OCR Text
CHESS HERMAN STEINER, International Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor Oct. 20, 1940 LA. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1131 Composed for the Los Angeles Times Br Nell Kelson Hopkins. Minn. DIAGRAM 9 12-PxiP i 13-P-K3 ; 14-K-K2 ! 15-Kt-Kt3 ' Gemzoe i Denmark ; White 1- P-K4 2- Kt-KB3 3- B-Kio 4- B-R4 I 5-0-0 6- R-K 7- P-B3 8- B-B2 9- P-KR3 10-QxB U-P-C3 12- Kt-Q2 13- Kt-B 14- P-KKt4 15- B-Kt3 16- Q-Kt3 17- Kt-R2 18- P-KR4 19- P-R5 20- P-B3 21-B-B3 B-Q1 1 23-P-B4 BvB24-Q-Kt2 F-Q4:25-P-B5 R-Qi2-P-B 27-RxR 28- QxQP 29- R-B 30-Q-Kt7 White mates in two. (Wh. 9; Bl. 10.) L.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. 1132 By C. S. Kipping This is a position which occurred tnlKR-Kt t Landau (White) and Euwe (Rlark i ine White rook is endangered for Black threatens 1. . P-QR4; 2. R-Kt5. K-B3: after which Black should at least gain one or two pawns on the Queen's side.
But White flnar a nice little promotion combination which enables him to save the game' 1. KtxKtP! P-QRi 2. P-Kla!! Intending to win the game after 2 PxR? by 3. PxRP R-OS Ithe only move:) 4. Kt-K8ch!! followed by 5 P-R7 and 6. P-R8 equals queen. Blacic therefore played 2 BPxP and 3. R-Kt4 followed. The game ended in a draw. DIAGRAM 10 White mates in three. (Wh. 10; Bl. 11.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1127; R-B4. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1128: P-N8(B.) Solutions were received from the following: J O. Dodce. A. G. Karn. A. D. Reynolds Sr.. M. Rtiriholm. J. Fonseca, R D. Weaver, C. P. Ford. J. E. underdown. W. B. Tudor. A. Asper, H. P. Matisian, J. Davidson. E. H. Rrhsdee, O. A. Hall. H. J. Gil-more, H. Bruhn, J. T. Watson, D. A. In-nes. J. Davidson. J P. Walsh, J. C. Drake, B. Andrews (welcome to our ladder.)
THE HOLLYWOOD OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP Edward Kovacs ts leading the tournament hich is being played at the headquarters of the Hollywood Chess Group, 108 North Formosa Ave.; E. Kovacs. Weisstein. 6-2; J. Chernis. 5-2; O. Reinhardt. 4-1; M. Cohen, 5-; Dr. W. L. Hoerber, 4-4; Mrs. K. Slater, 3-5; B. Aronson. 2,j-4l,a; G. Farly, 2'a-5''j: W. Reinhardt, 2-3; P. Polland, l,a-3!; L. Szucs. 0.
CALIFORNIA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT We are waiting to hear from the North about plans for the annual State Championship Tournament which is usually scheduled for the middle of November. Please let us know, San Francisco, as we are waiting to make the necessary plans! THE UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP FOR HOLLYWOOD The writer has received several requests to bring the United States Championship Tournament to Hollywood next year. Apropos nt this we are communicating with Ihe National Chess Federation to get their reaction to this clan. In the interval a committee is being formed out of the movie colony for partial support for this important venture. KOLTANOWSKI'S SIMULTANEOUS EXHIBITION George Koltanowski.
world's champion blindfold chess expert, will -visit Los Angeles again and will give a lecture and play 10 games blindfolded at the headquarters of the Hollywood Chess Group at 108 N. Formosa Ave., on Friday, Nov. 15 at 8 p.m. On Nov. 16 at 2 pm., he will play against all comers at the Los Angeles Chess and Checker Club.
124 W. Fourlh St. Any group interested in having Mr. Koltanowski's exhibition, please notify the writer and he will be glad to make the necessary arrangement. PACIFIC SOUTHWEST TOURNAMENT The annual tournament for the chess championship of the Pacific Southwest will begin at the rooms of the Los Angeles Chess Club, rooms 354-360 I. W. Hell-man Building. 124 W. Fourth St., Saturday evening. Oct. 26. Entrance fee $1 for prises. Any player desiring to enter should call at the club before Oct. 24. COMBINATIVE PLAY By Dr. Max Euwe World champion, 1935-37) 10. Combinations In the end game.
