OCR Text
CHESS HERMAN STEINER Internotionol Chess Master Address all mail to Chess Editor September 15, 1IA l.A. TIMES PROBLEM NO. By N, S. Trtves Olympic
FINE SIMl LTAXEOl'S CHESS EXHIBITION The Santa Barbara Chesa Club will ke the aeene of Reuben Fine last California appearanea en Sunday, Sept. 15, at t.M) p.m. The club invitea all players from the near-by vicinity to participate aa this ia rare treat for all chesa playera. Previous to this date he played In San Francisco, winninr IA and drawing three; In Sacramento, wlnninr l'i and drawinr one, and in Carmel, where he won 24 and drew one. At the Loa Ancelea Chesa Club he played winning S and drawinr three. The re. suits of the eihibition at the headauartera of Ihe Hollywood Chess Croup will he published in our next issue, totelher with the final scare of the tournament. KING'S GAMBIT DECLINED Simultaneous taint Sept. 4, 1940.
White mates in two. (Wh. 8; BL 10.) I,.A, TIMES FROBLF.M NO. lift , By P. A. Boorer :w! ft r'f 'A' r;r m:."A i PS .A. 1 ' ? 1 4 '-' utdvv- inn. g ut:i"l'r Sacramento, Fine White 1- P-K4 2- P-KB4 3- N-KB3 4- B-B4 5- 0-0 6- P-04 7- P-B3 8- BPxP 9- B-Q3 10- QN-Q2 11- Q-K 12- NxN 13-N-B3 j!4-B-KB 15- Q-N3 16- QR-K 17- B-02 18- P-KR3 19- N-N5 s QUEEN'S Cal. Chapman 1 Fine Black i White P-K4 20-B.xB P-Q3 21-B-B4 K-QB3 22-R-B2 N-B3 23-QR-B B-K2i24-P-ON4 B-N5:25-P-OR4 at Whit matea In three, (wh. ll; Bi. .) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM .1117; K-B3. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM Ul: B-KtJ. We received solution from the follow ing J. O. Dodge.
J. P, NxKP P-Q4 N-N4 O-O P-KB4 BxN B-K2 Q-Q2 N-Q N-K3 R-B2 B-R4 , BxN GAMBIT DECLINED 26-R-R 27- R(B2)-RJ 28- PxP 29- B-KB 30- R-R5. 31- Q-B2 32- B-K3 33- K-R2 34- B-02 35- B-03 36- R-KB 37- Q-R4 Chapman Black B-N3 R-KB P-B3 Q-K2 P-QN4 P-QR3 Q-N2 R-R BPxP Q-N3 R(B2i-R2 B-K P-N3 Q-B2 B-B3 Q-KB2 0-KN2 Drawn Stelner White 1- P-04 2- N-KBJ 3- P-B4 4- N-B3 5- PxQP 6- P-K4 7- PxN 8- PxP 9- P-QRS 10- B-O3 11- P-K5 12- B-K4, 13- B-C2 14- P-KR4 15- B-K3 16- B-Q3 17- 0-0 18- P-Q5 Hrissika-j Hrissiko-poulosjsteiner poulos Black! White Black H-KB3'19-R-N Q-R7 P-Q4.20-PXN PxP P-K3 21-Q-K2 OxQ P-B4 22-BvO P-QR4 NxP 23-KR-B B-Q2 NxN;24-N-N5 B-R6 PxPi25-R-Q P-R5 N-B3;26-B-Nfi RiQ-N B-K2I27-N-K4 B-QB O-O 28-N-BS RxB P-KN3;29-R-08ch K-N2 Q-R4ch!30-RxR BxN 0-R3 31-RxP P-R6 H-Q:32-RtB6xBiB Walsh. D. A. A Hall, F- H. Schadee. J. M. H. P. Malosian. M. Rudholm, :more, C P. Ford L, H. Rudelson twel- rome to our ladders a. u. r.arn. j. nrake. W. Harmon. Dr.. T. B Sheldon R. D. Weaver (welcome to our Isdoer.i ! A. D. Reynolds Sr., G. R. Halton, Rev. P. iPrtchard, J. B. Gee.
CLIB NEWS The Hollywood Chess Group headquarters. I OH N. Formosa Aye., an interestinc weelc of chess activities. Reuben Fine, one jof the world's best, and contender for the Lorld's championship title, was Playins- !-; (present State champion, Harry Borornow, Sj former State champion, and Herman Stein-'. Internationalist.
