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October 27, 1940 Los Angeles Times Chess by Herman Steiner

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ChessChess 27 Oct 1940, Sun The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California)

OCR Text

CHESS HERMAN STEINER International Chess Master Address oil mail to Chass Editor Oct. 27. 1940 L. A. TIMES PROBLEM SO. 1133 Composed for the Los Angeles Times By Nels Nelson. Hookms. Minn. i 3 'tea . Bl. 6.) 1134 ins: J. O. DodRe. D. A. Line?. H. P. Ma- tosian, J. E. Underdown, L. Sheppard. B. Andrews. C. P. Ford, A. D. Reynolds Sr., J. T. Watson. A. G. Kara, W. B. Tudor. J. Davidson. H. Bruhn. W. Harmon, J. C. Drake, E. H. 8ch.idee, O. A. Hall. J. P. Walsh, M. Rudholm, R. D. Weaver.
Issue of the Australian Chess Review, a manthly publication. Twelve issues tor 9i irisid ru!e anrf measure evrrrthinir on that i scale. FOH3 is a lost move as it turns out but it serves well as an intermediate i move to to low tin an iaea. it nas. alter tail, enabled Black to attack that KP of yours successfully wiinout imprisonina my portant squares until Black s development is completed.
when it misnt atiemDt to transfer itself into an instrument of attack vour other famous center pawn. 4. NiP N-KB.l u. j .: people who are wuima to play a ence with their Caro-Kann openina to turn aay from the usual answer, 4 . the moves tney too so mucn irouo 10 oe aoie 10 Diay. m no. tnai K.niem a move I don t ouite disuse. As a matter ance witn aenerai cness principles, it n mostly desirable to develoo a Knight first ana tnen a msnnp. as tne proper square 01 a Bisnop is not always ceriain xor a wnne, wnne tnr unieni s possioiunes are more limited Here, for instance, the Black K-Kmgnt would hardly move to another square tnan nis os.
nowever lonz might delay its development. Whereas. one can easi v imaeine tne ua coinc to KN5 at a later stage of the came. The unignt move is also a Clever attack against inr me r.niKm witn its nrst move. a tiniKnt wnicn nas aireaay consumed two whirl T wnliiff in cnit nf mnrf urn irivb.,. But I ask you gentlemen in spite of all uma one nave inveniea me iaro-K.ann ueiense witn a view 10 oemi ame to play mis mover bisck raKes upon nimseif an eariy ourocn wnicn win nana as a menace above his head throuih a Ion a part of toe tame. J R Verw well snnlren liffl ht,(. ut. Tarrasch himself could not hava cuoaen mure penriraunff woras. you praiso tne move and then inconsequently refuse any creait to tne openini. what doe it maiier wny an opening; is invented, aa Inn- mm t. ' - . 1 I x. , . urrs w line wnicn is in some way in accoroance with our own interpretation wi me same rue, ine opening was vis- uanzea witn 4 . B-B4 to continue th auacR asainst Whites K4 and develop me DiMiuii. nut ones not ine Knicnt I move aiso attack- wnite s K4. and does not it leave open the QB s possibilities ? iii-se are me main ininss. ana wno cares if side issues have to be chanaedT nut now please jet s o on with the car nave not we lost enough eoorf time witn we received solutions irom me iouow- your oia-iasnioned gruntings already? (T be eentinned.) White mates In two.