Black P-K4 Kt-OB3 P-OR3 Kt-B3 B-K2 P-Q3 P-OKt4 B-Kt5 BKt O-O R-K B-B Kt-K2 Kt-Kt3 P-R3 Q-Q2 P-B4 B-K2 Kt-B P-04 B-Q3 Kt-K3 P-Q5 Kt-R2 25- Q-B2 Kt(R2)-Xt4 26- Q-Kt2 P-B5 PxPl P-QB4 OKt-Q2 P-Kt3 I RUY LOPEZ H. Sterner i Gemsoe U.S.A. 1 Denmark White 27-R-Q 23-PxBP 29- B-Q2 30- B-Kt 31- P-K13 32- Q-B 33- B-K3 34- PxP 35- BxB 36- P-R3 37- R-R2 38- O-K 39- Kt-B 40-R(R2)-Q3 41 RXKt 42- KNK3 43- Kt-Q5 44- Q-B 45- Kt-K7ch 46- P-R6 47-K-Kt2 48- Q-R 49- Kt-OS 50- Kt-B6ch 51-Resigns Kt(4i-P K- P-KKt Pxp QxR Kt-K3 R-Q Resigns
H. Steiner Black GR-3 KtPxP P-OS Kt-B4 B-K3 KR-Q B-Kt4 PxB Kt-B5 -P5 Kt-K7 KtxQBP KtxR. OxRP R-Kt R-Kt7 P-C7 K-R2 P-Kt3 R(Q)-OKt Kt-K3 -Kt8 . K-R SIESTA TOURNAMENT. BUDAPEST, 1328 QUEEN S PAWN Steiner White 1- Kt-KB3 2- P-Q4 3- B-KtS 4- QKt-Q2 5- P-K3 6- KtxKt 7- KUQ2 8- P-QB3 9- BPxP 10- B-R4 11- P-Q5! 12- Q-Kt3 13- B-K7 14- B-Kt4 15-KtXt Dr. A. Vaida Black Kt-KB3 P-KK13 B-Kt2 P-4 Kt-K5 PxKt P-QB4 PxP Factor White 1- P-04 2- KKt-B3 3- P-OR3 4- P-QB4 5-Kt-B3 7- B-B4 8- PxP ' ,.: II 9-P-K3 I (10-B-Q3 4 I h-o-o 12- Kf-KS 13- KR-K 14- QR-Q 15- B-K2 16- B-B3 17- P-KKt4 18- P-KI5 Yet annthar cfuHv n w v.n.i. 13-trtvtrt j.lshed in the Deutsche Schachzeitung, 20-BxP 1 1912. i21-QxB j We conclude our examples with this!22-0-B3 .nice ending that leads to a draw by 23-BxB ! stalemate jFine j II this had been an ending with a rook White j on both sides and White had forced the 1-KI-KB3 rjunanae oi ine room, we would have a good example of a combination saving ; an apparently lost game. I In the diagrammed position Black i threatens 1. K-R7. which should jwin at once Therefore; I I. K-kt.t is forced. But how is one to continue I the game after? P-R4 which gives Black a protected passed ii pict ninnl Thar ia n atiH.,r,n. 1... I lTAftl, 2. P-K4 K-Ktl 8. P-K.V! ptp Forced: otherwise. White would queen earlier than Black. But now White has no move and the game is drawn by stalemate. (To be continued)
INTERNATIONAL TEAM MATCHES n.n. A.U., July 25, 1928. Q-R4 P-K4 Kt-Q2 O-O R-K Q-Q P-CR4 CHESS CONGRESS OF Pasadena, Cal. Aug. 5, 1932 S'einer White 16- B-R3 17- Q-Q 18- Q-Q2! 19- Kt-Q6 20- KtxR 21- B-K2 22- BxP 23- B-QB3! 24- BxP 25- QxB 26- QxB 27- Q-Q4 28- 0-0 29- QR-Kt Dr. A. Vajda Black P-R5 P-QKt4 B-QR3 P-K5 QxKt P-Kt5 P-R8 PxP BxB(K7) BxB R-Kt Q-K2 Kt-K4 Resigns 1932 P-Q4 3- P-QB4 4- Kt-B3 5- B-Kt5 6- P-K3 7- R-QB1 8- B-Q3 9- BxP 10- BxB 11 - O-O 13-Q-B2 114- KI-02 115- R-Kl Steiner USA. White 1- P-04 2- KKt-B3 3- P-B4 4- QKt-B3 5- B-KI5 6- P-K3 7- R-B 8- PxP 9- B-Q3 10- O-O 11- P-KR3 12- KNK2 13- Q-B2 14- B-KB4 ! 15-KtxB flS-Kt-K5 17- KtxB 18- K-P2 19- P-KK53 20- P-QKt4 21- P-OR4 22- Kt-Kt2 23- P-B3 H. Steiner U.S.A. White 1- P-Q4 2- KKt-B3 3- P-QB4 4- P-KKt3 8-B-Kt3 6- B-Q2 7- 0-0 Be'beder !S'einer France : u S.A.