After five rounds. Mr. Tom possible 5. Herman Steiner ls in second place, Philip Woliston third and Harry Boroehow fourth.
More details In our next Issue. mere is at ne Fr. wi...n, more round to to. COMBINATIVE PLAI By Dr. Max Euwe (World Champion. 1935-37 10. COMBINATIONS IN THE END-GAME. (Another study by H. Rinck, published In Bohemia 1906.) BxP! R-R4 Q-N333-R-QR8 B-R2 B-Bj34-R-NRcl K-R3 Q-N7 35-P-N4 Resigns j QUEEN S PAWN GAME ;Msrchand S'elner (Msrchand Stelner '.White Black! White Black 1- N-KB3 P-Q4I14-P-K5 N-N5 2- P-OB4 P-Q5i 15-P-G6 O-Q 3- P-K3 P-QB4jl6-Q-K Q-N4 4- P-ON4 PxKP'l7-Q-N3 O-O 5- BPxP PxP 18-R-B4 P-B3?! 6- P-Q4 P-K3119-P-KR4 OxKP 7- B-O.l N-QB3;20-RxN BxR B-O-O N-B3 21-0.B O-KSch 9-B-N2 Q-B2.22-K-R2 BxPch 10- P-K4 P-K4! I23-P-N3 Q-B7ch 11- P-K5 B-B4ch!24-K-R1 P-B4 12- K-R N-05 25-Q-N5 OxB 13- NxN PxN! l26-Resim DUTCH DEFENSE S'einer.Elo Black! White P-KB4.18-Q-N2 N-KB3!l9-NiK2!-Q4 P-K3;20-B-O2 B-N5S21-B-K 0-0'22-Q-02 P-Q3123-P-R3 P-B4I24-N-B BvP'25-N'Bt-Ka N-B3 . 2S-KR-V P-K4 27-P-OR4 P-K528-P-N5 1 direc
Elo White 1- N-KB1 2- P-Q4 3- P-B4 4- N-B3 5- P-KNJ 6- B-N2 7- Q-N3 8- PxP 9- 0-0 10- P-OR3 11- P-K3 12- N-02 13- Q-B2 14- P-ON4 15- N-N3 il-N-K2 17-R-Q While Plays and Wins Stelner White 1- P-K4 2- N-KB1 3- P-Q4 4- NxP 5- N-B3 6- B-K2 7- B-K3 S-O-O 9-K-R 10- PxP 11- Q-Q2 12- NxN 13- B-B3 14- Q-K2 15- N-N5 1S-B-KNS 17- BxN 18- OR-O 19- P-ON3 20- N-O6 21- P-B4 22- N-N5 QUEEN S Steiner Black R-B Q-02 B-B5 N-Ofi N-N5 N(N5-K4 P-04 P-KN4 R-KB3 Q-N2 P-BS! N-K4i29-N-OB3 PxKNP P-OR330-PxNP BxN B-R2 31-PxB N-Bfich B-K3l.72-BxN RxB BPj33-N-K2 R(QB)-KB B-C36.34-Rf signs SICttUN DEFENSE Ohman 8teiner Black i White P-OB4 23-N-B3 N-OB3i24-B-5 PxP25-Q-K3 N-B3 26-NxB P-Q3I27-P-QR4 P-KN3 28-P-R4 B-N2 29-R-G3 O-O 30-NxP P-04 31-N-05 N-QN5 32-K-N NlNSixOP 33-Q-B5ch QxN 34-R-R3 -Q3 35-R-K P-K4 36-Q-Bfi S-K2 37-RxKP! J-B4 38-K-R2 BxB39-R-KB3 B-K340-N-K7ch OR-N;41-RxP Q-B! 42-OxO KR-Qi43-N-e5 -N3' GAMBIT DECLINED Ohman Black B-N2 0-R4 BxB P-QR3 K-B P-QN3 Q-B4 Q-K2 OxPch P-K5 K-N Q-N5 P-KR4 R-R Q-QHrh -B7 -OS K-R2 Q-Q3ch RxQ Resigns 4. P-R7 s .in r.(rrrf in in the preface the previous example (see 4. . . k-r..'.-etc.,) becomes decisive here in conjunction with the unfavorable position of the black kin. ,, I. R-R3ch K-Rt Forced as 1. .