tWh. 4; L. A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. By H. W. Barry 1 (4, ww S si a4i ji . ; it. White matea in three. (Wh. 8; BL 8. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1129: Q-QR. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM 1130: R-R3. BERLIN INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT 1!U1 Sfeiner White 1- P-04 2- P-QB4 3- Kt-QB3 4- Kt-B3 5- P-K3 6- P-QR3 7- PxQP 8- PxP 9-P-QK!4 QUEEN S PAWN OPENING Helling Stelner Black White P-Q4 25-PxR P-K3;26-Q-KS P-QB4 Kt-QB3 Kt-B3 B-Q3 KPxP BxBP - B-Q3 O-O B-Kt5 JxKt OR-Q k. -.a.,.a Hir-tlTl 1 Bond fit 'Sidney, N.S.W., Australia.
L'NCLE JACOBOVITCH HOLDS COURT By Lajos Stetner (First nf a series af diloruf designed inr of controversial points in ehesa. By : ju-b-jvi iseeing both sides of every aufilion. stu- i ll-Kt-OK'.5 i dents will be belter able t. develop the 12-KtxB Icritical faculty without which they ran 13-B-K2 i never be anything bat parrots. This :14-0-0 month, Steiner's two quaint heroes argue i 15-P-B3 bont the t-Knn lefense.
16-BxB i Scene: A coffee house in a large city. ; 17-R-B : There Is a big crowd arouad a table inlia-B-R.1 :tne darkest comer. - is-b-bi Unc,e Jacobovltch, , ,ery Jively ; 20-Q-Q3 old man (nobody knows his age) with ' 21-P-K!5 snow-white, woolly hair, has his daily 1 22-BxKttK5) ; sessions there The -Little Master," aSi23-Q-04 tne" cal1 hl(n 'and h "p1 titl 24-R-B2 ln. Is proud of his achievements: draws BRUHN INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT 27-Q-B4 28- RtBi-QB 29- Q-R2 30- Q-Kt2 31- P-B3 32- Q-Kt 33- PxQ 34- P-R4 35- R-B7 36- P-K4 37- R-B8 KR-K ! 38-RxRch BxKt39-PxP Kt-K5i40-R-P5 0-K(341-P-R5 Q-03;42-R-B7 Q-R3 43-RxKtP Q-R5!44-RxRP Kt-K4i4S-R-Kt7 RxBi4fi-P-Ri R-B4;47-R-K7 RxBl ileum Black exRP QxP Q-R5 P-Kt4 Q-Kt5ch Q-P4 Kt-QI OxQ Ktxf Kt-OJ Kt-B Kt-K S PxR K-KtJ KtxP Kt-Kt3 Kt-QJ Kt-K4 K-B3 K-K3 K-03 K-Bl Resign! against Pillsburr and Tarrasch in simul- Uneous nibitionil ,HOw enthusiastically ithe masters congratulated him on his piay!) ana an uniorget'.aoie oraw against docker m serious .ime game for itS"aK? ' a.S0Verei8r.?51!eaJ 0? 5"e.? however much envious conumiwraries want In.
Kf-Q ne Bius ai His laoie, oui-j., d.. people, md J" Jal 13-P-B4 Steiner White 1- P-Q4 2- Kt-KB3 3- P-Q5 4- P-B4 5- B-Kt5 6- Kt-B3 7- P-K4 8- BxP n-O-O Aug. 19. 1931 Ralstabi Steiner Black i White Kt-KB3:27-Kt-Kt5 P-QB4 P-K3 P-QKt4 KtPxP P-Q3 P-K4 28-Kt-B4 29-K-K3 3U-KXP Ralstab Black PxP R-Bch R-BRch RxP .n game now. He si rounded mostly by your.g j evything that chess or that ,!f"- Vou can bring him' games, opening! voice 31-Kt(B4)xQP R-KB R-B7 R-K7ch R-0 R-K3 RxP RxKt tempt to doubt the value of his Judgment. 1 20 p KKii ! n mn O"1 ln the whi coffee house ; 2, jf'Vjf; ;ha5 acnujred for himft the miu to dis- ! v it-.- ami uwiMimi a jimpi hi. 23-PxB v an ncai tut sin in ;uuti( inv.r,u , 24-BXKf man's when they are UMteifeer. The red- through the windows of coffee , Berser (houses for years until he thought he; white ! knew as much as anybody there inside, j l-p-Q ror years now ne is an msiaer. jne nesr, Orjpiayer In town, even if others would not Acknowledge his abilities fully, but he has his believers, his disciples, and to one master tNimzowltsch) he looks for inspira- toi