Biack i While KKt-B3 24-QR-K P-K3 25-P-K4 P-Q4 J6-KtPxP QKt-02 27-P-K5 . B-K2 28-B-B5 O-O 29-R-KKt P-OR3 30-BxR PxP 31-Q-B2 R-K 32-Kt-R4 P-QB3 33-KtxKtch B-Q3 34-Q-R4ch Kt-B 35-P-KtS B-02 36-PxP BxB 37-RxPch Kt-K5 38-R-Ktch P-B3 39-Q-R7ch QxKt 40-OxKt Q-QB2 41-PxP OR-Q 42-R-Kt2 Q-B2 43-P-B6 P-KKt4 44-Q-Kt6 P-KB4 45-PxP Kt-Q3 Kroni H. Steiner Holland U S A. Black White P-K3 1S-B-R3 KKt-B3 17-P-B5 P-OKt3 18-BPxP B-Kt2 19-R-B B-Kt5ch 20-Q-B2 0-K2 21-B-K14 O-O 22-BxB Steiner White 1- P-K4 2- KKI-B3 3- K1-B3 4- B-Kt5 5- P-C33 1 fi-O-O 7-F-KtS ! 8-PxB 9-PxN i 10-KUQ2 1 11-B-R4 1 12-B-Kt3 : 13-P-G4 ! 14-Q-K2 : 15-KR-Kt PxKt2-!" K-Kt2 JZ-K,iQ K-.B7!P-Kt:K3 KxR u;r,i.riE: Btemer i Factor Black White KKt-B3 24-K-R P-K3 25-P-K4 P-QKI3 26-Q-K3 B-KI2 27-Kt-B3 B-K2 28-Kt-Q2 P-4 29-P-KB4 P-QR3 30-PxP PxP 31-P-B4 CKt-2 32-RxQ O-O 33-R-QB3 P-B4I34-R-R P-KKI3 35-P-Q5 R-OB 3-RxP P-B5 37-R-R7ch P-QKt4 38-KtxP R-K 39-R-KR3 Kt-B 40-R-KKt3 Kt-K5 41-P-B5 PxKt 42-KtxP BxB 43-PxP BxP 44-R-Kt Q-B3 45-K-Kt2 QxBch ! Resigns Siemer j Pine Black White P-Q4 1-P-KB3 Kt-KB3 17-PxP P-K3 18-KtxKt B-K2 19-Q-02 O-O 20-R-B4 CKt-Q2 21-B-Q3 P-OB3 22-R-B2 PxP 23-B-B4 Kt-04 24-QR-KB1 QxB 25-B-Q3 KtxKti2fi-P-Kt3 P-K4 27-R-Kt2 P-K5i28-OxQ Kt-B3l29-KxB B-B4 Resigns MATCH GAME 1932 Betbed'r, France! Blarjc; R-K3) P-B5 KtPxP Kt-B5' Kt-KKt3 K-Ri QxB R-KB Kt-K6 Fine Black P-K4 QKt-B3 Kt-B3 B-KI5 P-Q3 Slelner White 21- P-B3 22- QR-Kt 23- P-KR4 24- BxRP 25- R-KI3 O-O i 2(-R-R3 BxKt27-P-Kt3 Q-K2I28-K-B2 PvBi 29-Kt-OS P-KR3:30-Kt-K7 P-Kt4i31-Kt-Q5 32- K-K3 33- K-Q2 34- Kt-K3 35- R-QR 36- PxKt 37- K-B 38- Kt-Q5 30-R-QKt 40-RxR Kt-K P-B3 Q-B2 Kt-Kt2 QxQ Kt-K3 R-Kt P-QB4 BPxP Bfeiner Black Q-K2 K-Kt2 P-KB3 Kt-Q2 P-QR4 P-B6 QxRP QxQ PxP Kt-Kt3 KR-Q P-B4 PxP K-Kt KtxP P-R4 R-B3 P-B5 KtxKt Kt-K5 Kt-B7ch RxPch Etemer Black B-Kt3 KtxP BxKt K-Rl P-KB4 P-KKt4 QR-K1 R-B3 R-R3 Q-Q3 QxPch QxRch BxQ RxKP Fine Black B-R3 P-KR4 PxP K-B2 Kt-B5 R-Kt3 Kt-K3 KR-QKt R-B3 QR-Kt3 R-B3 R-Kt7 B-B5 B-R3 Kt-QJ BPxP R-Kt2 B-K7 P-KS Resigns K-B2I INTERNATIONAL TEAM MATCH 1931 K-K ! Feigin p.B4 White Qxpi 1-P-Q4 K-Q R-R PxP Resigns 2- P-QB4 3- KE-QB3 4- B-KI5 5- P-K3 6- Q-B2 Kronll J-PxP. Holland! 