. . K-K'4 would be answered by 2. R-Kt3ch, K moves; 3. RxR R-KKt.i:! Threatenini to exchange to push on the pawn.
the rooks and RxK I. P-R7 Now the rook 1 handicapped by both kings the black king blocks the KKt file and the white king makes the occupation of the OR Ale Impossible. The promotion of the pawn is secured. There might fol-loy 3. . . R-Kt8; 4- K-Kt2l R-Kt7ch: 5 KxP R-Kt6ch; . K-KI4I (8. K-R4? R-KI81 and White must play for a draw hv 7. K-R5 or KtS R-QR8eh: 8.
K-Kt6, K-Kti R-Kt3ch; b. k-ki7 nd there art no more checks left. (To bt continued) From the Hollywood International Tournament; (First Round) ENGLISH OPENING Borochow.Flne tosteiner White 1- P-04 2- P-QB4 3- N-OB3 4- PxOP 5- Q-R4rh S-OxOP 7- QxOP 8- B-N5 9- Q-Q2 10- N-B3 11- P-QR3 12- OxB 13- BxO 14- B-N5 15- P-K3 1H-B-KB4 17- B-K2 18- P-R3 19- 0-0 Mitchell .Stelner Fine White 1- P-QB4 2- N-OB3 3- P-K4 4- PxKS 5- PxN 6- NPxP 7- P-Q4 8- B-K2 9- N-B3 10- O-R4 11- N-N5 Black N-KB3 P-K3 P-04 P-5 PxN QP P-GN3 B-N2 .. N-Q2 P-B3 B-K2 White 12- B-B3 ' 13- 0-0 14- B-K4 15- BxPch 16- B-N 17- Q-Q 18- Q-N4 .. 19- Q-R4ch 20- Q-R7ch 21- N-K6rhl 22- N-B7ch SICILIAN DEFENSE Woliston While 1- P-K4 2- N-KB1 3- P-K5 4- P-Q4 5- OXP 6- B-OB4 7- Q-K4 8- N-B3 9- B-B4 10- O-O 11- PxP 12- PxP e.P 13- Q-K2 14- OxN is-on-o 18-KR-K 17- N-K5 18- Bxn jln-RxB bO-BxP jSl-O-BT '52-QxB Steiner Black P-OB4 N-KB3 N-Q4 PxP P-K3 N-OB3 N(Q4l-K2 N-B4 B-N5 BxN P-04 NxP NxB O-O OR4 R-Q NxN .
RxR B-02 Q-P5 Woliston White 23- Q-Q4ch 24- P-KR4 25- -N4ch 26- Q-B3 27- Q-B4 2S-R-OS 29- R-N5ch 30- P-RS 31- PxP .12-QxQ 33- R-OB5 34- K-B2 35- P-R4 36- RxR 37- K-R-B3 38- K-N4 39- P-0B4 40- K-R4 41- K-N4 42- K-B5 OxP'B7'43-P-N3 KXB44-K-K6 Borochow Black P-K4 O-O PxP! K-R P-N3 P-B4? KR-Q K-N2 K-B K-K Resigns 8'einer Black K-N P-K4 Q-N3 P-K5 R-K 0-K3 K-R P-K6! Q-Pch . RxQ K-N2 R-K3 R-QB3 PxR 'K-R3?? P-R4 P-QB4 P-B3 K-N2 K-B? K-N2 Resignsl Black P-04 P-K3 P-OB4 BPxP B-02 PxP N-QB3 N-B3 B-ON5 O-O BxN N-K5 NxQ N-K5 B-N5 KR-Q OR-B B-K3 B-N6 White 20- KR-B 21- R-B3 22- R-O 23- BxN 24- BxR 25- B-B3 26- P-ON4 27- B-B7 28- B-K4 29- P-KB4 30- B-N6 31- K-R2 32- B-B2 33- P-K4 34- B-K3 35- K-N3 36- K-B3 37- K-K2 38- RxN Mitchell Black N-Q7 ' B-K3 NxNch RxRch R-Q R-Q7 R-R7 P-OR3 P-KN3 P-KR4 K-N2 K-R3 N-K2 N-B3 K-N2 R-R8 R-BRch R-QR8 Resigns This game won the Brilliancy Prize In- the "A" Division of the Metropolitan Chess League. Dr. Joseph Plata represented the Manhattan Chess Club, while Ladderite Edward J. Korpanty was playing lor the Queens Side CC.
QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED By Transposition Dr. Plats White 1- P-Q4 2- P-QB4 3- N-OB3 4- B-N5 5- P-K3 6- N-B.3 7- Q-B2 8- R-Q1 9- P-QR3 10- P-KR4 11- B-B4 12- B-03 13- BxBP 14- B-OR2 15- P-KN3 16- N-K5 Korpanty Black N-KB3 P-K3 P-Q4 CN-Q2 B-K2 P-B3 P-QR3 O-O P-KR3 " N-N5 P-KB4 QPxP N-N3 N-Q4 K-H 1 KNXN.K4) Dr. Plats; White 17- BxKN 18- N-K2 19- PxB 20- B-N1 21- R-04 22- P-KN4 . 23- N-B4 24- R-N1 25- Q-01 26- KNPxP! 27- NxP 28- NxR 29- PxP 30- Q-O3 31- Q-N6 Korpanty Black B-Q3 BxB Q-K2 Q-KB2 P-KN3 B-Q2 OR-Wl B-Bl P-B4 PxR K-R2 QxN K-Rl Q-K2 Resigns Now we will ive the prlze-wipnln effort In , the "B" Division. It was won by 8. Sfhwarts of the Bronx Chesa Club against S. Loewy of the Astoria, C.C. QUEEN'S PAWN Sehwartt Loewy Schwartl ' Loewy White Black White Black 1- P-04 P-04 15-N-N4 N-KB1 2- N-KB3 N-KB3 16-Q-02 N-B4 3- P-K3 P-K3 17-Q-B4 P-QR4 4- B-Q3 QN-Q2 18-P-KR4 NxRP 5- Q.N-Q2 B-K2 19-NxN BxN 6- 0-0 O-O 20-N-B6 BxN 7- R-K1 P-B4 21-PXB N-Q2 8- P-B3 P-B5 22-B-N7 QR-QB1 9- B-B2 P-QN4 23-P-KXI4 v P-N5 10- P-K4 B-N2 24-R-K3 B-B3 11- P-K5 N-Kl 25-R-R3 P-K4 12- N-B1 P-N3 26-RxP.al NxP 13- B-R6 N-N2; 27-R-R8 Reslgnatbl 14- N-K3 R-Kl I (a Now If Black takes the Queen; 27 R-F8 will he mte. () After KxB; 38. Q-R6 mat.
FINE SIMl LTAXEOl'S CHESS EXHIBITION The Santa Barbara Chesa Club will ke the aeene of Reuben Fine last California appearanea en Sunday, Sept. 15, at t.M) p.m. The club invitea all players from the near-by vicinity to participate aa this ia rare treat for all chesa playera. Previous to this date he played In San Francisco, winninr IA and drawing three; In Sacramento, wlnninr l'i and drawinr one, and in Carmel, where he won 24 and drew one. At the Loa Ancelea Chesa Club he played winning S and drawinr three. The re. suits of the eihibition at the headauartera of Ihe Hollywood Chess Croup will he published in our next issue, totelher with the final scare of the tournament. KING'S GAMBIT DECLINED Simultaneous taint Sept. 4, 1940.
White mates in two. (Wh. 8; BL 10.) I,.A, TIMES FROBLF.M NO. lift , By P. A. Boorer :w! ft r'f 'A' r;r m:."A i PS .A. 1 ' ? 1 4 '-' utdvv- inn. g ut:i"l'r Sacramento, Fine White 1- P-K4 2- P-KB4 3- N-KB3 4- B-B4 5- 0-0 6- P-04 7- P-B3 8- BPxP 9- B-Q3 10- QN-Q2 11- Q-K 12- NxN 13-N-B3 j!4-B-KB 15- Q-N3 16- QR-K 17- B-02 18- P-KR3 19- N-N5 s QUEEN'S Cal. Chapman 1 Fine Black i White P-K4 20-B.xB P-Q3 21-B-B4 K-QB3 22-R-B2 N-B3 23-QR-B B-K2i24-P-ON4 B-N5:25-P-OR4 at Whit matea In three, (wh. ll; Bi. .) SOLUTION TO PROBLEM .1117; K-B3. SOLUTION TO PROBLEM Ul: B-KtJ. We received solution from the follow ing J. O. Dodge.
