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October 26, 1941 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 26 Oct 1941, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor 0CT. 26, 1941 L. A. Times problem no. by O. Stocchi ; 1237. first the stalemating of the Black position able to play Q-K2 without first protect and then the right moment for the final ing his knight. Or if he movei his kmshl attack. To me it hag a great value, be- Black can exchange queens. If 11. B-K3, (cause a- win against 8. Flohr. by manyO-O; 12. Q-K2, P-QR3; 13. KR-Q1. O-Bi: considered the challenger for the world's i with a sale position.
Keres' move make! I title, is something to remember. It helped Black's game less easy. White mates In two. (Wh. 10; Bl. 11.) L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1238-Composed for the Los Angeles Times by me win the tournament White: G. Koltanowskl Flohr. Colle opening. 1. P-04 3. Kt-KB3 3. P-K3 This as second move, stronger nowadays. 4. P-B3 6. B-Q3 A. QKt-OJ 7. Castles 6. Q-K J 9. P-QR.t To permit P-K4 without getting the black knight on QKt5 which would force the exchange of the .strong white bishop. 8 R-Bl P-04 comes strongly In consideration, in. P-Kt PxP II. PxP P-Q3 l'J. P-QKtl I Ellskases now played 9. . . B-K2: and Salo;there followed 10. R-Ql, O-O: 11. QNxP. -B; 12. NXN. JPXN; 13. B-KN5.
with laome advantages to White, as Blacks KI-KR3 ipnns on the Q-slde have been weakened. r-K3 iBlack ultimately drew In a wonderful P-B4 end-game, la considered! instead of 9. . : . B-K2, a slightly bet ter move to preserve the balance in the position diagrammed seems: . . . . B-OJ If now 10. NxP, NxN: 11. NxN. BxPcht and Black la again a pawn up. Therefore, 10. R-QI O BJ Again preventg White from playing NxP, NxN; NxN. If he takes, he must be content to recapture on Q4 with the rook.
Thus. ll.-QNxP. NxN; 12. RxN, B-Q2; 13. B-KN5. B-B3; 14. QR-Q1, O-O-O! It seems better for White to protect hie KRP. Thus: 11. P-KR Black: P-OKt B-Kti Kt-BS B-KJ Castlea White has already more breathing ibsce enni. . . A' .u. than has Black. The bishop on Kt2 is go-;Ci5if,n. if now ii B-KN5 Herman bteiner and recommended to L. G, We received solutions Irom the tol-lowlng; Rev. p. Prichard. H. P. Matosian. G. A. Hall. G. C. Lawson, A. D. Reynolds Sr., M. Rudholm. 8. J. M. Connel, W. C. Nolting, A. O. Karn. L. Sheppard, J P. Walsh. E. H. Schadee. E. L. Daniells, J. A. Frank. C. B. Collins, B. Bushvett, iR. Roslin, C. P. Ford, Mrs. A. Tovar, H. iBruhn, J. O. Dodge. G. Francis. J. E. iTvler. W. B. Tudor. L. A. Salvdo, Ing to support the center. 12 KI-KRI 13. P-KI3 P-KI3 II.
B-KtJ P-UI A bit late now. because the white pawn does more damage on K5. - 13. P-K5 Kl-KII 16. KI-K13 P-QR4 Black Is dolne his best to create some weakness in White's position, but slowly loses complete control of the position. The white pawn take commanding positions on the fifth line. They act as thorns in Black' side. 17. P-K.5 Kt-Ktl 18. KR-B1 Kt-Oi 19. RxR QvR 20. R-RI Q-Ktt 21. Q-B'i Kt-Kl If R-Bl, then White would play 22. Q-Q2 taking control of the square KR6. 23. 0-Q2 Then the move without gaining time: Black pieces are stalemated anyhow. ti K-Kt 58. R-BJ P-KR3 This stops the threat B-Bl as Black can then play R-Rl. . B-BI R-RI 25. P-KR4 Kt-BI m. o-Bi q-qi 27. R-B3 Hoping to get the rook over to KB3. i7. B-Bl '-8. Kt-Rl This time the plan Is to get the knight In ... SOLUTION TO. PROBLEM NO. 1234:!D,.n hifh making thi ,7 for Black difficult. 28, . . B-04 29. Kt-B2 r-OR-5 M. Kt-Ktt White again changes plans, there Is a loophole on QB6. I : BxKt White mates in three.