I prefer the oM clean mates to modern ideas Has anybody else some-! : thing worth while to show? I n-p-KRi Jackie Buresh (just arrived -V You don't 12-BxB say . have t tne b(,st ,lme, CncU jacobo- 13-BxKt advan-ivitch. I have a beauty for you. Though j 14-Kt-Xt3 2- P-QB4 3- QKt-B3 4- B-K15 5- P-K3 6- PxP 7- B-Q3 8- Q-B2 9- B-R4 10-KKt-KS 32-Kt-B7 33-Kt-B4 B-Kil 34-K-B4 O-O!35-R-0B Kt-Kt5 3B-P-OS C"B.37-KtxR Kt-KR3 I 38-R-OKt PxP . 39-Kt-Kt7 Kt-02 40-K-K5 Q-K4I41-K-Q4 KtxQj42-KtxP B-Q2j43-K-B3 QR-Kt,44-KtxP KR-Kj45-P-RS P-B34fi-P-R6 P-R4;47-P-R7 BxKtP!4-R-Kt5 Kt(P3xPch49-R-Kt7eh KtxBch : 50-R-KI8 KtxR 1 51-RxR P-B4I Steiner I Berger Black (White K-Kt,-n3 21-P-B3 P-K3I22-Q-B2 P-Q4I 23-Q-K13 QKt-02 ! 24-3xO P-R3 R-B2rh P-B5 P-KI4 R-BActi P-Kt K-KI2 P-R4 R-B P-KtS P-R5 K-R3 P-Kt7 Resign Steiner Black BxP OR-Q B-B4 BxQ BxKt RxP RxP R-KT R-Q3 R-Kt J ? "Ui urii.iii IliU v.u wvig II.
it 11111 value. Mieses (White) 1. P-K4 !thmclhumburb0" Flnhr (Black) Behold, gentlemen, loci .,m,,.rfl Vft.l lon "a 'hey preaicted me end or jl. P-K4, and now everybody is playing ,t again. Don t remind me.
I know that iMiesea belongs to the old school, but I ""-ihave to point out facts on every occasion. end-ii tan. i. p-K4 was and iii be "the Tackle Buresh? ?e7Tk ' th.t. ;,V.esnr ii,,KJi MS direct, too unscrupulous.
But m our lhsnds 11 wi" b different, filled with new jWM,. Though I confess I prefer 1. P-Q " " mc'ie' "jacobovltch: They caif this rule. pawn tnere . .
. takes the only decent square of the Queen's Knight without contributing anything to development. As often as I see the move I have to cry out: "Can anything have sense today, can there be any justice on earth If such move could not be punished?" . Jackie Buresh- Never mind It, Uncle Jacobovltch. There are things one will not be able to grasp ever.
Can't you see the Idea of the move? To tackle that beautiful center pawn of yours with P-Q4. without encaging the stepson of most openings, the QB. And can t you see the beautiful restraint of the move, the restraint of planning strategy. That Is the difference. Look at the board, and you see the dlfferenre in the conception of the game.
P-K4. A move of impulse, shallowness- any child can see and grasp It. A good developing move. But does it look further' No. And P-QB3.
a move of noble restraint, foresight, planning the future. Is it necessary to say anything more? Uncle Jacobovltch: It is not. I won't argue with you at this stage. You are young enough yet to be like your position: too undeveloped to start anything serious. 2. P-Q P-Qt 3. N-OB3 Uncle Jacobovltch: I wont make any comment here, though I am not fullv eon vlnced that this is the move to crush the opening. 3. PxP with a safe development. or P-KS with gain In terrain, seem rather inviting 10 me jacgie nuresn: Argument or not.
the move seems quite all right to me. As a matter of fact, it Is the most flexible of all the answers. It retains many possibilities while PxP or P-KS would set wnite g course too deflnitely, 8. . . . PxP v. J.: Hal Hal Ha! The best Joke I ever saw. Their long range piannlngl The bluff Is called again. The attack with the QBP Hal Ha! Ha! And at the first opportunity he deserts It as if afraid of the fulfillment of his plan to recapture with the QBP.