8-P-K4 Biack I 9-Q-B Kt-B j 10-QxKt Kt-K5'll-Kt-B3 RPXPI12-B-Q3 R-Q3 13-0-0 Kt-Kt4ll4-QR-K B-B! 15-P-K5 RxB 1S-B-K4 Steiner Black Kt-KB3 P-K3 P-Q4 QKt-Q2 P-B3 Q-R4 KtxP Kt-Kt5 Kt-B7ch QxB Q-R3 B-K2 O-O P-QKt3 B-Kt2 QR-B Feitin White 17- R-K3 18- Kt-Q2 19- P-KB4 20- R-R3 21- Kt-B3 22- B-Q3 23- PxP 24- Kt-Q2 25- R-K13 26- Kt-B3 27- P-KR3 28- PxP 29- Kt-K 30- R-K3 31- Q-R4 Resigns Sterner Biack KR-Q P-Kt3 Kt-B Q-Kt3 P-KB4 P-B4 RxP P-KKt4 K-R P-Kt5 Kt-Kt3 KtxBP B-R5 OxKtP BxKt.
But White flnar a nice little promotion combination which enables him to save the game' 1. KtxKtP! P-QRi 2. P-Kla!! Intending to win the game after 2 PxR? by 3. PxRP R-OS Ithe only move:) 4. Kt-K8ch!! followed by 5 P-R7 and 6. P-R8 equals queen. Blacic therefore played 2 BPxP and 3. R-Kt4 followed. The game ended in a draw. DIAGRAM 10 White mates in three. (Wh. 10; Bl. 11.) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1127; R-B4. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1128: P-N8(B.) Solutions were received from the following: J O. Dodce. A. G. Karn. A. D. Reynolds Sr.. M. Rtiriholm. J. Fonseca, R D. Weaver, C. P. Ford. J. E. underdown. W. B. Tudor. A. Asper, H. P. Matisian, J. Davidson. E. H. Rrhsdee, O. A. Hall. H. J. Gil-more, H. Bruhn, J. T. Watson, D. A. In-nes. J. Davidson. J P. Walsh, J. C. Drake, B. Andrews (welcome to our ladder.)
THE HOLLYWOOD OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP Edward Kovacs ts leading the tournament hich is being played at the headquarters of the Hollywood Chess Group, 108 North Formosa Ave.; E. Kovacs. Weisstein. 6-2; J. Chernis. 5-2; O. Reinhardt. 4-1; M. Cohen, 5-; Dr. W. L. Hoerber, 4-4; Mrs. K. Slater, 3-5; B. Aronson. 2,j-4l,a; G. Farly, 2'a-5''j: W. Reinhardt, 2-3; P. Polland, l,a-3!; L. Szucs. 0.