J. P, NxKP P-Q4 N-N4 O-O P-KB4 BxN B-K2 Q-Q2 N-Q N-K3 R-B2 B-R4 , BxN GAMBIT DECLINED 26-R-R 27- R(B2)-RJ 28- PxP 29- B-KB 30- R-R5. 31- Q-B2 32- B-K3 33- K-R2 34- B-02 35- B-03 36- R-KB 37- Q-R4 Chapman Black B-N3 R-KB P-B3 Q-K2 P-QN4 P-QR3 Q-N2 R-R BPxP Q-N3 R(B2i-R2 B-K P-N3 Q-B2 B-B3 Q-KB2 0-KN2 Drawn Stelner White 1- P-04 2- N-KBJ 3- P-B4 4- N-B3 5- PxQP 6- P-K4 7- PxN 8- PxP 9- P-QRS 10- B-O3 11- P-K5 12- B-K4, 13- B-C2 14- P-KR4 15- B-K3 16- B-Q3 17- 0-0 18- P-Q5 Hrissika-j Hrissiko-poulosjsteiner poulos Black! White Black H-KB3'19-R-N Q-R7 P-Q4.20-PXN PxP P-K3 21-Q-K2 OxQ P-B4 22-BvO P-QR4 NxP 23-KR-B B-Q2 NxN;24-N-N5 B-R6 PxPi25-R-Q P-R5 N-B3;26-B-Nfi RiQ-N B-K2I27-N-K4 B-QB O-O 28-N-BS RxB P-KN3;29-R-08ch K-N2 Q-R4ch!30-RxR BxN 0-R3 31-RxP P-R6 H-Q:32-RtB6xBiB Walsh. D. A. A Hall, F- H. Schadee. J. M. H. P. Malosian. M. Rudholm, :more, C P. Ford L, H. Rudelson twel- rome to our ladders a. u. r.arn. j. nrake. W. Harmon. Dr.. T. B Sheldon R. D. Weaver (welcome to our Isdoer.i ! A. D. Reynolds Sr., G. R. Halton, Rev. P. iPrtchard, J. B. Gee.
CLIB NEWS The Hollywood Chess Group headquarters. I OH N. Formosa Aye., an interestinc weelc of chess activities. Reuben Fine, one jof the world's best, and contender for the Lorld's championship title, was Playins- !-; (present State champion, Harry Borornow, Sj former State champion, and Herman Stein-'. Internationalist.
After five rounds. Mr. Tom possible 5. Herman Steiner ls in second place, Philip Woliston third and Harry Boroehow fourth.
More details In our next Issue. mere is at ne Fr. wi...n, more round to to. COMBINATIVE PLAI By Dr. Max Euwe (World Champion. 1935-37 10. COMBINATIONS IN THE END-GAME. (Another study by H. Rinck, published In Bohemia 1906.) BxP! R-R4 Q-N333-R-QR8 B-R2 B-Bj34-R-NRcl K-R3 Q-N7 35-P-N4 Resigns j QUEEN S PAWN GAME ;Msrchand S'elner (Msrchand Stelner '.White Black! White Black 1- N-KB3 P-Q4I14-P-K5 N-N5 2- P-OB4 P-Q5i 15-P-G6 O-Q 3- P-K3 P-QB4jl6-Q-K Q-N4 4- P-ON4 PxKP'l7-Q-N3 O-O 5- BPxP PxP 18-R-B4 P-B3?! 6- P-Q4 P-K3119-P-KR4 OxKP 7- B-O.l N-QB3;20-RxN BxR B-O-O N-B3 21-0.B O-KSch 9-B-N2 Q-B2.22-K-R2 BxPch 10- P-K4 P-K4! I23-P-N3 Q-B7ch 11- P-K5 B-B4ch!24-K-R1 P-B4 12- K-R N-05 25-Q-N5 OxB 13- NxN PxN! l26-Resim DUTCH DEFENSE S'einer.Elo Black! White P-KB4.18-Q-N2 N-KB3!l9-NiK2!-Q4 P-K3;20-B-O2 B-N5S21-B-K 0-0'22-Q-02 P-Q3123-P-R3 P-B4I24-N-B BvP'25-N'Bt-Ka N-B3 . 2S-KR-V P-K4 27-P-OR4 P-K528-P-N5 1 direc