A full confession as to the value of that QBP move. But what else could he have done? 3 . . . P-K3? Why then P-QB3 first and to waste a move only to obstruct the Queen's Knight and encage the Bishop.
Or 3 . . . N-B3; 4. P-K5 winning an Important tempo In a kind of French Defense.
Ohl I am glad they had to confess like that. J. B : You are right. I dare say. In some respects.
It seems rather inconsequent. I confess, to capture with the QB after supporting It thus elaborately. But on the other hann you are wrong, as all Tarrasch followers are. You cannot set a jThaf'.?! hwUsnaii J ThmTi 15-0-0 16- Q-R4 17- KR-Q 18- Q-B2 19- QKtxP 20- KtxKt Steiner White 1- P-Q4 2- KKt-B3 3- B-Kt5 4- BxKt 5- P-K4 fi-B-03 7- QKt-Qa 8- P-B.1 9- KtxP 10- QKt-B3 11- KtxKt 12- Q-K2 13- 0-0 14- QR-Q 15- K1-Q4 1S-B-B2 17- KR-K 18- R-Q2 Inel White 1- P-K4 2- KI-KB3 3- B-K15 4- B-R4 5- BxKtch 6- P-Q4 7- QxP 8- Q-Q3 9- B-Kt5 10- B-Q2 11- P-QB4 12- B-B3 13- OKt-02 14- Kt-KB 15- Kt-K3 16- 0-0 17- Kt-R4 18- PxP Steiner White 1- P-Q4 2- Kt-KB3 3- P-B4 4- B-G2 5- P-KKt3 6- B-K12 7- KtxB 8- 0-0 9- P-K4 10- P-Q5 11- Kt-K 12- Kt-3 13- P.-B4 14- Cf-K2 15- P-QR3 1S-P-QKU 17- P-Kt5 18- P-OR4 19- R-B2 20- QR-KB 21- PxP ' 22- Q-K 23- Q-Q 24- Kt-Kt3 25- QxKt 2B-Q-Q 27- Q-B3 28- RxB 29- K-R 30- R-Kt3 KPxP26-PxB B-K2!27-RxP P-KR3I28-R-B7 O-O ' 29-P-OS R-Kl30-P-GKt4 Kt-K531-P-6 RlKt3xPcH QxB'32-K-R R-R7ch PxB 33-K-Kt Kt-B3 j RfK7)-Kt7rh P-Kt3'34-K-B RxP Q-335-K-Kt R(R7)Q7 B-Q2 36-RB7)-B OR-B RtQR7-B7 KtxKt 37-RxR'Q7j Q-KU 38-Keatgns Zinner Black KKt-B3 P-K3 P-KR3 QxB P-CKt3 B-KI2 P-QB4 PxP B-B4 Kt-B3 BxKt O-O KR-Q Q-B5 B-Kt2 OR-B P-KKt3 ' P-QR3 BtMner Blark P-K4 OKI-B3 P-QR3 P-Q3 PxR PxP P-QB4 P-KKI3 P-KB3 B-KKt2 Kt-K2 O-O B-K3 Q-K Q-B2 KR-K P-B4 KtxP Schmitt Blark Kt-KB3 P-K3 B-KtSch Q-K2 O-O BxBrh P-Q3 P-K4 P-QR4 Kt-R4 P-KKt3 Kt-Kt2 P-B3 Kt-R3 B-Q2 P-QKt3 Kt-B2 P-QR4 R-K PxP Kt-B4 Kt-QS S-Kt2 KtxKt Q-R3 B-R6 BxB R-K2 K-R Kt-K Steiner White 19- R-Q3 20- R-Kt3 21- PxB 22- R-KB3 23- B-Q3 24- Q-K3 28-QxP 25- Q-K15 27- P-KR4 28- P-RS 29- Q-K3 30- P-R6 31- Q-B4 32- P-R7ch 33- R-R3ch 34- Q-K3 35- Px RxR Zinner Blark P-OKt4 BxKt R-B5 Q-QB3 RxP Q-K4 O-K'2 R-QB Q-B R-B4 Q-Ktl Q-R R-B4 KxP K-Kt2 Ox Ft Resigns Igel White 19- K!tR4)xKt 20- KtxB 21- OxQ 22- BxB 23- KR-K 24- K-B 25- P-QICt3 28-P-B3 27- RxR 28- KxR 29- K-K2 30- P-KKt 31- Pxp 32- P-KR3 33- P-OR3 34- K-B2 35- K-K2 36- Keaisni Btelner BlacK BxKt QxKt PxQ KxB K-B3 R-K5 OR-K RxRch RxRch K-K4 K-QS PxP K-K5 P-B3 F-QR4 K-BS P-Q4 Steiner White Schmitt Blark 31- RiB-KKk R-KKt 32- R(Kt)-Kt2 R-B2 3:i-p-B5 34-KUB4 3VKt-Kl6ch 3S-PXP 37- R-R3 38- RxQ 38-Q-B5 40- Q-K6 41- R-Kt3 42- P-KS 43- P-Q8 44- R-Kt2 45- R-KB2 4I5-P-Q7 47- QxKtp 48- QxPch 49- -B3ch 50- Q-K2 51- P-R3 52- PxPch 53- Q-K3ch 54- Q-KB3 SVQ-B6ch 55- RxR 57- OxPeh 58- Q-B2ch 59- P-Kt6 60- P-K17 P-Kt4 PxKt RxP R-R2 RxR R-Kt R-R2 K-Kta QPxP RtKt-R K-Kt3 R-KB2 Kt-Kt2 RxP K-R4 P-Kt5 R-K R-Q5 K-Kt4 K-Kt3 R-KB5 K-Kt4 PxR K-R5 K-Kt4 R-KS Resigns