CALIFORNIA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT We are waiting to hear from the North about plans for the annual State Championship Tournament which is usually scheduled for the middle of November. Please let us know, San Francisco, as we are waiting to make the necessary plans! THE UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP FOR HOLLYWOOD The writer has received several requests to bring the United States Championship Tournament to Hollywood next year. Apropos nt this we are communicating with Ihe National Chess Federation to get their reaction to this clan. In the interval a committee is being formed out of the movie colony for partial support for this important venture. KOLTANOWSKI'S SIMULTANEOUS EXHIBITION George Koltanowski.
world's champion blindfold chess expert, will -visit Los Angeles again and will give a lecture and play 10 games blindfolded at the headquarters of the Hollywood Chess Group at 108 N. Formosa Ave., on Friday, Nov. 15 at 8 p.m. On Nov. 16 at 2 pm., he will play against all comers at the Los Angeles Chess and Checker Club.
124 W. Fourlh St. Any group interested in having Mr. Koltanowski's exhibition, please notify the writer and he will be glad to make the necessary arrangement. PACIFIC SOUTHWEST TOURNAMENT The annual tournament for the chess championship of the Pacific Southwest will begin at the rooms of the Los Angeles Chess Club, rooms 354-360 I. W. Hell-man Building. 124 W. Fourth St., Saturday evening. Oct. 26. Entrance fee $1 for prises. Any player desiring to enter should call at the club before Oct. 24. COMBINATIVE PLAY By Dr. Max Euwe World champion, 1935-37) 10. Combinations In the end game.
Black P-K4 Kt-OB3 P-OR3 Kt-B3 B-K2 P-Q3 P-OKt4 B-Kt5 BKt O-O R-K B-B Kt-K2 Kt-Kt3 P-R3 Q-Q2 P-B4 B-K2 Kt-B P-04 B-Q3 Kt-K3 P-Q5 Kt-R2 25- Q-B2 Kt(R2)-Xt4 26- Q-Kt2 P-B5 PxPl P-QB4 OKt-Q2 P-Kt3 I RUY LOPEZ H. Sterner i Gemsoe U.S.A. 1 Denmark White 27-R-Q 23-PxBP 29- B-Q2 30- B-Kt 31- P-K13 32- Q-B 33- B-K3 34- PxP 35- BxB 36- P-R3 37- R-R2 38- O-K 39- Kt-B 40-R(R2)-Q3 41 RXKt 42- KNK3 43- Kt-Q5 44- Q-B 45- Kt-K7ch 46- P-R6 47-K-Kt2 48- Q-R 49- Kt-OS 50- Kt-B6ch 51-Resigns Kt(4i-P K- P-KKt Pxp QxR Kt-K3 R-Q Resigns
