.7 P-B4 35-Kt-R4 Kt-Kt.4 1-Kt-B5 B-B 3fi-Kt-Q4 KtxP 17- P-B4 P-K5 37-B-R3 Kt-BR 18- P-KKt4 P-KKt.1 3B-KtxPch BxKt 19- PxP PxP 39-BxB P-R3 30-K-B2 K1-Q1 40-BxP KxP 21-B-B1 P-Kt3i41-B-B2 Drawn
INDIAN DEFENSE Santssler Reshevsky Ssntastere Reshevsky White Black White Black 1- Kt-KB3 Kt-KB3 23-KtxBP B-R3 2- P-KKI3 P-KK13 24-R-Q2 BxKt 3- B-KI2 B-Kti 25-PxB Q-Q2 4- P-Q4 Castles 2ti-RxR QxR 5- Csstlei P-Q4 27-P-KR3 P-K4 8-P-B4 P-B.1 28-Q-Kt2 PxP 7- P-KI3 P-KI3 29-KtPxP P-KR3 8- B Kt2 BKt2 30-Q-QB2 K-Kt2 9- QKI-Q2 QKt-QJ 31-Q-K2 P-KKM 10- P-K3 P-K3 32-PxP PxP 11- R-B Q-K2 33-K-B2 Q-Q2 12- Q-K2 P-B4 34-K-K Q-B4 13- KR-Q KR-Q 35-Q-Q2 K-B2 14- Kt-K5 KtxKt 38-P-QR4 Q-K4 15- PxKt KI-Q2 37-K-K2 K-K2 1R-P-B4 P-B3 3R-P-R5 Q-Ktfi 17-PxBP BxP 39-K-B P-KrS IR-BxB KtxB 40-PxQKtP PxKtP 10-KI-P3 R-Q3 41-Q-KB2 Q-K4 2n-Kt-KS QP-Q 42-PxP KtxP 21-R-B3 PxP 43-Q-R4ch Kt-B3 '22-RxR KxR 44-BI-K2 Drawn.
Sou. W. C. Noltint. 200: O. B. Oakrs (winner,) 262: Rev. P. Prlchard ( 132: R. Roslin (,) 197; M. Rudholm (,) 138: A. D, Reynolds sr.. ui; l. gneppara, E. H. Bchadee ,( 147; L. A. Batsado (,) 14; J. Btuulebeam, 45: J. E. Tyler .) 145: Mrs. A. Tovar. 6; W. B. Tudor (, 8; J. P. Walh (,) 98: J. T. Watson (,) S3: A. 8. Wells, 34; L. Wilcox. 14. Solutions include Problems 1229-1238.
NEWS METROPOLITAN CHESS LEAGUE B. Wolffs announces that. 'there will he ho league matches this year, due to the lack of entries of teams.
HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIP The hiith school championship tournament started last Saturday with 17 participants at the Los Anneles Chess Club. Beven schools were represented. From Fremont, O. Bchrank: Hollywood. J. Burnett, W. Burnett, B. Fisher, I. Marks; Los Anseles, H. Riser: Manual. R. Belle. R. Martin, D. Krumsick. D. Csrter; Marshall. R. Jones; Polytechnic, D. Andree. William Bough, F. Coswell, J. Otarneart. E, Mas-ton; Roosevelt. M. Rubin. This is a round, robin tournament and matches art to be played every Saturday.
BOOK REVIEW We congratulate David MrKav. publishers, for bringing out Rubin Fine s uplenrild book on end gsmes. "BASIC CHESS ENDINGS." This publication should prove an Indispensable asset to every chess player's library. Price (3.60, plus postsge (15 HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address oil mail to Chess Editor cents,) and may be ordered through this column. RULES OF THE SOLVING CONTEST The winners of eech month's contest will receive a thret months' subscription to the Chess Review, a month's membership in the Chess and Checker Club of Los Angeles.
124 W. Fourth St., and the Hollywood Chess Group, 108 N. Formosa Ave . where they may discuss composing and solving of problems and end games. Every winner will be marked with the usual (,) showing that he was once a winner In climbing the ladder.
The system will enable 12 (or more in a case of a tie) aolvera to win. Solutions sent In answer to this problem will be acknowledged within two weeks after publication if you wish to figure In the "un-to-the-mtnuee" isdcier, tne time limit being seven days. Otherwise credit can only be given in a later ladder. Problems in this column msy begin with a castling key or have castling as a de fense, unless it csn he aenniieiy proved that such msneuvers are not legal. Capture keys, "en passant" keys and checking keys are also tolerated, but all the above types are rathrr uncommon.
The capture qt pawn, however, Is not unusual. If a problem has no solution, "no solution" must be claimed in order to score points. The principal variations are necessary when sending in the three-movers. Keys only need be given In twn-ers, although it is excellent practice to write out all the distinct variations. Two-movers receive two points.