(Wh. 5; Bl. 5.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM NO. 1233: "Cooked" four solutions, Q-K8ch,Q-KB8. Q-Q8 and Q-KN8. Fonseca. D. A- Innes. J, Davidson, L. G. Hartmen, W. Harmon. NEWS OF THE CLt'BS Metropolitan Chess League Matches, 1911-1912 At a meeting st which the Los Angeles. There's nothing else that Black can do. 81. PKl K-Klt 82. Q-Q2 The queen rook's pawn? 37. . Kt-Bt 33. Q-K2 B-Kl Wishes to play Q-Q2 and thus getting counter play.
SI. Kt-R2 0-02 35. Kt-Kt4 Kt-Rl Black must stop Kt-BSch. m. hikf q-k 12. QNxP NN 13. NsN - O-O If now 14. N-N5, BxN: 15. BxB. B-BSt and White does not keep his two bishops.
14. B-KN5 B-B5! Putting his bishop In a safer place. If now 15. BxN, PxB: 16. B-Q3. Q-K4 witn a solid game and two bishops. 15. B-RI! OR-Q1! Self-pinning, but the safest move. By pro teclin the Q-blshop, It makes possible , Q-K4. consolidating White cannot yet double rooks, so let us try 16. R-Kl, stopping . , . Q-K4 and preparing QR-QL 18 KR-K11T P-KX4! Also playable seems 16. . . . P-K4. Th text Is risky but can be done. 17. B-KN3 BiB 18. PxB eP 10. R-KB1 K-Nt 20. R-B3 Q-Q3 21. P-B3 B-BS 22. NxB PxN 23. QR-KB1 N-Q4 White has some compensation for hlg pawn but it is not impressive and doubt, less he would have been wiser to consolidate with 18. P-QB3, permitting 16. . . , Q-K4. If then, 17. Q-B3, Q-K5! equality Or 17. QxO, BxQ; 18. R-Q3, B-R51 19. P-QN3, BxN I 20. PxB, B-B3. Of course, the above is not conclusive but It offers some evidence in support of Fine's dictum about 4. . . . QxP. Black may fish for complications with 3. . . . N-KB3; 4. P-K5. KN-Q2. Then White's best Is probably not 5 B-Q3 (when Botwinnik's 5. . . . P-QN3 la strong) but 5. P-KB4.
SICILIAN DEFENSE 'iriax. Jtouywaosh Arcaaia and Highland 38. . ... Ktxp Is not good, as there fnl c-iParlc chess clubs were represented, plans lows 37. BxKt, QxB; 38 QxQ BxO 39 made to form the Metropolitan R-B8ch wins. will tournament director There will b two 17 htivd. ia nirt ovn. in o n.i. .'n.iKO, t nun . i iiiaiviirs will PlUlb Nov. 7. .Most of tne matchea will take place Friday nights. Entrance fee will five players. W would like to see as i1111"" teams as possible compete. The closing date of entrance for the teams re-1111 be ct- 2fi' Entrance fee has to be t0 g WoIJJ) 3m plrwty Bm Los Angeles.
phone Ax-11477. HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIP All high school players are Invited to enter into what will probably be one of the most lnterestlna contests of the year thei-,h,e H,h,.te,,frtiton,lh'?. TIni: t least three representatives from each !hlgh scn0l in the city. There will be an-no entrance fee and trophies will be awarded to winners. Game will be played on Saturday afternoons and evenings at the Los Angeles Ches Club, 124 W, Fourth St., Los Angeles.
MiS-!,r th "mi number of boards available atitlon by calling WEbster 8S17 r WVomlng KOLTA.NOWSKI'S SIMILTANEOL'S George Koltanowski, world's blindfold chesa champion. W T(it Los Angelea en Nev. 20 and 21. On Thursday, Nov. 20, at 8 p.m., he will play against all comers at the Los Angeles Chesa Club, 124 W, Fourth St. On Nov. 21 at 8:30 p.m. the Hollywood Chess Group, 108 N. Formosa Ave., will sponsor a unique event. Mr. Koltanowski will lre a ID-board blindfold exhibition and will intersperse thi with an Interesting lecture. Because 3510. B-Kl; 40. Q-B6, etc. LIGHT ON SOME OPENINGS Series by C. J. S. Purdy; Na. IS French Defense: 8. N-Q2.