H. Steiner Black GR-3 KtPxP P-OS Kt-B4 B-K3 KR-Q B-Kt4 PxB Kt-B5 -P5 Kt-K7 KtxQBP KtxR. OxRP R-Kt R-Kt7 P-C7 K-R2 P-Kt3 R(Q)-OKt Kt-K3 -Kt8 . K-R SIESTA TOURNAMENT. BUDAPEST, 1328 QUEEN S PAWN Steiner White 1- Kt-KB3 2- P-Q4 3- B-KtS 4- QKt-Q2 5- P-K3 6- KtxKt 7- KUQ2 8- P-QB3 9- BPxP 10- B-R4 11- P-Q5! 12- Q-Kt3 13- B-K7 14- B-Kt4 15-KtXt Dr. A. Vaida Black Kt-KB3 P-KK13 B-Kt2 P-4 Kt-K5 PxKt P-QB4 PxP Factor White 1- P-04 2- KKt-B3 3- P-OR3 4- P-QB4 5-Kt-B3 7- B-B4 8- PxP ' ,.: II 9-P-K3 I (10-B-Q3 4 I h-o-o 12- Kf-KS 13- KR-K 14- QR-Q 15- B-K2 16- B-B3 17- P-KKt4 18- P-KI5 Yet annthar cfuHv n w v.n.i. 13-trtvtrt j.lshed in the Deutsche Schachzeitung, 20-BxP 1 1912. i21-QxB j We conclude our examples with this!22-0-B3 .nice ending that leads to a draw by 23-BxB ! stalemate jFine j II this had been an ending with a rook White j on both sides and White had forced the 1-KI-KB3 rjunanae oi ine room, we would have a good example of a combination saving ; an apparently lost game. I In the diagrammed position Black i threatens 1. K-R7. which should jwin at once Therefore; I I. K-kt.t is forced. But how is one to continue I the game after? P-R4 which gives Black a protected passed ii pict ninnl Thar ia n atiH.,r,n. 1... I lTAftl, 2. P-K4 K-Ktl 8. P-K.V! ptp Forced: otherwise. White would queen earlier than Black. But now White has no move and the game is drawn by stalemate. (To be continued)
INTERNATIONAL TEAM MATCHES n.n. A.U., July 25, 1928. Q-R4 P-K4 Kt-Q2 O-O R-K Q-Q P-CR4 CHESS CONGRESS OF Pasadena, Cal. Aug. 5, 1932 S'einer White 16- B-R3 17- Q-Q 18- Q-Q2! 19- Kt-Q6 20- KtxR 21- B-K2 22- BxP 23- B-QB3! 24- BxP 25- QxB 26- QxB 27- Q-Q4 28- 0-0 29- QR-Kt Dr. A. Vajda Black P-R5 P-QKt4 B-QR3 P-K5 QxKt P-Kt5 P-R8 PxP BxB(K7) BxB R-Kt Q-K2 Kt-K4 Resigns 1932 P-Q4 3- P-QB4 4- Kt-B3 5- B-Kt5 6- P-K3 7- R-QB1 8- B-Q3 9- BxP 10- BxB 11 - O-O 13-Q-B2 114- KI-02 115- R-Kl Steiner USA. White 1- P-04 2- KKt-B3 3- P-B4 4- QKt-B3 5- B-KI5 6- P-K3 7- R-B 8- PxP 9- B-Q3 10- O-O 11- P-KR3 12- KNK2 13- Q-B2 14- B-KB4 ! 15-KtxB flS-Kt-K5 17- KtxB 18- K-P2 19- P-KK53 20- P-QKt4 21- P-OR4 22- Kt-Kt2 23- P-B3 H. Steiner U.S.A. White 1- P-Q4 2- KKt-B3 3- P-QB4 4- P-KKt3 8-B-Kt3 6- B-Q2 7- 0-0 Be'beder !S'einer France : u S.A.