Three-movers receive three points on our (ladder. The prize is swarded to the leading solver once a month. (His score Is then canceled. ) Solvers may become ladderites at any time. They are expected to solve as Individuate or teams but not consult otherwise.
Requests for bark Issues and subscriptions should be directed to the circulation depsrtment. Anyone desiring Information for chess literature should send a self-addressed and stamped envelope. This column appears on Sunday.
KOLTANOWSKI'S SIMULTANEOUS George Kollanowskl, world's blindfold chess champion, will visit Los Anseles on Nov. So and 21. On Thursdsy, Nov 'ill, at 8 p.m.. he will play asalnst all comers at the Lot Anseles Chess Club, I'M W Fourth St. On Nov. 21 at R:.1(l p.m. the Hollywood Chess Group, 108 N. Formosa Ave., will sponsor a unique event. Mr Koltanowskl will give a Ill-hoard blindfold exhibition and will Intersperse this with an interesting lecture. Becsuse of the limited number of boards available we urge the public to make early reservs-tion by calling VYEbster 881 er WYomlnt Mill. During my many tours throush the Eniilish Isles, Keswick. In the Cumber land mountains, used to be a Isvonle stopover of mine.
The beauty of this gniHll place, surrounded by mountains and lakes, the old historical Inn. with Its eternal quietness, made It. for a travel weary chess master, the Idenl snot lo rest up for a lew days belure continuing the wanderings. Keswick had a small but select chess club, and they saw to It that I gave a blindfold exhibit Ion each year. The man who really made my visits possible to Keswick was no one else but the recently deceased Sir Hugh Walpoie, the famous British novelist.
He was a keen chess player and had he been able to devote more time to the game he would have risen high in the ranks of chess players. In his first game against me, in which I plsyed eight gsmes blindfolded, he tried to play blindfold too, his secretary making the moves for him. He lost very quickly, not being used to the greet effort. But he wanted his revenge.
snd on my next visit gsve rr.e real trouble. The game was (drawn then. tH5. u,td . t0 ,nmk ?" highly of my blindfold abilities, and I have a collection of his works with personal Inscriptions.
The dedications would fill more space than I am allowed here. Instend of that. I shall bring here one of the best games we played together. In doing so. I wish to honor a great artist, chess player and friend, who has entered the Great Beyond.
Played in blindfold exhibition, with seven others, in Keswick. 1937. White-O. Koltanowskl. Black: Sir Hugh Walpoie.
COLLE OPENING 1- P-04 Kt-KB1 4-B-03 2- KLKB3 P-K3 8-Q-Kt-Q3 3- P-K3 P-04 1 I prefer P-B4 here. 8-P-K4 PxPl 9-B-O.I 7- KtxP KtxKt 10-Castles 8- BxKt K L-P.il QKt.Q2 B-Q3 Castles P-KRJ Probably with the Idea of stooping the Pin on KKtS. Black should have tried P-OKt.t and B-Kt2 instead. U-Q-K2 B-2 1 Tha above note still holds eood. 12-KI-K5 P-B414-R-Qt Q-K2 13-PxP BxP Black does well to get out of possible Pin. 1VB-KR4 OR-Oll 17-P-B1 P-KKt4 18-Q-KR3 B-Bl Black loses patience. He sees that White is going to play on his oueen side majority, so he decides to stsrl a king's side attack , , . which leads to fatal re- suits. 18-B-KI3 K-Ktl!20-B-B2 P-Kt3 19-P-KR4 R-KR1I Good advice is difficult to glvt hert. 21-Kt-B B-K12I22-P-KI4I The move Black overlooked.
22 . . RxRchl23-RxR Q-Kl If 23 ... BxKt then 24. OxB and White wins a piece. Black's only move that would have saved him at tha cost of a pawn, would have been 23 . . . P-Kts; 24. KtxQ. BxQ: 25. PxB, BxKt; 28. B-K5. R-Ql (best;) 27. PxP, etc.