1. P-K4 2. P-04 8. N-Q? 4. PxQP 8. KN-B3 6. B-Bl 7. O-O 8. N-N3 9. Q-K2 P-K3 P-QI P-OB1! QxP PxP Q-QI! N-QB.3 N-B3 (see diagram) t i ': it i t :: t : nt:o i 9 fa vssta Hewlett White 1- P-K4 2- Kt-KB3 3- P-04 4- KtxP 5- Q-B3 6- Kt-B3 7- P-KR3 8- B-Q3 9- B-K3 10- Q-K2 11- PxP 12- OxKt 13- KtxKt 14- K-K2 13-Kt-BJ 16-Kt-Kt5 Fine Hewlett Fine Black White Black P-QB4 17-BxB P-Kt4 P-K3 18-P-KB3 B-Kt2 PxP 19-K-B2 QR-B Kt-KB3 20-KR-K P-K5 B-K2 21-PxP P-B4 P-Q3 22-K-Kt BxP Castles 23-P-B3 Q-KK'3 Kt-B3 24-Q-Kt3 P-B5 Kt-K4 25-Q-KI4 P-KR4 P-Q4:26-0-R4 R-QB4 KtxBch!27-RxB RxB KtxPj28-RxP RxPch QxKt 29-K-R RxR P-K4!30-OxR Q-QBJ -K3! Resign BxKt I QUEEN'S PAWN OPENING Santasiere Shainswit Black Kt-K33 P-4 P-KKI3 B-Kt2 Castles P-QR4 P-B4 QKt-Q2 P-Kt3 B-KI2 R-B White 1- P-Q4 2- Kt-KB3 3- P-K3 4- P-QKt4 5- P-E4 6- QKt-Q2 7- P-KI5 8- B-K12 0-B-K2 10- Castles 11- R-B 12- Q-Kt3 13- KPxP 14- KtxP 15- Q-R3 16- KI-K3 17- Kl-Ko 18- RxR 19- R-B2 20- Kt-B8 21- B-Q3 22- -Kt3 23- Q-B3 24- B-C3B 25- QxB 26- Q-B4 27- KtxQ 28- Kt-K3 20-R-B4 30- K-B 31- P-Q5 32- KtxP 33- R-QK14 34- P-Kt4 35- BxP 3B-B-KT2ch 37-RxKt I38-P-Kt5 Aimine at R-Ol before rerantnrlne.
Ifl39-RxR at once 9. NxP. NxN; 10. NxN. B-K2; and j 40-BxPch Santasiere Shainswit L l!yed In the Antwerp tourna- .v.jment. March 19, 1932, has a double value.!White is a little hampered by being un- 41-B-Q8 White 42- KI-K3 43- K-K2 44- B-BS 45- P-KR4 46- PxP 47- K-Q3 48- K-K4 49- Kt-Q5 50- KI-B3 51- P-R3 52- KtxP PxQP 53-K-B3 PxP 54-K-K3 B-4;55-Kt-Q6ch 56- Kt-B7 57- K-K4 58- K-K5 59- K-QS 60- Kt-K5ch 61- Kt-B3 82-Kt-B4ch 63- KtxP 64- Kt-K3ch 65- BxB 66- Kt-B6 67- P-R4 68- K-E4 89-K-KtS 70-K-Kt6 71- K-B7 72- P-R5 73- K-B8 74- K-Kt8 75- P-R6 78-Kt-Kt4 77- K-K17 78- KI-B2 79- K-KtS 80- P-B7 81- K-Kt7 B-R3 R-K RxR P-K3 B-K5 Q-R B-B P-R3 P-R6 BxB Q-R5 QxQ R-R R-R5 R-R Kt-K5 PxP Kt-Q3 K-K12 R-B KtxP P-B3 PxKt R-B4 BxR K-B2 K-K3 Black K-K4 Kt-B2 P-R3 PxP P-K14 Kt-K4ch Kt-B3 Kt-K!5 BxP Kt-R3 Kt-B4ch B-K8 K-B4 K-Kt5 Kt-K3 B-Q7 Kt-B4 Kt-Kt6 K-B4 B-K9 K-K'A BxP K-B4 KxB K-B3 K-B2 Kt-Q7ch Kt-K5 K-K Kl-BS Kt-Kt4ch Kt-Q3ch Kt-Kt4 K-Q2 K-Q3 K-B4 Kt-Q3ch Kt-B3 Kt-Kt3 Resign.

Recommended Books

Understanding Chess by William Lombardy Chess Duels, My Games with the World Champions, by Yasser Seirawan No Regrets: Fischer-Spassky 1992, by Yasser Seirawan Chess Fundamentals, by Jose Capablanca Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess, by Bobby Fischer My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Games of Chess, by Bobby Fischer The Modern Chess Self Tutor, by David Bronstein Russians versus Fischer, by Mikhail Tal, Plisetsky, Taimanov, et al

'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

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