Biack i While KKt-B3 24-QR-K P-K3 25-P-K4 P-Q4 J6-KtPxP QKt-02 27-P-K5 . B-K2 28-B-B5 O-O 29-R-KKt P-OR3 30-BxR PxP 31-Q-B2 R-K 32-Kt-R4 P-QB3 33-KtxKtch B-Q3 34-Q-R4ch Kt-B 35-P-KtS B-02 36-PxP BxB 37-RxPch Kt-K5 38-R-Ktch P-B3 39-Q-R7ch QxKt 40-OxKt Q-QB2 41-PxP OR-Q 42-R-Kt2 Q-B2 43-P-B6 P-KKt4 44-Q-Kt6 P-KB4 45-PxP Kt-Q3 Kroni H. Steiner Holland U S A. Black White P-K3 1S-B-R3 KKt-B3 17-P-B5 P-OKt3 18-BPxP B-Kt2 19-R-B B-Kt5ch 20-Q-B2 0-K2 21-B-K14 O-O 22-BxB Steiner White 1- P-K4 2- KKI-B3 3- K1-B3 4- B-Kt5 5- P-C33 1 fi-O-O 7-F-KtS ! 8-PxB 9-PxN i 10-KUQ2 1 11-B-R4 1 12-B-Kt3 : 13-P-G4 ! 14-Q-K2 : 15-KR-Kt PxKt2-!" K-Kt2 JZ-K,iQ K-.B7!P-Kt:K3 KxR u;r,i.riE: Btemer i Factor Black White KKt-B3 24-K-R P-K3 25-P-K4 P-QKI3 26-Q-K3 B-KI2 27-Kt-B3 B-K2 28-Kt-Q2 P-4 29-P-KB4 P-QR3 30-PxP PxP 31-P-B4 CKt-2 32-RxQ O-O 33-R-QB3 P-B4I34-R-R P-KKI3 35-P-Q5 R-OB 3-RxP P-B5 37-R-R7ch P-QKt4 38-KtxP R-K 39-R-KR3 Kt-B 40-R-KKt3 Kt-K5 41-P-B5 PxKt 42-KtxP BxB 43-PxP BxP 44-R-Kt Q-B3 45-K-Kt2 QxBch ! Resigns Siemer j Pine Black White P-Q4 1-P-KB3 Kt-KB3 17-PxP P-K3 18-KtxKt B-K2 19-Q-02 O-O 20-R-B4 CKt-Q2 21-B-Q3 P-OB3 22-R-B2 PxP 23-B-B4 Kt-04 24-QR-KB1 QxB 25-B-Q3 KtxKti2fi-P-Kt3 P-K4 27-R-Kt2 P-K5i28-OxQ Kt-B3l29-KxB B-B4 Resigns MATCH GAME 1932 Betbed'r, France! Blarjc; R-K3) P-B5 KtPxP Kt-B5' Kt-KKt3 K-Ri QxB R-KB Kt-K6 Fine Black P-K4 QKt-B3 Kt-B3 B-KI5 P-Q3 Slelner White 21- P-B3 22- QR-Kt 23- P-KR4 24- BxRP 25- R-KI3 O-O i 2(-R-R3 BxKt27-P-Kt3 Q-K2I28-K-B2 PvBi 29-Kt-OS P-KR3:30-Kt-K7 P-Kt4i31-Kt-Q5 32- K-K3 33- K-Q2 34- Kt-K3 35- R-QR 36- PxKt 37- K-B 38- Kt-Q5 30-R-QKt 40-RxR Kt-K P-B3 Q-B2 Kt-Kt2 QxQ Kt-K3 R-Kt P-QB4 BPxP Bfeiner Black Q-K2 K-Kt2 P-KB3 Kt-Q2 P-QR4 P-B6 QxRP QxQ PxP Kt-Kt3 KR-Q P-B4 PxP K-Kt KtxP P-R4 R-B3 P-B5 KtxKt Kt-K5 Kt-B7ch RxPch Etemer Black B-Kt3 KtxP BxKt K-Rl P-KB4 P-KKt4 QR-K1 R-B3 R-R3 Q-Q3 QxPch QxRch BxQ RxKP Fine Black B-R3 P-KR4 PxP K-B2 Kt-B5 R-Kt3 Kt-K3 KR-QKt R-B3 QR-Kt3 R-B3 R-Kt7 B-B5 B-R3 Kt-QJ BPxP R-Kt2 B-K7 P-KS Resigns K-B2I INTERNATIONAL TEAM MATCH 1931 K-K ! Feigin p.B4 White Qxpi 1-P-Q4 K-Q R-R PxP Resigns 2- P-QB4 3- KE-QB3 4- B-KI5 5- P-K3 6- Q-B2 Kronll J-PxP. Holland! 8-P-K4 Biack I 9-Q-B Kt-B j 10-QxKt Kt-K5'll-Kt-B3 RPXPI12-B-Q3 R-Q3 13-0-0 Kt-Kt4ll4-QR-K B-B! 15-P-K5 RxB 1S-B-K4 Steiner Black Kt-KB3 P-K3 P-Q4 QKt-Q2 P-B3 Q-R4 KtxP Kt-Kt5 Kt-B7ch QxB Q-R3 B-K2 O-O P-QKt3 B-Kt2 QR-B Feitin White 17- R-K3 18- Kt-Q2 19- P-KB4 20- R-R3 21- Kt-B3 22- B-Q3 23- PxP 24- Kt-Q2 25- R-K13 26- Kt-B3 27- P-KR3 28- PxP 29- Kt-K 30- R-K3 31- Q-R4 Resigns Sterner Biack KR-Q P-Kt3 Kt-B Q-Kt3 P-KB4 P-B4 RxP P-KKt4 K-R P-Kt5 Kt-Kt3 KtxBP B-R5 OxKtP BxKt.