He would surely have played this. If he had noticed 24-QxKtchlI KxQ25-B-K5 matt QUEEN'S PAWN OPENING Evans Wlllman Evans Wlllman White Black White Black 1- P-Q4 Kt-KB3 21-K-B Q-BSch 2- P-K3 P-Q4 22-Kt-B3 Q-B5ch 3- B-Q3 P-B4 23-K-Kt Kt-Qfl 4- P-QB.1 Kt-B3 24-OxPch K-Q 5- P-KB4 B-KtS 2S-QxPrh K-02 8-Kt-B3 P-K3 2fl-Kt-K5ch KtxKt 7- Castlcs Q-B2 27-OxKt Q-B4ch 8- Q-K R-B 28-K-B KR-Bch -Kt-K5 B-R4 29-B-B1 P-KI3 10- KI-Q2 B-KI3 30-R-K Q-K2 11- B-Kt B-Q3 31-K-Kt Q-B3 12- R-B3 PxP 32-Q-K2 R-B!) 13- BxB BxKt 33-R-Q K-B2 14- PxB KtxP 34-R-KB Q-Q.Vh 15- HxKt PxR 35-K-R P-K4 1B-B-R5 PxBP 38-R-Q 0-B5 17- PxP QxP 37-RxP R-BReh 18- R-Kt Kt-Ofi 38-R-Q P-K5 19- Q-Ktl KtxB Resltnt 20- Q-K17 QxPch
NrMZO-INDIAN DEFENSK Reshevsky Shalnswlt Reshevsky Shalnswit White Black White Black 1- P-04 KI-KB3 22-Q-RS P-OKI3 2- P-OR4 P-K3 23-0-R4 Kt-B3 3- KI-OB3 B-KtS 24-RxRch QxR 4- Q-n2 P-Q4 25-Q-BR R-R2 5- PxP QxP 2K-Q-B8 QxQ 6- Kt.-B3 Castles 27-RxOch K-R2 7- B-Q2 BxKt 2R-R-BS P-QKt4 B-BxB P-B4 29-B-B3 K-Kt3 9-P-K3 Kt-B3 30-K-B P-KR4 10- PxP QxRP 31-K-K2 K-B4 11- B-K2 P-K4 32-B-Q4 R-R 12- R-QB B-KtS 33-K-02 Kt-04 13- Csstle Q-K2 34-R-QS Kt-K2 14- P-KR3 B-R4 35-BxP R-KKt 15- KR-Q KR-Q 3fi-R-Bfifh K-K4 1H-P-P3 ' Kt.Q4 37-RxPrh K-K3 17-B-K P-K.1 38-R-Bfich K-K4 1R-Kt-04 KtxKt 39-R-KKtch K-B4 l-RxKt BxB 40-R-Kt3 P-RS 20- xH P-KR3 41-R-K14 Resigns 21- Q-K15 P-R3 QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED 1 Fine Kashdan Fine Kashdan White Black White Black 1- H-04 Kt-KB3 22-KI-R4 B-K3 2- P-UB4 P-K3 23-KI-QB3 KI-K2 3- P-KK13 B-KtSch 'H-R-Qi K-B2 4- H-WJ BxBch 25-R-B . P-QR4 5- K(xB Castles Jti-Kt-R4 QR-Q -B-Kt2 KI-B3 27-)R-l4 Kt-Kt2 7- KKI-H3 P-Q3 28-RxR RxR 8- (,'ssles P-K4 20-RxR KtxR 9- P-K3 Kt-K 30-P-B5 PxP 10- PxP PxP 31-QKtxP B-B 11- KI-K4 B-B4 32-Kt-Kt2 KKK21- 12- KI-R4 QxQ B3 13- KRxQ B-KtU 33-KI-K K-K2 14- P-B.t B-K3 34-Kt-B2 K-Q3 15- P-KI.7 P-B4 35-Kt-R4 Kt-Kt.4 1-Kt-B5 B-B 3fi-Kt-Q4 KtxP 17- P-B4 P-K5 37-B-R3 Kt-BR 18- P-KKt4 P-KKt.1 3B-KtxPch BxKt 19- PxP PxP 39-BxB P-R3 30-K-B2 K1-Q1 40-BxP KxP 21-B-B1 P-Kt3i41-B-B2 Drawn
INDIAN DEFENSE Santssler Reshevsky Ssntastere Reshevsky White Black White Black 1- Kt-KB3 Kt-KB3 23-KtxBP B-R3 2- P-KKI3 P-KK13 24-R-Q2 BxKt 3- B-KI2 B-Kti 25-PxB Q-Q2 4- P-Q4 Castles 2ti-RxR QxR 5- Csstlei P-Q4 27-P-KR3 P-K4 8-P-B4 P-B.1 28-Q-Kt2 PxP 7- P-KI3 P-KI3 29-KtPxP P-KR3 8- B Kt2 BKt2 30-Q-QB2 K-Kt2 9- QKI-Q2 QKt-QJ 31-Q-K2 P-KKM 10- P-K3 P-K3 32-PxP PxP 11- R-B Q-K2 33-K-B2 Q-Q2 12- Q-K2 P-B4 34-K-K Q-B4 13- KR-Q KR-Q 35-Q-Q2 K-B2 14- Kt-K5 KtxKt 38-P-QR4 Q-K4 15- PxKt KI-Q2 37-K-K2 K-K2 1R-P-B4 P-B3 3R-P-R5 Q-Ktfi 17-PxBP BxP 39-K-B P-KrS IR-BxB KtxB 40-PxQKtP PxKtP 10-KI-P3 R-Q3 41-Q-KB2 Q-K4 2n-Kt-KS QP-Q 42-PxP KtxP 21-R-B3 PxP 43-Q-R4ch Kt-B3 '22-RxR KxR 44-BI-K2 Drawn.