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'til the world understands why Robert J. Fischer criticised the U.S./British and Russian military industry imperial alliance and their own Israeli Apartheid. Sarah Wilkinson explains:

Bobby Fischer, First Amendment, Freedom of Speech
What a sad story Fischer was,” typed a racist, pro-imperialist colonial troll who supports mega-corporation entities over human rights, police state policies & white supremacy.
To which I replied: “Really? I think he [Bob Fischer] stood up to the broken system of corruption and raised awareness! Whether on the Palestinian/Israel-British-U.S. Imperial Apartheid scam, the Bush wars of ‘7 countries in 5 years,’ illegally, unconstitutionally which constituted mass xenocide or his run in with police brutality in Pasadena, California-- right here in the U.S., police run rampant over the Constitution of the U.S., on oath they swore to uphold, but when Americans don't know the law, and the cops either don't know or worse, “don't care” -- then I think that's pretty darn “sad”. I think Mr. Fischer held out and fought the good fight, steadfast til the day he died, and may he Rest In Peace.
Educate yourself about U.S./State Laws --
After which the troll posted a string of profanities, confirming there was never any genuine sentiment of “compassion” for Mr. Fischer, rather an intent to inflict further defamatory remarks.

This ongoing work is a tribute to the life and accomplishments of Robert “Bobby” Fischer who passionately loved and studied chess history. May his life continue to inspire many other future generations of chess enthusiasts and kibitzers, alike.

Robert J. Fischer, Kid Chess Wizard 1956March 9, 1943 - January 17, 2008

The photograph of Bobby Fischer (above) from the March 02, 1956 The Tampa Times was discovered by Sharon Mooney (Bobby Fischer Newspaper Archive editor) on February 01, 2018 while gathering research materials for this ongoing newspaper archive project. Along with lost games now being translated into Algebraic notation and extractions from over two centuries of newspapers, it is but one of the many lost treasures to be found in the pages of old newspapers since our social media presence was first established November 11, 2017.

Special Thanks