Elo White 1- N-KB1 2- P-Q4 3- P-B4 4- N-B3 5- P-KNJ 6- B-N2 7- Q-N3 8- PxP 9- 0-0 10- P-OR3 11- P-K3 12- N-02 13- Q-B2 14- P-ON4 15- N-N3 il-N-K2 17-R-Q While Plays and Wins Stelner White 1- P-K4 2- N-KB1 3- P-Q4 4- NxP 5- N-B3 6- B-K2 7- B-K3 S-O-O 9-K-R 10- PxP 11- Q-Q2 12- NxN 13- B-B3 14- Q-K2 15- N-N5 1S-B-KNS 17- BxN 18- OR-O 19- P-ON3 20- N-O6 21- P-B4 22- N-N5 QUEEN S Steiner Black R-B Q-02 B-B5 N-Ofi N-N5 N(N5-K4 P-04 P-KN4 R-KB3 Q-N2 P-BS! N-K4i29-N-OB3 PxKNP P-OR330-PxNP BxN B-R2 31-PxB N-Bfich B-K3l.72-BxN RxB BPj33-N-K2 R(QB)-KB B-C36.34-Rf signs SICttUN DEFENSE Ohman 8teiner Black i White P-OB4 23-N-B3 N-OB3i24-B-5 PxP25-Q-K3 N-B3 26-NxB P-Q3I27-P-QR4 P-KN3 28-P-R4 B-N2 29-R-G3 O-O 30-NxP P-04 31-N-05 N-QN5 32-K-N NlNSixOP 33-Q-B5ch QxN 34-R-R3 -Q3 35-R-K P-K4 36-Q-Bfi S-K2 37-RxKP! J-B4 38-K-R2 BxB39-R-KB3 B-K340-N-K7ch OR-N;41-RxP Q-B! 42-OxO KR-Qi43-N-e5 -N3' GAMBIT DECLINED Ohman Black B-N2 0-R4 BxB P-QR3 K-B P-QN3 Q-B4 Q-K2 OxPch P-K5 K-N Q-N5 P-KR4 R-R Q-QHrh -B7 -OS K-R2 Q-Q3ch RxQ Resigns 4. P-R7 s .in r.(rrrf in in the preface the previous example (see 4. . . k-r..'.-etc.,) becomes decisive here in conjunction with the unfavorable position of the black kin. ,, I. R-R3ch K-Rt Forced as 1. .
. . K-K'4 would be answered by 2. R-Kt3ch, K moves; 3. RxR R-KKt.i:! Threatenini to exchange to push on the pawn.
the rooks and RxK I. P-R7 Now the rook 1 handicapped by both kings the black king blocks the KKt file and the white king makes the occupation of the OR Ale Impossible. The promotion of the pawn is secured. There might fol-loy 3. . . R-Kt8; 4- K-Kt2l R-Kt7ch: 5 KxP R-Kt6ch; . K-KI4I (8. K-R4? R-KI81 and White must play for a draw hv 7. K-R5 or KtS R-QR8eh: 8.
K-Kt6, K-Kti R-Kt3ch; b. k-ki7 nd there art no more checks left. (To bt continued) From the Hollywood International Tournament; (First Round) ENGLISH OPENING Borochow.Flne tosteiner White 1- P-04 2- P-QB4 3- N-OB3 4- PxOP 5- Q-R4rh S-OxOP 7- QxOP 8- B-N5 9- Q-Q2 10- N-B3 11- P-QR3 12- OxB 13- BxO 14- B-N5 15- P-K3 1H-B-KB4 17- B-K2 18- P-R3 19- 0-0 Mitchell .Stelner Fine White 1- P-QB4 2- N-OB3 3- P-K4 4- PxKS 5- PxN 6- NPxP 7- P-Q4 8- B-K2 9- N-B3 10- O-R4 11- N-N5 Black N-KB3 P-K3 P-04 P-5 PxN QP P-GN3 B-N2 .. N-Q2 P-B3 B-K2 White 12- B-B3 ' 13- 0-0 14- B-K4 15- BxPch 16- B-N 17- Q-Q 18- Q-N4 .. 19- Q-R4ch 20- Q-R7ch 21- N-K6rhl 22- N-B7ch SICILIAN DEFENSE Woliston While 1- P-K4 2- N-KB1 3- P-K5 4- P-Q4 5- OXP 6- B-OB4 7- Q-K4 8- N-B3 9- B-B4 10- O-O 11- PxP 12- PxP e.P 13- Q-K2 14- OxN is-on-o 18-KR-K 17- N-K5 18- Bxn jln-RxB bO-BxP jSl-O-BT '52-QxB Steiner Black P-OB4 N-KB3 N-Q4 PxP P-K3 N-OB3 N(Q4l-K2 N-B4 B-N5 BxN P-04 NxP NxB O-O OR4 R-Q NxN .
RxR B-02 Q-P5 Woliston White 23- Q-Q4ch 24- P-KR4 25- -N4ch 26- Q-B3 27- Q-B4 2S-R-OS 29- R-N5ch 30- P-RS 31- PxP .12-QxQ 33- R-OB5 34- K-B2 35- P-R4 36- RxR 37- K-R-B3 38- K-N4 39- P-0B4 40- K-R4 41- K-N4 42- K-B5 OxP'B7'43-P-N3 KXB44-K-K6 Borochow Black P-K4 O-O PxP! K-R P-N3 P-B4? KR-Q K-N2 K-B K-K Resigns 8'einer Black K-N P-K4 Q-N3 P-K5 R-K 0-K3 K-R P-K6! Q-Pch . RxQ K-N2 R-K3 R-QB3 PxR 'K-R3?? P-R4 P-QB4 P-B3 K-N2 K-B? K-N2 Resignsl Black P-04 P-K3 P-OB4 BPxP B-02 PxP N-QB3 N-B3 B-ON5 O-O BxN N-K5 NxQ N-K5 B-N5 KR-Q OR-B B-K3 B-N6 White 20- KR-B 21- R-B3 22- R-O 23- BxN 24- BxR 25- B-B3 26- P-ON4 27- B-B7 28- B-K4 29- P-KB4 30- B-N6 31- K-R2 32- B-B2 33- P-K4 34- B-K3 35- K-N3 36- K-B3 37- K-K2 38- RxN Mitchell Black N-Q7 ' B-K3 NxNch RxRch R-Q R-Q7 R-R7 P-OR3 P-KN3 P-KR4 K-N2 K-R3 N-K2 N-B3 K-N2 R-R8 R-BRch R-QR8 Resigns This game won the Brilliancy Prize In- the "A" Division of the Metropolitan Chess League. Dr. Joseph Plata represented the Manhattan Chess Club, while Ladderite Edward J. Korpanty was playing lor the Queens Side CC.
QUEEN'S GAMBIT DECLINED By Transposition Dr. Plats White 1- P-Q4 2- P-QB4 3- N-OB3 4- B-N5 5- P-K3 6- N-B.3 7- Q-B2 8- R-Q1 9- P-QR3 10- P-KR4 11- B-B4 12- B-03 13- BxBP 14- B-OR2 15- P-KN3 16- N-K5 Korpanty Black N-KB3 P-K3 P-Q4 CN-Q2 B-K2 P-B3 P-QR3 O-O P-KR3 " N-N5 P-KB4 QPxP N-N3 N-Q4 K-H 1 KNXN.K4) Dr. Plats; White 17- BxKN 18- N-K2 19- PxB 20- B-N1 21- R-04 22- P-KN4 . 23- N-B4 24- R-N1 25- Q-01 26- KNPxP! 27- NxP 28- NxR 29- PxP 30- Q-O3 31- Q-N6 Korpanty Black B-Q3 BxB Q-K2 Q-KB2 P-KN3 B-Q2 OR-Wl B-Bl P-B4 PxR K-R2 QxN K-Rl Q-K2 Resigns Now we will ive the prlze-wipnln effort In , the "B" Division. It was won by 8. Sfhwarts of the Bronx Chesa Club against S. Loewy of the Astoria, C.C. QUEEN'S PAWN Sehwartt Loewy Schwartl ' Loewy White Black White Black 1- P-04 P-04 15-N-N4 N-KB1 2- N-KB3 N-KB3 16-Q-02 N-B4 3- P-K3 P-K3 17-Q-B4 P-QR4 4- B-Q3 QN-Q2 18-P-KR4 NxRP 5- Q.N-Q2 B-K2 19-NxN BxN 6- 0-0 O-O 20-N-B6 BxN 7- R-K1 P-B4 21-PXB N-Q2 8- P-B3 P-B5 22-B-N7 QR-QB1 9- B-B2 P-QN4 23-P-KXI4 v P-N5 10- P-K4 B-N2 24-R-K3 B-B3 11- P-K5 N-Kl 25-R-R3 P-K4 12- N-B1 P-N3 26-RxP.al NxP 13- B-R6 N-N2; 27-R-R8 Reslgnatbl 14- N-K3 R-Kl I (a Now If Black takes the Queen; 27 R-F8 will he mte. () After KxB; 38. Q-R6 mat.